Cash Register
ECR 3550 T ECR 3550 T
ECR 3550 T euro
ECR 3550 T ECR 3550 T
Olivetti Tecnost, S.p.A.
77, Via Jervis - 10015 Ivrea (Italy)
2002, Olivetti
All rights reserved
This Clerk Guide explains how to use the numerous features that the cash register has to offer. This electronic cash register is designed to help your business function smoothly by providing efficient register operations. Here are just a few of the cash register’s many valuable features:
40 departments and 1000 Price Look-Ups (PLU);
9 major department group categories and 99 major PLU group categories;
PLU-to-PLU linking so that PLUs can automatically register other PLUs when activated;
possibility of connection to a Personal Computer;
possibility of connection to a barcode reader;
keypad programming so that the cash register's standard key functions can be personalized according to the specific needs;
with the cash register keypad programmed accordingly, possibility of using Take-out, House, Price Inquiry and Tray subtotal functions;
26 clerk numbers with the possibility of assigning a three-digit security code to individual clerk transactions to prevent unauthorized access;
2-station thermal printer that prints information on 2 separate rolls of paper, providing customer receipts and a transaction journal;
7-line customer sales receipt header personalization plus a 5-line customer sales receipt advertisement string personalization;
cash, check, charge and credit tender media keys;
possibility of using up to 4 different currency exchange rates;
swivel pole rear customer 10-character numeric display for transaction viewing;
front operator alphanumeric display consisting of a 10-character message line on top and a 10-character transaction line on the bottom;
automatic tax computations for up to 8 different programmable VAT and Add-on tax rates;
department-linked entry options that streamline and speed-up operation;
time and date display, printing on customer receipts and journal records;
customer receipt and journal record printing in any one of six languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch and Portuguese);
possibility of issuing copies of a transaction receipt.
GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH YOUR CASH REGISTER ...................................... 1
STANDARD ACCESSORIES ............................................................................................................................. 1
USING THIS MANUAL ....................................................................................................................................... 2
MAINTAINING THE CASH REGISTER .............................................................................................................. 2
THE KEYPAD ............................................................................................................. 3
KEYPAD FUNCTIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 3
OPTIONAL FUNCTIONS THAT CAN BE ASSIGNED TO KEYPAD KEYS ......................................................... 5
THE CONTROL SYSTEM .......................................................................................... 6
THE CONTROL LOCK ....................................................................................................................................... 6
CASH DRAWER WITH REMOVABLE CASH BIN .............................................................................................. 6
OPERATOR AND CUSTOMER DISPLAYS ........................................................................................................ 7
DATE AND TIME DISPLAY ................................................................................................................................. 7
SPECIAL SYMBOL INDICATORS ...................................................................................................................... 7
ERROR CONDITIONS ............................................................................................... 7
ERROR MESSAGES AND CODES ................................................................................................................... 7
THE ERROR ALARM ......................................................................................................................................... 8
CLEARING AN ERROR ..................................................................................................................................... 8
GENERAL CLEARANCE ................................................................................................................................... 8
VOIDING ERRORS ............................................................................................................................................ 9
MEMORY BACK-UP BATTERY SYSTEM ................................................................ 9
PRINTER COMPARTMENT ....................................................................................... 9
PAPER TAPE ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
LOADING THE CUSTOMER RECEIPT ROLL ................................................................................................. 10
LOADING THE JOURNAL ROLL ..................................................................................................................... 11
TRANSACTION EXAMPLES .................................................................................. 13
ENTERING THE REGISTER MODE ................................................................................................................ 13
EXITING THE REGISTER MODE.................................................................................................................... 13
CLEARING ERRORS ....................................................................................................................................... 13
SAMPLE RECEIPT .......................................................................................................................................... 13
REPRINTING A SALES RECEIPT ................................................................................................................... 14
STANDARD TRANSACTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 14
MINUS (-) KEY TRANSACTIONS .................................................................................................................... 19
PLUS (+) KEY TRANSACTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 20
PERCENT DISCOUNT (-%) TRANSACTIONS ................................................................................................ 21
PERCENT PLUS (+%) TRANSACTIONS ........................................................................................................ 24
PLU CODES ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
VOIDS AND REFUNDS ................................................................................................................................... 29
OTHER TRANSACTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 31
TRANSACTIONS USING THE OPTIONAL KEYS ASSIGNED ........................................................................ 34
TRANSACTIONS USING A FOREIGN CURRENCY ............................................................................. 34
CASH REGISTER SPECIFICATIONS AND SAFETY ...................................................................................... 41
The figure below shows an overall view of your cash register.
1. Customer Display 8. Printer Compartment Lock
2. Operations Control Lock 9. Journal Roll Display Window
3. Serial interface for connection to a PC 10. Customer Receipt Output Slot
4. Serial interface for connection to a 11. Printer Compartment Cover
barcode reader 12. Operator Display
5. Cash Drawer Lock
6. Cash Drawer
7. Keypad
Your cash register comes with the following items:
• One 2-piece black plastic journal winder spindle
• Two rolls of standard 37.5 + 0.5 mm thermal paper, one for customer receipts and the other for journal record
• This Clerk Guide, the System Configuration Guide and the Software Guide
• A set of Program keys (PRG) for accessing the machine programming functions
• A set of Register keys (REG) for accessing the machine cash register functions
• A set of Z keys for accessing the X and Z functions
• A set of keys for locking the cash drawer and printer compartment cover
• A serial interface cable for the connection of the cash register to a Personal Computer.
• Cash register configuration software to be installed on the Personal Computer.
Your cash register Clerk Guide is organized for easy reference. The front portion gives an overall view of the cash register and provides information on all the features and functions available. Next you will find transaction examples showing you how to operate the cash register. Transaction examples provide steps for key operations and include sample receipts. At the back of the manual you will find your cash register's technical specifications and some safety information. Use the Table of Contents to locate a particular item.
Getting Started
Before you begin to use the cash register, read the sections entitled Keypad Functions, The Control System and Operator and Customer Displays to become familiar with their operations.
Once the desired program options have been set by your Supervisor, insert the REG control key into the control lock, turn it to the REG 1 or REG 2 position and you are ready to perform sales transactions. In the REG 2 position the cash register will not print the customer receipt unless the [ST] key is pressed at the end of the transaction.
Provided below is information on how to maintain your cash register.
NOTE: Before cleaning the cash register, make sure it is powered off and/or unplugged from the wall outlet.
Machine programming data and transaction information for management reports are stored in the cash register. A back-up battery inside the cash register saves this information when the cash register is unplugged from the power outlet or the event of a power failure.
1. Keep all liquids away from the cash register so as to avoid spills which could damage the electronic components.
2. To clean the cash register firstly turn it off and/or unplug it from the wall outlet, then use just a damp cloth. Do not use corrosive substances such as solvents, alcohol, petrol, or abrasive components.
3. If the cash register is stored in extreme hot or cold temperatures (below 32 degrees or above 104 degrees Fahrenheit), allow the temperature inside the cash register to reach room temperature before turning it on.
4. DO NOT attempt to pull the paper tape when the cash register is printing or when you are loading paper. Always use the [R Feed] or [J Feed] key to feed paper. Pulling the paper tape could damage the print mechanism.
Your cash register is equipped with a 53-key keypad by means of which you can perform all cash register functions.
The figure below shows the keypad layout.
24 23 22
21 20
3 5 6 7
1. [R Feed] (Receipt Paper Feed) - Advances the receipt paper one line feed; advances the paper continuously when held down.
2. [J Feed] (Journal Record Feed) - Advances the journal paper one line feed; advances the paper continuously when held down.
3. [Dept Shift] (Department Shift) - Allows price entries to departments 21-40. Press this key before entering applicable department keys 21-40.
4. [0 - 9/00] - Input amounts, indicate how many times a particular item repeats, determine percentage rates or amounts to add or subtract. Used to enter Clerk identification numbers. The double zero key allows the quick entry of numbers with two or more zeros.
5. [1-40] (Departments 1 through 40) - Register price entries to departments 1 to 40. To register a price entry to departments 21 to 40, press the [Dept Shift] key followed by the related department number key.
6. [#/NS] - (NS: No Sale) - Opens the cash drawer without registering any amount such as when changing cash for a non-sales transaction. Used to register a transaction number to a transaction or to the sale of individual items.
7. [Price 2] - Registers an alternate price which has been programmed for the same product or department.
8. [Check] - Totals sales paid by check.
9. [Charge] - Totals sales that are charged.
10. [ST] - Displays and prints on the customer receipt and transaction journal, the subtotal of a sale. It calculates a subtotal of a transaction consisting of a number of items to be individually discounted or increased by a determined amount or percentage, and prints this on the customer receipt and transaction journal. Also used to print a duplicate copy of the sales receipt just issued (the copy is not recorded on the transaction journal).
11. [Credit] - Totals sales that are put on credit, such as a debit card, or on a credit card which is alternative to the one used for Charge tenders.
12. [Amt Tend/Total] (Amount Tendered/TOTAL) - Totals exact cash transactions and computes change.
13. [.] (Decimal Point) - Used to enter fractional quantities of items being sold. The decimal point is not to be used when entering a price.
14. [Qty/Time] (Dual function: Multiply and date/time display) - Multiplies [department], [PLU] key entries; also toggles between the display of the current date and time in the REG mode. Pressing this key during a transaction displays alphanumeric captions that are longer than the 10-character display capabilities. For example, if the caption is 18 characters long, the whole caption can be displayed in two steps.
15. [Void/EC] (Dual function: Void and Error Correct) - Deletes the last item entered and corrects a particular entry after it is processed and printed.
16. [Clerk] - Confirms an entered clerk number.
17. [Return] - Issues refunds or registers the price of returned merchandise.
18. [Clear] - Clears an entry made from the numeric keypad or with the [Qty/Time] key before finalizing a transaction with a Department or function key. This key is also used to clear error conditions.
19. [PLU] (Price Look Up) - Registers a preset price of an individual item to the appropriate department.
20. [PLU Price] - Temporarily overwrites a price that was assigned to a PLU number.
21. [-] - Subtracts an amount from an item.
22. [+] - Adds an amount to an item.
23. [+%/PO] (Dual function: Percent Plus and Paid Out) - When used as the +% key, adds a percentage to an item or to the sales total. When used as the PO key, registers any money paid out.
24. [-%/RA] (Dual function: Percent Discount and Received On Account) - When used as the -% key, subtracts a percentage from an item or from the sales total. When used as the RA key, registers any payment made to the cash drawer.
The cash register offers standard functions that can be invoked by pressing the related key on the cash register's keypad (refer to the section The Keypad), but the keys that you may not use as frequently as others can be reprogrammed to invoke other functions that the cash register has to offer. Listed below are the optional key functions that can be assigned to specific keypad keys.
1. [Non tax] - Used when no tax is to be registered for a department or PLU which is programmed for tax.
2. [Tax1] - Tax change operations; overrides a preset tax rate with the rate defined for Tax 1.
3. [Tax 2] - Tax change operations, overrides a preset tax rate with the rate defined for Tax 2.
4. [000] - Triple zero entry function to quicken the entry of large amounts.
5. [Currency] - Currency conversion key. When the exchange rate of a foreign currency is programmed, pressing this key after registering the price of an item displays the item price in the programmed foreign currency. The currency alphanumeric descriptor, if programmed, is displayed on the upper row of the operator display. Pressing this key a second time returns the display to the local currency.
6. [Price Inq.] - PLU price enquiry functions. Pressing this key before a PLU entry displays the programmed price of the specific PLU.
7. [Take out] - Registers an alternate tax rate which is applied to restaurant items that are taken out and that may be subject to a different tax rate with respect to the same item consumed in the restaurant.
8. [House] - Registers a priced item which is offered to the customer free of charge, in other words "on-the­house".
9. [Tray Subtotal] - In cases when the customer forgets an article, instead of canceling or ending the sales transaction underway so that the customer can go and collect the forgotten article, the clerk can store the entire transaction in a "tray" where it can then be recalled successively. The tray subtotal is stored in the cash register's memory. When the transaction is stored in the tray, the sales transaction of another customer can be initiated and terminated. Recall the tray subtotal, add items and then end the interrupted sale.
The control lock is located on the upper right-hand side of the keypad. The REG key must be properly inserted in the Control Lock in order for you to be able to operate the cash register. The following figure shows the Control Lock and the different modes that can be used.
Depending on the desired operation, inserting the related key in the Control Lock grants access to the following positions:
OFF The cash register is turned off and cannot be used.
PRG Used to program the cash register.
REG 1 The cash register can perform the standard sales transactions that are recorded on both the customer
receipt and journal roll. In this mode the preset or programmed header is printed on the customer receipt. This is also called the Receipt Mode.
REG 2 Same as the REG 1 mode with the only exception that the transaction record is only printed on the
journal roll. The customer receipt is not printed nor issued unless when a receipt reprint is requested by pressing the [ST] key (copy not recorded on the transaction journal). This is also called the Journal Mode.
X Prints the X management reports and periodical financial reports.
Z Prints the Z management reports and periodical financial reports, but resets totals (except the grand
total) to zero.
Control Keys
The following sets of keys are provided as well as a set of keys to open the cash drawer and printer compartment:
REG The REGISTER key can be used in the OFF, REG 1, REG 2 and X modes, granting both Clerk and
Supervisor access to cash register functions (as long as the Clerk's specific 3-digit secret code is entered, if defined).
PRG The PROGRAM key works in all modes (PRG, OFF, REG 1, REG 2, X and Z) and is usually used to
program the cash register and print X and Z management reports.
Z The Z key can be used in the OFF, REG 1, REG 2, X and Z modes granting a higher level access with
respect to the REG key.
The cash drawer features a cash bin with slots for banknotes and slots for coins. Pressing the [#/NS] key with the control key in the REG 1 or REG 2 position opens the drawer. If a clerk number and secret code have been set, pressing this key will open the cash drawer only after the clerk number and code have been specified. This drawer can be locked for security to prevent accidental opening when moving the cash register by using the printer compartment key.
A hidden emergency lever underneath the cash register lets you to open the cash drawer even when the machine is powered off (as long as the cash drawer was not locked with the key).
If desired, the cash bin inside the cash drawer can be completely removed from the cash register. To do so, gently lift the bin and pull it out.
Your cash register offers two displays that provide easy viewing for both the customer and operator during a sales transaction. The customer display shows entry amounts and related transaction information through the use of numbers and special symbols. The operator display shows specific operator messages on the upper 10­character line and the same transaction data as shown on the customer display on the lower 10-character line. Both displays are read from left to right.
Simply pressing the [Qty/Time] key with the cash register in the REG 1 or REG 2 mode toggles between displaying the current date and time.
Special symbols appear at the far left-hand side of the displays during cash register operation. These symbols identify machine conditions and include:
C (Change) Indicates that the displayed amount is the change due to the customer.
S (Subtotal) Indicates that the amount shown is the subtotal of a transaction, including sales tax if applicable.
= (Total) Indicates that the amount shown is the transaction total and that the transaction payment was
finalized by cash, check, charge or credit.
- (Minus) Displays a negative entry. Also displayed if subtotal or cash tendered total is a negative number due to a return or refund.
Depending on the currency base set, displayed when the reassigned [Currency] key is pressed to indicate that the amount is displayed in the foreign currency programmed.
These symbols clear automatically when you start the next entry or press the [Clear] key.
Error messages and codes appear when an incorrect entry is made or when the cash register is in a state that could cause an error condition or is, in fact, in an error condition. Error messages are displayed on the upper row of the operator display while error codes are displayed on the lower row of the operator display and on the customer display. They include:
OPTION RAM E04 Error in the optional RAM.
PRINTER E05 Printer error.
FUNCTION E11 An error is made during operation or when
programming the cash register.
CLERK E12 The Clerk identification sequence is required.
CTRL LOCK E13 The control lock is set to a wrong position.
REPORT REQ E16 A report issue is requested.
PR PAPER 2 E22 Out of customer receipt paper; insert paper.
PR HEAD UP E23 Printhead at customer receipt station up; press the
printhead release lever down.
J PAPER 2 E25 Out of journal paper; insert paper.
J HEAD UP E26 Printhead at journal station up; press the printhead
release lever down.
Press the [Clear] key to clear an error condition.
The error alarm warns of an operator error (usually when a wrong key is pressed for a specific type of entry) or of an error made during cash register programming. The error alarm can also indicate that the Control Lock is in the wrong position for the current operation. In case of error, the error tone sounds, a specific error code is displayed on the customer display and on the right-hand side of the lower row of the operator display, the related error message is displayed on the upper row of the operator display and the keypad locks.
Press the [Clear] key to clear an error. The tone ends, the displays clear and the keypad unlocks, allowing you to continue with the transaction or restart the program.
If an error condition cannot be cleared, perform a general clearance.
NOTE: The [Clear] key also clears an incorrect entry from the display prior to pressing a registration key. Once an
entry is printed, the [Void/EC] key must be used to correct an error.
If the cash register does not function, for example when the error signal cannot be stopped by pressing the [Clear] key, perform a general clearance. There are two ways of performing a general clearance:
1. Turn the Control Key to the OFF position.
2. Unplug the cash register from the power socket.
3. Wait ten seconds and then reconnect the cash register to the power socket to continue.
If the cash register remains in an error condition, proceed with the second general clearance method:
1. Turn the Control Key to the OFF position.
2. With the cash register still plugged to the power outlet open the printer compartment cover and press the Reset button on the rear left-hand side of this compartment. The Reset button is indicted in the following figure.
Once an entry is printed, the [Clear] key cannot be used to clear an error. Press the [Void/EC] key to correct an error already registered.
Voiding the Entry Just Completed
Simply press the [Void/EC] key. The entry is reprinted with a "-" symbol followed by the amount and erased from the transaction.
Voiding an Earlier Entry
To void an earlier entry, register it again and then cancel it using the [Void/EC] key. When a transaction including the error is completed, proceed with the following steps to void the error.
1. Retype the incorrect information, exactly as originally entered, and press the [Void/EC] key.
2. Enter the correct amount.
3. Total the transaction by pressing the [Amt Tend/Total] key.
During cash register operations, all transaction data for the management reports are stored in the cash register's memory. This memory also holds all of the cash register's programming data. The memory back-up battery inside the cash register keeps this information stored in memory when the cash register is unplugged from the power outlet or when a power failure occurs.
To activate the memory back-up battery system, charge the backup battery by keeping the cash register plugged into a grounded power outlet for at least 48 hours. The cash register can be used normally during this period of time.
The printer compartment is on the upper left-hand side of the cash register. It houses the customer receipt and journal paper rolls, 2-piece journal winder spindle, thermal printer and the Reset button.
This cash register uses two rolls of standard 37.5 + 0.5 mm paper. One roll is used for the customer receipt while the other roll is used for the journal record. The cash register signals a receipt or journal out of paper condition. The paper needs to be changed when a red line appears on the tape.
Proceed as follows to load a customer receipt roll into the cash register:
1. Make sure that the cash register is plugged into a grounded power outlet and that the Control Key in either one of the two REG positions.
2. Unlock the printer compartment cover and remove it from the cash register by firmly gripping the back of the cover and gently lifting the front upward to release its snap features from the case.
3. With a pair of scissors, cut the end of the new paper tape to create a straight, even edge so that the paper can be properly fed through the print mechanism.
4. Set the customer receipt roll in its predefined slot at the rear left-hand side of the printer compartment so that the paper feeds out from the bottom of the roll. Then insert the end of the paper into the related paper feed slot as shown in the following figure.
5. Press the [R Feed] key and manually feed the paper into the slot until its catches and advances approximately six to ten inches above the print mechanism.
NOTE: If the paper does not feed properly, make sure that the paper roll is properly aligned in the slot and that the
end of the paper roll is cut straight. If you need to remove the paper tape so that you can attempt to reload it again, move the plastic release lever (A) on the right-hand side of the print assy forward and clear the paper from the slot. Set the lever back to its original position when you are done.
6. Pass the end of the customer receipt through the opening on the compartment cover, then reposition, close and lock the compartment cover.
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