All rights reserved. It is prohibited to reproduce this documentation, or any part thereof, without
the prior written authorisation of KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH.
KROHNE Oil & Gas pursues a policy of continuous development and product improvement. The
Information contained in this document is, therefore subject to change without notice. Some
display descriptions and menus may not be exactly as described in this handbook. However, due
the straight forward nature of the display this should not cause any problem in use.
To the best of our knowledge, the information contained in this document is deemed accurate
at time of publication. KROHNE Oil & Gas cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions,
inaccuracies or any losses incurred as a result.
In the design and construction of this equipment and instructions contained in this handbook,
due consideration has been given to safety requirements in respect of statutory industrial regulations.
Users are reminded that these regulations similarly apply to installation, operation and maintenance, safety being mainly dependent upon the skill of the operator and strict supervisory
12www.krohne.com08/2013 - MA SUMMIT 8800 Vol2 R02 en
1. About this book
1.1 Volumes
This is Volume 2 of 3 of the SUMMIT 8800 Handbook:
Volume 1
Volume 1 is targeted to the electrical, instrumentation and maintenance engineer
This is an introduction to the SUMMIT 8800 flow computer, explaining its architect and layout providing the user with familiarity and the basic principles of build. The volume describes the
Installation and hardware details, its connection to field devices and the calibration.
The manual describes the operation via its display, its web site and the configuration software.
Also the operational functional of the Windows software tools are described, including the configurator, the Firmware wizard and the display monitor.
Volume 2
Volume 2 is targeted to the metering software configuration by a metering engineer.
The aim of this volume is to provide information on how to configure a stream and the associated hardware.
The handbook explains the configuration for the different metering technologies, including meters, provers, samplers, valves, redundancy etc.. A step by step handbook using the Configurator
software, on the general and basic setup to successfully implement flow measurement based on
all the applications and meters selections within the flow computer.
Volume 3
Volume 3 is targeted to the software configuration of the communication.
The manual covers all advance functionality of the SUMMIT 8800 including display configuration,
reports, communication protocols, remote access and many more advance options.
1.2 Content Volume 1
Volume 1 concentrates on the daily use of the flow computer
• Chapter 2: Basic functions of the flow computer
• Chapter 3: General information on the flow computer
• Chapter 4: Installation and replacement of the flow computer
• Chapter 5: Hardware details on the computer, its components and boards
• Chapter 6: Connecting to Field Devices
• Chapter 7: Normal operation via the touch screen
• Chapter 8: How to calibration the unit
• Chapter 9: Operation via the optional web site
• Chapter 10: Operational functions of the configuration software, more details in volume 2
• Chapter 11: How to update the firmware
• Chapter 12: Display monitor software to replicate the SUMMIT 8800 screen on a PC and make
screen shots
1.3 Content Volume 2
Volume 2 concentrates on the software for the flow computer.
• Chapter 2: General information on the software aspects of the flow computer
• Chapter 3: Details on metering principles
• Chapter 4: Basic functions of configurator
• Chapter 5: Configuration of the hardware of the boards
• Chapter 6: Stream configuration
• Chapter 7: Run switching
• Chapter 8: Watchdog
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• Chapter 9: Configure a station
• Chapter 10: Configure a prover or master meter
• Chapter 11: Configure valves
• Chapter 12: Configure a sampler
• Chapter 13: Set-up batching
• Chapter 14: Set two flow computers in redundant configuration
1.4 Content Volume 3
Volume 3 concentrates on the configuration of the SUMMIT 8800
• Chapter 3; Configurator software
• Chapter 4: Date & Time
• Chapter 5: Data Logging
• Chapter 6: Display and web access
• Chapter 7: Reporting
• Chapter 8: Communication
• Chapter 9: General Information
1.5 Information in this handbook
The information in this handbook is intended for the integrator who is responsible to setup and
configure the SUMMIT 8800 flow computer for Liquid and or Gas and or Steam application:
Integrators (hereafter designated user) with information of how to install, configure, operate and
undertake more complicated service tasks.
This handbook does not cover any devices or peripheral components that are to be installed and
connected to the SUMMIT 8800 it is assumed that such devices are installed in accordance with
the operating instructions supplied with them.
KROHNE Oil & Gas take no responsibility for any loss or damages and disclaims all liability for
any instructions provided in this handbook. All installations including hazardous area installations are the responsibility of the user, or integrator for all field instrumentation connected to
and from the SUMMIT 8800 Flow computer.
SUMMIT 8800 is a trade mark of KROHNE Oil & Gas.
KROHNE Oil & Gas reserve the right to modify parts and/or all of the handbook and any other
documentation and/ or material without any notification and will not be held liable for any damages or loss that may result in making any such amendments.
This document is copyright protected.
KROHNE Oil & Gas does not permit any use of parts, or this entire document in the creation of
any documentation, material or any other production. Prior written permission must be obtained
directly from KROHNE Oil & Gas for usage of contents. All rights reserved.
Who should use this handbook?
This handbook is intended for the integrator or engineer who is required to configure the flow
computer for a stream including devices connected to it.
Versions covered in this handbook
All Versions
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2. General Information
2.1 Software versions used for this guide
This handbook is based on the software versions as mentioned in Appendix 1: software versions
2.2 Terminology and Abbreviations
AGAAmerican Gas Association
APIAmerican Petroleum Institute
Communication board Single or dual Ethernet network board
Configurator Windows software tool to configure and communicate to the SUMMIT 8800
CPControl Panel
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRC32Cyclic Redundancy Check 32 bits. Checksum to ensure validity of information
FATFactory Acceptance Test
FDS Functional Design Specification
HMIHuman-Machine Interface
HOVHand Operated Valve
I/O Input / Output
ISO International Standards Organization
KVMKeyboard / Video / Mouse
MOVMotor Operated Valve
MSCMetering Supervisory Computer
MUTMeter Under Test
Navigator360 optical rotary dial
PCPersonal Computer
PRTPlatinum Resistance Thermometers
PSUPower Supply Unit
PTPressure Transmitter
Re-tryMethod to repeat communication a number of times before giving an alarm
RTD:Resistance Temperature Device
Run: Stream/Meter Run
SATSite Acceptance Test
SUMMIT 8800 Flow computer
TimestampTime and date at which data is logged
Time-outCount-down timer to generate an alarm if software stopped running
In the configurator software several conventions are being used:
Numeric Data Entry Box
Clear background, black text, used for entering Numeric Data, a value must be entered here
Optional: Coloured background, black text used for entering optional Numeric Data. If no value
is entered then right click mouse key and select Invalidate, box will show and no number will be
An invalid Number will be shown on the SUMMIT 8800 display as “---------“ and is read serially
as 1E+38
Pull-Down Menu
Select a function or option from a list functions or options
Selects a function or a page.
Allows an individual page, sub-page or function to be selected from a series of pages, sub-pages or functions.
Expanded item Fewer items shown.
Non Expanded item +
More items shown.
Option Buttons
Red cross means OFF or No
Green tick means ON or Yes
Data Tree
Items from the Data Tree can be either selected or can be “Dragged and dropped” from the Tree
into a selection box; for example when setting up a logging system or a Modbus list, etc.
Yellow Data circle means Read Only. Red data circle means Read and Write.
Hover over
Hold the cursor arrow over any item, button or menu, etc. Do not click any mouse button, the
item will be lightly highlighted and information relating to the selection will be illustrated.
Grey Text
Indicates that this item has no function or cannot be entered in this particular mode of the system. The data is shown for information purposes only.
Help Index
Display information that assists the user in configuration.
Naming convention of Variables
In the KROHNE SUMMIT 8800 there are variables used with specific naming.
This naming is chosen to identify a variable and relate it to the correct stream.
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The most complex variable is explained below and this explanation can be used to interpret all
the other variable names.
Example: + ph uVN . 1
+Positive (+) or negative (-)
PhPrevious (P) or Current (C) period
uType of totals
VNType of flow
1Stream/ Run number
Pqh – previous 15 minutes
Ph – previous hour
Pd – previous Day
Pm – previous month
Pq – previous quarter of a year
Cqh – current 15 minutes
Ch – current hour
Cd – current Day
Cm – current month
Cq – current quarter of a year
u – Unhaltable, counts always
m – Maintenance, counts when maintenance is active (optional)
n – Normal, fiscal counters during normal operation
e – Error, fiscal counters with an accountable error
t1 –> t4 – Tarif , fiscal counters based on fiscal thresholds
VPulses, pulses counted
Vline, gross volume flow
Vmon, monitored grass volume flow
Vbc (p/t) pressure and temperature corrected gross volume flow
Vbc, linearization corrected (Vbc(p/t))gross volume flow
VN, Normalized volume flow
VN(net), Nett normalized flow
VM, Mass flow
VE, Energy flow
VCO2, carbon dioxide flow
2.4 ID Data Tree
When selecting parameters and options in the Configurator software, the user will be presented
with a tree structure for instance:
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Figure 1 Example ID Tree
This is referred to as the ID tree which, depending on its context, includes folders and several
2.4.1 Type of data
The rest of this chapter will explain the folders available, the type of selection within the folder
and any other corresponding data.
Preset Data
Essential to the configuration of the flow computer. Typical data would be keypad values, operating limits, equation selection, calibration data for Turbines and Densitometers and Orifice
This data would be present in a configuration report, and enables you to see what the flow computer is configured to do.
Used for validation and will form the Data Checksum (visible on the System Information Page).
E.g., if a data checksum changes, the setup of the flow computer has changed and potentially
calculating different results to what is expected.
Typically configured and left alone, only updated after validation e.g. every 6 month / 1 year.
Active Data
These values cover inputs to the flow computer. E.g., from GC, pressure & temperature transmitters, meters etc..
Also Values calculated in the flow computer. E.g., Flow rates, Z, Averages, Density etc..
Local Data
Data that an operator can change locally to perform maintenance tasks. E.g., turn individual
transmitters off without generating alarms. Setting Maintenance mode or Proving Mode.
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Totals for the streams and station.
Contents of this folder are stored in the non-volatile RAM and are protected using the battery.
User defined variables.
Allows calculations, made in a LUA script, to be used in a configuration.
For details, see volume 3.
2.4.2 Colour codes
With each parameter and option, there are corresponding coloured dots that represent the access and status of the particular selection.
General ID tree
Please note that it might be possible to change the values via the screen
Red DotData is Read/Write and can be changed over Modbus.
Yellow Dot Data is Read-Only and cannot be changed over Modbus
90% of the data will be Read Only, but items such as Serial Gas Compositions, Time/Date, MF
are commonly written over Modbus.
NOTE: Although the ID may be read/write, the security setting determines whether the ID indeed
can be written.
Alarm Tree
The alarm tree is built of all the registers that hold alarm data. Alarm registers are 32-bit integers, where each bit represents a different alarm.
Red DotRepresents an accountable alarm visible on the alarm list.
Dark Blue DotRepresents a non-accountable alarm visible on the alarm list.
Orange DotRepresents a warning visible on the alarm list.
Light Blue DotRepresents a status alarm, not visible on the alarm list.
Black/Grey DotRepresents a hard- or software fault alarm visible on the alarm list.
An example of typical usage would be the General Alarm Register. This is a 32 bit register that
indicates up to 32 different alarms in the flow computer. This will contain Status Alarms, for example, 1 bit will indicate if there is a Pressure alarm or not. If the Pressure Status bit is set the
user will know that there is a problem with the Pressure.
This should be sufficient information, however if it is not satisfactory, the user can look at the
Pressure alarm, this contains 32 different alarms relating to the Pressure measurement, these
would be Red Dots as they each can create an entry in the alarm list. By reading this register
the user can view exactly what is wrong with the Pressure measurement.
The Light Blue Dots are generally an OR of several other dots. By reading the General register
you can quickly see if the unit is healthy, more information can be provided by reading several
more registers associated with that parameter.
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2.5 Specific Requirements for Meters and Volume Convertors
2.5.1 Numbering formats
The number formats used internally in the unit are generally IEEE Double Precision floating
point numbers of 64 bit resolution.
It is accepted that such numbers will yield a resolution of better than 14 significant digits.
In the case of Totalisation of Gas, Volumes, Mass and Energy such numbers are always shown to
a resolution of 8 digits before the decimal point and 4 after, i.e. 12 significant digits.
Depending upon the required significance of the lowest digit, these values can be scaled by a
further multiplier.
2.5.2 Alarms
Each of the various modules that comprise the total operating software, are continuously monitored for correct operation. Depending upon the configuration, the flow computer will complete
its allocated tasks within the configured cycle time, 250mS, 500mS or 1 second. Failure to
complete the tasks within the time will force the module to complete, and where appropriate, a
substitute value issued together with an alarm indication.
For example, if a Calculation fails to complete correctly then a result of 1 or similar will be
returned, which allows the unit to continue functioning whilst an accountable alarm is raised,
indicating an internal problem.
2.5.3 Accountable alarm
When the value of any measurement item or communication to an associated device that is providing measurement item to the SUMMIT 8800 goes out of range, the flow computer will issue
an Accountable Alarm.
When any calculation module or other item that in some way affects the ultimate calculation result goes outside its operating band, i.e. above Pressure Maximum or below Pressure minimum,
then the SUMMIT 8800 will issue an Accountable Alarm.
When the SUMMIT 8800 issues an Accountable alarm a number of consequences will occur as
Front panel accountable alarm will turn on and Flash.
Nature of accountable alarm will be shown on the top line of the alarm log.
Alarm log will wait for user acknowledgement of alarm.
During the period of the alarm, main totalisation will occur on the alarm counters.
2.5.4 Optional consequences
Depending upon the configuration of the SUMMIT 8800 the following optional Consequences will
also occur:
An Entry will be made in the Audit Log, with Time and Date of occurrence.
The “Used” value of the Parameter in Alarm will be substituted by an alternative value, either
from an alternative measurement source that is in range, or from a pre-set value.
A digital Alarm output will indicate an Alarm condition.
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3. Metering principles
In this Chapter the different meter technologies supported by the SUMMIT 8800 and the need for
correction and normalization is described. Each of these technologies has its own particularities
which are important to know when configuring the flow computer.
3.1 Pulse based meters: e.g. turbine/ positive displacement / rotary meter
This method stems from the time when rotating meters where used, such as turbine meters and
rotary (Positive displacement) meters.
Figure 2 Turbine and rotary meter
A turbine meter is basically a fan in a tube. The gas makes the fan rotate and the rotations are
recorded in an index on top of the meter. A positive displacement or rotary meter consists of
two tighly coupled impellers which together create a moving chamber of gas. The rotation of the
impellers drive an index.
A contact switch is operated by the rotating meter. The result is that the periodic closure of the
switch is directly related to the amount of gas going through the meter. Depending on the location of the switch there are:
HF pulses or high frequency pulses
• The switch can be mounted just above the turbine blades. This switch is closing at the higher
rate than the meter rotates (typically up to 5000 Hz). The ratio between the two is called
“blade ratio”.
MF pulses or medium frequency pulses
• The switch mounted on the primary axes, so this switch is closing every turn of the meter.
This results in a medium frequency pulse (typically up to 500 Hz)
LF pulses or low frequency pulses
• For low cost meters the switch can be mounted in the index after a gear resulting in slow
pulsing switches and in a low accuracy measurement (typically below 50 Hz)
A problem with this method is that the switches do not always close 100% reliable. This is particularly true for the HF pulses as non-contact switches are used. This means that we can have
missing pulses. Also too many pulses can occur, e.g. when interference occurs with the high
frequency wires or due to thunder storms. The solution is to have dual pulses and check the
relation between the two.
It may also be that a turbine blade may break off resulting in the wrong measurement. There is
therefore a need for diagnostics. Several solutions have been implemented:
• The dual pulse method with a 90° angle between the two. This allows for diagnostics and even
corrections for missing pulses. An API classification level A to E is available (see below) for
• A second pulse from a turbine wheel with different blade angle.
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• A second lower frequency pulse, so a combination of HF with MF or LF. Off course the frequency ratio or blade ratio between the two pulses must be given.
API has a classification on the quality actions taken on the pulses:
API level E is achieved solely by correctly applied
transmission systems, criteria and recommended
installed apparatus of good quality.
API level D system consists of manual error
monitoring at methods of comparison, as used in
Levels A through D.
API level C consists of automatic error monitoring
for number, frequency, phase, and sequence and
error indication at specified intervals.
API level B consists of continuous monitoring, with
an error indication under all circumstances when
impaired pulses occur.
API level A: consists of continuous verification and
correction given by the comparator.
Basically a non-issue for flow computers
This means: Only 1 pulse is needed on the flow
This means: two pulses must be installed: the
meter pulse and monitor pulse, which may be of
different frequency (see frequency ratio)
This means two pulses of the same frequency
must be installed: the meter and monitor pulse.
The major issue here is; the flow computer has
to correct when a wrong pulse occurs. This is
quite advanced and is fully implemented in the
Nowadays more and more electronics is incorporated into the meters, such as in ultrasonic
and Coriolis meters. These meters normally emulate two high frequency pulses, to make them
look the same as rotating meters from the installation standpoint. The flow is calculated and a
special pulse output is driven by the processor. Although the need for a second output pulse is
diminished, most meters still carry them. API Level A is not really required.
There are also meters with smart indexes. Here the indexes values itself can be read by the
flow computer. The advantage is that the totals on the meters index are identical to the flow
computer totals. Also, if the flow computer is replaced, the total will be automatically read. The
communication is then digital and can be read via the serial port.
3.2 Ultrasonic meters
Ultrasonic meters are based on Transit Time Measurement of high frequency acoustic signals.
These signals are transmitted and received along a diagonal measuring path.
A sound wave going downstream with the flow travels faster than a sound wave going upstream
against the flow. The difference in transit time is directly proportional to the flow velocity of
the liquid or gas. This can be compared with the speed a canoe travels upstream compared to
Figure 3 Ultrasonic measurement principle
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Mathematically, the time to transmit from a to b and back depends on the distance (L) between
the two transducers, the speeds of the medium (v) and sound (c) plus the angle of the path (α) as
Equation 1 Ultrasonic measurement formulae
With the velocity of the gas and the area of the pipe, the volume flow rate can be calculated.
The problem is however that the oil or gas is not always equally distributed through the pipe.
The flow normally is faster in the centre than in at the pipe and has a certain profile depending
on turbulent or laminar flow. So you do need the proper average velocity over the complete pipe.
With single beam meters, such as clamp-on meters, the accuracy is therefore very limited.
That is why the medium must be measured at different locations in the pipe. The trick is to best
estimate the profile/ the average flow. All manufacturers come up with different arrangements
in multi-path meters.
The output of ultrasonic meters is normally a combination of a dual pulse and a serial link.
• The dual pulse is generated by the electronics to emulate a turbine meter but does not provide its diagnostics.
• The serial link has typically a modbus protocol specific to the manufacturer, but for Instromet
there is also the proprietary “Instromet protocol”. This serial protocol carries the flow rate,
but also meter diagnostics. For that reason in many cases both links are used at the same
Each manufacturer has its own set of diagnostics. Typical diagnostics are:
• The amplification needed to send a signal between the transducers, both up- and downstream
• The signal to noise ratio at each transmitter
• The speed of sound measured by each path or ratio’s between them
• An indication of the type of flow profile
For gas there is an interesting additional diagnostics which is the calculated against the measured speed of sound based on AGA 10. The meter calculates besides the speed of the gas also
the speed of sound. AGA 10 gives the formula from which the speed of sound can be calculated
from the composition, the temperature and the pressure. Off course the measured and calculated speed of sound should be equal. If not one of the variables (meter, chromatograph or P or
T) must be wrong or badly calibrated. This is therefore a perfect over all metering system check.
3.3 Differential pressure (dP) meters: e.g. orifice, venturi and cone meter
Differential pressure flowmeters use the Bernoulli’s rule to measure the volume flow of gas
or liquid in a pipe. They use a restriction in a pipe to measure the volume as it creates a difference in pressure before and after the restriction. The pressure difference (∆p) increases as flow
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Figure 4 DP measurement principles
The shape of the restriction is determines the type of meter: orifice, V-cone venture or nozzle
(see later paragraphs). For each type there are several parameters that will be required to successfully calculate the flow rate.
A single dP transmitter can used, but the problem is that a transmitter typically only has a 1:3
turndown ratio, so the accuracy for low flow is very limited. For that reason in custody transfer
applications multiple dP transmitters with different ranges are used for one meter and the flow
computer switches between them over depending on the flow.
The SUMMIT can handle 1 to 3 ranges:
Figure 5 Up to 3 dP ranges
dP 1 will always measure the high range. In case of multiple ranges, an automatic switch-over
to dP 2 will occur to medium range if the flow decreases to the dP measurement range, optimizing the accuracy. If 3 ranges are available, dP 3 will kick in when the flow gets within its measurement range.
In the SUMMIT the switch-up and switch-down values for the dP may be given. They will be
normally be different to have some hysteresis to prevent continues switch-up and –down when
at the threshold.
In high end applications, where the accuracy is crucial, multiple dP transmitters per range can
be used for the following reasons:
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• Accuracy: By averaging the transmitter values.
• Redundancy: If one transmitter fails, the other value may be used.
• Diagnostics: A warning can be given if there is a deviation between the transmitters.
For diagnostics 2 transmitters can be used, but it is not possible to determine which one is correct. For that reason 3 dP transmitters may be used.
The SUMMIT also can have 1 to 3 dP transmitters for 1 to 3 ranges, so 1 to 9 dP transmitters in
3.3.1 Orifice Plate
A flat circular plate with a hole, mounted inside the pipe that causes the fluid to push through a
smaller diameter.
Figure 6 Orifice meter and plate
This is the most commonly used type of meter.
Classical venture or Herschel venturi
Consists of a tapering in the pipe.
Figure 7 Venturi tube layout
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3.3.2 Venturi nozzle
The venturi nozzle has a trumpet shape restriction ending up in the pipe..
Figure 8 Venturi Nozzle
The main advantage of the venturi nozzle is pressure recovery.
ISA 1932 nozzle
Typically used for high velocity, set by ISO 5167 to determine the flow of fluid.
Long radius nozzle
A variation of the ISA 1932 nozzle, with a convergent section as the ISA 1932 nozzle and divergent section as a classical venturi
Cone or V-cone meter
The shape of the cone is to stable the flow profile in order to accurately measure the fluid regardless of flow properties.
Figure 9 V-cone meter
3.4 Coriolis meters
The Coriolis effect is the deflection of a fluid by a rotating effect. If the rotation is clockwise, the
deflection is to the left, if counter-clockwise, the deflection is to the right.
Coriolis meters use a vibrating meter tube to generate the rotating effect and measure the deflection to calculate the mass passing through the meter.
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Figure 10 Coriolis meter flow principle
A tube with a fluid is brought into a sine waveform vibration. The eigen frequency with which this
occurs is directly dependent on the density of the fluid. If the fluid is flowing, a phase shift of the
vibration will occur between the inlet and outlet of the tube. This phase shift is a measure of the
velocity with which the fluid passes through the pipe.
Traditional Coriolis meters have a bent tube to maximize the Coriolis effect. With more advanced
electronics nowadays there is also straight tube Coriolis meters (see drawing).
Coriolis meters determine the mass flow, but can also determine the density. Most Coriolis
meters will also calculate the volume flow using internal temperature and pressure, but it is
recommended to use external measurements because of accuracy.
Coriolis meters typically have a dual pulse output mostly with the choice to have mass or volume
flow rate, where mass flow rate is more accurate. Because of the fact that also density, pressure
and temperature are available, most meters have also the option for a serial (modus) output, or
a (multi-variable) Hart output.
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3.5 Meter corrections
3.5.1 Gas & steam
The meter provides a number of pulses/s. We would like to know the Volume flow rate e.g. m3/s.
For this need:
Pulse factor or impulse factor or meter factor
The factor provided by the manufacturer of the meter giving the number of pulses per volume of
gas e.g. Pulses/m3. This assumes a linear meter. This is configured in the meter section.
Linearisation/ error Curve
The errors in % obtained during calibration of a meter which are the corrections needed to linearise the meter. So for each flow rate a different error is used. In between the given flow rates
a linear interpolation is used. For flow outside the operating range, extrapolation is used, except
when MID is chosen, then the error is fixed, and low and high flow is used.
Volume flow rate= Pulses per period*(1-Error)
Gross Volume= Pulses*(1-Error)
3.5.2 Liquid
The meter provides a number of pulses/s. We would like to know the Volume flow rate e.g.
gallons/s. For this there are three important corrections for the meter possible:
The factor provided by the manufacturer of the meter or as a result of proving which is the number of pulses per volume of fluid e.g. Pulses/gallon.
For a linear meter only one factor can be given.
In case that the meter is not linear then a K-factor curve can be used. In this These factors are
obtained during calibration or prove of a meter which are the corrections needed to linearise the
meter. This is expressed by a variation of the K-factor over the specified flow range. So for each
flow rate a different K-factor is used. In between the given flow rates a linear interpolation is
used. For flow above maximum extrapolation is used.
Meter factor
The factor determined during proving to correct a fluid flowmeter for the ambient conditions by
shifting its curve. The factor is used to compensate for such conditions as liquid temperature
change and pressure shrinkage and is meter and product dependent. The meter factor should
be close to1.
Equation 2 Volume calculation with MF
Equation 3 Gross volume calculation with MF
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3.6 Liquid normalisation
As with gas also oil flow is measured by meters using a variety of different measurement principles, most based on volume flow, some based on mass flow. Examples are turbine meters,
orifice meters, Coriolis meters and ultrasonic meters. In all cases the line flow is measured.
The problem with this is that two measurements in the same pipe cannot be compared, due to
difference in temperature, (to a lesser extend) pressure and possibly the type of product. This
also means that billing of the oil will not be possible as no fixed tariff can be applied.
For this reason a flow computer is used to “normalize” the oil flow to standard (or base) conditions, such as:
Temperature15 or 20 oC or 60 oF
Pressure1.01325 bar or 14.73 psi
So from the input density, the standard density is calculated by correcting for pressure and
density. Then, from the standard density, the meter density is calculated, by again correcting for
pressure and density.
Figure 11 Density calculations for oil
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The following formula applies:
ρm Line density of the liquid at metering conditions in kg/m3 or lbs/ft3
ρtp Line density of the liquid corrected for temperature and pressure in kg/m3 or lbs/ft3
ρs Standard Density of Liquid in kg/m3 or lbs/ft3
CTLρ : Temperature correction factor density at density test point
CPLρ : Pressure correction factor density at density test point
CTLm : Temperature correction factor at the meter
CPLm : Pressure correction factor at the meter
Several different calculations, depending on the type of product, are available to determine the
correction factors.
3.6.1 Mass and energy
The mass and energy can be calculated from the volume (or the volume from the mass) using:
Mass flow rate: qm= qbc* ρm
Energy flow rate: qe= qn* Hs
Where Hs is the heating value. Two types can be used:
• The superior heating value, also known as higher heating value or higher calorific value or
gross calorific value represents the heat released when a unit mass or volume of a material at 1 bar pressure and 25 °C is completely combusted and the combustion products are
brought back to the starting pressure and temperature.
• The inferior heating value, also known as lower heating value or lower calorific value or net
calorific value. This quantity assumes that the water produced by combustion remains in the
vapour phase in the exhaust, and is lower than the gross calorific value by the latent heat of
condensation joules/gram) of water at 25°C multiplied by the concentration of water in the
material (expressed as grams/gram of fuel). For most common fuels, the net calorific value
is about 10% less than the gross calorific value.
3.7 Gas normalisation
Gas is a compressible fluid, due to this fact the reference conditions (P base and T base) on
which the volume is calculated has to be given, which are normally contractually agreed.
Gas flow is measured by meters using a variety of different measurement principles, most
based on volume flow, some based on mass flow. Examples are turbine meters, orifice meters,
Coriolis meters and ultrasonic meters. In all cases the line flow is measured. The problem with
this is that two measurements in the same pipe cannot be compared, due to difference in temperature, pressure and possibly the composition of the product. This also means that billing of
the gas will not be possible as no fixed tariff can be applied.
For this reason a flow computer is used to “normalize” the gas flow to standard (or base) conditions, such as:
Temperature 0, 15 or 20 °C or 60 °F
Pressure 1.01325 bar or 14.73 psi
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