Bio-Rad MicroRotofor Cell Lysis Kits User Manual

MicroRotofor™Lysis Kit (Yeast)
Instruction Manual
Catalog #163-2143
For technical support, call your local Bio-Rad office, or in the US, call 1-800-4BIORAD (1-800-424-6723)
Table of Contents
Section 1 Introduction....................................................1
Section 2 Kit Specifications ..........................................1
Section 3 Storage Conditions ........................................3
Section 4 Instructions for Use........................................4
Section 5 Appendix ......................................................9
Section 6 References ..................................................11
Section 7 Product Information ....................................12
Section 1 Introduction
MicroRotofor lysis kits provide convenient, effective methods for the preparation of protein samples for fractionation with the MicroRotofor cell. The MicroRotofor lysis kit (yeast) is designed for use with yeast cultures, and employs enzymatic digestion of the cell wall (Scott et al. 1980) followed by solubilization into a chaotropic extraction buffer (Vuillard et al. 1995). For added convenience, the extraction buffer is also used as the sample buffer for isoelectric focusing (IEF) either with the MicroRotofor cell or with IPG strips.
Section 2 Kit Specifications
Each MicroRotofor lysis kit (yeast) provides sufficient reagent to perform at least 15 extractions (from 5 ml yeast culture with OD
= 1.48, which should yield a 60 µl wet cell pellet) and to prepare sample for 15 MicroRotofor runs. More than 15 extractions will be possible with the kit if the sample is applied onto IPG strips (and not prefractionated with the MicroRotofor cell).
Each MicroRotofor run using 2.5 mg total protein yields ten 150–250 µl fractions, and the protein distribution among
the fractions will vary depending on the sample. For example, using Saccharomyces cerevisiae and ampholytes spanning the pH range 3–10, fractions 2–4 typically contain the most protein.
Certificates of analysis and MSDS forms are available upon request.
Items Supplied With the Kit
Protein solubilization buffer (PSB) (contains urea, 25 g thiourea, NDSB 201, and Tris)
PSB diluent (contains CHAPS and Tris) 30 ml
Yeast suspension buffer (contains sodium phosphate, 15 ml sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and potassium phosphate)
Lyticase enzyme, 5 units/µl, prepared from Arthrobacter 2 x 0.5 ml luteus, MW = 54.6 kD, pI = 6.33 Swiss-Prot/TrEMBL accession number E13B-ARTSW (Q59146). See Appendix for more information
Instruction manual 1
Items Required But Not Provided
• 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes
• Microcentrifuge capable of spinning at 20,000 x g
• Sonicator with probe
• DTT reducing agent (catalog #161-0611) or TBP reducing
agent (catalog #163-2101)
• Carrier ampholytes
protein assay (catalog #500-0121 or 500-0122)
• Glycerol
• ReadyPrep™proteomic grade water (catalog #163-2091)
or other ultrapure water
Items Recommended But Not Required
• Protease inhibitor (for example, Sigma catalog #P8215)
• ReadyPrep reduction-alkylation kit (catalog #163-2090)
• ReadyPrep 2-D cleanup kit (catalog #163-2130)
Section 3 Storage Conditions
Shipped at ambient temperature. Store kit components as individually marked. Note: Lyticase is shipped at room temperature, but should be stored at –20°C upon receipt. This kit has a warranty period of 1 year from shipment date, assuming all components are stored as indicated on each label.
Component Store at
Protein solubilization buffer (PSB), 25 g RT PSB diluent, 30 ml 4°C Yeast suspension buffer, 15 ml RT Lyticase, 1.5 U/µl, 2 x 0.5 ml –20°C
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