Automatic bread plant
Models: 24
Number of pockets (useful) : from
364 to 518 depending on models
Number of pockets per carrier :
6 or 7
Medio FA Auto is equipped,
depending on models, with :
pockets for 650 g dough
capacity maximum
Or : pockets for 1000 g dough
capacity maximum
The advantages
High storage capacity
Easy to use
Automatic resting cycle
Adapted for use with any
Bongard moulder
Ideal to make special breads
Machine complies with standard
The automatic bread plant Medio is a set of machines allowing division, loading, intermediate
proofing and moulding of the dough pieces. It has been specifically designed for bakers using
between 200 and 5000 kg of flour/month and making up to 900 to 1200 dough pieces per
hour (baguettes).
Operating principle
Once transfered into the hopper of the DVP, the dough is sucked by a depression created by
the sliding of a piston into an oscillating drum. The weight variation in the outgoing dough
pieces results from the adjustment of the volume of the chamber located in the drum.
The DVP is deliverable with accessories, like the pre-rounding device on belt (outlet on left or
right) or motorised flour duster. When installed with one of the pre-rounding devices, it must
have a motorised flour duster and woven belt.
Once weighed and divided, the dough pieces are placed in felt gutters of the intermediate
proofer Medio Auto. Then they rest between 15 and 30 minutes, depending on the strength
of the dough and quality of the mixing. This intermediate proofing period favours gluten
relaxation and thus produces dough that is easier to mould.
Driven by the infeed belt of the Major Auto the dough piece is sheeted between two cylinders
with anti-adherent coating then curled under a heavy belt.
The dough pieces undergo a soft and progressive lengthening between two woollen felt belts,
turning in opposite direction, then are delivered on a folding felted tray.
Specificities of the of the Medio intermediate proofer
The Medio automatic bread plant can be integrated during its assembly, even in the narrowest
bakeries, thanks to the reversibility of the loading side (right or left) and with the possibility of
placing the volumetric divider in front or behind the pallet type loading station.
The design of the Medio intermediate proofer, with its self-supporting bodywork, accepts
heavy loads, without risk of deformation. It also allows silent movement of the pocket carriers
without any risk of blocking. The Medio is fitted with a pallet type loading station, flour duster,
treated pockets - to avoid sticking and maintain a constant hygrometric level of the dough
pieces - and a fixed outfeed conveyor belt located under the moulder.
Main supply: 400 V 3 PH + N 50 HZ
Important remarks:
The choice of Medio intermediate proofer compatible with the automatic bread plant is made
according to standard output and proofing time.
It is necessary to choose a machine that correspond to the needs.
Piston volumetric divider DVP 4 for dough pieces 800g maxi
Piston volumetric divider DVP 5 for dough pieces 1000g maxi
Bongard reserves the right to alter the characteristics of the models without prior notice - 12/2011