Intel 815 User Manual

Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller
Programmer’s Reference Manual (PRM)
July 2000
Order Number: 298237-001
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
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Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0


1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 15
1.1. Terminology................................................................................................................... 15
1.2. Reference Documents .................................................................................................. 16
2. Intel® 815 Chipset Overview....................................................................................................... 17
2.1. I/O Controller Hub ......................................................................................................... 18
2.2. Intel® 82815 Chipset GMCH Overview.......................................................................... 18
2.2.1. Host Interface .............................................................................................. 19
2.2.2. System Memory Interface ........................................................................... 20
2.2.3. Multiplexed AGP and Display Cache Interface ........................................... 20
2.2.4. Hub Interface............................................................................................... 21
2.2.5. Intel® 82815 Chipset GMCH Integrated Graphics Support ......................... 21
2.2.6. System Clocking.......................................................................................... 22
2.2.7. GMCH Power Delivery ................................................................................ 22
2.3. Three PCI Devices on GMCH ....................................................................................... 22
2.3.1. Multi-Mode Capability Requirements .......................................................... 23 Supported Single Monitor and Multi-monitor Configurations .......... 23 System Startup ............................................................................... 25 Software Start-Up Sequence .......................................................... 26 Switching Device modes ................................................................ 28
3. System Address Map ................................................................................................................. 29
3.1. Memory and I/O Space Registers ................................................................................. 30
3.2. GC Register Memory Address Map .............................................................................. 32
3.3. VGA and Extended VGA Register Map......................................................................... 36
3.3.1. VGA and Extended VGA I/O and Memory Register Map............................ 37
3.4. Indirect VGA and Extended VGA Register Indices ....................................................... 38
3.4.1. Graphics Address Translation..................................................................... 41
3.4.2. Memory Buffers for GC’s Instruction Interface............................................ 42
4. Graphics Translation Table (GTT) Range Definition.................................................................. 43
5. Basic Initialization Procedures ................................................................................................... 45
5.1. Initialization Sequence................................................................................................... 45
5.2. Hardware Detection (Probe).......................................................................................... 45
5.3. Frame Buffer Initialization.............................................................................................. 46
5.4. Hardware Register Initialization..................................................................................... 47
5.4.1. Color vs. Monochrome Monitors ................................................................. 47
5.4.2. Protect Registers: Locking and Unlocking .................................................. 47
5.4.3. Checking Memory Frequency ..................................................................... 47
5.5. Hardware State.............................................................................................................. 47
5.6. Saving the Hardware State............................................................................................ 48
5.7. Restoring the Hardware State ....................................................................................... 49
6. Blt Engine Programming ............................................................................................................ 53
6.1. BLT Engine Programming Considerations .................................................................... 53
6.1.1. When the Source and Destination Locations Overlap ................................ 53
6.2. Basic Graphics Data Considerations............................................................................. 57
6.2.1. Contiguous vs. Discontinuous Graphics Data ............................................. 57
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
Source Data................................................................................................. 58
6.2.3. Monochrome Source Data ........................................................................... 59
6.2.4. Pattern Data................................................................................................. 60
6.2.5. Destination Data ..........................................................................................62
6.3. BLT Programming Examples.........................................................................................63
6.3.1. Pattern Fill -- A Very Simple BLT .................................................................63
6.3.2. Drawing Characters Using a Font Stored in System Memory .....................66
7. Initialization Registers.................................................................................................................69
7.1. Standard VGA Registers................................................................................................ 69
7.2. SMRAM Registers .........................................................................................................69
7.2.1. SMRAM—System Management RAM Control Register (Device 0) ...........69
7.3. Display, I/O, GPIO, Clock, LCD, and Pixel Pipeline Registers ......................................72
7.4. 2D Graphics Controller Registers (3CEh / 3CFh) ..........................................................73
7.5. 2D CRT Controller Registers (3B4h/3D4h/3B5h/3D5h).................................................73
7.6. Initialization Values for VGA Registers ..........................................................................74
8. Frame Buffer Access ..................................................................................................................77
9. VGA and Extended VGA Registers ............................................................................................79
9.1. General Control & Status Registers...............................................................................79
9.1.1. ST00Input Status 0 ..................................................................................80
9.1.2. ST01Input Status 1 ..................................................................................81
9.1.3. FCRFeature Control.................................................................................82
9.1.4. MSRMiscellaneous Output.......................................................................83
9.2. Sequencer Registers .....................................................................................................84
9.2.1. SRXSequencer Index............................................................................... 84
9.2.2. SR00Sequencer Reset ............................................................................85
9.2.3. SR01Clocking Mode ................................................................................86
9.2.4. SR02Plane/Map Mask .............................................................................87
9.2.5. SR03Character Font ................................................................................88
9.2.6. SR04Memory Mode Register ................................................................... 89
9.2.7. SR07Horizontal Character Counter Reset ...............................................90
9.3. Graphics Controller Registers........................................................................................90
9.3.1. GRXGRX Graphics Controller Index Register .........................................90
9.3.2. GR00Set/Reset Register.......................................................................... 91
9.3.3. GR01Enable Set/Reset Register .............................................................91
9.3.4. GR02Color Compare Register .................................................................92
9.3.5. GR03Data Rotate Register ......................................................................92
9.3.6. GR04Read Plane Select Register............................................................ 93
9.3.7. GR05Graphics Mode Register .................................................................93
9.3.8. GR06Miscellaneous Register................................................................... 96
9.3.9. GR07Color Don’t Care Register............................................................... 97
9.3.10. GR08Bit Mask Register............................................................................ 97
9.3.11. GR10Address Mapping............................................................................ 98
9.3.12. GR11Page Selector .................................................................................99
9.3.13. GR[14:1F]Software Flags....................................................................... 100
9.4. Attribute Controller Registers.......................................................................................101
9.4.1. ARXAttribute Controller Index Register..................................................101
9.4.2. AR[00:0F]Palette Registers [0:F] ...........................................................102
9.4.3. AR10Mode Control Register ..................................................................102
9.4.4. AR11Overscan Color Register............................................................... 104
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
AR12Memory Plane Enable Register .................................................... 104
9.4.6. AR13Horizontal Pixel Panning Register ................................................ 105
9.4.7. AR14Color Select Register.................................................................... 106
9.5. VGA Color Palette Registers....................................................................................... 106
9.5.1. DACMASKPixel Data Mask Register..................................................... 107
9.5.2. DACSTATEDAC State Register ............................................................ 108
9.5.3. DACRXPalette Read Index Register ..................................................... 108
9.5.4. DACWXPalette W rite Index Register .................................................... 108
9.5.5. DACDATAPalette Data Register ........................................................... 109
9.6. CRT Controller Register .............................................................................................. 109
9.6.1. CRXCRT Controller Index Register ....................................................... 110
9.6.2. CR00Horizontal Total Register .............................................................. 111
9.6.3. CR01Horizontal Display Enable End Register....................................... 111
9.6.4. CR02Horizontal Blanking Start Register................................................ 111
9.6.5. CR03Horizontal Blanking End Register................................................. 112
9.6.6. CR04Horizontal Sync Start Register...................................................... 112
9.6.7. CR05Horizontal Sync End Register....................................................... 113
9.6.8. CR06Vertical Total Register .................................................................. 114
9.6.9. CR07Overflow Register ......................................................................... 114
9.6.10. CR08Preset Row Scan Register ........................................................... 117
9.6.11. CR09Maximum Scan Line Register ...................................................... 118
9.6.12. CR0AText Cursor Start Register ........................................................... 119
9.6.13. CR0BText Cursor End Register ............................................................ 119
9.6.14. CR0CStart Address High Register ........................................................ 120
9.6.15. CR0DStart Address Low Register ......................................................... 121
9.6.16. CR0EText Cursor Location High Register ............................................. 121
9.6.17. CR0FText Cursor Location Low Register .............................................. 122
9.6.18. CR10Vertical Sync Start Register.......................................................... 122
9.6.19. CR11Vertical Sync End Register........................................................... 123
9.6.20. CR12Vertical Display Enable End Register........................................... 124
9.6.21. CR13Offset Register ............................................................................. 124
9.6.22. CR14Underline Location Register ......................................................... 125
9.6.23. CR15Vertical Blanking Start Register.................................................... 126
9.6.24. CR16Vertical Blanking End Register ..................................................... 126
9.6.25. CR17CRT Mode Control........................................................................ 127
9.6.26. CR18Line Compare Register ................................................................ 131
9.6.27. CR22Memory Read Latch Data Register .............................................. 131
9.6.28. CR24 Test Register for Toggle State of Attribute Controller Register ... 132
9.6.29. CR30Extended Vertical Total Register .................................................. 132
9.6.30. CR31Extended Vertical Display End Register....................................... 133
9.6.31. CR32Extended Vertical Sync Start Register ......................................... 134
9.6.32. CR33Extended Vertical Blanking Start Register.................................... 135
9.6.33. CR35 Extended Horizontal Total Time Register.................................... 136
9.6.34. CR39Extended Horizontal Blank Time Register.................................... 136
9.6.35. CR40Extended Start Address Register ................................................. 137
9.6.36. CR41Extended Offset Register ............................................................. 138
9.6.37. CR42Extended Start Address High Register......................................... 138
9.6.38. CR70Interlace Control Register............................................................. 139
9.6.39. CR80I/O Control .................................................................................... 139
9.6.40. CR81Reserved ...................................................................................... 140
9.6.41. CR82Blink Rate Control......................................................................... 140
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
Programming Interface .............................................................................................................141
10.1. Reserved Bits and Software Compatibility................................................................... 141
10.2. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 141
10.3. GC Register Programming ..........................................................................................142
10.4. GC Instruction Streams ...............................................................................................142
10.4.1. Instruction Use........................................................................................... 142
10.4.2. Instruction Transport Overview.................................................................. 142
10.4.3. Instruction Parser....................................................................................... 143
10.4.4. Ring Buffers (RB)....................................................................................... 144 Ring Buffer Registers ....................................................................144 Ring Buffer Initialization.................................................................145 Ring Buffer Use.............................................................................145
10.4.5. Batch Buffers .............................................................................................146
10.4.6. Instruction Arbitration ................................................................................. 147 Arbitration Rationale...................................................................... 147 Wait Instructions ...........................................................................147 Instruction Arbitration Points .........................................................148 Instruction Arbitration Rules ..........................................................148 Batch Buffer Protected Mode ........................................................148
10.5. Instruction Format ........................................................................................................ 149
10.5.1. Instruction Parser Instructions ...................................................................149
10.5.2. 2D Instructions........................................................................................... 149
10.5.3. 3D Instructions........................................................................................... 150
11. Instruction Parser Instructions ..................................................................................................153
11.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................153
11.2. Instruction Descriptions................................................................................................ 153
11.2.1. GFXCMDPARSER_NOP_IDENTIFICATION ............................................153
11.2.2. GFXCMDPARSER_BREAKPOINT_INTERRUPT .................................... 154
11.2.3. GFXCMDPARSER_USER_INTERRUPT.................................................. 154
11.2.4. GFXCMDPARSER_WAIT_FOR_EVENT.................................................. 155
11.2.5. GFXCMDPARSER_FLUSH....................................................................... 156
11.2.6. GFXCMDPARSER_CONTEXT _SEL .......................................................156
11.2.7. GFXCMDPARSER _DEST_BUFFER_INFO.............................................157
11.2.8. GFXCMDPARSER _FRONT_BUFFER_INFO ..........................................158
11.2.9. GFXCMDPARSER _Z_BUFFER_INFO ....................................................159
11.2.10. GFXCMDPARSER_REPORT_HEAD .......................................................159
11.2.11. GFXCMDPARSER_ARB_ON_OFF ..........................................................160
11.2.12. GFXCMDPARSER_OVERLAY_FLIP........................................................ 160
11.2.13. GFXCMDPARSER_LOAD_SCAN_LINES_INCL ......................................160
11.2.14. GFXCMDPARSER_LOAD_SCAN_LINES_EXCL ..................................... 161
11.2.15. GFXCMDPARSER_STORE_DWORD_IMM.............................................161
11.2.16. GFXCMDPARSER_STORE_DWORD_INDEX.........................................161
11.2.17. GFXCMDPARSER_BATCH_BUFFER...................................................... 162
12. 2D Instructions..........................................................................................................................163
12.1. BLTs To and From Cacheable Memory.......................................................................163
12.2. BLT Engine Instructions...............................................................................................163
12.2.1. SETUP_BLT ..............................................................................................164
12.2.2. SETUP_MONO_PATTERN_SL_BLT ........................................................ 166
12.2.3. PIXEL_BLT ................................................................................................ 167
12.2.4. SCANLINE_BLT ........................................................................................167
12.2.5. TEXT_BLT ................................................................................................. 168
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
TEXT_Immediate_BLT ............................................................................. 169
12.2.7. COLOR_BLT ............................................................................................. 170
12.2.8. PAT_BLT................................................................................................... 171
12.2.9. MONO_PAT_BLT ..................................................................................... 172
12.2.10. SRC_COPY_BLT ...................................................................................... 173
12.2.11. MONO_SRC_COPY_BLT......................................................................... 174
12.2.12. MONO_SRC_COPY_IMMEDIATE_BLT................................................... 175
12.2.13. FULL_BLT ................................................................................................. 177
12.2.14. FULL_MONO_SRC_BLT .......................................................................... 178
12.2.15. FULL_MONO_PATTERN_BLT ................................................................. 180
12.2.16. FULL_MONO_PATTERN_MONO_SRC_BLT .......................................... 182
12.3. BLT Engine Instruction Definitions .............................................................................. 184
12.3.1. BR00—BLT Opcode and Control .............................................................. 184
12.3.2. BR01—Setup BLT Raster OP, Control, and Destination Offset................ 186
12.3.3. BR02—Clip Rectangle Y1 Address........................................................... 188
12.3.4. BR03—Clip Rectangle Y2 Address........................................................... 188
12.3.5. BR04—Clip Rectangle X1 and X2............................................................. 189
12.3.6. BR05—Setup Expansion Background Color............................................. 190
12.3.7. BR06—Setup Expansion Foreground Color ............................................. 190
12.3.8. BR07—Setup Color Pattern Address ........................................................ 191
12.3.9. BR08—Destination X1 and X2 .................................................................. 192
12.3.10. BR09—Destination Address and Destination Y1 Address ........................ 193
12.3.11. BR10—Destination Y2 Address ................................................................ 193
12.3.12. BR11—BLT Source Pitch (Offset) or Monochrome Source Quadwords .. 194
12.3.13. BR12—Source Address ............................................................................ 195
12.3.14. BR13—BLT Raster OP, Control, and Destination Pitch............................ 196
12.3.15. BR14—Destination Width & Height........................................................... 198
12.3.16. BR15—Color Pattern Address .................................................................. 199
12.3.17. BR16—Pattern Expansion Background & Solid Pattern Color.................. 200
12.3.18. BR17—Pattern Expansion Foreground Color ........................................... 200
12.3.19. BR18—Source Expansion Background, and Destination Color................ 201
12.3.20. BR19—Source Expansion Foreground Color ........................................... 201
12.3.21. S_SLADD—Source Scan Line Address.................................................... 202
12.3.22. D_SLH—Destination Scan Line Height..................................................... 202
12.3.23. D_SLRADD—Destination Scan Line Read Address................................. 203
13. Rendering Engine Instructions ................................................................................................. 205
13.1. GFXPRIMITIVE ........................................................................................................... 205
13.1.1. Axis Aligned Rectangles............................................................................ 205
13.1.2. Primitive Winding Order ............................................................................ 205
13.1.3. Position Mask ............................................................................................ 206
13.1.4. Bias ...................................................................................................... 206
13.1.5. Primitive Rendering Instruction Format..................................................... 206
13.1.6. Variable Length Vertex Formats for Rendering Instructions ..................... 207
13.1.7. GFXVERTEX ............................................................................................ 208
13.2. GFXRENDERSTATE_VERTEX_FORMAT ................................................................ 209
13.3. GFXBLOCK................................................................................................................. 210
13.3.1. Motion Vector Format................................................................................ 213
13.4. Non-pipelined State Variables ..................................................................................... 213
13.5. GFXRENDERSTATE_MAP_TEXELS ........................................................................ 214
13.6. GFXRENDERSTATE_MAP_COORD_SETS ............................................................. 215
13.7. GFXRENDERSTATE_MAP_INFO.............................................................................. 217
13.8. GFXRENDERSTATE_MAP_FILTER .......................................................................... 222
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
GFXRENDERSTATE_MAP_LOD_LIMITS.................................................................. 224
13.10. GFXRENDERSTATE_MAP_LOD_CONTROL............................................................225
13.11. GFXRENDERSTATE_MAP_PALETTE_LOAD ...........................................................226
13.12. GFXRENDERSTATE_MAP_COLOR_BLEND_STAGES ...........................................227
13.13. GFXRENDERSTATE_MAP_ALPHA_BLEND_STAGES ............................................230
13.14. GFXRENDERSTATE_COLOR_FACTOR ................................................................... 232
13.15. GFXRENDERSTATE_COLOR_CHROMA_KEY.........................................................233
13.16. GFXRENDERSTATE_SRC_DST_BLEND_MONO.....................................................235
13.17. GFXRENDERSTATE_Z_BIAS_ALPHA_FUNC_REF .................................................238
13.18. GFXRENDERSTATE_LINE_WIDTH_CULL_SHADE_ MODE ...................................239
13.19. GFXRENDERSTATE_BOOLEAN_ENA_1 ..................................................................241
13.20. GFXRENDERSTATE_BOOLEAN_ENA_2 ..................................................................242
13.21. GFXRENDERSTATE_FOG_COLOR .......................................................................... 243
13.22. GFXRENDERSTATE_DRAWING_RECTANGLE_INFO ............................................243
13.23. GFXRENDERSTATE_SCISSOR_ENABLE ................................................................245
13.24. GFXRENDERSTATE_SCISSOR_RECTANGLE_INFO..............................................246
13.25. Stipple Pattern ......................................................................................................247
13.26. GFXRENDERSTATE_ANTI_ALIASING ......................................................................248
13.27. GFXRENDERSTATE_PROVOKING_VTX_PIXELIZATION_RULE............................249
13.28. GFXRENDERSTATE_DEST_BUFFER_VARIABLES.................................................251
13.29. Programming Hints/Rules ............................................................................................253
14. Clock Control Registers ............................................................................................................ 257
14.1. Programming Notes ..................................................................................................... 257
14.2. DCLK_0D—Display Clock 0 Divisor Register ..............................................................258
14.3. DCLK_1D—Display Clock 1 Divisor Register ..............................................................259
14.4. DCLK_2D—Display Clock 2 Divisor Register ..............................................................260
14.5. LCD_CLKD—LCD Clock Divisor Register ................................................................... 261
14.6. DCLK_0DS—Display & LCD Clock Divisor Select Register ........................................262
14.7. PWR_CLKC—Power Management and Miscellaneous Clock Control ....................... 264
15. Overlay Registers .....................................................................................................................265
15.1. OV0ADD—Overlay 0 Register Update Address Register............................................ 267
15.2. DOV0STA—Display/Overlay 0 Status Register...........................................................268
15.3. Gamma Correction ......................................................................................................269 GAMC[5:0]—Gamma Correction Registers .................................. 269 Mathematical Gamma Correction For Overlay .............................271
15.4. Memory Offset Registers ............................................................................................. 274
15.4.1. Overlay Buffer Pointer Registers ...............................................................274 OBUF_0Y—Overlay Buffer 0 Y Pointer Register .......................... 274 OBUF_1Y—Overlay Buffer 1 Y Pointer Register .......................... 275 OBUF_0U—Overlay Buffer 0 U Pointer Register..........................275 OBUF_0V—Overlay Buffer 0 V Pointer Register ..........................276 OBUF_1U—Overlay Buffer 1 U Pointer Register..........................276 OBUF_1V—Overlay Buffer 1 V Pointer Register ..........................277
15.4.2. Overlay Stride Registers ............................................................................ 277 OV0STRIDE—Overlay 0 Stride Register ......................................277
15.4.3. Overlay Initial Phase Registers..................................................................278 YRGB_VPH—Y/RGB Vertical Phase Register .............................278 UV_VPH—UV Vertical Phase Register......................................... 279
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
HORZ_PH—Horizontal Phase Register ....................................... 279 INIT_PH—Initial Phase Register .................................................. 280
15.4.4. Overlay Destination Window Position/Size Registers ............................... 281 DWINPOS—Destination Window Position Register..................... 281 DWINSZ—Destination W indow Size Register ............................. 281
15.4.5. Overlay Source Size Registers.................................................................. 282 SWID—Source W idth Register .................................................... 282 SWIDQW —Source Width In QWords Register ........................... 283 SHEIGHT—Source Height Register ............................................. 284
15.4.6. Overlay Scale Factor Registers................................................................. 285 YRGBSCALE—Y/RGB Scale Factor Register ............................. 285 UVSCALE—UV Scale Factor Register......................................... 286
15.4.7. Overlay Color Correction Registers........................................................... 287 OV0CLRC0—Overlay 0 Color Correction 0 Register ................... 287 OV0CLRC1—Overlay 0 Color Correction 1 Register ................... 287
15.4.8. Overlay Destination Color Key Registers .................................................. 288 DCLRKV—Destination Color Key Value Register ........................ 288 DCLRKM—Destination Color Key Mask Register ........................ 289
15.4.9. Overlay Source Color Key Registers......................................................... 290 SCLRKVH—Source Color Key Value High Register .................... 290 SCLRKVL—Source Color Key Value Low Register ..................... 291 SCLRKM—Source Color Key Mask Register............................... 291
15.4.10. Overlay Configuration Registers ............................................................... 293 OV0CONF—Overlay Configuration Register ............................... 293
15.4.11. OV0CMD—Overlay Command Register ................................................... 294
15.4.12. Overlay Alpha Blend Window Position/Size Registers .............................. 298 AWINPOS—Alpha Blend Window Position Register ................... 298 AWINSZ—Alpha Blend Window Size Register ............................ 299
15.5. Overlay Flip Instruction................................................................................................ 299
16. Instruction, Memory, and Interrupt Control Registers .............................................................. 301
16.1. Instruction Control Registers ....................................................................................... 301
16.1.1. FENCE—Graphics Memory Fence Table Registers ................................. 301
16.1.2. PGTBL_CTL—Page Table Control Register............................................. 303
16.1.3. PGTBL_ER—Page Table Error Register .................................................. 304
16.1.4. PGTBL_ERRMSK—Page Table Error Mask Register .............................. 306
16.1.5. RINGBUF—Ring Buffer Registers ............................................................ 308
16.1.6. HWS_PGA—Hardware Status Page Address Register............................ 310
16.1.7. IPEIR—Instruction Parser Error Identification Register (debug) ............... 311
16.1.8. IPEHR—Instruction Parser Error Header Register (debug)...................... 311
16.1.9. INSTDONE—Instruction Stream Interface Done Register........................ 312
16.1.10. NOPID—NOP Identification Register ........................................................ 313
16.1.11. INSTPM—Instruction Parser Mode Register ............................................ 314
16.1.12. INSTPS—Instruction Parser State Register (debug) ................................ 315
16.1.13. BBP_PTR—Batch Buffer Parser Pointer Register (debug)....................... 317
16.1.14. ABB_STR—Active Batch Buffer Start Address Register (debug) ............. 317
16.1.15. ABB_END—Active Batch Buffer End Address Register (debug).............. 318
16.1.16. DMA_FADD—DMA Engine Fetch Address (debug) ................................. 318
16.1.17. MEM_MODE—Memory Interface Mode Register (debug)........................ 319
16.2. Interrupt Control Registers .......................................................................................... 320
16.2.1. HWSTAM—Hardware Status Mask Register............................................ 322
16.2.2. IER—Interrupt Enable Register................................................................. 323
16.2.3. IIR—Interrupt Identity Register.................................................................. 324
16.2.4. IMR—Interrupt Mask Register................................................................... 325
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
ISR—Interrupt Status Register ..................................................................326
16.2.6. Error Identity, Mask and Status Registers .................................................327 Page Table Error handling in Intel® 815 Chipset........................... 327 Resetting the Page Table Error..................................................... 328 EIR—Error Identity Register.......................................................... 329 EMR—Error Mask Register ..........................................................329 ESR—Error Status Register..........................................................330
16.3. Display Interface Control..............................................................................................331
16.3.1. FW_BLC—FIFO W atermark and Burst Length Control ............................331
17. LCD / TV-Out Register Description ..........................................................................................333
17.1. HTOTAL—Horizontal Total Register ........................................................................... 333
17.2. HBLANK—Horizontal Blank Register ..........................................................................334
17.3. HSYNC—Horizontal Sync Register ............................................................................. 335
17.4. VTOTAL—Vertical Total Register................................................................................336
17.5. VBLANK—Vertical Blank Register............................................................................... 337
17.6. VSYNC—Vertical Sync Register.................................................................................. 338
17.7. LCDTV_C—LCD/TV-Out Control Register .................................................................. 339
17.8. OVRACT—Overlay Active Register.............................................................................342
17.9. BCLRPAT— Border Color Pattern Register ................................................................342
18. Local Memory Interface ............................................................................................................343
18.1. DRT—DRAM Row Type .............................................................................................. 343
18.2. DRAMCL—DRAM Control Low ...................................................................................344
18.3. DRAMCH—DRAM Control High .................................................................................. 345
19. I/O Control Registers ................................................................................................................ 347
19.1. HVSYNC—HSYNC/VSYNC Control Register..............................................................347
19.2. GPIO Registers............................................................................................................348
19.2.1. GPIOAGeneral Purpose I/O Control Register A ....................................348
19.2.2. GPIOBGeneral Purpose I/O Control Register B ....................................350
20. Display And Cursor Registers...................................................................................................353
20.1. DISP_SL—Display Scan Line Count ...........................................................................353
20.2. DISP_SLC—Display Scan Line Count Range Compare ............................................. 354
20.3. Pixel Pipeline Control................................................................................................... 355
20.3.1. PIXCONF—Pixel Pipeline Configuration ...................................................355
20.3.2. BLTCNTL—BLT Control ............................................................................357
20.3.3. SWF[1:3]—Software Flag Registers.......................................................... 357
20.3.4. DPLYBASE—Display Base Address Register...........................................358
20.3.5. DPLYSTAS—Display Status Select Register ............................................ 359
20.4. Hardware Cursor..........................................................................................................361
20.4.1. CURCNTR—Cursor Control Register........................................................361
20.4.2. CURBASE—Cursor Base Address Register .............................................362
20.4.3. CURPOS—Cursor Position Register.........................................................362
21. Appendix A: Mode Parameters.................................................................................................363
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0


Figure 1. Intelâ 815 Chipset System Block Diagram ......................................................... 18
Figure 2. Intel® 82815 Chipset GMCH Block Diagram ...................................................... 19
Figure 3. Conceptual Platform PCI Configuration Diagram .............................................. 23
Figure 4. Device Mode Auto-Detect Flowchart ................................................................. 25
Figure 5. System Memory Address Map........................................................................... 29
Figure 6. Detailed Memory System Address Map............................................................. 29
Figure 7. Graphics Controller Register Memory and I/O Map........................................... 30
Figure 8. GTT Mapping ..................................................................................................... 42
Figure 9. Source Corruption in BLT with Overlapping Source and Destination Locations 54 Figure 10. Correctly Performed BLT with Overlapping Source and Destination Locations. 55 Figure 11. Suggested Starting Points for Possible Source & Destination Overlap
Situations ...................................................................................................... 56
Figure 12. Representation of On-Screen Single 6-Pixel Line in the Frame Buffer ............. 57
Figure 13. Representation of On-Screen 6x4 Array of Pixels in the Frame Buffer ............. 58
Figure 14. Pattern Data -- Always an 8x8 Array of Pixels ................................................... 60
Figure 15. 8bpp Pattern Data -- Occupies 64 Bytes (8 quadwords) ................................... 61
Figure 16. 16bpp Pattern Data -- Occupies 128 Bytes (16 quadwords) ............................. 61
Figure 17. 24bpp Pattern Data -- Occupies 256 Bytes (32 quadwords) ............................. 61
Figure 18. 2bpp Pattern Data -- Occupies 256 Bytes (32 quadwords) ............................... 62
Figure 19. On-Screen Destination for Example Pattern Fill BLT ........................................ 63
Figure 20. Pattern Data for Example Pattern Fill BLT ......................................................... 64
Figure 21. Results of Example Pattern Fill BLT .................................................................. 65
Figure 22. On-Screen Destination for Example Character Drawing BLT............................ 66
Figure 23. Source Data in System Memory for Example Character Drawing BLT ............. 66
Figure 24. Results of Example Character Drawing BLT ..................................................... 68
Figure 25 Display Fields and Dimensions CRxx Control Registers ................................. 110
Figure 26. Graphics Controller Instruction Interface ......................................................... 143
Figure 27. Ring Buffers .................................................................................................... 144
Figure 28. Batch Buffer Sequence .................................................................................... 146
Figure 29. Instruction Format For First DWord ................................................................. 150
Figure 30. Rectangle Vertices ........................................................................................... 205
Figure 31. State Variable Relationships ............................................................................ 214
Figure 32. State Variable Relationships ........................................................................... 215
Figure 33. State Variable Relationships ............................................................................ 217
Figure 34 Mip-map Surface Organization Example ......................................................... 218
Figure 35. State Variable Relationships ............................................................................ 222
Figure 36. State Variable Relationships ............................................................................ 224
Figure 37. State Variable Relationships ............................................................................ 225
Figure 38. State Variable Relationships ............................................................................ 226
Figure 39. State Variable Relationships ............................................................................ 227
Figure 40. State Variable Relationships ............................................................................ 230
Figure 41. Gamma Correction Unit Block Diagram........................................................... 271
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0


Table 1. Supported System Bus and System Memory Bus Frequencies.........................22
Table 2. Memory-Mapped Registers ................................................................................32
Table 3. I/O and Memory Register Map................................................................................37
Table 4. 2D Sequence Registers (3C4h / 3C5h) ..............................................................38
Table 5. 2D Graphics Controller Registers (3CEh / 3CFh) ..............................................38
Table 6. 2D Attribute Controller Registers (3C0h / 3C1h) ................................................39
Table 7. 2D CRT Controller Registers (3B4h / 3D4h / 3B5h / 3D5h) ...............................39
Table 8. CRT Display Sync Polarities...............................................................................84
Table 9. VGA Address Range ..........................................................................................99
Table 10. Memory Address Counter Address Bits [15:0] .................................................129
Table 11. Frame Buffer Address Decoder........................................................................130
Table 12. Ring Buffer Characteristics...............................................................................145
Table 13. Graphics Controller Instructions .......................................................................151
Table 14. Summary of Source Surface Formats with Filter Output Channel Mappings...217
Table 15. Selecting Specular Mode..................................................................................235
Table 16. Overlay Register/Instruction Categories ...........................................................266
Table 17. Bit Definition For Interrupt Control Registers....................................................320
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0

Revision History

Rev. Description Date
1.0 Initial Release July 2000
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
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Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
1. Introduction
The Intelâ 815 chipset is a highly flexible chipset designed to extend from the basic graphics/multimedia PC platform up to the mainstream performance desktop platform. The chipset consists of an Intel chipset Graphics and Memory Controller Hub (GMCH), an I/O Controller Hub (ICH) for the I/O subsystem, and a Firmware* Hub (FWH). For this chipset, the graphics capability resides in the Graphics and Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) chip.
The GMCH’s Graphics Controller (GC) contains an extensive set of registers and instructions for configuration, 2D, 3D, and Video systems. This document describes the Intel registers/instructions and provides detailed bit/field descriptions.
This Programmer’s Reference Manual (PRM) is intended for hardware, software, and Firmware* designers who seek to implement or utilize the graphic functions of the Intel with 2D and 3D graphics programming is assumed.
1.1. Terminology
Term Description
AGP Mode The GMCH is using its capability to interface with and AGP card. The internal
GPA Card Graphics Performance Accelerator Card. This is a new implementation which
CSI Command Stream Interface (same as instruction stream interface)
GC Graphics Controller
GFX Mode The GMCH is using its internal graphics capability. This means that the ability to
GMCH The Graphics and Memory Controller Hub component that contains the
Group 0 Protection (register) As per the original IBM VGA specification, CRT Controller registers CR[0:7] can
Instruction The GC has a set of graphics instructions. In some documents the term
IP Instruction Parser
MBZ Must Be Zero
815 chipset
815 chipset. Familiarity
graphics controller is disabled in this mode.
allows local memory devices to be placed on a card that plugs into the AGP slot. When an AGP card is not present, an GPA card can be added to improve performance by acting as a display cache, for the Z-buffer only, of up to 4 MB. The GPA card was previously known as the AIMM (Add-In Memory Module).
interface with an AGP card is disabled.
functionality of an MCH plus an internal graphics controller.
be write-protected via CR11[bit 7]. In BIOS code, this write protection is set following each mode change. Note that other group protection levels have no current use and are not supported by the GC. Only Group 0 Protection is supported.
“command” is used for instruction.
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
Term Description
MCH The Memory Controller Hub component that contains the processor interface,
DRAM controller, and AGP interface. The MCH communicates with the ICH over a proprietary interconnect called the hub interface (previously known as HubLink). The MCH was called the North Bridge (NB) in previous chip sets. MCH will be used to refer to non-graphics portion of the GMCH.
MM Memory Mapped address space.
MMIO Memory Mapped I/O space.
QW Quad Word = 64 bits = 8 Bytes.
R/W (register) Read/Write. A register with this attribute can be read and written.
R/WC (register) Read/Write Clear. A register bit with this attribute can be read and written.
However, a write of 1 clears (sets to 0) the corresponding bit and a write of 0 has no effect.
R/WO (register) Read/Write Once. A register bit with this attribute can be written to only once
after power up. After the first write, the bit becomes read only.
RO (register) Read Only. In some cases, if a register is read only, writes to this register
location have no effect. However, in other cases, two separate registers are located at the same location where a read accesses one of the registers and a write accesses the other register. See the I/O and memory map tables for details.
WO (register) Write Only. In some cases, If a register is write only, reads to this register
location have no effect. However, in other cases, two separate registers are located at the same location where a read accesses one of the registers and a write accesses the other register. See the I/O and memory map tables for details.
1.2. Reference Documents
The following documents should be available for reference when using this specification:
815 Chipset: Intel® 82815 chipset Graphics and Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) External
Design Specification (EDS)
82801AA (ICH) and Intel® 82801AB (ICH0) I/O Controller Hub Datasheet
82801BA (ICH2) I/O Controller Hub External Design Specification (EDS)
82802AB/82802AC Firmware* Hub (FWH) Datasheet
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
2. Intel® 815 Chipset Overview
The chipset consists of an Intel® 82815 chipset Graphics and Memory Controller Hub (GMCH), an I/O Controller Hub (ICH) for the I/O subsystem, and a Firmware* Hub (FWH). The GMCH integrates a system memory SDRAM controller that supports a 64-bit 100/133 MHz SDRAM array. The Intel chipset family includes:
815 chipset: This chipset consists of the Intel® 82815 chipset GMCH, the 82801AA ICH,
and the 82802AB/82802AC FWH.
815E chipset: This chipset consists of the Intel® 82815 chipset GMCH, the 82801BA ICH2,
and the 82802AB/82802AC FWH.
The Intel
82815 chipset GMCH integrates a Display Cache SDRAM controller that supports a 32-bit 133 MHz SDRAM array for enhanced integrated 2D and 3D graphics performance. Multiplexed with the display cache interface is an AGP controller interface to enable graphics configuration and upgrade flexibility with the Intel
815 chipset. The AGP interface and the internal graphics device are mutually exclusive. When the AGP port is populated with an AGP graphics card, the integrated graphics is disabled; thus, the display cache interface is not needed.
The Intel bridge hub and the I/O Controller Hub (ICH) as the I/O hub. The Intel 82801AA ICH and the Intel
815 chipset family uses a hub architecture with the Intel® 82815 chipset GMCH as the host
815E chipset supports the 82801BA ICH2. The ICH is a highly integrated
815 chipset supports the
multifunctional I/O Controller Hub that provides the interface to the PCI Bus and integrates many of the functions needed in today’s PC platforms. The GMCH and ICH communicate over a dedicated hub interface.
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
Figure 1. Intel
815 Chipset System Block Diagram
Intel®Pentium®III Processor
Celeron™ Processor
Digital Video Out
Digital Video Out
GP Connector
GP Graphics
Display Cache (4 MB SDRAM, 133 MHz Only)
2 IDE Ports
Ultra ATA/66 (ICH);
Ultra ATA/100 (ICH2)
2 USB Ports (ICH);
4 USB Ports (ICH2)
nalog Display
(Graphics and Memory
Controller Hub)
- Memory Controller
- AGP Contoller
- Graphcs Controller
- 3D Engine
- 2D Engine
- Video Engine

I/O Controller Hub

(Firmware Hub)
System Bus (66/100/133 MHz)
100/133 MHz Only
64 Bit /
(ICH=6 Req/Gnt pairs)
udio Codec
Modem Codec
LAN Controller
System Memory
PCI Slots
LAN Option
(for ICH)
2.1. I/O Controller Hub
The 82801AA ICH/82801BA ICH2 functions and capabilites are listed below. Unless otherwise specified, the function/capability applies to both ICH and ICH2.
PCI Rev 2.2 compliant with support for 33 MHz PCI operations
ICH supports up to 6 Req/Gnt pairs
Power Management Logic Support
Enhanced DMA Controller, Interrupt Controller & Timer Functions
Integrated IDE controller; ICH supports Ultra ATA/66 (ICH); Ultra ATA/100/66/33 (ICH2)
Integrated LAN Controller (ICH2 only)
USB host interface with support for two USB ports (ICH); Four ports (ICH2)
System Management Bus (SMBus) compatible with most I
C devices
AC’97 2.1 Compliant Link for Audio and Telephony CODECs
Low Pin Count (LPC) interface
Firmware* Hub (FWH) interface support
Alert On LAN*
2.2. Intel® 82815 Chipset GMCH Overview
Figure 2 is a block diagram of the GMCH illustrating the various interfaces and integrated functions. The functions and capabilities include:
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
Support for a single processor configuration
64-bit AGTL+ based System Bus Interface at 66/100/133 MHz
32-bit Host Address Support
64-bit System Memory Interface with optimized support for SDRAM at 100/133 MHz
Integrated 2D & 3D Graphics Engines
Integrated H/W Motion Compensation Engine
Integrated 230 MHz DAC
Integrated Digital Video Out Port
133 MHz Display Cache
AGP 1X/2X/4X Controller
Figure 2. Intel® 82815 Chipset GMCH Block Diagram
System Bus Interface
Display Engine 3D Engine
HW Motion Comp
DAC Overlay
HW Cursor
Digital Video Out
Local Memory
2.2.1. Host Interface
The host interface of the GMCH is optimized to support the Intel Pentium® III processor and Intel Celeron bus interfaces within a single device. The GMCH supports a 4-deep in-order queue (i.e., supports pipelining of up to 4 outstanding transaction requests on the host bus). Host bus addresses are decoded by the GMCH for accesses to system memory, PCI memory and PCI I/O (via hub interface), PCI configuration space and Graphics memory. The GMCH takes advantage of the pipelined addressing capability of the processor to improve the overall system performance.
processor in the FC-PGA package. The GMCH implements the host address, control, and data
2D Engine
AGP Interface
Memory Interface
Hub Interface
System Memory
The Intel
82815 chipset GMCH supports the 370-pin socket processor.
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
370-pin socket (PGA370). The PGA370 is a zero insertion force (ZIF) socket that a processor in the FC-PGA package will use to interface with a system board.

2.2.2. System Memory Interface

The GMCH integrates a system memory controller that supports a 64-bit 100/133 MHz SDRAM array. The only DRAM type supported is industry standard Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM). The SDRAM controller interface is fully configurable through a set of control registers.
The GMCH supports industry standard 64-bit wide DIMMs with SDRAM devices. The thirteen multiplexed address lines, SMAA[12:0], along with the two bank select lines, SBS[1:0], allow the GMCH to support 2M, 4M, 8M, 16M, and 32M x64 DIMMs. Only asymmetric addressing is supported. The GMCH has six SCS# lines (two copies of each for electrical loading), enabling the support of up to six 64-bit rows of SDRAM. The GMCH targets SDRAM with CL2 and CL3 and supports both single and double-sided DIMMs. Additionally, the GMCH also provides a 1024 entry deep refresh queue. The GMCH can be configured to keep up to 4 pages open within the memory array. Pages can be kept open in any one bank of memory.
SCKE[5:0] are used in configurations requiring powerdown mode for the SDRAM.

2.2.3. Multiplexed AGP and Display Cache Interface

The Intel® 82815 chipset GMCH multiplexes an AGP interface with a display cache interface for internal 3D graphics performance improvement. The display cache is used only in the internal graphics. When an AGP card is installed in the system, the GMCH internal graphics will be disabled and the AGP controller will be enabled.
AGP Interface
A single AGP connector is supported by the GMCH AGP interface. The AGP buffers operate in one of two selectable modes in order to support the AGP Universal Connector:
3.3V drive, not 5 volt safe: This mode is compliant to the AGP 1.0 and 2.0 specifications.
1.5V drive, not 3.3 volt safe: This mode is compliant with the AGP 2.0 specification.
The following table shows the AGP Data Rate and the Signaling Levels supported by the GMCH.
Signaling Level Data Rate
1.5V 3.3V
1x AGP Yes Yes
2x AGP Yes Yes
4x AGP Yes No
The AGP interface supports 4x AGP signaling. AGP semantic (PIPE# or SBA[7:0]) cycles to SDRAM are not snooped on the host bus. AGP FRAME# cycles to SDRAM are snooped on the host bus. The GMCH supports PIPE# or SBA[7:0] AGP address mechanisms, but not both simultaneously. Either the PIPE# or the SBA[7:0] mechanism must be selected during system initialization. High priority accesses are supported. Only memory writes from the hub interface to AGP are allowed. No transactions from AGP to the hub interface are allowed.
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
Display Cache Interface
The GMCH supports a Display Cache SDRAM controller with a 32-bit 133 MHz SDRAM array. The DRAM type supported is industry standard Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) like that of the system memory. The local memory SDRAM controller interface is fully configurable through a set of control registers.
2.2.4. Hub Interface
The hub interface is a private interconnect between the GMCH and the ICH.
2.2.5. Intel® 82815 Chipset GMCH Integrated Graphics Support
The GMCH includes a highly integrated graphics accelerator. Its architecture consists of dedicated multi­media engines executing in parallel to deliver high performance 3D, 2D and motion compensation video capabilities. The 3D and 2D engines are managed by a 3D/2D pipeline preprocessor allowing a sustained flow of graphics data to be rendered and displayed. The deeply pipelined 3D accelerator engine provides 3D graphics quality and performance via per-pixel 3D rendering and parallel data paths which allow each pipeline stage to simultaneously operate on different primitives or portions of the same primitive. The GMCH graphics accelerator engine supports perspective-correct texture mapping, trilinear and anisotropic Mip-Map filtering, Gouraud shading, alpha-blending, fogging and Z-buffering. A rich set of 3D instructions permit these features to be independently enabled or disabled.
For the GMCH, a Display Cache (DC) can be used for the Z-buffer (textures and display buffer(s) are located only in system memory). If the display cache is not used, the Z-buffer is located in system memory.
The GMCH integrated graphics accelerator’s 2D capabilities include BLT and arithmetic STRBLT engines, a hardware cursor and an extensive set of 2D registers and instructions. The high performance 64-bit BitBLT engine provides hardware acceleration for many common Windows* operations.
In addition to its 2D/3D capabilities, the GMCH integrated graphics accelerator also supports full MPEG-2 motion compensation for software-assisted DVD video playback, a VESA DDC2B compliant display interface and a digital video out port which may support (via an external video encoder) NTSC and PAL broadcast standards and (via an external TMDS transmitter) digital Flat Panel or Digital CRT displays.
Display, Digital Video Out, and LCD/Flat Panel/Digital CRT
The GMCH provides interfaces to a standard progressive scan monitor, TV-Out device, and TMDS transmitter. These interfaces are only active when running in internal graphics mode.
The GMCH directly drives a standard progressive scan monitor up to a resolution of 1600x1200 pixels.
The GMCH provides a Digital Video Out interface to connect an external device to drive a 1280x1024 resolution non-scalar DDP digital Flat Panel with appropriate EDID 1.2 data or digital CRTs. The interface has 1.8V signaling to allow it to operate at higher frequencies. This interface can also connect to a 1.8V TV-Out encoder.
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
2.2.6. System Clocking
The Intel® 82815 chipset GMCH has a new type of clocking architecture. It has integrated SDRAM buffers that run at either 100 or 133 MHz, independent of the system bus frequency. See table below for supported system bus and system memory bus frequencies. The system bus frequency is selectable between 66 MHz, 100 MHz or 133 MHz. The GMCH uses a copy of the USB clock as the DOT Clock input for the graphics pixel clock PLL.
Table 1. Supported System Bus and System Memory Bus Frequencies
Front Side Bus
66 MHz 100 MHz 133 MHz or DVMT
100 MHz 100 MHz 133 MHz or DVMT
133 MHz 100 MHz 133 MHz or DVMT
133 MHz 133 MHz 133 MHz or DVMT
System Memory
Bus Frequency
Display Cache Interface

2.2.7. GMCH Power Delivery

The Intel® 82815 chipset GMCH core voltage is 1.85V. System Memory runs off of a 3.3V supply. Display cache memory runs off of the AGP 3.3V supply. AGP 1X/2X I/O can run off of either a 3.3V or a 1.5V supply. AGP 4X I/O require a 1.5V supply. The AGP interface voltage is determined by the VDDQ generation on the motherboard.

2.3. Three PCI Devices on GMCH

The Intel® 82815 chipset GMCH contains three PCI Devices. The management of active devices is controlled via bit 0 of the APCONT register (See the Intel Controller (GMCH) EDS for details on PCI configuration registers).
Device 0 = Host Bridge = PCI bus #0 interface, Main Memory Controller, Graphics Aperture controller
Device 1 = AGP Bridge = AGP 2X/4X interface (AGP Mode)
Device 2 = Internal Graphics Device (GFX Mode)
Note: Devices 1 and 2 are mutually exclusive. Only one of these two devices can be active at any given time.
Device selection is performed during the start-up sequence and can only be set once. The lock bit must be set after device selection.
The following diagram shows more detail at a platform level. The GMCH is shown in both AGP Mode (left side) and GFX Mode (right side). Only one mode can be active at any given time. The processor and ICH functions remain unchanged by the GMCH mode of operation.
815 Chipset: 82815 Graphics and Memory
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
Figure 3. Conceptual Platform PCI Configuration Diagram
Secondary PCI
(Bus #A -
Bridge Bus #0 Dev #
PCI Config uration
Window in I/O Space
Hub Interface
AGP Mode
DRAM* Control/
Host Bridge
Bus #0
Dev #0
Hub Interface
LPC Device
Bus #0
Dev #31
Fcn #0
= Logical PCI Bus #0

2.3.1. Multi-Mode Capability Requirements

PCI Configuration
Window in I/O Space
Bus #0
Dev #
Hub Interface
Hub Interface 0
(Logical PCI Bus #0)
Hub I/F - PCI
Bridge (P2P)
PBus #0 Dev #30
Fcn #0
GFX Mode
DRAM* Control/
Host Bridge
Bus #0 Dev #0
Primary PCI
(Bus #B - programmable)
There are multiple Device Modes that are supported by the three PCI devices within this component:
1. AGP Mode – The AGP slot is populated with an AGP graphics card and the AGP interface device is active. The internal graphics controller is inactive.
2. GFX Mode with Local Memory – The internal graphics device is active. The AGP slot is populated with a GPA card and the AGP interface device is inactive.
3. GFX Mode with Shared Memory – The internal graphics device is active. The AGP slot is not populated with a GPA card or an AGP graphics card and the AGP interface device is inactive.
4. PCI Mode – The internal graphics controller and the AGP interface device are both inactive. The display data cycles are routed through the hub interface to the PCI display device. Supported Single Monitor and Multi-monitor Configurations
For modern operating systems that have multiple monitor support, the primary graphics device must not be the Intel can serve only as secondary graphics devices in a multi-monitor configuration. It is important to understand that there is no support for simultaneous operation of the internal graphics device and an AGP graphics card.
815 chipset internal graphics controller or an AGP graphics card. These graphics devices
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
To support a PCI graphics device, the Intel
815 chipset simply passes all of that device’s cycles to the
hub interface as it would for any other PCI device.
Configuration Single Monitor Multi-monitor
Primary Graphics Device
Secondary Graphics Device
Internal Graphics (with LM or UMA)
None None None Internal
AGP Graphics Card
Non-AGP Graphics Card (PCI)
Non-AGP Graphics Card (PCI)
Graphics (with LM or UMA)
Non-AGP Graphics Card (PCI)
AGP Graphics Card
Non-AGP Graphics Card (PCI)
Non-AGP Graphics Card (PCI)
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
R System Startup
The Intel® 815 chipset has multiple possible device modes. The selection of which mode will be auto­detected is represented in the following flow chart. The software requirements for implementing this high level flow are detailed in the next section.
Multi-monitor configurations are not addressed, as that is a function of the operating system when supported. System BIOS also provides the ability to select any of the display devices as the primary display device.
Figure 4. Device Mode Auto-Detect Flowchart
System Reset
Memory and Basic
chipset Initialization
AGP Card Detected?
Display Cache
(GPA Card)
DEV#0, REG53H, Bit1=0
Display Cache on GPA
DEV#0, REG53H, BIT1=1
DEV#0, REG53H, BIT1=1
REG70H, BIT7:6=11 or 10
Mode 1
(AGP Card)
Mode 2
(Internal Graphics with
Mode 3
(Internal Graphics with
Shared Memory)
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0 Software Start-Up Sequence
The following sequence of events will occur during the initialization of an Intel® 815 chipset-based system:
1. The ICH asserts PCIRST# either in response to an initial assertion of PWROK or a write to an I/O Port.
2. System BIOS runs basic POST code to test the processor.
3. System BIOS initializes the minimum set of Intel initiate a PCI configuration cycle towards the AGP/PCI interface (e.g., bus #1). Note that following a system reset condition, the Intel Graphics disabled).
4. System BIOS detects if an AGP graphics card is present by attempting a configuration read cycle to the Intel
815 chipset AGP/PCI interface. If the configuration cycle completes successfully, then it is assumed that an external graphics device is present on the AGP interface, and the Intel chipset remains in “AGP Mode” (APCONT[0] = 0). If the AGP/PCI configuration cycle results in a Master Abort, then it is assumed no external AGP graphics device is present, and the System BIOS programs the Intel
815 chipset to “Internal Graphics Mode” by setting APCONT[0] = 1. During the same configuration cycle as setting the APCONT[0] to either 0 or 1, the BIOS should set APCONT[2] (GFX AGP Select Lock) = 1 to lock the configuration mode.
5. System BIOS will then initialize the minimum set of the Intel required to detect and test system memory.
6. System BIOS interrogates each System Memory DIMM via the Serial Presence Detect (SPD) mechanism (ICH I2C cycles).
7. System BIOS determines if system configuration is capable of 133 MHz operation. Requirements for 133 MHz operation include: the Intel
populated with up to two double-sided, or three single-sided, PC133-compliant DIMMs.
8. If system is 133 MHz capable (as determined by the previous step), System BIOS “upshifts” the System Memory operating frequency from 100 MHz to 133 MHz as follows (Note that the Intel 815 chipset typically resets internally to 100 MHz SM operation):
a) Program external clock generator chip (i.e., “CK815”) for 133 MHz System Memory
clocking via ICH I2C port (Byte 3, Bit 0 set to 1).
b) Wait for 1 µs to allow the Clock Generator to stabilize the external System Memory clocks
(i.e., SCLK). Note that the Clock Generator must guarantee a “clean” Host Clock (HCLK) during this entire transition!
c) Program Intel
815 chipset System Memory Frequency Select bit (GMCHCFG[2]) to 1 to
enable internal System Memory clocking to operate at 133 MHz.
d) Wait at least 0.5 µs for the Intel
accessing anything other than Intel
815 chipset to re-synchronize internal clocks before
interface/ICH interface.
9. System BIOS then detects and configures all of system memory, and tests enough memory to support a stack and an interrupt area.
10. System BIOS should shadow itself and complete system initialization.
11. If and only if the Intel
815 chipset is in Internal Graphics Mode (APCONT[0] = 1), pass control
to the system BIOS internal graphics mode initialization routines described below.
12. System BIOS programs the Intel
815 chipset base addresses using PCI configuration cycles as
described in the PCI Local Bus Specification.
13. PCI enumeration takes place at this point.
815 chipset configuration registers required to
815 chipset will always be in “AGP Mode” (Internal
815 chipset configuration registers
815 chipset in AGP Mode, and System Memory
815 chipset Configuration registers or the Hub
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
14. During PCI enumeration, the system BIOS will identify and initialize the primary display device.
The selection of the primary display device is typically OEM dependent. An OEM may use a BIOS setup question to allow the system user to select the primary display device. Intel recommends the system BIOS to give preference to the higher performance display device when performing an “auto-selection” of the primary display device. If the GMCH is in AGP mode, this algorithm gives preference to the AGP graphics device over a PCI VGA device. If the Intel
815 chipset is in GFX mode, this algorithm gives preference to the internal graphics controller over a PCI VGA device.
15. Once the primary display device has been initialized, system BIOS will pass control to the Video Option ROM corresponding to that display device.
16. If and only if the GMCH is in GFX Mode (APCONT[0] = 1), the Video Option ROM will perform initialization routines described below.
17. System BIOS then completes the system test including testing the rest of main memory.
The following System BIOS initialization steps only apply if the GMCH is in “Internal Graphics Mode” (Not AGP):
1. System BIOS determines if a GPA card (i.e., Local Memory) is present. This is accomplished the same as on the Intel
810 chipset: Enable Local Memory via the DRT, DRAMCL, and DRAMCH (offsets 3000-3002h) and attempt to write and readback a location in Local Memory. If the readback returns the same data that was written previously, then it can be assumed that Local Memory is present. If a GPA card is present, the following additional steps take place:
System BIOS configures the Local Memory Timing Options via the DRAMCL register at Device 2 Memory Mapped Register offset 3001h. There is no Serial Presence Detect mechanism available for the Local Memory / GPA Card interface, so the method used to determine these timing options is entirely up to the OEM. One conservative option is to leave the DRAMCL register with its default settings, which are the slowest available. Another option is to enforce certain minimum timings on any GPA cards used by that OEM, and program the DRAMCL with those minimums. While not recommended, it is also possible to determine optimal timings empirically.
The following Video BIOS initialization steps only apply if the GMCH is in “Internal Graphics Mode” (Not AGP):
1. Video BIOS assumes a VGA monitor type, and initializes the 2D-display controller in text mode.
2. 2D Video BIOS should take care to keep track of BIOS changes due to chip version changes.
3. The 3D section should be software-reset and initialized. At this point, no 3D operation should be enabled, since this is done at the application/driver level. Graphics Driver Startup
At this point the GMCH internal graphics controller has been configured and initialized. The remainder of the graphics initialization occurs when the operating system calls the graphics driver. The graphics driver must initialize the graphics component address re-mapping hardware. Tasks include:
1. Allocate memory for the GTT re-mapping table. Set the host memory type of graphics memory for both physically local and system memory (i.e. enable Write Combining for local and non-local memory: OS calls graphics driver which calls OS services for setting host memory type).
2. Establish policy for limiting the amount of non-local video memory. The OS determines the maximum amount of system memory that can be allocated as non-local video memory. The graphics driver can make a guess on what is likely to be provided by the OS based on the same information that the OS uses to make its decision. The graphics driver can query the OS to check the type of memory surface allocation (i.e., system vs. local vs. non-local video memory.)
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0
3. After the conclusion of the graphics driver startup code the internal graphics functions will be ready for run-time activity and commands can be written into the ring buffer. Switching Device modes
Under normal conditions, the GMCH Device Mode will be switched at most once: from AGP to Internal Graphics mode (via APCONT[0]) when no external AGP graphics device is present. This is handled automatically by the system BIOS during system initialization. There is no case where the GMCH will be switched from Internal Graphics mode to AGP mode.
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0

3. System Address Map

This chapter provides address maps of the graphics controller (GC) I/O and memory-mapped registers. Individual register bit field descriptions are provided in the following chapters. Note that PCI configuration register descriptions are not covered in this document. For details on PCI configuration registers, refer to the Intel® 815 Chipset: 82815 Graphics and Memory Controller (GMCH) EDS.
Figure 5 shows a high-level representation of the system memory address map. Figure 6 provides additional details on mapping specific memory regions as defined and supported by the GMCH chipset.
Figure 5. System Memory Address Map
4 GB
PCI Memory Address
Memory Mapped
Top of the Main Memory
Figure 6. Detailed Memory System Address Map
System Memor
Optional ISA Hole
Main Memory
Main Memory Address
64 GB
4 GB Max TOM
512 MB
16 MB
15 MB
1 MB
640 KB
0 MB
Independently Programmable Non­Overlapping Memory
Graphics Aperture
mapped to the
internal AGP
Upper BIOS Area
(64 KB)
Lower BIOS Area (64 KB; 16 KB x 4)
Expansion Card
and Buffer Area
(128 KB;
16 KB x 8)
Video Mem
(SMM Mem)
128 KB
DOS Area
(640 KB)
960 KB
896 KB
768 KB
640 KB
0 KB
Intel® 815 Chipset: Graphics Controller PRM, Rev 1.0

3.1. Memory and I/O Space Registers

This section provides a high-level register map (register groupings per function). The memory and I/O maps for the GC registers are shown in the following figure. The VGA and Extended VGA registers can be accessed via standard VGA I/O locations as well as via memory-mapped locations. In addition, the memory map contains allocation ranges for various functions. The memory space address listed for each register is an offset from the base memory address programmed into the MMADR register (PCI configuration offset 14h).
Figure 7. Graphics Controller Register Memory and I/O Map
1. Some Overlay registers are double-buffered with an additional address range in graphics memory. See Overlay Register Chapter for details.
I/O Space Map
(Standard graphics locations)
Memory Space Map
(512 KB allocation)
- Cursor Registers
- Display Registers
- Pixel Pipe Registers
- TVout Registers
- Misc Multimedia Registers
Blt Engine Control Status (RO)
Overlay Registers
Page Table Range
Clock Control Registers
Misc I/O Control Registers
Test & Diagnostic Registers
Local Memory Interface
Control Registers
- Instruction Control Regs.
- Fence Table Registers
- Interrupt Control
VGA and Ext. VGA RegistersVGA and Ext. VGA Registers
Offset From
70000h 6FFFFh
60000h 5FFFFh
50000h 4FFFFh
40000h 3FFFFh
30000h 2FFFFh
20000h 1FFFFh
10000h 0FFFFh
07000h 06FFFh
06000h 05FFFh
05000h 04FFFh
04000h 03FFFh
03000h 02FFFh
01000h 00FFFh
MMADR Regist
(Base Address)
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