Once you have selected which one you will be working with, a separate
menu will appear containing all the editing information. Each item on the list
can be selected by
(1) clicking on it with the mouse,
(2) moving the highlight bar up and down and pressing <enter> to select, or
(3) pressing the first letter of the desired selection.
Many of the selections contain choices in “<>” brackets. These can be
selected with the mouse or by pressing the first letter of that choice. For
example, to <draw map> simply press “D” or click on the <draw map> with
the mouse. The “up” and “dn” in the lower left corner represent “Page Up”
and “Page Down”. You can page up and down through these menus by
clicking on them or pressing the “Page Up/Down” keys. Some also have a
“lft” and “rgt” in the corners signifying left and right arrows to scroll the text in
the window.
The Item Editor contains the following options:
Name - Choose a name for your weapon. The name can be up to 24
characters long but only the first 12 letters will appear on item lists during
game play.
Item Type - Your choices are as follows:
1. Miscellaneous
2. Hand Weapon
3. Shield
4. Armor
5. Helm
6. Gloves
7. Figurine
8. Instrument
9. Ring
10. Wand
11. Bow
12. Arrow
13. Thrown Weapon
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set requires 640K of free memory. It
requires about 1.2 MB of hard disk space. When you create a dungeon with
the Set, you will need blank disks to hold the data or hard disk space available.
The amount will vary greatly upon the size of your dungeon that you create.
Loading Instructions
1. Boot your computer with DOS. If you have a mouse, make sure it is
connected and the driver is installed.
2. Insert the disk marked STARTUP into your disk drive.
3. Change the disk prompt to the drive that your STARTUP disk is in by
typing A: <enter> (or B:) depending on where your STARTUP DISK is.
4. First you should read the README file for any additional information
not included in this manual. Type README <enter>.
5. After reading the README file, you will want to install The Bard’s Tale
Construction Set to either your hard disk or to floppies. Type
INSTALL <enter>.
6. Follow the instructions there to install The Bard’s Tale Construction Set.
7. When finished installing, type BTCS <enter> to load the program.
The Main Menu
After the title screens appear, the Main Menu will appear on your monitor.
The options at the Main Menu are as follows:
1. Item Editor - create your own items
2. Spell Editor - create your own magic spells
3. Monster editor - create creatures to inhabit your world
4. Map Editor - design your own cities, dungeons, and specials
5. Utilities - save information to disk, test a dungeon level, print out spell
lists, import your own pictures, and Build Your Dungeon!
If you select any of the Editors from the Main Menu, you will then be
shown a selection of the currently available items, spells, monsters, or maps
previously created - or you can create a new one altogether.
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set
The Bard’s Tale Construction Set