NEC Versa® LXi/SXi
NEC VersaBay III CD-RW/DVD Drive
Congratulations on purchasing the NEC VersaBay III CD-RW/DVD drive! The NEC
VersaBay III CD-RW/DVD drive features the latest in CD-ROM and DVD-ROM technology. It
is fully compatible with Kodak Multisession Photo CDs™ and standard audio CDs. You can use
your drive to load and start progra ms from compact discs and DVDs, or play audio CDs while
you work or rela x. Wit h Microsoft
Additionally, with the included ap plicat ion softwar e, you can write inform ation to a C D.
NEC VersaBay III CD-RW/DVD Drive Features .................................................................. 2
Removing a Device from the NEC VersaBay III ................................................................... 2
Installing the NEC VersaBay III CD-RW/DVD Drive...........................................................4
Installing the NEC CD-RW Software....................................................................................5
Installing Easy CD Creator............................................................................................5
Installing DirectCD.......................................................................................................6
BIOS and Driver Requirements............................................................................................6
Running under the Windows NT Operating System..............................................................6
Recommended Media........................................................................................................... 7
Installing the MGI SoftDVD MAX Software........................................................................ 7
Uninstallin g th e MGI SoftDVD MAX Software............................................................. 8
Using the MGI SoftDVD MAX Software ............................................................................. 8
Starting the MGI SoftDVD MAX Software .................................................................... 8
Condition s Affectin g DVD Per forman ce........................................................................ 9
Configuring AC Power Management for Playing Movies............................................... 9
Diagnosing Incorrect Power Management Settings....................................................... 10
Using the Password Feature......................................................................................... 10
Displaying Movies on a Television Set........................................................................ 10
Using a Retail Version of the Windows 2000 Operating System.......................................... 11
Windows®, you can also play full-length CD-i movies.
NEC VersaBay III CD-RW/DVD Drive 1

NEC VersaBay III CD-RW/DVD Drive Featu r e s
The NEC VersaBay III CD-RW/DVD drive offers the features shown in the following figure.
NEC VersaBay III CD-RW/ DVD drive features
- Emergency Eject Hole
- Release ButtonC - Status LED
These features of fer the followin g function s :
Emergency Eject Hole — allows you to manually re move a CD or vi deodi s c from t he NEC
VersaBay III CD-RW/DVD drive if the eject function is disabled by software or a power
failure. To rem ove the disc, insert the end of a paper clip into the eject hole and push in
until you hear a click. Manua lly open the drawer and remove th e CD.
Release Button — ejects the disc tray. Press this button when the power is on to insert a disc
into or remove a disc from the drive.
Status LED — light s during data r ead operati ons. Do not eject the dis c or turn off the N EC
Versa when the in dicator is lit.
Removing a Device from the NEC VersaBay III
Follow these steps to remove a device from the NEC VersaBay III.
Save you r fil e s.
Either shut down Windows and power off the NEC Versa, or use warm or hot swapping,
which is available with the NEC VersaBay III Swapping utility. The Swapping utility is
provid ed on the Ap pl ication an d Driver CD th at ships with the system.
Close the LCD panel and locate the NEC VersaBay III on your system.
2 NEC VersaBay III CD-RW/DVD Drive

Locating the VersaBay III
NEC Versa LXi systems NEC Versa SXi systems
– VersaBay III
Turn the NEC Versa upside down an d locate the release lock (see th e fi gure that fol lows).
Slide the release lock to the unlocked position.
Locate the release latch. Slide the release latch to the unlocked position.
NEC VersaBay III release lock and latch
- Release Lock
Slide the device out of the NEC VersaBay III.
- Release Latch
NEC VersaBay III CD-RW/DVD Drive 3

Sliding a device out of the NEC VersaBay III
NEC Versa LXi NEC Versa SXi
Installi n g the NEC VersaBay III CD-RW/DVD Drive
Follow these steps to install the NEC VersaBay III CD-RW/DVD drive in the
NEC VersaBay III.
Save you r fil e s.
Shut down Windows and power off the NEC Versa.
Close the LCD panel and locate the VersaBay III on your system. For NEC VersaBay III
locations, see the previous section, “Removing a Device from the NEC VersaBay III.”
If there is an NEC VersaBay III device in the NEC VersaBay III, refer to the instructions in
the pr evi ou s s ection, “Removing a Device from the NEC VersaBay III.”
Turn the NEC Versa upside down an d locate the relea se lock and the release latch (see the
figure on the previous page).
Slide the release lock to the unlocked position. Slide and hold the release latch in the
unlocked position.
Align and install the device into the NEC VersaBay III.
4 NEC VersaBay III CD-RW/DVD Drive