Refrigeration Platform
della gamma
Code AVV Type Ref. Page Brand
113219 600lt 0/+10 °C full door 304 AISI a 2-3-6-7 Zanussi
113220 600lt 0/+10 °C full door 60HZ 304 AISI b 2-3-6-7 Zanussi
113221 600lt -2/+10 °C full door 304 AISI c 2-3-6-7 Zanussi
113222 600lt 0/+10 °C full door 430 AISI d 2-3-6-7 Zanussi
113223 600lt -2/+10 °C full door 304 AISI Austria e 2-3-6-7 Zanussi
728596 600lt -2/+10 °C full door 304 AISI f 2-3-6-7 Alpeninox
726317 12 600lt -2/+10 °C full door 304 AISI g 2-3-6-7 Electrolux
728597 600lt 0/+10 °C full door 304 AISI h 2-3-6-7 Alpeninox
728598 600lt 0/+10 °C full door 430 AISI i 2-3-6-7 Alpeninox
728599 600lt 0/+10 °C full door 304 AISI l 2-3-6-7 Whirpool
726452 600lt 0/+10 °C full door 304 AISI m 2-3-6-7 to brand
726453 600lt 0/+10 °C full door 60HZ 304 AISI n 2-3-6-7 to brand
726454 600lt 0/+10 °C full door 430 AISI o 2-3-6-7 to brand
726455 07 600lt -2/+10 °C full door 304 AISI Austria p 2-3-6-7 to brand
728057 600lt 0/+10 °C full door 304 AISI q 2-3-6-7 to brand
728061 600lt 0/+10 °C full door 304 AISI r 2-3-6-7 to brand
728638 06 600 lt-2\+8 A430/430 fuul door s 2-3-6-7 NORDCAP
726473 600lt 0/+10 °C full door White 430 AISI t 2-3-6-7 to brand
726689 02 RS06RXH2x ½ DOOR DIGIT.REFRIG. 600L -2+10° A304 u 4-5-6-7 to brand
726965 00 RS06RX1FG 1-DOOR DIG.REF+WHEELS 600L -2+10°A304-UK v 2-3-6-7 to brand
Nuova sonda evaporatore ser.numb. 51100001
New evaporator probe ser.numb. 51100001
Pag. Indice Index
2 Armadio Cabinet
3 Lista ricambi Spare parts list
4 Gruppo refrigerante Cooling unit
5 Lista ricambi Spare parts list
Marchio / Brand: Z-A-E
Paese / Country: Tutti / All
Da serial n° 34700001
Until to serial N° 74500001
Page: 1 Ed. 01-2004
Doc. Nr. 501100

Standard Benefit 600 L
113219 a 728597 h 728061 r
113220 b 728598 i 726454 o
113221 c 728599 l 728638 s
113222 d 726452 m 726473 t
113223 e 726453 n 726689 u
728596 f 726455 p
726317 g 728057 q
Pos Code Descrizione Description Ref. / Notes
1 0A8329 Inserto per porta Insert for door
2 053342 Molla arresto marchio Spring for brand
3 082219 Cerniera per porta Hinge for door
4 082256 Staffa inferiore porta Lower bracket
5 082257 Staffa superiore porta Upper bracket
6 082263 Guida per griglia dx-sx Runner for shelf dx-sx a,b,c,e,f,g,h,l,m,n,p,q,r,v
6 082206 Guida per griglia dx-sx 430 Runner for shelf dx-sx 430 d,i,o,s,t
7 089735 Guarnizione per porta Gasket for door
8 083635 Griglia Shelf
9 083813 Baccinella raccogli conde. Basin
10 083838 Gancio di supp.cremaglie. Hook for Rack
11 083837 Gancio di supp.cremaglie. Hook for Rack
* 083839 Tappo per gancio Plug for hook
12 087646 Cremagliera anteriore Front rack a,b,c,e,f,g,h,l,m,n,p,q,r,v
12 087773 Cremagliera anteriore 430 Front rack 430 d,i,o,s,t
13 089740 Porta Door a,b,c,e,f,g,h,l,m,n,p,q,v
13 089740 Porta PVB Door white n- art. 899768900
13 089736 Porta 430 Door 430 d,i,o,s
13 099216 Porta con maniglia in plastica Door with plastic handle r
14 087648 Cremagliera posteriore Back rack a,b,c,e,f,g,h,l,m,n,p,q,r,v
14 087774 Cremagliera posteriore 430 Back rack 430 d,i,o,s,t
15 089140 Piedino Foot
15 0A9562 Piedino Foot s, t
16 087658 Sifone scarico acqua Discharge pipe
17 089890 Cruscotto completo Panel complete a,b,m,n,r
17 089891 Cruscotto completo Panel complete c,e,p
17 089892 Cruscotto completo Panel complete d,o
17 089893 Cruscotto completo Panel complete f
17 089894 Cruscotto completo Panel complete g,v
17 089895 Cruscotto completo Panel complete h,q
17 089896 Cruscotto completo Panel complete i
17 089897 Cruscotto completo Panel complete l
17 099568 Cruscotto completo Panel complete s
17 099421 Cruscotto 304 aisi Panel 304 aisi g,l,c,e,f,m,n,v
17 099569 Cruscotto 430 aisi Panel 430 aisi s,d, i, o
17 * Cruscotto White aisi Panel White aisi t - art. 899769200
18 0A8856 Boccola per porta Bush for door
19 0A8053 Serratura Lock
20 083814 Resistenza bacinella Heating element ptc a,b,c,e,f,g,h,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,v
21 089753 Chiusura posteriore Back panel
22 089898 Cavo riscaldante Heating cable
* 089899 Adesivo per cruscotto Sticker for panel a,b,c,e,d
* 089900 Adesivo per cruscotto Sticker for panel f,h,i,l
23 080803 Bacinella raccolta condensa Water tray condenser d,i,o,t
24 082534 Guida dx per bacinella Right guide for trey condenser d,i,o,t
25 082533 Guida sinistra per bacinella Left guide for trey condenser d,i,o,t
26 089901 Riscontro verticale Vertical frame
27 089902 Riscontro orrizzontale Horizontal
28 087110 Ruota con freno derby z540g5125 Whell with brake v
29 087111 Ruota derby z140g5125 Whell v
* Componenti disponibili a richiesta / Component available upon request
Da serial n° 34700001
Until to serial N° 74500001
Ed. 01-2004
Doc. Nr.501100