3.2.1 BZ 6014 Main Menu ............................................................................................ 34
3.2.2 Description of the Settings in the Main Me nu Screen. .............................................. 34
3.2.3 Gas Curves ........................................................................................................ 42
3.3 Status .................................................................................................................. 45
3.4 Screen Problem Status ........................................................................................... 46
3.4.1 Pump in Flow ..................................................................................................... 47
3.4.2 New NO Sensor .................................................................................................. 47
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5.1.8 O2 and NO Sensor Replacement ............................................................................ 95
5.1.9 Field replaceable parts. ..................................................................................... 95
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Safety Considerations
Safety Considerations
(2001) Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
The instrument must always be operated with its chassis at earth
potential. Only use power outlets that can supply an earth to the
Caution: Refer to associated instructions given in this Manual.
The 1316A-3 Multi Gas Monitor is designed and tested to comply w ith EN
measurement, contro l, and labo rator y use . The pr otec tion pro vided by the
instrument may be impaired if not used as specified by LumaSense
Technologies A/S . To ensure sa fe operation and r etain the mo nitor in saf e
condition, special note should be made of the following:
Explosion Hazard!
Never operate this monitor in potentially explosive environments.
When monitoring potentially flammable or toxic gases it is essential:
• The instrument itself is placed in a well-ventilated area outside the
potentially hazardous zone; and
• That a sufficiently long tube is connected to the Gas Outlet on the
back panel so that the sampled gas is carried away to the open air or
to an extraction and/or filtration unit.
• Water condensation in the instrument will damage it severely, and
must therefore be avoided.
• Switch off all equipm e nt be fo r e connecting o r disco nne ct in g the ir digi tal
interface. Failure to do so could damage the equipment.
• Whenever it is li kel y tha t th e co rre ct fu nction or ope rating safe ty of t he
apparatus has been impaired, the apparatus must be mad e inoperative
and be secured against unintended operation.
• Any adjustment, maintenan ce and repair of the open apparatus under
voltage must be avoided as far as possible and, if unavoidable, must be
carried out by trained service personnel only.
Applying power
Before using this apparatus, verify that the correct fuses are installed.
Safety Symbol
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or
distributed in any for m, or by any means, without prior consent in writ ing
from LumaSense Technologies A/S, Ballerup, Denmark.
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The 1316A-3 Multi Gas Monitor simultaneously measures the
concentration of up to 5 Gases. The concentration of each gas is
expressed as ppm or as volume percentage referenced to dry gas
The measurement principles are based on Non Dispersive Infrared
(NDIR) and Electrochemical Sensors. A full discussion of these
principles is contained in section 1.4.
The monitor is designed to be integrated into permanent monitorin g
systems to provide fast and accurate measurement results over a
wide range of concentrations.
The monitor comes complete with PC software that allows you to
configure and calibrate the monitor prior to measuring, display the
measurement data numerically and/or graphically while
measurements are being made. T he stored data can be r ecalled at a
later stage for closer examination.
1.2 Monitor System Description
Figure 1.1 shows a flow diagram of the 1316A-3 Multi Gas Monitor.
There are three bas ic blocks:
1. Pneumatic with pump and three-way-valve.
2. Control Software and PC Interface
3. NDIR Module VM0102A and Module (UA1372) with Electro
Chemical Sensors
1.2.1 Control Software and PC Interface
This block contains microprocessor based electronics that take care
of interfacing the monitor to a PC via an RS-232 or USB link, send
control data to the measur ing system and r eceive me asurement data
from the measuring system.
There are no external co ntrols on the monitor apart from the mains
On/Off switch. All configuration of the monitor is, therefore, done
over the serial link or USB link using a PC running the specially
developed BZ 6014 software.
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Figure 1.1 Flow diagram of the 1316A-3 Multi Gas Monitor
1.2.2 NDIR Module and UA1372 Module (Optional) Measuring System
This block is the he art of the monitor. It conta ins the I nfrar ed source
the sample cell and the Detector with specialized optical filters and
processing electronics necessary to do highly accurate measurement
of gas concentrations.
The UA1372 are connected to the NDIR module for data transfer to
the Controlling PC Software.
Measurement samples are sucked into the measurement chambers
via the Gas Inlet or the Zero Gas Inlet, depending upon the
command from the BZ60 14. The inte rnal gas-circuits (see figure 1.1)
are arranged such that samples pass through the measurement
chamber in a continuous flow and dir ecte d from the NDIR sample cell
to the UA1372 Mo dule to the Electr och emic al Se nsor s. Exh aust ga se s
are expelled via the gas outlet. The Zero Gas used for zero
calibration of the N DIR Module and for Span Calibrating the Oxygen
Sensor is drawn via the Zero Gas inlet.
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The power supply included in the 1316A-3 can be dire ctly connected
to a wide range of single phase mains supplies and still be able to
produce the stable voltages required to keep the monitor within
1.3 Software Description
The BZ6014 software is menu driven specifically written to control
the 1316A-3 monitor. The software allows you to change the
operational paramete rs and see the results of measureme nts on the
PC screen.
The software can be used to control up to four Multi Gas Monitors
1316A-3 including these instruments in your system allows up to 4
different sample points to be controlled measured by the BZ6014.
You can also use the PC’s filing system to save a series of
measurements for later recall any other PC software that can
interpret a space delimited file, for example certain spread sheet
Note though that the save-to-disk process is not a dump of data from
the 1316A-3 to the PC, but a p ro c e ss in which the data lo g file on the
PC is updated continuously .
Therefore, to us e the PC to log data, it must be constantly attached
to the 1316A-3.
As well as providing control over the measurement configuration of
the monitor, the software also has calibration procedures that allow
you to calibrate the monitor against known reference gas
1.3.1 NDIR Module and the optional UA1372 Module Versions
LumaSense offers several NDIR modules giving the possibility to
configure the Multi Gas Monitor 1316A-3 for different applications.
Please contact your local LumaSense A/S representative for further
LumaSense Electrochemical Se nso r s to be mounte d in the Manifo l d o f
the UA1372. Be side O xygen (VM0 200 A) it is poss ible to install a, NO
(VM0201A) sensor. Please contact your local LumaSense A/S
representative f or fu rther information.
The NDIR Module and the E le ctr o che mi cal Se nso r s ar e to be s pe cifie d
prior to purchase.
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Chapter 1
The portion of the gas is transported to the 1316A-3 where particulates are
An infrared li ght source p roduces a wi de range of light at frequencies covering the
The gas to be mea sured is transported through a sample cell that allows infrared
An optical band pass filter is used to select a specific band of infrared light. The
Infrared light not absorbed by the sample gas is transmitted to i nfrared detectors.
The Multi Gas Monitor INNOVA 1316A-3 is delivered as specified by
the Customer.
1.4 NDIR Gas Measurement
The Module VM0102A measures the following sample gas
concentrations: Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), and
And the UA1372 is as an example given with an O2, and NO sensor
1.4.1 Ethanol, CO and CO2 Measurement
The NDIR measurement method uses fixed, non-scanning infrared
light frequencies to characterize Ethanol, CO, and CO2 gas
concentrations. NDIR absorption profiles are the basis for
measurement. The co ncentr ation of a g as volume is a funct ion o f the
quantity of gas molecules in the sample. The absorption of infrared
light increases w ith the number of gas mo le cule s in the light path. As
the concentration of infrared-absorbing gas increases, the
transmission of infrared light decreases. A bas ic NDIR measurement
system includes the following elements:
See figure 1.2
removed before the gas is introduced to the NDIR module.
infrared band and extending into the visible spectrum.
light to pass through the sample.
filter wavel ength is based on the gas to be measu red. Separat e infrared fi lters are
used in the measurement of Ethanol, CO, and CO
The detectors produce an output voltage that is proportional to the measured light.
gas concentration s.
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The concentration of a subject gas in the sample is computed as a
function of the light intensity measured by the detector. The figure
below characterizes the absorption and band pass filter curves for
Ethanol, CO, and CO2 gases.
Figure 1.3 Infrared Transmission Spectra for Ethanol, Carbon Monoxide
and Carbon Dioxide.
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1.4.3 The NDIR Module Building blocks
Infrared Source
A current-regulated infrared (IR) source provides a photon stream in
the range of 2 to 5 microns. Light is collimated and directed through
the sample cell to the optical block. The source is modulated at 1 Hz,
with a duty cycle of 50%.
Figure 1.4 The Optics of the NDIR Module.
Sample Cell
The sample cell is a gold-coated glass chamber that provides a
means for the infrared source to pass through the sample gas.
Infrared-transparent sapphire windows are provided at each end of
the cell. A microprocessor controlled transducer and thermistor
provide measurement co mpensa tion for sample gas tempe ratur e and
pressure variances. Sample ga s exits th e ce ll at the end o pposite the
IR source and isdirected to the UA1372 manifold for O2 or O2/NO
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Optical Block
Infrared light not absorbed by the sample gas is transmitted to the
optical assembly. The remaining light is directed to the band pass
filters and on through to the quad detector.
The filter wavelengths are optimise d to match the absorptio n spectra
of Hydrocarbons, Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide.
The filter associa ted with Hydrocarbons is centr ed on 3.46 µm (2889
cm-1), the filter associated with Carbon Dioxide is centred on 4.43
µm (2260 cm-1), and the filter associated with Carbon Monoxide is
centred on 4.65 µm (2150 cm-1).
In the measurement chamber the three beams, which differ in
wavelength frequency, each excite their respective gas (if present).
The absorption of the incident light will be registered by the
System Board Assembly
The system board assembly is a surface-mount printed cir cuit board
that includes the digital and analog ue electro nic components and the
IR detector assemb ly. The IR detector ass embly includes thermopile
IR detectors for the Ethanol, CO, CO2, and reference channels. Light
passed through the band pass filters is directed through the
thermopile window to a detector substrate. The substrate has a lightsensitive coating, which produces a voltage that is proportional to
light intensity. A reference voltage is produced by the reference
detector, which provides an output that varies with light intensity
and is not affected by the s ample gas. The Ethanol de tector inclu des
a thermistor. The detector block temperature measurement
facilitates compensation for IR filter and IR detector temperature
variances. The detector outputs are amplified and sent through a
multiplexer to an ADC converter. The microprocessor samples the
ADC converter output at 200 Hz and derives an uncompensated
digital value representing each gas concentration. The data are
subjected to a compensation routine that provides adjustment for
temperature and pressure variances. The digital value representing
each gas concentration is derived.
1.4.4 The NDIR Temperature Measurements.
The analyzer incorporates several thermistors for the measurement
of temperatures.
IR Detector/Filter Temperature (Ethanol Temperature):
A thermistor located in the optical assembly measures the IR
detector and IR filter temperature. It is used as follows:
“Gas law compensation” and detector respo nse compensation duri ng
Ethanol, CO and CO2 gas concentration measurement.
Span calibration (via the use of temperature compensated Ethanol,
CO2 and CO data).
An “out of range” IR detector/filter temperature condition causes
Ethanol, CO2 and CO data to be declared “data invalid.”
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In the Module the IR Detector /Filter Tempe rature is mo nitore d to set
the zero request bit as follows:
Zero Request if a ±5°C temperature change has occurred.
Ambient Temperature Out Of Range is set when the IR
Detector/Filter Temperature is not within its allowed range.
Sample Cell Temperature:
The Module sample cell tempe rature is monitored by a thermistor in
contact with the sample ce ll. This temperature mea surement is used
as follows:
An “out of range” s ample cell temperature condition causes Ethanol,
CO2 and CO data to be declared “data invalid.”
Sample Cell Tempera ture Out Of Range is set when the Sa mple Cell
Temperature is not within its allowed range.
NO Sensor Temperature:
A thermistor located in each NO sensor assembly monitors NO
sensor temperature. It is used as follows:
Sensor response during NO gas concentration measurement.
An “out of range” NO sens or temperature condition causes NO data
to be declared “data invalid. ”The NDIR Pressure Measurements.
1.4.5 The NDIR Pressure Measurements.
The Module includes two pressure transducers for measurement of
the pressures. An absolute pressure transducer measures the
pressure in the sample cell. A differential pressure transducer on the
power section of the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) measures the
difference between ambient pressure and the sample gas pressure
between the inlet port and the pump. These pressure measurements
are used as follows:
Sample Cell Pressure (absolute). Sample cell pressure is used as
Gas law compensation” during Ethanol, CO and CO2 gas
concentration measurement.
Zero/O2 Span and Span calibration (via the use of temperature
compensated Ethanol, CO2 and CO data).
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During a Zero/O2 Span calibration, sample delivery pressure is
compared to ambient pressure (see below). If the difference is too
great, the Out Flow Fault status bit is set true and the pump is
switched Off.
1.4.6 The O2 and NO Measurement
O2 and NO gas concentration are measured using electrochemical
(fuel cell) sensor s. A fuel cell sensor provides an e lectrical response
that is proportional to the concentration of the sample gas.
The NDIR Module sample-cell exhaust is directed to UA1372 manifold
for O2 or O2/NO measurement. Sample gas is de livere d to the O2 and
NO sensors through this manifold. The O2 sensor provides a linear
output of appro ximately 9 to 13 mil li-volts t hat is pr oportio nal to the
Oxygen concentration in t he sa mple. T he N O se nsor provides a linear
output of approximately 50 nano-amperes per ppm of nitric oxide
over the range of 0 to 5000 ppm in the gas sample. A 3-volt li thium
battery is included on the NO sensor to retain bias voltage when
source power is not applied.
Both O2 and NO sensor outputs are sent to an ADC converter that
provides digital values representing gas concentration. Gas
concentration is determined by comparing sensor output at
calibration with the output of the sample measurement.
By calibrating the system with known concentrations of Ethanol,
Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, and for the UA1372 option
Oxygen and NO the absolute concentration values can be calculated.
In normal practice ambient air is used as the reference gas for the
Oxygen measurement as it contains a stable amount of Oxygen –
20.95 % referenced to dry gas condition.
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The rear panel has a serial-link and a USB socket for the PC
interface. The mains input, sample gas inlet and outlet for expelled
gas samples are located on the rear panel.
2.1.1 Operating Environment
The following environmental condi tio ns must be observed:
• Safe ambient operating temperatures range from 5°C to 40°C
• Humidity should not exceed 90% RH non-condensing.
Warning! The monitor is not intended for use in explosive
2.1.2 The Gas Sample Line
The gas to be sampled (measured) is drawn from the sample point
via a sample line at a flow rate of 150 ml/min. Various types of
sample lines are available depending on the individual application.
The sample line tubing between the sample point and the monitor
should be kept as shor t as possible to assist response times. If you
are unsure about the type o f sample line fo r your applica tion, co ntact
your LumaSense representative for advice before installing the
Up to 100 m tube (AF0614) with internal diameter 3mm can be
attached. The response time is then 70 sec.
Note: You must use a filter in the gas-line immediately before the
gas-line enters the monitor. The UD 5091A in-line filter (optional
accessory) is ideal for this purpose.
The gas inlet for th e sample line is located on the re ar panel of the
monitor. If the dew point of the gas sample is comparable to the
temperature in the monitor, an inline Genie membrane separator
UA1365 can be used to remove water droplets and elimin a te the r isk
of condensation inside the monitor
2.1.3 Mains Supply
Warning. The monitor must be used with protective earth.
The monitor operates in the AC voltage range from 100 – 240 V on a
single phase supply, 50 Hz – 60 Hz, 40 VA.
The power cable is connected to a sock et on the rear pane l. The onoff switch is located immediately above this socket.
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Chapter 2
Minimum: 1 gigahertz (GHz) Pentium
Operating System
Windows XP (minimum Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista
Windows 7
On delivery ensure that the correct fuses are used. See section
2.2 The BZ 6014 Software
This software provides procedures to:
• Set-up and Calibrate the monitor prior to measuring
• Display measurement data as coloured graphics or numeric
• Store measurement data in a log file on the PC’s disk while
measurements are being made
• Control up to four Multi Gas Monitors INNOVA 1316A-3
The BZ6014 application can be installed by using the BZ6014
software CD-ROM.
2.2.1 Computer Requirements
The minimum requirements to run this software are:
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Before the software can be installed and started, the PC must fulfil
the necessary requirements (see section 2.2.1). It is recommended
that the person who installs the BZ6014 application is familiar with
installing programs i.e. your system administrator.
1. Switch on the computer and its peripherals.
2. Login as Administrator and make a new User Account in the
Control Panel w ith t he use r name ‘ BZ 6 01 4’ . C r e ate this B Z6014
user with Administrator rights.
3. Logout and login as the new user named BZ6014.
4. Insert the BZ6014 Application software CD-ROM disk into the
CD-ROM drive and wait for the auto-start of the BZ6014
installation package. In case that auto-start is disable d f o r your
CD drive, you will manually need to start the BZ6014
installation package found on the software CD-ROM disk.
5. After a while the welcoming window appears. Select ‘Next’ to
continue installation.
6. In the next window it’s possib le to change the directory on the
hard disk where the BZ6014 program will be installed.
Normally this sho uld not be c hanged. Select ‘Ne xt’ to con tinue
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7. Now you’re ready to install the BZ6014 software. Select
‘Install’ to begin the installation.
8. During installation the following window appears.
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9. When installation is completed you just select ‘Finish’ in order
to finish the installation of the BZ6014.
10. It is now possible to start the BZ6014 Application by
using BZ6014 shortcuts found
a. on the desktop or
b. in Start -> All Pr ograms -> LumaSense Technologies ->
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Before connecting the 1316A-3 monitor the USB driver for the
1316A-3 USB interface must be installed.
1. Insert the “USB dri ver for Multi Gas Mo nitor – INNOVA 1316A3” CD-ROM disk into the CD-RO M drive and wait for the autostart of the USB driver. In case that auto-star t is disabled for
your CD drive, you will manually need to start the executable
driver file named “CP210x_VCP_Win2K_XP_S2K3.exe” found
on the software CD-ROM disk.
2. After a while the welcoming window appears. Select ‘Next’ to
continue installation.
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3. In the “License Agreement” window accept the terms. Select
‘Next’ to continue installation.
4. In the “Choose Destination Location” window select ‘Next’ to
continue installation.
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5. In the “Ready to Install the Program” window select ‘Next’ to
continue the installation.
6. Wait for the “Setup Status” window to finish.
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7. In the “InstallShie ld W izard C omplete” windo w selec t ‘Finis h’ to
continue the installation. Please do not un-tick or change the
“Launch the CP210x VCP Driver Installer” setting.
8. In the following pop-up window select ‘Install’ to install the
USB driver for 1316A-3.
9. After installing the USB driver for 1316A-3 you are asked to
restart your PC.
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10. This concludes the installation of the USB driver for the
2.2.4 Verification of the Software BZ6014 Version.
Pull down the Help Menu
Select About.
Following Window is shown
Figure 2.3. About Window
2.3 Connecting the Monitor to the PC
For the 1316A-3 monitor and PC to communicate, the two must be
linked together. The 1316A-3 monitor can be connected to the PC
either using the RS-232 connector or the USB connector on the
monitor’s rear panel .
The monitor has a standard RS – 232, 9 pin male/female socket on
its rear panel. This is the digital interfa ce used to communicate w ith
the 1316A-3 monitor. This must be connected to a free serial port
(COM port) on the computer using a serial interface cable. Before
connecting either end of the selected RS-232 interface cable to the
respective instrument, ensure that both instruments are turned off,
otherwise you are liable to damage the sensitive circuitry in either
the monitor, the computer, or both.
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The 1316A-3 monitor also has a standard USB socket on its rear
panel. This is the digital interface used to communicate with the
1316A-3 monitor. This must be conne cte d to a fr ee USB po rt on yo ur
computer using a USB cable . Ple ase ma ke sur e that t he US B drive r is
installed before connecting t he 1316A-3 with the PC. The USB cable
is hot pluggable, me aning that it can be conne cted while the PC and
the 1316A-3 monitor is on.
When making the co nnection to the c ompute r, note do wn w hich COM
port you have used – you will require th is information to set up the
communication paramete rs. You may choose to use the ports COM1
to COM4. If you are unsure, refer to information about your
computer to identify the por t name. When using an USB connection
between the 1316A-3 and the PC the USB connection will appear as a
USB virtual COM port (Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge),
which can be checked in the “Device Manager”-view on the PC, see
figure 2.4.
The (USB) virtual COM port must be between COM1-COM4 in order
for the BZ6014 to communicate with the 1316A-3 monitor. If it is
COM5 or higher it must be assigned to a COM port in the range
COM1-COM4, by changing the properties of the virtual COM port
using the “Device Manager”.
Figure 2.4 : Windows “Device Manager” showing the virtual COM port
for the USB connection .
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After connecting the PC to the monito r, you can turn on the PC and
the monitor.
There is a signal lamp (LED) on the front panel of the monitor,
• Power Signal (gree n ) — lights constantly w hen po w e r is applied
to the power supply.
2.5 Starting the BZ6014 Software
Once the software has been installed on the PC as described in
section 2.2.2 and the interfa ce connections betwee n the monitor and
the PC have been made (section 2.3), you can start the software.
Please make sure that the 1316A-3 monitor is connected and
powered up before starting the B Z6014 software, o r else th e BZ6014
software will not be able to detect an d communic ate with the 1316A3 monitor.
When using an USB connection between the 1316A-3 monitor and
the PC, please make sur e that t he (U S B ) virtual COM port is assigne d
in the range COM1-COM4 or else the BZ6014 will not be able to
detect the 1316A-3 monitor. Please refer to section 2.3 how to
reassign the virtual COM port.
2.5.1 To start the Software
1. Double click on the BZ 6014 Icon on the Desktop or browse for
the program by clicking on start.
2. Browse for the BZ6014 program in Start -> All Programs ->
LumaSense Technologies -> BZ6014.
3. After installation the Software is setup to start automatically
when making a logon as the BZ6014 user.
The main menu screen will be displayed o n screen (see figure 2.5).
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