Inficon PCG550, PCG552, PSG550, PCG554, PSG554 User Manual

Communication Protocol
for Pirani Capacitance Diaphragm and Pirani Standard Gauges
PCG550, PCG552, PCG554, PSG550, PSG552, PSG554
tira85e1-a (2014-10) 1
General Information
Intended Use
Product Identification
Caution: data transmission errors
Any attempt to simultaneously operate the gauge via the RS232C Serial Interface and EtherCAT interface or the diagnostic port may result in incorrect data and data transmission errors.
Therefore, it is inadmissible to simultaneously operate the gauge via the RS232C Serial Interface and EtherCAT interface, or the diagnostic
This Communication Protocol contains instructions for operating EtherCAT inter­faces (slaves) together with a master.
The following description of the EtherCAT interface is compliant to the EtherCAT specification of the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) and to the "EtherCAT Semiconductor Device Profile".
This manual describes the functionality of a EtherCAT slave and supports
ETG.5003.1 S (R) V1.0.0 : Part 1 Common Device Profile (CDP) ( [11])
ETG.5003.2080 S (R) V1.0.0 : Part 2080: Specific Device Profile (SDP):
Vacuum Pressure Gauge ( [12]).
We reserve the right to make technical changes without prior notice.
In all communications with INFICON, please specify the information on the product nameplate. For convenient reference copy that information into the space provided below.
For safety information, specifications and operation instructions of the
vacuum gauges refer to the appropriate documents ( [1], [2]).
INFICON AG, LI-9496 Balzers
tira85e1-a (2014-10) PxG55x.cp
This document applies to products of the Pirani Capacitance Diaphragm (PCG550, PCG552, PCG554) and Pirani Standard Gauges (PSG550, PSG552, PSG554) with EtherCAT interface.
This manual is based on firmware version If your unit does not work as described in this document, please check that it is equipped with the above firmware version ( 12 Index: 0x100A Subindex: 0x00).
Part numbers of standard products are indicated below. OEM products have other part numbers and different parameter settings (e.g. factory setting of setpoint) as defined in the corresponding ordering information.
Measuring signal
Display Switching function
Product family
*) Solid state relay **) Electromechanical relay
The part number (PN) can be taken from the product nameplate.
If not indicated otherwise in the legends, the illustrations in this document correspond to PCG550 gauges with the DN 16 ISO-KF vacuum connection. They apply to other vacuum connections and to the other gauges by analogy.
We reserve the right to make technical changes without prior notice.
EtherCAT® Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Deutschland
0.61 ... 10.23 V
0  1  1.2 ... 8.68 V
2  0.375 ... 5.659 V 3  1.57 ... 9.05 V
0  FCC 1  D-Sub, 9-pin 2  D-Sub, 15-pin HD
D-Sub, 15-pin HD, RS485 INF
0 None 1  Display 2 2 switching functions *)
3  ATM sensor & 2 switching functions *) 4  Display & 2 switching functions *) 5  Display & ATM sensor & 2 switching functions *) 6  2 switching functions **)
1  DN 16 ISO-KF
2  DN 16 ISO-KF long tube
4  DN 16 CF-F
5  DN 16 CF-R long tube 6  DN 25 ISO-KF D  4 VCR female E  8 VCR female
F  1/8" NPT
Flange 29×29 mm
M  4 VCR female 90° N  7/16-20 UNF male
0  mbar 1  Torr 2  Pa
3 micron
Ceramic coated
Tungsten, galvanically isolated
7  Nickel, galvanically isolated 8  Ceramic coated, galvanically isolated
Pirani Capacitance Diaphragm Gauge
Pirani Standard Gauge
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EP 0689669 B1, 0689670 B1, 0658755 B1
US Patents 5608168, 4031997, 5583297
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General Information 2 Intended Use 2 EtherCAT–Interface 2 Product Identification 2 Validity 3 Trademark 3 Patents 4
Contents 5 1 Technical Data 7 2 Interface Connection 9 3 Operation 10
3.1 Introduction 10
3.2 Front View 10
3.3 Indicators and Switches 11
3.3.1 <RUN> LED 11
3.3.2 <ERR> LED 11
3.3.3 <LA> LED (<IN> Port) 11
3.3.4 <LA> LED (<OUT> Port) 11
3.3.5 Device Address Switch 12
4 Object Structure 13
4.1 Object Dictionary structure 13
4.2 Communication Profile Objects (0x1000…0x1FFF) 14
4.2.1 Process Data Objects (PDO's) 15
4.3 Manufacturer-specific Profile Objects (0x2000...0x5FFF) 16
4.3.1 Manufacturer Configuration Module 1 16
4.3.2 Manufacturer Configuration Module 2 (PCG with or without ATM only) 16
4.3.3 Manufacturer Configuration Module 3 (PCG with ATM only) 17
4.4 Input Area PCG with ATM (0x6000…0x6FFF) 17
4.4.1 Input Common 17
4.4.2 Input Capacitance Diaphragm 17
4.4.3 Input Common 18
4.4.4 Input Piezo 18
4.4.5 Input Common 19
4.4.6 Input Heat Transfer 19
4.4.7 Input Trip Point 1 19
4.4.8 Input Trip Point 2 20
4.5 Input Area PCG without ATM (0x6000…0x6FFF) 20
4.5.1 Input Common 20
4.5.2 Input Capacitance Diaphragm 20
4.5.3 Input Common 21
4.5.4 Input Heat Transfer 21
4.5.5 Input Trip Point 1 21
4.5.6 Input Trip Point 2 22
4.6 Input Area PSG (0x6000…0x6FFF) 22
4.6.1 Input Common 22
4.6.2 Input Heat Transfer 22
4.6.3 Input Trip Point 1 23
4.6.4 Input Trip Point 2 23
4.7 PCG with ATM Configuration Area (0x8000…0x8FFF) 23
4.7.1 Configuration Common Module 23
4.7.2 Configuration Capacitance Diaphragm 24
4.7.3 Configuration Trip Point 1 24
4.7.4 Configuration Trip Point 2 26
4.8 PCG without ATM, Configuration Area (0x8000…0x8FFF) 27
4.8.1 Configuration Common Module 27
4.8.2 Configuration Capacitance Diaphragm 27
4.8.3 Configuration Trip Point 1 27
4.8.4 Configuration Trip Point 2 29
4.9 PSG Configuration Area (0x8000…0x8FFF) 30
4.9.1 Configuration Trip Point 1 30
4.9.2 Configuration Trip Point 2 31
4.10 PCG with ATM Information Area (0x9000…0x9FFF) 33
4.10.1 Information Capacitance Diaphragm 34
4.10.2 Information Common 34
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4.10.3 Information Piezo 34
4.10.4 Information Common 34
4.10.5 Information Heat Transfer 35
4.10.6 Information Trip Point 1/2 35
4.11 PCG without ATM, Information Area (0x9000…0x9FFF) 36
4.11.1 Information Capacitance Diaphragm 36
4.11.2 Information Common 37
4.11.3 Information Heat Transfer 37
4.11.4 Information Trip Point 1/2 37
4.12 PSG Information Area (0x9000…0x9FFF) 38
4.12.1 Information Common 38
4.12.2 Information Heat Transfer 39
4.12.3 Information Trip Point 1/2 39
4.13 Device Area (0xF000...0xAFFF) 39
4.13.1 Semiconductor Device Profile 39
4.13.2 PCG with ATM Module Profile List 39
4.13.3 PCG without ATM, Module Profile List 40
4.13.4 PSG Module Profile List 40
4.14 Exceptions 40
4.14.1 Active Exception Status 40
4.14.2 PCG with ATM Active Device Warning Details 40
4.14.3 PCG without ATM, Active Device Warning Details 41
4.14.4 PSG Active Device Warning Details 42
4.14.5 PCG with ATM Active Device Error Details 42
4.14.6 PCG without ATM, Active Device Error Details 43
4.14.7 PSG Active Device Error Details 44
4.14.8 PCG with ATM Latched Device Warning Details 44
4.14.9 PCG without ATM, Latched Device Warning Details 45
4.14.10 PSG Latched Device Warning Details 45
4.14.11 PCG with ATM Latched Device Error Details 45
4.14.12 PCG without ATM, Latched Device Error Details 46
4.14.13 PSG Latched Device Error Details 46
4.14.14 PCG with ATM Device Warning Mask 47
4.14.15 PCG without ATM, Device Warning Mask 47
4.14.16 PSG Device Warning Mask 47
4.14.17 PCG with ATM Device Error Mask 48
4.14.18 PCG without ATM Device Error Mask 48
4.14.19 PSG Device Error Mask 48
4.15 Manufacturer-device specific Profile Objects (0xF500...0xF5FF) 49
4.15.1 Manufacturer Device Information 49
4.16 Gauge General 50
4.16.1 Combination Gauge 50
4.16.2 Trip Point Output All 50
4.16.3 Input Latch Local Timestamp 51
4.17 Configure Device 51
4.18 Information 52
4.18.1 PCG with ATM Information Device 52
4.18.2 PCG without ATM, Information Device 53
4.18.3 PSG Information Device 53
4.19 Adjust and Reset 54
4.19.1 Command Zero Adjust 54
4.19.2 Full Scale Adjust 55
4.19.3 Device Reset Command 55
4.19.4 Exception Reset Command 56
4.19.5 Store Parameters Command 57
Appendix 58
A: Literature 58
For cross-references within this document, the symbol ( XY) is used, for cross- references to further documents, listed under literature, the symbol ( [Z]).
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1 Technical Data
EtherCAT interface
Further technical data [1], [2].
Communication protocol protocol specialized for EtherCAT
Communication standards ETG.5003.1: Part 1 Common Device Profile
(CDP) ( [11]) ETG.5003.2080: Part 2080 Specific Device Profile (SDP): Vacuum Pressure Gauge ( [12])
Data rate 100 Mbps
Node address Explicit Device Identification
Physical layer 100BASE-Tx (IEEE 802.3)
EtherCAT connector 2 × RJ45, 8-pin (socket)
<IN>: EtherCAT input <OUT>: EtherCAT output
Cable special Ethernet Patch Cable (CAT5e quality
or higher), shielded
Cable length 100 m
Process data Fixed PDO mapping and configurable PDO
Mailbox (CoE) SDO requests, responses and information
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Dimensions [mm]
E x100 x10
87.5 65
29.2×29.2 mm
36.5 34
7/16-20 UNF
1/8" NPT
DN 16 ISO-KF long
DN 16 CF-F
DN 16 CF-R long
4-VCR 90°
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2 Interface Connection
Making an EtherCAT interface cable
Cable type
For operating the Pirani Standard (PSG55x) or Pirani Capacitance Diaphragm (PCG55x) Gauge via EtherCAT, two interface cables conforming to the EtherCAT standard are required.
If no such cables are available, make two according to the following indications.
Ethernet Patch Cable (CAT5e quality) with FCC68 connector.
Pin assignment:
FCC68, 8-pin, male, soldering side
Pin Signal Description
1 TD+ Transmission Data +
2 TD- Transmission Data -
3 RD+ Receive Data +
4 nu not used
5 nu not used
6 RD- Receive Data -
7 nu not used
8 nu not used
Pin assignment of the D-Sub 15-pin sensor connector according to the respective operating manual ( [1], [2]).
Plug the EtherCAT (and sensor) cables connector into the gauge: From the
previous device the cable connected to OUT port has to be connected to the PxG55x <IN> port. And the cable from the PxG55x <OUT> port has to be connected to the next device's <IN> port.
FCC68 cable
FCC68 cable
<IN> port
<OUT> port
Sensor cable
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3 Operation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Front View
Via the EtherCAT interface, the following and further data are exchanged in the standardized EtherCAT protocol:
Pressure reading
Pressure unit (Torr, mbar, Pa)
Zero adjustment
Status and error messages
Status of the switching functions
Set Trip Point for switching functions
Caution: data transmission errors
Any attempt to simultaneously operate the gauge via the RS232C Serial Interface and EtherCAT interface or the diagnostic port may result in incorrect data and data transmission errors.
Therefore, it is inadmissible to simultaneously operate the gauge via the RS232C Serial Interface and EtherCAT interface or the diagnostic
Position Label Function
1 IN EtherCAT IN connector
2 ERR Error LED
3 x100 Address Switch × 100, hexadecimal
4 LA Link activity EtherCAT IN
5 x10 Address Switch × 10, hexadecimal
6 x1 Address Switch × 1, hexadecimal
7 RUN EtherCAT Status LED
8 LA Link activity EtherCAT OUT
9 OUT EtherCAT OUT connector
10 PWR Sensor cable connector
(Power, analog I/O, RS232C I/O and Relay contacts)
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3.3 Indicators and Switches
3.3.1 <RUN> LED
3.3.2 <ERR> LED
3.3.3 <LA> LED (<IN> Port)
3.3.4 <LA> LED (<OUT> Port)
Displays the operating status.
Color LED State Description
off INIT (initialization status) or no power applied to device.
(200 ms on 200 ms off)
single flash
(200 ms on
1000 ms off)
PREOP (pre-operational status).
SAFEOP (safe-operational status).
Communication of cyclic data transfer running. Input values available, output values written to the device but not updated on device output.
on OP (operational status).
Displays the error content.
Color LED State Description
off No error or no power applied to device.
(200 ms on 200 ms off)
single flash
(200 ms on
1000 ms off)
double flash
(200 ms on 200 ms off 200 ms on
1000 ms off)
Error occurred (see error parameter).
Slave device application has changed the EtherCAT state autonomously, due to local error (see error parameter).
An application watchdog timeout has occurred. Sync Manager Watchdog timeout or communication timeout occurred.
on A critical communication or application controller error has
occurred. Application controller is not responding any more (PDI Watchdog Timeout detected by ESC)
Displays the input status.
Color LED State Description
off Port not connected or no power applied to device.
blinking Port connected and communication active.
on Port not connected but no communication.
Displays the output status.
Color LED State Description
off Port not connected or no power applied to device.
blinking Port connected and communication active.
on Port not connected but no communication.
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3.3.5 Device Address Switch
x100 4
x10 4
x1 4
During device initialization, the device address switches are read by the device firmware. This device address is supported to the master as Explicit Device Identification.
Example: Value of the Explicit Device ID = 0xDDD (dec 3549): 0x100 * 0xD (dec 3328) + 0x10 * 0xD (dec 208) + 0x1 * 0xD (dec 13)
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4 Object Structure
4.1 Object Dictionary structure
This chapter describes the CANopen over EtherCAT (CoE) Object Dictionary.
The objects in the CoE Object Dictionary can be accessed with SDO services, and many of the dictionary objects can be mapped for cyclic communication in PDOs. Each object is addressed using a 16-bit index and an 8-bit subindex.
The following table presents the overall layout of the standard Object Dictionary.
Index (hex.) Object dictionary area
1000 – 1FFF Communication profile area 2000 – 5FFF Manufacturer-specific profile area
6000 – 6FFF Input area
7000 – 7FFF Output area
8000 – 8FFF Configuration area
9000 – 9FFF Information area
A000 – AFFF Diagnosis area
B000 – BFFF Service Transfer area
C000 – EFFF Reserved area
F000 – FFFF
Profile Specific Area
Device area
Explanations for the abbreviations in the columns of the tables are given below:
Abbr. Description
Access SDO read/write access
RO: object can only be read by the SDO service
RW: object can be both read and written by the SDO service
CoE CAN application protocol over EtherCAT
Index Object Index (hex.) (address of an object)
NV Nonvolatile; attribute value is maintained through power cycles
Object Abstract representation of a particular component within a device,
which consists of data, parameters, and methods.
PDO Process Data Object. Structure described by mapping parameters
containing one or several process data entities.
PM PDO mapping
Rx: object can be mapped into an Rx PDO
Tx : object can be mapped into a Tx PDO
RxPDO Receive PDO. A Process Data Object received by an EtherCAT slave.
SDO Service Data Objects. CoE asynchronous mailbox communications
where all objects in the Object Dictionary can be read and written.
SI Subindex (hex.) (sub-address of an object)
Type Data Type
BOOL, BIT = 1 bit. Boolean (0 = false, 1 = true)
USINT, BYTE = 8 bit. Unsigned Byte
UINT = 16 bit. Unsigned integer value
UDINT = 32 bit. Unsigned integer value
ULINT = 64 bit. Unsigned integer value
REAL = 32 bit. Floating point
V_STRING = 8×n bit. Visible string (1 byte for character)
TxPDO Transmit PDO. A Process Data Object sent from an EtherCAT slave.
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4.2 Communication Profile Objects (0x1000…0x1FFF)
The objects of the communication profile describe the basic EtherCAT properties of the PxG55x and are common to all EtherCAT slaves using the CoE communication protocol. The objects are described in following table:
Index SI DataType NV Access PM Name
1000 UDINT RO Device Type
1008 V_STRING RO Manufacturer Device name
1009 V_STRING RO Manufacturer Hardware
100A V_STRING RO Manufacturer Software
1010 0x01 UDINT RW Store Parameters
Read: Bit 0 = 1: slave saves the backup entries when writing 0x1010:01 with 0x65766173
Bit 1 = 1: slave saves the backup entries automati­cally when they are written
Bit 2-31 = 0
Write: With the value 0x65766173 the backup entries will be stored to non-volatile memory of the slave
1011 0x01 UDINT RW Restore Default
Read: Bit 0 = 1: slave supports the restoring of backup entries with the default values when writing 0x1011:01 with 0x64616F6C Bit 1-31 = 0
Write: With the value 0x64616F6C the backup entries will be restored with the default values
1018 RO Identity Object
0x01 UDINT RO Vendor ID
0x02 UDINT RO Product Code
0x03 UDINT RO Revision Number
0x04 UDINT RO Serial Number
10F8 ULINT RO Timestamp Object
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4.2.1 Process Data Objects (PDO's)
TxPDO’s PCG (PCG with or without ATM only)
PSG gauges: They consist of one vacuum pressure sensor.
PCG gauges with or without ATM: They consist of two vacuum pressure
sensors. The characteristic of this combi device is that only one vacuum pressure sensor outputs an actual pressure value at one time. The other sensor is in overrange condition which means that the pressure is higher than the measurement range of the sensor or underrange condition which means that the pressure is lower than the measurement of the sensor. The 'Combination Gauge Active Value' outputs the pressure value form the active measuring sensor. For each sensor module a default mapping is configured. The mapping for each sensor module has the same contents. For a compact cyclic data frame duplicated mappings can be deactivated.
Or to meet other requirements the TxPDO’s 1A01, 1A03 or 1A05 and the RxPDO 1601 are designated for user mapping. These PDO’s do not have default values and can be set up by the PDO configuration.
Index SI DataType NV Access PM Name
1600 PM RW RxPDO Receive PDO
1601 PM RW RxPDO Receive PDO
Mapping, User Mapping
Index SI DataType NV Access PM Name
1A00 PM RW TxPDO Transmit PDO
0x01 BIT Reading Valid
0x02 BIT Overrange Exceeded
0x03 BIT Underrange Exceeded
0x04 BIT Padding Bits 1 (5 bit)
0x05 REAL Sensor Value
0x06 UDINT Trip Point Output All
1A01 PM RW TxPDO Transmit PDO
Mapping, User Mapping
Index SI DataType NV Access PM Name
or 1A02
PM RW TxPDO Transmit PDO
or 1A04
0x01 BIT Combination Gauge
Reading Valid
0x02 BIT Combination Gauge
Overrange Exceeded
0x03 BIT Combination Gauge
Underrange Exceeded
0x04 BIT Padding Bits 1 (5 bit)
0x05 REAL Combination Gauge Active
0x06 UDINT Trip Point Output ALL
or 1A03
PM RW TxPDO Transmit PDO
Mapping, User Mapping
or 1A05
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Sync Manager
4.3 Manufacturer-specific Profile Objects (0x2000...0x5FFF)
4.3.1 Manufacturer
Configuration Module 1
Subindex 0x01
Subindex 0x02
4.3.2 Manufacturer
Configuration Module 2 (PCG with or without ATM only)
Subindex 0x01
Index SI DataType NV Access PM Name
1C00 0x01
BYTE RW Sync Manager Type 0x02 0x03 0x04
1C12 / 1C13
0x01 0x02
UINT RW Sync Manager PDO
Assignment 0x03 0x04
1C32 / 1C33
RW Sync Manager Parameter
The manufacturer-specific profile objects contain the manufacturer's model number and device configuration data, status and diagnostic data. The objects are described in the following tables.
PCG gauges with or without ATM: The "Manufacturer Configuration Module 1" is assigned to the CDG module.
PSG gauges: The "Manufacturer Configuration Module 1" is assigned to the Pirani module.
Index SI DataType NV Access PM Name
4000 0x01 BYTE RW Safe State
0x02 REAL RW Safe Value
Specifies the behavior for the value for States other than Valid.
Safe State
Full Scale
Hold last value
Use safe value
Safe Value: The value to be used for Safe State = Safe Value.
PCG gauges with ATM: The "Manufacturer Configuration Module 2" is assigned to the ATM module.
PCG gauges without ATM: The "Manufacturer Configuration Module 2" is assigned to the Pirani module.
Index SI DataType NV Access PM Name
4010 0x01 BYTE RW Safe State
0x02 REAL RW Safe Value
Specifies the behavior for the Value for states other than Valid.
Safe State
Full Scale
Hold last value
Use safe value
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Subindex 0x02
4.3.3 Manufacturer Configuration Module 3 (PCG with ATM only)
Subindex 0x01
Subindex 0x02
4.4 Input Area PCG with
ATM (0x6000…0x6FFF)
4.4.1 Input Common
Subindex 0x0E
Subindex 0x11
4.4.2 Input Capacitance Diaphragm
Subindex 0x01
Safe Value: The value to be used for Safe State = Safe Value.
PCG gauges with ATM: The "Manufacturer Configuration Module 3" is assigned to the Pirani module.
Index SI DataType NV Access PM Name
4020 0x01 BYTE RW Safe State
0x02 REAL RW Safe Value
Specifies the behavior for the Value for states other than Valid.
Safe State
Full Scale
Hold last value
Use safe value
Safe Value: The value to be used for Safe State = Safe Value.
Index SI DataType NV Access PM Name
6000 0x0E BOOL RO tx TxPdoState
0x11 REAL RO tx Sensor Value
Is set if the device is not in Safe State (value (I 0x6nn0, SI 0x11) = valid)
0 1 Invalid
The corrected, converted, calibrated final analog input value of the sensor.
Index SI DataType NV Access PM Name
6001 0x01 BOOL RO tx Reading Valid
0x02 BOOL RO tx Overrange Exceeded
0x03 BOOL RO tx Underrange Exceeded
Indicates whether the Value parameter contains a valid value within the specified accuracy or not.
Reading Valid
0 Invalid
1 Valid
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Subindex 0x02
Subindex 0x03
4.4.3 Input Common
Subindex 0x0E
Subindex 0x11
4.4.4 Input Piezo
Subindex 0x01
Subindex 0x02
Subindex 0x03
Indicates whether the Value parameter contains a value in over range.
Reading Valid
0 No Overrange Exceeded
1 Overrange Exceeded
Indicates whether the Value parameter contains a value in under range.
Reading Valid
0 No Underrange Exceeded
1 Underrange Exceeded
Index SI DataType NV Access PM Name
6010 0x0E BOOL RO tx TxPdoState
0x11 REAL RO tx Sensor Value
Is set if the device is not in Safe State (value (I 0x6nn0, SI 0x11) = valid)
0 1 Invalid
The corrected, converted, calibrated final analog input value of the sensor.
Index SI DataType NV Access PM Name
6012 0x01 BOOL RO tx Reading Valid
0x02 BOOL RO tx Overrange Exceeded
0x03 BOOL RO tx Underrange Exceeded
Indicates whether the Value parameter contains a valid value within the specified accuracy or not.
Reading Valid
0 Invalid
1 Valid
Indicates whether the Value parameter contains a value in over range.
Reading Valid
0 No Overrange Exceeded
1 Overrange Exceeded
Indicates whether the Value parameter contains a value in under range.
Reading Valid
0 No Underrange Exceeded
1 Underrange Exceeded
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