By entering the Style Record mode, you can create your own
Styles, or edit an existing Style.
The Style structure
The term “Style” relates with music sequences automatically
played by the arranger of the Pa3X. A Style consists of a predefined number of Style Elements (E) (Pa3X features fifteen different Style Elements: Variation 1-4, Intro 1-3, Fill 1-4, Break,
Ending 1-3). When playing, these Style Elements can be selected
directly from the control panel, using the corresponding buttons.
To explain the Style structure, we can use a tree-structure, as
shown in the following diagram:
Each Style Element is made up of smaller units, called ChordVariations (CV), but not all of them have the same number of
CVs. Variations 1-4 have up to 6 CVs each, while the other Style
Elements have only up to 2 CVs.
When you play on the chord recognition area (Lower, Upper or
Full, depending on the Chord Scanning section on the control
panel), the arranger scans the keyboard and determines which
chord you are playing. Then, depending on the selected Style
Element, it determines which Chord Variation (CV) should be
played for the scanned chord. Which Chord Variation corresponds to each scanned chord is a setting of the Style: the ChordVariation Table. Each Style Element contains a Chord Variation
Table, whose prototype is the following:
ChordChord Variations (CVs)
Variation 1-4Intro 1-3, Fill 1-4, Break, Ending 1-3
no 3rd
no 3rd, no 5th
CV1 – CV6CV1 – CV2
After deciding what CV to play, the arranger triggers the right
sequence for each track. Since each sequence is written in a particular key (for example, CMajor, GMajor or Emin), the arranger
transposes it according to the scanned chord. Notes in the
sequence are carefully transposed, to make them work fine with
all recognized chords.
Going deeper into the Style structure, we can see that each
Chord Variation is made up of Track S e q u ences, and the Pa3X
supports 8 different tracks. DRUM and PERC are used for drum
and percussion sequences, BASS for bass and ACC1-5 are for
accompaniment sequences (string, guitar, piano or other accompaniment instruments).
Style Record mode
Style/Pad Import/Export
Just to summarize, when you play a chord on the chord recognition area, the arranger determines which Style Element is used,
then determines which Chord Variation should be used for the
played chord, then Style sequences for every track of that Chord
Variation are transposed from the original chord to the recognized chord, and so on every time you play a chord.
Ordinary, Guitar and Drum tracks
There are different types of tracks (see “Track Type” on page 27),
and each of them is treated in a different way by the arranger;
•Acc (Accompaniment) and Bass tracks: When a chord is
recognized, the programmed chord notes are transposed to
a suitable scale, according to the Note TranspositionTables ( N T T ) The NTT allows you to record just some
Chord Variations, and have all the notes play in the right
place, avoiding dissonances and transposing the pattern
notes to the notes of the recognized chord.
•Drum & and Perc (Percussion) tracks: No transposition is
applied.The original pattern plays always.
•Gtr (Guitar) tracks: When a chord is recognized, the
arranger triggers single notes, strumming and arpeggios on
a “virtual guitar”, keeping care of the way notes are played
on the guitar keyboard. Note that inside a Guitar track you
can also have some parts typical of an Acc track - a useful
addition for short “free-form” passages.
•While in Style Play mode, you can assign a single Sound to
the Style Settings (together with the other track parameters), that remains the same for all Style Elements.
Which Sounds are used depends on the status of the “Original
Style Sounds” parameter (see page 114 of the User’s Manual).
Note: When assigning a Sound in Style Play mode, the “Original
Style Sounds” is automatically turned off.
Style/Pad Import/Export
As an alternative to creating Styles on the Pa3X, you can import
a Standard MIDI Files (SMF) from your computer to a Pa3X’s
Style. See “Import: Import SMF” on page 28 and “Export SMF”
on page 30.
Entering the Style Record mode
While in the Style Play operating mode, press the RECORD button. The following page will appear in the display:
What to record
Recording a Style is a matter of recording tracks, inside a series
of Chord Variations, inside a series of Style Elements, inside the
Style itself.
You don’t need to record all Chord Variations for all Style Elements. It is often only needed to record just a Chord Variation
for each Style Element. Exceptions are the Intro 1 and Ending 1,
where we suggest to record both a Major and minor Chord Variations.
Pattern data vs. track data
While the Style Record mode is where you can create or edit
music patterns for the Style, track parameters (like Volume, Pan,
Octave Transpose, FX settings…) have to be edited in Style Play
•After creating or editing music patterns in Style Record
mode, save them by selecting the Write Style command
from the page menu of the Style Record mode (see “Write
Style dialog box” on page 31 of the User’s Manual).
•After editing track parameters in Style Play mode, save
them to the Style Settings by selecting the “Write Current
Style Settings” command from the page menu of the Style
Play mode (see “Write Style Settings dialog box” on
page 139 of the User’s Manual).
There are two ways of assigning Sounds to the Style tracks.
•While in Style Record mode you can assign different
Sounds to each Style Element (see “Sounds area” on page 9
of the User’s Manual).
•Select Record/Edit Current Style to edit the current Style.
If it is a Factory Style, you may not be able to save it at the
original location (depending on the status of the “Factory
Style and Pad Protect” parameter, see page 236 of the User’s
Manual); you will select a User Style instead.
•Select Record New Style to start from a new, empty Style. A
default Style Performance will be recalled. When finished
recording, you will save the new Style onto a User Style
location. (Styles can be saved onto Factory Style locations
only when the “Factory Style and Pad Protect” parameter is
set to Off – see page 236 of the User’s Manual).
After editing the Style or Pad, please save it (see “Exit by saving
or deleting changes” below) and exit the Style/Pad Record mode.
Then, edit the Style track settings. Go to the Style Play mode,
edit the Style Settings to adjust track settings (Tempo, Volume,
Pan, FX Send… see page 119 and following in the “Style Play
operating mode” chapter of the User’s Manual) and save it by
selecting the “Write Current Style Settings” from the page menu
(see “Write Style Settings dialog box” on page 139 of the User’s
Note: After a record or edit operation, the memory is automatically reorganized. Therefore, when you press START/STOP there is
a delay before you can actually listen to the Style. This delay is
higher with a Style containing more MIDI events.
Style Record mode
Exit by saving or deleting changes
Note: While in Record mode, the footswitch and EC5 pedals are
disabled. On the contrary, volume/expression-type pedals can be
Exit by saving or deleting changes
List of recorded events
The Style/Pad Record mode filters out some events that may
cause wrong operation of the Style or Pad. Here are the recorded
events, and the most important filtered-out events.
When finished editing, you can save your Style or Pad in memory, or abort any change.
•To save changes, select the “Write Style” command from the
page menu (see “Write Style dialog box” on page 31).
• To abort all changes, select the “Exit from Record” command
from the page menu, or press the RECORD button, to exit from
record and return to the main page of the Style Record mode.
Hint: Save often while recording, to avoid accidentally losing your
changes to the Style.
Listening to the Style while in Edit mode
While you are in Style/Pad Record mode, you can listen to the
selected Chord Variation or to the whole Style or Pad, depending
on the page you are in.
To select a Chord Variation, go to the Main page of the Record/
Edit mode (see “Element (Style Element)” and “Chord Var
(Chord Variation)” on page 6).
•When you are in the Main, Event Edit, Quantize, Transpose, Velocity, or Delete pages, you can listen to the
selected Chord Variation. Press START/STOP to check
how it works. Press START/STOP again to stop the playback.
•When you are in the Sounds/Expression, Keyboard Range,
Chord Table, Trigger/Tension, Delete All, Copy, Style/Pad
Element Controls or Style/Pad Control pages, you can listen to the whole Style or Pad. Press START/STOP and play
some chords to do your tests. Select any Style/Pad Element
using the control panel buttons (VARIATION 1-4, INTRO
1-3, FILL 1-4, BREAK, ENDING 1-3). Press START/STOP
again to stop the playback.
•When you are in the Guitar Mode page, you can listen to
the pattern you are programming, played in the selected
Note: While in Style Record mode, the Fingered 3 Chord Recognition mode is automatically selected.
Control functionCC#
Note On
RX Noise On
Pitch Bend
Channel After Touch
Damper (Hold 1)64
Filter Resonance (Harmonic Content)71
Low Pass Filter Cutoff (Brightness)74
CC#80 (General Purpose #5)80
CC#81 (General Purpose #6)81
CC#82 (General Purpose #7)82
Note: Some Control Change messages cannot be recorded directly
by using Pa3X integrated controls (like the Ribbon Controller).
All allowed controllers can be assigned to an Assignable Pedal/
MIDI Control Change messaged inserted by using a software on
an external computer are imported when using the import function (“Import: Import SMF” on page 28).
Some controllers are reset at the end of the pattern.
Style Record mode
Main page - Record 1
Page headerPage menu icon
track info
Track volume/status area
Page sub-header
Operating mode
Master Transpose (in
Style/Pad in record/editBeat counter Measure number
No quantiza-
Main page - Record 1
After having pressed the RECORD button, and having chosen
whether you want to edit an existing Style or create a new one,
the main page of the Style Record mode appears, with the tab
“Record 1” selected.
Recording parameters area
Element (Style Element)
This parameter lets you select a Style Element for editing. Each
Style Element corresponds to a button on the control panel carrying the same name. After selecting a Style Element, select a
Chord Variation for actual editing (see below).
Var1…End3This is the selected Style Element
Chord Var (Chord Variation)
This parameter lets you select a Chord Variation for editing,
after selecting the Style Element this Chord Variation belongs to.
Note: When this parameter and the assigned value is in small letters (cv1…cv6), the Chord Variation is empty; when it is in capitals (CV1…CV6), it is already recorded.
• If the Style Element is Var1, Var2, Var 3 or Var4, you can select
one of 6 Chord Variations to edit.
• If the Style Element is Intro1, Intro2, Intro3, Fill1, Fill2, Fill3,
Fill4, Ending1, Ending2 or Ending3, you can select one of 2
Chord Variations to edit.
Page header
This line shows the current operating mode and transposition.
Operating mode name
Name of the current operating mode.
Master transpose
Master transpose value in semitones. This value can be changed
using the TRANSPOSE buttons on the control panel.
Page menu icon
Touch this icon to open the page menu. See “Page menu” on
page 31.
Page sub-header
This area shows some performing info on the Style/Pad.
Use this parameter to set the quantization during recording.
Quantization is a way of correcting timing errors; notes played
too soon or too later are moved to the nearest axis of a rhythmic
“grid”, set with this parameter, thus playing perfectly in time.
Note: To quantize after recording, use the Quantize function in the
Edit section (see “Style Edit: Quantize” on page 19).
HighNo quantization applied.
(1/32)… (1/8)
Grid resolution, in musical values. For example,
when you select 1/16, all notes are moved to the
nearest 1/16 division. When you select 1/8, all
notes are moved to the nearest 1/8 division. A ‘3’
after the quantization value means triplet.
Style in record/edit
Name of the Style currently in edit or record.
Beat counter
This indicator shows the current beat inside the current measure.
Measure number
Current measure you are recording.
Rec Length (Recording Length)
This parameter sets the recording length (in measures) of the
selected track. Its value is always equal to, or a divider of, the
Chord Variation Length (see next parameter).
This is not the total length of the Chord Variation, but just of the
current track. For example, you may have a Chord Variation
eight measures long, with a drum pattern repeating each two
measures. If so, set the CV Length parameter to “8”, and the Rec
Length parameter to “2” before starting recording the Drum
track. When playing back the Style, saving it or executing any
edit operation on the Style, the 2-measures pattern will be
extended to the full 8-measures length of the Chord Variation.
Style Record mode
Main page - Record 1
Track name
Sound name
Sound bank
Program Change
Wa r n in g : If you assign CV Length a value lower than Rec Length,
the value of Rec Length is not immediately updated in the display.
Therefore, you are still free of changing the value of CV Length,
before the measures exceeding its value are deleted (see warning in
“CV Length (Chord Variation Length)” below).
However, if you press START/STOP to begin recording, the real
Rec Length value is changed to the new one, even if the display still
shows the old value.
For example, you may have CV Length = 4 and Rec Length = 4. If
you set CV Length to 2, and press START/STOP to begin recording, Rec Length is still shown as 4, but it is in reality set to 2, and
recording will cycle for just 2 measures. After you press START/
STOP to stop recording, Rec Length is updated to 2, and all measures after the second measure are deleted.
CV Length (Chord Variation Length)
This parameter sets the total length (up to 32 measures) for the
selected Chord Variation. When playing a Style, this will be the
length of the accompaniment pattern, when the chord corresponding to the Chord Variation is recognized on the keyboard.
Wa r n in g : If you reduce the Chord Variation Length after recording, any measure after the selected length will be deleted. Be very
careful when setting the CV Length to a lower value after recording! If it happens, we suggest to exit from record without saving
(see “Exit from Record” on page 31).
Selected track info area
This line lets you see the Sound assigned to the selected track.
Track name
Name of the selected track.
Drum…Acc5 Style track.
Sound name
Sound assigned to the selected track. The triangle means you can
touch the name to open the Sound Select window, and select a
different Sound.
Sound bank
Bank the selected Sound belongs to.
Program Change
Program Change number sequence (Bank Select MSB, Bank
Select LSB, Program Change).
Metro (Metronome)
This is where you can set the metronome.
OffNo metronome click will be heard during record-
ing. In any case, a one-bar precount will be played
before starting recording.
On1Metronome on, with a one-bar precount before
starting recording.
On2Metronome on, with a two-bar precount before
starting recording.
Te mp o
Select this parameter to use TEMPO controls to set the tempo.
Hint: You can always change the Tempo, when other parameters
are selected, by keeping the SHIFT button pressed, and rotating the
Note: When recording Tempo, old data is always replaced by the
new data.
Note: The actual Tempo of the Style will be the one shown when
saving the Style Performance in Style Play mode (see “Current
Tempo” on pag e 1 1 2 of the User’s Manual).
This is the meter (time signature) of the Style Element. You can
edit this parameter only when the Style Element is empty, i.e.
before you begin recording anything.
Key/Chord area
This parameter pair allows you to define the track’s original key
and chord type, for the current Chord Variation. When in Style
Play mode, this chord will be played back exactly as it was
recorded, without any NTT processing (see above).
To record just one Chord Variation for a Style Element, the suggested original key/chord is “maj7” (with NTT = i-Series). Be
very careful to play the 7th+ note (i.e., with a “Cmaj7th” key/
chord, the B), to avoid the lack of notes, or a bad NTT conversion when playing different chords.
Note: To conform to Korg specifications, it is advisable to record
both the “Major” and “minor” Chord Variations for the Intro 1 and
Ending 1 Style Elements.
When you select a track, the original key/chord assigned to the
selected track will be shown. All recorded tracks will play back
on that key/chord. For example, if the original key/chord for the
Acc1 track is A7th, when selecting the Acc1 track all the remaining tracks will play on the A7th key/chord.
In the example above, you will record the Acc1 track in the
AMajor key, with notes pertaining to the A7th scale. This exact
pattern will be recalled, when an A7th chord will be recognized.
Note: This does not apply to Guitar Mode, relying on a different
rule. See “Main page - Guitar Mode” on page 10 for more infomation.
Style Record mode
Main page - Record 1
as writtenas played back
as writtenas played back
As recorded with
NTT = Root or 5t h
(Key/Chord = CMaj )
When you play a CM7
with NTT = Root
When you play a CM7
with NTT = 5th
As recorded with
NTT = i-Series
(Key/Chord = CM7 )
When you play a CMaj
with NTT = i-Series
When you play a C7
with NTT = i-Series
NTT Area
NTT Type/Table
NTTs (Note Transposition Tables) are the sophisticated algorithms that allow Korg arrangers to convert recognized chords
into musical patterns. The Note Transposition Table (NTT)
determines how the arranger will transpose pattern notes, when
a chord is recognized that does not exactly match the original
chord of a Chord Variation. For example, if you only recorded a
Chord Variation for the CMaj chord, when a CMaj7 is recognized on the keyboard the arranger must transpose some notes
to create the missing 7th.
Note: These parameters cannot be selected with Drum or Percussion tracks, and are therefore greyed out.
Note: NTT parameters are separately programmed for each track
of the Style Element.
There are two general types of NTTs:
•When Parallel types are selected, notes are transposed inside
the area set by the Wrap Around parameter. These tables are ideally suited to melody parts.
•When Fixed types are selected, the arranger moves as few notes
as possible, making legato lines and chord changes more natural.
They are ideally suited to chord tracks (strings, piano etc…).
Note: To conform to Korg specifications, it is advisable to set the
NTT to “No Transpose” on the Intro 1 and Ending 1.
Parallel/Root The root note (in CMaj = C) is transposed to the
missing notes.
Parallel/Fifth The 5th note (in CMaj = G) is transposed to the
missing notes.
All original patterns must be programmed on the
“Maj7” or “min7” chords. When loading old Korg
i-Series Styles, this option is automatically
Parallel/No Transpose
The chord is not modified, and is moved to the
new key unchanged. The pattern plays exactly the
recorded notes, and is moved to the new key as is.
This is the standard setting of Intro 1 and Ending
1 in Korg’s original Styles (where a chord progression is usually recorded, and should remain
unchanged in any key).
Fixed/Chord This table moves as few notes as possible, making
legato lines and chord changes more natural. It is
ideally suited to chord tracks (strings, piano
etc…). Contrary to the Parallel mode, the programmed chord is not transposed according to
the Wrap Around parameter, but always stays
around its original position, looking for common
notes between the chords.
Fixed/No Transpose
The programmed notes can only be transposed
by the Master Transpose. They are never transposed when chords are changed.
Style Record mode
Main page - Record 2/Cue
Delete Note button
Cue area
Octave transpose icon
Sound bank’s icon
Use this command to delete a single note or a single percussive
instrument from a track. For example, to delete a snare, keep the
D2 note (corresponding to the snare) pressed.
1. Select a track.
2.Touch the “Delete Note” button, and keep it pressed.
3.Press START/STOP to start the Style.
4.When you reach the passage containing the note to be
deleted, play the note on the keyboard. Keep it pressed, up
to the last note to be deleted.
5.When finished, release the Delete button and the note to be
deleted, and press START/STOP again to stop the Style.
Note: If the note is at the beginning of the pattern, press the
note before starting the Style.
Tracks volume/status area
Main page - Record 2/Cue
While in the main page, touch the “Record 2/Cue” tab to see this
page. Most parameters in this page are the same as in “Main page
- Record 1”. In addition, here you can see and select Sounds for
each Style track, and the Cue mode for the Style Element.
Virtual sliders
Each virtual slider in the display corresponds to an Assignable
Slider on the control panel. Use the Assignable Sliders to change
each value, provided the VOLUME LED (over the SLIDER
MODE button) is turned on. This LED status depends on the
last selected Performance, but can be changed anytime by using
the SLIDER MODE button.
As an alternative, touch the track’s area to select a track, and use
VALUE controls to change the value (or touch and drag it in the
Track st atus icons
Status of tracks. Touch this icon to change the status.
Play status. The track can be heard.
Mute status. The track cannot be heard.
Sounds area
This area lets you see Sounds and octave transposition for the
eight Style tracks.
Octave transpose icon
Non editable. This indicator shows the track’s octave transposition. Tracks will be recorded with the selected octave transposition. To change this value, use the UPPER OCTAVE buttons, or
go to the “Mixer/Tuning: Tuning” edit page in the Style Play
mode (see page 123 of the User’s Manual). Save this value to the
Style Settings.
Sound bank’s icon
This picture illustrates the bank the current Sound belongs to.
Touch an icon a first time to select the corresponding track
(detailed information are shown on the Selected Track Info area,
see the “Record 1” page above). Touch it a second time to open
the Sound Select window.
Note: These Sounds can be replaced by Sounds selected by a Performance, provided the “Original Style Sounds” parameter is left
unchecked in Style Play mode (see page 114 of the User’s Manual).
Track na mes
Under the sliders, a label for each track is shown.
Drum…Acc5 Shown Style tracks.
Record status. After starting recording, the track
will receive notes from the keyboard and the
MIDI IN connector.
Style Record mode
Main page - Guitar Mode
Cue area
Cue mode for [Style element]
This parameter lets you decide how the current Style Element
will enter after it has been selected. This setting is only available
for the ‘Variation’ and ‘Fill’ Style Elements.
Immediate, first measure
The Style Element enters immediately, and begins
from the first measure. Only available on Fills.
Immediate, current measure
The Style Element enters immediately, and begins
from the current measure. Only available on Fills.
Next measure, first measure
The Style Element enters at the beginning of the
next measure, and begins from the first measure
of the new pattern. Available on both Fills and
Va ri at i on s .
Next measure, current measure
The Style Element enters at the beginning of the
next measure, and begins from the current measure. Only available on Variations.
Main page - Guitar Mode
While in the main page, and a Guitar track has been selected,
touch the “Guitar Mode” tab to see this page. This is where you
can access Guitar Mode programming:
Note: To access this page, a Guitar track must first be selected (see
“Track Type” on page27 of the User’s Manual). Otherwise, the
Guitar Mode tab will remain grey (not selectable).
Note: When programming a Guitar track from an external
sequencer, you must be sure the Guitar tracks is associated to the
right channel. Go to the Global > MIDI > MIDI IN Channels page,
and assign the corresponding Style track (usually Acc1 ~ Acc5) to
the same channel of the Guitar track on the external sequencer.
Then, go to the Style Record > Style Track Controls > Type/Tension/Trigger page, and set the track as a track of type “Gtr” (see
“Track Type” on page 27 of the User’s Manual).
Guitar Mode allows to easily create realistic rhythm guitar parts,
without the artificial, unmusical playing typical of MIDI programming of guitar parts. Just record a few measures, and you
will end up with realistic rhythm guitar tracks, where each chord
is played according to its real position on the guitar, and not generated by simply transposing a written pattern.
Recording overview
Recording a Guitar track is unlike recording the other tracks,
where you play exactly all the notes of a melody line or all the
chords of an accompaniment part. With Guitar tracks you can:
a) play the keys corresponding to the strumming modes,
b) play an arpeggio using the six keys corresponding to the six
guitar strings (and the special keys corresponding to the root
and fifth notes),
c) play RX Noises to add realism to the pattern,
d) add regular patterns, for short melodic passages without wast-
ing an Acc track,
e) use the finest MIDI programing to select Chord Shapes, and
recreate any nuance of a guitar performance.
The following sections describe the various control keys available for this guitar simulation.
Style Record mode
Main page - Guitar Mode
Pa3X 61
Pa3X 76
Full Up
Full D own Mute
Full Up Mute
Full Down
Full Down Mute Body
Full D own Slow Mute
Full Up Slow
Full D own
Up 4-Strings
Down 4-Strings
Down Mute 4-Strings
Up Mute 4-Strings
IV String (D)
V String (A)II String (B)
Full Down/Up
All Mute
VI String (E)
III String (G)
I String (e)
Chord Root
Recognized Chord
Power Ch ord
Pa3X 61
Pa3X 76
RX Noises
Recording strumming types
The octave from C1 to B1 is devoted to selecting a strumming
type. By pressing these keys, you play fast strumming samples:
key; with them, you can always play the lowest notes of an arpeggio. This octave also includes an ‘all mute’ key (F#):
Pa3X 76
Pa3X 61
Recording single strings
The octave from C2 to B2 is devoted to selecting a single string
(or more than one) for playing arpeggios or power chords. You
can either play a free arpeggio with the six guitar chords
assigned to the C~A keys, or play one of the faster sampled
arpeggios on the higher keys. The root note is always available
on the C# key, while the fifth note is always assigned to the D#
Recording RX Noises
Further on, the upper octaves are used to trigger RX Noises:
Selecting a Capo
Together with strumming types, single strings and RX Noises,
you can choose a Capo (capotasto). Note that this might prevent
some single strings to sound, depending on the composed
chord. You can always see with strings are playing and which are
not, as described in the “Diagram” section below.
Recording a regular pattern
Together with strums and arpeggios, you can record regular patterns, exactly as if the track was of Acc type (see “Track Type” on
page 27 of the User’s Manual). This will save an Accompaniment
track, when all you need is just to record some short melodic
passages (for example, the closing of a strumming pattern).
Style Record mode
Main page - Guitar Mode
Pa3X 61
Pa3X 76
You can record the pattern by playing it in the range shown by
the diagram.
Recording a Chord Shape
You can finely choose Chord Shapes by using MIDI messages.
When you play a C0 note with the velocity value shown in the
following table, a chord is played in a particular position and on
a certain number of strings.
Vel.Rangefrom Str.Position
06 StringsI VI0
16 StringsI VI0
26 StringsI VI1
36 StringsI VI2
46 StringsI VI3
56 StringsI VI4
66 StringsI VI5
75 Strings BassII VI0
85 Strings BassII VI1
95 Strings BassII VI2
105 Strings BassII VI3
115 Strings BassII VI4
125 Strings BassII VI5
135 Strings TrebleI V0
145 Strings TrebleI V1
155 Strings TrebleI V2
165 Strings TrebleI V3
175 Strings TrebleI V4
185 Strings TrebleI V5
194 Strings BassIII VI0
204 Strings BassIII VI1
214 Strings BassIII VI2
224 Strings BassIII VI3
234 Strings BassIII VI4
244 Strings BassIII VI5
254 Strings MiddleII V0
264 Strings MiddleII V1
274 Strings MiddleII V2
284 Strings MiddleII V3
294 Strings MiddleII V4
304 Strings MiddleII V5
314 Strings TrebleI IV0
324 Strings TrebleI IV1
334 Strings TrebleI IV2
Vel.Rangefrom Str.Position
344 Strings TrebleI IV3
354 Strings TrebleI IV4
364 Strings TrebleI IV5
373 Strings BassIV VI0
383 Strings BassIV VI1
393 Strings BassIV VI2
403 Strings BassIV VI3
413 Strings BassIV VI4
423 Strings BassIV VI5
433 Strings MiddleBasIII V0
443 Strings MiddleBasIII V1
453 Strings MiddleBasIII V2
463 Strings MiddleBasIII V3
473 Strings MiddleBasIII V4
483 Strings MiddleBasIII V5
493 Strings MiddleTrebleII IV0
503 Strings MiddleTrebleII IV1
513 Strings MiddleTrebleII IV2
523 Strings MiddleTrebleII IV3
533 Strings MiddleTrebleII IV4
543 Strings MiddleTrebleII IV5
553 Strings TrebleI III0
563 Strings TrebleI III1
573 Strings TrebleI III2
583 Strings TrebleI III3
593 Strings TrebleI III4
603 Strings TrebleI III5
612 Strings BassV VI0
622 Strings BassV VI1
632 Strings BassV VI2
642 Strings BassV VI3
652 Strings BassV VI4
662 Strings BassV VI5
672 Strings MiddleBasIV V0
682 Strings MiddleBasIV V1
692 Strings MiddleBasIV V2
702 Strings MiddleBasIV V3
712 Strings MiddleBasIV V4
722 Strings MiddleBasIV V5
732 Strings MiddleIII IV0
742 Strings MiddleIII IV1
752 Strings MiddleIII IV2
762 Strings MiddleIII IV3
772 Strings MiddleIII IV4
782 Strings MiddleIII IV5
792 Strings MiddleTrebleII III0
802 Strings MiddleTrebleII III1
812 Strings MiddleTrebleII III2
822 Strings MiddleTrebleII III3
832 Strings MiddleTrebleII III4
842 Strings MiddleTrebleII III5
852 Strings TrebleI II0
862 Strings TrebleI II1
Style Record mode
Main page - Guitar Mode
Vel.Rangefrom Str.Position
872 Strings TrebleI II2
882 Strings TrebleI II3
892 Strings TrebleI II4
902 Strings TrebleI II5
Choosing a Key/Chord for Intro 1 and
Ending 1
The pattern is recorded in the key indicated by the Key/Chord
pair of parameters. However, this parameter is only used for
playback by the Intro 1 and Ending 1 Style Elements. All other
Style Elements will be played back according to the recognized
With Intro 1 and Ending 1 (both Chord Variation 1 and 2) you
can also prefer to enter a chord progression, to be played on the
lowest MIDI octave (C-1 ~ B-1). Chord types are inserted by
using velocity values, as shown in the following table:
Vel.Chord TypeVel.Chord Type
1Major2Major 6th
3Major 7th4Major 7th flatted 5th
5Suspended 4th6Suspended 2nd
7Major 7th suspended 4th8Minor
9Minor 6th10Minor 7th
11Minor 7th flatted 5th12Minor major 7th
13Dominant 7th147th flatted 5th
157th suspended 4th16Dimished
17Diminished major 7th18Augmented
19Augmented 7th20Augmented major 7th
21Major w/o 3rd22Major w/o 3rd and 5th
23Flatted 5th24Diminished 7th
Capo - Fret
A capo (from the Italian “capotasto”, “head of fingerboard”) is a
movable bar attached to the fingerboard of the guitar, to uniformly raise the pitch of all the strings. Its use makes the strings
shorter, therefore changing the timbre and position of the chords
(but not its shape).
0Open string – no capo.
I…XPosition of the capo over the fingerboard (i.e., “I”
corresponds to the first fret, “II” to the second
one, and so on).
Strings - High/Low
Use this pair of parameters to choose the strings the pattern will
be played on.
1…6Position of the capo over the fingerboard (i.e., “I”
corresponds to the first fret, “II” to the second o
The diagram shows how a chord would be composed on the fingerboard. Here is the meaning of the various symbols:
Red dotFingered string (i.e., played note).
White dotFifth, playing on the D#2 key.
XNon played or muted note.
Light grey bar Barré (a finger crossing all the strings, like a
mobile capo).
Dark grey bar Capo.
Playing back the pattern
When in Stye Play mode, the recorded Guitar pattern is transposed according to the chord recognized on the keyboard. The
way it is transposed depends on the programmed pattern, with
the chosen positions, strumming mods, etc…
Guitar mode parameters
Here is a detailed description of the parameters of the Guitar
Mode page.
This parameter pair allows you to define the track’s original key
and chord type. This parameter works in a different way than the
other tracks. While with other tracks this is always the reference
key used for NTT transposition, with Guitar tracks there is a difference, whether you are recording a Chord Variation contained
in an Intro 1 or Ending 1 Style Element, or any other Chord
Va r ia t i on :
•With Intro 1 and Ending 1, this chord will be used as the
reference key for the chord progression.
•With all the other Chord Variations, this chord will be used
only for listening during recording. During playback in
Style Play mode, the chord will follow chord recognition.
Style Record mode
Style Record procedure
Style Record procedure
There are two different methods for recording a Style: Realtime
and Step.
•Realtime Recording allows you to record Style patterns in
•Step Recording allows you to create a new Style by entering
single notes or chords in each track. This is very useful
when transcribing an existing score, or needing a higher
grade of detail, and is particularly suitable to create drum
and percussion tracks.
In addition, you can program a Style on a personal computer,
and then import it via the Import function (see “Import: Import
SMF” on page 28).
Preparing to record
1. If you like to edit an existing Style, select that Style.
2.Press the RECORD button to enter the Style Record mode.
You are prompted to select either the Current Style, or a
New Style.
Select “Record/Edit Current Style” if you want to edit the
current Style, or make a new Style starting from an existing
one. Select “Record New Style” if you want to start from
scratch with an empty Style.
3.After you select your preferred option, the main page of the
Style Record mode will appear.
4.Select the Element (Style Element) and Chord Var (Chord
Variation) parameters, to select the Chord Variation to be
Note: For more information on the Style Elements and Chord
Variations, and the Style structure in general, see “The Style
structure” on page 3.
5.Use the Rec Length (Recording Length) parameter to set
the length (in measures) of the pattern to record.
6.Use the Meter parameter to set the Style Element’s meter
(time signature).
Note: You can edit this parameter only if you selected the
“Record New Style” option when entering the Record mode,
or when editing an empty Style Element.
7.Select the Tempo parameter and set the tempo.
8.Touch the Record 2 tab to see the Sounds area. Here you
can assign the right Sound to each Style track. You cannot
select Digital Drawbars Sounds. (For more details, see
“Sounds area” on page 9).
9.If needed, set the Octave Transpose for each track. Note:
The Octave Transpose will affect only the notes coming from
the keyboard, and not from the arranger.
10. At this point, if you want to do a Realtime Recording go on
reading “Realtime Record procedure” below. Otherwise, if
you prefer to do a Step Record, jump to “Step Record procedure” on page 15.
Realtime Record procedure
1. Select the track to record. Its status icon will turn to
‘Record’. (For more details, see “Tracks volume/status area”
on page 9).
Note: When entering the Record mode, a track is already
in Record status. When you press START/STOP after
entering the Record mode, you can immediately start
If you like, you can try your part before recording:
•Mute the track, by repeatedly touching its icon status,
until the (Mute) status icon appears.
• Press START/STOP to let any recorded track play back,
and practice on the keyboard.
• When you have finished practicing, press START/STOP
to stop the arranger, and unmute the track by repeatedly
touching its icon status, until the (Record) status icon
appears again.
2.While the shown status icon is Record, press START/STOP
to begin recording. Depending on the “Metro” (metronome) option you selected, a 1- or 2-bars precount may
play before the recording actually begins. When it begins,
play freely. The pattern will last for some measures, according to the Rec Length value, then restart.
Since the recording will happen in overdub, you can add
notes on any following passage. This is very useful to
record different percussive instruments at any cycle on a
Drum or Percussion track.
Note: While recording, track’s Keyboard Range (see page 26)
is ignored, and the track can play over the whole keyboard
range. The Local parameter (see “Local Control On” on
page 209 of the User’s Manual) is also automatically set to
On, to allow playing on the keyboard.
3.When finished recording, press START/STOP to stop the
arranger. Select a different track, and go on recording the
full Chord Variation.
Note: You can select a different track only when the arranger
is not running.
4.When finished recording the Chord Variation, select a dif-
ferent Chord Variation or Style Element to go on recording
the full Style.
5.When finished recording the new Style, select the “Write
Style” command from the page menu, to open the Write
Style dialog box (see “Write Style dialog box” on page 31)
and save it to memory.
To exit the Style Record mode without saving any change,
select the “Exit from Record” command from the page
menu, or press the RECORD button.
Style Record mode
Style Record procedure
Step Record procedure
1. While in the main page of the Style Record mode, select the
“Overdub Step Recording” command from the page menu,
to enter the Overdub Step Record mode.
2.The “Pos” parameter shows the current position.
• If you do not want to insert a note or chord at the current
position, insert a rest instead, as shown in step 4.
• To jump to the next measure, filling the remaining beats
with rests, touch the Next M. button in the display.
3.To change the step value, use the “Step Time values” area in
the display.
4.Insert a note, rest or chord at the current position.
• To insert a single note, just play it on the keyboard. The
inserted note length will match the step length. You may
change the velocity and relative duration of the note, by
editing the “Duration” and “Velocity” parameters (see
page 34).
• To insert a rest, just touch the Rest button in the display.
Its length will match the step value.
• To tie the note to be inserted to the previous one, touch
the Tie button in the display. A note will be inserted, tied to
the previous one, with exactly the same name. You don’t
need to play it on the keyboard again.
• To insert a chord or a second voice, see “Chords and second voices in Step Record mode” on page 180 of the User’s
5.After inserting a new event, you may go back by touching
the Back button in the display. This will delete the previously inserted event, and set the step in edit again.
6.When the end of the pattern is reached, the “End of Loop”
event is shown, and the recording restarts from the
“001.01.000” position. Any note exceeding the pattern
length, inserted at its end, will be reduced to fit the total
length of the pattern.
At this point, you may go on, inserting new events in overdub mode (the previously inserted events will not be
deleted). This is very useful when recording a drum or percussion track, where you may want to record the bass drum
on a first cycle, the snare drum on the second cycle, and the
hi-hat and cymbals during the following cycles.
7.When finished recording, touch the Done button in the
display to exit the Step Record mode.
A dialog box appears, asking you to either cancel, discard
or save the changes.
8.When back to the main page of the Style Record mode, you
may turn all tracks to the play status, then press START/
STOP to listen to the Style. Press START/STOP again to
stop the playback.
9.From the main page of the Style Record mode, select either
the “Write Style” or the “Exit from Record” command to
exit from the Style record mode, respectively by saving the
Style to memory (see “Write Style dialog box” on page 31),
or by canceling any change.
Chords and second voices
With Pa3X, you are not limited to inserting single notes in a
track. There are several ways to also insert chords and double
voices. For more information, see “Chords and second voices in
Step Record mode” on page 180 of the User’s Manual.
If you touch Cancel, exit is canceled, and you can continue
editing. If you choose No, changes are not saved, and the
Step Record window is closed. If you choose Yes, changes
are saved, and the Step Record window is closed.
Style Record mode
Edit menu
Operating mode Edit section
track info
Page menu
Tab s
Selected Style Element
Operating mode Edit section
Page menu
Tab s
Track status
Edit menu
From any page (apart for Step Record), press the MENU button
to open the Style Record edit menu. This menu gives access to
the various Style Record edit sections.
When in the menu, select an edit section, or press EXIT to exit
the menu and return to the main page. To return to the main
page, you can also select the Main Page menu item.
When in an edit page, press the EXIT button to return to the
main page of the Style Record mode.
Other pages have a slightly different structure.
Operating mode
This indicates that the instrument is in Style Record mode.
Edit section
This identifies the current edit section, corresponding to one of
the items of the edit menu (see “Edit menu” on page 16).
Note: While the Style is in play, you cannot access the Edit section
pages from the main page (see page 6 of the User’s Manual). Stop
the playback before pressing MENU.
Note: When switching from the Edit section pages (Quantize,
Transpose, Velocity, Delete) to the other pages, or vice-versa, the
Style (if in play) is automatically stopped.
Edit page structure
Most edit pages share some basic elements.
Chord in edit.
Selected Style Element
In Style Record mode, edits always happen on the selected Style
Page menu icon
Touch this icon to open the page menu (see “Page menu” on
page 31).
Parameters area
Each page contains various parameters. Use the tabs to select
one of the available pages. For detailed information on the various types of parameters, see sections starting from page 17.
Track status
Use these buttons to mute/unmute tracks while editing.
Tab s
Use tabs to select one of the edit pages of the current edit section.
Style Record mode
Event Edit: Event Edit
Event Edit: Event Edit
Page headerPage menu icon
Track pop-
up menu
Tab s
Event list
Page s ub-header
Selected trackSelected Style Ele-
Selected Chord Variation
The Event Edit is the page where you can edit each single MIDI
event of the selected Chord Variation. You can, for example,
replace a note with a different one, or change its playing strength
(i.e., velocity value). See “Event Edit procedure” on page 18 for
more information on the event editing procedure.
Page header
See “Page header” on page 6.
Page menu icon
Touch this icon to open the page menu. See “Page menu” on
page 31.
Page sub-header
This area shows some performing info on the Song.
Position of the event, expressed in the form ‘’:
•‘aaa’ is the measure
•‘bb’ is the beat
•‘ccc’ is the tick (each quarter beat = 384 ticks)
You can edit this parameter to move the event to a different position. You can edit a position in either of the following ways:
(a) select the parameter, and use the VALUE controls to change
the value, or
(b) select the parameter, then touch it again; the numeric key-
pad will appear. Enter the new position by dialing in the
three parts of the number, separated by a dot. Zeroes at the
beginning can be omitted, as well as the least important
parts of the number. For example, to enter position
002.02.193, dial “2.2.193”; to enter position 002.04.000 dial
“2.4”; to enter position 002.01.000, simply dial “2”.
Type, Value 1, Value 2
Type and values of the event shown in the display. Depending on
the selected event, the value may change. This parameter also
shows the (greyed-out, so non editable) “CC#11” (Expression)
event at the beginning of the pattern, and the “End Of Loop”
marking, when the end of a track is reached.
To change the event type, select the Type parameter, then use the
VALUE controls to select a different event type. A set of default
values will be automatically assigned to the event.
To select and edit the event’s value, select the corresponding
parameter, and use VALUE controls.
Length of the selected Note event. The value format is the same
as the Position value. This is only available for Note events.
Note: If you change a length of “000.00.000” to a different value,
you can’t go back to the original value. This rather uncommon
zero-length value may be found in some drum or percussion
Selected track
Name of the track in edit. Use the Track pop-up menu to select
one of the Style tracks.
SE/CV (Style Element/Chord Variation)
Selected Style Element and Chord Variation. This parameter
cannot be edited. To select a different Style Element and Chord
Variation, press EXIT to go back to the main page of the Style
Record mode (see “Main page - Record 1” on page 6).
Event list
Use the Event list to see all events contained in the selected track
in the selected Style Element.
Use the scrollbar to browse through the events. You can also
scroll by using the SHIFT + DIAL combination.
Touch the event to be selected. Selected events are highlighted
and can be heard.
Use the scrollbar to browse the event through the list. (As an
alternative, use Shift + Dial).
Other elements
Track pop-u p menu
Use this pop-up menu to select the track to edit, inside the current Chord Variation.
Drum…Acc5 Style track.
Go Meas.
While the Style is not running, touch this button to open the Go
to Measure dialog box:
Style Record mode
Event Edit: Event Edit
When in this dialog box, select a target measure, and touch OK.
The first event available in the target measure will be selected.
Touch the Insert button in the display to insert a new event at the
current shown Position. The default values are Type = Note,
Pitch = C4, Velocity = 100, Length = 192.
Touch the Delete button in the display to delete the event
selected in the display.
Event Edit procedure
Here is the general procedure to follow for the event editing.
1. Select the Style to edit, and press the RECORD button.
Select the “Current Style” option to enter recording. The
main page of the Style Record mode will appear.
2.Select the “Element (Style Element)” and “Chord Var
(Chord Variation)” parameters.
Note: For more information on the Style Elements and Chord
Variations, and the Style structure in general, see “The Style
structure” on page 3.
3.Press MENU, and select the Event Edit section. The Event
Edit page appears (see “Event Edit: Event Edit” on page 17
for more information).
4.Press START/STOP to listen to the selected Chord Varia-
tion. Press START/STOP to stop it. Chord Scanning does
not work, so you will listen the pattern at the original Key/
5.Touch the Filter tab to select the Filter page, and uncheck
the filters for the event types you wish to see in the display
(see “Event Edit: Filter” on page 19 for more information).
6.Touch the Event Edit tab to go back to the Event Edit page.
7.Use the Track pop-up menu to select the track to edit (see
“Track pop-up menu” on page 17).
8.The list of events contained in the selected track (inside the
Chord Variation selected on step 2) will appear in the display. Some events on the beginning of the Chord Variations, as well as the “EndOfTrk” event (marking its ending
point) cannot be edited, therefore appearing in grey.
9.Scroll though the various events by using the scrollbar.
10. Select an event to be edited by touching it in the display.
This is usually a note, that you can edit.
For more information on the event types and their values, see “Event Edit: Event Edit” on page 17.
11. Edit the event.
• Select the “M” parameter. Use VALUE controls to change
the event’s position.
• Select the Type parameter. You may use VALUE controls
to change the event type, as well as its Value 1 and Value 2.
• If a Note event is selected, select the Length parameter,
and use VALUE controls to change the event’s length.
12. You may use the Go Meas. command to go to a different
measure (see “Go Meas.” on page 17)
13. As described in step 4, you may press START/STOP to lis-
ten how the pattern sounds after your changes. Press
START/STOP again to stop the pattern running.
14. Touch the Insert button in the display to insert an event at
the Position shown in the display (a Note event with default
values will be inserted). Touch the Delete button in the display to delete the selected event.
15. When editing is complete, you may select a different track
to edit (go to step 7).
16. When finished editing the selected Chord Variation, press
EXIT to go back to the main page of the Style Record
mode, then go to step 2 to select and edit a different Chord
Va ri a t io n .
17. When finished editing the whole Style, select the “Write
Style” command from the page menu to open the Write
Style dialog box (see “Write Style dialog box” on page 31),
or select the “Exit from Record” command to cancel all
• Touch the (Text Edit) button to enter the Text Edit
dialog box. Enter a name and confirm by selecting OK.
• Select a target memory location where to save the Style.
The name of the Style already existing at the selected location is shown after the Style Bank-Location number.
Wa rn i n g : If you select an existing Style and confirm writing,
the older Style is deleted and replaced by the new one. Save
the Styles you don’t want to lose to a storage device, before
overwriting them.
18. Touch OK to save the Style to the internal memory, or Can-
cel to delete any changes made in Style Record mode.
When the “Are you sure?” message appears, touch OK to
confirm, or Cancel to go back to the “Write Style” dialog
Style Record mode
Event Edit: Filter
No quantiza-
Event Edit: Filter
This page is where you can select the event types to be shown in
the Event Edit page.
Turn On the filter for all event types you do not wish to see in
the Event Edit page.
Note: Some of the events are “ghosted”, and non editable, since the
corresponding events are not editable in a Style.
Note/RX Noise
Notes and RX Noises.
ControlControl Change events. Only the following Con-
trol Change numbers are allowed with Styles.
Control functionCC# (Control Change Number)
Modulation 11
Modulation 22
Filter Resonance71
Low Pass Filter Cutoff74
(a). Expression events cannot be inserted at the starting Position (001.01.000). An
Expression value is already among the default “header” parameters of the Style Element.
Tempo/Meter Tempo and Meter (time signature) changes (Mas-
ter Track only).
Pitch BendPitch Bend events.
Style Edit: Quantize
The quantize function may be used to correct any timing mistake after recording, or to give the pattern a “groovy” feeling.
After setting the various parameters, touch Execute.
Tra ck
Use this parameter to select a track.
AllAll tracks selected.
Drum…Acc5 Selected track.
E / CV (Style Element/Chord Variation)
Use these parameters to select the Style Element and Chord
Variation for e d i t i n g .
This parameter sets the quantization after recording. For example, when you select 1/8, all notes are moved to the nearest 1/8
division. When you select 1/4, all notes are moved to the nearest
1/4 division.
(1/32)… (1/4)
Grid resolution, in musical values. A “b…f ” character added after the value means swing-quantization. A “3” means triplet.
Start / End Tick
Use these parameters to set the starting and ending points of the
range to quantize.
If a Chord Variation is four measures long, and you want to
select it all, the Start will be positioned at 1.01.000, and the End
at 5.01.000.
Bottom / Top Note
Use these parameters to set the bottom and top of the keyboard
range to quantize. If you select the same note as the Bottom and
Style Record mode
Style Edit: Transpose
Top parameters, you can select a single percussive instrument in
a Drum or Percussion track.
Note: These parameters are available only when a Drum or Percussion track is selected.
Touch this button to execute the operation set in this page.
Track status icon
Status of tracks. Touch this icon to change the status.
Play status. The track can be heard.
Mute status. The track cannot be heard.
Track names
Under the buttons, a label for each track is shown.
Style Edit: Transpose
In this page you can transpose the selected track(s).
Note: After transposing, please don’t forget to readjust the “Key/
Chord” parameter in the main page of the Style Record mode (see
page 7).
If a Chord Variation is four measures long, and you want to
select it all, the Start will be positioned at 1.01.000, and the End
at 5.01.000.
Bottom / Top Note
Use these parameters to set the bottom and top of the keyboard
range to be transposed. If you select the same note as the Bottom
and Top parameters, you can select a single percussive instrument in a Drum or Percussion track. Since in a Drum Kit each
instrument is assigned to a different note of the scale, transposing a percussive instrument means assigning the part to a different instrument.
Touch this button to execute the operation set in this page.
Track status icon
Status of tracks. Touch this icon to change the status.
Play status. The track can be heard.
Mute status. The track cannot be heard.
Track names
Under the buttons, a label for each track is shown.
After setting the various parameters, touch Execute.
E / CV (Style Element/Chord Variation)
Use these parameters to select the Style Element and Chord
Variation for editing.
Tra ck
Use this parameter to select a track.
AllAll tracks selected, apart for tracks set in Drum
mode (like the Drum and Percussion tracks). The
whole selected Chord Variation will be transposed.
Drum…Acc5 Single selected track.
Transpose value (±127 semitones).
Start / End Tick
Use these parameters to set the starting and ending points of the
range to be transposed.
Style Edit: Velocity
In this page you can change the velocity (dynamics) value of
notes in the selected track. An Advanced mode is available,
allowing you to select a velocity curve for the selected range.
This is useful to create fade-ins or fade-outs.
After setting the various parameters, touch Execute.
Note: When an RX Sound is assigned to the track being edited, the
resulting sound may change, since this kind of Sounds is made of
several different layers triggered by different velocity values.
Also, a fade-out may result in the level “jumping” up next to the
zero, since a higher-level layer may be selected by low velocity values.
Tra ck
Use this parameter to select a track.
AllAll tracks selected. The velocity for all notes of
the whole selected Chord Variation will be
Drum…Acc5 Selected track.
Style Record mode
Style Edit: Cut
Curve 1
Start Value = 0%, End Value = 100%
Curve 2
Curve 3
Curve 4
Curve 5
Curve 6
E / CV (Style Element/Chord Variation)
Use these parameters to select the Style Element and Chord
Variation for e d i t i n g .
Velocity change value (±127).
Start / End Tick
Use these parameters to set the starting and ending points of the
range to be modified.
If a Chord Variation is four measures long, and you want to
select it all, the Start will be positioned at 1.01.000, and the End
at 5.01.000.
Bottom / Top Note
Use these parameters to set the bottom and top of the keyboard
range to be modified. If you select the same note as the Bottom
and Top parameters, you can select a single percussive instrument in a Drum or Percussion track.
When this checkbox is checked, the “Intensity”, “Curve”, “Start
Velocity Value” and “End Vel o ci t y Va lue” p a r a m e t e r s can b e
Track status icon
Status of tracks. Touch this icon to change the status.
Play status. The track can be heard.
Mute status. The track cannot be heard.
Track names
Under the buttons, a label for each track is shown.
Style Edit: Cut
This function lets you quickly delete a selected measure (or a
series of measures) from the selected Chord Variation. All following events are moved back, to replace the cut measure(s).
(Only available in Advanced mode). Use this parameter to specify
the degree to which the velocity data will be adjusted toward the
curve you specify in “Curve”.
0…100%Intensity value. With a setting of 0 [%], the veloc-
ity will not change. With a setting of 100 [%], the
velocity will be changed the most.
(Only available in Advanced mode). Use this parameter to select
one of the six curves, and to specify how the velocity will change
over time.
After setting the various parameters, touch Execute.
E / CV (Style Element/Chord Variation)
Use these parameters to select the Style Element and Chord
Variation for e d i t i n g .
First measure to be cut.
Number of measures to be cut.
Touch this button to execute the operation set in this page.
Track status icon
Status of tracks. Touch this icon to change the status.
Play status. The track can be heard.
Mute status. The track cannot be heard.
Start / End Vel. Value
(Only available in Advanced mode). Velocity change at the starting and ending ticks of the selected range.
0…100Velocity change in percentage.
Touch this button to execute the operation set in this page.
Track names
Under the buttons, a label for each track is shown.
Style Record mode
Style Edit: Delete
Style Edit: Delete
Note: Some CC data are automatically removed
during recording. See the table on page 5 for more
information on the allowed data.
This page is where you can delete MIDI events out of the Style.
This function does not remove measures from the pattern. To
remove whole measure, use the Cut function (see “Style Edit:
Cut” on page 21)
After setting the various parameters, touch Execute.
E / CV (Style Element/Chord Variation)
Use these parameters to select the Style Element and Chord
Variation for editing.
Tra ck
Use this parameter to select a track.
AllAll tracks selected. After deletion, the selected
Chord Variation will remain empty.
Drum…Acc5 Selected track.
Type of MIDI event to delete.
AllAll events. The measures are not removed from
the Chord Variation.
NoteAll notes in the selected range.
Dup.NoteAll duplicate notes. When two notes with the
same pitch are encountered on the same tick, the
one with the lowest velocity is deleted.
After TouchAfter Touch events.
Note: This kind of data is automatically removed
during recording.
Pitch BendPitch Bend events.
Prog.Change Program Change events, excluding the bundled
Control Change #00 (Bank Select MSB) and #32
(Bank Select LSB).
Note: This kind of data is automatically removed
during recording.
Ctl.ChangeAll Control Change events, for example Bank
Select, Modulation, Damper, Soft Pedal…
Single Control Change events. Double Control
Change numbers (like 00/32) are MSB/LSB bundles.
Start / End Tick
Use these parameters to set the starting and ending points of the
range to delete.
If a Chord Variation is four measures long, and you want to
select it all, the Start will be positioned at 1.01.000, and the End
at 5.01.000.
Bottom / Top Note
Use these parameters to set the bottom and top of the keyboard
range to delete. If you select the same note as the Bottom and
Top parameters, you can select a single percussive instrument in
a Drum or Percussion track.
Note: These parameters are available only when the All or Note
option is selected.
Touch this button to execute the operation set in this page.
Track status icon
Status of tracks. Touch this icon to change the status.
Play status. The track can be heard.
Mute status. The track cannot be heard.
Track names
Under the buttons, a label for each track is shown.
Style Edit: Delete All
This function lets you quickly delete a selected Style Element or
Chord Variation, or the whole Style.
After setting the various parameters, touch Execute.
Tra ck
AllAll tracks of the selected Style, Style Element or
Chord Variation.
Drum-Acc5Single track of the selected Style, Style Element or
Chord Variation.
Style Record mode
Style Edit: Copy from Style
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
E / CV (Style Element/Chord Variation)
Use these parameters to select the Style Element and Chord
Variation for e d i t i n g .
AllAll Style Elements, i.e. the whole Style. When E/
Track=All and CV=All, the whole Style is deleted,
and all parameters are set to the default status.
Va r 1… C o u nt I n
Single Style Element.
Single Chord Variation.
Touch this button to execute the operation set in this page.
Track st atus icon
Status of tracks. Touch this icon to change the status.
Play status. The track can be heard.
Mute status. The track cannot be heard.
Track na mes
Under the buttons, a label for each track is shown.
From… To E/CV (Style Element/Chord Variation)
Use these parameters to select the source and target Style Elements or Chord Variations.
Note: You can’t copy from a Variation to a different Style Element
(or vice-versa), because of their different structure.
AllAll Style Elements, i.e. the whole Style. You can’t
change the target, that is automatically set to All.
Var1…End2 Single Style Element.
Single Chord Variation.
From… To Track
Use this parameter to select the source and target track to copy.
You can double a track, to strengthen a pattern.
AllAll tracks of the selected Style, Style Element or
Chord Variation.
Drum-Acc5Single track of the selected Style, Style Element or
Chord Variation.
Touch this button to execute the operation set in this page.
Track status icon
Status of tracks. Touch this icon to change the status.
Style Edit: Copy from Style
Here you can copy a track, Chord Variation or Style Element
inside the same Style, or from a different one. Furthermore, you
can copy a whole Style.
Wa r n in g : The Copy operation deletes all data at the target location (overwrite).
After setting the various parameters, touch Execute.
Note: If you copy too many events on the same “tick”, the “Too
many events!” message appears, and the copy operation is aborted.
Note: When you copy over an existing Chord Variation, Program
Change data is not copied, to leave the original Sounds unchanged
for that Chord Variation.
From Style
Choose this option to select the source Style to copy the track,
Chord Variation or Style Element from. Touch the Select button
to open the Style Select window and select the source Style.
Play status. The track can be heard.
Mute status. The track cannot be heard.
Track names
Under the buttons, a label for each track is shown.
Copying to a Chord Variation of a different
You can copy a Chord Variation to a different one of a different
length. Just keep in mind the following:
•If the source length is a divider of the target length, the
source Chord Variation will be multiplied to fit the target
Chord Variation. For example, if the source is 4-measures
long, and the target 8-measures, the source will be copied
two times.
•If the source length is not a divider of the target length, the
source Chord Variation will be copied for as many measures as can fit the target Chord Variation. For example, if
the source is 6-measures long, and the target 8-measures,
Style Record mode
Style Edit: Copy from Pad
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2
5 6
the source will be copied once, then the first 2 measures
will be copied to fit the remaining 2 measures.
Note: Avoid copying to a Chord Variation with a different meter
(time signature), for example a 4/4 Chord Variation onto a 3/4
Style Edit: Copy from Pad
Here you can copy a Chord Variation from a Pad. Furthermore,
you can copy a whole Pad.
Wa r ni n g : The Copy operation deletes all data at the target location (overwrite).
After setting the various parameters, touch Execute.
Note: If you copy too many events on the same “tick”, the “Too
many events!” message appears, and the copy operation is aborted.
Note: When you copy over an existing Chord Variation, Program
Change data is not copied, to leave the original Sounds unchanged
for that Chord Variation.
From Pad
Choose this option to select the source Pad to copy the Chord
Variation from . To u c h t h e Select button to open the Pad Select
window and select the source Pad.
From CV (Chord Variation)
Use this parameter to select the source Chord Variation.
AllAll Chord Variations, i.e. the whole Pad. You can’t
change the target, that is automatically set to All.
CV1…CV6Single Chord Variation.
To CV (Chord Variation)
Use this parameter to select a target Chord Variation inside the
current Style.
CV1…CV6Target Chord Variation. Automatically set to All
if the “From CV” parameter is also set to All.
To Trac k
Use this parameter to select the target track to copy.
AllAll tracks of the selected Style, Style Element or
Chord Variation.
Drum-Acc5Single track of the selected Style, Style Element or
Chord Variation.
Touch this button to execute the operation set in this page.
Style Record mode
Style Element Track Controls: Sound/Expression
Style Element Track Controls: Sound/
Selected Style E lement
Expression level
In this page you can assign a different Sound to each track of the
selected Style Element. Each Style Element can have different
Sound; after saving the new Style, please don’t forget to check the
“Original Style Sounds” parameter in the Style Play mode (see
page 114), to let the Style select the Sound bypassing the Style
Performance settings.
In this page you can also check and modify the Expression
(CC#11) value for each of the Style Element tracks. This lets you
reduce the relative level of a track in a single Style Element, without reducing the overall Volume of the Style. This is a very useful
control, when you have different Sounds assigned to the same
track in different Style Elements, and the internal level of these
Sounds must be different.
Use these knobs to set the Expression (CC#11) value for the corresponding track. This value can be seen at the beginning of the
Event Edit list (see “Event Edit: Event Edit” on page 17).
Different Expression values can be defined for each Style Element. This way, you can set a different volume in each Style Element, relative to the general Volume value set in the Style
Expression leveling
You can quickly and easily adjust the Expression level of all
tracks in a Style Element (Variation, Intro…). This allows for a
more precise control over the volume level of all Style Element.
1. While in this page, select one of the Style Elements by
pressing its button in the control panel.
When in this page, press the corresponding button on the
control panel to select a Style Element (VARIATION1 …
To copy the settings of this page to another Style Element, use
the “Copy Sound” and “Copy Expression” commands from the
page menu (see “Copy Sounds dialog box” and “Copy Expression dialog box” starting from page 32).
Selected Track Info area
See “Selected track info area” on page 7 for detailed information.
Sounds area
See “Sounds area” on page 9 for detailed information.
Expression area
Expression Monitor
You can use these indicators to check if CC#11 (Expression)
messages are contained in a track. Expression messages contained in a track can vary the volume of the track. It is very difficult to catch them out – unless you carefully read all the events
in the Event Edit page.
This monitor should help you keeping track of them, and let you
access Event Edit only on the tracks containing the messages.
Press the START/STOP button to start playback, and look at the
indicators. When one of them lights up, you can enter Event Edit
on the corresponding track, and edit or remove the Expression
2.Keep the SHIFT button pressed, and move any Assignable
Slider to proportionally change the Expression value of all
Style Variation tracks.
3.Release the SHIFT button.
4.Repeat the above operation with all the desired Style Ele-
Note: A track’s volume may be changed by an Expression event
contained in a track. To check if any of these events exist in a track,
let the Style Element play and look at the Expression Monitor in
this same page. If one or more Expression events are found, go to
the Event Edit page and delete it (or them)
Volume area
Use these controls to set the volume and status of each track. See
page 9 for more information.
The Volume value is the same for the whole Style. Use the
Expression controls to adjust the relative balance between tracks
in each Style Element.
Style Record mode
Style Element Track Controls: Keyboard Range
Style Element Track Controls: Keyboard
The Keyboard Range automatically transposes any pattern note
that would otherwise play too high or too low in pitch, compared to the original acoustic instrument, when transposed by
the arranger. This will result in a more natural sound for each
accompaniment instrument.
For example, the lower limit for a guitar is E2. If you play a chord
under the E2, the transposed pattern could exceed this limit, and
sound unnatural. A Bottom limit set to E2 for the guitar track
will solve the problem.
Different Keyboard Range values can be set for each Style Element.
Note: The Keyboard Range is ignored while recording. The selected
track can play on the full range of the keyboard.
When in this page, press the corresponding button on the
control panel to select a Style Element (VARIATION1 …
To copy the settings of this page to another Style Element, use
the “Copy Keyboard Range” command from the page menu (see
“Copy Key Range dialog box” on page 33).
Style Element Track Controls: Noise/Guitar
The Noise/Guitar page is where you can set the RX Noise level
and the ‘human feel’ of Guitar tracks.
RX Noise
Use these controls to adjust the volume of RX Noises in the corresponding tracks. This control applies to all types of tracks
(provided the Sound includes RX Noises).
Humanize GTR
Use these controls to apply a random value to the position,
velocity and length of notes of Guitar tracks (see “Track Type”
on page 27). This control has no effect on other types of track.
Style Element Chord Table: Chord Table
This is the page where you can assign a Chord Variation to each
of the most important recognized chord. When a chord is recognized, the assigned Chord Variation will be automatically
selected by the arranger to play the accompaniment.
To p/ B ot t om
Use these parameters to set the bottom and top of the keyboard
range for the corresponding track of the current Style Element.
Volume area
Use these controls to set the volume and status of each track. See
page 9 for more information.
When in this page, press the corresponding button on the
control panel to select a Style Element (VARIATION1 …
Chord / Chord Variation
Use these parameters to assign a Chord Variation to each of the
most important chords.
Style Record mode
Style Track Controls: Type/Trigger/Tension
Style Track Controls: Type/Trigger/Tension
In this page you can set the Mode, Retrigger mode for the Style
tracks, and activate/deactivate the Tension for the Accompaniment tracks.
When in this page, press the corresponding button on the
control panel to select a Style Element (VARIATION1 …
Te ns i on
Tension adds notes (a 9th, 11th and/or 13th) that have actually
been played to the accompaniment, even if they haven't been
written in the Style pattern. This parameter specifies whether or
not the Tension included in the recognized chord will be added
to the Acc-type tracks.
OnThe Tension will be added.
OffNo Tension will be added.
Import: Import Groove
The Import Groove function allows the loading of MIDI
Grooves (“.GRV” files) generated by the Slice function (in the
“Time Slice” page of the Sampling modem see page 85). By
importing these data to a track, and assigning the Sound based
on the sliced samples to the same track, you can play the original
audio groove, and freely change its tempo.
Track Type
Use this parameter to set the type of the corresponding track.
DrumDrum track. This type of track is not transposed
by the arranger, and is used for Drum Kits made
of Drum sounds. It can be affected by the Drum
Mapping of the Style Play mode (see “Drum
Mapping (Var.1…Var.4)” on page 134).
PercPercussion track. This type of track cannot be
transposed, and is used for Drum Kit made of
Percussion sounds. It is NOT affected by the
Drum Mapping.
BassBass track. This type of track always plays the
root when changing chord.
AccAccompaniment track. This type of track can be
used freely, for melodic or harmonic accompaniment patterns.
GtrGuitar track. This type of track uses Guitar Mode
to create guitar strumming (see “Main page Guitar Mode” on page 10). When this type is
selected, the “Tension” parameter can no longer
be edited.
Trigg er Mode
This setting lets you define how Bass and Acc-type tracks are
retriggered when the chord is changed.
OffEach time you play a new chord, current notes
will be stopped. The track will remain silent until
a new note will be encountered in the pattern.
Rt(Retrigger) The sound will be stopped, and new
notes matching the recognized chord will be
played back.
Rp(Repitch) New notes matching the recognized
chord will be played back, by repitching notes
already playing. There will be no break in the
sound. This is very useful on Guitar and Bass
Note: After importing a groove generated by a melody line (not by
a percussive groove), the imported groove and samples will not be
transposed together with the other Style tracks. Audio data cannot
be transposed by the arranger.
Note: Please execute the Import Groove operation before turning
the instrument off. All “.GRV” files generated by a Time Slice operation are deleted when turning the instrument off.
Use this parameter to select one of the MIDI Groove patterns
(“.GRV” files) generated when saving data after a Time Slice
To E/CV (Style Element/Chord Variation)
Use this parameter to select the target Style Element and Chord
Va r ia t i on .
To Trac k
Use this parameter to select the target track inside the selected
Chord Variation. The Percussion track is usually suggested,
since the Drum track is still suitable for standard Drum Kit
sounds (count-in, break etc.). After importing the MIDI Groove
pattern, assign the Sound, to which the sliced samples are
assigned, to the track playing the MIDI Groove pattern.
Style Record mode
Import: Import SMF
Import: Import SMF
The Import SMF function allows you to import MIDI data from
a Standard MIDI File (SMF) created on your preferred external
sequencer, and transform them in a Chord Variation.
Note: You cannot use this function to import data from any
generic Song. The Standard MIDI File to be imported must be programmed as if it was one of Pa3X’s Chord Variations.
When importing an SMF, parameters like CV Length, Meter,
Tempo Changes, Program Changes and Expression are recognized. These parameters will be imported as the header of the
Style Element containing the Chord Variation, provided the
“Initialize” parameter is checked, or the Style Element is empty.
Hint: It is a good idea to check the “Initialize” parameter when
importing the first Chord Variation of a Style Element, and
uncheck it when importing the following Chord Variations.
• Sounds assigned to each track can be imported, provided the
Program Change, Bank Select MSB and LSB events are on the
first ‘tick’ of the SMF. These data are loaded in the Style Element’s header, and not as Sounds assigned to the Style Performance.
Note: Sounds in the Style Element header can be overridden by
Sounds assigned to the Style Performance, by checking the “Original Style Sound” parameter in the main page of the Style Play
mode (Style Track view).
• If the above data was not found on the first ‘tick’ of the
imported SMF, Sounds must be manually assigned to each track.
You can do this in the “Record 1” or “Record 2”, or the “Sound/
Expression” page of the Style Record mode,.
• Key/Chord, Chord Table, Expression, and any other Style Variation parameter, must be manually programmed in the relevant
Style Record pages.
• The starting Tempo, and each track’s Volume, must be programmed as Style Performance data, and then saved in the Style
• Meter (time signature) Change is not allowed, therefore not
• The Chord Variation length is the same as the imported SMF.
You can change length by changing the value of the CV Length
parameter, on the main page of the Style Record mode.
Hint: If a note extends beyond the last measure of the Chord Variation, an additional measure is appended (for example, if a note
extends after the end of the fourth measure in a 4-measure pattern, a 5-measure Chord Variation will be generated). If so, change
the CV Length value to reset the Chord Variation length. The
exceeding note will be cut, to fit the new pattern length.
When programming a Chord Variation on an external
sequencer, please assign each Style track to the correct MIDI
channel, according to the following table.
Style TrackMIDI Channel
Percu ssion11
Accompaniment 112
Accompaniment 213
Accompaniment 314
Accompaniment 415
Accompaniment 516
Note: Only SMF in format 0 can be loaded.
From Song
This is the name of the Standard MIDI File to be loaded. Touch
the Select button to open the file selector, and select an “.SMF”
Touch this button to open the file selector and load the SMF.
Check this parameter if you want all settings of the target Style
Element (i.e., Key/Chord, Chord Table, Sounds…) are reset
when loading the SMF.
Hint: It is a good idea to check the “Initialize” parameter when
importing the first Chord Variation of a Style Element, and
uncheck it when importing the following Chord Variations.
To E/ CV
Use this parameter to select a target Chord Variation.
After setting all parameters in this page, touch this button to
import the Standard MIDI File into the target Chord Variation.
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