Congratulations on purchasing this high quality product. To get the best out of your mass
flowmeter, please take some time to read through this handbook which describes the many
features and options available. Please refer to the index for a list of detailed topics.
If applicable, a separate document is supplied that describes hazardous area information.
1.1 Intended Use
The OPTIMASS mass flowmeter family is designed for the direct measurement of mass flow
rate, product density and product temperature. Indirectly, it also enables measurement of
parameters such as: total mass; concentration of dissolved substances and the volume flow.
For use in hazardous areas, special codes and regulations are applicable which are specified in
a separate handbook.
Responsibility as to the suitability and intended use of our instruments rests solely with the
purchaser. The supplier does not accept any liability resulting from misuse by the customer.
Improper installation and operation of the flow meters may lead to loss of warranty. Warranty
is also null and void if the instrument is damaged or interfered with in any way.
In addition, the “general conditions of sale” which forms the basis of the purchase agreement
are applicable.
If you need to return your OPTIMASS flow meters to KROHNE, please complete the form on the
last page of this handbook and return it with the meter to be repaired. KROHNE regrets that it
cannot repair or check your flow meter unless accompanied by a completed form.
1.2 CE/EMC Standards/Approvals
The OPTIMASS family with the MFC 300/010 signal converter meets all the requirements of the
EU-EMC and PED Directives and bears the CE Symbol.
The OPTIMASS system is approved for hazardous duty installations to the harmonised
European Standards (ATEX) to Factory Mutual (FM) and CSA (Canadian Standards).
Technical data subject to change without notice
It should be noted that this handbook MUST be read in conjunction with the following additional
• Hazardous Areas Handbook.
• Communications Handbook.
• Concentration Handbook.
• Corrosion Guidelines.
1.3 PED Integrity
To ensure the PED integrity of the meter, you MUST ensure that the serial numbers on both the
conveter (or remote terminal box) data label and the sensor match.
1.4 Secondary Containment & Burst Discs
Where the meter is being used to measure:
• high pressure gases
• gases kept as liquids by high pressure
and/or where there is a risk of tube failure because of:
• the use of corrosive and/or errosive process fluids
• frequent pressure and/or temperature shocking
• seismic or other shock loading
Krohne strongly recommends that a secondary containment option is purchased. Where the
above situation applies and the process pressure exceeds the secondary pressure containment, Krohne recommends that the burst disc option is also purchased. For more information,
please contact Krohne Ltd
1.5 Explanation of Symbols Used
General Information
General Warning
EX - Hazardous Area Warning
High Voltage
General Hazard
Hot Surface or High Temperature
Heavy Item
The following is a guide to the meaning of the symbols used in this handbook.The symbols fall
into two types. The rectangular symbols with blue background draws the reader’s attention to
general points of information. The triangular symbols with yellow background draw the reader’s attention to hazards or hazardous situations.
Information is important to the
installation/operation of the meter.
Risk of damage to the meter or installation.
Instruction MUST be observed in order to
comply with Hazardous Areas Certification.
Risk of electric shock.
Non specific hazard that could result in injury.
Risk of burning.
Risk of injury.
2.1.1 Flange Versions
2.1.2 Hygienic Versions
2.1.3 Remote Field/Wall/Rack Conveter
Wall Converter
19” Rack Mount Converter
2.1 Scope of Delivery
When unpacking your meter, please ensure that no visible damage has occurred during transportation. If damage has occurred, please contact the carrier for claims.
Your high quality instrument has been fully tested and checked before shipping. The following
items should be included with your instrument unless otherwise requested:
1.OPTIMASS Mass Flow Meter
2.Separate Converter with remote converter wall mount (not for compact version)
3.CD-ROM & Quick Start Guides
4.Screw driver for terminal connections
5.Calibration certificate
6.Factory and Material certification, if ordered.
If any of these items are missing, please contact your nearest KROHNE Office or representative
(see back page).
If your meter has been ordered with a flange connection, this will be supplied as per your order
and the flange specification is stamped on the outer edge of the flange.
Please check this specification against your original order and refer to the appropriate section
in this handbook.
If your meter was ordered with a hygienic connector, it should be noted that the ‘O’ ring seals
between the meter and process pipework are NOT normally supplied.
If the hygienic connection is via an adaptor, then ‘O’ rings (material EPDM) are supplied in
order to make the connection between the meter and the adaptor. Please note that other
materials are available on request.
‘O’ rings are not normally supplied for the seal between the adaptor connection and process
Adaptor connections may also be supplied loose, dependng upon type supplied.
For DIN11864-2 connections, ‘O’ rings and counter flanges are not supplied as standard but
are available on request.
The OPTIMASS range of massflow meters are normally supplied with the converter integrally
fitted. If you have specified a remote converter, the meter will be supplied with the converter
as a separate unit, together with a wall/pipe mounting bracket and a connection box mounted
to the meter.
In order to comply with 3A approval, all unused holes MUST be plugged and unused threads
MUST be covered or removed!
If ordered with the meter, cabling is supplied loose and IS NOT pre-prepared!
If specified at the time of ordering, the meter will be supplied with a plastic wall mounted converter that can be mounted on a wall or a pipe The housing material is Polyamide - polycarbonate.
Please note that the wall converter has not been 3A approved for hygienic applications.
If specified at the time of ordering, the meter will be supplied with a 19” rack mounted converter
3.1 General Installation Information
The OPTIMASS mass flow meters provide high accuracy and excellent repeatability. Narrow
band pass digital filtering, and the mathematically modelled internal primary head design with
AST (Adaptive Sensor Technology) for the OPTIMASS sensor family provide exceptional immunity to external disturbances caused by vibrations from nearby process equipment.
The accuracy of the flow meter is not affected by velocity profile.
The following installation guidelines are practical to implement, particularly if planned before
the OPTIMASS meter is first installed. For further dimensions or connections, please refer to
the relevant section.
For the OPTIMASS, in general, no special mounting requirements are necessary. However,
good general engineering practice for the installation of flow meters should still be observed.
The general guidelines described in this section are valid for the complete OPTIMASS family of
mass flow meters
• The mass flow meters do not require any straight inlet or outlet runs.
• Due to the weight of the meters we recommend the use of supports.
• It is permissible to support the body of the meter.
• The meter can be installed horizontally, in an upward sloping pipeline or vertically. For best
results, a vertical installation with flow in an upward direction is recommended.
This label on the meter shows the flow direction programmed into the converter in function
As default this is always in the direction of the ‘+’ arrow, i.e. left-to right as the label is viewed.
3.2 General Installation Principles
1Horizontal intalation with flow from left to right
Pressure/Temperature data:
2Vertcial installation with flow uphill
3Angled installation with flow uphill
4Horizontal installation with long vertical drops after the meter ARE NOT recommended
5 6 Vertical installations with isolation valves fitted for setting the zero calibration. It is rec-
ommended that a valve is fitted below the meter to prevent a reverse flow when the
pump is switched off.
Avoid long vertical runs after the meter (4). They can cause siphoning and therefore measurement errors. If long vertical runs are unavoidable, then you should use a valve or orifice plate
downstream of the mter in order to the restrict flow.
Avoid mounting the meter at the highest point in the pipeline. Air or gas can accumulate here
and cause faulty measurements.
3.3 Storage
If the meter is to be stored prior to installation, it is recomended that the meter is stored in its
original packaging and that the ambient temperature range does not exceed -50°C or 85°C
3.4 Lifting
1Use a well maintained sling to lift the meter by the spigots
2DO NOT lift the meter by the electronics housing.
3DO NOT lift the meter by the electronics stem.
The 1000 and 2000 meters have 4 eye holes on the outer tube, 2 each end. These can be used
to lift the meter into place on vertical installations, where the meter is supplied with hygienic
connections. Please be aware, that they ARE NOT suitable for lifting the meter where is has
been supplied with [heavier] flange connections. It is the user’s responsibility to use suitable
lifting equipment.
3.5 CSA Dual Seal
To cover the requirements of ANSI/ISA -12.27.01-2003 “Requirements for Process Sealing
Between Electrical Systems and Flammable or Combustible Process Fluids” a secondary seal
is incorporated into all Optimass/gas products. If the primary seal fails, the secondary seal will
prevent escaping fluid reaching the electronic compartment.
OPTIMASS 1000 / 1300 / 1010 -40°C...130°C and 100...10,000 kPa
OPTIMASS 2000 / 2300 / 2010 -45°C...130°C and 100...14,000 kPa
OPTIMASS 3000 / 3300 / 3010 -40°C...150°C and 100...15,000 kPa
OPTIMASS 7000 / 7300 / 7010 -40°C...150°C and 100...10,000 kPa
1000, 2000, 3000, 7000, 8000, 9000
(Example model code: OPTIMASS 1000C S25 – LIQUID)
OPTIMASS 8000 / 8300 / 8010 -180°C...230°C and 100 to 26,000 kPa
Meter Status:
Regular Maintenance of Burst Disc:
OPTIMASS 9000 / 9300 / 9010 0°C...350°C and 100 to 26,000 kPa
If the primary seal fails, the casing of the meter will fill with liquid and the meter will stop
working. The meter will notify the operator by going into <start up> mode and a diagnostic
error will be shown on the MFC300 or PLC display. This is an indication that the primary seal
(tube/s) has failed and the status of the meter should be checked.
The meter will also go into <Start up> mode if the primary seal (tube/s) fail, or are not completely filled with fluid. For example, if the meter is drained or re/filled. To check the status of
the meter, drain and re/fill with fluid and note the MFC300 or PLC display. See section11.5 for a
list of status messages and diagnistics information.
If the meter remains in <Start Up> mode you MUST assume that the primary seal (tube/s) has
failed and the appropriate action MUST be taken.
(Example model code: OPTIMASS 1000C S25 – GAS)
Pressure/Temperature data:
OPTIMASS 1000 / 1300 / 1010 -40°C...130°C and +500 to +10,000 kPa
OPTIMASS 2000 / 2300 / 2010 -45°C...130°C and +500 to +15,000 kPa
OPTIMASS 3000 / 3300 / 3010 -40°C...150°C and +500 to +15,000 kPa
OPTIMASS 7000 / 7300 / 7010 -40°C...150°C and +500 to +10,000 kPa
OPTIMASS 9000 / 9300 / 9010 0°C...350°C and +2000 to +26,000 kPa
Pressures and/or temperatures may be further limited by tube, temperature, connection and
Ex limits. Consult the meter data plates and relevant documentation for full details.
On all meters operating on gas measurement the casing of the meter is fitted with a burst disc.
If the the primary seal (tube/s) fails leakage will occur from the burst disc.
Install the meter so that the burst disc is pointing away from personnel.
Carry out regular maintenance checks on burst discs for leakage and/or blockages.
On all OPTIMASS meters, the primary seal is considered to be the measuring tube of the
meter. The materials of construction of the measuring tube/s are described within the relevant
sections of this handbook and the customer’s product and any other fluid flowing through the
tube must be compatible with the material of construction.
If failure of the primary seal is suspected then the process line should be de-pressurised and
the meter removed as soon as it is safe to do so. Please then contact Krohne customer service
for servicing or replacement of the meter.
MeterMax. Temperature Shift
Measuring tube:Sealing Faces:
4.1 Specific Installation Guidelines
• Tighten flange bolts evenly.
• Observe the pipe end loads as shown in s. 4.6
• It is permissible to support the weight of the meter on the body.
• Use of standard pipework reducers at the flange is allowed. Avoid extreme changes in pipe
• The use of flexible hoses directly at the meter is permitted.
• The meter can be installed so that the converter is on the side of the meter, resulting in the
• The 1000 series has exceptional immunity to cross-talk, therefore allowing meters to be
4.2 Ambient / Process temperatures
The specified and approved ambient and process temperatures must be observed.
size (step changes).
measuring tubes on top of each other, unless gases or solids are being measured.
used in series.
All meters-45...+130-49...266
Compact Al.-40...+6040...+140
Compact Al. with certain I/O options (consult Krohne)-40...+65-40...+149
Compact SS-40...+55-40...+131
For additional temperature limits in hazardous area applications, reference should be made to
the publication “
Where meters are mounted in direct sunlight, it is recommended to install a sunshade. This is
particularly important in countries with high ambient temperatures.
The maximum differential temperature between the process and ambient temperature without
insulation is 110°C or 200°F.
To avoid thermal shock, the meter MUST not be subject to rapid changes in process tempratures and reference should be made to the following table
Operation outside these limits may result in shifts in density and mass flow calibration.
Repeated shocking may also lead to premature failure of the meter!
Guidelines for the use of Coriolis Meters in Hazardous Areas”.
To comply with the requirements of the PED in Europe, the following information is provided to
assist the plant engineer in installing the meter:
Stainless Steel UNS 31803Stainless Steel 316L
The outer cylinder 304 / 304L is dual certified (Optional outer cylinder of 316/316L). This also
applies to PED certified housings.
Wiring feedthrough is made of Epoxy (or PEEK) with 2 ‘O’ ring seals in FPM / FKM &
Hydrogenated Nitrile.
Flanges all 316 / 316 L dual certified.
Hygienic Connections are 316L
Optional heating jacket 316 / 316L
Note: Outer cylinder is in contact with heating medium
4.4 Secondary Pressure containment
The OPTIMASS 1000 meters are supplied (as standard) without certified housings that have a
typical burst pressure
Options are available with PED certified housings, with the following pressure ratings:
304/304L and 316/316L: 63 bar @20°C 580 psi @ 68°F
316/316L: 100 bar @20°C 1450 psi @ 68°F
If the user suspects that the primary tube has failed, the unit must be depressurised and
removed from service as soon as it is safe to do so.
In the 1000 series there is a high pressure wire feed through with ‘O’ rings that might not be
compatible with the process fluid for an extended period if a primary tube fails.
It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the materials used are compatible with this product.
Other ‘O’ ring materials are available on request.
>100 barg.
4.5 Hygienic Applications
The OPTIMASS 1000 series is available with a variety of hygienic process connectors.
When installing / using meters with hygienic process connectors, support /clamp the meter
properly. The meters are heavy and could injure when disconnected from the adjacent pipe
The recommended method of installation is to mount the meter against a support / wall with
the body of the meter supported / clamped. The process pipe work can then be supported off
the meter. The meter is too heavy to be supported from the thin walled piping usually associated with the hygienic industry
1 2 Meter Supports
The 3A approval for the 1000 series requires that it is “self draining”. Install the meter vertical-
Installation lengths
whichever is the lower.
Maximum pipe work forces
ly with the flow running uphill.
For installation lengths, please see section 4.9
Please check with KROHNE if you are unsure of the installation length. Many meters are built
to customer requirements / specifications especially where special hygienic process nectors
have been adapted to the meter. As these are normally non-standard, the installation length
will not be given in the technical data
It is also recommended that the seals be replaced regularly to maintain the hygienic integrity
of the connection.
Unless specifically requested, internal surfaces are not polished and no warranty is made as to
the surface finish.
If polishing option and /or EHEDG, ASME Bio-Processing or 3A approvals was selected at time
of order, all product contact surfaces are polished 0.5 micrometer Ra (20CLa) finish or better.
4.6 Pressure ratings
Tubes and secondary
pressure containment 100 barg
De-rated to80 bar at 130°C (1160 psi at 266°F)
Heating Jacket10 bar at 130°C (145 psi at 266°F)
Secondary pressure containment 63 barg63 bar at 20°C (914 psi at 68°F)
De-rated to50 bar at 130°C (725 psi at 266°F)
Meter data plates are stamped with maximum pressure rating at both 20°C (68°F) and max.
operating temperature of connection, primary tube or secondary pressure containment
40 bar100 bar32 bar80 bar
SizeMax Load Max LoadMax Load Max Load
1525 kN17 kN18 kN12 kN
2538 kN19 kN28 kN12 kN
4048 kN15 kN35 kN7 kN
100 bar at 20°C (1450 psi at 68°F)
5099 kN20 kN72 kN8 kN
Flange Connections
These loads are roughly equivalent to the max axial loading allowed in an un-radiographed butt
weld in a 316L schedule 40 pipe.
Loads given are maximum static loads. If loads are cycling, particularly between tension and
compression, these loads should be reduced.
DIN flange ratings based on EN 1092-1: 2001 table 18, 1% proof stress material group 14EO
ASME flange ratings based on ASME B16.5: 2003 table 2 material group 2.2
JIS flange rating based on JIS 2220: 2001 table 1 division 1 material group 022a
4.7 Heating and insulation
There are several ways to heat the meter. In most cases heating is unnecessary as the meter
is designed as such that very little heat is lost or gained through the outer cylinder.
Where insulation is required a variety of materials may be used to insulate the meter. Care
must be taken not to insulate the meter above the halfway mark of the electronics support post
as shown.
Electrical tape heating may be used. Care should be taken to only heat the sections where the
best effect will be achieved. Do not heat above the converter mount centre line See illustration.
1 Max insulation depth
2 Heated Areas
3 Do NOT heat this area
When insulating please observe guidelines as per insulation section.
1565 mm
2575 mm
40110 mm
50125 mm
Heating Times (based on heating jacket operating at maximum temperature)
Liquid / S
team heating jacket
The meter can be supplied with a heating jacket. This jacket is designed to minimise the differential stress across the meter where differences in temperature between outer cylinder and
measuring tube exist.
The connections to the heating jacket are NPT or Ermeto sockets.
It is recommended that reinforced flexible hoses be used to connect the heating jacket to the
heat source.
1 2 3 4 Connection Points
Always heat the jacket to working temperature before flowing product in measuring tube.
Avoid the use of fluids that can cause crevice corrosion.
Although all the jacket materials are 316L, the outer cylinders are 304L (Optional 316L).
Connections should be made to ensure all air can be vented on liquid systems and all condensate can be drained on steam systems.
Note :
The maximum heating medium pressure and temperature for heating jackets is 10 bar at
130°C or 145 psig at 266°F.
1 Temperature at centre of measuring tube
2 Time (hours)
please consult KROHNE if cooling medium is to be used in the heating jacket.
Minimum flow rate
4.8 Purge Port Meters and Burst Disc Meters
Weights (PN40 flanges)
Purge Port Options
If the purge port option was selected at time of order, then your meter will be fitted with ½”
NPT female connections – these will be clearly identified. These connections are sealed with
NPT plugs and PTFE tape.
Do not remove these plugs.
The meter is factory sealed with a dry nitrogen gas fill and any ingress of moisture will damage
the meter. The plugs should only be removed to purge the inside of the meter case of any
product if it is suspected that the primary measuring tube has failed. If it is suspected that the
primary tube has failed, depressurise and remove the meter from service, as soon as it is safe
to do so.
Burst Disc meters (Meters up to size 25 only)
OPTIMASS 1000 meters that have been ordered with a burst (rupture) disc will be suppled with
the disc fitted. The disc is fitted when the operating pressure of the measuring tube exceeds
the design pressure of the secondary containment. The disc failure pressure is 20bar @ 20°C.
The burst disc is suitable for the designed application according to the process conditions and
flow rates as per original order. If conditions alter, consult KROHNE for further advice regarding suitability of disc fitted.
If the product is in any way hazardous, it is strongly recommended that an exhaust tube is connected to the NPT male thread of the burst disc so that the discharge can be piped to a safe
area. This tube should be large enough that pressure cannot build up in the meter case.
Ensure arrow on burst disc is pointing away from meter
4.9 Technical Data
Maximum Flow Rates
Depending on measuring error required.
Compact with aluminium MFC 30013.53016.53629.56557.5127
Compact with SS MFC 30018.84121.84834.87762.8138
Remote with aluminium J box11.52514.53225.55651.5113
• It is permissible to support the weight of the meter on the body.
• Use of standard pipework reducers at the flange is allowed. Avoid extreme changes in pipe
• The use of flexible hoses for connection to the process pipework is NOT recommended.
• The meter can be installed so that the converter is on the side of the meter, resulting in the
• The 2000 series has exceptional immunity to cross-talk, therefore allowing meters to be
5.2 Ambient / Process temperatures
The specified and approved ambient and process temperatures must be observed.
size (step changes).
measuring tubes on top of each other, unless gases or solids are being measured.
used in series or parallel
All meters-45...+130-49...266
Compact Al.-40...+6040...+140
Compact Al. with certain I/O options (consult Krohne)-40...+65-40...+149
Compact SS-40...+55-40...+131
For additional temperature limits in hazardous area applications, reference should be made to
the publication “
Where meters are mounted in direct sunlight, it is recommended to install a sunshade that
covers the converter and front end. This is particularly important in countries with high ambient temperatures.
The maximum differential temperature between the process and ambient temperature without
insulation is 110°C or 200°F.
To avoid thermal shock, the meter MUST NOT be subject to rapid changes in process tempratures and reference should be made to the following table
Operation outside these limits may result in shifts in density and mass flow calibration.
Repeated shocking may also lead to premature failure of the meter! However, higher thermal
shocks are possible at lower working presures. Please consult Krohne for more information.
Guidelines for the use of Coriolis Meters in Hazardous Areas”.
S10090°C (110°C with a max operating pressure of 40 barg)
To comply with the requirements of the PED in Europe, the following information is provided to
assist the plant engineer in installing the meter:
Stainless Steel UNS 531803Stainless Steel UNS J902205
The outer cylinder 304 / 304L is dual certified (Optional outer cylinder of 316 / 316L).
Wiring feedthrough is made of Epoxy (or PEEK) with 2 ‘O’ ring seals in Fpm / fkm &
Hydrogenated Nitrile.
PN160/250 and ASME 900/1500 are duplex stainless steel (UNS 531803). All other flanges are
316 / 316 L dual certified (optional UNS 531803).
NOTE: if the NACE option has been selected at the time of order, the flanges will be duplex
stainless steel (UNS 31803).
Hygienic Connections are 316L (S100 only)
Optional heating jacket 316 / 316L
Note: Outer cylinder is in contact with heating medium
5.4 Secondary Pressure containment
The OPTIMASS 2000 meters are supplied (as standard) without certified housings that have a
typical burst pressure
If the user suspects that the primary tube has failed, the unit must be depressurised and
removed from service as soon as it is safe to do so.
In the 2000 Series there is a high pressure wire feed through with ‘O’ rings that might not be
compatible with the process fluid for an extended period if a primary tube fails.
It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the materials used are compatible with this product.
>100 barg.
Other ‘O’ ring materials are available on request.
5.5 Hygienic Applications
The OPTIMASS 2000 (S100) is available with a variety of hygienic process connectors.
When installing / using meters with hygienic process connectors, support /clamp the meter
properly. The meters are heavy and could injure when disconnected from the adjacent pipe
The recommended method of installation is to mount the meter against a support / wall with
the body of the meter supported / clamped. The process pipe work can then be supported off
the meter. The meter is too heavy to be supported from the thin walled piping usually associated with the hygienic industry. For information regarding lifting the meter, please refer to section 3.4.
1 2 Meter Supports
whichever is the lower
Maximum pipe work forces
The 3A approval for the 2000 series requires that it is “self draining”. Therefore, the meter
MUST be installed vertically with the flow running uphill.
Installation lengths
For installation lengths, please see section 5.9
Please check with KROHNE if you are unsure of the installation length. Many meters are built
to customer requirements / specifications especially where special hygienic process nectors
have been adapted to the meter. As these are normally non-standard, the installation length
will not be given in the technical data.
5.6 Pressure Ratings
Measuring Tube PED certification
See pressure de-rating graphsMeasuring Tube FM certification
Measuring Tube CRN & CSA certification
Meter data plates are stamped with maximum pressure rating at both 20°C (68°F) and maximum operating temperature of connection or primary tube,
40 barg100 barg150 barg32 bar80 barg115 barg
100150 kN100 kN150 kN60 kN
150650 kN120 kN280 kN50 kN
250550 kN60 kN400 kN50 kN
Flange Connections
These loads are roughly equivalent to the max axial loading allowed in an un-radiographed butt
weld in a 316L schedule 80 pipe.
Loads given maximum static loads. If loads are cycling, particularly between tension and compression then these loads should be reduced.
DIN flange ratings based on EN 1092-1 2007 table G.4.1 material group 14E0
ASME flange ratings based on ASME B16.5 2003 table 2 material group 2.2
JIS flange ratings based on JIS 2220: 2001 table 1 division 1 material group 022a
The maximum operating pressure will be either the flange rating or measuring tube rating
It is recommended that the seals be replaced regularly to maintain the hygienic integrity of the
Unless specifically requested, internal surfaces are not polished and no warranty is made as to
Electrical Heating
the surface finish.
If polishing option and /or EHEDG, ASME Bio-Processing or 3A approvals was selected at time
of order, all product contact surfaces are polished 0.5 micrometer Ra (20CLa) finish or better.
5.7 Heating and insulation
There are several ways to heat the meter. In most cases heating is unnecessary as the meter
is designed so that very little heat is lost or gained through the outer cylinder.
Where insulation is required, a variety of materials may be used to insulate the meter. Care
must be taken not to insulate the meter above the halfway mark of the electronics support post
as shown.
Electrical tape heating may be used. Care should be taken to only heat the sections where the
best effect will be achieved. Do not heat above the converter mount centre line as shown
The following guidelines must be observed.
1 Max insulation depth
2 Heated Areas
3 Do NOT heat this area
When insulating please observe guidelines as per insulation section.
100200 mm
150250 mm
250250 mm
Liquid / Steam heating jacket
Heating Times
The meter can be supplied with a heating jacket. This jacket is designed to minimise the differential stress across the meter where differences in temperature between outer cylinder and
measuring tube exist.
The connections to the heating jacket are NPT or Ermeto sockets.
It is recommended that reinforced flexible hoses be used to connect the heating jacket to the
heat source.
1 2 3 4 Connection Points
Always heat the jacket to working temperature before flowing product in measuring tube.
Avoid the use of fluids that can cause crevice corrosion.
Although all the jacket materials are 316L, the outer cylinders are 304L (Optional 316L).
Connections should be made to ensure all air can be vented on liquid systems and all condensate can be drained on steam systems.
Note :
Max heating medium pressure and temperature for heating jackets is 10 bar at 130°C or 145
psig at 266°F.
The heating times shown in the following illustrations are based on the heating jacket operating at maximum temperature and show the measured temperatures at the spigot end of the
measuring tubes. If a desired temperature is required in the centre of the measuring tubes,
then the heating times MUST be extended.
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