HP Scitex FB910 Setup and Install

Confi guring Onyx RIP Products for 600x300 DPI Output
Document Overview
The ColorSpan Legacy 98sx, 72 and 98SI, 72 and 98UVX, and 72SRU printers have both 600x600 dpi (dots per inch) and 600x300 dpi print modes. The printer itself requires no confi guration changes to print in either mode. All settings are made on the Onyx RIP product (RIP Queue, Postershop, or Production House). There are two specifi c requirements:
2. 600x300 selected in Prefl ight
The remainder of this document describes in greater detail how to prepare or confi gure an Onyx 6.5 or newer prod- uct to meet these requirements.
Selecting a Media Profi le With 600x300 Resolution Support
Open the Media Manager and locate the desired media profi le for the material you will be printing on. In the left- hand “Settings” column you will see a number of entries for the dot patterns and resolutions that are available in that profi le. The example below for “MDO White” shows both 600x600 and 600x300 support:
If the media profi le does not have any 600x300 color information, the column on the right will say “No Profi les” and will be empty, as shown below:
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