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Brij and Tween are trademarks of ICI Americas, Inc. Coomassie is a trademark of BASF Aktiengesellschaft. Ficoll is a trademark
of Amersham Pharmacia Biotech. StrepTactin is a trademark of Institut für Bioanalytik GmbH. StrepTactin is covered by German
patent application P 19641876.3. Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. is licensed by Institut für Bioanalytik GmbH to sell these products
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is licensed to sell SYPRO products for research use only, under U.S. Patent 5,616,502. Triton is a trademark of Union Carbide.
Criterion™ TGX Stain-Free™ and Criterion Stain Free™ precast gels are covered by U.S. Patent No. 7,569,130.
Purchase of Criterion™ XT Bis-Tris gels, XT MOPS running buffer, XT MES running buffer, XT MOPS buffer kit, and XT MES buffer
kit is accompanied by a limited license under U.S. patents 6,143,154; 6,096,182; 6,059,948; 5,578,180; 5,922,185; 6,162,338;
and 6,783,651 and corresponding foreign patents.
Appendix C: Related Literature .................................................... 45
Appendix D: Ordering Information .................................................. 46
Criterion™ Precast Gels
1.1 Introduction
Criterion precast gels are an effective system for performing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE).
These 13.3 x 8.7 cm gels are wider and longer than traditional mini format gels, and their innovative,
easy-to-use design produces excellent resolution while accommodating more samples per gel.
Designed for use with the Criterion family of vertical electrophoresis cells, which includes the Criterion
(2-gel capacity) and Criterion™ Dodeca™ (12-gel capacity) cells, Criterion precast gels allow separation of
more samples than mini format gels and provide significant cost and time savings. Some of the unique
features provided are:
Integrated buffer chamber that eliminates buffer leaks
Capacity for up to 26 samples per gel
Compatibility with multichannel pipets (12+2 and 26-well)
Outlined and numbered wells that simplify sample loading and identification
Patented1 J-foot design that eliminates post-run gel processing steps and improves gel
drying and blotting results
Criterion™ TGX Stain-Free™ formulations for rapid gel imaging without staining
Integrated buffer
Gel type, expiration
date, and catalog
and lot numbers
Criterion precast gels are available in a range of formulations for virtually every electrophoresis
application (Table 1.1). All Criterion gels are composed of polyacrylamide with a bisacrylamide
crosslinker, and they are available in a selection of single percentages and gradients.
Table 1.1. Criterion precast gel formulations.
Application Gel Formulation Sample Buffer Running Buffer
Use each Criterion precast gel as soon as possible after removing it from the storage pouch.
Improper storage of Criterion precast gels can produce numerous artifacts.
Store gels flat
Avoid prolonged storage at temperatures above those recommended
Do not freeze gels
If you suspect your gels have been stored improperly, discard them
Do not run more than one gel type in the same apparatus at the same time. Different gel percentages
and formulations have different conductivities and different run times.
Use unstained standards with Criterion TGX Stain-Free and Criterion Stain Free gels, as some
prestained standards are not detected by the Gel Doc
EZ imager. To monitor electrophoresis, use
10 µl of a 1:1 mixture of Precision Plus Protein™ unstained and prestained standards.
PowerPac™ Basic or PowerPac HC power supply (or equivalent)
Sample buffer
Running buffer (460 ml per gel)
2.3 Setting Up and Running Criterion Gels in the Criterion Cell
1. Each Criterion gel is packaged in a plastic storage tray. Remove the cover of the tray by lifting the
corner tab and pulling it diagonally across the package. Remove the gel from the package.
2. Remove the comb and rinse the wells with deionized water (diH2O) or running buffer.
3. Remove the tape from the bottom of the cassette by pulling the tab across the gel.
4. Insert the cassette into one of the slots in the Criterion cell tank so that the integrated upper buffer
chamber faces the center of the cell (A).
5. Fill each integrated upper buffer chamber with 60 ml
running buffer.
6. Fill each half of the lower buffer tank with 400 ml
running buffer to the marked fill line.
Integrated upper buffer
7. Load samples using a syringe or a pipet with
gel-loading tips.
Optional: place a sample loading guide on the
outer edge of the cassette to help align pipet tips
with the wells (this is particularly useful when using
multichannel pipets).
8. Place the lid on the tank, aligning the color-coded
banana plugs with corresponding jacks on the lid.
See Chapters 3–10 for power supply settings.
2.4 Removing the Gel
1. After electrophoresis is complete, turn off the power
supply and disconnect the electrical leads.
2. Remove the lid from the tank and remove the
gel(s) from the cell. Pour off and discard the upper
running buffer.
3. Invert the cassette and place the integral buffer
chamber over the cassette-opening tool built into
the Criterion cell lid (B).
4. Press down firmly to break the seals on both sides of
the cassette. The cassette splits open approximately ¹/3
of the way. Alternatively, open the gel cassette by sliding
the tapered back of the comb into the slits on either
side of the cassette.
5. Pull the two halves of the cassette apart from the top to
completely expose the gel (C).
6. Remove the gel by either floating the gel into a fixing or
staining solution or by carefully lifting the bottom edge
of the gel from the cassette.
Criterion™ precast gels provide versatile systems for the separation of proteins by either molecular
weight (SDS-PAGE) or mass-to-charge ratio (native PAGE). (See Chapter 4 for native PAGE applications
and protocols.) This versatility is possible because Criterion gels are made without SDS, allowing the
sample buffer and running buffer to determine the separation mechanism.
SDS-PAGE relies on a discontinuous buffer system. Two ions differing in electrophoretic mobility form
a moving boundary when voltage is applied. Proteins have an intermediate mobility that causes them
to concentrate, or stack, into a narrow zone at the beginning of electrophoresis. As that zone moves
through the gel, the sieving effect of the polyacrylamide gel matrix causes proteins of different molecular
weights to move at different rates. This stacking effect is responsible for the high resolving power of
SDS-PAGE: the sample is loaded in a relatively broad zone, and the moving boundary concentrates the
proteins into sharp bands prior to separation.
Protein samples for SDS-PAGE are prepared using SDS and usually a thiol reducing agent such as
β-mercaptoethanol or dithiothreitol (DTT). SDS forms complexes with proteins, giving them a rodlike
shape and similar mass-to-charge ratio. The reducing agent disrupts disulfide bonds between and
within proteins, allowing complete denaturation and dissociation. Heat treatment in the presence of
SDS and reducing agent effectively eliminates the effects of native charge and higher order structure on
electrophoretic mobility, so the migration distance depends primarily on molecular weight.
Molecular weight is estimated by plotting the logarithm of protein molecular weight vs. the relative
mobility (R
or by using the point-to-point semilog interpolation method in Quantity One® or Image Lab™ software.
Refer to bulletins 3133 and 3144 for more information.
) of the protein (Rf = distance migrated by the protein/distance migrated by the dye front)
3.2 Criterion Gel Selection Guide for SDS-PAGE
A number of Criterion gel types are available for SDS-PAGE (Table 3.1) in both single and gradient
polyacrylamide percentages. Use the protein migration charts and tables to select the gel type that
offers optimum resolution of your sample:
Use single-percentage gels to separate bands of similar molecular weight. Optimum
separation occurs in the lower half of the gel, so use a percentage in which the protein
migrates to the lower half of the gel
Use gradient gels to separate samples containing a broad range of molecular weights.
Gradient gels allow resolution of both high and low molecular weight bands on the same
gel. Larger pore sizes at the top of the gel permit resolution of larger molecules, and smaller
pore sizes toward the bottom of the gel restrict excessive separation of small molecules
Criterion Stain Free™ Tris-HCl Laemmli gels with trihalo compounds for rapid fluorescence
Bis-Tris Criterion™ XT Bis-Tris Based on a Bis-Tris HCl buffer system (pH 6.4); use these gels with
Criterion XT MES buffer for optimum resolution of small proteins
Bis-Tris Criterion XT Bis-Tris Based on a Bis-Tris HCl buffer system (pH 6.4); use these gels with
Criterion XT MOPS buffer for optimum resolution of midsized proteins
Tris-acetate Criterion XT Tris-acetate Based on a Tris-acetate buffer system (pH 7.0)
3.2.1 Criterion TGX and Criterion TGX Stain-Free Gels
Criterion TGX (Tris-Glycine eXtended shelf life) gels are Laemmli-like gels with a proprietary modification
that extends their shelf life to 12 months and enhances separation characteristics relative to conventional
gel types. The TGX formulation yields Laemmli-like separation patterns with short run times and
exceptionally straight lanes and sharp bands. TGX gels offer excellent staining quality, greater transfer
efficiency, and molecular weight estimation without the need for special, expensive buffers.
These gels are run using standard Laemmli sample buffer and Tris/glycine/SDS running buffer. Two
types of TGX formulations are available:
Criterion TGX — Laemmli-like, extended shelf life gels
Criterion TGX Stain-Free — Laemmli-like, extended shelf life gels with trihalo compounds
that allow rapid fluorescent detection of proteins with the Criterion Stain Free system,
eliminating staining and destaining steps for faster results (see Chapter 5 for more details)
Gel Composition
Crosslinker 2.6% C
Stacking gel 4% T, 2.6% C
Shelf life ~12 months at 2–8°C; expiration date is printed on each cassette
Gel Percentage Optimum Separation Range
7.5% 40–200 kD
10% 30–150 kD
12% 20 –120 kD
18% 10–50 kD
4–15% 20–250 kD
4–20% 10–200 kD
8–16% 20 –120 kD
10–20% 10–100 kD
Any kD™ 1 10–200 kD
Any kD is a unique single-percentage formulation that provides a broad separation range and short running time.
3.2.2 Criterion Tris-HCl and Criterion Stain Free Gels
These Tris-HCl, Laemmli gels use discontinuous glycinate and chloride ion fronts to form moving
boundaries to stack and then separate denatured proteins by size. They are run using standard Laemmli
sample buffer and Tris/glycine/SDS running buffer.
Criterion Tris-HCl — Tris-HCl formulation that offer a shelf life of 12 weeks
Criterion Stain Free — Tris-HCl gels with unique trihalo compounds that allow rapid
fluorescent detection of proteins with the Criterion Stain Free system, eliminating staining
and destaining steps for faster results (see Chapter 5 for more details)
Gel Composition
Gel buffer 0.375 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.6
Crosslinker 2.6% C
Stacking gel 4% T, 2.6% C
Storage buffer 0.375 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.6
Shelf life ~12 weeks at 2–8°C; expiration date is printed on each cassette
Migration charts for protein standards on Criterion Tris-HCl, Criterion TGX, and TGX Stain-Free gels.
3.2.3 Criterion XT Bis-Tris Gels
Criterion XT Bis-Tris gels are based on a Bis-Tris HCl buffer system (pH 6.4) that uses discontinuous
chloride and MES or MOPS ion fronts to form moving boundaries that stack and separate denatured
proteins by size. This chemistry of XT Bis-Tris gels allows maximum stability and consistent results with
a shelf life of at least 12 months.
Running XT Bis-Tris gels with either XT MES or XT MOPS denaturing running buffer produces different
migration patterns. A combination of these two running buffers and three XT Bis-Tris gels can generate
up to six different migration patterns for small to midsize proteins.
Gel Composition
Gel buffer Bis-Tris HCl, pH 6.4
Crosslinker 5% C
Stacking gel 4% T, 5% C
Storage buffer Bis-Tris HCl, pH 6.4
Shelf life 12 months at ambient temperature; expiration date is printed on each cassette
Gel Percentage Optimum Separation Range
XT MES Buffer XT MOPS Buffer
10% 2.5–200 kD 14–220 kD
12% 1–30 kD 6–66 kD
4–12% 2.5–200 kD 10–300 kD
Migration charts for protein standards on Criterion XT Bis-Tris gels.
3.2.4 Criterion XT Tris-Acetate Gels
Criterion XT Tris-acetate gels are based on a Tris-acetate buffer system (pH 7.0). It uses discontinuous
acetate and Tricine ion fronts to form moving boundaries that stack and separate large denatured
proteins by molecular weight.
Gel Composition
Gel buffer Tris-acetate, pH 7.0
Crosslinker 3.8% C
Stacking gel 4% T, 3.8% C
Storage buffer Tris-acetate, pH 7.0
Shelf life 8 months at 2–8°C; expiration
date is printed on each cassette
Gel Percentage Optimum Separation range
7% 36–200 kD
3–8% 40–400 kD
Migration charts for protein standards
on Criterion XT Tris-Acetate gels.
See Appendix B for buffer formulations. Do not adjust pH.
Tris/glycine/SDS (1x) 25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine, 0.1% SDS
(pH 8.3) Dilute 100 ml 10x stock (catalog #161-0732) with 900 ml diH2O
XT MES (pH 6.4) Dilute 50 ml 20x stock (catalog #161-0789) with 950 ml diH2O
XT MOPS (pH 6.9) Dilute 50 ml 20x stock (catalog #161-0788) with 950 ml diH2O
XT Tricine (pH 8.2) Dilute 50 ml 20x stock (catalog #161-0790) with 950 ml diH2O
3.3.2 Sample Buffers
Laemmli 62.5 mM Tris-HCl, pH 6.8, 2% SDS, 25% glycerol, 0.01% (catalog #161-0737)
bromophenol blue, 5% β-mercaptoethanol or 100 mM DTT (added fresh)
XT Use XT sample buffer (catalog #161-0791) and XT reducing agent
(catalog #161-0792)
3.4 Sample Preparation
1. Determine the appropriate concentration of sample to load (depends on the load volume and the
detection method used; see Chapter 12 for approximate stain sensitivities).
2. Dilute the sample with at least an equivalent volume of sample buffer with added reducing agent.
For nonreducing conditions, omit the reducing agent.
TGX and Tris-HCl Gels XT Gels (Bis-Tris and Tris-Acetate)