Honeywell Titan SCBA Training Manual

County of Los Angeles Fire Department
Honeywell Titan SCBA
Training Manual
Los Angeles County Fire Department Training Manual
Table of Contents
Introduction and Responsibilities…………………………………………… Page 4
Policy ……………………………………………………………………………... Page 5
Backpack Harness and Frame………………………………………………… Page 8
Honeywell Titan Components Diagram……………………………………… Page 9
Air Cylinder……………………………………………………………………….. Page 10
First Stage Regulator…………………………………………………………… Page 11
Low Air Alarm……………………………………………………………………. Page 11
Air Pressure Gauge/PASS Alarm……………………………………………... Page 11
ThermAlert………………………………………………………………………... Page 11
PASS Status Indicators………………………………………………………… Page 12
Second Stage Regulator……………………………………………………….. Page 13
Heads Up Display………………………………………………………………... Page 14
Facepiece…………………………………………………………………………. Page 15
Voice Amplification System…………………………………………………… Page 16
Information Lighting…………………………………………………………….. Page 17
Spectacle Kit……………………………………………………………………… Page 18
Universal Air Connect (UAC)………………………………………………….. Page 19
Emergency Breathing Safety System (EBSS)……………………………… Page 20
Donning the SCBA: Overhead Method………………………………………. Page 21
Donning the SCBA: Sling Method……………………………………………. Page 23
Donning the Facepiece…………………………………………………………. Page 25
Daily Inspection………………………………………………………………….. Page 28
Weekly Inspection……………………………………………………………….. Page 29
Cleaning and Sanitizing………………………………………………………… Page 31
A. Purpose:
Honeywell Titan self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
B. Scope:
To provide Department personnel with instructions, regulations, and guidelines to the
This instruction applies to all personnel on any incident where personal injury may result
without the use of self-contained breathing apparatus or where SCBAs will be employed as part of
a work related task.
C. Author:
sponsible for the content, revision and review of the instruction.
The Deputy Chiefs of the Operations Bureaus, through the Training Division, shall be re-
D. Authority: Employees shall be provided with and shall use protective
respiratory equipment, in accordance with section 5144 and article 10.1, of the
general Industrial Safety Orders, when exposed to harmful respiratory conditions in the course of
firefighting, emergency activity or routine work assignments. These regulations require that all SCBA's used by firefighters must be NIOSH approved and meet the regulations reference standards established by the American Nation Standards Institute. Specifically, they refer to ANSIZ.88.2 ­1992 "Practices for Respiratory Protection" and ANSI Z88.5 "Respiratory Protection for the Fire Service" relative to SCBA's and the quality of air that shall be used. All SCBA's used by Depart­ment personnel shall be NFPA 1981 – 2013 Edition compliant or newer.
A. All Personnel shall be capable of performing proper donning and use of a self- contained
breathing apparatus as outlined in Volume 10, Chapter 3, Subject 1 and the SCBA section of the Context Manual. Additionally all personnel shall be proficient with routine cleaning, dai­ly/weekly testing, and required record keeping "Form 20" of self-contained breathing appa­ratus .
B. Incident
breathing apparatus during tire fighting, overhaul and salvage
Commanders shall insure that all personnel are properly using self- contained
operations and when required
for safety and protection as outlined in Volume 10, Chapter 3, Subject 1.
C. Station Captains shall insure that all self-contained breathing apparatus are
a serviceable condition at all times and subordinates adhere to
all requirements
outlined in Volume 10, Chapter 3, Subject 1.
D. Fire Fighter Specialist shall inspect all of the unassigned self-contained
breathing apparatus on all apparatus assigned to their station in addition to their assigned SCBA
E. All personnel shall inspect their assigned self-contained breathing apparatus daily.
responsibility shall not be delegated.
As there is no way to predetermine all hazardous conditions, concentrations of toxic materials or percentages of oxygen in the air during emergency operations. Therefore self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) are required to be worn and used at all times by all personnel when: (NFPA1404)
1. At the scene of emergency incidents where the atmosphere could be
immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) or may become oxygen deficient.
2. At the scene of emergency incidents where the atmosphere could be contaminated by toxic vapors, gases, fumes, mist or dust caused by fire, explosions, leaks, spills, or other means.
3. Involved in firefighting, ventilation, salvage and overhaul operations, or under conditions involving spills or releases of chemicals or other toxic materials.
4. Entering confined spaces that are oxygen deficient or, where smoke, chemicals, toxic agents, toxic fumes of unknown type gases or vapors are present.
5. Required by the Incident Commander.
B. The wearing of corrective lenses are:
1. Use of contact lenses shall be permitted provided the user has previously demonstrated suc­cessful long-term contact lens use.
2. Spectacles with any strap or temple bars that pass through the face piece- to-face seal area shall be prohibited.
All self-contained breathing apparatus shall have a NIOSH approval and be NFPA 1981 - 2013 edition compliant.
D. Daily: all personnel shall inspect their assigned SCBA and initial the appropriate Form 20. This
responsibility shall not be delegated. Fire Fighter Specialist shall inspect all unassigned SCBA's on all apparatus assigned to their station and initial the appropriate Form 20.
E. Weekly: all personnel shall don their SCBA and insure they can maintain a negative pressure
face piece seal, test proper operation of the first breath on function, manual on button, bypass valve operation, exhalation valve operation, and shut-off button. When completed they shall date and print their last name on the appropriate Form 20. This responsibility shall not be dele gated. The Fire Fighter Specialist shall inspect all unassigned SCBA's on all apparatus at their
assigned station and complete all entries on the appropriate Form 20.
F. After Each Use: All SCBA’s shall be cleaned, tested and returned to a ready for use status.
Each face piece shall be cleaned and disinfected.
G. Air Cylinders: Shall be stored, filled and maintained in a safe manner.
H. All personnel: Shall demonstrate proficiency in donning the SCBA within a 60 second time limit annually.
I. All personnel: Shall don the SCBA and conduct a search while in a simulated smoke-filled atmosphere annually.
J. All personnel: Shall properly connect the Emergency Breathing Safety System and review the uses and limitations.
K. All personnel: Shall have a quantitative face piece fit test annually.
L. Safety Issue: Air Cylinders shall not be filled without the proper hydrostatic test identification
markings. The hydrostatic test date shall be checked prior to filling each air cylinder. Any air cylinder found to be out of hydrostatic date (every 5 years) shall be immediately removed form service, tagged and sent to the Pacoima SCBA Shop to be hydrostatic tested.
M. Safety Issue: The use of self-contained breathing apparatus for water rescue incidents is
1. The SCBA is not designed or intended to be used in water rescue operations.
2. As soon as the second stage regulator is submerged, the SCBA will free flow. This is similar to the having the bypass valve open. A full cylinder of air will be expended in less than 5 minutes.
3. The exhalation valve will not operate properly. Exhaled and bypassed air will exit at both sides of the face piece.
4. The curved face piece lens creates significant visual distortion underwater.
5. Submerging the SCBA can cause significant damage to the components. Any
SCBA that has been submerged shall be sent to the Pacoima SCBA Shop for evaluation immediately.
N. Safety Issue: Should a fire fighter find themselves trapped underwater, maneuver to a horizontal face-
up position. This orientation can trigger the SCBA to operate in a pressure demand mode. This mode will extend the users available air supply.
O. Safety Issue: The use of self contained breathing apparatus does not offer complete protection in
atmospheres containing gases or vapors that are absorbed through the skin, i.e. Hydocyanic Acid (Hydrogen Cyanide) Methyl Bromide. Do not enter these atmospheres until thoroughly ventilated and approved by hazardous materials personnel.
The Honeywell Titan Self­Contained Breathing Apparatus is the latest addition to the County of Los Angeles Fire Depart­ment’s SCBA inventory. The Titan SCBA meets all require­ments of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) in accordance with the requirements of 42 CFR 84, and the National Fire Protection Ad­ministration (NFPA) 1981 Stand­ard on Open Circuit Self Con­tained Breathing Apparatus for Emergency Services, 2013 Edi­tion.
The backpack consists of a lightweight aluminum backplate with an aluminum
hip plate
that both hing­es and swivels on the backplate. The backplate has four integrated carrying handles with carabineer at­tachment points. Each attachment point is rated to 1,000 pounds. The air cylinder is retained by a stain­less steel band that provides positive retention and requires two independent actions to open. The stain­less steel band has adjustment points that allow for the use of
30-minute, 45-minute or 60-minute air cyl­inders. A reflective strip will be adhered the center section of the stainless steel band. A color coded system will allow for general identification of each SCBA assigned.
Black Front line Apparatus
Red Reserve Apparatus
Orange Battalion Spare
Blue Training
Green SCBA Repair Shop
Designed for a secure, stable fit, with weight concentrated at the hips, the straps are made Kevlar and incorporate a metal automotive-style waist buckle. The waist straps adjust from both sides by pulling on the gray tabs keeping the SCBA centered during donning. There are two regulator receiver clips. One clip is located on the lower left shoulder strap and the other is located on the left side waist strap for storage of the second stage regulator. The regulator belt clip is designed to keep the second stage regu­lator clean and secure until it is attached to the facepiece. The shoulder straps adjust by pulling on the yellow tabs and maintain their adjusted position using an alligator type clip.
The intermediate pressure hose is routed over the left shoulder and incorporates the electrical/ pneumatic connector. This connection can only be completed one way. The completed connec­tion sends air and power to the second stage regulator and the electronics required for the Heads-Up Display. The quick connect fittings employ a push/pull release to prevent accidental disconnection. The male connection has to be pushed into the female fitting and the sleeve on the female fitting pulled back to allow separation.
Located at the base of the backpack is the battery compartment that houses four C size batteries. All
electronics are supplied by these batteries except the Voice Amplifier.
The back PASS has an amber LED battery status indicator. In storage or when the SCBA is activated manually or by pressure from the cylin­der, the amber LED flashes every ten seconds to indicate a low battery condition, and will cease flashing altogether to indicate a dead battery. An audible beep will also sound every ten seconds to indicate a low battery condition.
Honeywell Titan Components
Carrying Handle and Strap
Integrated Carrying Handles
Carabiner Attachment Points
Low Air Alarm
First Stage
Regulator Receivers
Air Cylinder Reten-
tion Band and
Dual Motion
Second Stage Regulator
With Heads up Display
Emergency Air System (EAS)/ Buddy Breather
Universal Air
Pass Alarm & Air
Pressure Gauge
A 45-minute (66 cubic foot - 1800 liter) air cylinder will be the standard issue for the Titan SCBA. The air cylinder is of composite construction with an aluminum liner overwrapped by a carbon fiber. The composite construction offers a significant weight savings compared to older hoop- wrapped de­signs. Attention to the appropriate handling of composite air cylinders shall be maintained. Composite air cylinders will not withstand the abusive treatment that the aluminum hoop-wrapped air cylinders could.
When placing an SCBA in service, FULLY OPEN the air cylinder valve. Partial opening can cause the loss of breathing air as cylinder pressure decreases. The air cylinder valve does not incorporate a locking sleeve. The valve knob is designed not to close under normal operations.
All air cylinders intended for use with the Titan SCBA's have a maximum fill capacity 4500 psi. Air cylinders less than 4000 psi shall be exchanged for a full air cylinder.
All 45-minute air cylinders for use in the field have a two inch luminescent band at the upper end of the cylinder. Printed three times within the band is the Los
Angeles County's three letter designator, LAC. The color of the letters indicates the date of manufacture and original hydrostatic test. The color rotation will repeat every five years as hydrostatic testing on carbon-fiber air cylinders is re­quired every five years.
Year of Purchase Color First Hydro Second Hydro Third Hydro
2008 Black 2008 2013 2018
2009 Red 2009 2014 2019
2010 Blue 2010 2015 2020
2011 Yellow 2011 2016 2021
2012 Green 2012 2017 2022
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