Korg PA4X songbook editeur

SongBook Editor 3.0
License Agreement
Your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement and warranty. Please carefully read these terms and conditions prior to the use of this software.
All title and copyrights in and to this software are owned by KORG Italy SpA (hereafter simply indicated as "KORG"). This software is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
Although this software is free, it is not "public do­main". It is a copyrighted software program, and KORG reserves all rights. Therefore:
• This software cannot be sold, either by itself or in combination with any other product, without the ex­press written permission of KORG.
• If you are a user group which is publishing a CD-ROM or floppy collection, you may include this software and all of its related files without restriction, save that the entire original package is included.
• If you are a hard disk vendor which distributes PD, shareware, and freeware on your disk drives, you are welcome to distribute this software. Contact KORG for up-to date versions and information.
• Commercial publishers and distributors of CD-ROM software collections, to include any and all software compilations provided as an adjunct to printed or on­line publications, may not distribute this software on CD- ROM without the express written permission of KORG.
• This software may be posted on an information ser­vice which charges its users for general connection time and downloading, but it may NOT be posted to an information service which will charge for the specific right to download it, without the express written per­mission of KORG.
• This software may be given away as a support utility for a package which is itself to be given away. People who need to distribute it as a support utility should contact KORG for up-to-date versions and information. Please address all correspondence to: KORG Italy SpA Via Cagiata, 85 60027 Osimo (AN) - Italy www.KORG.com Please note that we cannot provide technical support for this software (or any of our other freeware prod­ucts).
Disclaimer of Warranty
This software is freeware and may be freely copied and distributed as long as the entire unmodified pro­gram is copied and no fee is charged.
This software is given "as is". No support is granted by KORG.
KORG shall not be liable for errors contained in infor­mation and software downloaded from the KORG Web­site, or otherwise obtained from the KORG Website in any manner. KORG will not in any event be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or conse­quential damages whatsoever (including lost profits, lost data, or business interruption) related to any use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the soft­ware, results, documentation or links provided by the KORG Website.
No Disassembly or Decryption
You may not disassemble or decompile the Software without prior written consent of KORG.
Your license will automatically terminate upon any transfer of the Software. Upon transfer, you must de­liver the Software, including any copies and related documentation, to the transferee. The transferee must accept these License Terms as a condition to the transfer.
KORG may terminate your license upon notice for failure to comply with any of these License Terms. Upon termination, you must immediately destroy the Software, together with all copies, adaptations and merged portions in any form.
Data Handling
Data may sometimes be lost due to incorrect user ac­tion. Be sure to backup important data. KORG will not be responsible for damages caused by data loss.
The information contained in this manual have been carefully revised and checked through. Due to our constant efforts to improve our products, the speci­fications might differ to those in the manual. KORG is not responsible for any eventual differences found between the specifications and the contents of the in­struction manual – the specifications being subject to change without prior notice.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corpo­ration. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
Introduction ............................................................1
Installing the software ......................................................2
SongBook and removable media .............................................3
Glossary ..............................................................4
Creating the SongBook on the instrument .................................5
Creating the Style-based SB Entries ..........................................5
Creating the MID/KAR- and MP3 file-based SB Entries ..........................5
Saving the SongBook and the linked data ..................................6
Preparing the external storage device ........................................6
Saving the SongBook and Styles .............................................6
Collecting the MID/KAR, MP3 and TXT files ....................................7
Working in the internal memory or drives .....................................8
Making a backup ...........................................................9
From here on – do not edit anything on the instrument! .........................9
Launching SongBook Editor and choosing the Target ....................... 10
Launching SongBook Editor ................................................10
Choosing the Target ........................................................11
Opening the SongBook with SongBook Editor ............................. 13
Opening the SongBook .................................................... 13
Browsing the SB Entries in the Book panel ................................... 13
Customizing the list view ..................................................14
Creating a new SongBook with SongBook Editor ........................... 18
Creating new SB Entries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Creating a new SB Entry ...................................................19
Linking or adding resources ................................................20
Importing data to SB Entries ............................................ 21
Importing MID/KAR and/or MP3 files ........................................21
Editing basics .........................................................23
How to access editing .....................................................23
How to edit the parameters ................................................24
Editing the SB Entries .................................................27
Editing Style-based entries .................................................27
Editing MID/KAR-based entries .............................................30
Editing MP3-based entries .................................................32
Copying the Keyboard Sets from other entries ................................33
Set Lists .............................................................34
Creating a new Set List ....................................................34
Adding entries to the selected Set List ......................................34
Seeing the content of a Set List .............................................35
Editing entries ............................................................35
Moving entries up/down ...................................................35
Deleting a Set List ........................................................36
Remapping Style and Pads .............................................37
The remapping table ......................................................37
Remapping ...............................................................39
Saving the SongBook and reloading it to the instrument ....................44
Saving the edited SongBook ............................................... 44
Quitting SongBook Editor ................................................. 44
Disconnecting the storage device from the PC ............................... 44
Loading the edited SongBook on the instrument ..............................45
Frequent operations ...................................................46
Changing reference to a bank of Styles ..................................... 46
Changing reference to individual Styles ......................................49
Changing the device and path to your MID/KAR, MP3 and Lyrics text files ........53
Merging entries from two SongBooks ....................................... 54
Exporting a list of entries ..................................................55
Appendix .............................................................56
Keyboard shortcuts ...................................................... 56
Version History ...........................................................57


Thank you very much for using KORG’s SongBook Editor for the Pa-Series Professional Arrangers! With SongBook Editor you can:
Create new SB (SongBook) Entries.
Import multiple MID/KAR and MP3 files and batch-convert them to SB Entries.
Edit most SB Entry parameters in multiple entries at once.
Rename SB Entries and edit parameters faster, by using the PC’s keyboard.
Add Lyrics as TXT files linked to the SB Entries.
See all parameters in adjacent columns, and quickly sort the SB Entries in the
Book list.
Create and edit Set Lists, using multiple selection and drag&drop.
Drag&drop SB Entries between SongBooks, and between SongBooks and text
documents or spreadsheets.
Change the file path of Direct Styles, MID/KAR, MP3 files and TXT files.
Change reference to Style locations and banks.
Batch-remap all references to the Styles and Pads.
Copy Keyboard Sets between SB Entries.
Export a list of songs as a text file, to print your playlist for a show.

Installing the software

PC system requirements
To use SongBook Editor, you need a PC running under Microsoft® Windows® 7/8/8.1/10™.
KORG instrument requirements
SongBook Editor v3.0 supports Pa4X, Pa1000 and Pa700. For older models, please use SongBook Editor v2.0. The following tables show the requirements to use SongBook Editor with your KORG instrument.
These models require SongBook Editor v3.0 (or newer):
Model OS
Pa4X latest version
Pa1000 latest version
Pa700 latest version
These models require SongBook Editor v2.0:
Model OS
Pa4X up to v1.2.4
Pa3X latest version
Pa3XLe latest version
Pa2X latest version
Pa1X latest version
Pa900 latest version
Pa800 latest version
Pa600 latest version
Pa500/Pa588 latest version
Pa300 latest version
HAVIAN 30 latest version
Note: You can find the latest OS in our web site (www.korg.com).
Installing the software
After downloading the installer, follow these easy steps:
1 Double-click the installer’s icon.
2 Follow the instructions appearing on screen.
Getting help
Whenever you need to access these instructions, choose the Help > SongBook Editor User Guide (F1) command from the application menu.

SongBook and removable media

SongBook Editor can read resources (Direct Styles, MID/KAR, MP3, TXT files) from storage devices connected to the PC’s USB ports. You can therefore work with files on a storage device connected to your PC’s USB ports. After editing, you can reconnect the device to the instrument’s USB HOST port.
Keeping all the resources on a removable media is recommended, since it allows for an easier management of all data linked to the SongBook.


What is a SongBook?
The SongBook is the onboard music database of your KORG Pa-Series instru­ment, allowing you to organize and quickly retrieve the Songs you created start­ing from Styles, MID/KAR or MP3 files.
What is a SB Entry?
A SB (SongBook) Entry is an entry of the onboard database, that, in addition to a link to the Style or Song, may include information like the artist, title, genre, number, key, tempo, and meter (time signature) of a specified song. SB Entries also include the Sounds you play on the keyboard.
What is a SongBook’s Song?
Songs, in the SongBook, are the equivalent of SB Entries. You may call them with the more jargon-driven term ‘SB Entry’, or the more musician-inspired ‘Song’.
What are Styles, MIDI Songs and MP3 Songs?
Each SB Entry (or ‘SongBook’s Song’) is linked to a Style, MIDI Song or MP3 Song. A Style is a set of cycling patterns following you when you play chords on the keyboard. A MIDI Song is a .mid or .kar file, playing the internal sounds. An MP3 Song is an .mp3 file, playing recorded audio. Together, in the SongBook, they form an alliance to play songs with all the needed sounds and effects.
What are User, Local and Direct?
User data are the ones you create or load from an external storage device to the internal memory. Local data are those added with an Add-On. Direct data are those residing on an external storage device, and selected as the Direct SET.
On the instrument, you can see at the same time entries from the User, Local and Direct SongBooks. With SongBook Editor, you only see the entries of the SongBook you have loaded as a SET folder.

Creating the SongBook on the instrument

Before editing your SongBook with SongBook Editor, there are some operations you should carry on on your instrument to create the original SongBook on which to work.

Creating the Style-based SB Entries

It is advisable to create Style-based entries on the instrument, since this will al­low all the actual values of the Style Settings (including Sounds, EQ, FX, Keyboard Sets, Pads, etc…) to be copied to the SB Entries. On the contrary, creating Style­based entries with SongBook Editor would only assign them default values, and would therefore require some additional work after reloading the SongBook.
1 On the instrument, create a new SongBook database, or edit an existing one.
Please read the instrument’s User Manual for the relevant instructions.
2 Still on the instrument, create all Style-based SB Entries, as described in the
User Manual.
Creating the MID/KAR- and MP3 file-based SB
If you want, create the MID/KAR- and MP3-based entries on the instrument. However, please keep in mind that it is easier and quicker to create them directly in SongBook Editor.

Saving the SongBook and the linked data

Before editing the SongBook database with SongBook Editor, you must save it, together with all the linked data.

Preparing the external storage device

1 Connect an USB storage device to (one of) the USB HOST port(s) of the Pa-
Series instrument.
You can use anything you like: an external hard disk drive, an SSD drive, an USB pendrive. Be sure there is enough room to contain all your data (the SongBook and the linked files).
2 Go to the Media > Format page, and format the external storage device. Please
refer to the User Manual for information on the Format procedure.
Warning: Formatting will delete any data on the external storage device.

Saving the SongBook and Styles

From the Pa-Series instrument, save the SongBook and all the associated Styles. This will allow SongBook Editor to know the names of the Styles.
Saving the User Styles
When User Styles are loaded with the SongBook, SongBook Editor can know their name and position.
Saving the Custom Factory Styles
Standard Factory Style names are always shown in SongBook Editor. You don’t need to save anything else, in addition to the SongBook, to let SongBook Editor know their names.
If you customized the Factory Style banks, you have to save them, to let SongBook Editor learn their names. To save them, remove the Factory data protection.
Saving the the Local Styles
The name of the Local Styles supplied by KORG (for example, with the Oriental or Musikant versions) are always shown in SongBook Editor. You don’t need to save anything else, in addition to the SongBook, to let SongBook Editor know their names.
If you customized the Local Styles supplied by KORG, you have to save them, to let SongBook Editor learn their names. They behave exactly as the Custom Factory Styles. To save them, remove the Factory data protection.
Also, the name of the Local Styles supplied as Add-Ons by other developers are not automatically shown in SongBook Editor. You have to save them, after removing the Factory data protection.
Removing protection from the Factory and Local Styles
1 On the instrument, go to the Global > Mode Preferences > Media page.
2 Deselect the Factory Protect checkbox, to remove the write and save protection
from the Factory Styles.
Saving the SongBook and Styles
1 Still on the instrument, go to the Media > Save page, and select the ALL folder
to save all.
2 Touch the Save button, and use the Device pop-up menu to choose the external
USB storage device as the target of the Save All operation.
3 Create a New SET folder in the external storage device.
The new SET folder will contain the Book (SBD) and Set List (SBL) files. It will also contain all the User/Favorite (and Custom Factory/Local) Styles.
Collecting the MID/KAR, MP3 and TXT files
You can collect all the needed files into the external USB storage device in which you save the SongBook files. All your data will easy to be moved between the instrument and a PC.
1 Still on the instrument, go to the Media > Copy page, and copy all the Direct Style
and Pad, MID/KAR, MP3 and TXT files needed by the SongBook. Copy them from all the folders inside the instrument’s internal memory or storage devices to the external USB storage device.
Collecting the different types of songs in separate folders (for example, by name, music genre or type of file) will make retrieving them later easier.
Important: Do not copy files inside any SET folders! These folders are reserved to the instrument’s internal data, and must be left untouched. Use generic folders instead.
2 Remove the external USB storage device from the instrument, and connect it to
your PC. If you like, copy into it any other MID/KAR, MP3 and TXT file that you plan to use with the SongBook. You can also copy any additional Direct Styles and Pad to the same device.

Working in the internal memory or drives

If you prefer, you can save the SongBook and associated data inside the internal memory, or an internal drive (if any), of your Pa-Series instrument. However, since using an external USB storage device makes moving the files between the instrument and a PC easier, we don’t recommend it.
To make the PC see the internal storage devices of your instrument, you must connect the instrument to a PC by using an USB cable. When connected to a Pa­Series instrument, the PC can see the instrument’s internal memory and drives as if they were ordinary storage devices. At this point, you can directly work with the SongBook files, and the MID/KAR, MP3 and TXT files contained inside the instrument.
1 Use a standard USB cable to connect the USB DEVICE port of the instrument to
an USB port of the PC.
2 On the instrument, go to the Media > USB page. Use the Device pop-up menu to
choose the KORG DISK device (that is, the internal memory), or any other inter- nal storage device where you saved the SongBook files. Then press the Enable button. The icon of the instrument’s internal memory will appear as a storage device connected to your PC.
3 If you moved the linked resources (MID/KAR, MP3, TXT files) to an external stor-
age device (used as an external portable library), connect it to a different USB port on your PC.

Making a backup

For safety reasons, before starting to edit the SongBook we suggest to make a backup of the instrument’s memory content.
1 You can make a backup into one of the internal storages of the instrument.
However, if you want to use an external USB storage device, connect it to (one of) the USB HOST port(s) of the Pa-Series instrument. If needed, format it.
2 Go to the Media > Utility page, and use the Full Resources Backup command to
backup the data.
Important: Always keep a backup copy of your original SongBook files before editing them! Saving an edited SongBook file over an existing one will permanently delete the older one.

From here on – do not edit anything on the instrument!

Starting from the following pages, all editing will be done on a PC and not on your instrument. Any further editing, carried on on the instrument before re­loading the modified SongBook files, will be lost.

Launching SongBook Editor

you can see the content of the selected
and choosing the Target
Launching SongBook Editor
After having connected the external USB storage device or the instrument to the PC, run SongBook Editor. The main screen of the software will appear, with a standard menu and a single window split in three panels, as shown in the illustra­tion below. (When first running the application, the panels are empty; we show them populated for ease of understanding).
The Book panel. This is where the full list of
Songs included in the SongBook appears. It is the
equivalent of the Book page of the instrument.
The Set Lists panel. This is where you can see all the
available Set Lists associated to the selected Book.
This panel is the equivalent of the Set List pop-up
menu of the instrument.
The Selected List panel. This is were
Set List. It is the equivalent of the Set
List page of the instrument.

Choosing the Target

The first time you run SongBook Editor, use the Target parameter in the Preferences dialog to select your instrument as the “target” device. This will
allow the software to use the correct file format for your instrument. You won’t have to select it again later, since this setting will remain memorized through all the subsequent editing sessions.
1 Choose the File > Preferences… command to open the Preferences dialog. You
will see the Target parameter on top of the dialog.
2 Click the Change… button to open the Target dialog.
The available targets are the ones listed in the following table.
Model Version Target
Pa4X Standard Pa4X STD
Oriental Pa4X ORT
Musikant Pa4X MUS
Pa1000 Standard Pa1000
Pa700 Standard Pa700 STD
Oriental Pa700 ORT
3 Choose from the list the target corresponding to your instrument, then click the
OK button to confirm.
4 Click the OK button to close the Preferences dialog.
When done, the chosen target will be shown in the top-right corner of the ap­plication window.

Opening the SongBook with SongBook Editor

The SongBook can be opened with SongBook Editor, where you can see its con­tent in a database-like fashion.

Opening the SongBook

Before editing, open the SongBook files from the USB storage device (or the internal memory, or an internal storage, of the instrument).
1 In SongBook Editor, choose the File > Open command, and browse the files.
2 Find the SET folder containing the SongBook files (the ones you previously
saved), and click its name to highlight it.
3 Click the Select Folder button to load the SET folder.

Browsing the SB Entries in the Book panel

After having opened the SongBook, the list of SB Entries it contains will appear in the Book panel (corresponding to the Book page on the instrument). The Book’s content is shown in a database-like fashion, with each SB Entry corresponding to a row, and the various parameters of the entry shown in the adjacent columns.

Customizing the list view

Showing/hiding columns
You can choose which columns to see in the panels.
1 Click a column header with the right mouse button.
2 When the list of available options appears, select/deselect the name of the col-
umn to be shown/hidden.
Resizing columns
You can change the width of each column to better fit the content.
1 When moving the mouse pointer over the line dividing two column headers, the
pointer’s shape changes to the resize tool. Grab the right margin of a column header, then drag it.
2 To set a column’s width to the optimum size, double-click its right margin.
Changing the sorting order
You can change the order of the SB Entries shown in the list, by choosing a par­ticular sorting criterion (by Name, Genre, Author, and so on).
1 Click a column header to select the corresponding sorting criterion.
2 Click a second column header to change the sorting.
Each time you choose a different sorting criterion, the previous criterion is con­sidered as a “sub-criterion” for the new one. For example, you can alphabetically reorder your entries by Name:
Then you change the order to Genre; inside the genre alphabetical ordering, entries are still alphabetically ordered by name:
3 Click the selected column header to change the sorting order from ascending to
descending, or vice versa.
Changing the fonts and colors
Fonts and colors of the list items can be customized.
1 Choose the File > Preferences… command to open the Preferences dialog.
2 Use the options of the Fonts & Color section to change the fonts and assign a
different background color to the various panels. You can also assign different background colors to the alternating odd and even rows. Entries edited but not yet saved can have their own color.
3 When done, click the OK button to close the dialog.
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