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First Printing — May 2000
Copyright 2000
NEC Computers Inc.
15 Business Park Way
Sacramento, CA 95828
All Rights Reserved
Using This Guide
Text Conventions.................................................................................... viii
Related Documents................................................................................... ix
1 Reviewing System Features
Front Features ......................................................................................... 1-2
System Controls and Lamps ............................................................ 1-4
The PowerMate® ES Sli m Line Series User’s Guide provides a
comprehensive reference to information about your system.
The gui d e contains th e following in formation:
Chapter 1, Reviewing System Features, provides a look at the front,
back, and inside features of the system. It also gives a summar y of the
system’s hardware, software, and secu r ity features.
Chapter 2, Setting Up the System, briefly describes how to set up, start
up, and shut down the system. The chapter also provides information
on in st al ling applications and ti p s on caring for the system.
Chapter 3, Configuring the System, describes how to use the software
utilities shipped with your system, including the BIOS Setup Utility,
FLASH Utility, NEC INFO Center, NEC Application and Driver CD,
NEC OS Restore CD, and In tel Processor Serial Number C on trol
Utility. The chapter also includes information for setting system
Chapter 4, Installing System Upgrades, provides installation
procedures for processor, memory, expansion board, and storage
device upgrades.
Chapter 5, S olving S ystem Problems, cont a ins trou bleshooting tips for
solving simple problems. The chapter also includes procedures for
cleaning the mouse an d replacing the system batt er y.
Chapter 6, Getting Services and Support, describes the services
available to you for informati on an d h elp, and describes how to access
the services.
Appendix A, Setting Up a Healthy Work Environment, contains
guidelines to help you use your computer productively and safely.
This appendix also instructs you on how to set up and use your
computer to reduce your risk of developing nerve, muscle, or tendon
Appen dix B, System Speci fi cations, provides technical speci fi cations
for your system and its components.
Using This Guidevii
wor kstation may pose a risk of serious inju ry. To red uce you r risk of i njury,
set up and us e your com puter in the ma nner described in Appendix A,
Setting Up a Healthy Work Environment.
Text Conventions
This guide uses the following text conventions.
Warnings, cauti ons , and notes have the followin g m ean ings:
in serious personal injury or loss of life.
hardware or software.
Prolonged or improper use of a computer
Warnings alert you to situations that could result
Cautions indicate situations that can damage the
Notes give important information about the material being
Names of keyb oard keys are printed as they ap pear on the keyboa rd,
for example,
Text or keystrokes that you enter appear in boldface type. For
example, type
File names are printed in uppercase letters. For example,
viii Using This Guide
Ctrl, Alt
, or
and press
Related Documents
In addition to this guide, the following printed documentation ships with
your system.
NEC PowerMate ES SlimLine Series Quick Setup/Quick Reference
The Quick Setup shows h ow to q u ickly get the s yst em connected and
powered on.
The Quick Reference briefly describes the documentation, NEC
utilities, software applications, and services available with the NEC
PowerMate ES SlimLin e Series system .
How Does Your Workplace Measure Up?
This broch ure provides information for setting up and using the
computer productively and safely. Information includes guidelines to
redu ce the risk of injury associat ed wi th using a computer.
NEC PowerMate ES SlimLine Series Release Notes
Release Notes provide additional information about the computer that
was not available at the time the user’s guide was printed. Information
in the Release Notes is the result of extensive product testing.
Your system also comes with th e NEC INFO Center online
documentation on your hard drive. The NEC INFO Center is an online
guide to your PowerMate system. It provides information about the
system through the following online modules: Tour, User’s Guide,
Questions, Solutions, and Services.
In addition to the documentation that ships with the system,
documentation is available from the NECC website.
NEC PowerMate ES SlimLine Series Service and Reference Manual
This manual provid es information for ma intain i ng, troubleshooting,
and repairing the system. This manual also includes hardware and
interface information for programmers, engineers, and others who
need t o know how the system is designed.
Service and reference manuals are available on the Intern et at the
Service and Support area of the NECC website (see Chapter 6 for
access information).
NEC Po werM a te ES SlimLi ne S eries User’s Guide
Ch e ck the website for the mos t current online version of your printed
user’s guide.
Using This Guide ix
Reviewing System Features
Front Features
Rear Features
Interior Features
Optional Speakers
System Overview
wor kstation may pose a risk of serious inju ry. To red uce you r risk of i njury,
set up and use the computer in the manner described in Appendix A,
Setting Up a Healthy Work Environment.
This chapter highlights system hardware and software, and describes the
security features of the system.
Front Features
Your PowerMate ES SlimLine Series system can be used as a slimtower
or as a desktop system. The following figures show the features on the
front of the system for both configurations. Brief descriptions follow the
Prolonged or improper use of a computer
1-2 Reviewing S ystem Feat ures
PowerMat e ES Slim Li n e Ser ies slimtower fr on t features
– CD-ROM Tray Open/Close Button
– CD-ROM Drive
– CD-ROM Drive Activity Lamp
– Diskette Drive Disk Eject Button
– Diskette Drive
– Diskette Drive Activity Lamp
– Po w er/Sleep Lamp
– Power/Sleep Button
– Hard Drive Activity Lamp
– Volume Control
– Headphone Jack
– Microphone Jack
– USB Po r t
Reviewing Sys tem Features 1-3
PowerMat e ES Slim Li n e Ser ies desktop front features
– Diskette Drive
– Diskette Drive Act ivity Lamp
– Diskette Drive Di sk Eject Button
– CD-ROM Drive
– CD-ROM Drive Activity Lamp
– CD-ROM Tray Open/Close Button
– USB Port
System Controls and Lamps
System controls an d la mps are identi cal for both set u p s. Th e controls and
lamps include a power/sleep button, power/sleep lamp, and hard drive
activity lamp.
Power/Sleep but t on
Press this button to turn on system power. To turn off power, close all
applications and shut down Windows. If you have Windows 98 or
Windows 2000, the system automatically powers down. If you have
Wind ows NT , close all appl ications, sh ut down Windows NT, and
press in th e power button un til the system po wers down
(approximately four seconds).
Press and immediat ely release th e p ower/sleep but ton to suspend
syste m operation and go int o the power savin g mode. If you ha ve a
VESA-compliant monitor, your monitor also goes into a power-saving
An amber s ystem unit power/sleep lamp indicates that the system is in
a power-saving mode.
– Microphone Jack
– Headphone Jack
– Volume Co n trol
– Hard Drive Activity Lamp
– Power/Sleep Button
– Power/Sleep Lamp
Move th e mou se or press a key on th e k eyb oa rd to exit th e power
saving mode and resume system operation.
1-4 Reviewing S ystem Feat ures
Power/Sleep lamp
The power /sleep lamp indicates wh ether system po wer is on or off. It
also lets you know if the system is operating in a power-saving mode.
A steady green lamp indicates that the power is on to all system
components. An amber lamp indicates that the system is in sleep mode
with full-power reduction.
Hard drive lamp
A lit lamp ind icates tha t the hard driv e is active . The green lam p tells
you that the ha rd dri ve is readi ng or wri ting dat a.
necessary while the hard drive lamp is lit. To do so can damage your hard
drive or data.
Diskette Drive
Use the diskette drive to copy data files to and from a diskette. You can
also use it as a boota ble drive for loading and start ing programs from a
data, do not turn off the system or remove a diskette while the diskette
drive busy lam p is lit.
Do not turn off the system unless absolutely
To p revent damage t o your di skette d rive and
Universal Serial Bus Port
The universal serial bus (USB) por t on the front of the system allows you
to easily and conveniently add plug-and-play USB devices without
opening up the system. You simply plug the USB device into the port.
You can connect up to 127 devices including a mouse, monitor, keyboard,
printer, scanner, speakers, and more. A second USB port is on the rear of
the syst em.
Reviewing Sys tem Features 1-5
CD-ROM Drive
Systems come with a 40X Max or higher variable speed CD-ROM drive.
Use th e CD-ROM drive to loa d and start programs from a compact disc
(CD). You can also use th e CD- ROM drive to play your audio CDs.
The CD-ROM drive oper ates at different speeds dep ending on whether
the CD you are using cont ains data or music. This allows you t o get your
data faster and to see smoother animation and video.
Some system s might come with an 8X or hi gher digital video disc
(DVD)-ROM drive. The drive offers many improvements over the
standard CD-ROM technology, including superior video and audio
playba ck , faster dat a acces s, and gr eater storage cap acities.
The DVD-ROM drive uses DVD technolog y to read DVD discs as well as
standard a udio and video CDs .
Audio Connectors
Your system has the following audio connectors an d a volu me control on
the fr on t of the system.
Micr ophone jack
Use thi s jack to connect a mi crophone for r ecording audio informati on
in your data files.
Headphone jack
Use thi s jack to connect an op tional headphone set. Pl ugging in the
headphone set disables the speak ers.
Volume control
Use this control to adjust the volume of the optional headphone set.
You can also use the Windows sound software. To bring up the
Windows volume control, double click the speaker icon in the taskbar
(nex t to the system clock) . Use the software to balance the sound
between the left and right s peaker s .
1-6 Reviewing S ystem Feat ures
Rear Features
On the rear of your compu ter, you’ll find external con nectors, the power
supply socket, a voltage switch, and expansion board slots. The following
figures show the features.
PowerMate ES SlimLine Series slimtower rear features
– Serial Port
– Line Out Jack
– Line In Jack
– Keyboard Port
– Mouse Port
– Parallel Port
– USB Port
– LAN Port
– VGA Port
– Voltage Switch
– AC Power Connector
– Power Supply
– Kensington Lock Slot
– Keyboard/Mouse Anti-theft Bracket
– Anti-Theft Rin g
– Expansion Slots
Reviewing Sys tem Features 1-7
PowerMate ES SlimLine Series desktop rear features
– AC Power Connector
– Power Supply
– Kensington Lock Slot
– Keyboard/Mouse Anti-theft Bracket
– Anti-Theft Ri n g
– Expansion Slots
– Voltage Switch
– VGA P ort
External Connectors
External connect ors let you attach peripheral d evi ces , such as a monitor,
keyboard, mouse, and printer to you r system . Your system has the
follo wing external connector s.
Mouse port
Attach the mouse that comes with your computer to this port. The
mouse port supports a PS/2-compatible mouse.
Keyb oard port
Attach the PS/2
to the keyboard port.
VGA monitor connector
The syst em comes with an a ccelerated graphics port ( AG P ) in tegrated
on th e system board and por ted to the exter n al video graphics array
(VGA) connector on th e board. The VGA connector su ppor t s an NEC
VGA-compatible moni t or with a 15-pin connector. Attach your
monitor’s signal cable to the V G A connector.
monitor, NEC VistaScan™ monitor, or other
– Line Out Jack
– Line In Jack
– Keyboard Port
– Mous e Port
– Parallel Port
– USB Port
– LAN Port
– Serial Port
-compatible keyboa rd that comes wi th your c omputer
1-8 Reviewing S ystem Feat ures
Printer port
Use thi s p or t to connect a par allel printer with a 25-pin connector to
the syst em.
Se ri al port (COM1 )
Atta ch a serial device wit h a 9-pin connector to this serial port. Serial
devices include a pointing device, s erial print er, or a modem.
Universal Seria l Bus port
This port adds a USB capability at the rear of the system (see
“Universal Serial Bus Port” ear lier in this ch apter).
Audio connector s
The syst em comes with s oun d integrated on the system board. The
follo wing connectors come integrated on th e board (see the preceding
figures for jack locations).
— Line in jack
The lin e in jack lets you con nect a stereo a u di o d evi ce such as a
ster eo a mplifier or a ca s sette or minidisc player for playback or
— Line ou t jack
The line out jack allows you to connect optional spea kers, an
amplified output device such as powered speakers, a stereo tape
recor d er , or an externa l am pl ifier for audio output.
LAN port
All systems come with local area network (LAN) int egrated on th e
system b oa rd. Use the RJ-4 5 compatible LAN port on the board for
conn ecting the system to an Ethernet LA N .
Power Supply Features
The system has the following power supply features:
Power sock et
Connect your power ca bl e to this socket.
Voltage switch
Sets the voltage for your system to 115 volts or 230 volts.
area. Most wall outlets in the Uni ted States and Canada are 115 volts.
Outlets in Europe are 230 volts.
Set the switch correctly for the voltage in your
Reviewing Sys tem Features 1-9
Power connectors
The power supply has four power connectors that connect to the
dis kette dr ive, system board, and two stor age devices.
Power supply fan
The power supply fan cools the power supply and other system
components to keep them from overh eating. Keep th e area near the
fan cl ear for proper ventilation .
Interior Features
See the following figure for the location of features within the system.
Feature descriptions follow.
Inside the system
– Power Supply
– System Board
– Expansion Slots
– Riser Board Bracket
1-10 Reviewing S ystem Feat ures
– Hard D r ive (under support plate)
– CD-ROM Drive (not shown)
– DIMM Memory Socket s
– Diskette Drive
System Board
The syst em processor, memory, system battery, internal connectors, and
external connect ors are on the system b oard. For information on the
external connect ors, see “External Connectors” earlier in this chapter.
The syst em board supports a diskett e drive, an IDE hard drive, and an
IDE CD-ROM drive (or IDE DVD-ROM drive on some systems).
Inter n al connector s on th e s ystem board in clude:
primary and secondary IDE connect ors
diskette drive connector
front panel connectors for system lamps and USB
power connector s
AGP graphics connector ( VGA)
riser boa rd connect or
additional connectors include Wake-On LAN and fan.
Riser Board
All systems come with a riser board attached to a removable riser board
brack et. The riser board has three PC I connectors for ad ding up to three
optional e xpansion boar ds. The r iser board plug s into the riser board
conn ector on the system board.
Local Area Network
All systems come with a 3COM local area n etwork (LAN) ch i p in tegrated
on th e system board. Connect your network cable to th e LA N connector
on th e rear of the system.
Storage Device Support
Three storage device bays accommoda te up to two accessible devices
(diskette drive and CD-ROM drive or DVD drive) and one internal hard
Reviewing Sys tem Features 1-11
The chassis is an NEC prop r ietary desig n wi th the following features:
stan dardized cha ss is size and dimen sions
stan dardized system b oa rd size and dimensions
standardized ATX 106-watt power supply
convertible to slimtower or desktop orientation.
The syst em can be placed in the slimtower or desktop p osition. Choose
the position that best suits your space.
Optional Speakers
When ord ered, two high-quality stereo speakers come with the system.
One sp eaker connects to the line out ja ck at the rear of th e system unit.
An AC adap ter and connect ing cables come with the speak ers. Install the
AC adap ter and cables al ong with the speakers.
Adjust the speaker volume by using th e vol u me control on th e s p eaker.
You can also use the Windows sound software. To bring up the Windows
volume control, double click the speaker icon on the taskbar (next to the
system cl ock). Use the software to balance the sound between th e left and
right speakers.
System Overview
See the following sections for a quick overview of system hardware,
software, and security features.
The syst em includes the followin g hardware feat ures.
PC99 Compliance
All th e hardware in th e s ystem has been cert ified by Microsoft
PC99 compliant.
1-12 Reviewing S ystem Feat ures
to be
The syst em comes with an Intel
pr oc essor with a 66-MHz or hi gher fr ont side bus (FSB) or a
III 5 33-MHz or higher process or with a 100-M Hz or high e r
Celeron™ 500-MHz or higher
FSB. Processor speed and FSB depend on s ystem model.
Audio features
The syst em comes with s oun d integrated on the system board. The
audio chipset gives you a surround sound system for
three-dimensi onal sound effect s . It also provi des wavetable synthes is.
(Wavetable synthesis uses actual recordings of real sound effects and
musical instruments for a dynamic audio experience.)
Flashabl e RO M BIOS
The system’s ROM BIOS features system setup configuration,
plug-and-play support, and flash support for easy and economical
BIOS upgrades.
System memory
The system comes with at least 64 MB of ECC synchronous dynamic
rand om access memory (SDRAM) and suppor t s up t o 5 1 2 MB.
AGP graphics
All models ship with 4X AGP graphics integrated on the system
board. AGP enhances graphics performance, particularly for 3-D
Power ma n agement op tions
Power man agement options conserve energy and red u ce p ower costs.
NECC provides a variety of applications and hardware utilities with your
syste m to let you take advan t age of your hard ware cap abilities.
Preloaded Software
Your system comes preloaded with the Microsoft® Windows® 98
operating system or the Windows 2000/Windows NT
If you have a Windows 2000/Windows NT configuration, you must
choose t he operatin g system you want to l oad. The operat in g s ystem you
choose is your only operat ing syste m and i s the one th at the NE C OS
Restore pr ogram re s tores.
operating system
Reviewing Sys tem Features 1-13
NECC-provided applications, drivers, and utilities come loaded on the
hard drive. You can i nstall some of your applications from icons on the
Windows desktop. Software available on your system includes the
following applications:
Microsoft® Internet E xplorer
Internet Explorer provides a top-notch browser with preloaded links
for ea sy access to the worl d wi d e we b. A lso use Intern et Explorer to
acces s one of t he many new browse r-bas ed util ities.
Norton AntiVirus™ 2000 Software
Protect your system from viruses by running Norton’s virus scan
Adobe® Acr obat® Reade r
Use th e Adob e Acrobat Reader to read and print portable docu ment
format (PDF) files found on the Internet and PDF documents included
with various software applications.
Get quick access to information about your system in the online NEC
INFO Center. NEC INFO Center modules include Tour, User’s Guide,
Questi ons, Soluti ons, and Services. See “NEC INFO Center” in
Chapter 3 for a description of the modules and how to use the INFO
Intel LANDesk® Client Manager
Use LANDesk software to track system information such as serial
number, BIOS version, memory capacity, disk capacity, expansion
board setting s, and applications. Use LANDesk softwar e for r em ote
star ts from a server comp uter using Wak e- On LAN and remote rebo ot .
NEC OS Restore CD
Your system comes with an N EC OS Restore CD and boot able disket te.
Shoul d a problem occur th at causes data loss or corrup tion, you can us e
the NE C OS Restore CD to restore your system t o i ts original fa ctory state
or you can r es tore just the op er ating system and drivers. A ful l system
restore loads th e operating system and al l the factory-suppl ied software
that com es on your hard dri ve. S ee “NEC OS Restor e CD” in Chapter 3
for information about using the restore options.
1-14 Reviewing S ystem Feat ures
NEC Application and Driver CD
Use the NEC Application and Driver CD to install drivers for NEC
system options tha t are not part of the factory config u ration. Also use the
NEC Application and Driver CD to reinstall NECC-supplied software.
See “NEC Application and Driver CD” in Chapter 3 for information about
inst alling software from the CD.
The system has hardware, software, an d mechanical secu r ity features th at
offer prot e c tion against unauthorized a c c ess to your syste m and da t a. The
follo wing securit y features are available with the system.
Password security
The BIOS Setup Utility includes a feature that lets you set up either a
user or sup ervisor password, or both.
The user password con trols bootin g of the system and con trols access
to the Setup Utility and the keyboar d. (User a cces s to the BIOS S etup
Utility is limited to a subset of all BIOS Setup parameters when a
supervisor password has been set.)
The sup ervisor password allows full access to the s ystem and the
Wind ows network secur ity features
To learn more about the network security features available through
the Windows operating system, refer to your Win dows documentation
or consult your syste m admin istrator.
Keyb oard/mouse anti-theft bracket
Secure the mouse and k eyb oa rd cables with in the anti-theft bracket to
make it difficult to remove them from your system. Remove the screw
that h olds the bracket to the chassis, position th e cables under th e
brack et, and secur e th e bracket to the chassis with the screw. (You
need t o r emove the cover to access the scr ew. See Chapter 4 for co ver
removal procedures.)
Security Lock Slot
The security lock slot on the rear of th e s ystem accepts a Kensington
Security Standar d connector or other locking d evi ce. Secure th e
locking device to the lock slot and to an immovable object to protect
your system from th e ft.
Reviewing Sys tem Features 1-15
Anti-Theft Ring
The syst em has an anti-theft ring on the r ear of t he chassis. At taching
a padlock (not supp lied) to the ring prohibits removal of t he screw
fastening the system cover to th e cha s s is. With the pa dlock attached
and locked , the cover cannot be removed and the system i s p hysically
prot ected from cha s s is intrusion.
1-16 Reviewing S ystem Feat ures
Setting Up the System
Slimtower Setup
Cable Connections
Power-Savi ng Op era tion
Syste m Care
More Informatio n
This chapter provides the basic information you need to set up and use
your s ystem (refer to th e Quick Setup poster for detail s). Included are
procedures for converting the desktop to a slimtower (if required), making
cable connection s, s ystem s tartup, s ystem s h u tdown, and system care. The
chapter also includes a table showing where to find additional information
about the computer.
Slimtower Setup
Your system shipped as a desktop. You can configure it as a slimtower by
attaching stabilizers to the system and standing it upright.
Configure the desktop as a slimtower as follows. To reconfigure the
slimtower to a desktop, reverse the following procedure.
Set the desktop system on the edge of a table, with the left edge of the
desk top pr ot ruding beyond t he edge of the table.
intend to place the system against a wall or use it as a standalone.
You can attach one or both stabilizers, depending on whether you
If attaching only one stabilizer, determine which side of the system
you want to attach the stabilizer.
If attaching both s tabilizers, fi rst join them by sliding them tog ether
to form one piece.
Position the stabilizer(s) over the feet on the side of the system and
fasten in place with t wo screws (see th e fol lowing figure).
2-2 Setting Up the System
Attaching the slimtower stabilizer(s)
– Foot (4)
– Screw (2)
Cable Connections
After unpacking the system and positioning it in your work area, connect
the syst em componen ts using your Qui ck Setup poster and the following
Use the icons on the rear of t he system uni t to identify the keyboard,
mouse, printer, USB, LAN, power, audio, and monitor connectors.
See your network a dministrator for guid e lines on configuring the
system for LAN.
Set th e voltage switch correctly for your area. The cor rect setting for
the U.S. and Canada is 115V and 230V for Europe.
Connect system power cables to a surg e protector (recommended) or a
properly grounded wall outlet.
NECC recommends connecting the power ca ble
to a surge pr otector.
– Stabili zer (1 of 2)
Set the voltage switch correctly for your area.
Setting Up the System 2-3
Press the power button to start your s ystem. The power lamp lights green
to ind icate that th e system is on. The system perform s it s P ower-On SelfTest ( P OS T) and several messages app ear indicatin g th at the system is
checkin g its subsys tems.
Uti l ity, im media tely press F2 while the startup screen displays. (See
Chapter 3, “Co nfigur ing the S ystem,” for information on using the BIOS
After a short delay, Wi ndows starts up.
If a problem occ urs, a s eries of be e ps might sound. If this happens
repeatedly after powering on, power off the system and turn to Chapter 5,
“Solving S ystem Problems.” The chapter provides helpful hints for
solving system problems.
have changed, run the BIOS Setup Utility (see Chapter 3, “Config uring th e
On systems with Windows 2000, enter your password at the log-on box.
On systems with the Windows NT
Ctrl Alt Del
for entering a password.
At t he bott om of the NE C startup screen, the following message
<F2 for BIOS Setup>
If the system displays a message indicating that system settings
. If you want to enter the BIOS Setup
4.0 operating system, pr ess
when prompte d on-screen to do so. The log-on box appears
Follow t hese steps t o power off the system.
If the system is in sleep mode (power lamp is amber), press a key or
move th e mouse to take it out of sl eep mode (see “Po w er Saving
Operation” in the next section ).
Save and exit all your open applications .
Make sure that the hard dr ive, diskett e dr ive, and any other drives are
not in us e. A lit device lamp indicat es that the device is in u s e.
2-4 Setting Up the System
Wait until all applications are saved and closed
before using the Windows shut down procedure in step 4.
Unless absolutely necessary, never power off the system if the system
power lamp is amber (sleep mode), if the ha rd drive lamp, diskette drive,
or other dev ice lamp is fla shing, or if any applicatio ns are open.
Information on the device might be lost or damaged.
on the task bar, then point to and click
Selecting Shut Down gives you several choices in the pop-up
submen u. Select
for shut down.
If the system is configured with Windows 98 or Windows 2000,
Shut down the computer
the syst em shuts down a utomatically after a shor t in terval.
If th e s ystem is configured with Windows NT, and after you
perform a Windows shutdown, power off the system by pressing
and holding in the power button for four seconds or longer
before releasing.
Turn off power to the monitor.
Power-Saving Operation
If the system is running Windows 98 or Windows 2000, you can put it in
sleep mode (a power-saving state) by pressing and immediately releasing
the power/sleep button on the front of the system unit. The sleep mod e is
a convenient way of conserving en ergy when you are g oing to be away
from the system for a short period of time.
Tak e care to press and immediately release the
power/sleep button to en ter the sleep mo de. Avoid pres sing and holding in
the power button longer than three seconds. If you do so, you might turn
off power and lose data from any open applications.
Shut Down
, then clic k OK or pr e s s
The syst em also goes int o sleep mode when it ha s been inacti ve, if the
power management has been enabled in BIOS, and an inactivity timeout
has been enabled. (See Chapter 3, “Configur i ng Your S ys tem” for
information on setting power management functions.)
Setting Up the System 2-5
+ 110 hidden pages
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