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All other product, b r and, or t rade names used in this publication are the tr ademar k s or regi stered t rademarks of t heir
System Compliance..........................................................................................................................9-18
Contents ix
This manual contains technical information for servicing and repairing the NEC
PowerMate® VT 300i Series computers manufactured by NEC Computer
Systems Division, Packar d Bell NEC, Inc. The manual contains hardware and
interface information for users who need an overview of system desig n. T he
manual includes system setup information, disassembly procedures, and an
illustrat ed parts list. T he manual is prepared for NEC CSD trained customer
engineers, s yste m analyst s, ser v ic e cent er per sonnel, and dealers.
The manual is organized as follows.
Section 1 — System Overview, pro v ides an o verview o f system features and
includes brief descriptions of system components.
Section 2 — System Configuration, includes informat ion on syst em IRQs ,
jumpers, and BIOS. The sect ion also contains information on video modes and
po w er manag eme nt feature s . Also inc luded is information on sys te m utilities,
including the BIOS update utility and NEC OS Restore CD.
Section 3 — Di sa sssembly and R ea ssembly, provides computer disassembly
and reassembly procedures. Each procedure is supported by detailed
disassembly illustrations.
Section 4 — System Board, includes information on cable and board connector
locations, jumper settings, and upgrade sockets. Also provided is informat ion on
board components and memory map.
Section 5 — Illustrated Parts B reakdown, includes an exploded view diagram
(illust rated parts brea kdo w n) and a p a rts list for fie ld-repl aceable parts.
Section 6 — Preventive Mainten ance, provides recommended maintenance
info rmation for mainta ining the system in t op condition.
Section 7 — Troubleshooting, include s in fo r ma tion fo r so lving po s s ib le
computer problems and their solutions.
Section 8 — NEC CSD Information Services, lists telephone numb ers for
obtaining service. T he section also includes informat ion on NEC CSD t echnical
support, website, and bulletin board service.
Section 9 — Specifications, p r o vid e s s p e cifica tio n s for th e ma jor comp o n ents
in the system, including the system board, power supply, diskette drive, and
hard drives.
Appendix A — NEC PowerMate VT 300i Series Release Notes, describes
recommended operat ing procedures not documented in other
PowerMate VT 300i Series documentation.
ATMasynchronous transfer modeBBSBulletin Boar d S erviceBCDbinary-coded decimalBCUBIOS Customized UtilityBIOSbasic input/output systembitbinary digitBUUBIOS Upgrade Utilitybpibits per inchbpsbits per s econdCcapacitanceCcentigradeCachehigh-speed buffer storageCAMconstantly addressable
DDCDisplay Data ChannelDIMMDua l In- Line Memor y ModuleDIPdual in-line packageDMAdirect memory accessDMACDMA controllerDMIDesktop Management
DOSdisk operating systemDRAMdynamic RAMDVDdigital versatile discECCerror checking and correctionECPextended capabil it ies po rtEDOextended data outputEGAEnhanced Graphics AdapterEISAenhanced I SAemaile lectro nic mailEMIe lectro magnet ic interferenceEPPenhanced parallel portEPROMerasable and programmable
ESDelectrostatic dischargeEVGAEnhanced Video Graphics
FFahrenheitFAXfacsimile transmission
CMOScomp le me ntar y met a l oxid e
COMcommunicationCONTcontrastCPGAcer amic pin grid ar rayCPUcentral process ing unitDACdigital-to -analog c onver terDACKDMA acknowledge
FCCFedera l Communicat ions
Comm ission
FGframe grou ndFMfrequency modulationFPfast pageFRUfield-replaceable unitFSBfront side busftpfile transfer protocol
in.inchINTAinterrupt acknowledgeI/Oinput/outputIPBillustr ated parts breakdownIPCintegrated peripheral
ipsinches per secondIRinfraredIrDAInfrared Data AssociationIRRInterrupt Request registerISAIndustry Standard
ISPinternet service pro viderIRQinterrupt reques tKkilo (1024)kkilo (1000)KBkilobytekgkilogramkHzkilohertzlbpoundLANlocal area networkLEDl ight-emit ting diodeLDCML ANDesk Client ManagerLSBleast - s ignificant bitLSIlarge-scale integrationMmega (million)mAmilliampsmaxmaximumMBmegabyteMFMmodified frequency
MHzm egahertzMIDImusica l ins t r u me nt dig ital
inte r fa ce
mmmillimeterMMXmultimedia ext e nsionsmodemmodulator/demodulatorMOSmetal-oxide semiconductorMPEGMotion P icture Expert s G roupmsmillisecondMSBmost-significant bitNCnot co nnectedNICnetworked information centerNMINon-maskable InterruptnsnanosecondOCRoptical character recognitionOSoperating systemPALprogrammable array logicPCpersonal computerPCBprinted circuit boardPCIPeriph er al Compon ent
PDApersonal digital assistantPFPplastic flat packagePIOpara llel input/outputpixelpicture elementPLCCplastic leaded chip carrierPL Lp has e loc k loopPOSTPower-On Self-Testp-ppeak-to-peakPPIpro grammable peripheral
PROMprogrammable ROMPS/2perso na l system/2QFPquad flat packRreadRAMrandom-access memor yRAMDAC RAM digital-to-analog
RASrow address stro beRGBr ed gr een blueRGBIred green blue intensity
xiv Abbreviations
rmsroot mean squareROMr ead-o nly memoryrpmr evolutions per minuteRTCr eal-time c lockR/Wread/writeSslaveSCSIS mall Computer System
SDRAMsynchrono us dynamic rand om
access memory
S.E.C.single edge contact cartridgeSGsignal groundSGRAMsynchronous graphics random
access memory
SIMMs in gle i nl i n e memory mo d ul eS/Nsignal to nois e r atioSNMPsimp le ne t w o r k manage me nt
SPMstandard page modeSRAMstatic random access memorySRSSou nd Retrieva l SystemSSIsmall scale integ rat ionSVGASuper Video Graphics ArraySWswitchT&Dtest and diagnost icsTSCTechnical Support CenterTTLtransistor/transistor logictpitracks per inch
VESAvideo electronics standards
VFCVESA-compliant featur e
VGAVideo Graphics ArrayVHFvery high frequencyVLSIver y large scale integrationVRAMvideo RAMWwattWANwide area networkWRAMWindows RAMWwritewwwworld wide web
UARTuniversal asynchro no us
receiver/transm itter
UHFultra high frequencyULUnderwriter’s LaboratoriesUM Auni f ied memor y a r ch ite c tu reUPSuninterruptible power supplyURLuniform resource locatorUSBuniversal serial busVvoltVacvolts, alternating currentVCRvideo cassette recorderVdcvolts, direct currentVDTvideo display terminal
Abbreviations xv
System Overview
This section provides an overview of the NEC Power Mate VT 300i Series
microtower computer system configurations. The sect ion high lights system
hardware features, co mputer fro nt , back, and inside features, and syst em
security features. Also included are brief descriptions of the major components
comprising the system.
NEC PowerMate VT 300i Series computer systems are built-to-order systems
for commercial o ffices. T he systems feature an Intel Celero n, Pentium II, or
Pentium III processor, two dual inline memory module (DIMM) sockets,
synchronous dynamic random access memory (SDRAM), and a plug and play
input/output (I/O) controller.
The system also featur es t wo universal ser ia l bu s (USB) ports, two serial ports,
and a parallel port. Ultra direct memory access (DMA), r emote wakeup (“WakeOn LAN”), accelerated graphics port (AGP), and power management are
Build choice s inclu de intell igent device electronics (IDE ) hard drives ranging
from 4.3 gigabyte (GB) to 12.9 GB. System memory is provided in
32-megabyte (MB) (minimum), 64-MB, or 128-MB DIMM modules. Memory
configurations range from 32 MB to 256 MB.
Additional build choices include fax/modem, sound, video, and peripheral
devices such as CD-ROM drives.
The following figure shows the components comprising the PowerMate VT 300i
Series system (the monitor and speakers ar e optional).
PowerMate VT 300i Series System Components
A – Speaker SetD – Monitor
B – KeyboardE – System Unit
C – Mouse
1-2 System Overview
The following table lists the PowerMate VT 300i series system configuration.
PowerMate VT 300i Series System Configuration
System Board
300A MHz, 66 MHz Front Side Bus (FSB)
333 MHz, 66 MHz FSB
366 MHz, 66 MHz FSB
400 MHz, 66 MHz FSB
433 MHz, 66 MHz FSB
500 MHz, 100 MHz FSB
System RAM*32 MB (minimum ) to 256 MB of SDRAM in 2 DIMM sockets
Hard Drive*IDE Ultra DMA/3 3:
4.3 GB (Maxtor)
4.3 GB (Seagate)
8.4 GB (Fujitsu)
8.4 GB (Maxtor)
12.9 GB (Maxtor)
CacheCeleron: 128 KB Pipeline Burst SRAM integrated on processor cartridge
Pentium II and III: 512-KB Pipeline Burst SRAM integrated on processor cartridge
AGP SlotAGP slot on system board supports AGP-compatible graphics boards
Graphics MemoryGraphics board: 4-MB, 8-MB, or 16-MB SDRAM (depending on board installed)
Creativ e
ES1371/1373 audio chip integrated on system board
Disket te DriveSamsung 3. 5-inch 1.44-MB (SFD-321B)
Power Supply90 watt or 145 watt
KeyboardChicony 6923
* Component varies by system
** Built-to-order component
The system front, back, and inside feat ur es ar e descr ibed in the fo llowing
paragraphs. Also included are descriptions of system security features.
Front Fe at ur es
The following figure identifies the components, lamps, and controls on the front
of the system. Brief descr iptions of the components follow the figure.
PowerMate VT 300i Series System Front View
A – CD-ROM DriveD – Power/Sleep Lamp
B – Diskette DriveE – Hard Drive Lamp
C – Power/Sleep ButtonF – USB Port
The system has the fo llowing devices, controls, and lamps on the front of the
system (see the above figure for device, co ntrol, and lamp locat ions).
CD-ROM drive — load and start programs fro m a compact disc (CD) and
to play audio CDs.
1-4 System Overview
Diskette drive — copy data files to and from a diskett e or as a bootable
drive for loading and starting progr ams from a diskette.
Power/Sleep button — press this button to turn power on. To turn off the
system, pres s the bu tton and hold in for s everal sec onds before releasin g.
Lightly press and immediately release the power butto n to suspend
system operation and go into the power saving mode.
An amber power/sleep lamp indicates that the system is in a power saving
Press any key or move the mouse to resume system op er ation.
Power/Sleep lamp — indicates if syst em power is on or off. Also
indicates if the system is operating in a power saving mode.
A steady green lamp indicates that power is on. A steady amber lamp
indicates that t he syste m is in Sleep mode with full po wer reduct ion.
Hard drive lamp — when lit, indicates that the hard drive is active. A lit
lamp indicates that t he hard d rive is reading or writing dat a.
USB port — use this port to connect plug and play universal serial bus
(USB) devices without opening the system. A second port is on the rear
of the system.
Rear Features
The rear of the computer contains external connect o r s, a power socket, and
expansion board slots. The following figure identifies the connectors on the
back of the system. Brief descriptions of each connector follow the figure.
System Overview 1-5
PowerMat e VT 30 0i Ser ies System Rear View
A – Power SocketI – Line In Jack
B – Voltage Selector SwitchJ – Microphone In Jack
C – Mouse PortK – Fan
D – Keyboard PortL – Pri n ter Port
E – USB PortM – MIDI Port
F – Serial Port 1N – VGA Monitor Connector
G – Serial Port 2O – Expansion Slots
H – Line Out Jack
External connecto r s allow the attachment of peripheral devices such as a
monitor, keyboard, mouse, and printer. The system has the following external
Audio connecto r s — The following audio connectors are on the back of
the system:
microphone in jack. This jack allows the co nnect ion of a microphone
for recording a udio information in d a ta files.
line in jack. This jack allows the connection of a stereo audio device
such as a stereo amplifier, cass et te, or minidisc player for playback
or recording.
line out jack. This jack allows the connection of an amplified outp ut
device such as powered speaker s, stereo tape recorder, or an external
amplifier for audio output. Use this jack for ordered speakers.
USB ports — Each of the two USB ports permits the connection of up to
127 USB configured peripheral devices such as printers, monitors,
modems, mouse, and game pads/joysticks.
1-6 System Overview
Serial ports — Serial port 1 (COM1) and serial port 2 (COM2) allow the
connection of serial devices with 9-p in connectors. The devices include a
pointing device, serial printer, or modem.
Keyboard port — Attach a keyboard (PS/2
-compatible, 101-key or
102-key) with a 6-pin mini DIN connector to this port.
Mouse port — Attach a mouse (PS/2-co mpatible) to th is port.
Printer port — Attach a parallel printer with a 25-pin connector to this
VGA monitor connector — Attach a video graphics array
(VGA)-compatible monitor (NEC MultiSync® monitor or other
VGA-compatible monitor) with a 15-pin connector to this AGP board
Expansion board slots — Use these slots to install up to four optional
boards (graphics, fax/modem, SCSI).
Fax/modem p orts — So me s ystems come with a 56-Kbps fax/modem
board in an expansion slot. The board allows the connection of a phone
line to the system for fax and data communications.
Inside Feat ures
The following figure shows t he interior of the computer and its major areas. A
list of features fo llow the figure.
Inside the System
– Power Supply
– System Board
– Expansion Slots
– Accessible Device Bays
– Diskette Drive
– AGP Board Connector
– Hard Drive
System Overview 1-7
The inside of the syste m has the following features:
system board with c onnecto rs for the Celeron or Pent ium proces s or s ingle
edge contact (S.E.C.) cartridge, DIMM me mor y, AGP board, and
external devices
system board with two IDE connectors, diskette drive connector, five
expansion board connecto r s, and internal signal and power connecto r s
AGP board (a built-to-o rder component)
two accessible 5 1/4-inch slots for expansion (one slot contains the
CD-ROM drive)
one accessible 3 1/2-inch diskette drive slot (contains 1.44-MB diskett e
two 3 1/2-inch internal device slots (contains one or two hard drives)
90- or 145-watt power supply.
For more information on t he above feat ur es, see “Components” in this section.
Security Features
The system has hardwar e, software, and mechanical security features t hat offer
protection against unauthor ized access t o t he system and data. T he following
security features are available:
Passwor d S ecurity
The BIOS Setup utility includes a feat ur e t hat allows a user to set either a
user or supervisor password, or both.
The user password controls booting of the system and contro ls access t o
the Setup utility and the keyboard. User access to the BIOS Setup utility
is limited when a supervisor passwor d is set. The supervisor password
allows full access to t he syst em and the BIOS.
See Section 2, “System Configuration,” for further information on setting
and using passwords.
Windows Network Security Featur es
The Windows Network Security feature is available through the
Windows operating syste m. Check the Windows do cumentation for
Locking Tab
The system has a lock ing tab o n t he rear of the chassis. T he t ab fits
through a slot on the rear edge of the chassis cover when t he co ver is on.
When a padlock is used in the tab, the system is physically protected
from chassis intrusion.
1-8 System Overview
The major system components are listed in the fo llowing table, along with t he
page number where each component is briefly described.
ComponentGo to Page
System Board1-9
Diskette Drive1-10
Hard Drive*1-10
Power Supply1-10
AGP Board**1-11
CD-ROM Drive**1-11
Fax/Modem Board**1-12
System Components
PC Adapter Device**1-12
Tape Backup Unit**1-12
Zip Drive**1-13
* Component varies by system
** Built-to-order component
System Board
The system board contains the Celeron, Pentium II, or Pentium III processor
mounted in a S.E.C. cartridge, system DIMM memory, Intel 440ZX AGPset,
Winbond® W83977TF super I/O controller, and Creative® ES1373 PCI audio
Internal connecto r s on the system board include two DIMM sockets, S.E . C.
cartridge socket (slot 1 connector ), and AGP board co nnector.
External connecto r s o n the system board include two serial connector s, a
parallel connector, two USB ports, keyboard port, mouse port, and external
audio connecto rs.
The system board supports the standard 1.44-MB diskette drive, and up to four
IDE devices such as a hard drive, CD-ROM drive, and Zip drive.
For further informat ion on t he system board, see Section 4, “System Board. ”
System Overview 1-9
Diskette Drive
A single diskette drive is supported in the system. The installed 1.44-MB
3 1/2-inch diskette drive is connected by a ribbon cable with three co nnecto r s.
The diskett e drive cable plugs directly into the system board. There are no
switches or jumpers that need to be set and the diskette drive is ter minated.
Diskette drive specif ications are given in Section 9, “Specifications.”
Hard Drive
All systems ship with one internal 3 1/2-inch hard drive (1-inch high, thinheight) installed in the bottom of the two internal drive slots, at the front of the
system. Drives are available in 4.3-GB, 8.4-GB, and 12.9-GB IDE Ultra DMA
The system board has t wo IDE /P CI interface co nnect or s ( p r imary and
secondary) for connecting IDE storage devices. A three-connector IDE cable
connects to the IDE hard drive and the primary connecto r on the syste m board.
A second three-connect or IDE cable connects to the IDE CD-ROM drive and
the secondary connecto r on the syste m board. Each connecto r suppo rt s up to
two IDE devices.
An optional second IDE hard drive can be added to the primary channel. If the
second hard drive is insta lled, it connects to the middle connector on the IDE
Hard drive jumper settings are given in Section 2, “System Configuration.”
Connector locat ions for t he IDE hard dr ive connectors on the system board are
given in Section 4, “System Board.” Har d drive specifications are given in
Section 9, “Specifications.”
Power Supply
The 90-watt or 145-watt power supply is mounted inside the system unit. It
supplies power to the system board, option boards, diskette drive, hard drives,
CD-ROM drive, DVD-ROM drive, keyboard, mouse, and other internal options.
A fan inside the power supply provides system ventilation.
Power supply connector locations on the system board are given in Section 4,
“System Board.” Power supply specifications are given in Section 9,
The PS/2-compatible ergodynamic keyboard is standard equipment for the
system. The keyboard provides a numeric keypad, separate cursor control keys,
12 function keys, and is capable of up to 48 functions. Key status lamps on the
keyboard include Num (Numeric) Lock, Caps ( Capital) Lock, and Scroll Lock.
The keyboard’s six-pin connector plugs into t he back of the system. Keyboard
specifications are given in Section 9, “Specifications.”
1-10 System Overview
The system ships with a Microsoft Int elliMouse PS/2-compatible mouse or a
Logitech PS/2-co mpat ible mouse as st andard equip me nt . The mouse has two
buttons and a cursor co ntrol wheel. T he mouse has a se lf-c lea ning mecha nism
that prevents a buildup of dust or lint around the mouse ball and tracking
The six-pin mouse cable connector plugs into the back of the system. Mouse
specifications are given in Section 9, “Specifications.”
AGP Board
All systems come with a graphics accelerator board preinstalled in the AGP slot.
The board provides an integrated, advanced MPEG ( Motion Pict ur e Expert s
Group), 3D and 2D graphics and video accelerator for exceptional graphics and
superior quality full-screen, full-mo tion video.
Included on the board is a standard VGA output connector for connect ing a
VGA-compatible monitor.
Graphics modes are given in Section 2, “System Configuration.” Graphics board
specifications are given in Section 9, “Specifications.”
CD-ROM Drive
All systems come with a 32X or 40X CD-ROM drive. The drive features up to
32-speed or 40-speed technolog y, afford ing faster data t ransfer and smoot her
animation and video. The CD-ROM drive comes w ith an Enhanced IDE (E I DE)
interface. The dr ive is fully co mpat ible wit h Kodak Multisession Photo CDs™,
CD-I, FMV, and CD Plus, as well as standard CDs. The CD-ROM drive can
also play aud io CDs (for systems with sound capab ilities).
A three-connector IDE cable connects the IDE drive to the secondary IDE/PCI
channel on the system board. The drive is connected as t he master device o n the
secondary channel. An opt ional second device ca n be added to the seco ndar y
channel using the free connector on the three-co nnector cable.
CD-ROM jumper settings are included in Section 2, “System Configuration.”
Specificat ions for the CD-ROM drive are given in Section 9, “System
Specificat ions.”
Some systems come with a high-qua l it y 10-watt ster eo speaker set , an AC
adapter, and connecting cables. One speaker has a po wer on/o ff/vo lume cont ro l.
Volume can also be controlled by the Windows sound software. The speaker set
connects to the speaker line out jack o n the back of the syst em.
Speaker specificat ions are given in Sect ion 9, “Specifications.”
System Overview 1-11
Fax/Modem Board
Some systems come with a fax/mode m board pr einsta l led. T he boar d operates as
a fax system and data modem according to the operat ing system and software
installed. The modem board offers a full- duplex speakerphone and 56,600 bits
per second (bps) data/14,400 bps fax communications.
The fax/modem board is Plug and Play compatible. There are no switches o r
jumpers to set if the system is running the Window 95 operating system. The
fax/modem default settings are COM2, IRQ3 for Windows 95. Systems running
the Windows NT 4.0 operating system must be configured for COM2 and IRQ3.
See Section 2, “System Configuration,” for information on setting Windows NT
jumpers. Sect ion 4, “System Board,” includes cable connection infor mation for
the fax/modem. Fax/modem board specifications are provided in Section 9,
Network Board
Some systems come with a 10/100 network board installed in a PCI slot.
Specifications for the netwo r k board ar e given in Section 9, “Specifications.”
PC Adapter Device
Some systems come with a PC Adapter Device. The PC adapter provides twin
PC card slots, which support two Type I/II cards, or one Type I/II card and one
Type III. The adapter supports ISA Plug and Play, and allows cards o f mixed
voltage to be used in the same syst em. PC cards can provide the system with
memory, storage, fax/modem capabilities, video capabilities, or a serial port
interface. The PC adapter driver enables full disket te drive or hard disk
emulation on flash cards compatible with all compression and PC-utilities
The adapter is comprised of a “SwapBox” installed in a 5 1/4-inch accessible
slot, a PC ISA adapter card, and a dual cable that connects them to the PC
adapter bus.
PC adapter device connector locat ions are given in Section 4, “System Board.”
PC adapter device specificat ions are given in Sect ion 9, “Specificat ions. ”
Tape Backup Unit
Some systems come with a tape backup unit. The tape backup unit is a highcapacity, high-perfor mance dat a stor age device that can co mpress and wr ite data
to and read and uncompress data from tape. The unit also comes with backup
software used to tailor the backup process so that some or all of the files on the
system can be backed up to a tape cartridge. Files backed up to a tape backup
unit are compressed to conserve space and to speed up the backup process.
1-12 System Overview
Zip Drive
The tape backup unit installs in a 5 1/4-inch accessible slot. The installed tape
backup unit is connected to an IDE cable that connects to the system board. The
PCI/IDE channel, and the master/slave configuration of the unit depend on the
specific configuration of the syste m.
Tape backup unit connector locations on the system board are given in
Section 4, “System Board.” Tape backup unit specifications are given in
Section 9, “Specifications.”
Some systems come with a Zip drive. The Zip drive is a high-capacity, highperformance data storage device that wr ites data on and reads data from Zip
disks. A Zip disk is flexible media conta ined in a durable plastic cartridge. The
Zip drive supports removable Zip disks with a formatted capacity of 100 MB.
The Zip drive can be used to back up work, archive old files, and transport work
between computers.
The Zip drive is installed in a 5 1/4-inch accessible slot. T he insta lled Zip drive
is connected to an IDE cable that connects t o t he syste m boar d. The PCI/I D E
channel and the master/slave configuration of the drive depend on the specific
configuration of the system.
Zip drive cable connections are given in Sect ion 4, “Syste m Board. ” Zip drive
specifications are given in Section 9, “Specifications.”
System Overview 1-13
System Configuration
Interrupt Requests
Jumper Settings
BIOS Setu p
Video Modes
This section prov ides information for configuring the system. The section
system interrupt request (IRQ) assignments
syste m jumper settings
procedures for using the BIOS Setup utility to configure the system
descriptions of video modes
info rmation on po w er management
descriptions and procedures for using the following utilities and
BIOS Update utility
NEC OS Restore CD
NEC Applicat ion and Driver CD
Cheyenne Backup
Intel Processor Serial Number Control utility.
Interrupt Requests
The following paragraphs list the system int err upts (IRQs), parallel addr esses
and interrupts, and serial addresses and interrupts. Section 4, “System Board,”
includes information on system resour ces ( memory ma p , I/O addresses, and
DMA settings).
System Interrupts
The system has 16 IRQs (IRQ 0 through 15) assigned t o different devices (for
example, printer, mode m, keyboard, mouse). Initial IRQ settings are assigned at
the factory, with settings dependent on the installed device(s). Several IRQs are
unassigned for the installation of add-on devices. See “BIOS Setup” utilit y in
this section for infor mat ion on using the ut ility to ass ign or change the
The following table lists the IRQ settings. Note that assignments 0 through 15
are in order of decreasing priority.
2-2 System Configuration
Interrupt Level Assignments*
Interrupt PriorityInterrupt Device
NMII/O Channel Check
IRQ00System Timer
IRQ02Programmable Interrupt Cascade
IRQ05LPT2 (plug and play option)/Audio integrated on system
board/User available
IRQ06Diskette Drive Controller
IRQ07Parallel Port 1
IRQ08Real-Time clock
IRQ09User Available
IRQ10User Available
IRQ11User Available (used by network board if present)*
IRQ13Reserved, Math Coprocessor
IRQ14Prima ry IDE
IRQ15Secondary IDE
* In Plug and Play systems, these interrupts are typical but may vary by configuration.
Parallel Port Interrupts
The p a rallel port I/ O inte rrupts are given in the following ta ble. The table lis ts
all of the possible configurations but the port only uses one set. Any interrupts
used for the built-in parallel port are not available for ISA parallel ports.
Parallel Port Interrupts
System Configuration 2-3
Serial Port Interrupts
The interrupts for serial port 1 and serial port 2 are given in the following table.
Any interrupts used for the built-in serial port s ar e not available for ISA para llel
ports. Also, if serial ports share an interrupt, verify that hardware and software
added to the system can share these inter r u pt s without problems.
Jumpers on the boards and devices in the system are used to set t he syst em
configuration. Boards and devices using jumpers include:
system board
CD-ROM drive
fa x /mod e m b oa r d
Zip drive
tape backup unit.
The following paragraphs list the ju mpers and their factory settings.
system confi gur ation. If a jumper change is required, change
only the setting for that condition (see Section 4 for
procedures on setti ng jum per s).
Jumpers are set correctly at the factory for the
2-4 System Configuration
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