SHIFT_the way you move
To ensure customer satisfaction, we have set up a Customer Communication Centre to address your queries. Please follow these steps:
Step 1: Contact your local Nissan Distributor’s Customer Communication Centre, which will handle your query and give you a reference number.
Step 2: If your local Nissan Distributor is unable to address your query, please contact the Nissan Regional Customer Communication
Centre quoting your reference number, Tel: +9714 600 54 6666.
Regional Customer Communication Centre
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Pickup 2010 A Cat 29/12/09 23:55 Page 1
Wherever you want to go, whatever you need to do, there is a
Nissan Pickup just right for the task, from the bold new 4x4 series
to the practical entry-level 4x2 range. All built strong and tough, to
withstand the most punishing conditions, but with your comfort and
safety in mind. So whether it’s for work or for recreation, on the road
or off, the Nissan Pickup is ready to serve.
Our family,
at your service.
ÜCG ∂«H ¿É°ù«f á∏FÉY
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Features and specifications are subject to change depending on market requirements. Please consult your local dealer.
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02 |03
Pickup 2010 A Cat 29/12/09 23:55 Page 3
Brawny but civilized, sturdy but stylish — our new Super GL model
gives you the best of both worlds. It is a rugged workhorse, yet it
comes with comforts and amenities you would expect to see in a
luxury passenger car. We think you’ll find it the perfect vehicle for
weekend getaways and family adventures.
The adventure
IôeɨŸG äCGóHh
ÚHh á¡L øe …ô°ü©dG º«ª°üàdGh áHÓ°üdG ÚH ™ªéj ÜCG ∂«H ∑Éæg äÉH kGÒNCGh
ÜCG ∂«H .iôNCG á¡L øe á°ù∏°ùdG IOÉ«≤dGh Iƒ≤dG
Super GLáàHÉK IOÉ«b ∂ëæÁ
äGQÉ«°S É¡H õ«ªàJ »àdG á©àŸGh áMGôdG äGõ«Ã ¬JGP âbƒdG ‘ ∑DƒaÉμjh á°ù∏°S
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ÜCG ∂«H ¿EÉa ,á∏°†ØŸG ∂àjGƒg á°SQɪŸ hCG ,Ωɪéà°SG
Super GL.≥jó°U ÒN
Features and specifications are subject to change depending on market requirements. Please consult your local dealer.
04 |05
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Pickup 2010 A Cat 29/12/09 23:55 Page 5