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Edition 1, 4/2007
Table of contents
1 Overview
What is an embedded Web server? .................................................................................................... 1
Features .............................................................................................................................. 1
HP Web Jetadmin and the HP Embedded Web Server ...................................................... 2
System requirements ........................................................................................................................... 2
Opening the HP Embedded Web Server ............................................................................................. 2
Login and logoff .................................................................................................................................... 4
To log in as an administrator ............................................................................................... 4
To log off as an administrator ............................................................................................. 4
Navigating through the HP Embedded Web Server ............................................................................. 5
2 Viewing product status from the HP EWS Information screens
Device Status ...................................................................................................................................... 8
E-mail Server ...................................................................................................................................... 28
To turn on the AutoSend feature ....................................................................................... 38
General Security ................................................................................................................................. 39
Edit Other Links .................................................................................................................................. 41
Adding a link ...................................................................................................................... 42
Removing a link ................................................................................................................. 42
Device Information ............................................................................................................................. 43
Language ........................................................................................................................................... 44
Date & Time ....................................................................................................................................... 45
Date/Time Format .............................................................................................................. 46
Wake Time ......................................................................................................................................... 48
Restrict Color ...................................................................................................................................... 49
Using the Restrict Color screen with a product .................................................................. 51
4 Managing network operation from the Networking screens
hp instant support ............................................................................................................................... 56
How hp instant support works ............................................................................................ 57
Information you can get from hp instant support ............................................................... 57
Shop for Supplies ............................................................................................................................... 57
Product Support ................................................................................................................................. 58
Show Me How .................................................................................................................................... 59
My Service Provider and My Service Contract ................................................................................... 59
Index ................................................................................................................................................................... 60
List of tables
Table 1-1 HP Embedded Web Server ................................................................................................................ 5
Table 2-1 Device Status ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Table 3-6 General Security .............................................................................................................................. 39
Table 3-7 Edit Other Links ................................................................................................................................ 41
Table 3-8 Language ......................................................................................................................................... 44
Table 3-9 Date & Time ..................................................................................................................................... 45
Table 3-10 Wake Time ..................................................................................................................................... 48
Table 3-11 Restrict Color ................................................................................................................................. 50
Table 3-12 Restrict Color – COLOR IF ALLOWED .......................................................................................... 52
Figure 3-8 General Security screen ................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 3-9 Edit Other Links screen ................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 3-10 Device Information screen ............................................................................................................ 43
Figure 3-11 Language screen .......................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 3-12 Date & Time screen ...................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 3-13 Date/Time Format screen ............................................................................................................. 46
Figure 3-14 Date & Time - clock drift correction screen ................................................................................... 46
Figure 3-15 Wake Time screen ........................................................................................................................ 48
Figure 3-16 Restrict Color screen .................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 3-17 Restrict Color screen - COLOR IF ALLOWED option ................................................................... 52
Figure 5-1 Device Information screen .............................................................................................................. 56
What is an embedded Web server?
A Web server provides an environment in which Web programs can run, in much the same way that an
operating system, such as Microsoft® Windows®, provides an environment in which programs can run
on your computer. A Web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, or Mozilla Firefox,
can show output from a Web server.
An embedded Web server resides on a hardware product (such as a printer) in the firmware, rather than
as software that is loaded on a network server.
The advantage of an embedded Web server is that it provides an interface to the product that anyone
who has a network-connected computer and a standard Web browser can open and use. No special
software needs to be installed or configured.
With the HP Embedded Web Server (HP EWS), you can view product status information, change
settings, and manage the product at your computer.
You can use the HP EWS to view product and network status and to manage printing functions from
your computer, rather than at the product control panel. With the HP EWS, you can perform these tasks:
NOTE In this guide, the terms "product" and "device" are used interchangeably. When products
or devices are discussed in this guide, the information pertains to HP LaserJet printers or
multifunction peripherals (MFPs), or HP Digital Senders. For specific information about the
features that your printer, MFP, or digital sender supports, see the documentation that came with
your product.
Upload firmware updates.
View control-panel messages and product-status information.
Determine the remaining life for all supplies and configure specific ordering information for supplies.
Gain access to the product's technical support page.
Gain access to specific support for recent product events.
Add up to five additional links or customize links to other Web sites.
View and change product configuration, such as tray configurations.
View and change network configuration.
View and print information pages, such as the Configuration page.
ENWWWhat is an embedded Web server?1
HP Web Jetadmin and the HP Embedded Web Server
Receive alerts about product events, such as when the product is low on supplies, through e-mail.
Set up four different destination lists for each user (administrators and service), with up to 20
recipients on each of the four lists.
Select the language in which to display the HP EWS screens.
Print to an HP product without having to install the product print driver.
Conserve energy by scheduling the product sleep delay so that the product will go into sleep mode
after a period of time of not being used.
Schedule wakeup times for each day so that the product has finished initializing and calibrating by
the time it is to be used.
Send product configuration and supplies usage information periodically to your service provider.
HP Web Jetadmin is a Web-based system management tool that you can use with a Web browser. The
HP EWS and HP Web Jetadmin work together to meet all of your product-management needs. You can
use the software to install and manage networked products effectively. Network administrators can
manage networked products remotely, from practically anywhere.
The HP EWS provides a simple, easy-to-use solution for one-to-one product management in
environments that have a limited number of products. However, in environments that have several
products, you might want to use HP Web Jetadmin to manage groups of products. With HP Web
Jetadmin you can discover, manage, and configure multiple products simultaneously.
HP Web Jetadmin is available from HP online support (HP Web Jetadmin
System requirements
In order to use the HP EWS, you must have the following components:
A supported Web browser. Browsers that support embedded Web servers include (but are not
limited to) the following:
Konqueror 3.5 or later
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later
Mozilla Firefox 1.0 or later
Opera 9.0 or later
Safari 1.0 or later
A transmission control protocol/Internet protocol-based (TCP/IP-based) network connection.
An HP Jetdirect print server (embedded or enhanced input/output [EIO]) installed in the product.
Opening the HP Embedded Web Server
Use the following procedure to open the HP EWS.
2Chapter 1 OverviewENWW
NOTE You cannot view the HP EWS screens from outside of a firewall.
1.Open a supported Web browser.
2.In the Address or Go to field, type the IPv4 or IPv6 TCP/IP address, the host name, or the
configured host name that is assigned to the product. See the following examples.
If you do not know the TCP/IP address for the product, you can find it by using the control-panel menu
or by printing a configuration page. For instructions, see the user guide that came with your product.
ENWWOpening the HP Embedded Web Server3
Login and logoff
To log in as an administrator
The HP EWS has screens that can be used to view product information and change configuration
options. The screens that appear, and the settings on them, vary according to how you gain access to
the HP EWS: as a general user, an information technology (IT) administrator, or a service provider.
These passwords can be customized by an IT administrator or a service provider.
In a password-protected HP EWS, only the Information tab is available to users who do not log in by
using the password. If no password has been set (which is the default), all of the tabs are visible.
If a password has been set, you must log on as an IT administrator or a service provider to gain access
to the protected HP EWS tabs (Settings and Networking).
NOTE For information about changing passwords as an IT administrator, see General
Security. If you are a service provider, see your product service guide.
Use the following procedure to log in to the HP EWS as an administrator.
1.After you open the EWS, click the Log In link in the upper-right corner of the screen.
The Enter Network Password dialog box appears, as shown in the following illustration. The
appearance of the login screen might vary, depending on your operating system and browser.
Figure 1-1 Enter Network Password dialog box
2.Type admin for the user name, type your password, and then click OK.
To log off as an administrator
Use the following procedure to log off.
1.Click the Log Off link.
2.To complete the logoff, close the browser.
4Chapter 1 OverviewENWW
CAUTION If you do not close the browser, the connection to the product HP EWS continues to
run and could pose security risks.
Navigating through the HP Embedded Web Server
To navigate through the HP EWS screens, click one of the tabs (such as Information or Settings), and
then click one of the menus on the navigation bar that is located on the left side of the screen.
The following illustration and table provide information about the HP EWS screens.
NOTE The appearance of the HP EWS screens might differ from the illustrations in this user
guide, depending on the product features and the settings that your IT administrator has
Figure 1-2 Sample HP EWS screen
Table 1-1 HP Embedded Web Server
CalloutHP EWS
screen feature
1Product nameView the product name.
2Product TCP/IP
DescriptionMore information
View the Internet protocol (IP) address for the
ENWWNavigating through the HP Embedded Web Server5
Table 1-1 HP Embedded Web Server (continued)
CalloutHP EWS
screen feature
4MenusDifferent on each tab Click a tab to show the
5Other Linkshp instant supportConnect to a set of Web
DescriptionMore information
Information tabView information about the
product. You cannot
configure the product
using the screens on this
Settings tabUse the features on this
tab to configure the
Networking tabView network status and
configure the network
resources that help solve
problems and describe the
additional services that
are available for your
HP product.
Shop for SuppliesUse the Internet to order
genuine HP supplies for
your HP product.
See Viewing product status from the
HP EWS Information screens.
See Configuring the product from the
Settings screens.
See Managing network operation from
the Networking screens.
Using the Other Links as a
hp instant support.
Product Support.
My Service Provider and My
Service Contract.
Product SupportUse product-specific help
Show Me HowView step-by-step
6Log In/Log OffDifferent for each
type of user
7ScreenDifferent for each
menu item
from the HP Web site to
solve a problem.
instructions for performing
printer tasks and solving
Log in as an IT
administrator or service
Click a menu item to show
a screen.
See Login and logoff.
Viewing product status from
the HP EWS Information screens.
Configuring the product from
the Settings screens.
Managing network operation
from the Networking screens.
6Chapter 1 OverviewENWW
2Viewing product status from the
HP EWS Information screens
The screens available from the Information tab are for informational purposes only; you cannot
configure the product from these screens. To configure the product through the HP EWS, see
Configuring the product from the Settings screens.
NOTE Some products do not support all of these screens.
Device Status
Use the Device Status screen to view the current status of the product. The following illustration and
table describe how to use this screen.
Figure 2-1 Device Status screen
Table 2-1 Device Status
CalloutArea on the screenInformation or capability that the area provides
1HP EWS tabs and
2StatusShows the device status (the same information that appears on the control-panel
3Control-panel buttonsUse these control-panel buttons just as you would at the product. To select which
4SuppliesShows the percentage of life remaining for each supply.
5Supplies DetailsOpens the Supplies Status screen, where you can view information about product
6MediaShows the status and configuration information for the input trays and output bins.
7Change SettingsOpens the Other Settings screen, where you can change the paper-type settings.
For more information, see Navigating through the HP Embedded Web Server.
control-panel buttons appear on this screen, go to the General Security screen on
the Settings tab.
The media status is OK until the tray is completely empty. When the tray is empty,
the status is Empty.
8Chapter 2 Viewing product status from the HP EWS Information screensENWW
Configuration Page
Use the Configuration Page screen to view current product settings, help troubleshoot problems, and
verify the installation of optional accessories such as dual inline memory modules (DIMMs). The
following illustration and table describe how to use this screen.
Figure 2-2 Configuration Page screen
ENWWConfiguration Page9
Table 2-2 Configuration Page
CalloutArea on the screenInformation or capability that the area provides
1HP EWS tabs and menusFor more information, see Navigating through the HP Embedded Web
2Printer InformationLists the serial number, version numbers, and other information for the
3Installed Personalities and
4Color DensityLists the cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK) values for highlights,
5Calibration InformationLists the last color-plane registration (CPR) page count, the last CPR
Version and TCP/IP address for all network devices connected to
the product (Jetdirect or internal Jetdirect)
All of the printer languages that are installed (such as printer
command language [PCL] and PostScript® [PS])
Options that are installed in each DIMM slot and EIO slot
USB devices that can be connected to a printer used as a host USB
controller, such as mass storage devices, card swipes, or keypads
midtones, and shadows.
page-count date, the last page count (in engine cycles) for DMAX/
DHALF, and the last DMAX/DHALF page-count date.
Color plane registration occurs when new print cartridges are installed
to compensate for any slight variations that might occur in cartridge
DMAX is a density calibration of each print cartridge color at 100%
coverage; DHALF is also a density calibration of each print cartridge
color, but as a halftone instead of a full color. During halftone printing,
the dots of toner are spread out, and coverage of the toner is less than
6MemoryLists the memory information, PCL Driver Work Space (DWS), and
resource saving information.
7Event LogLists the number of active entries in the Event Log and the Event Log
total capacity.
8SecurityLists the status of the control-panel lock, disk write-protect options, and
9Paper Trays and OptionsLists the size and type of media that is specified for each of the trays in
direct-connect (USB or parallel) ports.
You can change the status of the Direct Connect ports on the General
Security screen under the Settings tab by selecting or clearing the
Disable Direct Ports check box.
the product. If a duplexing unit or any paper-handling accessories are
installed on the product, information about those devices is also listed
10Chapter 2 Viewing product status from the HP EWS Information screensENWW
Supplies Status Page
The Supplies Status screen shows more detailed supplies information and provides part numbers for
genuine HP supplies. (It is helpful to have the part numbers available when ordering supplies.) The
following illustration and table describe how to use this screen.
Figure 2-3 Supplies Status Page screen
ENWWSupplies Status Page11
Table 2-3 Supplies Status Page
CalloutArea on the screenInformation or capability that the area provides
1HP EWS tabs and menusFor more information, see Navigating through the HP Embedded Web
2Shop for Supplies linkUse this feature to connect to a Web page that facilitates online ordering of
supplies from a reseller of your choice.
3Print Cartridge InformationIf available, this lists the percent of life remaining and the estimated number
of pages remaining before the supply is empty; the total number of pages
that have been processed with the supply; the supply serial number and
HP part number; and an indication of whether or not the supply has reached
the low status.
If the Override at Out option has been enabled at the product control panel,
a message appears, when the supply is exhausted, stating that the
cartridge was used with the override setting.
NOTE If a non-HP supply is used, information about the device
might not be available. In addition, a warning message about the
risks associated with using non-HP supplies could appear on the
screen. No further information about the status of the supply will
be available.
12Chapter 2 Viewing product status from the HP EWS Information screensENWW
Event Log Page
The Event Log Page screen shows the most recent product events, including jams, service errors, and
other printer errors. The following illustration and table describe how to use this screen.
Figure 2-4 Event Log Page screen
Table 2-4 Event Log Page
CalloutArea on the screenInformation or capability that the area provides
1HP EWS tabs and menusFor more information, see Navigating through the HP Embedded Web
2NumberLists the order in which the errors occurred. The last error to occur has the
highest number.
3Date and TimeLists the date and time for each event logged.
4Engine CyclesShows the number of engine cycles that the product had completed when the
error occurred. The product completes one engine cycle for every Letter/A4size page side that it prints or copies.
5Current Engine CyclesShows the number of engine cycles that the product has completed to date.
6EventShows the internal event code for each event.
7FirmwareDisplays the firmware version that was in place when the event occurred on
the printer.
8Description or PersonalityShows a brief description of some events.
9Product Support linkProvides access to the HP support Web site for product-specific
troubleshooting information.
ENWWEvent Log Page13
Usage Page
The Usage Page screen gives a page count for each size of media that has passed through the product,
as well as the number of duplexed pages. The total is calculated by multiplying the sum of the print count
values by the Units value.
The information on this screen can be used to determine how much toner or paper to keep on hand.
The following illustration and table describe how to use this screen.
14Chapter 2 Viewing product status from the HP EWS Information screensENWW
+ 50 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.