Westborough, MA 01581
Olympus C-3040
Recommended Camera settings for OneShot360™
After Attaching the Oneshot360 unit, and powering the camera on in A/S/M mode:
• Zoom: Use the Zoom to exactly fill the digital camera LCD viewer screen with
the circular image. Use the zoom lever on the front of the camera to do this. If
you zoom in too much, you will lose part of the field of view. If you zoom in too
little, you will not get maximum resolution. Note also that the OneShot image
may not be exactly centered in the LCD screen – this is normal.
• Flash: Make sure the flash is disabled. Press the flash mode button (lightening
bolt) located above the LCD screen until you see the “flash off” icon on the LCD.
• Focus: To focus your OneShot image with the Olympus C-3040 camera, press
the menu button and use the toggle Arrow keys pad to select MF under the
AF/MF mode. RemoteReality recommends a setting of 10 feet. You can select the
distance by toggling with the Arrow Pad and pressing the OK button.
4 Technology Drive
• Aperture: Then adjust the Arrow Pad up/down to set aperture to an f-stop of 7.0.
Note: Aperture priority mode may not be suitable for low light or some indoor shooting
conditions because the camera will not allow a shutter speed slower than 1/30 of a
second. This means the image would not be properly exposed if using a small aperture.
To work around this limitation, you can use shutter priority mode, and use a shutter speed
that would give you the desired f-stop #. Also, make sure you are using a tripod when
shooting with a slow shutter speed.
Press the MENU button and use arrow buttons to:
• White Balance: Under the WB menu, set the white balance. Auto is usually fine
for most shots.
• Image Size: Under the Mode Set-up/Set-up/ TIF/ the image size to 2048x1536
for best quality.
• Sharpness: Under the Mode Set-up/Set-up/ set the Sharpness to Normal for best
compromise between tonal range and contrast.
• Self-Timer: Select the self timer under Main Menu/ Drive/ Self Timer
Doc. 000588, Rev. A Olympus C-3040
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4 Technology Drive
Westborough, MA 01581
Recommended Camera Settings for 360Plus
When taking 360x360 images, follow all of the above instructions, and the additional
instructions below. Because the 360Plus uses 4 images, it is best to make sure that all 4
images have the same exposure. This will ensure the end result will have a continuous
tone and density throughout the image. The best way to do this with the Olympus C-304
0 is to:
• Try to make the scene as evenly balanced with the same type of light as possible.
For example, close window shades to avoid harsh uneven lighting, and turn on
interior lights to try to balance the brightness.
• Set the white balance to a fixed setting. This will keep the camera from shifting
the white balance between shots if the scene has more than one type of lighting.
To do this, press the menu button on the back of the camera, and use the down
arrow to select WB, then the right arrow to see the choices for pre-set white
balance settings. Choose the correct pre-set option according to the scene you are
shooting. Your choices are Outdoor/sunny, overcast, tungsten, and fluorescent.
• To make sure your exposure is even in all 4 shots, set the camera to AE lock.
Press the menu button, then use the down arrow until you see the AE lock
mode/multi mode selection, to do this. Use the OK button to finalize your
selection. This will mean that your image will be properly exposed.
• Select the self-timer under Main Menu/ Drive/ Self Timer. Remember to set the
self-timer before each of the 360Plus images.
• Be sure to turn off the AE lock before moving on to your next scene.
• Use the bubble level to set the lens mount to a level position before taking the first
• Do NOT re-level between shots. It is normal for the bubble level to shift between
shots. Re-leveling is not necessary not recommended.
• When processing 360 Plus images in the RemoteReality software, use the
Olympus 2000 camera selection.
Doc. 000588, Rev. A Olympus C-3040
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