AMAX panel 2000 / AMAX panel 2000 EN Introduction | en 5
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH User Guide F.01U.249.500 | V4 | 2011.12
Keypad Indicators
Table 1.2 Keypad Indicators
LCD keypad
indicator icons
LED keypad
indicator lights
Status Definition
Zone (1-8) on Zone is triggered.
off Zone is normal.
Fast flash (0.25 seconds lights on/
0.25 seconds lights off)
Zone was alarmed or is in alarm
Slow flash (1 second lights on/1
second lights off)
Zone is manually bypassed or
interior Zone is in STAY ARM mode.
AWAY on System is armed in AWAY mode.
off System not armed in AWAY mode.
Slow flash (1 second lights on/1
second lights off)
Exit time.
Fast flash (0.25 seconds lights on/
0.25 seconds lights off)
Programming mode or Code
function mode. STAY indicator
flashes simultaneously.
STAY on System is armed in STAY mode.
off System not armed in STAY mode.
Slow flash (1 second lights on/1
second lights off)
Exit time.
Fast flash (0.25 seconds lights on/
0.25 seconds lights off)
Programming mode or Code
function mode. AWAY indicator
flashes simultaneously.
When bypass function is
performed, the STAY indicator only
MAINS on AC main power is normal.
Slow flash (1 second lights on/1
second lights off)
AC main power supply failed.
FAULTS on System fault or Tamper condition
is present.
off System is in normal status.
Flashes System fault or Tamper condition
must be acknowledged.
on System is disarmed.