HP Designjet 9000s User's Guide

HP Designjet 9000s Printer series
User's Guide
Legal notices
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
No part of this document may be photocopied or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard Company.
Table of contents
1 Introduction
Using this guide.................................................................................................................................2
How do I ....................................................................................................................2
The problem is ...........................................................................................................2
Tell me about .............................................................................................................2
The printer's main components [9000s].............................................................................................2
Front view...................................................................................................................3
Rear view...................................................................................................................4
The heaters................................................................................................................4
The printer's front panel.....................................................................................................................5
Basic printer operations and keys......................................................................................................8
The heater's front panel.....................................................................................................................9
Defining heater parameters.............................................................................................................10
Safety precautions...........................................................................................................................10
General warnings.....................................................................................................10
General cautions......................................................................................................12
Handling precautions.......................................................................................................................13
Power supply............................................................................................................13
Regular inspection and maintenance........................................................................13
2 How do I perform basic operations?
Connect to a computer.....................................................................................................................15
Choose the system configuration..............................................................................15
Connection procedure..............................................................................................15
Turn the power on/off.......................................................................................................................16
Turn on the printer....................................................................................................16
Turn on the heater....................................................................................................19
Turn the power off....................................................................................................19
Turn off the printer.............................................................................19
Turn off the heater.............................................................................20
3 How do I load/unload media?
ENWW iii
Install a media roll in the printer.......................................................................................................24
Remove a media roll from the printer...............................................................................................32
Replace a jammed media roll...........................................................................................................33
Load cut sheet.................................................................................................................................34
Use the take-up reel........................................................................................................................39
Set the take-up reel winding direction.......................................................................39
Define the take-up reel winding mode.......................................................................41
Load media on to the take-up reel............................................................................43
Use the media edge guard...............................................................................................................47
Set the fan guard lever.....................................................................................................................49
4 How do I... (printing topics)
Perform a manual media feed..........................................................................................................51
Use manual nesting.........................................................................................................................52
Increase/reduce pressure on media.................................................................................................55
Pause or cancel print jobs................................................................................................................56
5 How do I… (ink topics)
Replace an ink cartridge..................................................................................................................59
Change the printhead height............................................................................................................61
6 How do I maintain the printer?
Regular maintenance guide.............................................................................................................65
Daily printhead maintenance...........................................................................................................66
Wiper blade cleaning................................................................................................67
Capping unit cleaning...............................................................................................72
Leave the printer off for two to four weeks.......................................................................................74
Ink system storage...................................................................................................75
Leave the printer off for less than two weeks...................................................................................76
Clean ink system......................................................................................................76
Charge the ink system.....................................................................................................................77
Clean the exterior of the printer........................................................................................................78
Clean the rear cover and media feed...............................................................................................78
Clean the platen...............................................................................................................................79
Replace the waste ink bottle............................................................................................................81
Normal printhead recovery...............................................................................................................84
IQ Print............................................................................................................................................85
7 How do I get the best image quality?
Print the Image Quality print............................................................................................................88
Interpret the image quality print........................................................................................................90
Manage media types.......................................................................................................................91
Copy a media type to create a new one....................................................................91
Create a new media type..........................................................................................92
Modify media type settings.......................................................................................93
Delete a media type..................................................................................................94
Calibrate the printer.........................................................................................................................95
Calibrate media advance..........................................................................................95
Perform printhead position adjustment.....................................................................98
Back feed adjustment print.......................................................................................99
Adjust heater and print mode settings............................................................................................101
8 The problem is… (troubleshooting topics)
The problem is… (checklist)...........................................................................................................104
A head crash.................................................................................................................................105
Ink cartridge is not installed...........................................................................................................108
Ink cartridge is not detected...........................................................................................................108
Ink cartridge is near expiry date.....................................................................................................108
Ink cartridge has passed its expiry date.........................................................................................109
An error message..........................................................................................................................109
Service errors.........................................................................................................109
POC error messages.......................................................................110
Engine error messages...................................................................110
System error messages...................................................................110
Operator error messages........................................................................................110
Ink cartridge....................................................................................110
Waste ink bottle is not installed.......................................................112
Waste ink bottle is full......................................................................112
Media crash.....................................................................................112
Other messages..............................................................................113
An abnormal sound........................................................................................................................114
9 The problem is print quality
The ink LED flashes.................................................112
Error LED is flashing................................................113
10 Tell me about… (basic knowledge topics)
Operating conditions......................................................................................................................118
Installation space....................................................................................................118
Environmental conditions........................................................................................118
Operating temperature and humidity levels.....................................118
Places where the printer must not be installed................................119
The power supply..........................................................................................................................119
Power ....................................................................................................................119
Exhaust attachment................................................................................................120
Front panel messages and printer state.........................................................................................120
Messages on the front panel...................................................................................120
Initialization display.........................................................................120
Online state (idle mode) display......................................................121
Online state (print mode) display.....................................................121
Online state (print pause mode) display..........................................121
Print stop and resume..............................................121
Print cancel (end).....................................................121
Online state (print information mode) display...................................122
Offline (menu mode) display............................................................122
Shutdown state display....................................................................123
11 Tell me about media
Storing media................................................................................................................................125
Disposing of media........................................................................................................................125
Using media...................................................................................................................................126
Handling prints...............................................................................................................................126
Other precautions..........................................................................................................................126
12 Tell me about the ink system
Ink cartridges.................................................................................................................................127
Replacing an ink cartridge.............................................................................................................129
Ink cartridge storage and disposal.................................................................................................130
HP 790 Waste Ink Bottle................................................................................................................131
Precautions for handling the waste ink bottle..........................................................131
HP 790 Cap Cleaning Liquid..........................................................................................................131
HP 790 Wiper Cleaning Liquid and Dropper..................................................................................132
HP Cleaning Swabs.......................................................................................................................132
HP 790 Storage Kit........................................................................................................................132
HP 790 Ink System Cleaning Kit....................................................................................................133
13 Tell me about waste management
General recommendations.............................................................................................................136
14 Tell me about front panel menus
Menu operations............................................................................................................................140
Menu structure........................................................................................................140
The INK menu & messages...........................................................................................................143
Replacing an empty ink cartridge............................................................................143
Replacing ink cartridges during printing..................................................................143
The MEDIA menu..........................................................................................................................144
The MEDIA REG menu..................................................................................................................145
Selecting a media type number (SELECT MEDIA).................................................146
Setting a media type name (RENAME MEDIA)....................................................... 146
Media advance value (MEDIA ADV VALUE)..........................................................146
Manufacturing default media advance value (MFNG VAL).....................................147
Dry time value (DRY TIME VALUE)........................................................................147
Print mode setting (PRINT MODE).........................................................................147
Print direction setting (PRINT DIRECTION)............................................................147
Flatten time (FLATTEN TIME) ...............................................................................148
Use media edge guard (USE EDGE GUARD)........................................................149
Media advance mode (MEDIA ADV MODE)...........................................................149
Take-up reel mode (TUR MODE)...........................................................................149
Leading edge mode (LEADING EDGE)..................................................................150
Vacuum level setting (VACUUM LEVEL)................................................................150
Initial temperature setting for the front heater (FRONT HEATER T)........................151
Initial temperature setting for the print heater (PRINT HEATER T).........................151
Making front panel selections and settings......................................140
To define a setting....................................................140
To define a value......................................................141
Character list............................................................142
The ink cover is open......................................................................144
The ink cartridge is empty...............................................................144
Initial temperature setting for the rear heater (REAR HEATER T)...........................151
Color stripe setting (COLOR STRIPE)....................................................................152
Printhead firing mode setting (IMAGE GRADIENT)................................................152
Printhead height setting (PH HEIGHT VAL)............................................................153
Bidirectional print position (Left) adjustment (YY BIDIR DEF(L)).............................153
Bidirectional print position (Right) adjustment (YY BIDIR DEF(R))..........................153
Printhead cleaning mode (PH CLEANING).............................................................154
Media back feed adjustment (BACK ADJUST VAL)................................................154
Media advance preference (ADVANCE PREF)....................................................... 155
Print mode preference (PRINT MODE PREF)........................................................155
Heater preference (HEATER PREF).......................................................................155
Printhead rest period (PH REST PERIOD).............................................................155
Printhead rest time (PH REST TIME).....................................................................156
Printhead temperature rest (PH TEMP REST)........................................................156
Deleting a media type (DELETE MEDIA)................................................................156
Copying a media type (COPY MEDIA)...................................................................156
Pasting a media type (PASTE MEDIA)...................................................................156
Default values for media types................................................................................156
Media advance calibration.............................................................................................................158
Media advance calibration print..............................................................................158
Back feed adjustment print.....................................................................................158
Media back feed adjustment value..........................................................................159
The PH. MAIN menu......................................................................................................................159
Ink system optimization (INK SYS OPT).................................................................159
Cap cleaning (CAP CLEANING).............................................................................160
Wiper cleaning (WIPER CLEANING)......................................................................160
Washing printheads (WASH PRINTHEADS)..........................................................160
Printhead height (PH HEIGHT ADJ).......................................................................161
The PH.RECOVERY menu............................................................................................................161
The FEED menu............................................................................................................................161
The PRINTER menu......................................................................................................................162
Configuration print (CONFIG PRINT)......................................................................162
Error log information print (ERROR LOG PRINT)...................................................162
History print (HISTORY PRINT)..............................................................................162
The ADJUST menu........................................................................................................................163
Adjustment pattern print (TEST PRINTS)...............................................................163
Printhead nozzle position adjustment (#YY PH ROW VAL)....................................163
Printhead position adjustment (#YY PH TO PH VAL).............................................163
Bidirectional print position (Left) adjustment (YY BIDIR DEF(L)).............................164
Bidirectional print position (Right) adjustment (YY BIDIR DEF(R))..........................164
Bidirectional print position (Left) adjustment (YY BIDIR F.D (L)).............................164
Bidirectional print position (Right) adjustment (YY BIDIR F.D (R))..........................165
The SETUP menu..........................................................................................................................165
Language for front panel (LANGUAGE)..................................................................165
BOOT version display (BOOT VERSION)...............................................................165
Acoustic warning (BEEP)........................................................................................165
F/W version display (F/W VERSION)......................................................................166
Main PCA version display (MAIN PCA VER)..........................................................166
ICB board version display (CARRIAGE PCA).........................................................166
ASIC version display (ASIC VER)...........................................................................166
ENWW vii
Heater H/W version display (HEATER HW VER)....................................................166
Heater F/W version display (HEATER FW VER)....................................................167
System date setting (SYSTEM DATE)....................................................................167
System time setting (SYSTEM TIME).....................................................................167
Factory default setting (FACTORY DEFAULT).......................................................167
USB address (USB ADDRESS)..............................................................................167
USB speed (USB SPEED)......................................................................................168
15 Tell me about the heaters
The heaters...................................................................................................................................169
Heater temperature settings...........................................................................................................170
Heater preset temperature by medium...................................................................171
Flow of heater temperature setting.........................................................................172
Temperature control...............................................................................................172
Maintaining the preset temperature.................................................172
Maintaining the standby temperature...............................................173
Turning off the heaters....................................................................173
The heater front panel............................................................................................173
Display in normal mode...................................................................173
Display — heater on........................................................................174
Display — heater off........................................................................174
Display — heater AC power is turned off.........................................174
Heater parameter setup mode................................................................................174
Setup items and parameters............................................................174
Heater error messages..................................................................................................................175
16 Tell me about printer specifications
Ecological specifications................................................................................................................179
17 Tell me about ordering supplies and accessories
Ordering supplies...........................................................................................................................182
Ordering media..............................................................................................................................182
Ordering accessories.....................................................................................................................183
18 Tell me about getting help
HP Customer Care........................................................................................................................185
HP Designjet Online......................................................................................................................186
viii ENWW
1 Introduction
Using this guide
The printer's main components [9000s]
The printer's front panel
Basic printer operations and keys
The heater's front panel
Defining heater parameters
Safety precautions
Handling precautions
Using this guide
Using your printer is organized into the following chapters.
This chapter provides a brief introduction to the printer and its documentation for new users.
How do I ...
These chapters help you to carry out various procedures such as loading media or changing an ink cartridge. Many of these procedures are illustrated with drawings.
The problem is ...
These chapters help you to solve problems that may occur while printing.
Tell me about ...
These chapters contain reference information, including the specifications of the printer, and the part numbers of media types, ink supplies, and other accessories.
In addition to the table of contents, there is an alphabetical index to help you to find topics quickly.
The printer's main components [9000s]
The following front and rear views of the printer illustrate the main components.
2 Chapter 1 Introduction ENWW
Front view
1. Printer front panel
2. Heater front panel
3. Ink supply station
4. Media hub
5. Wheel lock
6. Media pressure lever
7. Media load lever
8. Media End (ME) lever
9. Roll
ENWW The printer's main components [9000s] 3
Rear view
1. Printer power socket
2. Printer power on/off switch
3. Rear cover
4. USB port
5. Not used
6. Media output
7. Waste ink bottle
8. 100 V / 200 V alternation switch
9. Heater power on/off switch
10. Heater power socket
11. Cap cover
12. Wiper cover
13. Printer Online — Cancel keys
14. Fan guard lever
15. Printhead height lever
The heaters
The printer includes three heaters for fixing and stabilizing the printed image on the media. Each heater is controlled separately.
4 Chapter 1 Introduction ENWW
1. Front heater (preheats the media)
2. Print heater (fixes the ink on to the media)
3. Rear heater (dries the ink and stabilizes the printed image)
4. Media roll
5. Pressure roller
6. Grid roller
7. Carriage
8. Rear cover
WARNING! Do not touch heater surfaces in the paper path. This may cause burns.
The printer's front panel
Your printer's front panel is located on the front of the printer, on the right-hand side. It has the following important functions:
It must be used to perform certain operations, such as loading and unloading media.
It can display up-to-date information about the status of the printer, the ink cartridges, the
printheads, the media, etc.
It can provide guidance in using the printer.
ENWW The printer's front panel 5
It displays warning and error messages when appropriate.
It can be used to change the values of printer settings, changing the operation of the printer.
The front panel has the following components:
1. The LEDs light, flash, or turn off to indicate the status of the printer.
A. The green Data LED shows the data reception state.
Flashing: data are being received from the computer
Off: nothing is being received from the computer
B. The orange Error LED indicates whether an error has occurred.
On: an error has occurred
Flashing: warning state (take-up reel time-out error)
Off: normal (no error has occurred)
C. The green Ink LED shows the status of the ink cartridges.
On: all ink cartridges are present
Flashing: ink is running out in at least one cartridge
Off: no ink (ink has run out in at least one cartridge)
D. The green Media LED shows whether media is loaded.
On: media is loaded (roll or cut sheet)
Off: no media is loaded
6 Chapter 1 Introduction ENWW
E. The green Online LED indicates whether the printer is online.
On: online
Flashing: online pause mode
Off: offline
2. The keys set printer functions.
The ONLINE key switches the printer online or offline and provides access to the front panel
menu groups.
The SHIFT key is used to switch between the menu groups.
The CANCEL key cancels an input parameter.
The OK key selects a menu or enters a parameter.
The four arrow keys select a menu or select menu options (selection, number up/down).
3. The Power key turns the printer on and off.
4. The LCD displays information and menus.
ENWW The printer's front panel 7
Basic printer operations and keys
To enable menu operations:
1. Enter the offline mode by pressing the ONLINE key.
2. When the printer enters the offline mode, a menu group screen is displayed.
Menu group selection:
Select a menu group using the ▲, ►, ▼, and ◄ keys.
Switch between menu group screens with the SHIFT key.
To access a menu, use the arrow key that corresponds to the menu group you want to access.
To switch to the next menu group, press SHIFT.
To switch to the next menu group, press SHIFT.
If you select a menu in the menu groups, you will then be able to select an option or submenu:
and keys: change between menus at the same level.
key: return to menu group selection.
OK key: select a submenu or option so that parameters can be changed.
Setting or changing parameters:
and keys: switch between parameters, or increase or decrease a selected value.
and keys: change the digit you need to modify when entering a value.
Setting a parameter or canceling:
OK key: sets a parameter.
CANCEL key: cancels an input parameter value and returns to the submenu/option selection.
8 Chapter 1 Introduction ENWW
The heater's front panel
The heater's front panel is located on the front of the printer, on the left-hand side. The heater front panel displays the settings for the Front, Print, and Rear heaters. It can also be used to control the temperature settings.
1. The display screen at the top of the panel shows the target temperature and the current temperature of each heater.
2. The three On/Off switches turn the three heaters on or off. The three pairs of ▲ or keys can be used to raise or lower the target temperatures of the heaters.
ENWW The heater's front panel 9
Defining heater parameters
1. On the heater front panel press the ON/OFF key, and the and keys at the same time to enter
the parameter setup mode.
2. Select a setup parameter using the ▲ and keys on the heater front panel and press the ON/ OFF key on the heater front panel to modify the setup item displayed.
3. Use the and keys to select the value and press the ON/OFF key to confirm.
NOTE If you have selected an incorrect setup value, you can press the ON/OFF key
again to cancel the setting and repeat from step 2.
4. To exit the parameter setup mode, scroll to the EXIT option and press the ON/OFF key to select YES.
5. Press the ON/OFF key on the heater front panel to confirm.
Safety precautions
The following symbols are used in this manual to ensure the proper use of the printer and to prevent the printer from being damaged. Follow the instructions marked with these symbols.
WARNING! Failure to follow the guidelines marked with this symbol could result in serious personal injury or death.
CAUTION Failure to follow the guidelines marked with this symbol could result in minor personal injury or damage to the product.
General warnings
Use the power supply voltage specified on the nameplate. Avoid overloading the printer’s electrical
outlet with multiple devices.
Be sure the printer is well-grounded. Failure to ground the printer may result in electrical shock,
fire, and susceptibility to electromagnetic interference.
Do not disassemble or repair the printer yourself. Do not reinstall the printer in a new location. Call
your local HP Service Representative for service.
10 Chapter 1 Introduction ENWW
Use only the electrical cord supplied by HP with the printer. Do not damage, cut, or repair the
power cord. A damaged power cord has risk of fire and electric shock. Replace a damaged power cord with an HP-approved power cord.
Do not allow metal or liquids (except those used in HP Cleaning Kits) to touch the internal parts of
the printer. Doing so may cause fire, electric shock, or other serious hazards.
Power OFF the printer and unplug the power cable from the power outlet in any of the following
When placing your hands inside the printer.
If there is smoke or an unusual smell coming from the printer.
If the printer is making an unusual noise not heard during normal operation.
A piece of metal or a liquid (not part of cleaning and maintenance routines) touches internal
parts of the printer.
During an electrical (thunder/lightning) storm.
During a power failure.
Inks used in the printer and liquids in the HP Cleaning kits contain an organic solvent (ethylene
glycol monobutyl ether acetate, CAS No. 112-07-2). Observe all local, state, and federal regulations related to the handling, use, storage, and disposal of organic solvents.
Ink and fluids used in the Cleaning Kits are combustible. Do not use or store within 8 meters (25
feet) of open flames, sparks, or other sources of ignition.
Do not operate printer within 8 meters (25 feet) of open flames, sparks, or other sources of ignition.
Do not smoke within 8 meters (25 feet) of the printer.
Install and operate the printer in a well-ventilated area.
The printer installation must meet local, state, and federal regulations on the emissions of volatile
organic compounds in the workplace. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with these regulations. HP recommends that installations use an ink vapor extraction and exhaust system or an HP Air Purification System. Before installing a system exhausting ink vapors to the outside atmosphere, consult with your local air quality control authorities. It is your responsibility to comply with all local, state, and federal air pollution control regulations and building codes.
Avoid contact between ink and skin, eyes, and clothing.
Immediately wash skin with soapy water.
Remove clothing soaked with ink from contact with skin.
Use an approved eye wash station if ink is splashed into eyes and consult a doctor if
If an approved eye wash station is unavailable, flush eyes with cold water and consult a doctor if necessary.
Do not swallow ink. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting, but seek immediate medical attention.
Keep ink cartridges, cleaning kits, and waste ink bottles out of the reach of children.
Be sure all operators are trained in the use of emergency equipment such as eye wash stations
and fire extinguishers and know where they are located.
ENWW Safety precautions 11
General cautions
Handle media rolls with care. They can be heavy and difficult to move in confined spaces. In some cases, two people should move and install media rolls. Dropping a media roll could cause personal injury or damage to the printer.
Allow and maintain adequate space around printer for immediate access to safety equipment such as eye wash stations, fire extinguishers, glove and safety glass dispensers, and fireproof waste storage containers.
Treat any media, used cleaning and maintenance supplies, and wipes soaked with ink as combustible materials. Handle and dispose of properly.
If an Air Purification System is installed, allow adequate space for exhaust hoses from the printer. Locate these hoses and the Air Purification System so that they do not pose a trip hazard or interfere with the operation of the printer such as loading and unloading media, replacing ink cartridges, inspecting and replacing the waste ink bottle.
Always hold the power cord by the plug when connecting and disconnecting from the power outlet. Never pull on the cord because this may damage it and create risk of fire and electric shock.
Do not touch heater surfaces in the paper path. This may cause burns.
In order to ensure the safe operation of the printer, heed all of the cautions and warnings contained throughout this manual.
12 Chapter 1 Introduction ENWW
Handling precautions
These precautions are recommended to avoid damage to your printer and its components.
Power supply
Use the power supply voltage specified on the nameplate.
Check the printer electrical outlet for proper polarity and grounding before connecting printer.
Failure to do so may result in fire and electric shock hazards.
Be sure the printer is well-grounded. Failure to ground the printer may result in electrical shock,
fire, and susceptibility to electromagnetic interference.
Avoid overloading the printer’s electrical outlet with multiple devices.
Use only the electrical cord supplied by HP with the printer.
Wipe the printer clean with a soft cloth. A cloth moistened with a neutral detergent may be used.
Do not allow liquid to enter the printer. This may create risk of fire and electrical shock and cause a malfunction. Do not clean the printer with benzene or paint thinner. This may damage the paint.
Never touch the printhead nozzles. They can be easily damaged or clogged.
Regular inspection and maintenance
Clean the capping unit and wiper blade every day.
Check the moisture of the wiper sponge every day.
Store the ink system when leaving the printer for a long time (two weeks or more with the power off).
Clean and charge the ink system before printing when leaving the printer for a long time.
Ink inside the ink cartridge is combustible. Do not expose or store near open flames, sparks, or
other sources of ignition.
HP ink cartridges must be installed before the “Install By” date printed on the cartridge. Use of the
ink cartridge 3 months beyond the “Install By” date may cause deterioration in print quality or a printer malfunction.
Do not disassemble the ink cartridges. Ink cartridges are intended for single use only.
Avoid contact between ink and skin, eyes, and clothing.
Immediately wash skin with soapy water.
Remove clothing soaked with ink from contact with skin.
Use an approved eye wash station if ink is splashed into eyes and consult a doctor if
If an approved eye wash station is unavailable, flush eyes with cold water and consult a doctor if necessary.
ENWW Handling precautions 13
Use only an HP waste ink bottle. The bottle must be installed according to instructions or waste ink
may overflow. An HP waste ink bottle must always be installed before turning the printer ON. Automatic and manual service cycles produce waste ink that must be contained in an HP waste ink bottle. Do not remove the cap from its tether to the HP waste ink bottle. The cap is needed to properly seal the HP waste ink bottle for disposal. Keep the HP waste ink bottle upright. Do not place on tables or shelves where it could fall. Waste ink is combustible. Keep an HP waste ink bottle containing waste ink away from open flames, sparks, or other sources of ignition. The level in the HP waste ink bottle must be checked by visual inspection to prevent overflow. If the waste ink level is above the indication line, the bottle must be replaced with an empty HP waste ink bottle.
Place a sheet of paper under the HP waste ink bottle on the floor when removing a bottle
containing waste ink. This will help clean up any ink spills. If soaked with ink, treat the paper as a combustible material and dispose of properly.
Do not store HP ink cartridges in direct sunlight. Store HP ink cartridges in a cool, dry place. This prevents deterioration of the ink during storage.
14 Chapter 1 Introduction ENWW
2 How do I perform basic operations?
Connect to a computer
Turn the power on/off
Connect to a computer
This section describes system configuration and cable connection procedures.
NOTE Before connecting or disconnecting the USB cable, turn the printer OFF.
Choose the system configuration
The following connections are possible.
1. Printer
2. USB interface
3. Printer server (RIP)
Connection procedure
NOTE Before you connect the USB cable, you should ensure that the RIP is installed so that
the printer can be detected by your operating system. Refer to the instructions that came with your RIP for installation instructions.
How do I perform basic
Connect a USB cable as follows:
1. Disconnect the USB cable from the rear of your printer if it is already connected.
2. Turn the printer off at the front panel.
3. Power off the printer using the power switch at the rear.
4. Connect a USB cable to the USB connector at the rear of the printer.
5. Connect a USB cable to the USB connector at the rear of the computer.
6. Power on the printer using the power switch at the rear.
7. Turn the printer on at the front panel.
8. On your computer, select the printer.
ENWW Connect to a computer 15
Turn the power on/off
WARNING! Use the power supply voltage specified on the nameplate.
Be sure the printer is well-grounded. Failure to ground the printer may result in electrical shock, fire, and susceptibility to electromagnetic interference.
CAUTION Always hold the power cord by the plug when connecting and disconnecting from the power outlet. Never pull on the cord because this may damage it and create risk of fire and electric shock.
How do I perform basic
Turn on the printer
1. Turn off (0) the printer switch on the left rear of the printer, and plug one end of the supplied power
cable into the socket of the printer. Insert the other power plug of the cable into an electrical outlet.
WARNING! Avoid overloading the printer’s electrical outlet with multiple devices. Use only the electrical cord supplied by HP with the printer. Do not damage, cut, or repair the power cord. A damaged power cord has risk of fire and electric shock. Replace a damaged power cord with an HP-approved power cord.
1. Printer switch
2. Power socket
16 Chapter 2 How do I perform basic operations? ENWW
2. Turn on (1) the printer switch on the left rear of the printer.
1. Printer switch
2. Power socket
How do I perform basic
ENWW Turn the power on/off 17
3. Press the POWER ON/OFF key on the front panel.
How do I perform basic
When you press power on, the printer performs a power-on self-diagnostic test and the following message is displayed on the front panel.
(If a 64" paper roll is loaded).
When you turn the printer power on, the heater front panel display turns on. Turn on the heater power on/off switch at the rear of the printer to use the heater.
When the heater power is off, the following message is displayed on the heater front panel.
NOTE Only turn off the printer while PRINTER READY is displayed on the front panel except in an emergency. Do not turn off the printer while INITIALIZING or PH.RECOVERY is displayed on the front panel to avoid ink drops and damage to the printhead.
18 Chapter 2 How do I perform basic operations? ENWW
Turn on the heater
Turn on the heater by pressing the power switch on the right rear of the printer.
1. Heater switch
NOTE Use the heater switch on the right rear of the printer only when turning the printer off completely for removal, installation, or servicing.
Turn the power off
Turn off the printer
WARNING! The printer has an internal clock which allows it to wash the printheads
automatically, flushing some ink through the printhead, which keeps the printheads in good condition. This is done after the first 20 hours without printing and every 3 days. If the printer is switched off for a long period, this process does not happen. If the ink does not flow through the printheads from time to time, the ink will dry inside the nozzles, reaching a point where it is impossible to recover them and the printhead will fail. This will mean an expensive printhead replacement.
Automatic maintenance and cleaning will not be performed even if you turn off the printer at the front panel. The printer power switch on the rear of the printer should be used only when the printer is turned off to move it, to connect it to a computer, or to install or maintain printer parts.
CAUTION If you need to leave the printer unattended for any reason, ensure that the printer is on, the ink cartridges are full, and the waste ink bottle is empty, so that automatic
maintenance (performed after the first 20 hours without printing and every 3 days) can be completed successfully for the time you are not present. If needed, install new ink cartridges. The ink cartridges that you replace can be reused when you return to your printer, if they still contain ink.
How do I perform basic
ENWW Turn the power on/off 19
How do I perform basic
WARNING! Turn the printer off and unplug the power cable from the power outlet in any of
the following cases;
when placing your hands inside the printer, if there is smoke or an unusual smell coming from the printer, if the printer is making an unusual noise not heard during normal operation, a piece of metal or a liquid (not part of cleaning and maintenance routines) touches internal parts of the printer, during an electrical (thunder/lightning) storm, during a power failure.
CAUTION Always hold the power cord by the plug when connecting and disconnecting from the power outlet. Never pull on the cord because this may damage it and create risk of fire and electric shock.
Turn off the power by pressing the power on/off key on the front panel for a couple of seconds.
The front panel displays the message above to indicate that a shutdown process is in progress. After the process ends, the power is turned off.
If you intend to turn the printer off for a short time, you can avoid the printhead wash operation by pressing the power on/off key while pressing the CANCEL key.
The printhead wash operation is recommended.
CAUTION The printer power switch on the rear of the printer should only be used when the printer is turned off to move it, connect it to a computer, or to install or maintain printer parts.
Turn off the power on/off switch, wait for at least ten seconds, then turn it on again.
The printer washes the printheads 20 hours after the last printing process and every 3 days. We recommend that the printer power is left on.
Turn off the heater
Turn off the heater by pressing the on/off keys on the heater front panel.
Under normal conditions of use, you do not need to turn off the heater using the heater power switch on the rear of the printer.
20 Chapter 2 How do I perform basic operations? ENWW
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