Dell™ C5518QT/C8618QT RS232 Protocol Document
• RS232 Projector Pin Assignment (Facing Monitor)
• RS232 Serial Communication Cable Pin Assignment (Facing Cable)
Pin Assignments
1 -
2 TXD 2
3 RXD 3
4 -
6 -
7 Not Used 7
8 Not Used 8
9 -
Note 1: The RS232 (pin2-3 swap) cable is not provided by Dell.

• RS232 Protocol
Communication Settings
Connection Settings Value
Baud Rate 9600 bps
Data Bits 8 bits
Parity None
Stop Bits 1 bit
Flow control None
Control Command Syntax (From PC to Monitor)
[H0] = 0x37
[H1] = 0x51
[Len] = Length
[R/W] = Read/Write
Read = 0xEB
Write = 0xEA
[Cmd] = Command
[Data0]…[DataN] = Data0~N
[Chk] = Check Sum
Reply Command Syntax (From Monitor to PC)
[H2] = 0x6F
[H3] = 0x37
[Len] = Length
[Reply] = Reply (0x02)
[RC] = Result Code
0 = Success
1 = Timeout
2 = Parameters Error
3 = Not connected
4 = Other Failure
[Cmd] = Command
[Data0]…[DataN] = Data0~N
[Chk] = Check Sum
Example: Get Monitor Name
[From PC to Monitor] = 37, 51, 02, EB, 01, 8E
[From Monitor to PC] = 6F, 37, 0F, 02, 00, 01, 44, 65, 6C, 6C, 20, 43, 35, 35, 31, 38, 51, 54, 1A
CheckSum calculation
Xor byte by byte from rst byte to the end of the command data stream.