The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
The Bard
s Tale
Getting Started 130 Item Editor 131 Spell Editor 133 Monster Editor 135 Map Editor 137 Draw Map 138 Specials 139 Utilities 142 Tips For Creating A World 143 Technical Information 151 Playing Your Game 157 Sample Scenario 160
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
Once you have selected which one you will be working with, a separate menu will appear containing all the editing information. Each item on the list can be selected by
(1) clicking on it with the mouse,
(2) moving the highlight bar up and down and pressing <enter> to select, or
(3) pressing the first letter of the desired selection.
Many of the selections contain choices in “<>” brackets. These can be selected with the mouse or by pressing the first letter of that choice. For example, to <draw map> simply press “D” or click on the <draw map> with the mouse. The “up” and “dn” in the lower left corner represent “Page Up” and “Page Down”. You can page up and down through these menus by clicking on them or pressing the “Page Up/Down” keys. Some also have a “lft” and “rgt” in the corners signifying left and right arrows to scroll the text in the window.
The Item Editor contains the following options:
Name - Choose a name for your weapon. The name can be up to 24 characters long but only the first 12 letters will appear on item lists during game play.
Item Type - Your choices are as follows:
1. Miscellaneous
2. Hand Weapon
3. Shield
4. Armor
5. Helm
6. Gloves
7. Figurine
8. Instrument
9. Ring
10. Wand
11. Bow
12. Arrow
13. Thrown Weapon
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set requires 640K of free memory. It
requires about 1.2 MB of hard disk space. When you create a dungeon with the Set, you will need blank disks to hold the data or hard disk space available. The amount will vary greatly upon the size of your dungeon that you create.
Loading Instructions
1. Boot your computer with DOS. If you have a mouse, make sure it is connected and the driver is installed.
2. Insert the disk marked STARTUP into your disk drive.
3. Change the disk prompt to the drive that your STARTUP disk is in by typing A: <enter> (or B:) depending on where your STARTUP DISK is.
4. First you should read the README file for any additional information not included in this manual. Type README <enter>.
5. After reading the README file, you will want to install The Bard’s Tale Construction Set to either your hard disk or to floppies. Type INSTALL <enter>.
6. Follow the instructions there to install The Bard’s Tale Construction Set.
7. When finished installing, type BTCS <enter> to load the program.
The Main Menu
After the title screens appear, the Main Menu will appear on your monitor.
The options at the Main Menu are as follows:
1. Item Editor - create your own items
2. Spell Editor - create your own magic spells
3. Monster editor - create creatures to inhabit your world
4. Map Editor - design your own cities, dungeons, and specials
5. Utilities - save information to disk, test a dungeon level, print out spell lists, import your own pictures, and Build Your Dungeon!
If you select any of the Editors from the Main Menu, you will then be shown a selection of the currently available items, spells, monsters, or maps previously created - or you can create a new one altogether.
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
Spell Cast - Choose from any spell off the spell list (that you create). Cause - Text that occurs when the weapon attacks (eg. “swings at”, “aims
at”, “slices at”, etc.) Effect - Text that occurs when the
weapon hits (eg. “hits for”, “punches for”, “cuts for”, etc.) So that a combat message would look like “Rusty slices at Orc and cuts for 10 points of damage.”
Maximum number of definable spells is 100. Maximum number of
simultaneously running spells is 100. Spells have the following qualities for you to define:
Name - The name you have chosen to give your magic spell. Your spell name can be up to 24 characters long.
Code - The four letter code that the mage uses to cast the spell. Mage Class - Which class of magician can use this spell:
1. Magician
2. Sorceror
3. Conjurer
4. Wizard
5. Archmage
Level - What level of the particular mage class can use this spell (1 through
7). Setting level 8 makes the spell one that mage’s cannot cast. Points Needed - How many points are drained from the mage when he/she
casts the spell.
Range - How far the spell will work for (10 to 90 feet). Effective Range - Normal or Double. If Double is selected, then the spell
will work at twice the range but at half the damage.
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
User Class - Select which class can equip the item. You can select one classs, all classes, or any combination of the classes below:
1. Warrior
2. Paladin
3. Rogue
4. Bard
5. Hunter
6. Monk
7. Conjurer
8. Magician
9. Sorceror
10. Wizard
11. Archmage
Price - From 1 to 32,000 gold pieces or sell to Garth for half price. Armor Plus - From 1 to 15 points to lower a character’s AC if equipped.
Any item type can have an armor plus. Hit Plus - From 1 to 15 points to increase a character’s chance of hitting
an opponent. The Hit Plus makes a difference for only hand weapons, bows, arrows, or thrown weapons.
Damage Dice - How much damage the item will do if equipped and used to attack (only true for hand weapons, arrows, or thrown weapons).
X-Special - An item that does damage can do one of the following types of damage in addition to its normal damage:
1. Poison
2. Level Drain
3. Insanity
4. Aging
5. Possession
6. Stoned
7. Paralyze
8. Critical Hit
Likelihood of X-Special - The percentage chance of doing the X-tra Damage above if the weapons hits.
Times Usable - If the item casts a spell when Used, this will determine how many charges it has before it cannot be Used anymore. Set from 0 to 255, with 255 meaning that its Uses are unlimited. This number is also used for thrown weapons and bows.
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
Damage/Healing - How much damage the spell does or how many points it heals. This is determined by a dice roll. (eg. 4 6-sided dice).
Duration -
ONE one round (6 seconds or 1 combat round) SHORT 2-4 minutes (or 20-40 rounds, since there are 10
rounds in a minute)
MEDIUM 3-6 minutes LONG 4-8 minutes COMBAT run until combat is over (cannot be cast outside of
PERMANENT start only (i.e. effect is permanent) CONTINUOUS run until dispelled, then just stop (don’t end effect) INDEFINITE run until dispelled, then end effect
Note that different permutations of these options will create vastly different spells. For example, a spell that does Continuous Damage on your Party will continue to damage your party every round or movement turn until it is dispelled. This can make for some pretty nasty spells. See the Spell Effects Chart on page ((technical information section page number)) in the Technical Section of this manual.
If a spell is cast at a magic resistant monster, it gets to use its magic resistance when the spell is cast and each subsequent round (if any) that the spell operates. A group of monsters gets one roll for the entire group. If all monster groups are affected, the group with the highest magic resistance rolls. In any case, a resisted spell shatters and ends immediately.
Name - Give your wonderful creation a name. Starting Distance - If encountered randomly, what is the maximum
distance this monster can appear at? (from 10’ to 90’) Moves Per Round - How many feet (in increments of 10’) can this monster
move forward each round.
Rate of Attacks — how many attacks per round this monster gets. Illusion - Yes/No toggle to detemine if this creature is real or illusion Picture Number - Select what the monster looks like (from our list of about
40 or your own)
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
Type - Select one effect from the list below:
1. Heal
2. Resurrect
3. Cure Poison
4. Cure Insanity
5. Youth
6. Dispossess
7. Stone to Flesh
8. Cure Paralysis
9. Restore Lost Levels
10. Damage
11. Kill
12. Poison
13. Cause Insanity
14. Age
15. Possess
16. Flesh to Stone
17. Paralyze
18. Summon Monster
19. Summon Illusion
20. Dispel Illusion
21. Scry Sight
22. Light
23. Armor Class Bonus
24. Hit Bonus
25. Trap Destruction
26. Secret Door Detection
27. Phase Door
28. Dispel Magic
29. Regenerate Bard Song
Area/Target - NA Not applicable; no target is need or used
SINGLE A single target, in either the party or a monster group,
is affected
GROUP An entire group, the party or a monster group, is
ALL MONSTER All of the monster groups are affected GROUPS
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
Thaumaturgical Resistance - Percentage that the monster will resist any spell cast upon it.
Xtra Ranged Attack -
1. Type (can be a Magic Spell, Group Range, or Single Foe)
2. Message *such as “breathes at”)
3. Damage (if a spell, ocerrides spell information)
4. X-tra damage (see X-tra damage above)
5. Range (10’-90’. Again, overrides spell information)
Gold - Random gold for killing monster multiplied by the number in the group.
Name - The name of the dungeon (or city) Type of Dungeon - Select from from types of walls for this dungeon Level - What level of the dungeon the party is on. Chance of Wandering Monster - Percentage that a wandering monster
encounter will occur after each action. Wandering Monster Difficulty -
What random monsters can appear on this level detemined by the Monster Level. (see monsters) For example, if a monster is defined as Level 2, then he can appear randomly only on levels with a Monster Difficulty of 2.
File Name - Name to save this dungeon level to disk under.
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
Combat Options - Choose from the list below what the monster will do for 4 rounds (after the 4 rounds are finished, the monster repeats the list again starting at 1):
1. Attack
2. Move and Attack (if possible to move)
3. Dependent Attack (attack if close enough)
4. Special Attack (do monster’s special attack)
5. Random Attack (monsters chooses best option or random)
6. Nothing (do absolutely nothing)
Extra Damage — Select one from the list below if you want your monster to do X-tra Damage:
0. None
1. Poison
2. Level Drain
3. Insanity
4. Aging
5. Possession
6. Stoned
7. Paralysis
8. Critical Hit
9. Item-Zot
10. Point Phaze (take spell points)
Base AC - What the monster’s armor class is. Upper Limit Appearing - In random encounters, what is the maximum you
can find in a group (1-99). Hit Points - Dice range to determine how many points of damage the
monster can take before getting killed. Damage Dice - Dice range that determines how many points of damage the
monster does. Attack Msg. - Text that describes what the monster does in combat (eg.
“attacks”, “bites at”, “whips”, etc.) To create a combat message such as “Monster whips Hayato for 10 points of damage.”
Level - What level the monster is. Used for determining which monsters appear randomly on which dungeon levels (ie. if a monster is level 3, and the monster difficulty is defined as 3, then this creature may randomly appear on that level).
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
+ 13 hidden pages