Metrohm 757VA User Manual

CH-9101 Herisau/Switzerland Internet E-Mail
757 VA Computrace
31.08.2001 / dö
This manual was produced using RoboHelp® (eHelp Corporation).
All Rights Reserved.
Printed in Switzerland by Metrohm AG, CH-9101 Herisau 2001

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of program ............................................................................ 1
1.2 General information............................................................................. 2
Hardware requirements for the PC ................................................ 2
Demo version ................................................................................. 2
Registration .................................................................................... 2
1.3 Installation............................................................................................. 3
Installation of software and VA Computrace Interface .................. 3
Installation of software and add-on board..................................... 4
Software upgrade with add-on board............................................ 5
Installation of Dosimats.................................................................. 6
Installation of 813 Compact Autosamplers.................................... 6
Hardware settings for Dosimats .................................................... 7
Deinstallation.................................................................................. 8
1.4 Overview of program windows.......................................................... 9
1.5 Overview of file types........................................................................ 10
1.6 Context sensitive menus.................................................................. 10
2 Main window
2.1 Main window overview...................................................................... 11
Main window elements ................................................................ 11
Main window menus .................................................................... 11
Main window icons....................................................................... 12
2.2 Starting/closing the program........................................................... 13
Starting the VA Computrace program ......................................... 13
Closing the VA Computrace program ......................................... 13
2.3 File menu............................................................................................. 14
Method files.................................................................................. 14
Determination files ....................................................................... 14
Signal files .................................................................................... 15
Printing of reports and curves...................................................... 16
Program exit ................................................................................. 16
2.4 Mode menu ......................................................................................... 16
Exploratory mode selection ......................................................... 16
Determination mode selection..................................................... 16
757 VA Computrace – Software
Table of contents
2.5 Utility menu......................................................................................... 17
Computrace control selection...................................................... 17
Dosimat control selection ............................................................ 17
Film deposition selection ............................................................. 17
Cleaning procedure selection...................................................... 17
2.6 User menu ........................................................................................... 17
Login............................................................................................. 17
User rights .................................................................................... 18
User rights overview..................................................................... 20
2.7 Settings menu..................................................................................... 21
General settings ........................................................................... 21
Hardware settings ........................................................................ 22
Automation ................................................................................... 23
Save settings................................................................................ 24
2.8 Window menu..................................................................................... 25
Tiling of windows.......................................................................... 25
Opening and closing of program windows ................................. 25
Display settings for Main window ................................................ 26
3 General settings for exploratory and
determination mode
3.1 Electrodes ........................................................................................... 27
MME ............................................................................................. 27
DME.............................................................................................. 27
SMDE ........................................................................................... 28
HMDE ........................................................................................... 29
RDE/SSE ...................................................................................... 30
3.2 VA measurement modes................................................................... 31
DP – Differential Pulse.................................................................. 31
SqW – Square Wave .................................................................... 33
DC – Sampled Direct Current ...................................................... 35
NP – Normal Pulse (for "Exploratory" only) .................................. 37
CV – Cyclic Voltammetry.............................................................. 39
PSA – Potentiometric Stripping Analysis...................................... 41
AC – Alternating Current Voltammetry ......................................... 43
3.3 Potentiostat......................................................................................... 45
3.4 General operation sequence............................................................ 45
Overview of operation sequence ................................................. 45
Stirring .......................................................................................... 46
Purging ......................................................................................... 47
Conditioning of solid state electrodes ......................................... 47
Pretreatment................................................................................. 47
Stand-by potential ........................................................................ 48
757 VA Computrace – Software
Table of contents
3.5 Graphical settings.............................................................................. 49
Curve window elements............................................................... 49
Page properties............................................................................ 50
Axis properties ............................................................................. 51
Curve properties........................................................................... 53
Line properties ............................................................................. 54
4 Exploratory mode
4.1 Exploratory mode overview ............................................................. 55
Exploratory mode features........................................................... 55
Exploratory mode selection ......................................................... 55
Exploratory mode windows.......................................................... 55
4.2 Exploratory specification window .................................................. 56
Exploratory specification settings ................................................ 56
Load/save signals ........................................................................ 57
Transfer parameters and data ..................................................... 58
Performing exploratory measurements ....................................... 59
4.3 Exploratory curves ............................................................................ 60
Exploratory curves window .......................................................... 60
Load signal curves....................................................................... 60
Select signal curves ..................................................................... 61
Zooming ....................................................................................... 61
Auto scaling ................................................................................. 61
Swap axes.................................................................................... 61
Graphical properties for exploratory curves ................................ 61
Copy to clipboard ........................................................................ 62
Change labels .............................................................................. 62
Clear signal curves....................................................................... 62
Signal cursor ................................................................................ 63
Peak search ................................................................................. 63
Edit peak ...................................................................................... 67
Wave evaluation ........................................................................... 68
4.4 Printing in exploratory mode........................................................... 70
757 VA Computrace – Software
Table of contents
5 Determination mode
5.1 Determination mode overview......................................................... 71
Determination mode features ...................................................... 71
Determination mode selection ..................................................... 71
Determination mode windows ..................................................... 71
5.2 Working method specifications....................................................... 72
Load/save methods ..................................................................... 72
Working method specifications window ...................................... 73
Determination............................................................................... 75
Voltammetric ................................................................................ 77
Substances .................................................................................. 78
Baseline........................................................................................ 81
Calculations.................................................................................. 82
Calculation.................................................................................... 83
Variable addition .......................................................................... 83
Concentrations of calibration solutions ....................................... 84
Documentation............................................................................. 85
Dosimats ...................................................................................... 87
5.3 Monitor................................................................................................. 88
Start determination....................................................................... 88
Stop/Hold determination.............................................................. 89
Monitor determination .................................................................. 89
Message windows during determination..................................... 90
Graphical properties for monitoring curves ................................. 93
Copy to clipboard......................................................................... 93
5.4 Determination curves........................................................................ 94
Load/save determinations............................................................ 94
Copy parameters to working method .......................................... 94
Determination curves window...................................................... 95
Edit determination method parameters ....................................... 96
Specifications............................................................................... 96
Determination............................................................................... 97
Voltammetric ................................................................................ 97
Substances .................................................................................. 98
Calculations.................................................................................. 98
Edit addition parameters.............................................................. 98
Edit baseline................................................................................. 98
Zooming ....................................................................................... 99
Auto scaling................................................................................ 100
Swap axis ................................................................................... 100
Show baselines .......................................................................... 100
Show unknown peaks ................................................................ 100
Graphical properties for determination curves .......................... 100
Graphical properties for calibration curves................................ 102
Copy/export graphics................................................................. 102
757 VA Computrace – Software
Table of contents
5.5 Results............................................................................................... 103
Results window overview ........................................................... 103
Header........................................................................................ 104
Determination data..................................................................... 104
Sample data............................................................................... 104
Method data............................................................................... 105
Substance evaluation................................................................. 105
Peak evaluation.......................................................................... 105
Calibration data.......................................................................... 106
Solutions..................................................................................... 106
Final results ................................................................................ 107
Copy text to clipboard................................................................ 107
5.6 Sample table ..................................................................................... 108
Load/save sample table............................................................. 109
Edit sample table ....................................................................... 110
5.7 Printing in determination mode..................................................... 111
5.8 Data processing and evaluation.................................................... 113
Data transfer............................................................................... 113
Data acquisition ......................................................................... 113
Background compensation ....................................................... 114
Smoothing and differentiation.................................................... 114
Peak recognition ........................................................................ 115
Baseline calculation ................................................................... 116
Evaluation quantity calculation .................................................. 117
Content calculation .................................................................... 117
Dilution calculation..................................................................... 118
Standard addition calculation .................................................... 118
Rules for standard addition........................................................ 120
Calibration curve calculation...................................................... 121
Rules for calibration curves........................................................ 123
Formula calculation.................................................................... 124
757 VA Computrace – Software
Table of contents
6 Manual control
6.1 Computrace control......................................................................... 125
Computrace control selection.................................................... 125
Computrace control window...................................................... 125
6.2 Dosimat control................................................................................ 127
Dosimat control selection .......................................................... 127
Dosimat control window............................................................. 127
6.3 Film deposition................................................................................. 128
Film deposition selection ........................................................... 128
Film deposition window ............................................................. 128
6.4 Cleaning procedure ......................................................................... 130
Cleaning procedure selection.................................................... 130
Cleaning procedure window ...................................................... 130
7 How to ...?
7.1 Installation and program start ....................................................... 133
Install Dosimats for automatic addition ..................................... 133
Switch on the instruments and start program............................ 133
7.2 User rights......................................................................................... 134
Define a new user....................................................................... 134
Change user rights..................................................................... 134
7.3 Signals in exploratory mode.......................................................... 135
Load a signal curve.................................................................... 135
Save a signal curve .................................................................... 135
Save signal curves automatically............................................... 135
Record a signal curve ................................................................ 135
Evaluate signal peaks automatically.......................................... 136
Evaluate signal peaks manually................................................. 136
Evaluate signal waves................................................................ 137
Print signal curves and/or voltammetric parameters ................. 137
7.4 Methods in determination mode.................................................... 138
Load a method........................................................................... 138
Copy parameters from determination methods ........................ 138
Copy parameters from signal files ............................................. 138
Save the working method .......................................................... 138
Edit the working method ............................................................ 139
Modify methods for automatic background compensation ...... 139
757 VA Computrace – Software
Table of contents
7.5 Determinations................................................................................. 141
Load a determination................................................................. 141
Save a determination ................................................................. 141
Automatically save determinations ............................................ 141
Perform a determination ............................................................ 141
Perform a test determination with the Pb test method .............. 142
Perform determinations using the
813 Compact Autosampler........................................................ 143
Recalculate an existing determination....................................... 144
Print determination results and curves ...................................... 145
7.6 Standard addition technique.......................................................... 146
Use manual standard addition without solution exchange ....... 146
Use manual standard addition with solution exchange ............ 147
Use automatic standard addition .............................................. 148
7.7 Calibration curve technique........................................................... 150
Record calibration curve manually by adding
standard solution ....................................................................... 150
Record calibration curve manually with solution exchange ...... 151
Record calibration curve automatically...................................... 152
Measure a sample using a calibration curve............................. 153
7.8 Work with film electrodes............................................................... 155
Deposit a mercury film ............................................................... 155
Remove a mercury film .............................................................. 155
7.9 Diagnostic procedures.................................................................... 156
Check the purging ..................................................................... 156
Check the stirring ....................................................................... 156
Check the MME.......................................................................... 156
Perform a linearity test with the dummy cell .............................. 157
Perform a peak test with the dummy cell .................................. 158
Perform a GLP test..................................................................... 159
8 Troubleshooting
8.1 General procedure for error messages........................................ 161
8.2 Connection problems...................................................................... 161
Error message "Could not start the embedded system" ........... 161
Error message "Cannot reach the hardware" ............................ 161
8.3 Software problems .......................................................................... 162
Error message "No access to software" .................................... 162
Error message "The file 'ecousb.sys' is needed" ....................... 162
Wrong language in Help ............................................................ 162
8.4 Dosimat problems............................................................................ 162
757 VA Computrace – Software
Dosimat does not work .............................................................. 162
Irreproducible standard additions with 765 Dosimat................. 163
Wrong volume display with Dosimat ......................................... 163
Table of contents
8.5 General rules for VA trace analysis.............................................. 164
Chemicals and equipment......................................................... 164
Electrolytes ................................................................................. 164
Standard solutions ..................................................................... 164
Samples ..................................................................................... 165
Blank values, contamination ...................................................... 165
Selection of VA Measurement mode ......................................... 166
8.6 Voltammetric problems................................................................... 167
Low background current or unstable baseline .......................... 167
Curves with high noise ............................................................... 168
Standard addition curves are not reproducible ......................... 169
Peak displacement..................................................................... 169
No peak found ........................................................................... 170
Peak is in the highest µA range ................................................. 170
Double peak............................................................................... 171
Standard addition peaks displaced........................................... 172
No addition................................................................................. 172
Spikes / signal jump in voltammogram ..................................... 172
Oxygen interference ................................................................... 173
Unsuitable bridging electrolyte in the reference electrode ........ 173
Overcharging of the working electrode...................................... 174
Disturbances at the HMDE through gas formation ................... 175
Complex formation..................................................................... 176
Peak on highly curved baseline ................................................. 177
Peak overlapping ....................................................................... 178
Calibration with chemically non-isoformal standards................ 179
Software license
757 VA Computrace – Software

1.1 Purpose of program

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose of program
«VA Computrace 2.0» is the name of the control software for the PC-controlled 757 VA Computrace System for voltammetric ana­lysis. This system consists of the following parts:
1.757.0010 VA Computrace Stand with accessories
3.757.1300 Add-on Board for PC or
6.5326.000 VA Computrace Interface
6.2135.010 Connecting Cable
6.6032.100 VA Computrace Software 2.0
For a detailed description of the hardware components of the 757 VA Computrace System see the 757 Hardware Manual.
This 757 Software Manual describes the features and operation procedures of the 757 VA Computrace Software which comprises the clearly arranged user interface with a task bar that can be clicked for control of the instrument, method development and the recording and evaluation of the voltammograms.
Depending on the objective, the 757 VA Computrace Software can be used in two different operating modes:
The exploratory mode for qualitative analysis is suitable
for practice-oriented voltammetry training at universities, technical colleges and in plants. It allows the user to apply seven different VA measurement techniques and to compare their results.
The determination mode is used for quantitative analysis
of inorganic or organic substances. Calibration can be done via standard addition or calibration curves. Signal evaluation and concentration calculation are automatic. On completion of the measurement, a report can be compiled to suit individ­ual requirements and printed out. The most important meth­ods for the determination of metals or other substances can be called up directly. All curves appearing on the screen, i.e. voltammograms and calibration curves plus the results can be transferred to other Windows applications via the Windows Clipboard. Data export in ASCII format is also possible.
757 VA Computrace – Software
1 Introduction

1.2 General information

Hardware requirements for the PC

Computer Pentium II with 233 MHz or higher
Operating system Windows™ 98 or Windows™ 2000 for
Free space on hard disk 10 MB for program files
Working memory RAM 64 MB for Windows™ 98
Graphics resolution 1024×768 or more
Interface 1 free ISA slot for add-on board or
operation with add-on board; Windows™ 2000 for operation with VA Computrace Interface (USB)
100 MB recommended for data files
128 MB for Windows™ 2000
1 free USB connection for VA Com­putrace Interface
Printer Any printer supported by operating
Note: Set the screen saver to "None" and deactivate any energy saving features. Additionally, do not use several other programs together with VA Computrace.

Demo version

If the 6.6032.100 VA Computrace Software 2.0 is installed on a PC without installation of VA Computrace Stand and Add-on board or VA Computrace Interface, this software can be used as a demo version which is restricted to the recalculation of determination or signal files.


Please send us your 8.757.1027 Registration card as soon as possible. Only registered users will get updated program versions at a special price.
757 VA Computrace – Software
1.3 Installation

1.3 Installation

Installation of software and VA Computrace Interface

1. Switch on PC and start operating system (Windows™ 2000) without connection of the VA Computrace Interface via USB cable.
2. Insert installation CD into CD drive.
3. If the autorun option for the CD drive is disabled, select
tion CD and click on
. Browse for the
file on the installa-
4. Click on " program. Select the
" and follow the instructions given in the setup
VA Computrace Interface (USB)
option for
the interface type.
5. The software package will be installed in the desired directory (the default directory is
Programs/Metrohm/757 VA Computrace
). In addition to the program files, the following folders are in­stalled:
Folder for storage of new signal ( nation files (
Demo data
) and determi-
Folder containing signal and determination file ex­amples. The subfolder
Practical Voltammetry
all examples of the 8.757.5003 Metrohm Mono- graph "Practical Voltammetry", which is available from Metrohm on request.
Folder for storage of method files ( some basic examples in the examples in the subfolders
plication Notes
Hardware Test
Application Bulletin, Ap-
). You find
folder and more
Folder for hardware control files and drivers.
757 VA Computrace – Software
6. Restart the PC.
7. Connect VA Computrace Interface to the 757 VA Computrace
using the 6.2135.010 cable and switch on 757 VA Com­putrace Stand.
8. Connect VA Computrace Interface to the 6.2158.000 Mains Adapter connected to the mains.
9. Connect VA Computrace Interface to the PC using the
6.2151.020 USB cable. The PC detects a new USB device and starts the setup wizard. Insert installation CD into CD drive and follow the wizard instructions always selecting the recommended default options.
10. Start the VA Computrace software.
1 Introduction

Installation of software and add-on board

1. Switch off PC and disconnect power cable from the power socket.
2. Disconnect all other cables to computer peripherals (key­board, display, printer, etc.).
3. Disassemble PC and install 3.757.1300 Add-on Board in a free ISA slot (see instruction manual of the PC).
4. Reassemble PC.
5. Switch off 757 VA Computrace Stand.
6. Connect the built-in add-on board to the "PC Interface" socket of the 757 VA Computrace Stand with the 6.2135.010 cable.
7. Switch on 757 VA Computrace Stand and PC and start oper­ating system (Windows™ 98 or Windows™ 2000).
8. Insert installation CD into CD drive.
9. If the autorun option for the CD drive is disabled, select
tion CD and click on
. Browse for the
file on the installa-
10. Click on " program. Select the
" and follow the instructions given in the setup
Add-on Board (3.757.1300)
option for the in-
terface type.
11. The software package will be installed in the desired directory (the default directory is
Programs/Metrohm/757 VA Computrace
). In addition to the program files, the following folders are in­stalled:
Folder for storage of new signal ( nation files (
Demo data
) and determi-
Folder containing signal and determination file ex­amples. The subfolder
Practical Voltammetry
all examples of the 8.757.5003 Metrohm Mono- graph "Practical Voltammetry", which is available from Metrohm on request.
Folder for storage of method files ( some basic examples in the examples in the subfolders
plication Notes
Hardware Test
Application Bulletin, Ap-
). You find
folder and more
Folder for hardware control files and drivers.
12. Restart the PC.
13. Start the VA Computrace software.
757 VA Computrace – Software
1.3 Installation

Software upgrade with add-on board

If you want to upgrade from the 757 VA Computrace 1.0 software to the 757 VA Computrace 2.0 software on a PC with add-on board installed, proceed as follows:
1. Switch off 757 VA Computrace Stand.
2. Switch on PC and start operating system (Windows™ 98 or Windows™ 2000).
3. Select
<Start> / Settings / Control
panel and double-click the
4. Select 757 VA Computrace in the list and click on
to remove the VA Computrace 1.0 program. All program files and icons are removed, all user-created method and data files are retained in the
folder of the
program directory.
5. Restart the PC.
6. Insert installation CD into CD drive.
7. If the autorun option for the CD drive is disabled, select
tion CD and click on
8. Click on "
program. Select the
. Browse for the
file on the installa-
" and follow the instructions given in the setup
Add-on Board (3.757.1300)
option for the in-
terface type.
9. The software package will be installed in the desired directory (the default directory is
Programs/Metrohm/757 VA Computrace
). In addition to the program files, the following folders are in­stalled:
Folder for storage of new signal ( nation files (
Demo data
) and determi-
Folder containing signal and determination file ex­amples. The subfolder
Practical Voltammetry
all examples of the 8.757.5003 Metrohm Mono- graph "Practical Voltammetry", which is available from Metrohm on request.
Folder for storage of method files ( some basic examples in the examples in the subfolders
plication Notes
Hardware Test
Application Bulletin, Ap-
). You find
folder and more
Folder for hardware control files and drivers.
10. If desired, copy all user-created method and data files of the old program directory into the
folders of the
new program directory.
757 VA Computrace – Software
1 Introduction

Installation of Dosimats

11. Restart the PC.
12. Connect the built-in add-on board to the "PC Interface" socket
of the 757 VA Computrace Stand with the 6.2135.010 cable and switch on 757 VA Computrace Stand.
13. Start the VA Computrace 2.0 software.
Up to five 665 or 765 Dosimats can be connected to the 757 VA Computrace Stand. For the connection of 1 or 2 Dosimats, the
6.2141.080 Cable is used. Other cables for the connection of more than 2 Dosimats are available from Metrohm on request (e.g. 6.9921.170 for 5 Dosimats). For the connection of two Do­simats, proceed as follows:
1. Switch off the 757 VA Computrace Stand.
2. Switch off the Dosimats.
3. Connect the "A" socket of the first Dosimat to the "Remote" socket of the 757 VA Computrace Stand with the 6.2141.080 cable by using the cable end "665-1".
4. Connect the "A" socket of the second Dosimat to the "Re-
mote" socket of the 757 VA Computrace Stand with the
6.2141.080 cable by using the cable end "665-2".
Note: If Dosimats are connected to the 757 VA Computrace
Stand, the instruments must always be switched on in the se­quence Dosimats 757 PC.

Installation of 813 Compact Autosampler

It is possible to connect a 813 Compact Autosampler and a 731 Relay Box (for the operation of two 772 Pump Units) to the
757 VA Computrace Stand. Proceed as follows:
1. Connect 813 Compact Autosampler, 731 Relay Box and two 772 Pump Units to the 757 VA Computrace Stand using the
6.2141.150 cable (see 813 Instructions for Use).
2. Install the accessories on the 813 Compact Autosampler (see 813 Instructions for Use).
3. Connect 665 or 765 Dosimats to the 757 VA Computrace Stand (see 813 Instructions for Use).
4. Set
Method 2
at the 813 Compact Autosampler (see 813 In-
structions for Use).
757 VA Computrace – Software
1.3 Installation
5. Make hardware settings for the 813 Compact Autosampler (see Automation, section 2.7).
6. Make hardware settings for Dosimats (see Hardware settings for Dosimats).
7. Define the addition or predose solution in the
dow (see Dosimats, section 5.2).

Hardware settings for Dosimats

1. Switch on PC and start operating system 95.
2. Start the VA Computrace software by double-clicking the pro­gram icon or starting the
3. Login without entering
late only
4. Select
MAIN WINDOW / Settings / General Settings.
tab in the
. Click on
Open the
757 VA Computrace – Software
5. For each 665 or 765 Dosimat connected to the remote inter­face of the 757 VA Computrace Stand, check the checkbox and enter the on the Dosimat and the
Dose rate
of the exchange unit installed
of the Dosimat.
Dosimat no.
1 Introduction


6. Close the VA Computrace software by clicking on or se­lecting
File / Exit
7. Switch on the Dosimats connected to the 757 VA Computrace Stand.
8. Switch on 757 VA Computrace stand.
9. Restart the VA Computrace software.
Note: If Dosimats are connected to the 757 VA Computrace Stand, the instruments must always be switched on in the se­quence Dosimat 757 PC.
1. Select
2. Double-click the
3. Select
757 VA Computrace
Select the
Settings / Control panel.
in the list and click on
option and click on
. All program
files and icons should be removed.
757 VA Computrace – Software

1.4 Overview of program windows

1.4 Overview of program windows
VA Computrace 2.0 consists of different windows whose func­tionality is linked together. The different windows are:
File administration, printing, mode se­lection, opening of other program windows, utilities, login and user rights, settings, window handling
Method definition for exploratory mode and curve evaluation
Display of exploratory mode curves
Definition of the working method for determination mode
Start of determinations, live display
Display of determination and calibra­tion curves, modification and recalcu­lation of determinations
Display of sample table (only available
Display of determination reports
if the
Use Autosampler
checked on the
option is
tab of the
Manual control of 757 VA Computrace Stand
Manual control of 665 or 765 Dosi­mats connected to the remote inter­face
Manual control of Hg film deposition on solid state electrodes
Manual control of cleaning proce­dures for solid state electrodes
757 VA Computrace – Software
1 Introduction

1.5 Overview of file types

The following file types are produced by the 757 VA Computrace software:
Determination file (binary file)
Contains determination data and method. The
file is stored automatically in the
folder if the autosave option is enabled in the
Method file (binary file)
Contains the method.
Signal file (binary file)
Contains exploratory data and exploratory method. The the in the
Sample tabe file (binary file)
folder if the autosave option is enabled
file is stored automatically in
Contains sample tabel data.
Text file (ASCII file) for data export
file is produced if measurement points of
determination files or signal files are exported. In the case of determination point export, this data file contains a block of the used method pa­rameters followed by the sweep blocks of X and Y values each preceded by VR number and number of measurement points. In the case of signal points, this data file contains a block of the used method parameters followed by the sweep block of X and Y values preceded by the number of measurement points. The
files can be imported into spreadsheet
programs like Microsoft Excel.

1.6 Context sensitive menus

Most of the menu functions of the program windows are also ac­cessible by clicking on the desired window or item and pressing the right mouse button. The pop up windows have different contents and functions depending on the selected active window or item type.
757 VA Computrace – Software

2.1 Main window overview

2 Main window

2.1 Main window overview

Main window elements

Its elements are the menu bar, the tool bar and the status bar in­dicating user, method and determination.
Menu bar
Tool bar
Status bar
Logged-in user

Main window menus

Loading, saving and export of method, determi-
Switching between exploratory and determination
is the center of the VA Computrace software.
Method in working memory
Determination in working memory
Sample table in working memory
nation and signal files; printing of reports and curves
757 VA Computrace – Software
VA Computrace Stand control; Dosimat control;
film deposition and cleaning procedure for solid state electrodes
Login, user rights entry and overview
General settings for saving, default directories,
add-on board, VA Computrace Interface and Do­simats
Tiling, opening and closing of program windows
Call context-sensitive Help and Help contents
2 Main window

Main window icons

It depends on the selected mode (exploratory or determination) whether the following icons are displayed in the
Exit the VA Computrace 2.0 program.
Print reports and curves.
Switch to exploratory mode.
Switch to determination mode.
Load default parameters for exploratory or determination
Load existing method or signal file.
Save method or signal file.
Load existing determination file.
Save determination file.
Manual control of 757 VA Computrace Stand.
Manual control of Dosimats connected to the 757 VA
Computrace Stand.
Open or close
Open or close
Open or close
Open or close
Open or close
Open or close
window for determinations.
window for determinations.
Start measurement.
Stop measurement.
Hold measurement.
Continue measurement.
Go to next step in operation sequence.
757 VA Computrace – Software

2.2 Starting/closing the program

2.2 Starting/closing the program

Starting the VA Computrace program

Start the Program
Double-click the
gram. The
file to start the VA Computrace 2.0 pro-
757 VA Computrace
icon or the
window ap-
option ments or
Start measurements
Recalculate only
and select the desired
for starting measure-
for recalculation.
Note: After software installation, the program can be started with­out entering
. For the definition of users, see
section 2.6.

Closing the VA Computrace program

MAIN WINDOW / File / Exit
Exit the VA Computrace 2.0 program.
The program is also quit by clicking on in the
upper right part of the
757 VA Computrace – Software
2 Main window

2.3 File menu

Method files

Method files (
) contain all the specifications and parameters
for running a determination. They can only be loaded or saved in the determination mode.
MAIN WINDOW / File / New method (Ctrl+N)
Load a standard template with DP mode for cre­ating a new method.
MAIN WINDOW / File / Load method (Ctrl+O)
Load an existing method file. Normally, method files are stored in the
MAIN WINDOW / File / Save method (Ctrl+S)
Save the current method loaded in the working memory. If the method has been changed since loading, the message
appears. Click
The file already exists.
to overwrite the
method file or No to cancel saving.
MAIN WINDOW / File / Save method as ...
Save the current method loaded in the working memory in a new file. Enter name and directory for storage of the method file.

Determination files

Determination files ( specifications of the method used for the determination. They can only be loaded or saved in the determination mode.
757 VA COMPUTRACE / File / Export method ...
Save the current method loaded in the working memory into an ASCII file (extension file contains all method parameters.
) contain the measurement data and the
MAIN WINDOW / File / Load determination
Load an existing determination file. Normally, de­termination files are stored in the
MAIN WINDOW / File / Save determination
Save the current determination loaded in the working memory. If the determination has been changed since loading, the message
ready exists. Overwrite?
appears. Click overwrite the determination file or No to cancel saving.
). This
The file al-
757 VA Computrace – Software
2.3 File menu
MAIN WINDOW / File / Save determination as ...
Save the current determination loaded in the working memory in a new file. Enter name and di­rectory for storage of the determination file.

Signal files

MAIN WINDOW / File / Export determination points
Save the measurement points of all sweeps of the current determination loaded in the working memory into a data file (extension
). This data
file contains a block of the used method parame­ters followed by the sweep blocks of X and Y val­ues each preceded by VR number and number of measurement points. The data files can be imported into spreadsheet programs like Micro­soft Excel.
757 VA COMPUTRACE / File / Export results ...
Save the results report of the current determina­tion loaded in the working memory into an ASCII file (extension
). This file can be imported into
spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel.
Signal files (
) contain the measurement data and specifi-
cations of a signal recorded in the exploratory mode. They can only be loaded or saved in this mode.
MAIN WINDOW / File / New parameters
Load default parameters for selected electrode and measurement mode.
MAIN WINDOW / File / Load signal
Load an existing signal file. Normally, signal files are stored in the
MAIN WINDOW / File / Save signal as ...
Save the current signal loaded in the working memory in a new file. Enter name and directory for storage of the signal file.
MAIN WINDOW / File / Export signal points
Save the measurement points of the sweep of the current signal loaded in the working memory into a data file (extension
). This data file con-
tains a block of the used method parameters fol­lowed by the sweep block of X and Y values pre­ceded by the number of measurement points. The data files can be imported into spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel.
757 VA Computrace – Software
2 Main window

Printing of reports and curves

Program exit

MAIN WINDOW / File / Print (Ctrl+P)
Print reports and/or curves. Depending on the mode selection, a window appears for selection of the items to be printed (see section 4.4 for ex­ploratory mode and section 5.7 for determination mode).
MAIN WINDOW / File / Printer setup
Selection of a printer and definition of paper size and format.
MAIN WINDOW / File / Exit
Quit the VA Computrace 2.0 program.
The program is also quit by clicking on in the
upper right part of the

2.4 Mode menu

Exploratory mode selection

Determination mode selection

MAIN WINDOW / Mode / Exploratory
Switching to the exploratory mode for recording and displaying of signals (see section 4).
MAIN WINDOW / Mode / Determination
Switching to the determination mode for re­cording and displaying of determinations (see section 5).
757 VA Computrace – Software
2.5 Utility menu

2.5 Utility menu

Computrace control selection

MAIN WINDOW / Utility / Computrace control
Start manual control of 757 VA Computrace Stand (details see section 6.1).

Dosimat control selection

MAIN WINDOW / Utility / Dosimat control
Start manual control of 665 or 765 Dosimats connected to the 757 VA Computrace Stand (de­tails see section 6.2).

Film deposition selection

MAIN WINDOW / Utility / Film deposition
Start Hg film deposition for solid state electrodes in the 757 VA Computrace Stand (details see section 6.3).

Cleaning procedure selection

MAIN WINDOW / Utility / Cleaning procedure
Start cleaning procedure for solid state elec­trodes in the 757 VA Computrace Stand (details see section 6.4).

2.6 User menu


Enter the desired
MAIN WINDOW / User / Login
window appears.
to login as
a new user and click OK.
757 VA Computrace – Software
2 Main window

User rights

The «VA Computrace» program has a security system based on a list of user rights. For every user or user category, a password and different access levels can be defined. We recommend to make a new user list and enter passwords as a first action after system installation.
MAIN WINDOW / User / User rights
window appears.
List of all users. The user rights are displayed for the selected and highlighted user. The following users with blank passwords are defined as de­fault examples:
Access to all program parts and allow­ance to change the user rights.
Access to all program parts, but no al­lowance to change the user rights.
Limited access for loading and running existing determination methods.
" "
same as
Display of user name (read only). This name is inserted in the
field of all reports and results
windows. For addition of a new user name click the
757 VA Computrace – Software
2.6 User menu
Change password for user. A " * " is displayed for
User rights
each character entered.
The different user rights options can be changed for the selected user:
No access to this program part.
Permission to read in this program part.
Permission to read/write in this program
Change allowance
Permission to edit the user rights.
Add a new user to the users list. The
window appears.
[ 13 characters; ]
User name. This name is inserted in the
of all reports and results windows.
Enter password for user. A " * " is displayed for each character entered.
Remove a user from the users list.
Note: Make sure not to remove all users with the
option enabled, otherwise the
Change allow-
window cannot
be opened again and the program has to be reinstalled.
757 VA Computrace – Software
2 Main window
Use default locations
Data folder
Method folder

User rights overview

MAIN WINDOW / User / Overview
Set default directories for
Data folder
User specific folder for determination and signal files. Use
to change the folder.
User specific folder for method files. Use
to change the folder.
window displaying the list of all
users appears.
757 VA Computrace – Software
Detailed user list with all user rights.
User list without user rights.
User list with small icons.
User list with large icons.
+ 168 hidden pages