11444 Deerfield Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
(513) 489-7800
Nuclear Qualified Actuator
Installation Instructions
1. All actuators are factory lubricated for life, but still
should be protected from the elements and stored indoors
until ready for use. The ports of the actuator are plugged
as supplied from the factory. If actuators are stored for a
long period of time prior to installation, the units
should be stroked every 3 months to prevent the
seals from taking set.
2. Prior to assembly, manually open and close valve to
insure freeness of operation. Be sure valve and Automax
Actuator rotate in the same direction and are in the same
position (i.e. valve closed, actuator closed).
3. Check the mounting surfaces, the stem adapter and
the bracket to assure proper fit. Secure the valve in the
closed position with the stem vertical. Bolt the bracket
to the valve and place the stem adapter on the valve stem.
Position the actuator over the valve and lower to engage
the stem adapter to the actuator shaft. Continue to lower
until the actuator seats on the bracket mounting surface.
In order to align the bolt holes, it may be necessary to
turn or stroke the actuator a few degrees and/or adjust the
actuator travel stops. Bolt the actuator to the bracket.
4. After consulting the valve manufacturer's
recommendations, adjust the travel stop bolts of the
actuator for the proper open and closed valve positions.
Pneumatically stroke the actuator several times to assure
proper operation without binding of stem adapter. If the
actuator is equipped with an Ultraswitch or other
accessories adjust them at this time.
Field Conversion from Fail CW to Fail CCW
(For Spring Return Actuators)
1. Apply supply air to actuator and loosen Stop Bolt
Jamnut (17) and back off clockwise Stop Bolt (16) to
remove all spring cartridge preload.
2. Remove supply air from actuator.
3. Support Spring Cartridge (11) and loosen all 4 Nuts
(41) evenly until all 4 nuts are loose. The spring cartridge
does not have to be removed.
4. Remove the Position Indicator (44) or any other
accessories that may be on the output shaft.
5. Remove the Bearing Retainer Screws (14) from the
valve mounting side and slide the Retainer Plate (13) off of
the shaft.
6. The Torque Shaft (20) may now be tapped out using a
soft faced hammer. Use care not to drop the shaft or the
Bearing (12) when they come out.
7. Rotate Torque Shaft (20) end for end and reinstall into
the Yoke (4) using care to line up the shaft with the
Bearing (12) on the opposite end. Push the shaft through
until the shaft bottoms out. This should only require hand
pressure to reinstall the shaft.
8. Reinstall the Bearing (12) back into the housing until it
is flush with the top of the housing.
5. To prolong actuator life use only clean, dry plant air.
Lubricated air is not required, however it is recommended
particularly for high cycle applications. Do not use
lubricated air with positioners.
Travel Stop Adjustments
All actuated valving requires accurate travel-stop
adjustments at both ends of the stroke to obtain optimum
performance and valve seat life. The accumulation of
tolerances in the adaptation of actuators to valves is such
that there must be a range of adjustments for both ends of
the stroke to achieve the expected performance.
The Heavy Duty series actuators have travel stop
adjustments in both the clockwise and counterclockwise
directions. The 12 degree overtravel feature provides
adjustments from -6 to +96 degrees.
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9. Reinstall the Bearing Retainer Plate (13) and Screws
(14) insuring that the Gasket (37) is in place.
10. Tighten the Spring Cartridge Nuts (41) evenly until
they are all 4 evenly tightened. See bolt torque chart.
11. Apply supply air to actuator and reset Stop Bolt (16).
Never try to adjust stop bolt against force of spring.
12. Reinstall position indicator or any accessories on
Torque Shaft (20).
13. Check actuator for proper operation.

11444 Deerfield Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
(513) 489-7800
Maintenance Instructions
Disassembly Procedures
1. Disconnect all air and electrical supplies from
2. Remove all accessories from actuator and dismount
from valve.
Housing or Body Group
1. Unscrew the Inspection Cover Screws (9) and
Lockwashers (10) and remove the Cover (8) and the Cover
Gasket (35).
Nuclear Qualified Actuator
Spring Group
1. Apply air pressure to the Pneumatic Cylinder to
release spring pressure from the Stop Bolt (16). Remove
both Stop Bolts (16) and release air pressure. This will
relieve the majority of the spring preload.
NOTE: PERSONAL INJURY may result if Step 2 is
attempted before Step 1 is completed.
2. The Spring Cartridge (11) is welded into an integral
component and cannot be disassembled. To remove from
actuator, remove Spring Cartridge Nuts (41) and
Lockwasher (42). At this point, all spring forces are
contained within the welded cartridge and the spring
cartridge can be removed from the center body.
NOTE: Support the Spring Cartridge (11) during removal
so as not to damage the Piston Rod (3).
Rod Cover (Double Acting Actuators)
1. Remove the Rod Cover Bolts (40) and Lockwashers
(42). The Rod Cover (11) can now be removed from the
Housing (1), taking care not to damage the Piston Rod
Pressure Group
1. Remove the Tie Rod Nuts (28), Tie Rods (27), and the
Endcap (29).
2. Slide the Cylinder (23) over and off of the Piston (24),
being careful not to scratch or dent the honed and chrome
plated surface of the cylinder (23).
3. Remove the Piston Bolt (25), Piston Bolt Lockwasher
(26) and remove the Piston (24) and Piston Face Seal
NOTE: Prior to disassembly of remainder of the Body
Group, you should check visually through the inspection
opening to determine whether further disassembly is
necessary. If the Yoke (4), the Yoke Pin (5), and the
Yoke Pin Rollers (6) are in good condition, do not
disassembly further.
2. To remove the Piston Rod (3) and Piston Rod Bearing
(2), center the Yoke in the Mid or 45 degree position.
RN2 Actuators: To remove the Yoke Pin Retainers (7),
use snap ring pliers with 90 degree tips through the
inspection cover opening. Turn the Piston Rod (3) to
remove the Yoke Pin Rollers (6) and the Yoke Pin (5)
through the inspection cover opening.
RN3 and RN4 Actuator: Remove both freeze plugs
that are located in the Housing near the Bearing Retainer
(13). Through these openings the Snap Ring, Yoke Pin
Retainers (7) can be removed. The Yoke Pin Rollers (6)
can now be slipped off of the Yoke Pin (5), and the Yoke
Pin (5) can be pushed through the Piston Rod (3) and out
through the opening in the other side of the housing.
Remove Piston Rod (3) and Piston Rod Bearings (2) at
this time, using care not to scratch the surface of the
Piston Rod.
3. Unscrew the Bearing Retainer Bolts (14) and remove
the Bearing Retainer (13), the Retainer Gasket (37), and
the Torque Shaft Seal (38) from the valve mounting side of
the actuator.
4. The Torque shaft (20) may be tapped out using a soft
faced hammer. Use care not to drop the shaft or the
Bearing (12) when they come out. After removal of the
Torque Shaft (20) repeat step 3 on accessory side.
4. Remove the Adapter Bolts (43) and carefully slide the
Adapter (22) over the Piston Rod (3).
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