Introduction 2
The aim for this Guide is to assist the installer to attain a smooth and correct installation. The Guide is intended as a Guideline and may in certain
cases not be 100% relevant. However, the Guide could be useful as a reference book to nd information about the product as well as dimentions.
This Installation Guide describes the following:
- Precautions
- Assembly and installation of Wall Bracket
- Mechanical specications for BeoVision 4-85, Wall Bracket.
! Since both the plasma panel and the stand are sizeable products, it is strongly recommended to read the warning and precautions section carefully.
Otherwise there is major risk of damaging personnel or furniture.
How to navigate this Guide
When the Guide is opened, it automatically opens in Full Screen Mode (can be left as desired - see below). This is primarily done to optimize the
usability of screen reading. There are several ways to navigate when using the Guide, see the survey of keys, shortcuts and hotkeys below:
/ (arrow keys on the keyboard) navigates to the next page
/ (arrow keys on the keyboard) navigates to the previous page
(Esc button ) exits Full Screen Mode (press CTRL + L to return to Full Screen Mode).
Another feature to optimize the navigation is the navigation icons in the bottom of the screen (see explanation below).
Navigates directly to the start page
Navigates directly to the table of contents (these are active links - click the link to be directed directly to the chapter)
Prints the document - the print dialog box opens (Ctrl + P also brings up this feature)
Furthermore to ease the navigation, this Guide contains links. The links are mouse-over active and marked with blue text. Just click on a page
reference to be transferred to that page.