Flowserve V-378 User Manual

Edward Valves
Maintenance Manual for Edward
Gate Valves
V-378 R1
Edward Valves
Table of Contents
Introduction and Scope .........................3
Gate Valve Figure Numbers ...................3
Description of Equiwedge
Gate Valve Types...............................4
Type I..................................................4
Type II..............................................4-5
Type III................................................5
Type IV................................................5
Type V.................................................5
Service Problems ..................................6
Packing Chamber Leak.......................6
Packing Recommendations..................6
Pressure Seal Gasket Leak ..................7
Pressure Seal Leak.............................7
Gate and Seat Leakage......................8
Body or Bonnet Wall Leak ..................8
Repair Procedures.................................9
Valve Body Repairs.– Body
Bore Gasket Seal Area Repairs.........9
Body Wall Repairs...........................10
Body Guide Repairs.........................10
Seat Repairs....................................10
Gate Repairs ...................................11
Bonnet Repairs ................................11
Porosity in Bonnet............................12
Stem Repairs...................................12
Field Repair Equipment.....................12
Disassembly Procedure for
Equiwedge Gate Valves....................13
Disassembly Procedure for Bonnet Types,
Area 3
Type I .............................................14
Type II............................................15
Type III ...........................................16
Type IV & V ....................................17
Reassembly Procedures for Equiwedge
Gate Valves ....................................18
Exploded View...................................19
Reassembly Instructions........................20
Handwheel Actuated Valves ..............20
Tapered Roller Bearing
Preload Instructions ........................21
Reassembly Instructions for
Valves with Composite Pressure
Seal Gaskets Only.........................23
Type I Reassembly............................24
Type II Reassembly...........................25
Type III Reassembly ..........................26
Type IV & V Reassembly...................26
Appendix A
Procedure for Removing Manual
& Electric Actuators...................28-29
Appendix B
Valve Tools Available for Rental.........30
Terms and Conditions ..........................31
Contact Information ............................32
Table 1 Gland Bolt Torques.................7
Table 2 Bonnet/Cover Bolt/
Nut Pull-up Torques.................7
Table 3 Welding Rod
Recommendations ................22
Table 4 Dimensions for
Bearing Preload Washer.......22
Table 5 Bearing Retainer
Preload Torque ....................22
Table 5A ..........................................22
Table 6 Bearing Retainer
Final Torque ........................22
Table 6A ..........................................22
Table 7 Composite Gasket
Bonnet/Cover Bolt/Nut
Pull-Up Torques ....................23
Edward Valves
Introduction and Scope
This manual has been prepared to serve as a guide for maintenance of Edward Equiwedge gate valves, all of which feature the pressure seal bonnet joint construction. Although rigid metallurgical, non-destructive examination, physical and visual inspection is standard procedure for Edward Valves products, it is inevitable that some valves, after a period of time, will require repairs. This manual will assist you in restoring the valve to good working condition with a minimum of time and expense.
Before starting any repairs, it will be helpful to have some understanding of the valve’s physical construction. Consequently, the five basic types of pressure seal con­struction are discussed and illustrated first. All Equiwedge gate valves employ one of these five basic types.
The next major section of this manual discusses the more common service problems, and explains the reason for certain failures. The reason for the problem should be understood before work is actu­ally started.
Then, the procedure to be followed in mak­ing the repair is explained. This section includes normal valve maintenance as well as major valve repairs. Field repair equip­ment available from Edward Valves is described and illustrated. Valve lubrication
and welding rod recommendations are also included. These procedures should be adequate for almost any Equiwedge gate valve repair or maintenance problem that may arise.
Following is a section describing the disassembly procedure for the various valve components; for example, manual handwheel, manual geared actuators or electric actuators, valve yokes, and the five basic bonnet types. It is very important that this manual be studied before any disassembly work is done to avoid need­less work and loss of time by selecting the improper procedures.
The last sections include reassembly instruc­tions and available maintenance equip­ment and information on the various types of actuators, both manual and electrical.
Figure No. Class Pressure Seal Type Size
1611-1611Y 600 I & II 21⁄
2 to 28
1711Y Special Class 600 I & II 21⁄2 to 28
1911-1911Y 900 III, IV, & V 21⁄
2 to 28
14311Y Special Class 900 III, IV, & V 21⁄
2 to 28
11511-11511Y 1500 III, IV, & V 21⁄2 to 24
12011Y Special Class 1500 III, IV, & V 21⁄2 to 24
12511-12511Y 2500 III, IV, & V 21⁄2 to 24
14411Y Special Class 2500 III, IV, & V 21⁄2 to 24
Gate Valve Figure Numbers Described in this Manual
Edward Valves
Description of Equiwedge Gate Valve Types
Type I is a flanged yoke design with a
separate gasket retainer ring, both of which are held to the body by cap screws. The bonnet retainer is screwed onto the bonnet and cap screws are screwed down on top of the body to force the bonnet into contact with the gasket. See illustration No. 1.
Type II is a flanged yoke design with or without a separate bonnet retainer ring, both of which are held on the body by cap screws or studs and nuts. The bonnet is pulled up into contact with the gasket with studs and hex nuts. See illustrations Nos. 2A and 2B, pgs. 4 and 5.
Type III is a wishbone yoke design bolted to the body. It has a segmental retaining ring, spacer ring and a screwed on bonnet retainer equipped with push down bolts to pull the bonnet up into contact with the gasket. See illustration No. 3, pg. 5.
Type IV is a wishbone yoke designed bolt­ed to the body. It has a segmental retaining ring, spacer ring and separate bonnet retainer with pull up studs screwed into the bonnet to contact the gasket. See illustration No.4, pg. 5.
Type V has a yoke lock ring connection to the body with a segmented ring, gasket retainer and a separate bonnet retainer with studs screwed into the bonnet to pull up the bonnet against the gasket. See illustration No. 5, pg. 5.
Illustration No. 1 Illustration No. 2A
Size 2-1/2 & 3 - Figure 1611 and 1611Y Size 4” -Figure 1611 and 1611Y Size 2-1/2 & 3 - Figure 1711Y Size 4” - Figure 1711Y
Valve Type I Valve Type IIA
Edward Valves
Description of Equiwedge Gate Valve Types (cont.)
Illustration No. 2B
Size 6 - 28 - Figure 1611 and 1611Y Size 6 - 28 - Figure 1711Y
NOTE: Size 6 and 8 valves are wishbone yoke design with flange.
Valve Type IIB
Illustration No. 4
Size 4 - 8 - Figure 1911-1911Y-14311Y Size 4 - 8 - Figure 11511-11511Y-12011Y Size 4 - 8 - Figure 12511-12511Y-14411Y
Valve Type IV
Illustration No. 3
Size 2-1/2 - 3 - Figure 1911-1911Y-14311Y Size 2-1/2 - 3 - Figure 11511-11511Y-12011Y Size 2-1/2 - 3 - Figure 12511-12511Y-14411Y
Valve Type III
Illustration No. 5
Size 10 - 28 - Figure 1911-1911Y-14311Y Size 10 - 24 - Figure 11511-11511Y-12011Y Size 10 - 24 - Figure 12511-12511Y-14411Y
Valve Type V
Edward Valves
Service Problems
Packing Chamber Leak
Where moisture appears or actual dripping occurs at the packing chamber around the stem, gland or gland flange which cannot be eliminated by re-torquing the gland bolt the following points should be considered.
1. The packing may have become hard. Replace the packing.
2. Gland travel has been fully taken up. Repack with new packing.
3. The wrong packing is being used. See packing recommendations shown on this page.
4. A stem should be replaced when it has become deeply scratched, burred, or otherwise mutilated from careless handling, or where the stem has worn, tapered or has been bent.
5. The gaps in the rings of split packing have not been staggered around the stem. They should be inserted in this manner.
6. The packing gland may be binding against the packing chamber or stem and does not compress the packing properly. Make certain the gland fits the packing chamber and is tight­ened down equally on each side.
Packing Recommendations
Edward valves are packed with all-purpose with packing sets. This is a combination of packing using braided rings at the top and bottom in the packing chamber and flexi­ble graphite packing in the center section. Packing gland should be tightened down enough to prevent leakage but not enough to develop excessive operating torque. When the gland has advanced approxi­mately half way into the packing chamber, it is recommended that additional packing rings be added. To obtain best results, the stem should be thoroughly cleaned. Replacement packing should be the same as that originally furnished.
We recommend that replacement packing be purchased from Edward Valves to assure packing with the proper density and corrosion inhibitors is always used.
Long service life from modern graphitic packing requires that adequate preloads be applied when repacking.
1. All parts should be clean and not scored or pitted, especially the stem.
2. The valve internal parts and bonnet should be assembled prior to installing the packing.
3. Position split packing rings with the ends of adjacent rings rotated 90°.
4. Install in the following sequence:
Bottom Ring Braided Ring Center Rings Die formed
expanded graphite
Top Ring Braided Ring
5. Clean and lubricate the gland eye­bolts.
6. Carefully seat each individual pack­ing ring before adding the next ring.
7. Apply the recommended torque to the gland nuts evenly without cocking the gland. See Table 1, pg. 7, for recommended torques.
8. Tighten the nuts to the initial values shown, then loosen and re-tighten to the final torque.
9. Stroke the valve, then re-check the gland nut torques.
Note: The torque values given are for
sealing full rated pressure. For line pres­sures less than the full CWP rating of the valve, the final torques may be reduced by the ratio of P
/CWP down to a mini-
mum of P
= 1500 psig. This will reduce packing drag and extend packing life.
Edward Valves
Service Problems (cont.)
Pressure Seal Gasket Leak
Edward valves have been produced with two types of pressure seal gasket: Earlier valves had metal gaskets, while later designs have composite expanded graphite gaskets. The valves with composite gaskets can be identified by a “B” prefix on the fig­ure number. Assembly and disassembly of the two gasket types are essentially the same except the composite gasket designs have belleville spring washers under the nuts (or capscrews) of the pull-up bolting, and the tightening torque requirements for the pull-up bolting are different.
To guard against leakage, the bolts should he kept tightened at all times.
A torque wrench should be used for tighten­ing the bonnet or cover retainer stud nuts or capscrews which are used to pre-load the pressure seal gasket.
All nuts/capscrews should be tightened in an alternating star pattern to insure even tightening.
The bolting should be tightened to the torque values shown in Table 2 while the valve is under full line pressure.
Pressure Seal Leak
Should the leak fail to stop after tightening, it must be concluded that there is an imper­fect pressure seal, and the valve will have to be opened for examination. (Note: Regardless of the cause of failure, opened pressure-seal bonnets should always be reassembled with a new gasket. These are available from stock via Air Express from Raleigh, North Carolina.) Such a leak may result from any of the following causes:
1. Incomplete Seal Between Bonnet and Gasket. An incomplete seal around the gasket seating surface of the bon­net (or cover on check valves) may be caused by corrosion, dirt, chips, or other foreign matter on the mating sur­faces of the sealing angle.
2. Incomplete Seal Between Body I.D.
and Gasket. An incomplete seal in the
2.5 26 8 326 8 426 8 629 8 844 13
1611, 1611Y, 1711Y 10 67 19
12 72 21 14 76 22 16 95 27 18 121 35 20 127 37 24 156 45 28 221 64
2.5 26 11 326 11 426 11 644 19 864 28
1911, 1911Y, 14311Y 10 72 31
12 107 46 14 151 65 16 159 69 18 167 72 20 208 90 24 193 84
2.5 26 19 326 11 429 21 648 35 890 65
11511, 11511Y, 12011Y 10 151 109
12 223 161 14 242 175 16 343 247 18 353 255 20 378 273 24 268 193
2.5 26 26 326 26 429 29 6 101 101 8 133 133
10 155 155
12511, 12511Y, 14411Y 12 311 311
14 199 199 16 442 442 18 311 311 20 503 503 22 663 663 24 806 806
CLASS 300 & 600 VALVES
3/8 18 5
7/16 30 5
1/2 45 7
9/16 68 10
5/8 90 15 3/4 150 25 7/8 240 35
1 370 55 1 1/8 533 80 1 1/4 750 110 1 3/8 1020 150 1 1/2 1200 170 1 5/8 1650 230 1 3/4 2250 320 1 7/8 3000 420
2 3300 460
Edward Valves
Service Problems (cont.)
area of the gasket and body I.D. contact may be caused by surface imperfections in the body wall in the form of pin holes, extended cracks, or indentations where the metal has failed sometime after valve installation and use. Such imperfections may be surface indications deeper flaws in the body casting which may cause a by-pass around the pressure seal.
Gate and Seat Leakage
A leak existing at the seat and gate of a properly closed valve might be indicated by one of the following: a definite pressure loss in the high pressure side of the valve; continued flow through an inspection drain on the low pressure side; or, in hot lines, a downstream pipe that remains hot beyond the usual length of time and conductivity range. First, try opening the valve slightly to flush any foreign material from the seat­ing surfaces and then fully close the valve. If this doesn’t stop the leakage, then one or more of the following may be the cause:
1. Foreign material has been imbedded into the seating surfaces preventing a seal.
2. Foreign material has scratched or cut the seating surface.
3. An obstruction such as a tool or other
foreign material has been lodged across or between the seats and preventing the gate from closing.
4. The valve seat has been steam or water cut by not fully closing the valve during a previous operation.
If the valve cannot be isolated and repaired as soon as possible, schedule the work to be done at the next outage.
Body or Bonnet Wall Leak
This is a leak through the pressure contain­ing parts of the valve. A leak occurring through the bonnet should be readily detectable because of the lack of insula­tion. On the body, because of the heavy insulation, a small leak may go unnoticed for a time on a hot line because the piping evaporates the leakage.
In order to obtain long service life and maximum reliability, valves require per­iodic lubrication of the bearings and stem threads the same as for any machinery with rotating parts.
All handwheel actuated Equiwedge gate valves are equipped with low friction bear­ings, needle bearings in the smaller sizes and tapered roller bearings in the larger sizes. These valves have a lube fitting for convenient relubrication. Both the stem threads and the bearings can be relubed through this fitting. In addition, it is advis­able to clean the stem first while in the open position and apply fresh grease to the threads, then repeat while in the closed position.
For valves that are operated infrequently, relubrication at least once a year is recom­mended. The recommended lubricant for both bearings and stem threads is Rycon EP 2, manufactured by the American Oil Company. This is an extreme pressure, temperature lubricant of high quality. Use of other lubricants should be avoided.
For valves that are operated frequently, the lubricant should be replenished at both the bearings and stem threads every three months or at shorter intervals depending on the severity of the service.
Edward Valves
Body Bore Gasket Seal Area Repair
(Valves with metal gasket only)
Class 600 Equiwedge gate valves have the seal area for the pressure seal just below the top of the body bore. The seal surface is inlaid with 18-8 stainless steel on all valves size 16 and larger.
Class 900 and higher Equiwedge gate valves have the seal area just below the gasket retainer groove. The seal surface is inlaid with 18-8 stainless steel on all valves in these pressure classes.
The seal area, whether inlaid or not, must be smooth, round and without any appre­ciable taper. Upon normal disassembly of the valve the gasket may leave some verti­cal score marks when withdrawn.
If the depth of defects are .010” or less, the seal area can be honed using a portable Sunnen Hone. This device is adjustable for different bore sizes and can be operated by one man using a portable electric drill of 1/2” to 3/4” capacity. When the defects are greater than .010”, welding will be required to cut down the repair time.
First make visual inspection all around this area, noting, if possible, where flaws may occur. Next wash the area with a suitable solvent, drying with clean rags and, if nec­essary, polishing with a fine grade of emery cloth to remove any undesirable scale or foreign matter which may be been deposited on the area suspected of having flaws. Use a dye penetrant test if cracks are suspected.
Where it is necessary to repair the body inlay by welding, note the following:
1. Prior to any cutting or welding oper-
ations being performed on the valve, it is necessary that adequate seat joint protection be provided and some means of insurance against getting chips, weld spatter or other foreign matter into the pipe line if the valve is permanently mounted. A round piece of sheet metal placed in the bore down to the shoulder above the guide grooves and taped in place will protect the guide surfaces and seats.
2. Chip out the defective area in the
body, being careful to remove the affected portion to its end, inside the casting, and to thoroughly clean it away.
3. With a small hand grinder, grind the
chipped area smooth.
4. Preheat an area large enough
around the imperfection so that dur­ing the entire welding operation heat will be retained at approximately 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
5. Use a stainless steel inlay selected
from either 18-8 stainless steel rod, Harstain 18-8, Stainweld “K” 18-3, Stainweld 18-8 or equivalent.
6. Lay the weld in thin, even layers,
peening each layer before proceed­ing with the next, and being careful to maintain a temperature above 400 degrees Fahrenheit in the area being repaired. Peening the bead
actually stretches it and counteracts its tendency to contract and shrink as it cools. The last layer of weld must overlap onto the sound metal to insure a weld without an undercut at the edges. The overlapping should be done along this edge by using a welding rod of 1/8” maximum diam­eter. The last layer should bring the height of the welded area up to 1/16” above the original surface, as checked with a straight edge along the body bore.
For this type of weld repair, it is rec­ommended that the last layer be pounded while still hot with the flat face of the hammer. Thermal stress relieving is not recommended.
With a hand grinder, rough grind the welded surface to within about .010” of the finished surface. A sim­ple template cut from thin sheet metal and having the same arc as the body bore diameter, and straight edge laid along the body bore can be used as a guide. A final cut then can be made, using a fixture similar to the one shown in Illustration No. 9, pg. 15. Final finishing can be done with the adjustable Sunnen hone described on this page.
After removing all the dirt, chips, slag, spatter, and grinding dust from the body, the bore should be pol­ished with fine emery cloth and then thoroughly cleaned before reassem­bly of the valve.
Repair Procedures
Edward Valves
It is best that a new pressure-seal gasket be used upon reassembly.
Body Wall Repairs
There are five basic steps in repairing a casting defect:
1. Cut out to sound metal. Attempting to weld over the defect will only leave a notch that may re-introduce the defect. Cutting may be done by chipping, grinding or flame gouging. The amount of metal removed should be held to a minimum to avoid distortion during sub­sequent welding.
2. Preheat, using the minimum temperature specified by the material specification and/or the design code. Use at least 400F on WC9 or C5 material, 300F on WC6. Although cast carbon steels such as WCB or WCC do not require preheat, it may be advantageous to remove any moisture or other contami­nants from the area to be welded. This may also identify any leak paths. There are also disadvantages to preheat, especially localized preheat, that must be considered when working in areas of the casting with finish machined dimensions. Distortion may result in more damaging problems than those concerns created by the original defect. Lower preheats and the control of inter­pass temperature are two methods used to minimize distortion.
3. Welding should be done by qualified welders, using qualified procedures and weld material of a chemistry matching the casting (see Table 3 for welding rod recommendations). The final weld
Material ASTM Grade AWS Classification
P-1 Carbon Steel 1. ASTM A216, Grade WCB AWS 5.1
2. ASTM A105 E7018
P-4 1-1/4% Chromium, 1. ASTM A217, Grade WC6 AWS 5.5
1/2% Molybdenum 2. ASTM A182, Grade F11 E8018-B2
Low Alloy Steel
P-5 2-1/4 Chromium, 1. ASTM A217, Grade WC9 AWS 5.5
1% Molybdenum 2. ASTM A182, Grade F22 E9018-B3
Low-Alloy Steel
P-8 18% Chromium, 1. ASTM A351, Grade CF8M AWS 5.4
8% Nickel 2. ASTM A182, Grade F316 E316
Stainless Steel
P-8 18% Chromium, 1. ASTM A351, Grade CF8C AWS 5.4
8% Nickel 2. ASTM A182, Grade F347 E347
Stainless Steel
Repair Procedures (cont.)
When welding a valve in line, the installer should apply the specific technical rules imposed by the jurisdictional authority of the area where the valve is installed, In the absence of such rules, following are suggested practices for welding Edward Valves in line:
1. Welding should be done using procedures and personnel qualified in accordance with ASME Section IX. Rules for preheat and postheat are stated in Chapter V of ASME B31.1 (Power Piping).
2. The valve should be welded in line, one end at a time, in a closed position (approximately a half-turn after the seat in
the body comes in contact with the disk). This is suggested to preclude warpage between seating surfaces caused by tem­perature induced stresses during welding or subsequent heat treat. It also protects the seat from weld spatter that might coat the lapped seat and disk. When postweld heat treat is required, each weld end should be heat treated one at a time, to minimize impact of heat on valve internals. Do not heat treat an Edward Valve with a piping attached as a unit in a furnace, as warpage of parts may occur. After weld­ing, open the valve and flush the line to clean out all foreign matter.
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