Lexicon MPX 200 REV 1 User Manual

Lexicon MPX 200 REV 1 User Manual

Important Safety Instructions




Save these instructions for later use.




Always use with the correct line voltage. Refer


the manufacturer's operating instructions

for power requirements. Be advised that different operating voltages may require the


use of a different line cord and/or attachment plug.



Do not install the unit in an unventilated rack,


directly above heat producing equipment

such as power amplifiers. Observe the maximum ambient operating temperature listed


in the product specification.




Slots and opening on the case are provided for ventilation – to ensure reliable operation and prevent it from overheating. These openings must not be blocked or covered. Never push objects of any kind through any of the ventilation slots. Never spill a liquid of any kind on the unit.

Never attach audio power amplifier outputs directly to any of the unit's connectors.

To prevent shock or fire hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture, or operate it where it will be exposed to water.

Do not attempt to operate the unit if it has been dropped, damaged, exposed to liquids, or if it exhibits a distinct change in performance indicating the need for service.

This unit should only be opened by qualified service personnel. Removing covers will expose you to hazardous voltages.

Take precautions not to defeat the grounding or polarization of the unit's power cord.

Do not overload wall outlet, extension cords or integral convenience receptacles, as this can result in a risk of fire or electrical shock.

• Route power supply

cords so that they


not likely

to be walked




This triangle, which appears on your component,

by items placed on

or against them,



attention to




alerts you to the presence of uninsulated,

convenience receptacles, and the point at which they exit from the unit.




dangerous voltage inside the enclosure;




voltage that may be sufficient to

• The unit should be cleaned only as recommended by the manufacturer.

constitute a risk of shock.





This triangle, which appears on your component,






alerts you to important operating and



maintenance instructions in this


accompanying literature





Communications Notice

This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designated to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment OFF and ON, the user is encouraged to try to correct the inter-

ference by one or more of the following measures:



Reorient the receiving antenna

Relocate the computer with respect to the receiver

Move the computer away from the receiver

Plug the computer into a different outlet so that the computer and receiver are on different branch circuits.

If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communications Commission helpful: "How to identify and Resolve Radio/TV Interference Problems." This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington DC 20402, Stock No. 004-000-00345-4.




Lead-In Wire




Antenna Discharge


Unit (NEC Section




Gounding Conductors


(NEC Section 810-21)


Ground Clamps


Power Service Grounding


Electrode System

NEC - National Electrical Code

(NEC Art 250, Part H)

Outdoor Antenna Grounding

If an outside antenna is connected to the receiver, be sure the antenna system is grounded to provide protection against voltage surges and built-up static charges. Section 810 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70-1984, provides information with respect to proper grounding of the mast and supporting structure, grounding of the lead-in wire to an antenna-discharge unit, size of grounding conductors, location of antenna-discharge unit, connection to grounding electrodes, and requirements for the grounding electrode. See illustration.

Power Lines

An outside antenna should be located away from power lines.

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Lexicon Part No. 070-14738 | Rev 1



© 2001 Lexicon, Inc. Bedford, MA USA All rights reserved.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Lexicon, Inc. Lexicon, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

A Harman International Company

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Lexicon Part No. 070-14738 | Rev 1 | 03/01


MPX 200









International Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . .v - ix Instrucciones importantes de seguridad Instructions de Sûreté Importantes

Importanti norme di sicurezza

Instruções de Segurança importantes

Wichtige Sicherheitsanweisungen

Vigtig information om sikkerhed

Tärkeitä turvallisuusohjeita

Viktig informasjon om sikkerhet

Viktiga säkerhetsföreskrifter

Important User Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .x-xii La Información del Usuario importante L'Information de l'Utilisateur importante Informazioni di Utente importanti

Informação de Usuário importante

Wichtiger Benutzer Information

Section 1 - Getting Started

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1

Front Panel Details and Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2

Rear Panel Details and Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-3

Input and Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-4

Setting Audio Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-4

Section 2 - Basic Operation

The Adjust Knob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1 Selecting and Loading Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1 Cueing Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2 Editing Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2 The Program Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Tempo Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4 Tap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4 Audio Tap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4 Global Tempo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4 Setting Tempo via MIDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5 The Compressor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5 The Compressor Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-6 Bypass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-7 Storing Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-7 Selecting and Loading User Programs . . . . . . . . . . . .2-8



Lexicon, Inc.

Section 3 - System Mode

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-1

System Mode Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-2

Section 4 - Program Descriptions

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1

MPX 200 Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-2

About the Dual Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-17

Section 5 - MIDI Operation

MPX 200 MIDI Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1

Assigning a MIDI Channel for Program Load . . . . . . .5-1

MIDI Bank Select and Program Change Messages . .5-1

Learning Other MIDI Patches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-2

Clearing a Learned Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-3

MIDI Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-4

MIDI Dumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-4

MIDI Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-5


MPX 200 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-1

Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-2


MPX 200





Important Safety Instructions

Save these instructions for later use.

Follow all instructions and warnings marked on the unit.

Always use with the correct line voltage. Refer to the manufacturer’s operating instructions for the power requirements. Be advised that different operating voltages require the use of a different line cord and/or attachment plug.

Do not install this unit in an unventilated rack, nor directly above items that generate heat, such as power amplifiers. Observe the maximum ambient operating temperature listed in the product specification.

The openings on the case are provided for ventilation; to ensure reliable operation and prevent it from overheating, these openings must not be blocked or covered. Never push objects of any kind through any of the ventilation slots. Never spill any liquids on the unit.

Never attach audio power amplifier outputs directly to any of the unit’s connectors.

To prevent shock or fire hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture, or operate it where it will be exposed to moisture. Do not attempt to operate the unit if it has been dropped, damaged, exposed to liquids, or if it exhibits a distinct change in performance indicating the need for service. This unit should only be opened by qualified service personnel. Removing covers will expose you to hazardous voltages.

This triangle, which appears on your component, alerts you to the presence of uninsulated, dangerous voltage inside the enclosure…voltage that may be sufficient to constitute a risk of shock.

This triangle, which appears on your component, alerts you to important operating and maintenance instructions in this accompanying literature.




Instruções de Segurança importantes

Economize estas instruções para uso posterior.

Siga todas as instruções e advertências marcadas na unidade.

Sempre use com a voltagem de linha correta. Se refira ao fabricante está operando instruções para as exigências de poder. Seja aconselhado que voltagens operacionais diferentes requeiram para o uso uma corda de linha diferente ou tomada de anexo.

Não instale esta unidade em uma prateleira de unventilated, nem diretamente sobre artigos que geram calor, como amplificadores de poder. Observe o máximo que temperatura operacional ambiente listou na especificação de produto.

São providas as aberturas no caso para ventilação; assegurar operação segura e impedir isto de aquecer demais, não devem ser bloqueadas estas aberturas ou devem ser cobertas. Nunca empurre objetos de qualquer amável por quaisquer das aberturas de ventilação. Nunca derrame qualquer líquido na unidade.

Nunca prenda amplificador de poder auditivo produz diretamente a quaisquer dos conectores da unidade.

Prevenir choque ou perigo de incêndio, não exponha a unidade para chover ou umidade, ou opera isto onde será exposto a umidade. Não tente operar a unidade se foi derrubado, estragado, exposto a líquidos, ou se exibe uma mudança distinta em desempenho que indica a necessidade por serviço. Esta unidade só deveria ser aberta através de pessoal de serviço qualificado. Removendo coberturas o exporão a voltagens perigosas.

Este triângulo que se aparece em seu componente o alerta à presença de uninsulated, voltagem perigosa dentro do enclosure…voltage que pode ser suficiente para constituir um risco de choque.

Este triângulo que se aparece em seu componente o alerta a operando importantes e instruções de manutenção nesta literatura acompanhante.



Lexicon, Inc.



Wichtige Sicherheitsanweisungen

Heben Sie sich diese Sicherheitsanweisungen auch für später auf.

Befolgen Sie alle auf der Vorrichtung stehenden Anweisungen und Warnungen.

Immer nur mit der richtigen Spannung verwenden! Die Gebrauchsanweisungen des Herstellers informieren Sie über die elektrischen Anforderungen. Vergessen Sie nicht daß bei verschiedenen Betriebsspannungen ggf. auch verschiedene Leitungskabel und/oder Verbindungsstecker zu verwenden sind.

Stellen Sie die Vorrichtung nicht in ein unbelüftetes Gestell oder unmittelbar über wärmeerzeugende Geräte wie z.B. Tonverstärker. Halten Sie die in den Produktspezifikationen angegebene maximale Umgebungstemperatur bei Betrieb ein.

Schlitze und Öffnungen im Gehäuse dienen der Belüfung; um verläßlichen Betrieb sicherzustellen und Überheizen zu vermeiden dürfen diese Öffnungen nich verstopft oder abgedeckt werden. Stecken Sie nie irgend einen Gegenstand durch die Belüftungsschlitze. Vergießen Sie keine Flüssigkeiten auf den Apparat.

Dieses Produkt is mit einem 3-drahtigen Erdungsstecker ausgerüstet. Diese Sicherheitsmaßnahme darf nicht unwirksam gemacht werden.

Schließen Sie nie Tonverstärker unmittelbar an einen Anschluß des Apparates an.

Um elektrischen Schlag oder Feuer zu vermeiden, setzen Sie den Apparat weder Regen noch Feuchtigkeit aus und betreiben Sie ihn nicht dort wo Wasser eindringen könnte.

Versuchen Sie nicht den Apparat zu betreiben falls er fallen gelassen, beschädigt, oder Flüssigkeiten ausgesetzt wurde, oder falls sich seine Arbeitsweise derart ändert daß daraus ein Bedarf nach Raparatur zu schließen ist.

Dieser Apparat sollte nur von qualifizierten Fachleuten geöffnet werden. Das Abnehmen von Abdeckungen setzt Sie gefährlichen Spannungen aus.

Dieses Dreieck auf Ihrem Apparat warnt Sie vor nicht-isolierter, gefährlicher Spannung im Gehäuse ... stark genug um eine Berührungsgefahr darzustellen.

Dieses Dreieck auf Ihrem Apparat bedeutet daß wichtige Betriebsund Wartungsanweisungen in der mitgelieferten Dokumentation zu finden sind.




Instrucciones importantes de seguridad

Guarde esta instrucciones para uso posterior.

Utilice siempre el voltaje correcto. Diríjase a las instrucciones de operación del fabricante para obtener las especificaciones de potencia. Esté al tanto de que voltajes de operación distintos requieren el uso de cables y/o enchufes distintos.

No instale esta unidad en un estante sin ventilación, ni tampoco directamente encima de equipos que generen calor tales como amplificadores de potencia. Fíjese en las temperaturas ambientales máximas de operación que se mencionan en las especificaciones del producto.

Las aperturas y ranuras del chasis sirven para proveer la ventilación necesaria para operar la unidad con seguridad y para prevenir sobrecalentamiento, y por lo tanto no pueden ser obstruidas o cubiertas. No introduzca objetos de ningún tipo a través de las ranuras de ventilación, y nunca deje caer ningún líquido sobre la unidad.

Este producto está equipado con un enchufe de 3 clavijas con conexión a tierra. Éste es un elemento de seguridad que no debe ser eliminado.

Nunca conecte ningún tipo de salida de amplificadores de sonido directamente a los conectores de la unidad.

Para prevenir descargas eléctricas o incendios, mantenga la unidad alejada de la lluvia, humedad o cualquier lugar en el que pueda entrar en contacto con agua.

No trate de hacer funcionar la unidad si se ha caído, está dañada, ha entrado en contacto con líquidos, o si nota cualquier cambio brusco en su funcionamiento que indique la necesidad de hacerle un servicio de mantenimiento.

Esta unidad deberá ser abierta únicamente por personal calificado. Si usted quita las coberturas se expondrá a voltajes peligrosos.

Este triángulo que aparece en su componente le advierte sobre la existencia dentro del chasis de voltajes peligrosos sin aislantes ...

voltajes que son lo suficientemente grandes como para causar electrocución.

Este triángulo que aparece en su componente lo alerta sobre las instrucciones de operación y mantenimiento importantes que están en los materiales de lectura que se incluyen.


MPX 200




Instructions de Sûreté Importantes

Gardez ces instructions pour réference future.

Observez toutes les instructions et tous les avertissements marqués sur l’appareil.

Branchez uniquements sur un réseau de tension indiquée. Consultez le manuel d’instruction du fabriquant pour les spécifications de courant. N’oubliez pas que différentes tensions peuvent nécessiter l’utilisation de cables et/ou de fiches de connexion différents.

N’installez pas l’appareil en un compartiment non-aéré ou directement au-dessus d’équipements générateurs de chaleur, tels qu’amplificateurs de courants, etc. Ne dépassez pas la température ambiante maximale de fonctionnement indiquée dans les spécifications du produit.

Des fentes et ouvertures sont prévues dans le boîtier pour l’aération; Pour assurer le bon fonctionnement et pour prévenir l’échauffement, ces ouvertures ne doivent pas être couvertes ou bloquées. N’insérez pas d’objets dans les fentes d’aération. Empêchez tout liquide de se répandre sur l’appareil.

Ce produit est muni d’une fiche à trois fils pour la mise à terre. Ceci est une mesure de sécurité et ne doit pas être contrariée.

Ne connectez jamais d’amplificateurs audio directement aux connecteurs de l’appareil.

Pour empêcher les chocs électriques et le danger d’incendie, évitez d’exposer l’appareil à la pluie ou à l’humidité, et ne le mettez pas en marche en un endroit où il serait exposé aux éclaboussures d’eau.

N’essayez pas de faire fonctionner l’appareil s’il est tombé à terre, a été endommangé, exposé à un liquide, ou si vous observez des différences nettes dans son fonctionnement, indiquant la nécessité de réparations.

Cet appareil ne doit être ouvert que par un personnel de service qualifié. En enlevant les couvercles vous vous exposez à des tensions électriques dangereuses.

Ce triangle, sur votre appareil vous avertit de la présence de tension dangereuse, non-isolée à l’intérieur du boîtier...une tension suffisante pour représenter un danger d’électrocution.

Ce triangle sur sur votre appareil vous invite de suivre d’importantes instructions d’utilisation et d’entretien dans la documentation livrée avec le produit.




Importanti norme di sicurezza

Conservare le presenti norme per l’utilizzo futuro.

Osservare tutte le istruzioni e le avvertenze apposte sull’unità.

Utilizzare esclusivamente con la tensione di rete corretta. Consultare le istruzioni operative fornite dal fabbricante per i dati riguardanti la tensione e l’assorbimento di corrente. Potrebbe essere necessario l’uso di cavi di rete e/o di spine diverse a seconda della tensione utilizzata.

Non installare l’unità in uno scaffale privo di ventilazione oppure direttamente sopra una fonte di calore, come, ad esempio, un amplificatore. Non superare la temperatura ambientale massima di funzionamento riportata nei dati tecnici del prodotto.

Le fessure e le altre aperture nella scatola servono alla ventilazione. Per un funzionamento affidabile, e per evitare un eventuale surriscaldamento, queste aperture non vanno ostruite o coperte in nessun modo. Evitare in tutti i casi di inserire oggetti di qualsiasi genere attraverso le fessure di ventilazione. Non versare mai del liquido di nessun tipo sull’unità.

Questo prodotto viene fornito con una spina a 3 fili con massa. Tale dispositivo di sicurezza non va eliminato.

Evitare sempre di collegare le uscite dell’amplificatore audio direttamente ai connettori dell’unità.

Per prevenire il pericolo di folgorazione e di incendio non esporre l’unità alla pioggia o ad un’umidità eccessiva; evitare di adoperare l’unità dove potrebbe entrare in contatto con acqua.

Evitare di adoperare l’unità se la stessa è stata urtata violentemente, se ha subito un danno, se è stata esposta ad un liquido o in caso di un evidente cambiamento delle prestazioni che indichi la necessità di un intervento di assistenza tecnica.

Ogni intervento sull’unità va eseguito esclusivamente da personale qualificato. La rimozione della copertura comporta l’esposizione al pericolo di folgorazione.

Il presente triangolo impresso sul componente avverte della presenza di tensioni pericolose non isolate all’interno della copertura... tali tensioni rappresentano un pericolo di folgorazione.

Il presente triangolo impresso sul componente avverte l’utente della presenza nella documentazione allegata di importanti istruzioni relative al funzionamento ed alla manutenzione.



Lexicon, Inc.




Vigtig information om sikkerhed

Gem denne vejledning til senere brug.

Følg alle anvisninger og advarsler på apparatet.

Apparatet skal altid tilsluttes den korrekte spænding. Der henvises til brugsanvisningen, der indeholder specifikationer for strømforsyning. Der gøres opmærksom på, at ved varierende driftsspændinger kan det blive nødvendigt at bruge andre ledningsog/eller stiktyper.

Apparatet må ikke monteres i et kabinet uden ventilation eller lige over andet udstyr, der udvikler varme, f.eks. forstærkere. Den maksimale omgivelsestemperatur ved drift, der står opført i specifikationerne, skal overholdes.

Der er ventilationsåbninger i kabinettet. For at sikre apparatets drift og hindre overophedning må disse åbninger ikke blokeres eller tildækkes. Stik aldrig noget ind igennem ventilationsåbningerne, og pas på aldrig at spilde nogen form for væske på apparatet.

Dette apparat er forsynet med et stik med jordforbindelse. Denne sikkerhedsforanstaltning må aldrig omgås.

Udgangsstik fra audioforstærkere må aldrig sættes direkte i apparatet.

Apparatet må ikke udsættes for regn eller fugt og må ikke bruges i nærheden af vand for at undgå risiko for elektrisk stød og brand.

Apparatet må aldrig bruges, hvis det er blevet stødt, beskadiget eller vådt, eller hvis ændringer i ydelsen tyder på, at det trænger til eftersyn.

Dette apparat må kun åbnes af fagfolk. Hvis dækslet tages af, udsættes man for livsfarlig højspænding.

Denne mærkat på komponenten advarer om uisoleret, farlig spænding i apparatet ... høj nok til at give elektrisk stød.

Denne mærkat på komponenten advarer om vigtig driftsog vedligeholdsinformation i den tilhørende litteratur.




Tärkeitä turvallisuusohjeita

Säilytä nämä ohjeet tulevaa käyttöä varten.

Seuraa kaikkia yksikköön merkittyjä ohjeita ja varoituksia.

Käytä aina oikeaa verkkojännitettä. Tehovaatimukset selviävät valmistajan käyttöohjeista. Huomaa, että eri käyttöjännitteet saattavat vaatia toisenlaisen verkkojohdon ja/tai -pistokkeen käytön.

Älä asenna yksikköä telineeseen jossa ei ole tuuletusta, tai välittömästi lämpöä tuottavien laitteiden, esim. tehovahvistimien, yläpuolelle. Ympäristön lämpötila käytössä ei saa ylittää tuotespesifikaation maksimilämpötilaa.

Kotelo on varustettu tuuletusreiillä ja -aukoilla. Luotettavan toiminnan varmistamiseksi ja ylilämpenemisen välttämiseksi näitä aukkoja ei saa sulkea tai peittää. Mitään esineitä ei saa työntää tuuletusaukkoihin. Mitään nesteitä ei saa kaataa yksikköön.

Tuote on varustettu 3-johtimisella maadoitetulla verkkopistokkeella. Tämä on turvallisuustoiminne eikä sitä saa poistaa.

Älä kytke audiotehovahvistimen lähtöjä suoraan mihinkään yksikön liittimeen.

Sähköiskun ja palovaaran välttämiseksi yksikkö ei saa olla sateessa tai kosteassa, eikä sitä saa käyttää märässä ympäristössä.

Älä käytä yksikköä jos se on pudonnut, vaurioitunut, kostunut, tai jos sen suorituskyky on huomattavasti muuttunut, mikä vaatii huoltoa.

Yksikön saa avata vain laitteeseen perehtynyt huoltohenkilö. Kansien poisto altistaa sinut vaarallisille jännitteille.

Tämä kolmio, joka esiintyy komponentissasi, varoittaa sinua eristämättömän vaarallisen jännitteen esiintymisestä yksikön sisällä. Tämä jännite saattaa olla riittävän korkea aiheuttamaan sähköiskuvaaran.

Tämä kolmio, joka esiintyy komponentissasi, kertoo sinulle, että tässä tuotedokumentoinnissa esiintyy tärkeitä käyttöja ylläpito-ohjeita.


MPX 200




Viktig informasjon om sikkerhet

Ta vare på denne veiledningen for senere bruk.

Følg alle anvisningene og advarslene som er angitt på apparatet.

Apparatet skal alltid anvendes med korrekt spenning. Produktbeskrivelsen inneholder spesifikasjoner for strømkrav. Vær oppmerksom på at det ved ulike driftsspenninger kan være nødvendig å bruke en annen ledningog/eller støpseltype.

Apparatet skal ikke monteres i skap uten ventilasjon, eller direkte over varmeproduserende utstyr, som for eksempel kraftforsterkere. Den maksimale romtemperaturen som står oppgitt i produktbeskrivelsen, skal overholdes.

Apparatet er utstyrt med ventilasjonsåpninger. For at apparatet skal være pålitelig i bruk og ikke overopphetes, må disse åpningene ikke blokkeres eller tildekkes. Stikk aldri noe inn i ventilasjonsåpningene, og pass på at det aldri søles noen form for væske på apparatet.

Dette apparatet er utstyrt med et jordet støpsel. Dette er en sikkerhetsforanstaltning som ikke må forandres.

Utgangsplugger fra audioforsterkere skal aldri koples direkte til apparatet.

Unngå brannfare og elektrisk støt ved å sørge for at apparatet ikke utsettes for regn eller fuktighet og ikke anvendes i nærheten av vann.

Apparatet skal ikke brukes hvis det har blitt utsatt for støt, er skadet eller blitt vått, eller hvis endringer i ytelsen tyder på at det trenger service.

Dette apparatet skal kun åpnes av fagfolk. Hvis dekselet fjernes, utsettes man for livsfarlig høyspenning.

Komponenten er merket med denne trekanten, som er en advarsel om at det finnes uisolert, farlig spenning inne i kabinettet ... høy nok til å utgjøre en fare for elektrisk støt.

Komponenten er merket med denne trekanten, som betyr at den tilhørende litteraturen inneholder viktige opplysninger om drift og vedlikehold.




Viktiga säkerhetsföreskrifter

Spara dessa föreskrifter för framtida bruk.

Följ alla anvisningar och varningar som anges på enheten.

Använd alltid rätt nätspänning. Se tillverkarens bruksanvisningar för information om effektkrav. Märkväl, att andra matningsspänningar eventuellt kräver att en annan typs nätsladd och/eller kontakt används.

Installera inte enheten i ett oventilerat stativ, eller direkt ovanför utrustningar som avger värme, t ex effektförstärkare. Se till att omgivningens temperatur vid drift inte överskrider det angivna värdet i produktspecifikationen.

Behållaren är försedd med hål och öppningar för ventilering. För att garantera tillförlitlig funktion och förhindra överhettning får dessa öppningar inte blockeras eller täckas. Inga föremål får skuffas in genom ventilationshålen. Inga vätskor får spillas på enheten.

Produkten är försedd med en jordad 3-trådskontakt. Detta är en säkerhetsfunktion som inte får tas ur bruk.

Anslut aldrig audioeffektförstärkarutgångar direkt till någon av enhetens kontakter.

För att undvika elstöt eller brandfara får enheten inte utsättas för regn eller fukt, eller användas på ställen där den blir våt.

Använd inte enheten om den har fallit i golvet, skadats, blivit våt, eller om dess prestanda förändrats märkbart, vilket kräver service.

Enheten får öppnas endast av behörig servicepersonal. Farliga spänningar blir tillgängliga när locken tas bort.

Denna triangel, som visas på din komponent, varnar dig om en oisolerad farlig spänning inne i enheten. Denna spänning är eventuellt så hög att fara för elstöt föreligger.

Denna triangel, som visas på din komponent, anger att viktiga bruksanvisningar och serviceanvisningar ingår i dokumentationen i fråga.



Lexicon, Inc.

US Important User Information

We are pleased to present our user guides on CD-ROM. By utilizing CD-ROM technology we are able to provide our documentation in multiple languages.

The printed edition of the user guide is in English only. The enclosed CD-ROM includes the user guide in multiple languages (Spanish, French, Italian, German, and Portuguese) in easy-to-use PDF format. The CD-ROM also includes Adobe® Acrobat® Readers for both PC and Macintosh platforms, enabling printing of all or any part of the documents.

In addition, we have included dry tracks to simplify product demonstrations.

Please take a moment to read through the important safety information contained at the front of this manual before installing the CD-ROM. For additional information about Lexicon, Inc., our products and support, please visit our web site at www.lexicon.com.

ES La Información del Usuario importante

Nosotros nos agradamos para presentar nuestras guías del usuario en CD-ROM. Utilizando la tecnología de CD-ROM nosotros podemos proporcionar nuestra documentación en los idiomas múltiples.

La edición impresa de la guía del usuario sólo está en inglés. El CD-ROM adjunto incluye la guía del usuario en los idiomas múltiples (español, francés, italiano, alemán, y portugués) en fácil-a- use el formato de PDF. El CD-ROM también incluye a los Adobe® Acrobat® Reader para PC y plataformas de Macintosh que habilitan impresión de todos o cualquier parte de los documentos.

Por favor tome un momento para leer a través de la información de seguridad importante contuvo al frente de este manual antes de instalar el CD-ROM. Para la información adicional sobre el Lexicon, Inc., nuestros productos, y apoya, por favor visite nuestro sitio web al www.lexicon.com.

Unpacking and Inspection

After unpacking the unit, save all packing materials in case you ever need to ship the unit. Thoroughly inspect the modules and packing materials for signs of damage. Report any damage to the carrier at once; report equipment malfunction to your dealer.

Desempaquetando e Inspección

Después de desempaquetar la unidad, ahorra todos los materiales del embalaje en caso de que usted alguna vez necesita enviar la unidad. Completamente inspeccione los módulos y condensando los materiales para las señales de daño. Informe cualquier daño en seguida al portador; el funcionamiento defectuoso de equipo de informe a su distribuidor.


MPX 200


FR L'Information de l'Utilisateur importante

Nous sommes heureux de présenter nos guides d'utilisation sur CD-ROM. En utilisant la technologie CD-ROM nous sommes capables de fournir notre documentation dans les multiples langues.

L'édition imprimée du guide d'utilisation est dans anglais seulement. Le CD-ROM clos inclut le guide d'utilisation dans les multiples langues (espagnol, français, Italien, allemand, et Portugais) dans facile utiliser le format PDF. Le CD-ROM inclut aussi des Adobe® Acrobat® Reader pour PC et plates-formes Macintosh qui permettent impression de tout ou toute partie des documents.

S'il vous plaît prenez un moment pour lire l'information de la sécurité importante a contenu au devant de ce manuel avant d'installer le CD-ROM. Pour information supplémentaire au sujet de Lexicon, Inc., nos produits, et supporte, s'il vous plaît visitez notre site web à www.lexicon.com.

Déballer et Inspection

Après avoir déballé l'unité, sauve toutes les matières de l'emballage au cas où vous avez besoin jamais de transporter l'unité. Entièrement inspectez les modules et emballer des matières pour signes de dégât. Rapportez tout dégât au porteur à la fois; fonctionnement défectueux du matériel du rapport à votre revendeur.

IT Informazioni di Utente importanti

Noi siamo lieti di presentare le nostre guide di utente su CD-ROM. Utilizzando la tecnologia di CD-ROM noi siamo capaci di provvedere la nostra documentazione in lingue multiple.

L'edizione stampata del manuale utente è solamente in inglesi. Il CD-ROM incluso include il manuale utente in lingue multiple (spagnolo, francese, italiano, tedesco, ed il portoghese) in configurazione di PDF facile da usare. Il CD-ROM include anche Adobe® Acrobat® Reader per PC e Macintosh colloca su una piattaforma stampando abilitante di tutti o alcuna parte dei documenti.

Per favore prenda un momento per leggere attraverso le informazioni di sicurezza importanti contenne alla fronte di questo manuale prima di installare il CD-ROM. Per informazioni supplementari su Lexicon, Inc., i nostri prodotti e sostiene, per favore visiti il nostro sito web a www.lexicon.com.

Spacchettando ed Ispezione

Dopo avere spacchettato l'unità, mai salvi tutti i materiali di imballaggio in caso che Lei ha bisogno di inviare l'unità. Completamente ispezioni i moduli e comprimendo materiali per segnali di danno. Subito riporti alcun danno al corriere; malfunzionamento di attrezzatura di rapporto al Suo rivenditore.



Lexicon, Inc.

PT Informação de Usuário importante

Nós somos agradados para apresentar nossos guias de usuário em CD-ROM. Utilizando tecnologia de CD-ROM nós podemos prover nossa documentação em idiomas múltiplos.

A edição impresso do guia de usuário só está em inglês. O CD-ROM incluso inclui o guia de usuário em idiomas múltiplos (espanhol, francês, italiano, alemão, e português) em formato de PDF fácil-de-usar. O CD-ROM também inclui os Adobe® Acrobat® Reader para PC e plataformas de Macintosh que habilitam impressão de tudo ou qualquer parte dos documentos.

Por favor leve um momento para ler do princípio ao fim a informação de segurança importante conteve à frente deste manual antes de instalar o CD-ROM. Para informação adicional sobre Lexicon, Inc., nossos produtos, e apóia, por favor visite nosso local de teia a www.lexicon.com.

Desempacotando e Inspeção

Depois de desempacotar a unidade, economiza todos os materiais de embalagem no caso de você já precisa transportar a unidade. Completamente inspecione os módulos e empacotando materiais para sinais de dano. Informe qualquer dano imediatamente ao portador; mau funcionamento de equipamento de relatório para seu negociante.

DE Wichtiger Benutzer Information

Uns wird gefallen, um unsere Benutzer-Führer auf CD-ROM zu präsentieren. Wir sind fähig, unsere Dokumentation in mehrfachen Sprachen bereitzustellen, indem wir CD-ROM- Technologie nutzen.

Die gedruckte Ausgabe des Benutzer-Führers ist nur auf Englisch. Die eingeschlossene CD-ROM schließt den Benutzer-Führer in mehrfachen Sprachen ein (spanisch, französisch, italienisch, deutsch, und portugiesisch) in leicht-zu-benutzen Sie PDF Format. Die CD-ROM schließt auch Adobe® Acrobat® Reader für sowohl PC als auch Macintosh Plattformen ein, die Drucklegung von allen oder irgendeinem Teil der Dokumente ermöglichen.

Nehmen Sie bitte einen Moment, um die wichtigen SicherheitInformationen durchzulesen, enthielt bei der Front dieses Handbuches vor dem Installieren der CD-ROM. Für zusätzliche Informationen über Lexicon,Inc., unsere Produkte, und unterstützt, besuchen Sie unsere Web Site bitte bei www.Lexicon.com.

Auspackend und Inspektion

Nach dem Auspacken der Einheit, außer allen VerpackungMaterialien, falls Sie die Einheit je verschicken müssen. Inspizieren Sie die Bauelemente und packende Materialien gründlich für Zeichen von Schaden. Berichten Sie sofort irgendeinen Schaden zum Boten; Bericht-Ausrüstung-Funktionsstörung zu Ihrem Händler.


Thank you for your purchase of the Lexicon MPX 200 Dual Channel Processor—a true stereo dual-channel processor with 24-bit internal processing, 24-bit A/D-D/A and S/PDIF digital inputs and outputs. The MPX 200 features a newly designed digital compressor that works in front of, and in addition to, its outstanding effects. This makes the MPX 200 one of the most powerful processors in its price class.

The MPX 200 includes 240 presets with classic reverb programs such as Ambience, Plate, Chamber and Inverse as well as Tremolo, Rotary, Chorus, Flange, Pitch, Detune, 5.5 second Delay & Echo. Sixty four User locations store your own variations of these programs. Dual-channel processing provides two independent effects in a variety of con- figurations—Dual Stereo (Parallel), Cascade, Mono Split and Dual Mono—indicated by the Routing LED in each of the dual programs.

Up to eight adjustable parameters (four program and four compressor) are available in each program. The digital compressor is available in all 240 programs, including the dual programs—simultaneously providing two effects and


Getting Started

compression. A full range of MIDI control includes Program Change, MIDI bulk dump, and an easy Learn mode that allows MIDI patching of the front panel controls. In addition, tempo-controlled delays and modulation rates lock to Tap or MIDI Clock. Tap tempos are controllable by audio input, the front panel Tap button, dual footswitch, external MIDI controller or MIDI Program Change.

Other features include:

3-stage headroom indicators

4-stage compressor indicators

Headphone output

Software-selectable MIDI OUT/THRU port

Cue program mode

Pushbutton or footswitch selection of dry or muted audio output

Assignable Bypass mode

Global Mix, Tempo and Compressor modes

20Hz-20KHz ± 1dB Frequency Response


Getting Started

Lexicon, Inc.



Show the amount of gain reduction being obtained.







Input Knob


Indicate which effects are selected and,

Sets the level of the


for dual-effects programs, which routing

incoming signal.


is selected.















Compressor Button

When on, the red LED is lit and the 4 LEDs labeled Compressor show the amount of gain reduction being obtained.

Store Button

Indicates Store is active. (When pressed with Tap, activates MIDI learn.)







































- Clip

- 3dB
























- 12dB

- 10dB











- 30dB

- 20dB




















Green = Presence of an input signal for L & R channels.

Red = Indicates Input saturating for that channel; or, the internal processing is saturated.

EDIT Parameter Display

Indicates which parameter is selected for editing.

Load Button

Causes the cued program to load. Lights to indicate that the program cued is different from the program currently running.

Edit Button/MIDI LED

Lights to indicate that the current program has been altered from the original. When blinking, there is MIDI activity. To return to cueing new programs, press the Load button.

Adjust Knob

Multi-function knob to select effects and routing, control edit functions, change parameter values. Functions are assignable by pressing Load, Edit, etc.

Bypass Button

Mutes or bypasses the signal, depending on the setting of the system Bypass parameter. Also accesses System parameters when pressed for 2 seconds.

Tap Button

Flashes for Tempo-based programs. Press twice to set a tempo. Hold to have input level determine tempo. (When pressed with Store, activates MIDI learn.)


MPX 200

Getting Started



Uses a detachable IEC power cable. Use the correct cable for receptacles in your area.


The MPX 200 is shipped with the System parameter for MIDI OUT/THRU set to OUT. To change this to a MIDI THRU port, change the System parameter to THRU.


L & R 1/4-inch Unbalanced Outputs. If no cable is plugged into the L Output, the R Output provides a mono signal of both channels. If no cable is plugged into the R Output, the L Output can drive a set of stereo headphones.


50 - 60Hz, 25W





44.1K S/PDIF




































































This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.




Operation is subject to the following two conditions:




(1) this device may not cause harmful interference; LEFT







(2) this device must accept any interference received,




including interference that may cause undesired operation.




Line Voltage Switch

Located on the side of the unit.


Be sure to select the appropriate voltage for your area to avoid damage to the unit.




















A momentary-contact footswitch.



L & R 1/4-inch Unbalanced Inputs.

Tip - Tempo




Input and Output

If no cable is plugged into the L Input,

Ring - Bypass







the R Input feeds a mono signal to







Sleeve - Ground







both channels.





















































Sleeve Bypass







The footswitch jack requires a Tip/Ring/Sleeve 1/4-inch plug. The Tip controls Tempo similar to the Tap button and the Ring controls Bypass similar to the Bypass button. A handy mnemonic to remember is: “Tip for Tempo; Ring for Reverb.” You cannot use an “unbalanced” Tip/ Sleeve plug for the footswitch because the MPX 200 will detect this as if the Bypass button were being pressed.

Powering-up the MPX 200 with a Tip/Sleeve plug inserted into the footswitch jack will cause it to enter Diagnostic Mode. If this occurs, turn the MPX 200 off, remove the plug, and turn it on again.


Getting Started

Lexicon, Inc.


The Input and Output jacks on the MPX 200 are 1/4-inch unbalanced sockets. If no plug is inserted into the Left Input, the Right Input becomes a mono-signal – fed into both Left and Right. The Inputs are Hi-Z and sensitive enough to accommodate an electric guitar plugged directly into the MPX 200.

If no plug is inserted into the Right Output, the Left Output becomes a stereo T/R/S output. It is also capable of driving headphones.












Input and Output Jacks

It is always good practice to route your audio cables away from power cables.


1.Start with Input set to 9:00 o’clock.

2.Set the instrument volume control to a nominal level. Begin to play or send audio to the MPX 200. The Level LEDs remain off during the loudest passages.

3.While still sending audio to the MPX 200, gradually turn up the Input control until the Clip LEDs show red on only the loudest peaks.

4.Set the Mix control to “Dry.”

5.Adjust output to the desired level.

6.If the MPX 200 is using a console’s send and returns, set the Mix control fully clockwise (100% wet) and the system parameter Mix Mode to Global (see page 3-4). If you are using an instrument amplifier, start with Mix set halfway up.

The Level LEDs are off when the incoming signal is low (more than 30dB below overload.) The Clip LEDs light red when the signal approaches overload (-1dB). Acceptable signals will cause the Level LEDs to light green almost continuously, with the Clip LEDs flashing red on peaks.


As with any audio product, it is good practice to first power on all outboard gear, then the mixer, then any loudspeakers.



The Adjust knob is located on the right side of the front panel and performs multiple functions. For example:

A.When the Load button is pressed, the Adjust knob is used to select

the programs.

B.When the Edit button is pressed, the Adjust knob is used to control one of the Edit functions.

To reassign the Adjust knob for selecting Programs, press the Load button.

Other functions are described throughout this manual.


The MPX 200 contains 240 presets and storage for 64 User Programs. To select a Preset or User Program as the running program:

1. Press the Load button. (Omit this step if you are Load already in Program Load mode.)


Basic Operation

2.Turn the Adjust knob until your desired program number appears on the display, or effects and routing are indicated by the EFFECTS and ROUTING LEDs.

3.Press Load again to load your selected program. The program can also be set to load automatically. (See Autoload on page 3-3 / item 14).

Your loaded program number is displayed in the











3-digit display. The LEDs for the selected










program will light to indicate which effects the





















selected program contains. If the


program contains a dual effect, the appropriate ROUTING LED will light.

The compressor will always be available in any program,

and is situated in front of any other effect for the Compressor "wet" component signal path. If compression is

included in that program, the COMPRESSOR effect LED lights even though the compressor can always be turned on or off (using the Compressor button). Thus, the EFFECTS display shows what would run if that program were



Basic Operation

Lexicon, Inc.


For live performance or mixing in the studio, you may want to “jump” from one program to another. The MPX 200 allows you to cue a program for loading.

1.Turn the Adjust knob to the Program you want to load next (but do not press the Load button).

After 4 seconds the display and the EFFECTS and ROUTING LEDs will revert to showing the currently running program, but the Load button will remain lit to indicate its armed status. To review the cued program, rotate the Adjust knob one click to redisplay its number and effects.

2. Press Load to load your cued program.



The Load button lights when a new program has been selected for loading, indicating that the button is armed. Pressing the Load button will then cause the selected program to load. (If the selected program has not been changed or the running program has not been edited since it was loaded, the LED will not be lit, indicating that pressing this button will have no effect.)


The Adjust knob is used to control the EDIT functions. The lighted LED indicates the selected parameter while the display indicates the value of that parameter.


1.Press the Edit button to enter the Editing MIDI

mode. Each time you press the Edit button,


it selects the next parameter for you to edit.


2.Turn the Adjust knob to change the parameter. An appropriate value for that control will be displayed.

After changing a parameter value, the MPX 200 will wait 4 seconds and then "timeout" and revert to displaying the active program number in the display. You can tell that Edit mode is still active because the current parameter LED is still lit.

Compressor, Mix, and Tempo parameters can be set via System Parameters as either Global or Program. When set as Program, a change to these parameters is considered a “program edit” and is reported with the activation of the Edit LED. When set as Global, a change is not considered an “edit.”

If you were previously operating a control and then pressed Load, pressing Edit will return to the previous control. The Edit button lights when a parameter has been changed and is different from its stored value.

Press the Load button to reassign the Adjust knob to select Programs.

MPX 200


Basic Operation

The Program Parameters

Lvl/Bal Sets the level of the Single effects and the bal-


Controls the proportion of processed (wet) to

ance of the Dual effects. In Single programs,


unprocessed (dry) signals. The range is from 0

the range is 0-100% and represents the output


(dry) to 100% (wet).

level of the effect. However, in the Dual pro-


Modifies various parameters of the current pro-

grams, the Level/Balance range is -50 to 50

where at -50 you are listening only to the output


gram (The selection depends on the program

of the 1st effects block, at 0 you hear an equal


running. See Section 4 – Program Descriptions.)

balance between the effects blocks, and at 50


The Adjust range is 0 -127, selected based on

you are listening only to the output of the 2nd


external MIDI control having 128 steps.

effects block. The current routing of the block is


Controls the frequency content of the active

indicated by the front panel ROUTING LED.


program, usually by affecting the output HighCut filter or some other parameter appropriate to that program. EQ is expressed in hertz (Hz) or kilohertz (KHz).


Basic Operation

Lexicon, Inc.



Tap allows delays and effects to be locked to the tempo of your music. Whenever this Tempo feature is active in a program, the green Tap LED flashes. To lock the delay or effect to the tempo of your music, simply press Tap twice, in time with the music, to set a tempo. The MPX 200 recognizes tempos from 40 to 400 bpm (beats per minute).

3.When you release Tap, the current bpm will show on the digital display and the LED in the Tap button will light to indicate that tempo can now be further adjusted from the front panel. Just turn the Adjust knob to dial in a tempo (in bpm).

4.Press Tap to exit this mode.

For live performances this is an easy way to set delay rates to follow your rhythm.

Audio TAP

In addition to entering a program tempo directly via the Tap button, you can also use audio input such as two drum hits or a vocal countoff to set the tempo of the MPX 200 delay times:

1.Press and hold the Tap button for 2 seconds.

(The optional dual footswitch input on the Tap/Cancel back panel performs the same function as

the Tap button.) The display will read "Aud" (Audio).

2.While holding down Tap, play two short notes in rhythm, then release the Tap button. The MPX 200 automatically calculates the tempo from the space between your two notes.


Global Tempo

Many factory presets are stored with their own tempo rate. You can tap in a new tempo (and store your version in a User location) or set the MPX 200 to globally recall the last tempo used and apply it to every program (see Section 3 - System Mode).

When you select Global Tempo from the MPX 200 System mode, the last tempo used will be applied to all programs with tempo-controlled parameters. (If a program is tempo-controllable, the Tap button flashes when the program is loaded.)

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