This document is a user's manual for the provider to use "KEYENCE Image Processing System XG Series" connected to
the DENSO robot controller RC8 series. Note that some functions may be unavailable on old XG models. For details and
handling of the connected device, refer to the user’s manual of "KEYENCE Image Processing System XG Series".
Caution: (1) Note that the functions and performance cannot be guaranteed if this product is used without
observing instructions in this manual.
(2) All products and company names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.
This manual covers the following product
KEYENCE XG-7000/8000 Series
To ensure proper and safe operation, be sure to read "Safety Precautions Manual" before using the provider.
Notice to Customers
1. Risks associated with using this product
The user of this product shall be responsible for embedding and using the product (software) on a system and any result
from using it.

Notice to Customers..............................................................................................................................................................
1. Outline of This Product (Provider)................................................................................................................................4
2. How to Connect............................................................................................................................................................
3. Communication Settings for Robot Controller and Device Used.................................................................................7
4. Provider Execution Procedure.......................................................................................................................................
5. Command Description................................................................................................................................................
6. Error Code of XG provider.........................................................................................................................................
7. Operation Panel Screen...............................................................................................................................................
8. Sample Program..........................................................................................................................................................
Revision History .................................................................................................................................................................

1. Outline of This Product (Provider)
1.1 Target device of provider
This provider can be used only when a DENSO robot controller (RC8 series) is connected to the XG-7000/8000 series
(hereinafter referred to as XG).
[Robot controller]
1.2 Features of provider
This provider is provided to use the XG native commands required to access XG series in the robot program. Use of this
provider allows customers to establish communication with a robot easily without creating a communication program for
XG series. The following shows a diagram of provider embedding.
Using the dedicated communication
format for XG, data transmission is
(Class library)
Sub Main
Declare provider implementation
IF ** = 1 THEN<0}
Provider command
End Sub

1.3 Mechanism of provider
This provider offers various programs required to control the target device as a single provider. Just activate the license
to use the provider . Once provider implementation is declared on a desired program file, the functions prep are d by the
provider can be used as commands in the user program. Since the provider is included in the controller, there is no need
of installation. Also, it is possible to implement multiple providers of different type. Note that a program (procedure)
cannot contain the providers of the same type.
ovider after embedding. This can be used in a provider-embedded program.
Different colors are used to indicate the provider type.
Provider prepared in the system. This cannot be used yet.
Program (1)
Program (2)
Controller internal image
Group of providers
(cannot be used yet)
If provider is compared to a folder,
the folder contains various commands
Note: When the same provider exists in different programs like in the above figure, exclusion process is
required between the programs (tasks).
* The provider is provided as a dynamic link library (abbreviated as DLL) which can be used from PacScript.

2. How to Connect
2.1 Ethernet (TCP/IP) connection example
To connect to the robot controller via Ethernet, use the optional dedicated cable (KEYENCE PN:
OP-66843) or a crossover LAN cable. Also, when a switching hub/router is used, use the cable suitable
for the switching hub/router specifications.
[XG series]
Crossover cable (3 m)
[Robot controller]

3. Communication Settings for Robot Controller and Device
Use a teach pendant to adjust the communication settings for the device to be used.
3.1 Communication via Ethernet (TCP/IP)
3.1.1 Ethernet (TCP/IP) communication settings on robot controller
Set the robot controller's IP address.
(1) Press [F6 Setting] - [F5 Communication and Token] - [F2 Network and Permission] to display the
[Communication Settings] window. Set the IP address and subnet mask so that the robot controller and
XG series t are within the same subnet mask.

3.1.2 Ethernet (TCP/IP) communication settings for XG series
Select [Setting Menu] - [System Settings] on XG Vision Editor to display the [Communications & I/O Ethernet(TCP/IP) Settings] window. Set the IP address and subnet mask so that the robot controller and XG series are
within the same subnet mask. Set CR for delimiter.
*For "Command & Data Output", set "8500" at all time. (Fixed value)
3.1.3 Other settings for XG series
(1) After creating a test flow with XG Vision Editor, select [Capture Settings] - [Trigger Settings] tab on [Flow View]
to display the [Trigger Settings] window. Select "External" for the trigger type and check the "Ethernet (TCP/IP)"
check box.

4. Provider Execution Procedure
The basic process of the provider is implementation (declaration) -> execution. This provider takes a connection
process at the time of implementation. The operation can be repeated as many times as needed. A program example is
shown below.
Sub Main
On Error Goto ErrorProc (1) ‘Declare error process routine
Dim caoCtrl as Object (2) ‘Declare provider variable
Dim vntResult as Variant (3) ‘Declare result acquisition variable
caoCtrl = cao.AddController("XG", "caoProv.KEYENCE.VWXG", "", "conn=eth:") (4)
"State from trigger to data receiving process" (5)
‘End process
Exit Sub
‘Error process
End Sub
(1) Declare the provider error processing routine as needed. (Connection error detection at declarat ion)
(2) Declare the provider implementation variable as Object type. The variable name can be specified arbitrarily.
(3) Declare the result acquisition variable. The data type depends on the command.
(4) Execute implementation with the provider declaration command cao.AddController. The parameters required for
settings vary by provider. From this point the provider commands are available using the implementation variable
(5) Now the program can be stated using the provider commands.