NAD C 588 Turntable
NAD’s is well known for innovative, high performance, yet affordable, turntables. While
the basic operation of a turntable seems simple, extracting all the musical energy from
the record grooves without exciting destructive resonances requires both science and art.
Let’s take a closer look at each of the elements of the C 588 with an explanation of the
choices we made.
Having exact pitch (speed) is important, but human hearing is much more sensitive to
momentary changes in speed which we express with the terms Wow and Flutter. As its
name sounds, Wow is a slow cyclical speed variation. The most severe example is the
sound of a severely warped record, where the stylus travels faster on the rising side of
the warp and slower on the descending side, causing abrupt changes in musical pitch.
Flutter is what we call very fast and small variations that are usually generated by the
motor. The C 588 addresses both of these problems with proven and effective solutions.
A specialized, high precision, synchronous clock motor is both very smooth and accurate,
especially when driven from a stable AC voltage. To ensure a clean and stable AC voltage
we isolate the AC Mains by first converting it to a clean DC voltage, and then electronically generating the precise AC frequency to regulate the synchronous motor. Using a
specially formulated belt to drive the platter further filters and isolates any remaining
vibration. All rotating parts are made from aluminum alloy machined to very tight tolerances to eliminate any eccentricity or vibration in the drive system.
The C 588 features a custom designed carbon fiber tonearm shaft with a fixed metal head
shell and features a decoupled counterweight and magnetic anti-skate compensation. An
Ortofon 2M Red cartridge is factory installed and offers superb tracking and a delicately
nuanced full range sound. The C 588 uses a longer than usual 9” tonearm to optimize
overhang and reduce the tracking angle error. To perfectly align the stylus we include
adjustments for azimuth and vertical tracking angle, and include a gauge to calibrate the
alignment, a rarity at this price point.
Belt Driven Turntable 33/45
10mm Glass Plater with Felt Pad
Precision Alloy Sub Platter
Precision AC Motor
Isolated AC Power Supply with
Universal Voltage
9” Carbon Fibre Tonearm with
Fixed Head Shell
Ortofon 2M Red Cartridge Preinstalled
Vertical Tracking Angle and
Azimuth Adjustment
Rigid MDF Plinth
Metal Feet with Tuned Isolation
Low Resonance Dustcover
Detachable High Quality RCA Cable
with separate Ground

To fully realize the micro-dynamics of music requires a very tight
mechanical coupling of the platter and the tonearm. This forms
a triangle, as vibrations can travel from record being played, to
the platter, through the shaft and bearing to the base (plinth),
up the arm mount through the arm pivot and down the arm to
the cartridge and stylus. There are many separate parts in this
path and some of them are required move relative to one another
through mechanical bearing interfaces. If there is any play in these
mechanical interfaces musical energy will be lost. This why NAD
has paid strict attention to precision machining, assembly, and
testing that is so important in a turntable.
Reducing all spurious vibrations to a minimum is critical to
getting the best result when playing vinyl. Since these vibrations
can come from various sources, both internal and external, the
materials and dimensions must all be carefully calculated reduce
and balance all the resonances to prevent a buildup of energy at
particular frequencies. To isolate external vibrations from the loudspeakers or footfalls bouncing the floor, we use a massive MDF
base with specially tuned vibration damping feet, along with a
thick non-resonant dust cover. The choice of glass platter, felt pad,
MDF base, and carbon fiber tonearm, were carefully considered to
work together to limit and reduce spurious vibration.
They say a great chef can make delicious food from very basic
ingredients, while a cook without training can make a mess of
even the finest and most exotic ingredients. NAD is a Five Star
Chef in the audio world, designing award winning products for
45 years now. We think the C 588 hits a sweet spot for performance and value by using very simple high quality parts and
precisely engineering them to work together in perfect harmony.
We believe the result to be a feast for the ears that will last for
years and bring new life to your existing record collection while
preserving it for the future.