Korg OASYS CX-3 Manuald Tour

WWeellccoommee ttoo tthhee OOAASSYYSS CCXX--33 EExxppaannssiioonn IInnssttrruummeenntt!!
The CX-3 EXi modeling engine in OASYS faithfully reproduces a tonewheel organ and an accurate emulation of its rotary speaker amp, allowing nuanced control over such parameters as tonewheel leakage, key click, tube emulation, adjustable overtones, with proper foldback characteristics. The CX-3 Expansion Instrument in OASYS improves upon the original CX-3 with improvements in the Rotary Speaker algorithm, assignability of percussion to either ‘manual’ in a split, and new chromatic pitch choices for the EX drawbars and percussion. This Tour Guide is your first stop on an amazing journey of discovery. Our goal here is to get you comfortable working with this model, so that you can fully take ownership and give this amazing organ emulation your personal stamp.
After you’ve finished this tour, you can learn more about this great instrument by working with the OASYS Operation and Parameter Guides. And you’ll find new OASYS tutorials, tips and tricks, support materials, and discussions with other OASYS owners by visiting www.korg.com/oasys
and www.korgforums.com/forum/phpBB2 on a regular basis!
WWhheerree ttoo ffiinndd tthhee CCXX--33 PPrrooggrraammss……
SSeelleecctt PPrrooggrraamm BBaannkk UUsseerr--FF
The CX-3 Programs occupy the lower numbers of Bank U-F, U-F-000 through U-F-051. The higher numbers contain more great AL-1 Programs. Why not more? Much o f the variety and magic of playing a tonewheel organ comes from moving the drawbars yourself, and operating the controls in realtime – it’s not about changing presets as much as it is playing with the instrument in an interactive fashion! Plus, it’s so easy to edit the drawbars and tone to your liking, that you’ll be creating your own original CX-3 Programs in no time!
TTuuttoorriiaall:: SSeelleecctt PPrrooggrraamm BBaannkk UUsseerr--FF--000000,, FFeelliixx’’ss D
This great program emulates an “all-stops-out” organ: think “Good Lovin” by the Rascals from the 60’s.
Note that the factory organ programs all ‘wake up’ with the CONTROL ASSIGN mode defaulting to MOD: TONE ADJUST. Faders 1-8 are your first eight drawbars, and the MASTER fader behaves as drawbar #9. Move the faders as you play, noting that the display’s drawbars update to the changes you make. Touch the small drawbar area beneath Upper and an enlarged view appears, which also updates and responds to your fader movements.
Push the joystick away from you (+Y), and the Rotary Speaker slows down; push it again and it accelerates. Try this while holding a low note and a high note together and you can hear the accuracy of the CX-3 rotary model: there are separate acceleration/deceleration rates for the horn (the highs) and the rotor (the revolving drum for the lows).
Daa KKaatt
OASYS CX-3 Modeled Tonewheel Organ Guided Tour
SSpplliitt MMooddee,, aanndd CCoonnttrroolllliinngg tthhee LLoowweerr DDrraawwbbaarrss
Pull the joystick towards you (-Y), to make use of a pre-programmed split, each half of the keyboard having its own set of drawbars. The Upper Drawbars are linked to the Control Surface. As for the Lowers, note that the 16’ drawbar is colored red: this is the ‘cursor’. The red drawbar is linked to the VALUE slider and VALUE wheel. Touch any drawbar, either Lower or Upper and note that its position can now be adjusted by the VALUE fader and wheel.
Note: The Upper Drawbars default to always being linked to the Control Surf a ce. We’ll see in a little bit how we can
MMoorree oonn SSpplliitt MMooddee……
customize the Control Surface to behave differently.
On the display, press the tab labeled Keyboard Split. Besides Joystick –Y, you can enable a Split just by checking the box labeled Split Enable. On this page you ca n:
1. Change the Split point to any key. High light the default ‘B3’ in this example > Use the VALUE Slider or Wheel to modify, or *SHORTCUT* Hold ENTER and press the desired key. uppermost note for the Lower zone.).
2. Independently shift the octave of the Upper or Lower zone. Try setting the Lower Octave Shift to +2.
Why This Is Cool: Organists will often set the Lo wer Manual as a chordal accompaniment to their soloing on the Upper; or they find it useful to use the Upper and Lower as if they were two different ‘patches’, so that they can change up their soloing with two different voices without any fuss.
> (Note: You are setting the
3. Change the source of the Split command. To review: AMS stands for Alternate Modulation Source Press the popup after AMS: These are the wealth of sources you can apply for this Split message, or any modulation message.
4. A desirable AMS application for a organist would be to enable hands-free switching of the rotary speaker
> Press the Amp/ VC/ Rotary Speaker tab, then press the Rotary Speaker tab in the second row >
speed In the Mode/Speed cell, locate the setting Speed SW: Slow, and notice the AMS pop up which is currently set to JS+Y pedal will toggle the rotary speed setting, so that the rotary would be fast only as long as the pedal is depressed.
TTuuttoorriiaall:: EExxtteennddeedd DDrraawwbbaarr MMooddee:: EExxaammppllee:: PPrrooggrraamm U
> Press this popup and select Damper (CC#64) from the list: now your damper
> Note that the AMS Mode parameter offers the choice of a Momentary
U--FF--1100,, EEXX OOttoonneess
Concept: One of the most innovative features of Korg’s CX-3 Organ was the introduction of four additional overtones (or drawbars) to the standard nine. Let’s explore how OASYS implements and extends this unique idea:
1. After selecting Program U-F-10, EX-Otones, press the smaller set of four drawbars in the second row beneath Upper: this quickly takes you to the Extended drawbars. (Alternate navigation: Press EXi1 Press Basic: Notice that here you can select either Normal or EX Mode
2. Touch each EX Drawbar in Upper EX Drawbars to turn it red and extend all four out to their fullest using the VALUE slider or wheel.
> Press Split/Drawbars > Press EX
3. After EX Drawbar Pitch Mode, select Custom select 4’, 4’+3, 4’+6, and 2’+3: You now have the tones of a diminished seventh chord, something that is not possible with the nine traditional drawbars alone! OASYS’ CX-3 Custom table allows you to set the
EX drawbars to any chromatic pitch you like, over a five-octave range!
4. Note that if you Split the keyboard, you can also add four EX tones to the Lower!
> Touch the arrows under each of the EX Drawbars and
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