UVO System
Quick Start Guide
6 7
Eject CD
FM/AM Radio Modes
SIRIUS Satellite Radio
Media Mode (CD USB/
/ Zune® AUX
Power ON/OFF or Volume
Select Radio Station or CD
Select Next or Previous Sirius
Search/Select Previous or
Next Channel/Track/Song/File
Setup Mode
Jukebox Mode
CD-in Indicator
Steering Wheel Controls
Volume +/-
iPod® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. iPod® mobile digital device sold separately.
The Bluetooth
A Bluetooth® enabled cell phone is required to use Bluetooth® wireless technology.
Sirius services require subscriptions, sold separately after 3-month trial included with vehicle purchase/lease. Subscriptions
governed by SiriusXM Customer Agreement at siriusxm.com. If you decide to continue your Sirius service at the end of your
complimentary trial, the plan you choose will automatically renew and bill at then-current rates until you call Sirius at 888539-7474 to cancel. Sirius U.S. Satellite service available only to those at least 18 years of age in the 48 contiguous United States,
D.C. and PR. Go to w ww.siri usxm.co m/trafc for avai lable coverage. © 2011 SiriusXM Radio In c. Siriu s, XM and all r elated mar ks and
logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and its subsidiaries.
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Whiletheinformationcontainedinthis guideisaccurateatthetimeofprinting,Kiamaychangevehiclespecications withoutnotice
in advance or after the fact, and assumes no liability in connection with such changes.
Always check your UVO System User’s Manual for complete operating information and safety warnings.
word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Kia is under license.
Mode Select
Talk (Voice Command) Button
Note: At any time, you can interrupt UVO System
Command Feedback by pressing the Talk Button.
Receive Incoming Call
End Current Call
Publication Number: UG120-KU-001
For Soul vehicles
Powered by
Please keep for easy future reference
Voice Commands
The voice commands for this system are divided into Global commands and Local
• Global commands (●) operate in all modes
• Local commands (○) operate only in corresponding modes
General Commands
Exit / Quit / Cancel
Go Back
Voice command feedback
Phone Commands
Call (name)
Dial (number)
Call (name) at home
Call (name) at oce
Call (name) on mobile
Dial by number
Call a contact
Dial international
Phone connections
Phone settings
Read SMS
Recent calls
FM/AM Radio Commands
Radio {FM/AM}
Radio {87.5 - 107.9}
Radio {530 - 1710} AM
Radio FM preset {1-12}
Radio AM preset {1-6}
What’s playing?
Warning: Driving while distracted can result in a loss of vehicle control that may lead to an accident, severe personal injury, or death. The
driver’s primary responsibility is the safe and legal operation of a vehicle, and use of any handheld devices, other equipment or vehicle
systems which take the driver’s eyes, attention and focus away from the safe operation of a vehicle or which are not permissible by law
should never be used during operation of the vehicle.
SIRIUS Commands
Sirius preset {1-18}
Serius channel {0-223}
What’s playing?
Jukebox Commands
Play {Jukebox}
Play Jukebox Favorites
Play artist {artist name}
Play album {album name}
Play track {track name}
Play playlist {playlist name}
Play genre {genre}
Play composer {composer}
What’s playing?
Add to Favorites
Remove from Favorites
Repeat {ON / OFF}
Shue {ON / OFF}
Play Jukebox artist {artist
Play Jukebox album {album
Play Jukebox track {track
Play Jukebox playlist {name}
Play Jukebox genre {genre}
Play Jukebox composer
Media Commands
Play {Zune®, iPod®, USB, CD}
Play {Bluetooth® audio, AUX}
Play artist {artist name}
Play album {album name}
Play track {track name}
Play playlist {playlist name}
Play genre {genre}
Play audiobook {title} (iPod®
Play podcast {podcast name}
(iPod only)
Play composer {composer
What’s playing?
Repeat {ON/OFF}
Shue {ON/OFF} (turns
shue feature ON or OFF)
Play {CD, Zune®, iPod
artist {name}
Play {CD, Zune®, iPod®, USB}
album {name}
Play {CD, Zune®, iPod®, USB}
track {name}
Play {CD, Zune®, iPod®, USB}
playlist {name}
Play {CD, Zune®, iPod®, USB}
genre {name}
Play {CD, Zune®, iPod®, USB}
composer {name}
Play iPod® audiobook {audio-
book title} (iPod® only)
Play iPod® podcast {podcast
name} (iPod® only)
®, USB}

UVO System
Quick Start Guide
When referenced, “keys” are located on the UVO system, and “buttons” are located on the
Phone Features
Pair Phone
Vehicle must be safely parked. Vehicles with automatic transmissions must be in “P” or Park. For
manual transmissions, make sure the vehicle is in neutral and the parking brake is on. Turn off
other Bluetooth
wireless technology devices to pair and connect.
1. Press the PHONE key on the UVO system.
2. Press the CONNECTIONS button.
3. Press the ADD DEVICE button.
4. Select Bluetooth
“Search or device discovery on the phone. Refer to the phone’s user’s
5. Once the phone is discovered, enter the passkey in your phone and press OK (or “send”,
“enter”, “done”, etc.).
6. Once pairing is complete, the phone will be shown in the Connections list.
NOTE: If experiencing difculty using Voice Recognition to place a call, be sure you are using the
actual full contact name as entered in your phone book, not a casual or nick-name (e.g., if name
was entered as “Robert Smith”, say “Call Robert Smith”, not “Call Bob Smith”).
NOTE: Phonebook transfer upload time varies by phone model and with number of phonebook
NOTE: During the pairing process, some phones may require you to check an option so that
accepting the connection request or phonebook download request will not be required each time.
NOTE: Up to 5 phones may be paired. If a pairing is lost or accidentally deleted, simply repeat the
pairing procedure.
Place a Call Using Voice Recognition
1. Press the TALK button on the steering wheel.
2. Say the command ‘Call {name}’ or ‘Dial {number}’.
• Refer to Voice Commands list on front page.
Media Mode
Media mode includes a variety of modes, such as audio CD, MP3 CD, USB, iPod®, Zune®,
Bluetooth® audio, and Aux.
NOTE: Only MP3 and WMA les may be played or copied to Jukebox.
1. Insert your media or press the MEDIA key on the UVO system if your media has already been
2. When a track/song is playing and you wish to pause, press the pause button next to the
progress bar. Press the play button to restart the track/song.
Copying Songs to Jukebox
The UVO system allows you to copy songs from MP3 CDs and USB Devices, and store them in
1. While the song is playing, press the COPY button.
2. Once copying is complete, you can listen to copied music in Jukebox mode.
• When copying MP3 CD songs, you can listen to all modes except CD mode and Jukebox
mode. Songs from iPod
Listening to your iPod
1. Connect an iPod®/Zune® device or press the MEDIA key on the UVO system, if an iPod®/Zune®
device has already been connected.
• Use the iPod
/Zune® cable that was supplied with your device.
• Wait for the song catalog transfer to complete.
/Zune® cannot be copied.
2. When a song is playing and you wish to pause, press the pause button next to the progress
bar. Press the play button to restart the song.
Manually Selecting iPod
/Zune® Music
1. Turn the TUNE knob on the UVO system to scan through the music selections.
2. When you nd the desired selection, press the TUNE knob to select.
Selecting iPod
/Zune® Music from a List
1. Press the MENU button and then press the NOW PLAYING button.
2. Press the name of the le from the list. The le will automatically start playing.
Listening to Music from your Bluetooth
1. If not already done, pair your Bluetooth
2. Press the MEDIA key on the UVO system to turn on Bluetooth
3. When streaming music from your Bluetooth
Wireless Technology Device
wireless technology device to the UVO system.
wireless technology device and you wish to pause,
audio mode.
press the PAUSE button next to the progress bar. Press the PLAY button to restart music.
Jukebox Mode
Listening to Jukebox
1. Press the Jukebox key on the control panel to turn to JUKEBOX mode.
2. The system will automatically restore the most recently played song.
Selecting a Jukebox Song
1. Press the MENU button, then press the NOW PLAYING button.
2. Press the name of the le from the list. The le will automatically start playing.
Speaker Adaptation –CreatingaVoiceProle
The Voice Command feature in the UVO system allows you to create speaker proles in order
to maximize recognition accuracy.
1. Press the SETUP key on the UVO system.
2. Press the VOICE button.
3. Press the DEFAULT button next to the Speaker Adaptation menu.
4. After reading the instructions, press the START button.
5. Input the name of the prole you wish to use and press the DONE button.
6. Follow the training set as shown on the screen.
7. As each of the 10 commands are displayed on the screen, press the TALK button, located
on the steering wheel, then clearly speak the displayed sentence in your natural tone.
UVO system Update
Downloading the Update File
1. Download the UVO update le and place on your USB ash drive according to instructions
provided on the UVO website.
NOTE: No other les should be present on the USB ash drive.
Updating the System
1. Connect your USB ash drive to your UVO’s USB port.
2. Press the SETUP key on the UVO control panel.
3. Press the SYSTEM button, then press the SYSTEM INFORMATION button.
4. Press the UPDATE button, then press the YES button to restart the update.
5. When the process is complete, the system will turn off and reboot. Once restarted, the most
recent mode will be displayed.
NOTE: Do not operate the UVO system until the update is completed.