Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Saving and Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
The Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Options Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Mental Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
PDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Atari Web Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
End-User License Agreement . . . . . . . .26
My desire to create video games dates back to the arrival of 3D real time. I remember how many possibilities suddenly opened up because of this new technology. I saw it as a new means of expression where the world could be pushed to its limits. It was my way of exploring new horizons. I felt like a pioneer filmmaker at the start of the 20th Century: grappling with basic technology, but also being aware that there is everything left to invent - in particular a new language that is both narrative and visual.
To be honest, the ten years that followed didn’t satisfy my hunger. I was under the impression that video games were only exploiting a tiny part of their amazing creative potential, because they concentrated on “Action” and totally neglected a fundamental element of all human experience – emotion. The technology, meanwhile, was moving much faster.
Indigo Prophecy is my contribution to the transformation of video games into a true form of expression that conveys emotion. The solutions I offer are not the only ones, but questions and offers concrete answers. It shows how it’s possible to cre­ate an interactive experience that is more than just killing monsters in cor­ridors and shooting crates to find ammunition. It shows that it’s possible to create experiences that are richer and deeper. It shows that it’s also possible to tell a story and play a game without sacrificing either the inter­activity or the narrative. I hope you, as skilled or occasional players, will enjoy the experience that we have tried to create here. If you hold preju­dices against video games, I hope that reconsider your judgment. I also hope that more people will be tempted to explore this new creative path, injecting their own inspiration, talent and ambitions. Interactivity is still in its infancy. There is still everything left to invent.
Indigo Prophecy has been a huge part of our lives these last two years and has proved to be a vast human and intellectual adventure for the whole Quantic Dream team, one that has forced us to question many of the principles that we previously took as read. I will consider myself for­tunate if, like the books, films, and songs that have made lasting impres­sions on you,
Indigo Prophecy could leave some small trace too.
David Cage
Indigo Prophecy's huge merit is that it asks real
Indigo Prophecy will help you
The ReadMe File
The Indigo Prophecy™CD-ROM game has a ReadMe file where you can view both the License Agreement and updated information about the game. We strongly encourage you to read this file in order to benefit from changes made after this manual went to print.
To view this file, double-click on it in the Indigo Prophecy directory found on your hard drive (usually C:\Program Files\Atari\Indigo Prophecy). You can also view the ReadMe file by first clicking on the Start button on your Windows Prophecy, and then on the ReadMe file.
System Requirements
Operating System: Windows®98SE/Me/2000/XP Processor: Pentium Memory: 256 MB RAM (TBD MB recommended) Hard Disk Space: 2.5 GB free CD-ROM Drive: 8x speed or faster Video: 32 MB Hardware T&L-compatible video card* Sound: Windows
DirectX *32 MB video cards that do not support Hardware T&L, such as the
Nvidia Riva TNT or any Intel integrated video card, are not supported.
You must be logged in as a user with Administrative privileges to install Indigo Prophecy. However, once installed, you do not need administrator privileges to play the game, provided you installed the game for all users.
1 Start Windows 2 Insert the 3 If AutoPlay is enabled, a title screen should appear. If AutoPlay is
4 Follow the remainder of the on-screen instructions to finish installing
5 Once installation is complete, click on the Start button on the
Note: You must have the Indigo Prophecy game disc in your CD-ROM drive to play.
taskbar, then on Programs, then on Atari, then on Indigo
III 800 MHz or faster
sound card
: DirectX®version 9.0c (included) or higher
Indigo Prophecy CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
not enabled, or the installation does not start automatically, click on the Start button on your Windows D:\Setup and click on OK.
taskbar, then on Run. Type
Note: If your CD-ROM drive is assigned
to a letter other than D, substitute that letter.
Indigo Prophecy CD-ROM game.
taskbar and choose Programs/Atari/Indigo Prophecy/
Indigo Prophecy to start the game.
Installation of DirectX
The Indigo Prophecy CD-ROM requires DirectX®9.0c or higher in order to run. If you do not have DirectX click “Yes” when asked if you would like to install it.
9.0c or higher installed on your computer,
Your progress through the game — including unlocked story chapters and bonus points — will be automatically saved each time you see a red icon in the upper right corner of the screen (providing you have not disabled the AutoSave feature in the Options Menu). When you select Continue from the Main Menu, the game will load at the last save point of the current Log In.
To load a new Profile, select Options at the Main Menu and then select Change Login. You will be prompted to select a Profile or create a new one.
Indigo Prophecy begins as you witness an unspeakable crime. However, unlike most murder mysteries, the criminal’s identity is no secret. In fact, you should quickly figure out how to cover your tracks and get away even though ample evidence points directly to you as the murder suspect.
You know that you are not consciously guilty, but you also know you were hold­ing the murder weapon as you came out of your mur­derous trance. Now you must somehow discover the truth before the cops find you, or you simply succumb to the gravity of the situation you are in and lose your mind.
Stories are always better when told from more than one perspective. In Indigo Prophecy, you also play as two NYC detective partners assigned to the murder. It looks like a psycho killer went off and left lots of evi­dence behind in the process. But it’s clear that something isn’t right. Can you figure out what it is and stop the serial killings?
There are many ways that the The decisions you make as the characters you play will steer the story through one of these paths. We encourage you to experiment with differ­ent responses, actions and outcomes.
Indigo Prophecy story can be told and end.
Lucas Kane
There is no reasonable explana­tion for why Lucas brutally murdered a stranger in a late­night diner. But Lucas knows he wasn’t controlling his
own body while the crime took place. Lucas has one option – uncover the truth and somehow find a way to clear himself.
Carla Valenti
As an NYPD detective, Carla knows all about the bizarre. The grue­some scene in Doc’s Diner seems like the
work of a psychotic mind, but Carla suspects that this case involves a force more sinister than madness.
Tyler Miles
Tyler knows he has been working too much. He can see it in the way that he and his girlfriend Samantha are getting along. Unfortunately, nights aren’t getting any shorter now
that he and Carla have picked up the Doc’s Diner case.
Markus Kane
It has been two years since Markus last spoke to his brother Lucas. And now this terrible confession… What will Markus do with the knowledge that his
brother is a murderer?
arrows Walk shift + arrows Run keypad Swing camera num 3 Display Mental Health enter Character switch num 1 Reset camera in the back of the
character (only in outside sets).
esc Pause Menu num lock Display PDA
left + right click (hold) Walk left click (hold) Move camera
right click Change camera POV right click (hold) Swing camera wheel click (hold) or First-person camera spacebar + left click (hold)
Indigo Prophecy allows you to re-bind keyboard, mouse and gamepad layout to your specific liking. From the Main Menu, go to the Options­Controls section and select “Control Settings”. Once at the Control Settings screen, simply highlight the key you want to change and press the new new key you want bound.
When you move your character in front of an object or person, an action icon will some­times appear at the top of the screen. The white line and moving red dot indicate the direction to move the order to perform an action.
arrow keys in
If you choose to talk to another character, dialog options are presented at the top of the screen. Move the the direction indicated by the white line and moving red dot to select a dialog choice. The blue meter below the dialog choices represents the
amount of time you have to choose your response. If you don’t say something before the blue bar disappears, the game will make a default choice for you. If there is a red symbol, you will exit the dialog.
Dialog is structured in a way to give a strong feeling of natural pacing and emulate the continuity of a real dialog. Key words appear as ideas cross your mind. You won’t be able to ask all of them as the dialog progresses, so you should think about what you want to ask.
Don’t worry — you will never get stuck because you did not ask the right question or missed something in a dialog. The game always checks that you have the minimum amount of information you need to understand the story and continue. But if you don’t play dialogs, you may miss some side information or even some scenes.
It is generally better not to let the game make a default choice for you, as it is generally not the most interesting or revealing choice that will be made.
NOTE If you are not interested in a dialog and want to make it as short as possible, just don’t make any choice when the red symbol is displayed on the left of the time bar and the dialog will quickly end.
arrow keys in
Note If you slowly move the arrow keys, you will also be able to unfold the animation or move back and forth. Do it slowly to really feel that you have control of the motion.
During an action sequence, two colored rings appear in the mid­dle of the screen, corresponding to the directions of the and the number pad. Make the corresponding moves as quickly as directions are turned on, in order to successfully complete the sequence.
When you see this on screen,
number pad in the directions indicated.
The white dots at the top of the screen indicate the number of lives you have left. When you run out of lives, the story ends.
This symbol appears on screen each time strength or stamina is involved. When you see this on screen, alternately push the
and the right arrow as quickly and
steadily as you can. The quicker you are, the faster the animation will be played.
In some places in the game, slight variations of this interface may occur, where your task will be to keep the dot in the middle by bal­ancing the You will be informed by an alert on screen before this type of variations occurs.
NOTE You can modify the difficulty level of the action sequences by selecting the Option Menu, then Controls, and then changing the “Difficulty Level” setting to EASY, NORMAL or HARD.
left arrow and the right arrow.
push the
arrows and/or the
Press the arrows to highlight an option (list­ed below), and press the
Enter to select it.
New Movie
Load the Tutorial or play Indigo Prophecy from the opening scene.
Continue the game from the last save point for the current Profile.
As you complete chapters in Indigo Prophecy, they are unlocked and available for replay here. Select a chapter and press option of not saving your progress, loading a new pro­file, or overwriting your saved progress for the current profile. Press the
left arrow to page back.
Enter to replay it. You will have the
right arrow to page ahead; press
Modify game options (see “Options Menu” on next page).
As you play the game, you will discover Tarot Cards that earn you Bonus Points. Spend your Bonus Points here to unlock concept art, movies, Making Of material, exclusive scenes and more.
+ 11 hidden pages