Biostar P4SFA Bios Setup Manual

BIOS Setup.................. ... .............................. .............................. ......1
1 Main Menu....................................................................................................3
2 Standard CMOS Features... ....................... .. ... .. ....................... .. .. ... .. .............6
3 Advanced BIOS Features............. .. .. .. ....................... .. ... .. ....................... .. .. .. 9
4 Advanced Chipset Features......................................................................... 13
5 Integrated Peripherals ................................................................................. 15
6 Power Management Setup...........................................................................20
7 PnP/PCI Configurations..............................................................................24
8 PC Health Status .........................................................................................26
9 Frequency Control....................................................................................... 28
BIOS Setup
This manual discussed Award™ Setup program built into the ROM BIOS. The Setup program allows u sers to modify t he b asic syst em con figuration . Th is speci al infor mation i s then stored in battery-backed RAM so that it retains the Setup information when the power is turned off.
The Award BIO S™ installed in your computer syst em’s ROM (Read Only M emory) is a custom version of an industry standard BIOS. This means that it supports Intel Pentium
4 processor input/output system. The BIOS provides critical low-level support for standard devices suc h as dis k dri v e s a nd serial and parall e l po r ts .
Adding important has customized th e Award BIOS™, but nonstandard, features s uch as virus and pas sword protection as w ell as special suppor t for detailed fine-tunin g of the chipset controlling the entire system.
The rest of this manual is intended to guide you through the process of configuring your system using Setup.
Plug and Play Support
These AWARD BIOS supports the Plug and Play Version 1.0A specification. ESCD (Extended Sys te m Configura t ion Da t a) wr it e is s upport ed.
EPA Green PC Support
This AWARD BIOS supports Version 1.03 of the EPA Green PC specification.
APM Support
These AWARD BIOS supports Version 1.1&1.2 of the Advanced Power Management (APM) specification. Power management features are implemented via the System Management Interrupt (SMI). Sleep and Suspend power management modes are supported. Power to the har d dis k dri v es a nd video monito rs can be managed by this AWARD BI OS.
PCI Bus Support
This AWARD BIOS also supports Version 2.1 of the Intel PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) local bus specification.
DRAM Support
DDR SDRAM (Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM) are supported.
Supported CPUs
This AWARD BIOS supports the Intel Pentium
4 CPU.
Using Setup
In general, you use the arrow keys to highlight items, press <Enter> to select, use the <PgUp> and <PgDn> keys to change entries, press <F1> for help and press <Esc> to quit. The following table provides more detail ab out how to n avigate in t he Setup progra m by using the k e y bo ar d.
Keystroke Function
Up arrow Move to previous item Down arrow Move to next item Left arrow Move to the item on the left (menu bar) Right arrow Move to the item on the right (menu bar) Move Enter Move to the item you desired PgUp key Increase the numeric value or make changes PgDn key Decrease the numeric value or make changes + Key Increase the numeric value or make changes
- Key Decrease the numeric value or make changes Esc key Main Menu – Quit and not save changes into CMOS
Status Page Setup Menu and Option Page Setup Menu – Exit
Current page and return to Main Menu F1 key General help on Setup navigation keys F5 key Load previous values from CMOS F6 key Load the fail-safe defaults from BIOS default table F7 key Load the optimized defaults F10 key Save all the CMOS changes and exit
1 Main Menu
Once you enter Aw ard BIOS™ CMOS Setup Utili ty, the Main Menu will app ear on the screen. The Main Menu allows you to select from several setup functions. Use the arrow keys to select among the items and press <Enter> to accept and enter the sub-menu.
Figure 1. Main Menu
Standard CMOS Features
This submenu c o ntai ns indu st ry s ta nda rd co nf igurable o ptio ns .
Advanced BIOS Features
This submenu all ows yo u to co nfi g ur e enhanced features of the BIOS.
Advanced Chipset Features
This submenu allows you to configure special chipset features.
The information about BIOS defaults on manual (Figure 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) is just for reference, please refer to the BIOS
installed on bo a rd, fo r upda te inf o r m a tio n.
Integrated Peripherals
This submenu allows you to configure certain IDE hard drive options and Programmed Input/ Output features .
Power Management Setup
This submenu all o ws yo u to c onfi gure the power manageme nt fe a tur e s.
PnP/PCI Configurations
This submenu allows you to configure certain “Plug and Play” and PCI options.
PC Health Status
This submenu a llo w s yo u to m o ni t or the hardware of y o ur s y stem.
Frequency Control
This submenu allows you to change CPU Vcor e Voltage a nd CPU/PCI clock. (However, this function is strongly recommended not to use. Not properly change the voltage and clock may cause CPU or M/B damage!)
Load Optimized Defaults
This selection allows you to reload the BIOS when the system is having problems particularly with the boot sequence. These configurations are factory settings optimized for this system. A confirmation message will be displayed before defaults are set.
Set Password
Setting the passwor d will prohibit everyon e except the supervisor fro m making changes using the CMO S Se tup U til i ty. You will be prompted with to enter a passwor d.
Save & Exit Setup
Save all c onfiguration chan ges to CM OS(memory) and exit setu p. Confirmation message will be display e d be f ore proceeding.
Exit Without Saving
Abandon all changes made during the current session and exit setup. confirmation messa ge will be display ed before proceeding.
Upgrade BIOS
This submenu all o ws yo u to upgrade bios.
2 Standard CMOS Features
The items in Standard CMOS Setup Menu are divided into 1 0 categories. Ea ch category includes no, one o r more than one setup items. Use the arrow keys to highlight the ite m and then use the<PgUp> or <PgDn> keys to select the value you want in each item.
Figure 2. Standard CMOS Setup
Main Menu Selections
This table shows the selections that you can make on the Main Menu.
Item Options Description
Date mm : dd : yy Set the system date. Note
that the ‘Day’ automatically changes when you set the date.
Time hh : mm : ss Set the system internal
IDE Primary Master Options are in its sub
Press <Enter> to enter the sub menu of detailed options
IDE Primary Slave Options are in its sub
Press <Enter> to enter the sub menu of detailed options.
IDE Secondary Master Options are in its sub
Press <Enter> to enter the sub menu of detailed options.
IDE Secondary Slave Options are in its sub
Press <Enter> to enter the sub menu of detailed
options. Drive A Drive B
360K, 5.25 in
1.2M, 5.25 in 720K, 3.5 in
1.44M, 3.5 in
2.88M, 3.5 in
Select the type of floppy disk drive installed in your system.
CGA 40 CGA 80
Select the default video device.
Item Options Description
Halt On All Errors
No Errors
All, but Keyboard
All, but Diskette
All, but Disk/ Key
Select the situation in which you want the BIOS to stop the POST process and notify you.
Base Memory N/A Displays the amount of
conventional memory detected during boot up.
Extended Memory N/A Displays the amount of
extended memory detected during boot up.
Total Memory N/A Displays the total memory
available in the system.
+ 21 hidden pages