Bio-Rad Components for Older Model Spot Cutter User Manual

Spot Cutter
Fluorescent Enclosure
Instruction Manual
Catalog Numbers 165-7045 165-7044
For technical service call your local Bio-Rad office or in the U.S. call 1-800-4BIORAD (1-800-424-6723) On the Web at
Table of Contents
SSeeccttiioonn 11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
1.1 General Description..........................................................1
1.2 Components Received ....................................................1
1.3 Common Re-order Parts ..................................................1
1.4 Physical Description ........................................................1
1.5 Specifications ..................................................................2
1.6 Safety ..............................................................................2
SSeeccttiioonn 22 IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
2.1 Unpacking the Enclosure..................................................3
2.2 Remove the Door ............................................................4
2.3 Installing the UV Lights ....................................................4
2.4 Installing the Bandpass Filter ............................................6
2.5 Spot Cutter Installation ....................................................7
2.6 Installing the Enclosure Cabinet........................................7
2.7 Software Setup ................................................................7
SSeeccttiioonn 33 SSeettttiinnggss aanndd CCaalliibbrraattiioonn
3.1 Setting Aperture for White and UV Lights Settings ..........8
3.2 Toggle Switch for White or UV Lights ..............................9
3.3 Checklist for Operation in UV Light Mode ......................10
3.4 Checklist for Operation in White Light Mode ..................11
3.5 Calibration ......................................................................11
SSeeccttiioonn 44 FFlluuoorreesscceenntt OOppeerraattiioonn iinn BBaassiicc EExxcciissiioonn TTooooll
4.1 Calibration and the UV Light Option ..............................12
4.2 Acquire Fluorescent Image in Basic Excision Tool ..........12
4.3 Cutting Spots From Fluorescent STained Gels in
Basic Excision Tool ........................................................13
4.4 Re-cuts in Basic Excision Tool........................................13
4.5 Begin/Resume and Pause Buttons ................................17
4.6 Confirm Cuts..................................................................17
SSeeccttiioonn 55 FFlluuoorreesscceenntt OOppeerraattiioonn iinn IInntteeggrraatteedd EExxcciissiioonn TTooooll
5.1 Calibration and the UV Light Option ..............................18
5.2 Acquire Fluorescent Image in Basic Excision Tool ..........19
5.3 Re-cuts in Integrated Excision Tool ................................20
5.4 Begin/Resume and Pause Buttons ................................24
5.5 Confirm Cuts..................................................................24
SSeeccttiioonn 66 AAcccceessssoorriieess
6.1 Use of Gel Sheets and Gel Positioning ..........................26
6.2 Common Re-order Parts ................................................26
SSeeccttiioonn 77 MMaaiinntteennaannccee
7.1 General Upkeep and Cleaning........................................26
7.2 Technical Service............................................................26
7.3 Warranty Information ......................................................27
Section 1 Introduction
1.1 General Description
This manual describes the installation, operation, and maintenance of the Fluorescent Enclosure for the ProteomeWorks Spot Cutter System. Use this manual in combination with the general Spot Cutter manual that you received with your instrument. The Fluorescent Enclosure is designed for use with the Bio-Rad ProteomeWorks Spot Cutter only.
The ProteomeWorks Spot Cutter with Fluorescent Enclosure is capable of accurately cutting spots from gels and membrane blots with visible stains such as silver and coomassie, and with fluorescent SYPRO Ruby protein stain. The system includes a 620/60 nm bandpass filter that is optimized for fluorescent SYPRO Ruby protein stain.
1.2 Components Received
The ProteomeWorks Spot Cutter Fluorescent Enclosure, catalog number 165-7045, includes: ProteomeWorks Fluorescent Enclosure catalog number 165-7044 The Discovery Series software, catalog number 170-8605 (PDQuest version 6.2.1 or greater)
A new focussing / fluorescent imaging target has been added for use with the Fluorescent Enclosure and the spot cutter. This target provides focussing lines for setting up the spot cutter camera. It also provides fluorescent squares that can be imaged in the UV light mode. It is suggested that this target be used after setting up the spot cutter and enclosure to test the cam­era and lights before imaging a gel.
1.3 Common Re-order Parts
DDeessccrriippttiioonn CCaattaalloogg nnuummbbeerr Gel Sheets (thin plastic disposable sheets) 165-7018 Cutting Mat (thick plastic sheet - approx. 3–4 mm) 165-7019
1.5 mm nominal Cutting Tip 165-7011
1.0 mm nominal Cutting Tip 165-7010
1.4 Physical Description
The cabinet
The door
Quick release hinges
Safety interlock switch
Base mat
UV-B lights
620 / 60 nm band pass filter
These parts are described in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. Fluorescent Enclosure with spot cutter.
1.5 Specifications
Nominal input voltage range 100 V to 240 V (50 Hz/60 Hz) Bandpass filter 620/60 nm UV lights UV-B
1.6 Safety
Caution Symbol
Read the manual before using the ProteomeWorks Spot Cutter Fluorescent Enclosure. For techni­cal assistance, contact your local Bio-Rad or, in the U.S., call technical services at 1-800-4BIORAD (1-800-424-6723).
Definition of Symbols
Caution (refer to instruction manual).
Safety interlock switch
UV-B lights
Base mat
Hinge (quick release)
620/60 nm bandpass filter
This Bio-Rad instrument is designed for laboratory use only and is certified to meet EN-61010 safety standards. Operation of this product is subject to the condition that no harmful radio interference is caused and that any interference must be accepted. Certified products are safe to use when operated in accordance with the instruction manual. This instrument should not be mod­ified or altered in any way. Alteration of this instrument will
Void the warranty
Void the EN61010-1 certification, and
Create a potential safety hazard
Bio-Rad is not responsible for any injury or damage caused by use of this instrument for purposes other than those for which it is intended or by modifications of the instrument not performed by Bio-Rad or an authorized agent.
EN61010-1 is an internationally accepted electrical safety standard for laboratory instruments.
Section 2 Installation
2.1 Unpacking the Enclosure
To unpack the Enclosure:
1. Remove any external tape or banding and lift the outer box off the top of the packing base.
2. Remove the black base-mat from the packaging on top of the Enclosure.
3. Remove the foam packaging from the top of the Enclosure.
4. Lift the inner packing sleeve off the Enclosure. The Enclosure should now be exposed but still resting on the base foam.
5. Lift the Enclosure straight up off the foam base. Set it on the bench or floor.
6. Unpack the two boxes remaining in the base packaging material. The larger box contains the UV-B light assemblies, and the smaller box contains the bandpass filter kit.
2.2 Remove the Door
The door is easily removed at the hinges for easier access to the interior while installing the lights, and for placing it over the spot cutter during installation.
1. Hold the door, or have someone else hold the door, while disconnecting the hinges.
2. To disconnect the hinges, push the two catches vertically in towards the center of the hinge, and then turn the metal tab/lever away from the hinge into the locking slot.
Fig. 2. Opening the hinge. Fig. 3. Disconnected door.
2.3 Installing the UV Lights
1. Remove one of the two UV light assemblies from the box. Note that one is made for the left side, and one for the right, of the enclosure. These are identified by their orientation with the electrical connection cable. Hold the light assembly with the bracket toward the wall of the Enclosure. The electrical cable should be at the back end of light assembly, toward the back of the Enclosure.
Fig. 4. Right side light assembly.
2. Set the right light assembly so that the back light assembly bracket slots into the back mounting bracket on the right inside of the Enclosure.
Connection cable
Back bracket
Front bracket
UV light filter
Fig. 5. Right side mounting brackets inside the Enclosure.
3. Using the two large thumbscrews, attach the front light assembly bracket to the front mounting bracket. Tighten the two thumbscrews by hand.
Fig. 6. Installing the UV light assembly.
4. Repeat steps 1–3 for the left side light assembly on the left inside of the Enclosure.
5. For each light, plug the UV light assembly power clip into the clip socket in the panel on the back of the Enclosure. There is one clip socket for each side.
Fig. 7. Clip socket. Fig. 8. Light assembly plugged into the clip
Front mounting bracket
Mounting screw
Back mounting bracket
2.4 Installing the Bandpass Filter
1. The bandpass filter is shipped in the Filter Assembly box. It includes a filter holder, a 620/60 nm bandpass filter, and a 0.9 mm hex wrench.
Fig. 9. Lens and Bandpass filter set.
2. Screw the mounted filter into the filter holder. The threads are very fine, so be careful not to cross the threads.
Fig. 10. Lens and filter on camera.
3. To attach the filter holder to the lens of the camera, slide the filter holder up over the lens until stops. Using the 0.9 mm hex wrench, gently tighten the setscrew on the side of the filter holder.
Bandpass Filter
The bandpass filter is used for both the white light (visible stain) and UV light (fluorescent stain) modes. Once it is installed, it is not taken off the lens. The only adjustment to the camera between the two light modes is a change in the aperture from the nearly closed (f-stop 5.6–16) position for white light, to the open (f-stop 1.4–2.8) position for UV lights.
Lens (included with the spot cutter)
0.9 mm hex wrench
Filter holder
Filter holder
2.5 Spot Cutter Installation
If you are installing the ProteomeWorks Spot Cutter, catalog number 165-7009, at the same time as the Fluorescent Enclosure, complete the spot cutter installation steps up to calibration. Place the spot cutter on the black base mat and level it, but do not add the fluorescent enclosure until the camera installation is completed. This will make the camera installation easier.
2.6 Installing the Enclosure Cabinet
1. Familiarize yourself with the white/UV light switch and plug-in locations on the back of the spot cutter before adding the Enclosure using the following picture:
Fig. 11. UV light socket and toggle switch.
2. Place the black base mat on the bench in the location for the spot cutter.
3. Place the spot cutter on the black base mat.
4. Level the spot cutter on the black base mat.
5. Connect all spot cutter cables: camera cable, serial port communication cable, power cable. Lay the cables out the back of the spot cutter so that they do not overlap each other at the point the enclosure will cover the cables. The enclosure light seal may be compromised if the cables are on top of each other and raise the enclosure off the base mat.
6. It is recommended that two people lift the Enclosure. Lift and tilt the Enclosure (with UV lights installed but without the door) slightly forward. Lift the enclosure case over the top of the spot cutter and onto the base mat. Take care that you do not bump the camera. If you do, continue with the enclosure but re-check the camera position before calibrating.
7. Position the Enclosure and spot cutter so that the spot cutter is towards the back of the Enclosure box, and the spot cutter is centered within the Enclosure from left to right.
8. Attach the UV lights power cord from the back of the Enclosure into the UV light socket on the back of the spot cutter. See the above picture for orientation of the 3-prong plug.
9. Re-attach the door to the front of the Enclosure. Line up the hinges and release the two catches to snap the bolts of the hinge back into place.
2.7 Software Setup
Use the following steps to load the PDQuest software included with the Enclosure onto the computer in either the Viewer Mode (unlicensed version), or the full feature (licensed version).
Light toggle switch
Socket for UV light plug
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