Hp LASERJET 3200 Parameter Settings

HP LaserJet 3200 Product - Parameter Settings
프린터의 파라미터 값들을 변경하기 위해서 * 키와 # 키를 동시에 누른 후 ENTER키를 눌러 Developer’s 메뉴로 들어간다. 프린터의 디스플레이 창에 “Developer’s menu/r/w parameter 라는 메시지가 나타나면 ENTER키를 눌러 이 메뉴안으로 이동한다. 프린터에 설치된 펌웨어의 버전에 따라 디스플레이창 맨아래 줄에 “LIU ID”또는 “param ver code”등이 나타난다. 아래의 테이블을 참조하여 필요한 파라미터를 찾는다. 그리고 변경할 파라미터의 숫자를 입력한다. 디스플레이 창은 입력한 숫자에 따라 파라미터의 이름이 나타난다. Enter 키를 누르면 현재 설정되어있는 값이 나타난다. 이 기능을 취소하기 위해서 파라미터값이 나타났을 때 STOP/CLEAR 키를 누른다. 값을 변경하기 위해서는 ENTER키를 누른다음 숫자키를 사용하여 원하는 값으로 변경한다. 파라미터 값이 재 설정 된다. 그리고 디스플레이 창은 다시 “Ready”로 바뀐다. STOP/CLEAR 키를 눌러 Developer’s 메뉴를 빠져 나온다.
NOTE: 이 문서에서는 미국의 설정값을 기본값으로 하고 있다. 하지만 다른
국가들의 기본값도 함께 언급을 해놓았으므로 정확한 정보를 제공한다.
Parameter settings (fax data store parameters)
팩스 데이터 파라미터들은 각 지역의 통신사와 HP LaserJet3200 제품과의 설정값을 조정한다. 장치의 제어판(Control Panel)의 Developer’s 메뉴를 통하여 파라미터 설정으로 접근할 수 있다. 이 메뉴로 들어가서 다음의 단계를 따른다.(디스플레이창에 “R/W Parameter” 가 나타나 있을 것이다.)
?? 파라미터의 ID 번호를 입력한 후 < 또는 > 버튼을 눌러 특정 파라미터를 찾는다. 현재 설정값이
나타날 것 이다.
?? 새로운 값을 입력하여, 장치에 인식을 시킨다.
CAUTION: 장치는 새로운 설정 값이 올바른 값인지 아닌지 경고 메시지를
사용자에게 알려주지 않는다.
Accessing the Developer's menu
Developer’s 메뉴는 제조, 서비스 또는 개발 엔지니어들을 위해 고안 되었다. 이 메뉴는 지역 통신사의 특성에 맞게 팩스 파라미터를 조정하고 또는 테스트하기 위함이다. 그러므로 한번 이 메뉴를 빠져 나왔을때에는 메뉴가 사라질 것이며 다시 Developer’s 메뉴로 이동하기 위해서 위의 단계를 다시 반복해야 한다.
NOTE: 이 메뉴는 개발을 위해 만들어 졌으며, 각 국가별로 번역되어 있지
1. 장치가 “Ready”상태인지 확인 한다.
2. ENTER/MENU 키를 눌러 메인 메뉴 시스템으로 들어간다.
3. *키와 # 키를 동시에 누른 후 손을 뗀다.
4. < 또는 > 키를 이용하여 파라미터 변수들을 확인한다.
Control panel messages
팩스 파라미터 값이 많기 때문에 LCD 에 모두 표시 할 수는 없다. 대신 아래의 분리된 테이블에 모든 파라미터 숫자, 이름, 값 그리고 기본설정을 표기해 놓았다.
Description Display
SET: Parameter value [PARAMETER NAME] >######
ACK: Parameter setting [PARAMETER NAME] >######
Line interface identification
Parameter Description
1 u16bit parameter version code. The default value is 1. N/A
Units Country
2 LIU ID interface code. This value is set by the firmware.
The value depends upon which LIU is installed in the unit.
N/A U.S.
Euro Rare
6 3 5
3 LIU COUNTRY is the country code that determines
appropriate country specific telecom parameters. This is the country in which the unit is intended to operate.
N/A Argentina
Australia Austria Belgium Canada China Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary Ireland Israel Italy Korea Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Russia Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Ukraine U.K. U.S.
16 23 34 45 15 6 40 46 47 39 49 29 62
44 21 51 4 27 13 35 19 43 56 50 64 30 55 41 36 7 63 31 15
Ring detection and auto answering
Parameter Description
4 Auto answer enable. Modified by the user
through the fax receive setup menu answer mode. If TRUE, the device will automatically answer and attempt to receive a fax after the set number of rings to answer. The default value is true for all countries.
5 Auto answer ring cadences. Determines
the types of rings that are counted. The HP LaserJet 3200 can be set to detect combinations of single, double, or triple rings. This parameter is selected by the user from the fax receive setup menu answer ring pattern. Values of 4 and 5
cannot be set through the user menu and have not been tested.
6 Auto answer ring count. Minimum number
of rings that must be detected before the unit will automatically answer if auto answer enabled is TRUE. Users select the ring count from fax receive setup menu rings to answer.
0 = False 1 = True
0=All rings 1=Single rings 2=Double rings
3=Triple rings 4=Single or double rings 5=Single or triple rings 6=Double or
triple rings
rings U.S.
All countries 0
All other countries
5 2
7 Ring detect low frequency. Minimum valid
frequency for the incoming ring signal.
8 Ring detect high frequency. Maximum valid
frequency for the incoming ring signal.
1 Hz (10 Hz to 99 Hz)
1 Hz (10 Hz to 99 Hz)
Australia France New Zealand U.K. All other
Australia New Zealand All other
13 23 13 14 15
58 58 68
9 Ring envelope minimum ON time.
Minimum time an entire ring signal must be present to be counted as 1 ring. The entire ring signal may consist of several ring bursts separated by periods of silence.
1 ms (50 ms to 10000 ms)
Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Canada China Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary
Ireland Israel Italy Korea Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Russia Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Ukraine U.K. U.S.
150 180 150 150 150 150 150 300 500 250 150 150 150
300 150 150 150 150 150 300 180 150 150 150 250 150 700 300 150 150 250 300 150
10 Ring envelope maximum ON time.
Maximum time an entire ring signal can be present to be counted as 1 ring. The entire ring signal may consist of several ring bursts se parated by periods of silence.
1 ms (50 ms to 10000 ms)
All countries 8000
11 Ring envelope minimum OFF time.
Minimum time between ring envelops, where each ring envelope may consist of a single or multiple rings. Once this time has expired the ring count is incremented.
12 Ring envelope maximum OFF time.
Maximum time between ring envelops after which the ring count is reset to zero. When this period of silence is expired all ringing
is considered complete.
13 Ring burst minimum ON time. Minimum
time a single ring signal must be active before it is counted. If this time is not exceeded, the ring burst is ignored.
14 Ring burst minimum OFF time. Minimum
time that must occur between two- ring bursts if they are to be counted as two individual bursts.
1 ms (200 ms to 20000 ms)
1 ms (200 ms to 20000 ms)
1 ms (50 ms to 1000 ms)
1 ms (50 ms to 1000 ms)
All countries 1000
All countries 8000
Germany Portugal Russia Ukraine All other
Germany New Zealand Portugal Russia Ukraine All other
200 200 200 200 100
200 350 200 200 200 100
15 Minimum number of rings. This is the
minimum ring count the user can enter. This is used for data entry validation only.
1 ring (1 ring to 15 rings)
Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Canada China Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary
Ireland Israel Italy Korea Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Russia Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Ukraine U.K. U.S.
1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 1
2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1
16 Maximum number of rings. This is the
maximum ring count that the user can enter. This is used for data entry validation only.
1 ring (1 ring to 15 rings)
Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Canada China Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary
Ireland Israel Italy Korea Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Russia Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Ukraine U.K. U.S.
6 6 6 5 9 6 6 7 5 6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 9
Eavesdrop detection and auto answering
Parameter Description Units Country Default
17 Silent detect enable. Incoming faxes are
detected through the presence of CNG tone or a sufficient period of silence. If TRUE then silent detection is attempted. Selected by the user from the fax receive setup menu, silence detection.
18 Parallel detect enable. If TRUE,
eavesdrop detection is attempted when either a parallel or downstream telephone
(or TAM) answers. If FALSE, detection is attempted only with a downstream device.
19 Eavesdrop evaluation time. Eavesdrop is
automatically started (and restarted) when each ring ends. It is automatically deactivated after this time.
20 CNG tone minimum ON time is the
minimum time a CNG tone must be present for the tone sequence to be valid.
21 CNG tone maximum ON time is the
maximum time a CNG tone can be present for the tone sequence to be valid.
0 = False 1 = True
0 = False 1 = True
1 sec (10 sec to 120 sec)
1 ms (100 ms to 1000 ms)
1 ms (100 ms to 1000 ms)
All countries
All countries
All countries
All countries
All countries
22 CNG tone minimum OFF time is the
minimum period of silence that must exist between CNG tones for the tone
sequence to be valid.
23 CNG tone maximum OFF time. Maximum
period of silence that can exist between CNG tones for the tone sequence to be valid.
24 CNG tone maximum dropout time.
Maximum duration of dropout, which can interrupt a CNG tone. If the dropout is less
than this time, the CNG tone will be processed as a single continuous tone.
25 CNG tone minimum count. Minimum
number of CNG tones that must be detected for an incoming fax to be detected.
26 CNG tone detect threshold. Sets the
detection threshold for any received CNG tone. If the CNG tone is below this level it
will not be detected.
1 ms (1000 ms to 15000 ms)
1 ms (1000 ms to 15000 ms)
1 ms (0 ms to 500 ms)
1 tone (1 tone to 15 tones)
-0.1 dBm (260 to 500, which is -26.0
to -50.0 dBm)
All countries
All countries
All countries
All countries
France All other
450 350
27 CNG filter bandwidth. Tone filter
bandwidth used for CNG tone detection.
20 = 20 Hz 40 = 40 Hz 60 = 60 Hz 80 = 80 Hz
All countries
28 CNG sidetone frequencies. Indicates the
frequency combination that is used to identify CNG sidetones.
29 CNG sidetone frequency 1. The presence
of sidetones may indicate that the current signal is not a valid CNG signal.
30 CNG sidetone frequency 2. The presence
of sidetones may indicate that the current signal is not a valid CNG signal.
31 CNG sidetone frequency 1 bandwidth.
Tone filter bandwidth used for CNG tone detection.
32 CNG sidetone frequency 2 bandwidth.
Tone filter bandwidth used for CNG tone detection.
33 Silence detect time minimum. An incoming
fax will be detected if this period of silence is detected. Silent detection is only intended to apply to downstream TAMs. Silent detection will only start aft er an OGM has been detected and if downstream activity is detected.
1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 1 and 2 5 = 1 or 2
1 Hz (300 Hz to 2100 Hz)
1 Hz (300 Hz to 2100 Hz)
20 = 20 Hz 40 = 40 Hz 60 = 60 Hz 80 = 80 Hz
20 = 20 Hz 40 = 40 Hz 60 = 60 Hz 80 = 80 Hz
1 ms (1000 ms to 15000 ms)
All countries
All countries
All countries
All countries
All countries
All countries
34 Silence detect noise time. Minimum time
noise must be detected for the OGM to be considered present. Once the OGM is detected, silence detected is started.
35 DTMF code first char. First digit of the 3-
digit DTMF start sequence used to start a fax receive session when in manual
receive mode. The DTMF code may be entered from either a parallel or a downstream telephone. This feature is active only when extension phone is enabled.
36 DTMF code second char. Second digit of
the DTMF start sequence used to start a fax receive.
1 ms (1000 ms to 15000 ms)
35 = "#" 42 = "*" 48 = "0" 49 = "1" 50 = "2" 51 = "3" 52 = "4" 53 = "5" 54 = "6" 55 = "7" 56 = "8" 57 = "9"
Units: same as parameter 35
All countries
All countries
All countries
37 DTMF code third char. Third digit of the
DTMF start sequence used to start a fax receive.
Connection establishment
Parameter Description Units Country Default
Units: same as parameter 35
All countries
38 Off hook delay time. Specifies the
minimum time between the completion of an outgoing or incoming call and the automatic dialing of the next outgoing call.
1 ms (0 ms to 15000 ms)
Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Canada China Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary
Ireland Israel Italy Korea Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Russia Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Ukraine U.K. U.S.
5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 7000 6500 7000 5000 5000 5000
3500 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 7000 5000 7000 5000 5000 7000 5000 5000 7000 5000 5000 7000 3500 5000
39 Pre OFF hook shunt. Defines the time the
LIU shunt will be active. The shunt is activated just as the device goes OFF hook. Not supported by all LIUs.
1 ms (0 ms to 1000 ms)
Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Canada China Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary
Ireland Israel Italy Korea Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Russia Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Ukraine U.K. U.S.
0 0 1000 1000 0 0 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 0
1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 1000 0 1000 0 0 1000 1000 1000 0 0 1000 0
40 Modem loop current test enable. Controls
if a modem loop current test is performed after the LaserJet 3200 has connected to the external line and before automatic dialing is started. If TRUE, the 3200 will test for the presence of loop current after going OFF hook prior to dialing. If loop current is not detected, the fax session is aborted.
0 = False 1 = True
All countries 0
41 Modem loop current detection time
minimum. Minimum time that continuous modem loop current must be present when the machine first connects and a loop current test is performed. Also, this is the minimum time that loop current must be absent once dialing has completed, when performing the loop current failure test.
42 Modem loop current evaluation time.
Maximum time the machine will wait for loop current before dialing when performing a loop current test.
43 Telset loop current test enable. Controls
whether a telset loop current test is performed before the LaserJet 3200 is connected to the external line. The presence of loop current would indicate that a downstream telephone is active. If TRUE, the machine will check for telset
loop cur rent.
44 Telset loop current minimum on time.
Minimum time that continuous telset loop current must be present to be evaluated as present. Once present, the line is considered unavailable.
1 ms (0 ms to 15000 ms)
1 ms (0 ms to 15000 ms)
0 = False 1 = True
1 ms (50 ms to 15000 ms)
All countries 0
All countries 0
All countries 1
All countries 50 mS
45 Telset loop current minimum off time.
46 Obsolete Line type. Determines the type of
Pause control
Parameter Description Units Country Default
Minimum time that continuous telset loop current must be absent to be evaluated as
absent. Once absent, the line is considered available.
telephone line that the HP LaserJet 3200 is connected to. This can either be the public switched telephone network (PSTN) or a private branch exchange (PBX). The different selections cause the device to make different checks for dial tone.
1 ms (50 ms to 15000 ms)
France All Other
All countries 0
47 PSTN pre dial pause mode. Specifies what
type of pause the LaserJet 3200 will perform before dialing when configured for PSTN operation. If BLIND WAIT, the unit will look for a dial tone and dial immediately if detected, or will dial after the blind dial delay time has elapsed. If CHECK FOR TONE, a PSTN dial tone must be detected before dialing. The value 2 is no longer used.
0 = Blind Wait 1 = Check for
tone 2 = Check for
special tone
France Hungary All other
1 1 0
48 Obsolete
PBX pre dial pause mode. Specifies what type of pause the LaserJet 3200 will perform before dialing when configured for PBX operation. If BLIND WAIT, the device
will delay PBX WAIT BEFORE BLIND DIALING before dialing. If CHECK FOR TONE, it will attempt to detect a PSTN dial tone. If CHECK FOR SPECIAL TONE, it will attempt to detect a special tone. The default value is 0 for all countries. The
value 2 is no longer used.
0 = Blind Wait 1 = Check for
tone 2 = Check for
special tone
49 PSTN blind dial wait time. Delay from OFF
hook to the start of dialing when blind dialing, no dial tone is detected, and the unit is configured for PSTN operation.
1 ms (500 ms to 15000 ms)
Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Canada China Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary
Ireland Israel Italy Korea Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Russia Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Ukraine U.K. U.S.
3000 2200 3000 3000 3000 3200 3000 3500 2000 2500 3000 3000 3000
3500 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 5000 2200 3000 3000 3500 2500 3000 3000 5000 3500 3000 2500 3500 3000
50 Obsolete
PBX blind dial wait time. The delay from OFF hook to the start of dialing when blind dialing, no dial tone is detected, and the unit is configured for PBX operation.
1 ms (0 ms to 15000 ms)
Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Canada China Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary
Ireland Israel Italy Korea Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Russia Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Ukraine U.K. U.S.
2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 5000 2000 3000 2000 2000 2000
2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 3500 2000 3500 2000 2000 3000 2000 2000 3500 2000 2000 3000 2000 2000
51 Time of each pause. Duration of the delay
when pause characters in a dial string are interpreted as delays.
1 ms (500 ms to 8000 ms)
France All other
52 Number of user entered pauses allowed.
Dial tone detection
Parameter Description Units Country Default
Maximum number of pauses that a user can enter in a dial string.
1 pause (1 pause to 36 pauses)
All countries 36
53 PSTN dial tone evaluation time.
Maximum total time that the LaserJet 3200 will wait for PSTN dial tone.
1 ms (1000 ms to 30000 ms)
Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Canada China Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary
Ireland Israel Italy Korea Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Russia Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Ukraine U.K. U.S.
10000 5000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 18000 10000 15000 10000 10000 10000
8000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 18000 5000
15000 10000 10000 15000 10000 10000 18000 10000 10000 15000 8000 10000
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