The new BMW G 450 X Sport Enduro is a unique motorcycle that completely rede² nes enduro riding. That’s because it’s been designed from the
ground up to deliver the sort of traction dreams are made of, with a brand new single-cylinder engine and a revolutionary patented swing-arm design.
After extensive testing, the G 450 X is ready, willing and able to take on the toughest competition around.
Our engineers set the bar high when designing the new G 450 X,
and resolved to build a motorcycle that would meet the very highest
standards in off-road racing. The result is a truly revolutionary frame
design, with a swing-arm pivot point that shares its axle line with the
drive sprocket. This ensures that the length of the drive chain – and
as a result, the ef² ciency of the transmission – is not af fected by the
compression and rebound of the suspension.
It also saves space, meaning there is room for a swing-arm that is
signi² cantly longer than on other bikes with a comparable wheelbase,
for maximum ground contact and traction on any sur face. This design
also allows the engine to be placed further back, which means the
vehicle’s mass is now more concentrated around its centre of gravity.
By angling the engine forwards, additional space is created for long,
straight intake pipes that help the G 450 X to meet the latest emission
regulations without compromising on performance.
The motorcycle’s innovative, patented technology has been extensively
tested in competition, with experienced professional racers such as Joël
Smets, Kari Tiainen, Simo Kirssi and Andreas Lettenbichler providing
valuable feedback used to ² ne-tune its setup. This incredible motorcycle
is now available for anyone to buy, and is ready to tackle the toughest
courses the off-road world can throw at it.

Being unstoppable means doing things better than the rest. The design of the swing-arm is nothing short
of revolutionary: for the ² rst time ever on a production motorcycle, its pivot point shares an axle line with the
drive sprocket. As a result, the compression and rebound of the suspension do not alter the length of the
chain, and so do not impair the ef² ciency of the drive train.
It also means that the length of the swing-arm can be signi² cantly increased, without needing
to extend the wheelbase, and that the engine can be positioned further to the rear. These two
factors greatly increase traction and ground contact in off-road riding. As a further unique innovation,
the frame is made almost entirely of straight tubing, offering exceptional rigidity. All these design
innovations offer bene² ts that you’ll feel right away – and never want to be without again.
The frame of the BMW G 450 X is a completely new design. It is made
up of exceptionally thin stainless steel tubing with very few bends. The
down tubes run in a straight line directly from the swing-arm mounting to
the steering head, while the top tubes connect the steering head to the
suspension strut. This keeps down the amount of materials used, and
offers maximum strength and stiffness with minimum weight. As a result,
the motorcycle handles impeccably, is highly manoeuvrable and offers
excellent directional stability. This new layout also frees up extra space
for the radiator, which is now a single component, removing the need
for additional hoses and so further reducing overall weight. However,
what makes the chassis truly unique is the way in which the swing-arm
and drive sprocket now pivot about the same point. The swing-arm is
mounted on a steel axle that passes through the transmission output
shaft, meaning that the length of the drive chain remains constant,
whatever the suspension travel. The tension in the chain remains
constant, and the pinion, chain and chain ring wear considerably less
than in conventional systems. This coaxial swing-arm mounting also
lessens the impact of load changes on the drive train. And the swing-
arm itself can be 30 millimetres longer without extending the overall
wheelbase, meaning that better ground contact is maintained in all
situations and power is put down more effectively onto the ground.