Creating & Restoring Complete Device Backups 27
Extracting Files from a Backup 28
The Signal Flow Window 29
Moving Blocks & Arranging the Signal Flow 30
Split Path Options 30
Cutting, Copying, Pasting, and Clearing Blocks 31
Drag and Drop Blocks 32
Adding a Block to Favorites 33
Conguring a Model’s User Defaults 33
The Edit Tab 34
Selecting Models 34
Editing Model Parameters 35
Editing Input, Output, Split & Mixer Blocks 36
L6 LINK - Powercab Plus and DT 25/50 Amp
Options 37
The Bypass/Controller Assign Tab 38
Editing an Existing Assignment 38
Creating a Bypass Assignment 39
Creating a Controller Assignment 41
The Command Center Window 44
Creating a Command Center Assignment 44
HX Preset, Snapshot, and Looper Commands 46
Customizing a Footswitch Label 47
Customizing a Footswitch LED Color 47
Global EQ Window 48
Adjusting Global EQ Parameters 48
Preferences and About Box 49
The Preferences Window 49
The About/Legal Box and Help Options 50
Marketplace & Account Options 52
Marketplace 52
The My Account Menu Options 52
Sign In / Sign Out 53
Authorize / Deauthorize Your Computer 54
Line 6, the Line 6 logo, Ampeg, Powercab, Helix, HX Stomp, and HX Eects are trademarks or registered trademarks of Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other jurisdictions. Apple, Mac and macOS
are trademarks of Apple, Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this product or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. Windows is a
registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Scream 808
Welcome to the HX Edit Pilot’s Guide. This guide contains details of the HX Edit v.3.11
application’s features and functionality with Line 6® Helix® devices (Helix®, Helix®
Rack, and Helix® LT), as well as with HX devices (HX Stomp™, HX Stomp XL, and
HX Effects™). All behaviors are the same on Mac and PC computers unless otherwise
noted. It is recommended that you also read the Owner’s Manual for details on using
your particular device.
What’s in it for Me?
HX Edit is a simple, but powerful, editor, preset librarian, and IR manager application. It
allows you to easily customize, backup, and manage your tone presets and setlists, as
well as manage the Impulse Responses on your Line 6 Helix or HX device.
HX Edit version 3.11 is the editor/librarian software for use with all Helix or HX
devices that are running rmware version 3.10 (or later).* For best performance, it is
recommended to use the latest available versions for your HX Edit application,
drivers, and device rmware (as well as for the Helix Native software, if you’re
using it). If for any reason you wish to use an earlier rmware in your device, or an
earlier HX Edit software version, you’ll need to be sure the release versions of the
rmware and software match for full functionality.
Workflow Overview
Once the HX Edit app is launched, it automatically syncs all presets and IRs from your
Helix or HX device’s internal memory. You’ll see your device’s presets & IRs displayed
in the Librarian panels at the left. This allows you to export presets and IRs to create
a virtually unlimited library on your computer, and then import them onto your device
at any time. These Librarian panels also allow you to easily rename and reorder your
presets and IRs, and the Create & Restore Backup feature makes it simple to create full
backups that can be restored to your Helix or HX hardware in minutes.
You will also see your currently loaded preset’s contents displayed in the Editor panels
on the right. This allows you to load & fully customize your presets, congure bypass &
controller assignments, and create & edit snapshots. While connected, communication
between the application and your connected device’s internal memory is instantaneous.
Changes you make to any parameters in the Signal Flow or Inspector Windows, as
well as any changes to presets, setlists, and IRs within the Librarian, are immediately
reected on the device, and vice-versa.
16B Dream Rig Duet
Delay Harmony Delay
None More Black
LevelMixKey Scale
Mystery Filter Ubiquitous Vibe Harmony Delay
Dream Rig Duet
Jimi, Not Jimmy
DAW Remote
*IMPORTANT! Your Helix or HX device must be running a rmware version
no earlier than 3.00 to be able to use it with HX Edit version 3.11 (the latest
available rmware and HX Edit version are recommended).
If you’re currently using HX Edit v3.01, simply connect your Helix or HX Device
to your computer with an active Internet connection and launch HX Edit. Its
integrated Updater will nd and walk you through installing the latest HX Edit
and device rmware versions in minutes—see “Updater & Additional Resources”
on page 79.
NOTE: Each Helix or HX device model oers a dierent set of inputs, outputs, and
signal ow capabilities. Throughout the following chapters, we’ve indicated HX
Edit app functionality that is specic to your Helix or HX device type.
Be sure to visit the Line 6 Marketplace online shop, where you’ll nd 3rd-party add-on
assets that further enhance the functionality of your Helix and HX devices, as well
as Helix Native plugin! As of this writing, professionally crafted presets and IRs are
available—check back often on Marketplace for product news and announcements. An
Internet connection is required for the computer on which you’ll be using the HX Edit
app to authorize it for the use of Marketplace premium assets. Please see “Marketplace
& Account Options” on page 53.
This interactive communication allows you to tweak your presets and setlists in realtime, without the need to send/receive or manually sync to the device.
WARNING: Be careful when overwriting presets or IRs—these changes cannot be
reverted! You can use the Create & Restore Backups feature to back up your Helix
or HX device’s contents before making changes. See “Creating & Restoring
Complete Device Backups”.
Computer Connectivity
To put the HX Edit application to work, connect your Helix or HX device to your
computer’s USB 2 (or higher) port.
NOTE: If on Windows®, be sure to have the latest Line 6 drivers installed for your
device. No driver installation is necessary on Mac computers.
It is highly recommended to install all included drivers when running the
latest Windows HX Edit application installer—all drivers are already selected to
be installed by default. The latest HX Edit applications installer is available at
Exit any other Line 6 applications that may be running. With your Helix device
powered on, launch HX Edit.
• Mac: Go to Applications > Line 6 > HX Edit
• Windows: Go to the Start button menu > All Apps (or Programs) > Line 6 > HX
Upon launch, the application will detect Helix hardware and automatically retrieve and
display its onboard presets, IRs, and Favorites. This may take a moment to download
all of the preset information.
Multi-Device, Multi-Window Support
The HX Edit application supports the use of multiple-connected Helix/HX devices
simultaneously, where each device displays its own full application window. The
separate windows can be resized and/or positioned on your screen independently,
making it easy to reference and edit presets and settings, as well as copy presets and
IRs between the multiple USB-connected devices. Please also see “GUI Overview” on
page 9.
TIP: You can also use the Copy and Paste commands or drag and drop to copy a
block and its current settings from one HX Edit device window to another!
To access the separate application windows for each connected device, simply go to
the HX Edit Devices menu, select the desired device to display, and bring its HX Edit
window to the foreground—a checkmark at the left of a device here indicates the device
window that is currently in the foreground. If any of your devices become disconnected,
its entry within this menu displays “Not connected” to indicate this.
Each device’s HX Edit window also includes its own Command Center and Global EQ
oating windows as well (for devices that include these features)—see “The Command
Center Window” on page 45 and “Global EQ Window” on page 49.
NOTE: On macOS computers, closing all open device windows does not exit the
HX Edit application. As is common with multi-window supporting macOS apps,
you’ll need to use the Quit HX Edit command from the main HX Edit menu (or
better, just train yourself to use the Cmd+Q shortcut).
The Devices menu, showing two connected devices, and the Helix Floor window in the foreground
You’ll see an indicator at the bottom of each application window displaying its connected
Helix/HX device type—or a warning that no device is detected.
Device indicator at bottom of the HX Edit main window
Preset Compatibility
This guide covers version 3.11 of the HX Edit application. The easiest way to ensure the
best performance and compatibility between HX Edit and your Helix or HX device is to
make sure to have the latest updates. The HX Edit application will automatically check
for, and walk you through installing, the latest rmware update for your connected Helix
or HX device (see “Updater & Additional Resources” on page 79). An active Internet
connection is required.
Helix preset les are transferable between Helix devices (Helix, Helix Rack and Helix
LT), as well as with the Helix® Native plugin software.* Additionally, HX Edit and Helix
Native both include Preset Translation functionality, and Helix Native further includes
selectable Hardware Compatibility modes. As covered throughout this chapter, these
features allow many presets to be shared between any Helix and HX type devices, and
with Helix Native.
*IMPORTANT! As of rmware version 3.00, the preset le structure has been
changed to accommodate the new features and functionality on all Helix and
HX devices. Presets saved or exported from any Helix or HX device running a previous
(version 2.xx) rmware are still fully compatible with HX Edit 3.xx and your Helix or HX
device with v3.xx rmware. However, presets saved or exported from Helix and HX
devices with v3.xx rmware or Helix Native v3.xx (or later versions) are not compatible
with earlier versions. We highly recommend backing up and keeping copies of all your
v2.xx-created presets before updating to rmware v3.xx.
TIP: It is also possible to Copy and Paste, or drag and drop individual blocks, along
with their current settings, between Helix Native and HX Edit, as well as between
multiple HX Edit device windows—see “Block Copy and Paste” on page 7.
Preset Compatibility with Helix Native Plugin
All your Helix and HX device presets, setlists, and bundles are compatible between
the HX Edit app (v3.00 or later) and Helix Native plugin (v3.00 or later), by way of the
Helix Native Hardware Compatibility mode (HC mode) functionality. As noted above,
presets exported or saved with Helix/HX device rmware and Helix Native v3.xx are not
compatible with earlier versions.
Once a preset (or setlist or bundle) is exported from your device using HX Edit,
upon import, Helix Native determines the device type from which it was created and
automatically changes the plugin’s HC mode to match the device, thus fully supporting
the complete tone. Likewise, presets exported from Helix Native plugin’s matching HC
mode are fully compatible with your Helix or HX device.
Helix Native also oers Preset Translation functionality (also oered in HX Edit—see
the next section). When loading a preset into Helix Native as the current tone (such as
by dragging a preset from the HX Edit Presets Library or a computer folder directly into
the Helix Native Signal Flow), a prompt is oered to either change the plugin’s HC mode
to match the preset’s source format, or to attempt to translate to match the current
plugin HC mode.
This preset compatibility is the foundation of the Line 6 “Studio to Stage” concept,
allowing you to load, edit and transfer your tones between HX Edit and Helix Native
plugin! Note that Helix Native plugin maintains its own Preset & IR libraries, independent
of the presets and IRs that reside within your Helix hardware. For more information,
please see the Helix Native Pilot’s Guide.
TIP:If you also own Helix Native plugin, be sure to reference the “Helix
compatible” version number (found in the Helix Native software’s About box) to
determine the recommended Helix/HX device rmware version you should use for
maximum preset compatibility. It is highly recommended to always use the latest
available device rmware and HX Edit and Helix Native software.
Since the dierent Helix device types include dierent physical inputs and outputs,
some variances exist among settings, as well as for their support of block types &
controllers, which may aect the sharing of presets between devices, or between HX
Edit and Helix Native plugin. The following sections in this chapter provide details about
sharing presets and settings.
Preset Translation
When importing a preset into the HX Edit Presets Library, the application automatically
detects the source device from which it was created (Helix, HX Eects, HX Stomp, or
HX Stomp XL).
NOTE: As covered in the previous section, if the preset attempting to be imported
was exported from Helix Native, the Hardware Compatibility mode of the preset
determines its source device type format.
If the HX Edit app window’s currently connected device is dierent that the preset’s
source device, the app will attempt to translate the preset to the current device format.
If translation is successful, the preset is imported into the current device’s library.
Presets cannot be translated if created with a source device (or Helix Native HX mode)
which includes features or capabilities that exceed those of the current device (e.g.,
greater signal path count, exceeds maximum block count or type, etc.) If the preset
cannot be translated, an error window lets you know the preset is not compatible and
why, and import is cancelled. For example, if attempting to import a Helix exported
preset which includes an Amp model into an HX Effects device (HX Effects includes no
support for Amp models), translation is not possible and the following error is displayed.
Error message displayed when a preset cannot be translated on import
Feature Comparison Table
The following table shows the primary feature dierences that aect preset translation between the Helix and HX hardware types. Additionally, Helix Native oers a HC mode Off
option. When this O mode setting is in us in Helix Native, the preset has fewer restrictions for block types and DSP limits. Therefore, presets exported from this O mode can exceed
the capabilities of any Helix or HX device. You can consult this table to determine if a preset from one source device (or Helix Native HC mode) will be able to be translated to other
devices. See the Preset Translation Compatibility table for more info.
HC Mode or Device Type:
(Helix Native only)
HelixHX Stomp XLHX StompHX Effects
Blocks Per Path Capacity
Max. Block Type Per Path
Max. DSP Limit
Per Preset
Preset Library
(independent per HC mode)
IRs Library
Favorites Library
(shared between HC modes)
Full set of v3.10 Helix
NoneSame as Helix device
8 Setlists for up to
1,024 Presets.
4 Presets per Bank
Bundle support
Holds up to 128 each
User IRs &
Full set of v3.10 Helix
2 Amps, 2 Cabs,
2 IRs (1,024 sample) or
1 IR (2,048 sample),
1 Poly Pitch eect*
8 Setlists for up to
1,024 Presets.
4 Presets per Bank
Bundle support
Holds up to 128 each
User IRs &
Full set of v3.10 Helix
2 Amps, 2 Cabs,
2 IRs (1,024 sample) or
1 IR (2,048 sample),
1 Poly Pitch eect*
Same as
HX Stomp XL device
1 Setlist for up to 128
4 Presets per Bank
Holds up to 128 each
User IRs &
Full set of v3.10 Helix
models, except 6
Switch Looper
2 Amps, 2 Cabs,
2 IRs (1,024 sample) or
1 IR (2,048 sample),
1 Poly Pitch eect*
Same as
HX Stomp device
1 Setlist for up to 126
3 Presets per Bank
Holds up to 128 each
User IRs &
Full set of v3.10 Helix
models, except Amps
& Cabs
2 Amps, 2 Cabs,
2 IRs (1,024 sample) or
1 IR (2,048 sample),
1 Poly Pitch eect*
Same as
HX Eects device
1 Setlist for up to 128
4 Presets per Bank
Holds up to 128 each
User IRs &
* Poly Pitch type eects are those that utilize polyphonic pitch processing: Delay - Poly Sustain, Modulation - Poly Detune, and Pitch/Synth - Poly Pitch, Poly Wham, Poly Capo, and
NOTE: Likewise, if importing multiple presets at once, a setlist, or a bundle, where one or more presets are not able to be translated to the current device, the non-translatable
presets display an error window and are not imported, while the eligible presets are successfully translated and imported.
Input and output block options and controller support also dier among the Helix and HX device types (e.g., HX devices include no Variax input or EXP 3 pedal options as Helix
devices do). These non-compatible features do not prevent preset translation. Typically, non-compatible input and output block settings are translated to the common Main In or Main
Out, and non-supported controller assignments are removed from the preset.
Preset Translation Compatibility Table
The following table provides an overview of the preset translation capabilities from each source device (or each source Helix Native HC mode).
Can Be Translated To:
Created With:
Helix Native
HC mode = Off
(Rack, Floor, LT)
Helix Native
HC mode = Helix
HX Stomp XL
Helix Native
HC mode = HX Stomp XL
HX Stomp
Helix Native
HC mode = HX Stomp
HX Effects
Helix Native
HC mode = HX Effects
HC Mode Off
(Helix Native)
If does not exceed Helix
block count and DSP
(Floor, Rack, LT)
HX Stomp XLHX StompHX Effects
If does not exceed HX
Stomp XL Block and Path
count, and DSP limits.
Snapshots greater than 4
are discarded.
If does not exceed HX
Stomp XL Block and Path
count, and DSP limits.
Snapshots greater than 4
are discarded.
If does not exceed HX
Stomp Block and Path
count and DSP limits.
Snapshots greater than 3
If does not exceed HX
Stomp Block and Path
count and DSP limits.
Snapshots greater than 3
Snapshots greater than 3
Snapshots greater than 3
are discarded.
are discarded.
are discarded.
are discarded.
Path count, and DSP limits.
Path count, and DSP limits.
Path count and DSP limits.
Path count and DSP limits.
If does not exceed HX
Eects Block type and
Snapshots greater than 4
are discarded.
If does not exceed HX
Eects Block type and
Snapshots greater than 4
are discarded.
If does not exceed HX
Eects Block type and
If does not exceed HX
Eects Block type and
Feature Compatibility
The following sections provide details on the compatibility of the major features between
device types, and between HX Edit and Helix Native.
HX Edit Backup Files
The HX Edit application includes a feature that creates Helix Backup (.hxb) les to
restore a Helix or HX device’s presets, IRs, and global settings (see page 27). Helix
Backup les are specic to each device type and, therefore, cannot be opened or
utilized in HX Edit when a dierent source device is connected.
Helix Native plugin does not currently include this backup functionality and, therefore,
does not support creating or opening Helix Backup .hxb les.
Block Copy and Paste
Using the Copy Block and Paste Block commands, you can copy and paste any
block type between any presets within HX Edit, as well as between multiple HX Edit
windows (with any Helix or HX device connected) and any instance of the Helix Native
plugin. It is also possible to drag and drop any processing block to move it within the
current preset, or to copy it into any other HX Edit device window. Restrictions apply
when copying, pasting, and moving some block types, depending on the source Helix/
HX device (or source Helix Native HC mode) and the destination. Please see “Cutting,
Copying, Pasting, and Clearing Blocks” on page 32.
Snapshot Copy and Paste
The current Snapshot, along with all its settings, can be copied and pasted using the
Copy Snapshot and Paste Snapshot commands either within the current HX Edit
preset or within the current Helix Native preset. Also, see “Conguring & Managing
Snapshots” on page 24.
Command Center Copy and Paste
Within the Command Center window, once a command assignment is created for any
footswitch, EXP Pedal, or other controller, you can use the Command Center’s Copy and Paste command options to copy assignments between controllers, as well as between
controllers within other HX Edit presets within the current HX Edit device window.*
Helix Native plugin does not include the Command Center, therefore, it is not possible
to copy Command Center assignments between HX Edit and Helix Native. See “The
Command Center Window” on page 45.
Input & Output Block Settings
When Importing a Helix/HX hardware-exported Preset into HX Edit with a different
device type connected - During preset translation, the Input and Output block settings
are changed to “Multi” or “Main” if the connected device does not support the original
options (also see “Preset Translation” on page 4).
When Importing a Helix Native-exported Preset into Helix/HX Hardware - All input
and output blocks that were set to “Host” will default to the “Multi” setting within the
Helix devices, and to the “Main” setting in HX devices. Any input block set to “None” will
remain as set to “None” within the hardware.
When Importing a Helix/HX hardware-exported Preset into Helix Native Plugin - All
input and output blocks that were set to physical inputs and outputs (other than “None”)
will default to the “Host” setting within the plugin. Any input block set to “None” will
remain set to “None” within the plugin.
Hardware Blocks (Send, Return, FX Loop & Looper)
When Importing a Helix Hardware-exported Preset into Helix Native - These
hardware block types are only functional within Helix/HX devices. Within Helix Native,
these blocks oer no routing functionality, and their parameters are not editable.
Impulse Responses
Impulse Response (IR) les are able to be utilized within IR blocks of all Helix and HX
devices, as well as by the Helix Native plugin in any HC mode. If you are to be sharing
Helix presets between Helix Native plugin and Helix or HX devices, it is a good idea to
build and maintain your IR libraries similarly on each to allow the same IR les to be
utilized for your presets that include them—see page 16.
NOTE: IRs, including those from the Line 6 Marketplace online shop and 3rd party
vendors, are supported by all Helix and HX devices, as well as by Helix Native plugin.
Any of your IRs can be imported and exported, as well as dragged and dropped,
between HX Edit and Helix Native IR library windows.
Favorites that you’ve created on your Helix or HX device, as well as Favorites les (.fav)
exported from HX Edit, are compatible with any Helix or HX device and Helix Native
plugin—wherever as the specic model type is supported. See page 20.
*TIP: As of rmware version 3.0, HX Stomp devices include the Command Center
feature too!
Controller Assignments
Controller assignment types vary between Helix and HX devices, for example, a Helix
Floor preset may include an EXP 3 controller assignment, which Helix LT and HX
devices do not include. Therefore, if a preset is imported and translated to a dierent
device in HX Edit, non-supported assignments are discarded.
The Helix Native plugin does not utilize any hardware-based Bypass, Controller, or Command CenterAssignments that may exist within HX Edit-exported presets. Any
such assignments remain intact within your presets, but are essentially ignored by Helix
Native.* Snapshot and MIDI In type assignments, however, are supported in both Helix
hardware and Helix Native plugin.) Helix Native plugin includes its own functionality to
create plugin parameter - Automation Controller type assignments, which are similarly
ignored when Helix Native presets are imported into the HX Edit application.
*TIP: Helix Native includes a Preferences option to show or hide existing
hardware-based assignments within its Assignments tab.
MIDI In Bypass & Controller Assignments
Using HX Edit, you can create MIDI In Bypass Assignments to remotely toggle the
bypass state of most block types, and MIDI In Controller Assignments to remotely
control most Helix parameters, via external MIDI controller devices or MIDI software.
MIDI In assignments saved within HX Edit-exported presets are supported when
imported into other Helix/HX devices, as well as in Helix Native plugin. See “Creating a
Bypass Assignment” on page 40.
DSP Limit
In order to maintain preset compatibility with Helix and HX devices, each HC mode
within the Helix Native plugin incorporates DSP limits on its presets, matching the limits
of the respective hardware devices (also see the following Preset Spillover section).
The exception to this rule is when the “O” HC mode setting is in use in Helix Native.
This mode eectively removes the DSP limits on presets, as well as several other
restrictions. For this reason, presets exported from the Helix Native - HC O mode
may not be translatable in HX Edit for any device. See “Preset Compatibility with Helix
Native Plugin” on page 4.
Preset Spillover Mode
Helix Floor, Rack, and LT devices include the Preset Spillover Mode (accessible in the
device’s Global Settings > Preferences) which, when activated, dedicates 50% of its
DSP to providing full “spillover” for the decay of delay and reverb tails, as well as a
smooth transition across a preset change. To achieve this processing, the device limits
its signal ow to Path 1 (with Path 2 visibly removed). Therefore, if the connected Helix
device has Preset Spillover Mode active, when loading any Helix preset, only its Path
1 blocks and settings are visibly loaded and audible (as shown in the following HX Edit
image), and any existing bypass or controller assignments for path 2 blocks are nonfunctional.
The Signal Flow shows one main path when Preset Spillover Mode is active
Note that a preset’s existing Path 2 blocks remain part of the preset, even if the preset is
saved while Spillover is active, so you’ll see them appear on Path 2 for the preset when
Spillover is turned O. Considering this behavior, the best practice is to start with empty
New Presets when you have Preset Spillover On and utilize them for the Spillover mode
only, and you’ll not need to concern yourself with Path 2 blocks or settings!
NOTE: When in Spillover mode, you’ll need to ensure that your preset’s Path 1A and
Path 1B Output blocks are set to physical Helix outputs (i.e., the imported preset
may have a Path 1 Output block set to Path 2A, which will result in no audible output).
Please see your Helix Owner’s Manual for details.
Marketplace Assets
Premium presets and IRs purchased from the online Marketplace are compatible with
Helix devices and Helix Native plugin. Marketplace also includes presets and bundles
specically for HX devices as well. The import of premium Marketplace assets requires
online license Authorization. Please see “Marketplace & Account Options” on page
NOTE: Version 1.70 of Helix Native and 2.70 of HX Edit and device rmware (or later
versions) are required for full support and use of premium Marketplace presets and
GUI Overview
HX Edit has a very intuitive, easy-to-use interface. The main application window
automatically detects your specic Helix or HX device type and displays all its options
within the main application window.
TIP: As covered in “Multi-Device, Multi-Window Support” on page 3, if you
have more than one device connected, a separate application window is available
for each device.
Within the application window, the navigation is divided into three main sections:
The Librarian Window - For managing presets, Impulse Responses (IRs), and
The Signal Flow Window - Where you can add and move amp, eects & mix
blocks, and customize your complete signal path routing.
The Inspector Window - Where you can choose from the huge selection of
models, edit their parameters, create bypass & controller assignments, and more.
Signal Flow
HX Device Owners: With an HX device connected, its application window
displays the single signal ow, just as on your HX hardware screen. As
covered in this chapter for Helix devices, you can utilize the application’s
signal ow to bypass, move, clear, copy & paste blocks, create split paths, and more.
The HX Edit signal ow—with an HX Stomp XL or HX Stomp connected
The HX Edit signal ow—with an HX Eects connected
TIP: The Command Center, for creating MIDI control assignments and Global EQ
(Helix, HX Stomp XL, and HX Stomp only) are available as separate windows from
the application’s Window menu.
Resizing the Application Window
The HX Edit main application window is resizable, allowing you to adjust it to best t
your screen size and workow. Simply click and drag any corner or edge of the window
to adjust to the preferred size, or click the “Maximize” button at the top of the window
to use it in full-screen mode. If you have multiple devices connected, each device’s
application window is independently resizable.
It is also possible to show or hide the Presets/IRs/Favorites Librarian panel, by clicking
on the toggle button at the top left of the Signal Flow window (or via the Window menu’s
Show/Hide Librarian command).
Edit TabMy Account/Preferences
The HX Edit main GUI (Helix Floor device)
Assign Tab
The Librarian window Show/Hide toggle button
Application Menus
At the top of your computer screen (Mac) or top of the application window (Windows),
you’ll nd the familiar application menu bar for the current device. Note that the available
commands dier within the File and Edit menus depending on the application window,
tabbed panel, and/or specic control that currently has “focus.” The window focus is
indicated by a blue outline appearing around the Librarian, Signal Flow, or Inspector
windows.* To change focus, simply click within the desired window, or use the TAB key.
To follow are descriptions of the included application menu commands for Mac and
Windows. See “Keyboard Shortcuts” on page 67 for additional information.
*NOTE: It is possible that the Librarian’s Presets or IRs tab currently has focus, but
if you’ve “hidden” the Librarian panel, you will not see its blue outline focus indicator.
Using the TAB key will advance the focus to the other windows, even when the Librarian
is hidden.
NOTE: On Mac computers, HX Edit has one common, main application menu at the top
of your screen. If you have multiple Helix devices connected and multiple app windows
open, available menu commands & keyboard shortcuts act only upon the current “foreground”
application window. (Choose the desired device within the Devices menu to bring its
application window to bring it to the foreground.)
HX Edit (Mac only)
• About HX Edit - Launches the About box screen, which displays the versions
of the HX Edit software and connected Helix device rmware, as well as legal
• Check for Updates - Launches the built-in updater to check for an install any
available software and device rmware updates—see “Updater & Additional
Resources” on page 79.
• Preferences - Launches the Preferences window, where you can select
application and hardware settings—see “Preferences and About Box” on page
50. You can also launch the Preferences window by clicking on the “gear icon”
button or device indicator at the bottom of the application window.
• Quit HX Edit - Exits the application for all connected devices.
When a preset within the Presets tab currently has focus (or, when the Presets tab is
displayed and focus is within any other window), the following commands are selectable:
• Save Preset - Saves changes for the currently loaded preset to the device’s
Preset Library.
• Save Preset As - Displays the Save As window, allowing you to choose the
desired Setlist and Preset Library location where to save the current tone. Note
that choosing an occupied preset location will overwrite the existing preset
within the location on your device.
• Import Preset - Imports any .hlx preset le (or les) from your computer,
replacing the currently selected library preset(s).
• Export Preset - Exports the currently selected preset (or presets) and saves
each to your computer as a .hlx le.
• Import Setlist - (Helix devices only) Imports any .hls setlist le from your
computer, replacing the current setlist on your Helix.
• Export Setlist - (Helix devices only) Exports the current setlist and saves it to
your computer as a .hls setlist le.
• Import Bundle - (Helix devices only) Imports any .hlb bundle le from your
computer, replacing all setlists and presets within the Helix.
• Export Bundle - (Helix devices only) Exports all the current setlists and their
presets from your Helix and saves them to your computer as a .hlb bundle le.
When an IR slot within the IRs tab currently has focus, the additional following
commands are available:
• Import Impulse - Imports an Impulse Response le (or les) from your computer,
replacing the currently selected library Impulse(s).
• Export Impulse - Exports the currently selected Impulse (or IRs) and saves
each to your computer.
When a Favorites slot within the Favorites tab currently has focus, the following
commands are available:
• Import Favorite - Imports a Favorite le (or les) from your computer.
• Export Favorite - Exports the currently selected Favorite (or Favorites) and
saves each to your computer.
TIP: Please see “Presets Panel”, “IRs Panel”, and “Favorites Panel” for
details on these menu command behaviors.
The following, additional File menu commands are available regardless of window
• Create Backup - Launches the Create a Helix Backup window, where you can
export a full backup of your device’s Presets, IRs, Global Settings, Favorites,
and User Defaults—see page 27.
• Restore From Backup - Launches the Restore From Backup window, where
you can restore your device’s Presets, IRs, Global Settings, Favorites, and User
Defaults from a previously created backup—see page 27.
• Extract Files From Backup - Launches the Extract Files From Backup window,
where you can choose one of your saved Helix Backup les, and choose to
extract the Favorites, IRs, and/or Presets from the backup—see page 28.
• Preferences - (Windows only) Launches the Preferences window, where you
can access application and hardware settings—see page 50. You can also
launch the Preferences window from the “gear icon” button or the connected
device indicator at the bottom of the application window.
• Quit - (Windows only) Exits the application.
Regardless of tab focus:
• Undo - Reverses the last supported edit action.
• Redo - Reverses the last performed Undo action.
TIP: Please see “Undo / Redo” on page 25 for details.
When the Presets tab has focus:
• Copy Preset - Copies the selected Preset(s) to the clipboard.
• Paste Preset - Pastes the last-copied preset(s), replacing the preset(s) within
the selected preset library location(s).
• Select All Presets - Selects all Presets within the current Setlist.
• Rename Preset - Renames the currently loaded preset.
When the IRs tab has focus:
• Copy IR - Copies the selected IR(s) to the clipboard.
• Paste IR - Pastes the last-copied IR(s), replacing the IR(s) within the selected
IR library location(s).
• Clear IR - Deletes the selected IR(s) from the IRs library.
• Select All IRs - Selects all IRs within the IRs library.
• Rename IR - Renames the currently selected IR.
• Clear Block - Deletes the selected block.
• Rename Preset - Renames the currently loaded preset.
When the Command Center window has focus:*
• Cut Command - Copies the currently selected (instant, footswitch, EXP pedal,
or Variax knob) controller’s command settings to the clipboard and clears the
command settings from the controller.
• Copy Command - Copies the currently selected controller’s command settings
to the clipboard.
• Paste Command - Pastes the last-copied controller’s command settings to
the selected controller.
• Clear Command - Deletes the selected controller’s command settings.
*NOTE: When working in “The Command Center Window” you can access
these Edit commands as follows:
Mac - These commands are available within the main application’s Edit menu at
the top of your screen when the Command Center window has focus.
Windows - The Command Center window itself includes an Edit menu with these
TIP:Copy Block and Paste Block, as well as drag and drop of processing
blocks, can be also used between multiple HX Edit windows, and back and
forth with Helix Native plugin! See “Cutting, Copying, Pasting, and Clearing
Blocks” on page 32 for details.
When the Favorites tab has focus:
• Copy Favorite - Copies the selected Favorite(s) to the clipboard.
• Paste Favorite - Pastes the last-copied Favorite(s) and displays a prompt to
copy as new or replace the selected Favorite.
• Clear Favorite - Deletes the selected Favorite(s) from the library.
• Rename Favorite - Renames the currently selected Favorite.
When the Signal Flow window has focus:
• Cut Block - Copies the currently selected block and its settings to the clipboard
and removes the block from the Signal Flow.
• Copy Block - Copies the currently selected block and its settings to the
• Paste Block - Pastes the last-copied block’s model and its settings to the
selected block location. When an existing block is selected as the paste
location, this replaces the existing block.
• Paste Block Before -
When an existing block is currently selected, pastes the
last-copied block’s model and its settings to the location before the selected block.
• Paste Block After -
When an existing block is currently selected, pastes the
last-copied block’s model and its settings to the location after the selected block.
• Copy Snapshot - Copies the currently loaded preset’s snapshot to the
• Paste Snapshot - Pastes the last-copied snapshot contents, replacing the
currently loaded snapshot’s contents.
• Rename Snapshot - Allows you to edit the title of the currently loaded snapshot
(Helix and HX Eects devices only).
• Snapshots - Any of the current preset’s snapshots can be selected directly
here. (Note that Helix devices oer 8 snapshots, HX Stomp XL and HX Eects
oer 4, and HX Stomp oers 3.)
*NOTE: When working in “The Command Center Window” you can access
the Snapshots commands as follows:
Mac - These commands are available within the main application’s Snapshots
menu at the top of your screen when the Command Center window has focus.
Windows - The Command Center window itself includes a Snapshots menu with
these commands.
TIP: Please see “Conguring & Managing Snapshots” on page 24 for
• Show / Hide Librarian - Toggles the Presets/IRs/Favorites librarian panel
between shown and hidden for the current device window.
• Command Center - Displays the Command Center window (Helix and HX
Eects devices only)—see page 45.
• Global EQ - (Helix devices only) Displays the Global EQ window—see page
• Close - Closes the Command Center, Global EQ, or main application window
(whichever has focus). Note that the main HX Edit window can be re-opened
using the Devices menu commands.
• HX Edit Online Help - Takes you to the Support site where you can
nd the helpful info on HX Edit and Helix & HX devices.
• HX Edit Application Pilot’s Guide - Launches the PDF you are reading now.
• Check for Updates - (Windows - this command is found within the Apple menu
on Mac) Launches the built-in updater to check for an install any available
software and device rmware updates—see “Updater & Additional Resources”
on page 79.
• About HX Edit - (Windows only) Launches the About box, which includes the
software version and legal credits.
Displays a selectable option for each connected Helix or HX device’s individual HX Edit
application window. Choosing a device within the menu will bring its HX Edit forward,
if it is currently not in the foreground, and re-displays the window if it is currently
minimized or closed. A checkmark appears to the left of the device window that is in
the foreground. See “Multi-Device, Multi-Window Support” on page 3.
Preferences, Help & Account Options
At the bottom left of the application window, click on the menu buttons to access the
app’s Preferences, Help & About Box, (see page 50) and My Account options (see
page 53)
Preferences Help/AboutAccount Options
Presets Panel
The Librarian’s Presets tabbed panel provides functionality for importing, exporting,
and managing presets & setlists.
Presets Tab
Setlist Commands
Setlist Menu
Preset Commands
Loaded Preset
Selected Preset
Premium Marketplace presets are otherwise able to be utilized just like any other Helix
presets. When imported, these premium Marketplace presets are indicated by guitar
pick “badges” to their right within the Presets panel.
Premium Marketplace presets are indicated with golden guitar pick badges
The Presets panel
You’ll nd the same commands for copying, pasting, renaming, importing, and exporting
within the application’s File & Edit menus. These commands are also accessible via
“Keyboard Shortcuts”.
TIP: Helix device presets, setlists, and bundles can also be imported and utilized
within other Helix devices and the Helix Native plugin! Please see “Preset
Compatibility” on page 4 for more info.
HX Device Owners: All functionality described in this chapter is the same
for use with all Helix and HX devices unless otherwise noted.
Premium Marketplace Presets
If you’ve purchased and downloaded premium Helix or HX presets from the Marketplace,
you must be Signed In to your Line 6 account within HX Edit and have your computer
Authorized to allow HX Edit to initially Import or Export these presets (as well as for any
setlists or bundles that include premium presets).*
*NOTE: Once you’ve initially imported your Marketplace assets to sync their
licenses with your account, you don’t need to have HX Edit actively Signed In to use
them—and it is not necessary to even be connected to the Internet once your
computer has been Authorized, except to Deauthorize the computer. Please see
“Authorize / Deauthorize Your Computer” on page 55.
Selecting, Loading & Saving Presets
It is important to note there is a dierence between the selected and loaded preset
within the Presets panel.
To Select a Preset - Click once on a preset location in the Presets panel and
you’ll see it become highlighted in gray. This indicates the preset is selected,
meaning that a preset command (Copy, Paste, Import, etc.) will act upon this
preset (even if a dierent preset is the one currently loaded within the Signal Flow).
To Load a Preset - Double-click on any preset (or click once to select it and then
hit your Enter/Return key) and you’ll see the preset highlighted and with ambercolored text, indicating it as the preset currently in use. If no other preset is
currently selected (highlighted in gray), menu commands will act upon this loaded
preset, since it is eectively also the selected preset.
To Save a Preset - Once a preset is loaded from the Presets Library and edited,
you’ll most likely want to save the preset to retain your changes.* To save the
Preset to your device’s library, choose the Save or Save As option from the
app’s File menu, or click the Preset Save button that appears at the top of the
Signal Flow panel (see “Naming & Saving the Preset” on page 24). See the
next section for the option to Export a preset to save it to your computer.
*TIP: Before editing a preset you may wish to rst copy it to another location in the
Presets panel, or export it, to be sure you have an original version of the preset
before making changes.
Importing and Exporting Preset Files
Presets are able to be exported to your computer as individual (.hlx) les,
allowing you to create a limitless collection of tones that can be imported back
onto your device’s internal preset library at any time.
To Import a Preset File - It is recommended to select an empty “New Preset”
location within the Presets panel and select the Import Preset command. A
brief dialog will inform you that importing will overwrite any preset information in
the selected location. Click Yes to continue. A system window will display a le
browser for selecting the preset you wish to import. Once imported, the preset
will reside on your Helix or HX device’s internal memory, within the selected
preset location.
To Export a Preset File - Select the preset by single-clicking on it in the Librarian
- Presets panel and select the Export Preset command. This creates a copy
of the preset in its last-saved state from your Helix or HX device’s memory and
saves it to your computer. The familiar “save” window is presented, in which you
can edit the lename and choose a destination folder.
TIP: If you happen to own both a Helix (or Helix Native plugin) and HX device, it is
recommended to export your HX devices’ presets into their own, individual
directories to avoid mixing them up with Helix and Helix Native plugin preset les.
Note that presets are exported in the format of the specic device you are using, which
determines its behaviors for use with HX Edit preset translation and Helix Native’s
Hardware Compatibility modes—see “Preset Compatibility” on page 4.
Renaming, Reordering, Copying, and Pasting Presets
These functions allow you to customize your presets within the Presets panel. Choose
Rename, Copy, or Paste from the row of preset command buttons or application’s
Edit menu and it will act upon the selected (highlighted) preset. You can also right-click
on a preset in the list to open a context menu with these same commands. For most
commands, it is also possible to multi-select a number of presets by using Shift+Click
to select a contiguous set of presets, or Cmd+Click (Mac) or Ctrl+Click (Windows) to
select a non-contiguous set.
TIPS: There is no command to “delete” a preset, but you can right-click on a block
within the signal ow and use the Clear All Blocks command.
NOTE: Copy/Paste of presets and IRs between HX Edit and Helix Native, or
between multiple HX Edit device app windows is not currently supported. However,
you can use drag and drop for these actions! See the next section.
Drag and Drop Presets
It is possible to drag and drop any preset (or multi-selected presets) directly from the
Presets panel to perform the following actions.
• Import - Drag a .hlx preset le from any computer folder and drop directly onto
a Presets panel slot to import it into the device’s Presets Library.* This import
action replaces and overwrites the slot’s existing preset.
• Import and Load - Dragging a preset from a computer folder and dropping
it directly into the currently loaded preset’s slot within the Presets Library, or
dropping it directly into the Signal Flow window, will both Import the preset and
load it as the new current tone, replacing the previous tone. (Note that if you
drag and drop a preset into a slot that is not that of the currently loaded preset,
this will import the preset into the library, but not also load it.)*
*NOTE: If you import a preset that was created with a dierent source Helix/HX
device (or created with a dierent Helix Native HC mode) than currently in use,
HX Edit will attempt to translate the preset for the current device. (See “Preset
Translation” on page 4.)
• Export - Drag one or multiple presets from the Presets panel and drop into any
folder on your computer to export a copy of the .hlx preset le(s) there.
• Reorder - Drag vertically to another location within the Presets panel to reorder
the presets within the setlist as desired. When the preset is dropped into the
new location slot, the surrounding presets are shifted upward or downward
• Copy Between Two Devices - If you have multiple devices connected, it is
possible to drag and drop presets between the multiple HX Edit device app
windows’ Presets panels, or directly into the Signal Flow, assuming the presets
can be translated between the device types. (See “Preset Compatibility” on
page 4.)
• Copy To/From Helix Native Plugin - (Helix devices only) Drag a preset from
the plugin’s Presets panel and drop directly into the Presets panel of the HX
Edit app to import and load the preset on your Helix device, replacing and
overwriting the previously loaded preset. Likewise, you can also drag and drop
presets from HX Edit into Helix Native plugin (see “Preset Compatibility” on
page 4).
Importing and Exporting Setlists
The Presets panel allows you to instantly save the currently loaded setlist,
including all its saved presets, to a Helix setlist le (.hls). This is very handy for
making a backup of all presets within a setlist, so that a group of presets can
easily be loaded back into your Helix in a single action.
HX Device Owners: A Setlist for your HX device consists of all presets
within the device’s preset library. Similar to the steps described here for Helix
devices, you can use the HX Edit Import Setlist and Export Setlist
commands, found within the app’s File menu.
To Import a Setlist - Select the Import Setlist command. This will prompt you
to ensure that you wish to replace the currently selected setlist and the presets
therein. Continue through the Open window to select the setlist you wish to load
onto your connected device.*
*NOTE: If you import a setlist that was created with a dierent source Helix/HX
device (or created with a dierent Helix Native HC mode) than currently in use,
HX Edit will attempt to translate its presets for the current device. (See “Preset
Translation” on page 4.)
To Export a Setlist - Select the Export Setlist command to display the Save As
Changing Setlists
(Helix devices only*) To change the active setlist shown in the Presets panel, click on
the Setlist menu and choose from among your device’s setlists. The currently-selected
setlist will be indicated with an “open folder” icon in this menu.
*HX Device Owners: With an HX device in use, there is no Setlist menu,
since these devices’ Presets Libraries include only one setlist. However,
you can use the Import Setlist option to replace the current setlist with
one saved on your computer.
Renaming Setlists
To rename the current setlist, right-click on the setlist name within the Setlist
menu and type in your desired title.
HX Device Owners: The single Setlist on your HX device displays no name
on the hardware or within HX Edit. However, you can edit the Setlist’s
lename when Exporting the le to your computer.
The Import Bundle and Export Bundle options are found in the application’s
Preferences > Presets/IRs tab (see “Preferences and About Box” on page 50).
Bundle options within the Preferences window (for Helix devices)
To Import a Bundle - Click the Import Bundle button and a prompt is displayed
to replace all setlists and presets within your Preset library. Continue through
the File – Open window to select the bundle you wish to import. Note that it is
possible to optionally import any bundle that was exported from the Helix Native
plugin or any Helix device.
To Export a Bundle - Click the Export Bundle button to create a copy of all
presets and their last-saved settings that exist in all setlists as a Helix bundle
(.hlb) le.
NOTE: (Helix devices) On the next power-up after importing multiple presets, or
importing any setlist or bundle, you may see your device perform an additional
“Rebuilding Presets” process during boot up. This process is normal and optimizes
preset loading times on the hardware.
Importing and Exporting Bundles
A Bundle le (.hlb) includes all 8 setlists’ contents of your Helix device, including
all their presets and saved settings, wrapped up in a tidy package.* This makes it
easy to export to create and store a backup of your Helix device’s complete
Preset library, and easily restore your device’s Presets library to your device (or to the
Helix Native plugin) by importing the bundle.
NOTE: Bundle les do not contain any of the Helix device’s Global Settings or
Impulse Response (IR) les. To include all these Helix items, use the Create & Restore Backups feature—see page 27.
*HX Device Owners: HX devices do not support Bundle les, therefore, you
will see no available Bundle options.
TIP: Wanting to restore the Factory Presets & settings for your device? You can do
so by performing a Factory Restore—please see your Helix or HX device’s Owner’s
Manual for details (and remember to use HX Edit to rst do a backup of your current
TIP: Visit the site to share your tones and download from
the huge online library of artist and user presets!
IRs Panel
The Librarian’s IRs panel provides a list of all Impulse Response les (along with
respective ID numbers in the left column) that currently reside on your Helix or HX
device. Initially, this IRs panel is empty, awaiting your import of Impulse Response les.
IRs Tab
IR Commands
Selected IR
IR Index Numbers
The IRs panel
HX Device Owners: IR les can be used by all Helix and HX devices. All
functionality described in this chapter is the same for use with all devices unless
otherwise noted.
What are Impulse Responses?
Impulse Responses (or “IRs”) that can be used in Helix & HX devices are audio les that
are the result of capturing the sound of a test tone (frequency sweep) through a guitar or
bass amp speaker cabinet, which has been de-convolved with the original tone signal.
This represents the frequency response of the miked cabinet itself and can be used
to simulate the way it alters the sound. This is similar to a convolution reverb, but with
much shorter decay.
Add an IR block to your preset as an alternative to using one of the Cab blocks to
provide speaker cabinet simulation. Several companies now oer large selections of
professionally recorded IR les that can be used in Helix devices, or you can even do
some research on how to record and create your own. Feel free to jump on your favorite
guitar gear forums and join the ongoing, sometimes heated, discussions about the best
and most realistic IRs, and methods to create them.
You can also nd some IRs that were created using this convolution process to capture
the properties of acoustic guitar bodies, guitar pickups, and other sources. These IRs
can certainly be used in the Helix IR blocks as well, to allow even deeper tone sculpting!
TIP: Line 6 oers a free pack of IRs from Allure. You can grab them now at http://
You can also nd a great selection of IRs, specically created for Helix products, on the
Marketplace—see page 53.
IR Formats and Restrictions
For all Helix and HX devices, as well as Helix Native plugin, the following IR le types
are supported.
• Helix Impulse Response (.hir) - This is the proprietary Line 6 IR le format.
All IRs purchased through the Marketplace are of this le type. (Please also see
“Marketplace & Account Options” on page 53.)
• WAV (.wav) - Most IR producers and vendors typically oer IRs within the .wav
format. It is possible to import a mono or stereo .wav le IR, regardless of its bit
depth, length, or sample rate frequency. While this is very convenient, please
be careful to import only .wav les that were created specically for use as IRs,
not just any audio .wav le, or you may experience unexpected sonic results.
Importing and Exporting IRs
To access the IRs stored on your Helix or HX device, click on the IRs tab. From here you
will be presented with a list of up to 128 IRs and their index numbers.
NOTE: Premium Helix IRs purchased from Marketplace are also imported &
exported using the following steps. It is required that you have Authorized your
computer and that you are Signed In to your Line 6 account in HX Edit to initially Import
or Export them. Once imported into HX Edit, no active Internet connection is necessary
to utilize your Marketplace IRs. Please see “Marketplace & Account Options” on page
53 for details.
To Import an IR, select the desired index location in the application’s IRs panel and
select Import. Select the desired IR .hir or .wav le you wish to load onto your device. It
is also possible to select multiple IR les and all will be imported in one action.
When premium Marketplace IRs (.hir les) are imported, they are indicated by a golden
guitar pick “badge” to their right within the IRs panel.
Premium Marketplace IRs are indicated with a golden guitar pick badge
To Export an IR, click Export to display the Save As dialog.
You can also drag and drop to and from the IRs panel to export and import IRs—see
the following section.
TIP: Use the File menu’s Create Backup & Restore From Backup options to
create a backup of your IRs panel’s contents, and restore from the backup, at any
Several actions can be performed by clicking the commands above the IRs list view,
which will act upon the selected (highlighted) IR. You can also right-click to choose
these options from the context menu (or use the app’s “Keyboard Shortcuts”).
NOTE: Copy and Paste of presets and IRs between HX Edit and Helix Native, or
between multiple HX Edit device app windows, is not currently supported.
However, you can use drag and drop for these actions! See the next section.
Drag and Drop IRs
There are several drag and drop options that allow you to import and export single or
multiple IR les between your computer’s directories and HX Edit, as well as load IRs
into your current tone.
• Import - Drag one or more IR les from your computer folder directly into the
IRs panel. When multiple les are being dragged in, they are imported starting
with the selected IR index slot.
• Export - Select one or more IR index locations and drag from the IRs list view
directly to your computer to export the IR les to the selected hard drive folder.
NOTE: When exporting IRs from the HX Edit IR panel, any Marketplace
purchased IR is saved to your computer as a Helix IR (.hir) type le. The .hir
les are proprietary to Line 6 products and licensed to you via the Line 6
account on which you purchased them. Any IR that was originally imported
as a .wav le is exported as a .wav le.
• Copy - It is also possible to drag and drop IRs within the IRs list view to create
a copy of the IR in a new index location.*
*NOTE: There are no options oered to move or reorder IRs in a single
operation. Use the Copy, Paste, and Clear functions to rearrange IR within the
IRs list as needed.
• Copy Between Helix / HX Devices - If you have multiple devices connected,
it is possible to drag and drop IRs between the multiple HX Edit device app
windows’ IRs panels to copy them between devices.
• Copy To/From Helix Native Plugin - With an instance of the Helix Native
plugin open, drop IRs from the HX Edit application’s IRs panel directly into the
IRs panel of the Helix Native. It is also possible to drag IRs from Helix Native
directly into the IRs panel of HX Edit to import copies of the same IRs.
• Load into Current Tone - Once you’ve imported one or more IRs into the IRs
Library, you can drag any IR from the Library window and drop it directly into
the desired position within the Signal Path in the Edit window to create an IR
block loaded with the IR le. See the next section.
Loading an IR in an IR Block
When you insert an IR block within your preset’s Signal Flow from the Model
Menu, it initially defaults to referencing the IR that resides within the #1 IR index
location (if you have not yet imported any IR le into the referenced index location, the
“empty” IR block has no eect on the signal).
To follow are a few methods for loading an IR into an IR block, which determines the IR
le that is associated with the IR block (also see “IR File Reference” on page 18 for
additional behaviors).
Use the Edit tab’s IR Select slider - Select the IR block within the Signal Flow,
then, in the Edit tab, use the IR Select parameter slider (or its menu at the
right) to select the IR index number (1-128) that includes the desired IR.
Choosing an IR by its Library (1-128) index number within the Edit tab
Double-click in Library - Select the IR block within the Signal Path and then
double-click on the preferred IR within the IRs Library list to load into the IR
block—replacing any currently referenced IR. Note that no action is performed
if you do not have an IR block selected.
Drag and drop - As mentioned in the preceding section, you can also add an
IR block already loaded with an IR by dragging the desired IR from the IRs
Library panel and dropping it directly into an empty location within your Signal
Path. (Drag and drop from the IR Library always adds a 1024 Sample type IR
You can use the other IR block parameter sliders in the Edit tab to further shape the IR’s
tone and level—see “Editing Model Parameters” on page 36. Once done selecting
an IR and its parameter options, be sure to save the preset to retain your IR block
TIP: Optionally, you can create a Snapshot assignment (see page 44) on the IR
Select parameter, which then allows you to change the IR within the block as
desired, per snapshot!
Whenever you load a preset that includes one or more IR blocks that reference an
empty IR index location, a pop-up is displayed to alert you. For example, the alert
shown below is telling you that the preset includes two IR blocks, on Paths 1A and
1B, which cannot locate their originally associated IR les. The “Position” denotes the
block position of each IR block from left to right on the path, starting with “0” for the left
position. Please see the next section for more related IR behaviors.
Missing associated IR(s) alert pop-up
IR File Reference
Once an IR block is congured to utilize an IR index slot that includes an imported IR
(.wav or .hir) le, and the preset then saved (using HX Edit and device rmware version
2.90 or later), the preset creates a “reference signature” to the imported IR from its le
name. Likewise, if you save your IR block as a Favorite (see page 20), or set the IR
block’s current settings as the User Model Defaults (see page 34), the IR bock also
creates a reference to the specic IR le within your IR library. Therefore, if you happen
to change the order of your IRs within the IR library list, your preset (or IR Favorite or IR
User Model Default) will still intelligently reference the originally associated IR le, even
if it now resides in a dierent IR Library index location. The following behaviors apply:
• If you Clear or Replace the IR le within the IR index slot for which the preset’s
IR block is congured to use, upon the load of the preset/IR Favorite/User
Model Default IR, the IR block will rst attempt to locate another instance of the
missing, associated IR le within the IRs Library and automatically utilize it and
its residing index slot.
• If the congured IR index slot is currently empty, you’ll be alerted that the IR
block’s associated IR le cannot be found (see the previous section). The IR
block continues to utilize the same (now empty) IR index slot. You’ll want to
congure the IR block to utilize an occupied IR index slot (or import an IR
into the currently referenced slot) and re-save the preset (or recreate a new
Favorite or User Model Default for the IR block).
• If the original IR le is cleared from the Library and the IR index slot now
includes a dierent IR le, you’ll be alerted that the associated IR cannot be
found, and the IR block utilizes this new IR le within the congured index
slot. You’ll need to save the preset (or recreate a new Favorite for the IR
block) with this reference to the new IR le, or congure the IR block to use
a dierent, occupied IR slot, to avoid seeing the alert pop-up on future loads
of the preset/Favorite.
• Once an IR block is congured with an IR Library index selection, and the preset
then saved (or the IR Favorite or IR User Model Default then created), the IR le
retains this reference signature when exported from the library—thus, even if
you import the exported IR le again into any index slot within your IRs Library,
the IR block will still be able to locate and utilize it.*
Yes, the above rules all sound a bit complicated. But in typical use, all this really means
is that if you happen to import your IRs into dierent IR library slots than where they
used to be, your saved preset, IR Favorite, or IR Model User Default will not lose its IR
le reference!
*NOTE: The IR le reference functionality is also incorporated in the Helix Native
plugin. Therefore, presets and IR Favorites exported from Helix Native v3.0 will
exhibit the same behaviors and attempt to locate their referenced IR .wav les from
within the HX Edit IR library upon loading. Likewise, presets and IR Favorites exported
from HX Edit will attempt to locate their IR blocks’ referenced IR .wav les when
loaded within Helix Native. The moral of the story here is simply to import the same
IR .wav les into both HX Edit and Helix Native if you plan on sharing your crafted
presets and/or Favorites between them, and the proper IRs will automatically be
utilized from your IR library, regardless the IR slots where they reside.
NOTE: We highly recommend using the Create Backup feature in HX Edit to make
it easy to restore your complete preset and IR libraries (see page 27). Immediately
after performing a Restore From Backup, it is also best to power your device o and
on again and allow all presets to “rebuild,” for best preset performance and IR le
reference functionality.
Favorites Panel
The Librarian’s Favorites panel provides a list of all blocks you’ve added to your Helix/
HX device’s library as Favorites. This functionality allows you to customize any Helix/HX
amp, cab, IR, eects, send/return/fx loop, or looper block’s settings, and then optionally
name and store it within the Favorites library of your device, where it is easily accessed
for adding to presets. Additionally, you can export your Favorites to your computer
as (.fav) les, allowing you to create a massive collection, import into other Helix/HX
devices, and share with others!
TIP: The Helix Native plugin also oers the same Favorites functionality—which
means you can freely import, export, and even drag and drop your Favorites
between HX Edit and Helix Native!
Initially, this Favorites panel is empty, awaiting your creation or import of up to 128
Favorites. Once added, Favorites appear within the panel as shown below and can
be renamed, copied, exported, reordered, and cleared as desired—see “Managing
Favorites” on page 21.
Favorites tab
Favorites commands
View By menu
NOTE: If you don’t want a Favorite to be recalled with a stored bypass
assignment, add the block to Favorites before you create an assignment (or
remove any existing bypass assignment before proceeding). Controller and
snapshot type assignments are not stored as part of Favorites.
2. With your block still selected within the Signal Flow, click on the “star” button at
the top right of the Inspector’s Edit Tab.
3. Alternatively, right-click on the block within the signal ow and choose Save As
Selected Favorite
The Favorites panel
Adding Blocks as Favorites
Once you’ve dialed in a processing block exactly the way you like it, you can save it as
a Favorite so the block can be accessed very quickly when building presets, complete
with your stored parameter settings, bypass state, and existing bypass assignment.*
Input, Output, Split, and Merge block types are not available to be saved as Favorites.
*NOTE: For HX Eects devices, existing bypass assignments are not saved with
There are several ways to add a block to your Favorites library:
1. Add or select any amp, cab, IR, eects, send/return/fx loop, or looper block in
the Signal Flow and tweak its parameters and block bypass state as desired.
4. The Save As Favorite window appears.
At the top of the Save As Favorites window, you can choose to either Add as a New Favorite or Replace an Existing Favorite.
To Add as a new Favorite, choose this option.
• Type in a custom name for your Favorite, if desired.
• If your Favorites panel’s View By sorting option is set for Device List (which
displays Favorites in the same order as you see on your Helix/HX device), you
will see the “Choose where to add in favorites list” text in the Save As Favorites
window, as shown in the preceding image. Optionally, click in a dierent,
desired position where you would like your new Favorite saved.
• Click Save to add the new Favorite, or Cancel to exit without adding the Favorite.
To Replace an existing Favorite, choose this option at the top of the window.
Note that if the block you selected is already an existing Favorite, this option
will be selected as the default, with the existing Favorite highlighted in the list
• You can optionally edit the name of the Favorite you are replacing.
• Click Save to add the new Favorite, or Cancel to exit without adding the
Once a Favorite is inserted into your preset, you can optionally edit its settings further,
add bypass, controller, and snapshot assignments, and move, copy, paste, or clear it
just as you can with any other block. Note that the same preset rules apply to Favorites
as they do for blocks of the same model type (e.g., a maximum block number and type
limits, DSP limit, etc.).
The Model Menu - Favorites Category
NOTE: If you replace and overwrite an existing Favorite that is already in use
within your presets, the presets remain unchanged.
5. You’ll see the Favorite now added to the Favorites lists within both the Library
panel’s Favorites tab and the Edit tab - Model menu’s Favorites category.
Within the Model menu’s Favorites list, you can also right-click any Favorite and
choose to Rename or Clear—see “Adding a Block to Favorites” on page 34.
TIPS: You can also import Favorites (.fav) les into your Favorites library, as covered
in the following sections.
When you add an IR block as a Favorite, the IR le you have it set to use is automatically
recalled, even if moved to a dierent IR slot in the IR Library (see “IR File Reference”
on page 18).
The contents of your Favorites library are included when you a create a backup (see
“Creating & Restoring Complete Device Backups” on page 27).
To Insert a Favorite into your Current Preset
Double-click on the desired Favorite within the Favorites panel to insert it into the
currently-selected block location within the Signal Flow. Note that if an existing
processing block is currently selected, this replaces that block with the Favorite. Or,
you can alternatively drag from the Favorites panel directly into an empty block location
within the signal ow (also see “Drag and Drop Favorites” on page 22).
You can also choose a Favorite from the Edit tab - Model menu - Favorites category,
much like choosing any other category’s model, to add it to your tone.
TIP: You can also right-click on any Favorite within the Model menu - Favorites
category list to Rename, Clear, or change the View By sort order.
Managing Favorites
The row of commands at the top of the Favorites panel allows you to Import, and
Export (see the next section), Copy, Paste, or Clear the selected Favorite(s) within
the panel. You can also access these commands via the application’s Edit menu or
via right-click on any Favorite. Note that the following commands are not available for
• To Copy and Paste - Select one or multiple Favorites within the panel and
choose the Copy command. Select the Favorite within the panel above which
you want to position the copied Favorite(s), and choose the Paste command.
• To Clear - Select one or multiple Favorites within the panel and choose the
Clear command to delete them from the Favorites library.
NOTE: Clearing any Favorite from the Favorites panel does not remove
instances of the Favorite block that is in use within any preset—your presets
simply retain the block and its existing settings.
• To Rename - Select the Favorite within the panel and choose the Rename
command to type in your own custom name. It can be extremely helpful to
name your Favorites descriptively!
NOTE: The name of the Favorite within the Favorites panel/model menu is also
the name that is displayed on your device’s footswitch scribble strip if you have
a bypass assignment created for the block.
• To Reorder - When the View By option is set to Device List, it is possible to
drag Favorites within the panel to reorder them (also see the next bullet point).
Click on one or multiple Favorites and drag up/down within the panel. A blue
line appears while dragging to indicate the target “drop” location.
• To Change the List Sorting - Choose the preferred View By option from the
menu to change the sorting order. This View By option can also be changed
by right-clicking within the Model menu - Favorites category list, or within the
“Preferences - View Tab”. The View By options are:
• Device List - The same order as displayed on your device’s Favorites list.
Note that when this option is in use, you can reorder Favorites in the panel or
on your device, and the lists remain in sync.
• Category - By the model’s original Model menu Category (Distortion,
Modulation, Amp+Cab, etc.)
• Name (A-Z) - Ordered alphabetically by the Favorites’ names.
Importing and Exporting Favorites
Any of the Favorites within the panel can be exported as Favorite (.fav) les to your
computer. These les can then be imported into HX Edit for any Helix or HX device.
To Import a Favorite
1. There are a few ways to access the Import Favorites command:
- Click the Import command at the top of the Favorites panel
- Choose Import from the application’s File menu
- Right-click on any Favorite within the Favorites panel and choose Import
Then browse to the folder on your computer containing your .fav les, and
choose the le(s) to import.
TIP: You can also import via drag and drop—see the following section.
2. If the panel’s View By menu is set to the Device List option, the Import Favorites
window appears, where you can choose to insert the imported le(s) as new
Favorites (the default option), or you can choose to Replace the currently
selected Favorite(s) within the list. Click OK to import.
NOTE: It is possible to Import the same .fav le more than once within the Favorites
panel. The best practice is to avoid creating duplicate Favorites, and use unique
and descriptive names for your Favorites within your library!
To Export a Favorite
1. Click to select the desired Favorite(s) within the Favorites panel.
2. There are a few ways to access the Export Favorites command:
- Click the Export command at the top of the Favorites panel
- Choose Export from the application’s File menu
- Right-click on any Favorite within the Favorites panel and choose Export
3. Browse to or create a folder on your computer where you wish to save your .fav
TIPS: You can also import via drag and drop—see the following section.
Once a Favorite is inserted into the signal ow, you can copy the block and
paste it into the current, or another preset. You can also paste it into another HX
Edit device’s window, or into Helix Native (in which case it is pasted as a regular,
non-Favorite block type, but with all settings intact).
It’s a good idea to create a single “Favorites” folder on your computer, especially
if you own more than one Helix/HX device and/or Helix Native, and export all your
Favorites there to make them easy to nd!
Drag and Drop Favorites
You can also drag Favorites to perform the following tasks:
• Drag from the Favorites panel directly into the Signal Flow to insert the Favorite
block into your current preset.
• Drag one or multiple Favorites (.fav) les from your computer directly into HX
Edit to import them. Drop directly into the Favorites panel, on top of an existing
Favorite within the list to import the Favorite(s). The Import Favorite window
appears where you can choose to import before the Favorite you dropped onto,
or to replace it.
• Drag from the HX Edit - Favorites panel to your computer to export as Favorites
• If you have multiple Helix or HX devices connected, drag from one HX Edit
window’s Favorites panel into the other HX Edit Favorites panel to import it there.
• Drag either direction between the HX Edit and Helix Native plugin Favorites
panels to import Favorites.
• Drag from another device’s HX Edit (or the Helix Native) - Favorites panel
directly into the HX Edit Signal Flow to add the block to your current tone. Note
that this adds the block along with its settings as a standard block type (not as
a Favorite) into the preset—no new Favorite is imported into the library of the
receiving device.
Working in the Editor
The Editor portion of the HX Edit user interface consists of the Signal Flow and Inspector windows. The Signal Flow window is where you’ll see the signal paths for your currentlyloaded preset, appearing much like the Home screen of your Helix, or Signal Flow screen of your HX device. The lower Inspector window contains 2 tabbed panels, Edit & Bypass/
Controller Assign, where you can select models, tweak parameters, congure controllers, and more. Regardless of which of these tabs you have selected, the current preset’s Name
Field, Save, Snapshots, Undo, & Tempo options are always available at the top of the window. Additionally, there are dedicated windows for the Command Center for MIDI assignments
(see page 45), and the Global EQ (Helix, HX Stomp XL, and HX Stomp only—see page 49), accessible from the application’s Window menu. If you have not already done so, be
sure to read through the in-depth information in your device’s Owner’s Manual to get an understanding of the features we’ll be covering in the following sections.
HX Device Owners: HX Edit application functionality described within this chapter is the same with Helix or HX devices, except where noted.
Librarian Show/Hide
Signal Flow Window
Inspector Window
Preset Name Field
Preset Save ButtonSnapshots MenuUndo / Redo ButtonsTempo Controls
Edit & Bypass
Controller Assign Tabs
Naming & Saving the Preset
The Preset Name eld at the top of the Editor displays the title of the currently loaded
preset. Double-click on the text here to optionally rename the preset. Whenever you see
your preset’s title appearing in the italicized text at the top of the Signal Flow window,
it indicates that the preset has been edited from its last-saved state.
The Preset Save button at the top of the Editor launches the Save To Library window,
where you can optionally re-title the preset in the Name eld, and then choose the
desired Setlist and Preset location to save the currently-loaded tone, overwriting the
preset that resides within the selected location. (The currently loaded preset is selected
by default, so you can overwrite it simply by clicking the OK button.)
The Preset Save To Library window
Alternatively, you can choose the Preset Save or Preset Save As command from the
HX Edit – File menu. As covered in “Presets Panel” on page 13, there are also the
Librarian window options, Copy and Export, to create & store copies of your presets.
Configuring & Managing Snapshots
Your device oers the ability to congure the 8 snapshots within a Helix preset (or
3 snapshots of HX Stomp preset, or 4 snapshots of an HX Stomp XL or HX Eects
preset), allowing you to recall a customized set of options for your current blocks
instantly, without the brief lag time associated with changing presets! A snapshot is
capable of storing the bypass state of any amp or eects block, up to 64 assigned
parameter values, tempo settings, and more (please see your device’s Owner’s Manual
for specics).
There are two ways to select a snapshot within HX Edit: by clicking on the Snapshots
menu at the top of the Edit window, or by using the commands within the application’s
Snapshots menu. To edit its settings, select the numbered snapshot you want as your
destination, then congure the desired tone options for this snapshot.*
The Edit window’s Snapshots menuThe menu bar’s Snapshots menu
*NOTE:You can use your device’s Global Settings > Preferences > Snapshot
Edits to choose between Recall (automatically stores your changes to the current
snapshot) versus Discard (does not store changes to the current snapshot).
The camera icon within the Edit window’s Snapshots menu is displayed in red
when the hardware’s option is set to Discard.
Once your desired destination snapshot has been selected, use the following steps to
congure your settings.
To Store a Block’s Bypass State Per Snapshot - Click on the Bypass button
above any block within the Signal Flow and set your desired bypass state for the
block (or you can toggle the block’s Bypass button within the Edit tab). Any amp
or eects block’s Bypass state will, by default, be remembered and recalled per
If you prefer to exclude a block from being controlled by Snapshots, select the
block and set the Snapshot Bypass option from the block’s right-click menu to
“o” (so that no checkmark appears at the left of the menu option). Or, you can
right-click on the block’s Bypass button within the top right of the Edit tab and
access the Snapshot Bypass command from its menu. Choosing the Snapshot Bypass option from the menu again (so that the checkmark appears at the left of
the menu command), returns the block to the default Snapshot behavior.
Edit tab - Block Bypass button right-click menu
Block right-click menu
The Snapshot Bypass option
To Store a Parameter’s Values Per Snapshot - Select the desired block within
the Signal Flow, then right-click directly on the desired parameter’s slider within
the Edit tab and choose the Snapshots controller option. This creates the
snapshot assignment for the parameter.
You can then simply load a snapshot and adjust the snapshot-assigned
parameter to the desired value. Repeat this step for each snapshot as desired,
and the parameter values are stored and recalled with each snapshot. We cover
more about conguring controller options in “The Bypass/Controller Assign Tab”
on page 39.
To Store a Command Center Messages and Command Values Per Snapshot
The Value parameters of any instant MIDI CC, Bank/Prog, and MMC message,
plus the state (Dim or Lit) of any CC Toggle and Ext Amp messages are always
stored and recalled when selecting a snapshot. Therefore, there is no need
to manually set any of these parameters to a snapshot assignment within the
Command Center—see page 45.
Attention Helix Native Plugin Users: Snapshot settings are compatible within
presets between Helix, Helix Rack & Helix LT devices, and the Helix Native plugin!
The Copy and Paste Snapshot commands are available within the app’s main menu.
Or, right-click on the Edit window’s Snapshots menu to access these commands as
well as the snapshot Rename and LED color customization options. These snapshot
name and LED color options aect the scribble strip names (or names in Performance
View on Helix LT) and footswitch LED colors when the footswitches are in Snapshot
Select mode.
NOTE: The action of pasting a copied snapshot is not tracked by the HX Edit
Undo / Redo feature (also see next section).
To Rename a Snapshot - Right-click the desired snapshot from the Snapshots
menu and select Rename Snapshot. Type in your new name, then press Enter/
Return on your keyboard.
To Customize a Snapshot’s LED Color - When your device is set to Snapshot
footswitch mode, each footswitch LED defaults to a red color. If you prefer to
customize the LED color for the current Snapshot, choose the desired color from
the right-click menu. Or choose Auto to restore the default behavior, or Off for no
NOTE: Remember that you’ll need to Save before switching to another preset to
retain your edited snapshot settings & customizations within the current preset! The
snapshot that is in use when you save your preset is the one that is recalled when the
preset is loaded again.
Undo / Redo
The HX Edit application supports Undo and Redo for most editing actions within the
Signal Flow and Edit tab of the current preset, whether the edits are made within HX
Edit or directly on the connected Helix/HX hardware, accessible via the Undo and Redo buttons at the top of the main window (or from the Edit menu).* The Undo / Redo
history is tracked individually per device window (if you happen to have more than
one Helix/HX device connected). Your Undo / Redo history is retained until you load a
dierent preset, exit the application, or disconnect or power o your connected Helix
or HX device.
*NOTE: See “Software Edits vs. Hardware Edits” on page 26 for additional
behavior details.
The context menu for the Snapshots menu name eld
To Copy & Paste a Snapshot - It is possible to copy all the settings of one
snapshot and paste them to another snapshot within the same preset. Select
and load the snapshot you wish to copy and select Copy. Then select and load
the snapshot you wish to overwrite and choose Paste to paste the clipboard
contents, replacing the currently loaded snapshot.
The Undo and Redo buttons
Undo is available for most actions performed within the Signal Flow and Edit tab
in HX Edit, including:
• Parameter changes
• Snapshot selection
• Block model changes
• Signal path changes (block bypass states, adding/cutting, clearing blocks,
changing path structure, etc.)
• Hardware edits and edit actions performed via external controller and MIDI
CC & PC messages (see “Software Edits vs. Hardware Edits” on page 26)
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