The controller is a source of danger which may cause death or serious personal injury.
In order to ensure protection against this danger, observe the safety instructions before
switching on the controller.
Please read the safety instructions in the mounting instructions and hardware manual
of the Servo-Inverter 9400 HighLine. Both instructions are included in the scope of
Target group
This documentation addresses to all persons who want to parameterise, configure, and diagnose
the 9400 HighLine controller by means of the engineering software L-force »Engineer« and the
The information in this documentation are valid for the following standard devices:
Product seriesType designationfrom software version
9400 Servo DrivesE94AxHExxxx1.5
Screenshots/application examples
All screenshots in this documentation are application examples. Depending on the firmware
version of the 9400 HighLine and the software version of the engineering tools installed
(»Engineer« or » Easy Starter«), the screenshots in this documentation may deviate from the screen
Engineering toolsSoftware solutions for easy engineering in all project stages
»EASY Navigator« – provides a good guide to the user
• All convenient Lenze engineering tools at a glance
• Tools can be selected quickly
• The clear structure simplifies the engineering process from the start
»EASY Starter« – easy-to-use tool for service technicians
• Specially designed for the commissioning and maintenance of Lenze
• Graphical user interface with just a few buttons
• Easy online diagnostics, parameterisation, and commissioning
• No risk of an unintended change in applications
• Loading of ready-to-use applications to the device
»Engineer« – multi-device engineering
• For all products in our L-force portfolio
• Practical user interface
• Graphic interfaces make it easy to navigate
• Can be applied in every phase of a project (project planning,
commissioning, production)
• Parameter setting and configuration
L-force ControllerThe L-force controller is the central component of the automation system which (by
means of the runtime software) controls the Logic and Motion functionalities.
The L-force Controller uses the fieldbus to communicate with the field devices.
Engineering PCThe Engineering PC and the engineering tools installed on it serve to configure and
parameterise the system.
The Engineering PC uses Ethernet to communicate with the L-force Controller.
Code"Container" for one or several parameters used for controller parameter setting or
SubcodeIf a code contains several parameters, the individual parameters are stored under
This Manual uses a slash "/" as a separator between code and subcode (e.g. "C00118/3").
Function block editorGraphical interconnection tool which is provided for controllers in the MotionControl
HighLevel and TopLevel license level in the »Engineer« on the FB editor tab and by means
of which the technology applications supplied can also be reconfigured and extended by
individual functions.
Function blockA function block (FB) can be compared with an integrated circuit that contains a specific
control logic and delivers one or several values when being executed.
• A n in stan ce ( repro ducti on, co py) of the f unc tion b lock i s alw ays inser ted in the ci rcuit .
• It is also possible to insert several instances of a function block in a circuit.
• Each instance has an unequivocal identifier (the instance name) and a processing
number which defines the position at which the function block is calculated during
the task cycle.
The basis of every L-force application is an easy and quick parameter setting of prepared technology
applications and solutions*.
This chapter contains basic information on the runtime software model of L-force and on how you
can establish an online connection between the PC and controller for parameter setting with
»Engineer« very easily.
At the end of this chapter you will find an overview of the different signal types & scaling which
serve to process physical values (e.g. a speed or position) within the application.
* In preparation!
2.1Parameter setting, configuring, or programming?
The graded runtime software model of L-force provides a simple and consistent solution for motion
and process tasks as well as for complex machine functions:
Runtime software
PLC levelProgramming*
Freely programmable open and closed
loop control functions*
Technology levelConfiguring
Motion Control TopLevel
Additional motion and process control
modes for complex drive tasks.
Motion Control HighLevel
Individual extensibility of the basic
functions & technology applications by
means of the function block editor and
the comprehensive function library.
The HighLevel and TopLevel licenses enable you to
extend the provided technology applications by
individual functions using the graphic function block
editor of »Engineer«. Here you can access the
comprehensive function libraries of Lenze which
among other things contain process controllers,
arithmetic functions, logic blocks, and ramp
generators and integrators.
Parameter setting
The StateLevel license includes a range of technology
applications which can be put into operation easily
with a keypad or via dialogs in »Engineer«.
Important basic drive functions and further basic functions are implemented in the firmware of the
controller and thus are always provided, irrespective of the runtime software licence available.
Motion Control basic drive functionsFurther basic functionalities
• Stop
• Quick stop
• Manual jog
• Homing
• Positioning
• Position follower
• Speed follower
• Torque follower
• Limiter
• Brake control
• Drive interface
• Motor interface
• Encoder evaluation
• I/O terminals
• Safety engineering
• Logbook
• Oscilloscope
2.1.2Technology applications
Technology applications (TAs) are applications prepared by Lenze which can serve as a basis for
solving typical applications.
• The technology applications available for the Servo Drives 9400 can be selected in »Engineer«
from the application catalogue.
The following interfaces/communication modules can be used to establish communication
between the PC and controller:
• Diagnostic interface X6/Going online via diagnostic adapter
• CAN on board interface/Going online via system bus (CAN on board) ( 20)
• Optional interfaces which are provided by corresponding communication modules in the
module slots MXI1/MXI2 of the controller.
For communication with the controller, at least the control electronics of the controller
must be supplied with 24 V low voltage via plug X2. For detailed information, please see
the Mounting Instructions for the controller.
If you change parameters in the »Engineer« while the controller is connected online, the
changes will be directly accepted by the controller!
Detailed information about the individual interfaces can be found in the corresponding
Communication Manuals (KHB).
2.2.1Going online via diagnostic adapter
For initial commissioning of the controller you can for instance use the diagnostic adapter offered
by Lenze:
Please observe the documentation for the diagnostic adapter!
If no communication path was configured yet for the controller selected, the
Communication path dialog box is shown after the update has been carried out:
• The "Diagnostic adapter" bus connection is already preset.
3. Click on Connect.
• The dialog box is closed and the online connection with the controller is built up.
•In the Project view a yellow icon indicates the online connection with the controller:
Now you can use the icons and to easily build up and end a connection with the controller.
The communication settings are only required when communication with a controller is built up for
the first time.
• If you want to change the configured communication path, select the command Online Set
communication path and go online to open the Communication path dialog box and change the
• When an online connection has been established, the »Engineer« displays the current
parameter settings of the controller with a yellow background colour.
As an alternative to the diagnostic adapter, you can use the integrated system bus interface (CAN on
board, terminal X1) of the controller for communication.
• Lenze offers the following communication accessories for connection to the PC:
Communication accessoriesPC interface
PC system bus adapter 2173
incl. connection cable and voltage supply adapter
• for DIN keyboard connection (EMF2173IB)
• for PS/2 keyboard connection (EMF2173IBV002)
• for PS/2 keyboard connection with electrical isolation (EMF2173IBV003)
PC system bus adapter 2177
incl. connection cable (EMF2177IB)
Parallel interface
(LPT port)
(Universal Serial Bus)
• For detailed information about the PC system bus adapter, please see the "CAN
Communication Manual".
• Please observe the documentation for the PC system bus adapter!
• The online connection is established as described in the previous chapter "Going
online via diagnostic adapter", only that this time the entry "CAN system bus" is to be
selected in the Bus connection list field of the Communication path dialog box.
( 18)
2.2.3Use of other communication interfaces
The controller can be extended by further communication interfaces, if required, e.g. Ethernet,
• For this the controller is provided with the module slots MXI1 and MXI2 for accepting
communication modules.
• Detailed information on this subject can be found in the Hardware Manual and Communication
Manual for the corresponding communication system.
It is very helpful for the parameterisation & configuration of the controller to know the signal types
and their scaling listed below, which serve to process physical quantities (e.g. a speed or position)
within the function block interconnection.
From software version V3.0 the resolution of an encoder revolution can be
This documentation contains detailed information on parameter setting and configuration of the
controller. Sequential reading is not required.
In order to obtain the information relevant for initial commissioning, this chapter describes
different commissioning scenarios which can also be used as a guide through this manual:
A. Initial commissioning
• Target: Adapting the controller to the electromechanics and the control system.
B. Standard set-up
• Target: Taking over the application and parameter set of an already preconfigured "Engineer"
project into several controllers.
( 25)
( 26)
C. Controller replacement
• Target: Replacing a controller which has failed in a running system by a replacement device
using the "old" memory module.
D. Motor replacement
• Target: Replacing a motor which has failed in a running system.
Some parameters of the controller have a setting range depending on the device type.
If parameterisation is carried out offline or if the memory module is exchanged between
different 9400 HighLine device types, always check the settings of the parameters listed
in the following table and adapt them, if required, to prevent a parameter error after the
parameter set download or module change!
ParameterInfoLenze setting
Switching frequency8 kHz variable
Maximum current
Accepting/adapting plant parameters
Mains voltage and undervoltage threshold (LU)
Machine parameters
( 29)
( 124)
0.00 A
400/415 V, LU = 285 V
The rated data of the different device types can be found in the Hardware Manual in the
"Rated data" chapter.
Term definition of "Plant parameters"
The term "plant parameters" which is frequently used in the following chapters summarises all
parameters which result from the combination of motor and load. They characterise the transfer
behaviour of the entire controlled system including the desired monitoring functions. The plant
parameters depend on the application in which the controller and motor are used.
• A display of the plant parameters offered by ENP via keypad is not provided. The plant
parameters must be edited and optimised individually.
• To avoid that the motor starts unintentionally without adjusting the plant parameters, the
maximum current in the Lenze setting is set to "0 A" in C00022
• After setting the plant parameters, they have to be saved on the memory module of the
controller with mains failure protection, just as the motor data that have been read out from
the ENP (C00002
For a motor without an electronic nameplate (ENP)
• The motor data and plant parameters must be edited and set individually.
• To avoid that the motor starts unintentionally without adjusting the plant parameters, the
maximum current is set to "0 A" in C00022
• After setting the motor data and plant parameters, they have to be saved on the memory
module of the controller with mains failure protection (C00002
= "11: Save start parameters").
by the factory.
= "11: Save start parameters").
Commissioning of the application
• The application must already be stored on the memory module of the controller. Otherwise
commissioning by only using the keypad is not possible.
• All application parameters which deviate from the factory adjustment have to be edited
individually. For this the project planner has to provide a corresponding list to the commissioner
(including the motor and plant data).
• In the case of a standard set-up, a pole position identification may have to be carried out for
synchronous motors of a third party manufacturer or Lenze synchronous motors with a
Stegmann absolute value encoder.
• After setting the parameters, they have to be saved on the memory module of the controller
with mains failure protection (C00002
= "11: Save start parameters").
Detailed information on the individual technology applications can be found in the
corresponding Software Manual for the technology application and the »Engineer« online
help in the chapter "L-force Servo Drives 9400 Technology applications".
1. Read out the motor data of the controller or select them via the »Engineer« motor catalogue.
• If the motor connected to the controller is provided with an electronic nameplate (ENP), all motor
data are automatically read out from the ENP and a selection in the motor catalogue is not required.
Reading out motor data from the controller
• If a motor without ENP or a motor by a third-party manufacturer is used, the selection is carried out
via the »Engineer« motor catalogue. Selecting a motor from the motor catalogue in the »Engineer«
( 118)
2. Select motor control
• Servo control is preset for the synchronous motor.
3. Adjusting motor and controller to each other
4. Carry out settings for selected motor control.
• For this see description for the corresponding motor control:
• Servo control (SC)
• Sensorless vector control (SLVC) (from software version V3.0)
• V/f control (VFCplus)
• V/f control (VFCplus)
Parameterise/configure application:
5. Load & parameterise technology application.
Detailed information on the individual technology applications can be found in the corresponding
Software Manual for the technology application and the »Engineer« online help in the chapter "L-force
Servo Drives 9400 Technology applications".
6. If required, reconfigure the interconnection of the technology application with the function block editor.
Optimise control mode:
7. Optimise control mode of the selected motor control.
• By means of traversing profile from the application and oscilloscope.
• For this see description for the corresponding motor control:
• Servo control (SC)
• Sensorless vector control (SLVC) (from software version V3.0)
• V/f control (VFCplus)
• V/f control (VFCplus)
Save project and parameter set:
8. Execute device command C00002
9. Save »Engineer« project.
. ( 121)
(from software version V3.0)
(from software version V3.0)
(from software version V3.0)
(from software version V3.0)
= "11: Save start parameters".
( 117)
( 123)
More (optional) worksteps
Establish network:
1. Insert network and machine application into the »Engineer« project.
2. Interconnect port blocks reasonably to each other within the machine application.
3. Configure network (set addresses, baud rate, and process data channels in a reasonable manner).
4. Establish communication with the control system.
5. Establish communication with other drive components (e.g. HMIs, I/O extensions and other controllers).
Scenario: The controller has failed in a running system.
For the procedure described in the following it is assumed that the memory module and
possibly available extension modules in the controller, as well as the motor are not
affected by the failure and that all parameters have been saved with mains failure
Replacement of the controller:
1. Replace controller.
See Mounting Instructions for the controller!
2. Insert the memory module of the failed controller into the replacement device.
3. If further extension modules are plugged into the failed controller, they must be inserted into the
replacement device as well.
Further steps are not required since all data required are on the memory module.
3.6Motor replacement
Scenario: The motor has failed in a running system.
For the procedure described in the following it is assumed that the controller is not
affected by the failure.
Replacement of the motor:
1. Replace the motor.
See Mounting Instructions for the controller!
The motor connection on the controller is accessible without having to remove the standard device
from the installation backplane.
For a motor with an electronic nameplate (ENP):
2. Restart controller with connected motor to read out the motor data from the electronic nameplate.
• Either by switching off/switching on again the voltage supply or by means of device command
• See chap. Motor interface
3. Execute device command C00002
For a motor without an electronic nameplate (ENP):
The motor is operated with the motor data and plant data from the memory module.
= "11000: Restart controller".
Reading out motor data from the controller ( 117)
This chapter provides you with information on the drive interface via which you can control the
drive controller into specific states and call different pieces of status information of the controller.
Furthermore the machine constants for the motor end are entered via the drive interface.
How to get to the dialog for setting the drive interface parameters:
1. Go to the Project view of the »Engineer« and select the 9400 HighLine controller.
2. Select the Application parameters tab from the Workspace.
3. Click the following button of the Overview dialog level:
Parameterisation dialog in the »Engineer«
• The white buttons indicate the configuration of the drive interface inputs. Internal interfaces
| "LS_DriveInterface" system block ( 110)
• The assignment is predefined by the technology application selected (in the example
"Actuating drive – speed"). If required, this assignment configuration can be changed by
clicking the corresponding buttons.
• If you click a button marked with the symbol, you go one level deeper in the corresponding
parameterisation dialog.
The global machine constants ("machine parameters") are set in the »Engineer» on the Application
parameters tab in the dialog level Overview Drive interface Machine parameters:
Detailed information on the different machine parameters can be obtained from the
following subchapters.
Via the Mains voltage list field (C00173) the mains voltage for the controller is set.
• If you set a mains voltage with an adjustable threshold for undervoltage ("LU adjustable"), this
undervoltage threshold can be set in the Undervoltage threshold (LU) input field (C00174
•In the Resp. to DC-bus overvoltage list field (C00600
effected when a DC-bus overvoltage occurs.
) you can select the response that is to be
Changing the setting in C00173 also affects the permissible device utilisation!
In the chapter "Rated data" of the hardware manual the device types and their permissible
device utilisation at a certain mains voltage and switching frequency are specified.
See also:Monitoring of the device utilisation ( 108)