Lenze 9400 User Manual

Hardware Manual
Servo Drives 9400
0Fig.0Tab. 0

Contents i

1Preface 9..................................................................
1.1 The 9400 Servo Drives product range 10....................................
1.1.1 The system 10..................................................
1.1.2 Features 10.....................................................
1.1.3 System overview 10..............................................
1.2 About this Hardware Manual 12...........................................
1.2.1 Information provided by the Hardware Manual 12....................
1.2.2 Products to which the Hardware Manual applies 13...................
1.3 Legal regulations 17.....................................................
2Guide 19....................................................................
2.1 Terms and abbreviations used 20..........................................
2.2 Total index 22..........................................................
3 Safety instructions 27.........................................................
3.1 General safety and application notes for Lenze controllers 28..................
3.2 General safety and application instructions for Lenze motors 32................
3.3 Residual hazards 35.....................................................
3.4 Notes used 36..........................................................
4 Single-axis controllers 37......................................................
4.1 Device features 38......................................................
4.2 General data and operating conditions 39.................................
4.3 Rated data (devices for 400/500V mains) 47.................................
4.3.1 Overview 47....................................................
4.3.2 Operation at rated mains voltage 230 V 50..........................
4.3.3 Operation at rated mains voltage 400 V 53..........................
4.3.4 Operation at rated mains voltage 500 V 60..........................
4.3.5 Fuses and cable cross-sections 66..................................
4.3.6 Overcurrent operation 68.........................................
4.3.7 Current-time diagrams 75........................................
4.4 Device description 85....................................................
4.4.1 Devices in the range 2 ... 24 A (0.37 ... 11 kW) 86......................
4.4.2 Devices in the range 32 ... 104 A (15 ... 55 kW) 88.....................
4.4.3 Devices in the range 145 ... 695 A (75 ... 370 kW) 90...................
4.5 Mechanical installation 92................................................
4.5.1 Important notes 92..............................................
4.5.2 Devices in the range 2 ... 24 A (0.37 ... 11 kW) 92......................
4.5.3 Devices in the range 32 ... 104 A (15 ... 55 kW) 95.....................
4.5.4 Devices in the range 145 ... 366 A (75 ... 200 kW) 96...................
4.5.5 Devices in the range 460 ... 695 A (250 ... 400 kW) 97..................
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
4.6 Wiring 98..............................................................
4.6.1 Important notes 98..............................................
4.6.2 Safety notes for the installation according to UL or UR 100.............
4.6.3 Earthing of internal EMC filters 103.................................
4.6.4 Devices in the range 2 ... 24 A (0.37 ... 11 kW) 107......................
4.6.5 Devices in the range 32 ... 104 A (15 ... 55 kW) 116.....................
4.6.6 Devices in the range 145 ... 695 A (75 ... 370 kW) 121...................
4.7 Control terminals 138.....................................................
5 Multi-axis controllers 155......................................................
5.1 Device features 156......................................................
5.2 General data and operating conditions 157.................................
5.3 Rated data 163..........................................................
5.3.1 Overview 163....................................................
5.3.2 Devices for 400/500V-mains 165....................................
5.3.3 Overcurrent operation 169.........................................
5.3.4 Current-time diagrams 173........................................
5.4 Mechanical installation 178................................................
5.4.1 Important notes 178..............................................
5.4.2 Devices in the range 2 ... 32 A (0.37 ... 15 kW) 182......................
5.5 Wiring 183..............................................................
5.5.1 Important notes 183..............................................
5.5.2 Safety notes for the installation according to UL or UR 185.............
5.5.3 Earthing of internal EMC filters 186.................................
5.5.4 Devices in the range 2 ... 32 A (0.37 ... 15 kW) 188......................
5.6 Installation of the standard device 196......................................
5.7 Control terminals 197.....................................................
6 Power supply module 213......................................................
6.1 Device features 214......................................................
6.2 General data and operating conditions 215.................................
6.3 Rated data (devices for 400/500V mains) 218.................................
6.3.1 Operation at rated mains voltage 230 V 219..........................
6.3.2 Operation at rated mains voltage 400 V 221..........................
6.3.3 Operation at a rated mains voltage of 500 V 223......................
6.3.4 Fuses and cable cross-sections 225..................................
6.3.5 Mains filters for power supply modules 227..........................
6.4 Device description 229....................................................
6.4.1 Devices in the range 10 ... 36 A (4 ... 18 kW) 230........................
6.4.2 Devices in the range 100 ... 245 A (48 ... 119 kW) 232...................
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Contents i
6.5 Mechanical installation 234................................................
6.5.1 Important notes 234..............................................
6.5.2 Devices in the range 10 ... 36 A (4 ... 18 kW) 234........................
6.5.3 Devices in the range 100 ... 245 A (48 ... 119 kW) 238...................
6.6 Wiring 242..............................................................
6.6.1 Important notes 242..............................................
6.6.2 Safety notes for the installation according to UL or UR 243.............
6.6.3 Design of the cables 244...........................................
6.6.4 Earthing of internal EMC filters 245.................................
6.6.5 Devices in the range 10 ... 36 A (4 ... 18 kW) 247........................
6.6.6 Connecting busbars 248...........................................
6.6.7 Terminal assignment 249..........................................
6.6.8 Devices in the range 100 ... 245 A (48 ... 119 kW) 251...................
6.6.9 Connecting busbars 252...........................................
6.6.10 Terminal assignment 253..........................................
6.7 Control terminals 256.....................................................
6.8 Final works 260..........................................................
7 Regenerative power supply modules 261.........................................
7.1 Device features 262......................................................
7.2 General data and operating conditions 263.................................
7.3 Rated data (devices for 400/500V mains) 265.................................
7.3.1 Operation at rated mains voltage 230 V 266..........................
7.3.2 Operation at rated mains voltage 400 V 268..........................
7.3.3 Operation at a rated mains voltage of 500 V 270......................
7.3.4 Regenerative feedback with brake chopper 272.......................
7.3.5 Fuses and cable cross-sections 274..................................
7.3.6 Current-time diagrams 275........................................
7.3.7 Mains filters for regenerative power supply modules 279...............
7.4 Device description 282....................................................
7.5 Mechanical installation 285................................................
7.5.1 Important notes 285..............................................
7.5.2 Dimensions 286..................................................
7.5.3 Arrangement of the devices 289....................................
7.5.4 Mounting steps 290..............................................
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7.6 Wiring 291..............................................................
7.6.1 Important notes 291..............................................
7.6.2 Connection plan 293..............................................
7.6.3 Earthing of internal EMC filters 294.................................
7.6.4 Connecting busbars 296...........................................
7.6.5 Design of the cables 297...........................................
7.6.6 How to connect the shield 297......................................
7.6.7 Terminal assignment 298..........................................
7.6.8 Wiring of control connections 300...................................
7.6.9 Communication modules 305......................................
7.6.10 Memory modules 306.............................................
7.6.11 Safety modules 307...............................................
7.7 Final works 308..........................................................
7.7.1 Initial commissioning on 400 V mains voltage 308.....................
7.7.2 Initial commissioning on 230 V or 500 V mains voltage 308.............
7.7.3 Further settings 308..............................................
8 DC-bus operation 309.........................................................
8.1 Introduction 310.........................................................
8.1.1 Terminology and abbreviations used 310.............................
8.1.2 Comparison single-axis controllers / multi-axis controllers 311..........
8.1.3 Advantages of a drive system 312...................................
8.1.4 General information on the accessories 313..........................
8.2 Conditions for trouble-free DC-bus operation 314.............................
8.2.1 Voltages 314....................................................
8.2.2 Number of feeding points 314......................................
8.2.3 Other conditions 314..............................................
8.3 DC-bus variants 315......................................................
8.3.1 Supply from a supply module 315...................................
8.3.2 Supply from controllers 316........................................
8.4 Rated data 317..........................................................
8.4.1 General data 317.................................................
8.4.2 DC-supply power 319.............................................
8.4.3 DC-power requirements 323.......................................
8.4.4 DC fuses 325.....................................................
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Contents i
8.5 Basic dimensioning 328...................................................
8.5.1 General information 328..........................................
8.5.2 Power distribution of controllers 329................................
8.5.3 Motor efficiency 330..............................................
8.5.4 Power loss of devices 330..........................................
8.5.5 Determining the power requirements 330............................
8.5.6 Determining the regenerative power requirements 330.................
8.5.7 Cable protection 331..............................................
8.5.8 Filters 331.......................................................
8.5.9 Cables 334......................................................
8.6 Braking operation in a drive system 335.....................................
8.6.1 Basic considerations 335..........................................
8.7 App lication examples 336.................................................
8.7.1 Example 1 - supply module with multi-axis controllers 336.............
8.7.2 Example 2 - single-axis controller with multi axes 337..................
9 Accessories (overview) 339.....................................................
9.1 Overview 341............................................................
9.1.1 System overview 341..............................................
9.1.2 Assignment of accessories 343.....................................
9.2 Type-specific accessories 345..............................................
9.3 Communication modules 346..............................................
9.3.1 Possible device module combinations 348............................
9.3.2 Ethernet interface 349............................................
9.3.3 DeviceNet 371...................................................
9.3.4 PROFIBUS 376....................................................
9.3.5 PROFINET 382...................................................
9.3.6 CAN port 386....................................................
9.4 Function modules 390....................................................
9.4.1 Digital frequency 392.............................................
9.5 Memory modules 396.....................................................
9.6 Safety modules 403......................................................
9.6.1 SM0 406........................................................
9.6.2 SM100 407......................................................
9.6.3 SM301 411......................................................
9.7 Motor holding brake control modules 419....................................
9.7.1 Motor holding brake control module E94AZHX0051 420................
9.7.2 Motor holding brake control module E94AZHY0101 429................
9.7.3 Motor holding brake control module E94AZHN0025 439................
9.7.4 Motor holding brake control module E94AZHY0025 446................
9.7.5 Motor holding brake control module E94AZHN0026 452................
9.7.6 Motor holding brake control module E94AZHY0026 460................
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
9.8 Accessories for diagnostics 467.............................................
9.8.1 USB diagnostic adapter 467........................................
9.8.2 Keypad 469......................................................
9.8.3 Hand-held terminal 476...........................................
9.9 Components for operation in the DC-bus connection 481.......................
9.9.1 DC-feeding point 481.............................................
9.9.2 GG1 busbar mounting set 488......................................
9.9.3 GG2 busbar mounting set 490......................................
9.9.4 GG3 busbar mounting set 492......................................
9.10 Filters 494..............................................................
9.10.1 Mains filters for single-axis controllers 495...........................
9.10.2 Mains filters for power supply modules 501..........................
9.10.3 Mains filters for regenerative power supply modules 511...............
9.10.4 RFI filters for single-axis controllers 518..............................
9.10.5 RFI filters for power supply modules 527.............................
9.10.6 Sinusoidal filters 4 ... 16.5 A 538.....................................
9.10.7 Sinusoidal filter 23.5 ... 90 A 542....................................
9.10.8 Sinusoidal filter 115 ... 150 A 547....................................
9.10.9 Sinusoidal filter 180 ... 480 A 551....................................
9.11 General accessories 556...................................................
9.11.1 Introduction 556.................................................
9.11.2 Shield mounting 557..............................................
9.11.3 Brake resistors 560...............................................
9.11.4 Power supply unit 574............................................
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1


1.1 The 9400 Servo Drives product range 10....................................
1.1.1 The system 10..................................................
1.1.2 Features 10.....................................................
1.1.3 System overview 10..............................................
1.2 About this Hardware Manual 12...........................................
1.2.1 Information provided by the Hardware Manual 12....................
1.2.2 Products to which the Hardware Manual applies 13...................
1.3 Legal regulations 17.....................................................
Preface 1
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
The 9400 Servo Drives product range The system

1.1 The 9400 Servo Drives product range

1.1.1 The system
9400 Servo Drives range is the product family with the components required for an intelligent servo drive system in automation. The product range comprises
ƒ servo drive controllers
ƒ I/O components
ƒ software
ƒ accessories
ƒ motors
ƒ gearboxes
ƒ DC-supply modules
1.1.2 Features
The Servo Drives 9400 feature:
ƒ compact design
ƒ wide power range
ƒ innovative installation concept
ƒ intelligent technology functions
ƒ high control precision
ƒ scalable safety technology
1.1.3 System overview
The following figure shows the most important components for the implementation of a drive system with the Servo Drives 9400 product range.
On the way from the mains connection to the motor, you can see the basic principle of a drive system on the left path. On the right path, the basic principle of a single-axis drive is described.
In accordance with the requirements of your drive solution, your drive system can be equipped or extended with specially adapted components.
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
The 9400 Servo Drives product range
System overview
; >?
Mains voltage 3/PE AC 180 ... 550 V ±0 % or 3/PE AC 380 ... 550 V ±0 %
(depending on the device size/device power)
Mains fusing (not contained in the delivery programme)Single Drives 9400 37
and corresponding installation backplanes
Mains filter for Single Drives 9400 495RFI filter for Single Drives 9400 518Multi Drives 9400 155
and corresponding installation backplanes
Power supply modules 9400
213, 261
(for DC bus installations with Multi Drives 9400)
Mains filter for power supply modules 9400 227RFI filter for power supply modules 9400 527
3 4
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
Equipment for all axis modules (device-dependent options):
Communication modules and extension modules 346Memory modules 396Safety modules 403Motor holding brake control modules 419Brake resistors 560Diagnostic adapters 467L-force Engineer (software)Servo motorsGeared servo motors (”)Standard geared motors (”)
Motor cables/system cables
(manual ”System cables”)
(motor catalogue)

1.2 About this Hardware Manual

1.2.1 Information provided by the Hardware Manual
About this Hardware Manual Information provided by the Hardware Manual
Target group
ThisHardware Manual is intended for all persons who install, commission, and adjust 9400 servo controllers.
Together with the catalog it forms the basis of project planning for the manufacturers of machines and plants.
This Hardware Manual is meant as an addition to the Mounting Instructions included in the scope of supply:
ƒ The features and functions are described in detail.
ƒ It provides detailed information on additional ranges of application.
How to find information
Each chapter forms a complete unit and informs you about an individual subject:
ƒ You therefore only have to read the chapter containing the information you need.
ƒ The Table of Contents and Index help you to find all information about a certain
ƒ Descriptions and data of other Lenze products (drive PLC, Lenze geared motors,
Lenze motors, ...) can be found in the corresponding catalogs, Operating Instructions and Manuals. The required documentation can be ordered at your Lenze sales partner or downloaded as PDF file from the Internet.
This Hardware Manual is designed as a loose-leaf collection and available as a PDF file on the Internet. At the bottom of each page you can see the version and publication date.
Documentation and software updates for further Lenze products can be found on the Internet in the ”Services & Downloads” area under
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
About this Hardware Manual
Products to which the Hardware Manual applies
1.2.2 Products to which the Hardware Manual applies
Power modules
E94 x x x E xxx x x xx xx xx
Type / product range
9400 Servo Drives
A=1. N = not relevant
S = single-axis controller (Single Drive) M = multi-axis controller (Multi Drive) P = power supply module R = regenerative power supply module
H=HighLine N = not relevant P=PLC
Mechanical version
E = installation
Rated current (rounded)
e.g. 007=7A 024 = 23.5 A ...
Voltage class
2 = 230 V ~ / 300 V = 4 = 400 V ~ / 540 V =
Safety module
A ... D
Memory module
11 ... 44
Extension module 1
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
Extension module 2
About this Hardware Manual Products to which the Hardware Manual applies
Extension modules
E94 x Y x xx
Type / product range
9400 Servo Drives
A=1. N = not relevant
Module group
C = communication I = I/O F = feedback M = memory A=safety
Module identification
CA = CANopen
DN = DeviceNet EN = Ethernet
EP = Ethernet Powerlink ET = EtherCAT PM = PROFIBUS MC
LF = digital frequency
1x = MM1x0memory module 2x = MM2x0memory module 3x = MM3x0memory module
4x = MM4x0memory module x1 = MMx10 memory module with MC StateLevellicence x2 = MMx20 memory module with MC HighLevellicence x3 = MMx30 memory module with MC TopLevellicence
x4 = MMx40 memory module with PLClicence
A=SM0safetymodule B = SM100 safety module
E = SM301safety module
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
Power-related accessories
E94 A Z x x xxx x
Type / product range
9400 Servo Drives
Z = accessories
Component class 1
H = brake control P = mounting backplane M = mains filter R = RFI filter
About this Hardware Manual
Products to which the Hardware Manual applies
Component class 2
M = multiple axes P = power supply module
R = regenerative module S = single axis X,Y = type N=notspecified
Rated current (rounded)
e.g. 008=8A 024 = 23.5 A ...
Voltage class
1=24V= 2 = 230 V ~ / 300 V = 4 = 400 V ~ / 540 V =
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
About this Hardware Manual Products to which the Hardware Manual applies
Power-independent accessories
E94 A Z x xxx
Type / product range
9400 Servo Drives
Z = accessories
Accessory group
J = mechanical components, other S=software K=keypad N=notspecified
Module identification
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1

1.3 Legal regulations

Lenze drive controllers are clearly labelled and defined by the contents of the nameplate.
Lenze Automation GmbH, Hans-Lenze-Str. 1, D-31855 Aerzen
CE conformity
Complies with the ”Low voltage” EC Directive
Application as directed
The following applies to 9400 servo controllers and the accessories:
ƒ They must only be operated under the operating conditions described in this
Hardware Manual.
ƒ They are components for open and closed loop control of control variable speed
drives with asynchronous standard motors, asynchronous servo motors, PM synchronous servo motors.
Legal regulations
ƒ They are components for installation into a machine.
ƒ They are components used for assembly together with other components to form a
ƒ They comply with the protection requirements of the ”Low Voltage” EC Directive.
ƒ They are not machines for the purposes of the ”EC ”Machinery” Directive.
ƒ They are not to be used as household appliances but for industrial purposes only.
The following applies to drives with 9400 servo controllers:
ƒ They comply with the EC ”Electromagnetic Compatibility” Directive if they are
installed according to the guidelines of CE-typical drive systems.
ƒ They can be used for operation at public and non-public mains.
ƒ They can be used in industrial premises as well as residential and commercial
ƒ The user is responsible for the compliance of his application with the EC Directives.
Any other use shall be deemed inappropriate!
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
Legal regulations
The information, data, and notes in this Hardware Manual met the state of the art at the time of printing. Claims referring to drive systems which have already been supplied cannot be derived from the information, illustrations, and descriptions given in this Manual.
The specifications, processes, and circuitry described in this Hardware Manual are for guidance only and must be adapted to your own application. Lenze does not take any responsibility for the suitability of the process and circuit proposals.
The specifications in this Hardware Manual describe the product features without guaranteeing them.
Lenze does not accept any liability for damage and failures caused by:
ƒ Disregarding the Hardware Manual
ƒ Unauthorised modifications to the controller
ƒ Operating errors
ƒ Improper working on and with the controller
See Terms of sale and delivery.
Warranty claims must be made to your Lenze representative immediately after detecting the deficiency or fault.
The warranty is void in all cases where liability claims cannot be made.
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1


2.1 Terms and abbreviations used 20..........................................
2.2 Total index 22..........................................................
Guide 2
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
Terms and abbreviations used

2.1 Terms and abbreviations used

Cross-reference t o a chapter with the corresponding page number
AC AC current or AC voltage
Axis, drive Lenze controller combined with a motor or geared motor and other
Basic insulation Insulation for the basic protection against dangerous shock currents
CE Communauté Européene
Controller Any frequency inverter, servo inverter, or DC speed controller
Cxxxxx/y Subcode y of code Cxxxx
DC DC current or DC voltage
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung
Double insulation Basic insulation and additional insulation
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EN European standard
Functional insulation Insulation for perfect operation
Lenze drive components
(e.g. C0410/3 = subcode 3 of code C0410)
Maximum frequency
Rated mains current
Rated output current
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IP International Protection Code
L[mH] Inductance
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
R[Ω] Resistance
Reinforced insulation Standardised insulating system, equivalent protection to double
Maximum output current
Discharge current
Rated torque
Rated motor power
Inverter power loss
Power on the DC voltage side
Apparent output power of controller
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
Terms and abbreviations used
UL Underwriters Laboratories
VDE Verband deutscher Elektrotechniker
Xk/y Terminal y on terminal strip Xk (e.g. X3/28 = terminal 28 on terminal
DC voltage
Rated mains voltage
Output voltage / voltage on the motor terminals
strip X3)
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
Total index

2.2 Total index

- Features, 10
- System description, 10
Accessories, 335
- Brake resistors, 556
- General, 552
- Type-specific, 341
Address switch, 411
Application, as directed, 17
application as directed, 17
Application range, 388 , 403 , 408 , 466
Assignment of accessories, 339
Brake resistors, 556
Braking operation, in a drive system, 331
Bus c able length, 370
Cable specification, 377 , 384
- cross-section, 164
- fuse, 164
CAN port, 382
CE conformity, 17
Communication module, connections, 374 , 384
Communication modules, 342
- Overview, 301
Conformity, 17
- communication module connections, 374
- Connections of the communication module, 371
- Plug connector, 5-pole, 371
- Sub-D plug connector, 9-pin, 384
- Sub-D socket, 9-pin, 374
Connection plan, 423 , 433 , 441 , 447 , 455 , 462 , 495 , 505 , 513 , 522 , 532 , 537 , 541 , 546 , 551 , 571
Connections, 346 , 349 , 355 , 359 , 363 , 368 , 373 , 379 , 383 , 463
Control terminals, 134 , 193 , 252
- application as directed, 17
- labelling, 17
DC-bus connection, Braking in, 331
DC-bus operation, 36 , 154 , 212 , 260 , 305
- accessories, 309
- Conditions, 310
- DC bus, 306
- DC-voltage level, 306
- Disconnecting the EMC filters from PE, 99 , 182 , 241 , 290
- Multi-axis controllers, 306
- Power supply module, 306
- Regenerative power supply module, 306
- Several drives, 305
- Single-axis controllers, 306
Definition of notes used, 32
Definitions, Terms, 20 , 306
Device features, 34
Device protection, 31 , 94 , 134 , 179 , 193 , 252 , 296 , 343 , 387
DeviceNet, 367
Dimensions, 235 , 282 , 366 , 440 , 453 , 473 , 480 , 493 , 495 , 501 , 511 , 519 , 528 , 536 , 540 , 545 , 550 , 563 , 567
Disposal, 27
Electrical installation, wiring of control connections, 296
Electrical isolation, 421
EMC filters, Disconnecting from PE, 99 , 182 , 241 , 290
Emergency operation, 43 , 159
EN 61000-3-2, 40 , 156
EtherCAT, 358
Ethernet, 345
Ethernet POWERLINK, 348
Ethernet POWERLINK hub, 362
Ethernet POWERLINK slave, 354
External voltage supply, 351 , 356 , 360 , 364 , 371 , 375 , 380
Free space, 499 , 509 , 517 , 526
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
Total index
Free spaces, 493
Function modules, 386
Fuses, 164
- Rated power operation, 400 V (UL), 62 , 63 , 221 , 222 , 270
General accessories, 552
General data, 35 , 153 , 211 , 214 , 259 , 261 , 493 , 499 , 509 , 517 , 526 , 535 , 539 , 544 , 549 , 560 , 562 , 566
Guide, 19
Harmonic currents, limitation according to EN 61000-3-2, 40 , 156
Identification, 345 , 348 , 354 , 358 , 362 , 367 , 372 , 378 , 382 , 388 , 395 , 396 , 397 , 398 , 399 , 416 , 425 , 435 , 442 , 448 , 456 , 463 , 465 , 477 , 492 , 498 , 508 , 516 , 525 , 535 , 539 , 544 , 548 , 559 , 561 , 565
Increased continuous power, 52 , 59
- mechanical, 88 , 174 , 230 , 281
- standard device, 192
Interface, CAN, 382
IT system, Disconnecting the EMC filters from PE, 99 , 182 , 241 , 290
Labelling, controller, 17
Legal regulations, 17
Liability, 18
Mains current
- with external mains choke, 46 , 49 , 50 , 56 , 57
- with/without mains choke, 46 , 49 , 50 , 56 , 57
Mains filter, 280 , 283
Manufacturer, 17
Mechanical installation, 88 , 174 , 230 , 281
Memory modules, 392
Monitoring functions, 419 , 429
Motor cable
- capacitance per unit length, 37 , 155
- requirements, 37 , 155
Motor holding brakes, Control module
- E94AZHN0025, 435
- E94AZHN0026, 448
- E94AZHX0051, 416
- E94AZHY0025, 442
- E94AZHY0026, 456
- E94AZHY0101, 425
Motor protection, 31
Motors, suitable, 17
Mounting clearances, 35 , 153 , 212 , 260
Mounting conditions
- Dimensions, 493
- Free space, 499 , 509 , 517 , 526
- free space, 549
- Free spaces, 493
- mounting clearances, 436 , 449
- Mounting place, 493 , 499 , 509 , 517 , 526
- mounting place, 549
- Mounting position, 493 , 499 , 509 , 517 , 526
- mounting position, 436 , 449 , 549
- Weights, 493
Mounting place, 493 , 499 , 509 , 517 , 526
Mounting position, 35 , 153 , 212 , 260 , 493 , 499 , 509 , 517 , 526
Nameplate data, 345 , 358 , 367 , 372 , 378 , 382 , 395 , 396 , 397 , 399 , 416 , 425 , 435 , 442 , 448 , 456 , 463 , 477 , 492 , 498 , 508 , 516 , 525 , 535 , 539 , 544 , 548 , 559 , 561 , 565
Nameplate information, 348 , 354 , 362 , 388 , 465
Network of several driv es, Basic dimensioning, 324
Noise emission, 40 , 156
Noise immunity, 40 , 156 , 211 , 259
Notes, definition, 32
Operating conditions, 36 , 154 , 213 , 417 , 426 , 436 , 443 , 449 , 457 , 478 , 558
- Mounting conditions Dimensions, 493 Free space, 493 , 499 , 509 , 517 , 526 Mounting place, 493 , 499 , 509 , 517 , 526 Mounting position, 493 , 499 , 509 , 517 , 526 Weight, 493
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
Total index
- mounting conditions free space, 549 mounting clearances, 436 , 449 mounting place, 549 mounting position, 436 , 449 , 549
Operation with emergency voltage supply, 43 , 159
Operation with filters, Disconnecting the EMC filters from PE, 99 , 182 , 241 , 290
Operation with increased continuous power, 52 , 59
Operation with power supply module, Disconnecting the EMC filters from PE, 99 , 182 , 241 , 290
Output power, 46 , 49 , 50 , 56 , 57
output voltage, reduced, 44
output voltage , 44
Overspeeds, 31
Overview, Accessories, 335
Pluggable terminal strip, use, spring connection, 365
Pluggable terminal strips, use, 365
Possibledevicemodulecombinations, 344
Power regeneration
- Energy characteristics, 269
- Limit range, 268 , 269
- Power characteristics, 268
Product range, description, 10
Protection against accidental contact, 421
Protection of persons, 31
- Electrical isolation, 421
- Protection against accidental contact, 421
Protective insulation, 41 , 157
Rated data, 390 , 417 , 427 , 437 , 444 , 450 , 458 , 464 , 466 , 479 , 494 , 500 , 510 , 518 , 527 , 536 , 540 , 544 , 550 , 560 , 562 , 566
Requirements, motor cable, 37 , 155
Residual hazards, 31
Safety address, 411
Safety instructions, 23
- definition, 32
Safety modules, 399
Shield mounting, 553
- Alternative, 555
Shield mountings
- Accessories, 554
- Assignment, 554
- Clamping range, 554
- Scope of supply, 554
Signalling, 385
Specification of the transmission cable, 377 , 384
Standard device, installation, 192
Standards, 417 , 426 , 436 , 443 , 449 , 457 , 478 , 573
Step-by-step commissioning, 467
Sub-D plug connector, connections, 384
Sub-D socket, connections, 374
System description, 10
System overview, 10 , 337
Technical data
- features, 152
- standards, 417 , 426 , 436 , 443 , 449 , 457 , 478 , 573
Terminal data, 360 , 371 , 375 , 380 , 422 , 432 , 447 , 454 , 461 , 496 , 503 , 504 , 512 , 520 , 530 , 537 , 541 , 546 , 551 , 571
- controller, 20
- Definitions, 306
- definitions, 20
Total index, 22
Transmission cable, specification, 377 , 384
Type code, 345 , 348 , 354 , 358 , 362 , 367 , 372 , 378 , 382 , 395 , 396 , 397 , 416 , 425 , 435 , 442 , 448 , 456 , 463 , 465 , 477 , 492 , 498 , 508 , 516 , 525 , 535 , 539 , 544 , 548 , 559 , 561 , 565
Type-specific accessories, 341
Typenschildangaben, 398
Typenschlüssel, 398
Types codes, 388
Voltage supply: external, 351 , 356 , 360 , 364 , 371 , 375 , 380
Preface, 9
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
Total index
Warranty, 18
Weights, 493
Wiring of control connections, 296
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
Total index
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
Safety instructions 3

3 Safety instructions

3.1 General safety and application notes for Lenze controllers 28..................
3.2 General safety and application instructions for Lenze motors 32................
3.3 Residual hazards 35.....................................................
3.4 Notes used 36..........................................................
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
Safety instructions
General safety and application notes for Lenze controllers

3.1 General safety and application notes for Lenze controllers

(in accordance with Low-Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC)
Disregarding the following safety measures can lead to severe injury to persons and damage to material:
ƒ Only use the product as directed.
ƒ Nevercommissiontheproductintheeventofvisibledamage.
ƒ Never commission the product before assembly has been completed.
ƒ Do not carry out any technical changes on the product.
ƒ Only use the accessories approved for the product.
ƒ Only use original spare parts from Lenze.
ƒ Observe all regulations for the prevention of accidents, directives and laws
applicable on site.
ƒ Transport, installation, commissioning and maintenance work must only be carried
out by qualified personnel. – Observe IEC 364 and CENELEC HD 384 or DIN VDE 0100 and IEC report 664 or
DIN VDE 0110 and all national regulations for the prevention of accidents.
– A ccording to the basic safety information, qualified, skilled personnel are persons
who are familiar with the assembly, installation, commissioning, and operation of the product and who have the qualifications necessary for their occupation.
ƒ Observe all specifications in this documentation.
– This is the condition for safe and trouble-free operation and the achievement of
the specified product features.
– The procedural notes and circuit details described in this documentation are only
proposals. It is up to the user to check whether they can be transferred to the particular applications. Lenze Automation GmbH does not accept any liability for the suitability of the procedures and circuit proposals described.
ƒ Lenze controllers (frequency inverters, servo inverters, DC speed controllers) and the
accessory components can include live and rotating parts - depending on their type of protection - during operation. Surfaces can be hot.
– Non-authorised removal of the required cover, inappropriate use, incorrect
installation or operation create the risk of severe injury to persons or damage to material assets.
– For more information, please see the documentation.
ƒ High amounts of energy are produced in the controller. Therefore it is required to
wear personal protective equipment (body protection, headgear, eye protection, ear protection, hand guard).
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
Safety instructions
General safety and application notes for Lenze controllers
Application as directed
Controllers are components which are designed for installation in electrical systems or machines. They are not to be used as domestic appliances, but only for industrial purposes according to EN 61000-3-2.
When controllers are installed into machines, commissioning (i.e. starting ofthe operation as directed) is prohibited until it is proven that the machine complies with the regulations of the EC Directive 98/37/EC (Machinery Directive); EN 60204 must be observed.
Commissioning (i.e. starting of the operation as directed) is only allowed when there is compliance with the EMC Directive (2004/108/EC).
The controllers meet the requirements of the Low-Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC. The harmonised standard EN 61800-5-1 applies to the controllers.
The technical data and supply conditions can be obtained from the nameplate and the documentation. They must be strictly observed.
Warning: Controllers are products which can be i nstalled in drive systems of category C2 according to EN 61800-3.These products can cause radiointerferences inresidential areas. In this case, special measures can be necessary.
Transport, storage
Please observe the notes on transport, storage, and appropriate handling. Observe the climatic conditions according to the technical data.
The controllers must be installed and cooled according to the instructions given in the corresponding documentation.
The ambient air must not exceed degree of pollution 2 according to EN 61800-5-1. Ensure proper handling and avoid excessive mechanical stress. Do not bend any
components and do not change any insulation distances during transport or handling. Do not touch any electronic components and contacts.
Controllers contain electrostatically sensitive devices which can easily be damaged by inappropriate handling. Do not damage or destroy any electrical components since this might endanger your health!
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
Safety instructions
General safety and application notes for Lenze controllers
Electrical connection
When working on live controllers, observe the applicable national regulations for the prevention of accidents (e.g. VBG 4).
The electrical installation must be carried out according to the appropriate regulations (e.g. cable cross-sections, fuses, PE connection). Additional information can be obtained from the documentation.
The documentation contains information on the installation according to EMC (shielding, earthing, arrangement of filters, and installation of the cables). Also o bserve this information with regard to drive controllers labelled with CE marking. The manufacturer of the system or machine is responsible for the compliance of the limit values required in connection with EMC legislation. In order to observe the limit values for radio interference emissions effective at the installation site, you have to mount the drive controllers into housings (e. g. control cabinets). The housingshave toenable an EMC-compliant structure. Particularly observe that, for instance, control cabinet doors preferably are metallically connected to the housing in a circumferential manner. Reduce openings or apertures through the housing to a minimum.
Lenze controllers can cause a DC current in the PE conductor. If a residual current device (RCD) is used for the protection in the case of direct or indirect contact on a three-phase supplied controller, only one residual current device of type B is permissible on the current supply side of the controller. If the controller is supplied with one phase, also a residual current device (RCD) of type A may be used. Apart from the use of a residual current device (RCD) also other protective measures can be used, like for instance isolation from the environment by double or reinforced insulation or isolation from the supply system by a transformer.
If necessary, systems including controllers must be equipped with additional monitoring and protection devices according to the valid safety regulations (e.g. law on technical equipment, regulations for the prevention of accidents). The controllers can be adapted to your application. Please observe the corresponding information given in the documentation.
After the controller has been disconnected from the supply voltage, all live components and power connections must not be touched immediately because capacitors can still be charged. Please observe the corresponding stickers on the controller.
All protection covers and doors must be shut during operation. Notes for UL-approved systems with integrated controllers: UL warnings are notes that
only apply to UL systems. The documentation contains special UL notes.
Safety functions
Special controller variants support safety functions (e.g. ”safe torque off”, formerly ”safe standstill”) according to the requirements of appendix I No. 1.2.7 of the EC Directive ”Machinery”98/37/EC, EN 954-1category 3 andEN 1037. Strictly observe thenotes on the safety functions given in the documentation on the respective variants.
Maintenance and servicing
The controllers do not require any maintenance if the prescribed operating conditions are observed.
EDS94SPP101 EN 7.1
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