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11 Preface: Welcome to Numbers ’09
13 Chapter 1: Numbers Tools and Techniques
13 Spreadsheet Templates
14 The Numbers Window
16 Zooming In or Out
16 The Sheets Pane
17 Print View
17 Full-Screen View
18 The Toolbar
19 The Format Bar
20 The Inspector Window
20 Formula Tools
22 The Styles Pane
23 The Media Browser
24 The Colors Window
25 The Fonts Window
26 The Warnings Window
27 Keyboard Shortcuts and Shortcut Menus
28 Chapter 2: Creating, Saving, and Organizing a Numbers Spreadsheet
28 Creating a New Spreadsheet
29 Importing a Document from Another Application
30 Using CSV or OFX Files in a Spreadsheet
30 Opening an Existing Spreadsheet
31 Password-Protecting a Spreadsheet
32 Saving a Spreadsheet
34 Undoing Changes
34 Locking a Spreadsheet So It Can’t Be Edited
35 Automatically Saving a Backup Version
36 Saving a Copy of a Spreadsheet
36 Finding an Archived Version of a Spreadsheet
38 Saving a Spreadsheet as a Template
38 Saving Spotlight Search Terms for a Spreadsheet
39 Closing a Spreadsheet Without Quitting Numbers
39 Using Sheets to Organize a Spreadsheet
40 Adding and Deleting Sheets
40 Reorganizing Sheets and Their Contents
41 Changing Sheet Names
42 Dividing a Sheet into Pages
43 Setting a Spreadsheet’s Page Size
44 Adding Headers and Footers to a Sheet
44 Arranging Objects on a Page in Print View
45 Setting Page Orientation
45 Setting Pagination Order
45 Numbering Pages
46 Setting Page Margins
47 Chapter 3: Using Tables
47 Working with Tables
48 Adding a Table
48 Using Table Tools
51 Resizing a Table
52 Moving Tables
52 Naming Tables
53 Enhancing the Appearance of Tables
53 Dening Reusable Tables
54 Copying Tables Among iWork Applications
55 Selecting Tables and Their Components
55 Selecting a Table
55 Selecting a Table Cell
56 Selecting a Group of Table Cells
57 Selecting a Row or Column in a Table
57 Selecting Table Cell Borders
59 Working with Rows and Columns in Tables
59 Adding Rows to a Table
60 Adding Columns to a Table
61 Rearranging Rows and Columns
61 Deleting Table Rows and Columns
62 Adding Table Header Rows or Header Columns
64 Freezing Table Header Rows and Header Columns
64 Adding Table Footer Rows
65 Resizing Table Rows and Columns
66 Alternating Table Row Colors
66 Hiding Table Rows and Columns
67 Sorting Rows in a Table
4 Contents
69 Filtering Rows in a Table
69 Creating Table Categories
70 Dening Table Categories and Subcategories
75 Removing Table Categories and Subcategories
75 Managing Table Categories and Subcategories
78 Chapter 4: Working with Table Cells
78 Putting Content into Table Cells
78 Adding and Editing Table Cell Values
79 Working with Text in Table Cells
80 Working with Numbers in Table Cells
81 Autolling Table Cells
82 Displaying Content Too Large for Its Table Cell
82 Using Conditional Formatting to Monitor Table Cell Values
83 Dening Conditional Formatting Rules
85 Changing and Managing Your Conditional Formatting
86 Adding Images or Color to Table Cells
86 Merging Table Cells
87 Splitting Table Cells
87 Formatting Table Cell Borders
88 Copying and Moving Cells
89 Adding Comments to Table Cells
89 Formatting Table Cell Values for Display
91 Using the Automatic Format in Table Cells
92 Using the Number Format in Table Cells
93 Using the Currency Format in Table Cells
94 Using the Percentage Format in Table Cells
95 Using the Date and Time Format in Table Cells
96 Using the Duration Format in Table Cells
96 Using the Fraction Format in Table Cells
97 Using the Numeral System Format in Table Cells
98 Using the Scientic Format in Table Cells
99 Using the Text Format in Table Cells
99 Using a Checkbox, Slider, Stepper, or Pop-Up Menu in Table Cells
101 Using Your Own Formats for Displaying Values in Table Cells
102 Creating a Custom Number Format
104 Dening the Integers Element of a Custom Number Format
105 Dening the Decimals Element of a Custom Number Format
106 Dening the Scale of a Custom Number Format
108 Associating Conditions with a Custom Number Format
11 0 Creating a Custom Date/Time Format
111 Creating a Custom Text Format
112 Changing a Custom Cell Format
Contents 5
113 Reordering, Renaming, and Deleting Custom Cell Formats
11 4 Chapter 5: Working with Table Styles
11 4 Using Table Styles
11 5 Applying Table Styles
11 5 Modifying Table Style Attributes
11 6 Copying and Pasting Table Styles
11 6 Using the Default Table Style
11 6 Creating New Table Styles
117 Renaming a Table Style
117 Deleting a Table Style
11 8 Chapter 6: Using Formulas in Tables
11 8 The Elements of Formulas
11 9 Performing Instant Calculations
120 Using Predened Quick Formulas
121 Creating Your Own Formulas
12 2 Adding and Editing Formulas Using the Formula Editor
12 3 Adding and Editing Formulas Using the Formula Bar
124 Adding Functions to Formulas
12 6 Handling Errors and Warnings in Formulas
12 6 Removing Formulas
12 6 Referring to Cells in Formulas
128 Using the Keyboard and Mouse to Create and Edit Formulas
129 Distinguishing Absolute and Relative Cell References
130 Using Operators in Formulas
130 The Arithmetic Operators
130 The Comparison Operators
131 Copying or Moving Formulas and Their Computed Values
13 2 Viewing All Formulas in a Spreadsheet
13 2 Finding and Replacing Formula Elements
134 Chapter 7: Creating Charts from Data
134 About Charts
13 7 Creating a Chart from Table Data
13 8 Changing a Chart from One Type to Another
13 9 Moving a Chart
140 Switching Table Rows and Columns for Chart Data Series
140 Adding More Data to an Existing Chart
141 Including Hidden Table Data in a Chart
141 Replacing or Reordering Data Series in a Chart
142 Removing Data from a Chart
143 Deleting a Chart
6 Contents
143 Sharing Charts with Pages and Keynote Documents
143 Formatting Charts
14 4 Placing and Formatting a Chart’s Title and Legend
14 4 Resizing or Rotating a Chart
145 Formatting Chart Axes
148 Formatting the Elements in a Chart’s Data Series
151 Showing Error Bars in Charts
15 2 Showing Trendiness in Charts
15 3 Formatting the Text of Chart Titles, Labels, and Legends
154 Formatting Specic Chart Types
154 Customizing the Look of Pie Charts
15 5 Changing Pie Chart Colors and Textures
15 6 Showing Labels in a Pie Chart
157 Separating Individual Wedges from a Pie Chart
157 Adding Shadows to Pie Charts and Wedges
15 8 Rotating 2D Pie Charts
15 8 Setting Shadows, Spacing, and Series Names on Bar and Column Charts
15 9 Customizing Data Point Symbols and Lines in Line Charts
160 Showing Data Point Symbols in Area Charts
160 Using Scatter Charts
161 Customizing 2-Axis and Mixed Charts
162 Adjusting Scene Settings for 3D Charts
164 Chapter 8: Working with Text
164 Adding Text
164 Selecting Text
165 Deleting, Copying, and Pasting Text
165 Formatting Text Size and Appearance
166 Making Text Bold, Italic, or Underlined
167 Adding Shadow and Strikethrough to Text
167 Creating Outlined Text
167 Changing Text Size
168 Making Text Subscript or Superscript
168 Changing Text Capitalization
168 Changing Fonts
169 Adjusting Font Smoothing
170 Adding Accent Marks
170 Viewing Keyboard Layouts for Other Languages
171 Typing Special Characters and Symbols
17 2 Using Smart Quotes
17 2 Using Advanced Typography Features
17 2 Setting Text Alignment, Spacing, and Color
174 Aligning Text Horizontally
Contents 7
17 5 Aligning Text Vertically
17 5 Setting the Spacing Between Lines of Text
17 6 Setting the Spacing Before or After a Paragraph
17 7 Adjusting the Spacing Between Characters
17 7 Changing Text and Text Background Color
17 8 Setting Tab Stops to Align Text
17 8 Setting a New Tab Stop
17 9 Changing a Tab Stop
17 9 Deleting a Tab Stop
17 9 Changing Ruler Settings
17 9 Setting Indents
17 9 Setting Indentation for Paragraphs
180 Changing the Inset Margin of Text in Objects
180 Creating Lists
181 Generating Lists Automatically
181 Formatting Bulleted Lists
182 Formatting Numbered Lists
183 Formatting Ordered Lists
185 Using Text Boxes, Shapes, and Other Eects to Highlight Text
185 Adding Text Boxes
185 Presenting Text in Columns
186 Putting Text Inside a Shape
187 Using Hyperlinks
187 Linking to a Webpage
187 Linking to a Preaddressed Email Message
188 Editing Hyperlink Text
188 Inserting Page Numbers and Other Changeable Values
189 Automatically Substituting Text
190 Inserting a Nonbreaking Space
190 Checking for Misspelled Words
191 Working with Spelling Suggestions
19 2 Searching for and Replacing Text
194 Chapter 9: Working with Shapes, Graphics, and Other Objects
194 Working with Images
196 Replacing Template Images with Your Own Images
196 Masking (Cropping) Images
198 Reducing Image File Sizes
198 Removing the Background or Unwanted Elements from an Image
199 Changing an Image’s Brightness, Contrast, and Other Settings
201 Creating Shapes
201 Adding a Predrawn Shape
202 Adding a Custom Shape
8 Contents
203 Editing Shapes
204 Adding, Deleting, and Moving the Editing Points on a Shape
204 Reshaping a Curve
205 Reshaping a Straight Segment
206 Transforming Corner Points into Curved Points and Vice Versa
206 Editing a Rounded Rectangle
206 Editing Single and Double Arrows
207 Editing a Quote Bubble or Callout
207 Editing a Star
208 Editing a Polygon
208 Using Sound and Movies
209 Adding a Sound File
210 Adding a Movie File
210 Placing a Picture Frame Around a Movie
2 11 Adjusting Media Playback Settings
212 Reducing the Size of Media Files
212 Manipulating, Arranging, and Changing the Look of Objects
213 Selecting Objects
213 Copying or Duplicating Objects
214 Deleting Objects
214 Moving and Positioning Objects
215 Moving an Object Forward or Backward (Layering Objects)
215 Quickly Aligning Objects Relative to One Another
216 Using Alignment Guides
217 Creating Your Own Alignment Guides
217 Positioning Objects by x and y Coordinates
218 Grouping and Ungrouping Objects
219 Connecting Objects with an Adjustable Line
219 Locking and Unlocking Objects
219 Modifying Objects
220 Resizing Objects
220 Flipping and Rotating Objects
221 Changing the Style of Borders
222 Framing Objects
223 Adding Shadows
224 Adding a Reection
224 Adjusting Opacity
225 Filling Objects with Colors or Images
226 Filling an Object with a Solid Color
226 Filling an Object with Blended Colors (Gradients)
228 Filling an Object with an Image
230 Working with MathType
Contents 9
2 31 Chapter 10 : Adding Address Book Data to a Table
2 31 Using Address Book Fields
2 31 Mapping Column Names to Address Book Field Names
234 Adding Address Book Data to an Existing Table
234 Adding Address Book Data to a New Table
236 Chapter 11 : Sharing Your Numbers Spreadsheet
236 Printing a Spreadsheet
237 Exporting a Spreadsheet to Other Document Formats
237 Exporting a Spreadsheet in PDF Format
238 Exporting a Spreadsheet in Excel Format
238 Exporting a Spreadsheet in CSV Format
239 Sending Your Numbers Spreadsheet to iWork.com public beta
242 Sending a Spreadsheet Using Email
242 Sending a Spreadsheet to iWeb
243 Sharing Charts, Data, and Tables with other iWork Applications
244 Chapter 12 : Designing Your Own Numbers Spreadsheet Templates
244 Designing a Template
245 Dening Table Styles for a Custom Template
245 Dening Reusable Tables for a Custom Template
245 Dening Default Charts, Text Boxes, Shapes, and Images for a Custom Template
245 Dening Default Attributes for Charts
246 Dening Default Attributes for Text Boxes and Shapes
246 Dening Default Attributes for Imported Images
247 Creating Initial Spreadsheet Content for a Custom Template
247 Predening Tables and Other Objects for a Custom Template
248 Creating Media Placeholders for a Custom Template
248 Predening Sheets for a Custom Template
249 Saving a Custom Template
250 Index
10 Contents
Welcome to Numbers ’09
Numbers oers a powerful and intuitive way to do
everything from setting up your family budget to completing
a lab report to creating detailed nancial documents.
To get started with Numbers, just open it and choose one of the predesigned
templates. Type over placeholder text, use predesigned formulas, and turn table data
into colorful charts. Before you know it, you have a spreadsheet that’s both attractive
and well-organized.
This user guide provides detailed instructions to help you accomplish specic tasks in
Numbers. In addition to this book, other resources are available to help you.
Online video tutorials
Video tutorials at www.apple.com/iwork/tutorials/numbers provide instructions for
performing common tasks in Numbers. The rst time you open Numbers, a message
appears with a link to these tutorials on the web. You can view Numbers video
tutorials anytime by choosing Help > Video Tutorials.
Onscreen help
Onscreen help contains detailed instructions for completing all Numbers tasks. To
open help, open Numbers and choose Help > Numbers Help. The rst page of help
also provides access to useful websites.
iWork Formulas and Functions Help and user guide
iWork Formulas and Functions Help and the iWork Formulas and Functions User Guide
contain detailed instructions for using formulas and powerful functions in your
spreadsheets. To open the user guide, choose Help > “iWork Formulas and Functions
User Guide.” To open help, choose Help > “iWork Formulas and Functions Help.”
iWork website
Read the latest news and information about iWork at www.apple.com/iwork.
Support website
Find detailed information about solving problems at www.apple.com/support/
Help tags
Numbers provides help tags—brief text descriptions—for most onscreen items. To see
a help tag, hold the pointer over an item for a few seconds.
12 Preface Welcome to Numbers ’09
Numbers Tools and Techniques
This chapter introduces you to the windows and tools you
use to work on Numbers spreadsheets.
When you create a Numbers spreadsheet, you rst select a template to start from.
Spreadsheet Templates
The Template Chooser window presents a variety of spreadsheet templates from
which to choose.
Templates contain predened sheets, tables, formulas, and other elements that help
you get started.
To open the Template Chooser window:
Choose File > “New from Template Chooser.”m
Here are ways to use the Template Chooser window:
To view thumbnails of all the templates, click All in the list of template categories on m
the left side of the Template Chooser window.
To view templates by category, click Blank, Personal Finance, or another category.
To increase or decrease the size of the thumbnails, drag the slider at the bottom of m
the window.
To create a spreadsheet using a specic template, click the template and then m
click Choose.
If you want to start from a plain spreadsheet, that contains no formatting, select the
Blank template.
See “Creating a New Spreadsheet” on page 28, “ Importing a Document from Another
Application” on page 29, and “Using CSV or OFX Files in a Spreadsheet” on page 30 to
learn how to create a Numbers spreadsheet.
The Numbers Window
The Numbers window has elements that help you develop and organize your
Sheets pane: This pane, in the upper left, lists the tables and charts on each sheet in
the spreadsheet. Sheets organize your information into groups of related items (for
example, data for 2008 and data for 2009). Drag the Sheets resize control, located at
the top right of the Sheets pane, left or right to make the pane wider or narrower.
14 Chapter 1 Numbers Tools and Techniques
Toolbar: Located at the top of the window, the toolbar gives you one-click access
to commonly used tools. Use it to quickly add a sheet, table, text box, media le, and
other objects.
Format bar: Below the toolbar, the format bar provides convenient access to tools for
editing a selected object.
Formula bar: Below the format bar, the formula bar lets you create and edit formulas
or other content in a selected table cell.
Sheet canvas: The main part of the window, the sheet canvas shows objects on a
selected sheet. You can drag tables, charts, and other objects on the sheet canvas to
rearrange them.
Styles pane: Below the Sheets pane, the Styles pane lists table styles predesigned for
the template you’re using. Select a table, and click a table style to instantly change the
table’s appearance. Drag the Styles resize control, located at the top right of the Styles
pane, up or down to enlarge or shrink the pane.
Instant calculation results: Below the Styles pane is an area that displays the results of
calculations for values in selected table cells.
To learn about Go to
Viewing a spreadsheet“Zooming In or Out” on page 16
“Full-Screen View” on page 17
“The Sheets Pane” on page 16
“Print View” on page 17
“Freezing Table Header Rows and Header
Columns” on page 64
Tools for managing spreadsheets“The Toolbar” on page 18
“The Format Bar” on page 19
“The Inspector Window” on page 20
“The Warnings Window” on page 26
Tools for working with formulas in table cells“Formula Tools” on page 20
Tools that enhance the appearance of a
Keyboard shortcuts“Keyboard Shortcuts and Shortcut Menus” on
“The Styles Pane” on page 22
“The Media Browser” on page 23
“The Colors Window” on page 24
“The Fonts Window” on page 25
page 27
Chapter 1 Numbers Tools and Techniques 15
Zooming In or Out
Click to show or hide a
sheet’s tables and charts
in the Sheets pane.
Drag left or right to
resize the Sheets pane.
Click a table or chart in the
list to select it and show it
on the sheet canvas.
You can enlarge (zoom in) or reduce (zoom out) your view of a sheet.
Here are ways to zoom in or out on a sheet:
Choose View > Zoom > Zoom In or View > Zoom > Zoom Out.m
To return to 100%, choose View > Zoom > Actual Size.
Choose a magnication level from the pop-up menu at the bottom left of the canvas. m
When you view a sheet in Print View, decrease the zoom level to view more pages in
the window at one time.
If you’re using Numbers in Mac OS X v10.7 (Lion) or later, you can also view the
application window in full-screen view, to help you work without distractions. To learn
more, see “Full-Screen View” on page 17.
The Sheets Pane
The Sheets pane is located along the top-left side of the Numbers window. It lets you
quickly view and navigate to tables and charts in a sheet.
See “Using Sheets to Organize a Spreadsheet” on page 39 for more information.
16 Chapter 1 Numbers Tools and Techniques
Print View
Click to show or
hide Print View.
Slide to shrink or enlarge
all the sheet’s objects.
Footer area
Header area
Click to choose a page
zoom level that lets you
see more or fewer pages.
Click to view pages in
portrait (vertical)
Click to view pages in
landscape (horizontal)
When you want to print a sheet or make a PDF of it, you can use Print View to visualize
the layout of a sheet’s objects on individual pages.
Chapter 1 Numbers Tools and Techniques 17
See “Dividing a Sheet into Pages” on page 42 to learn more about Print View.
Full-Screen View
If you’re using Numbers in Mac OS X v10.7 (Lion) or later, you can view the application
window in full-screen view, to help you work without distractions. In full-screen view,
the Numbers application window enlarges to ll the space of your entire screen,
moving into a separate space so that you can easily move between Numbers and
your desktop.
To view Numbers in full screen:
Choose View > Enter Full Screen or click the Full Screen button in the top-right corner m
of the Numbers window (looks like two outward-facing arrows).
To exit full-screen view, do any of the following::
Open the inspector window,
Media Browser, Colors
window, or Fonts window.
Send a spreadsheet
to the web.
Add a chart, text box,
shape, or comment.
Add a table.
Add a formula
or function.
Sort, filter, and
categorize rows.
Add a sheet.
Show or hide Print View,
comments, and more.
Show or hide all the formulas and
functions in the spreadsheet.
View and edit
in full screen.
Press Escape on your keyboard.m
Move the pointer to the top of the screen to show the menu bar, and then click the m
Full Screen button in the top-right corner of the screen.
Choose View > Exit Full Screen.m
The Toolbar
The Numbers toolbar gives you one-click access to many of the actions you perform
as you work in Numbers. As you discover which actions you perform most often, you
can add, remove, and rearrange toolbar buttons to suit your working style. You can
also hide the toolbar by choosing View > Hide Toolbar; to show it again, choose View >
Show Toolbar.
To see a description of what a button does, hold your pointer over it.
The default set of toolbar buttons is shown below. The Full Screen button in the upper-
right corner doesn’t appear unless you are running Mac OS X v10.7 (Lion) or later.
To add an item to the toolbar, drag its icon to the toolbar. If you frequently Â
recongure the toolbar, you can add the Customize button to it.
To remove an item from the toolbar, drag it out of the toolbar.Â
To restore the default set of toolbar buttons, drag the default set to the toolbar.Â
To make the toolbar icons smaller, select Use Small Size.Â
To display only icons or only text, choose an option from the Show pop-up menu.Â
To rearrange items in the toolbar, drag them.Â
18 Chapter 1 Numbers Tools and Techniques
3 Click Done.
Arrange text in table cells.
Format cell borders.
Add background
color to a cell.
Format cell values.
Manage headers
and footers.
Show or hide a table’s name.
Format text in
table cells.
You can also customize the toolbar by using these shortcuts:
To remove an item from the toolbar, press the Command key while dragging the Â
item out of the toolbar.
You can also press the Control key while you click the item, and then choose
Remove Item from the shortcut menu.
To move an item, press the Command key while dragging the item around in the Â
The Format Bar
Use the format bar, displayed below the toolbar, to quickly change the appearance of
tables, charts, text, and other elements in your spreadsheet.
The controls in the format bar vary with the object selected. To see a description of
what a format bar control does, hold the pointer over it.
Here’s what the format bar looks like when a table or table cell is selected:
To show and hide the format bar:
Choose View > Show Format Bar or View > Hide Format Bar.m
Chapter 1 Numbers Tools and Techniques 19
The Inspector Window
The buttons at the top of the
inspector window open the
ten inspectors: Document,
Sheet, Table, Cells, Chart, Text,
Graphic, Metrics, Hyperlink,
and QuickTime.
Cancel button
Discard changes.
Accept button
Save changes.
Text field
View or edit a formula.
Formula Editor
Move by grabbing
here and dragging.
Most elements of your spreadsheet can be formatted using the Numbers inspectors.
Each inspector focuses on a dierent aspect of formatting. For example, the Cells
inspector lets you format cells and cell values. Hold your pointer over buttons and
other controls in the inspector panes to see a description of what the controls do.
Opening multiple inspector windows can make it easier to work on your spreadsheet.
For example, you can open both the Graphic inspector and the Cells inspector to have
access to all the image- and cell-formatting options.
After an inspector window is open, click any of the buttons at the top to display a
dierent inspector. Clicking the second button from the left, for example, displays the
Sheet inspector.
Here are ways to open an inspector window:
Click Inspector in the toolbar.m
Choose View > Show Inspector.m
To open another Inspector window, choose View > New Inspector.m
Formula Tools
You add a formula to a table cell when you want to display a value in the cell that’s
derived using a calculation. Numbers has several tools for working with formulas in
table cells:
The ÂFormula Editor lets you create and modify formulas. Open the Formula Editor by
selecting a table cell and typing the equal sign (=). You can also open it by choosing
Formula Editor from the Function pop-up menu in the toolbar.
20 Chapter 1 Numbers Tools and Techniques
Learn more about this editor in “Adding and Editing Formulas Using the Formula
Open the
Function Browser.
Cancel button
Discard changes.
Accept button
Save changes.
Change the formula
viewing size.
Text field
View or edit a formula.
Select a function to
view information
about it.
Search for a function.
Insert the selected function.
Select a category
to view functions in
that category.
Editor” on page 12 2 .
The Âformula bar, always visible below the format bar, can also be used to create and
modify a formula in a selected table cell.
Instructions for adding and editing formulas using this tool are in “Adding and
Editing Formulas Using the Formula Bar” on page 12 3 .
Using the ÂFunction Browser is the fastest way to add a function. A function is a
predened formula that has a name (such as SUM and AVERAGE).
To open the Function Browser, choose Show Function Browser from the Function
pop-up menu in the toolbar.
Chapter 1 Numbers Tools and Techniques 21
“Adding Functions to Formulas” on page 12 4 explains how to use the Function
Browser. To learn about all the iWork functions, and to review numerous examples
that illustrate how to use them, choose Help > “iWork Formulas and Functions Help”
or Help > “iWork Formulas and Functions User Guide.”
The Styles Pane
The Styles pane lets you quickly apply predened formatting to tables in a
spreadsheet. Table styles dene such attributes as color, text size, and cell border
formatting of table cells.
To apply a table style, simply select the table and click a style in the Styles pane.
Switching from one table style to another takes only one click.
See “Using Table Styles” on page 11 4 for details.
22 Chapter 1 Numbers Tools and Techniques
The Media Browser
Second, choose a source.
First, click a button to go to
your media files.
Third, drag an item to the
document or to an image
well in one of the inspectors.
Search for a file by typing
its name here.
The Media Browser provides access to all the media les in your iPhoto library, your
iTunes library, and your Movies folder. You can drag an item from the Media Browser to
your spreadsheet or to an image well in an inspector.
If you don’t use iPhoto or Aperture to store your photos, or iTunes to store your music,
or if you don’t keep your movies in the Movies folder, you can add other folders to the
Media Browser so that you can access their multimedia contents in the same way.
Here are ways to open the Media Browser:
Click Media in the toolbar.m
Choose View > Show Media Browser.m
Here are ways to add other folders to the Media Browser:
To add a folder containing audio les, click Audio in the Media Browser, and then drag m
the folder you want from the Finder to the Media Browser.
To add a folder containing photos, click Photos in the Media Browser, and then drag m
the folder you want from the Finder to the Media Browser.
To add a folder containing movies, click Movies in the Media Browser, and then drag m
the folder you want from the Finder to the Media Browser.
Chapter 1 Numbers Tools and Techniques 23
To learn how to Go to
The color selected in the color
wheel appears in this box. (The
two colors in this box indicate the
opacity is set to less than 100%.)
Use the slider to set lighter or
darker hues in the color wheel.
Click to select a color in
the color wheel.
Drag colors from the color box to
store them in the color palette.
Click the search icon,
and then click any item
on the screen to match
its color.
Click a button to view
different color models.
Drag the Opacity slider
to the left to make the
color more transparent.
Import an image“Working with Images” on page 19 4
Add a sound le“Adding a Sound File” on page 209
Add a movie le“Adding a Movie File” on page 210
The Colors Window
You use the Colors window to apply color to text, table cells, cell borders, and other
objects. While you can also use the format bar to apply colors, the Colors window
oers advanced color management options.
You can use the color wheel in the Colors window to select colors. The color you select
appears in the box at the top of the Colors window. You can save that color for future
use by placing it in the color palette.
To apply the colors you select in the Colors window to an object, select the object and
then place the color in the appropriate color well in an inspector. You can click a color
well in one of the inspectors and then click a color in the color well. Or you can drag a
color from the color palette or color box to a color well in an inspector.
Here are ways to open the Colors window:
Click Colors in the toolbar.m
24 Chapter 1 Numbers Tools and Techniques
1 Click anywhere in the color wheel.
Click a color well in one of the inspectors.m
To select a color after opening the Colors window:
The selected color is displayed in the color box at the top of the Colors window.
2 To make the color lighter or darker, drag the slider on the right side of the Colors
Create interesting
text effects using
these buttons.
The Action menu
Choose a typeface to
apply to selected text.
Find fonts by typing a font
name in the search field.
Choose a font size to
apply to selected text.
Apply a shadow to
selected text. Modify
the shadow using the
opacity, blur, offset,
and angle controls.
Preview the selected
typeface (you might need to
choose Show Preview from
the Action menu).
3 To make the color more transparent, drag the Opacity slider to the left or enter a
percentage value in the Opacity eld.
4 To use the color palette, open it by dragging the handle at the bottom of the Colors
Save a color in the palette by dragging a color from the color box to the color palette.
To remove a color from the palette, drag a blank square to the color you want to
5 To match the color of another item on the screen, click the search icon to the left of
the color box in the Colors window.
Click the item on the screen whose color you want to match. The color appears in the
color box. Select the item you want to color in the spreadsheet, and then drag the
color from the color box to the item.
The Fonts Window
Use the Fonts window to select fonts, font sizes, and other font formatting features,
including text shadows and strikethrough. You can also use the Fonts window to
organize your favorite and commonly used fonts so that they are easy to nd when
you need them.
To open the Fonts window:
Click Fonts in the toolbar.m
Here are ways to change the font of selected text:
In the Search eld, type the name of the font you want to use, and then select its m
name in the Family list.
Chapter 1 Numbers Tools and Techniques 25
Select a typeface (for example, Italic or Bold) from the Typeface list. m
In the Size column, type or select the font size you want.m
Here are ways to use the controls at the top of the Fonts window:
Rest your pointer over any control along the top of the window to view a help tag
describing what each control does. If you don’t see the controls, choose Show Eects
from the Action pop-up menu (looks like a gear) in the lower-left corner of the
To underline text, choose an underline style (such as single or double) from the Text m
Underline pop-up menu.
To apply a strikethrough style (such as single or double), choose a style from the Text m
Strikethrough pop-up menu.
To apply color to text, click the Text Color button to open the Colors window. See “mThe
Colors Window” on page 24 for details.
To apply color behind a paragraph, click the Document Color button to open the m
Colors window.
To apply a shadow, click the Text Shadow button. Use the Shadow Opacity, Shadow m
Blur, Shadow Oset, and Shadow Angle controls to format the shadow.
To organize fonts:
1 Click the Add Collection (+) button to create and name a new collection.
2 Select some text and format it with the font family, typeface, and size that you want.
3 Drag the font name from the Family list to the collection where you want to le it.
To set up the Fonts window for frequent use:
Leave the Fonts window open as you work. Resize the window using the control in the m
bottom-right corner of the window so that only the font families and typefaces in your
selected font collection are visible.
The Warnings Window
When you import a document into Numbers, or export a Numbers spreadsheet
to another format, some elements might not transfer as expected. The Document
Warnings window lists any problems encountered.
If there are problems, you’ll see a message enabling you to review the warnings. If you
choose not to review them, you can see the Warnings window at any time by choosing
View > Show Document Warnings.
If you see a warning about a missing font, you can select the warning and click
Replace Font to choose a replacement font.
26 Chapter 1 Numbers Tools and Techniques
You can copy one or more warnings by selecting them in the Document Warnings
window and choosing Edit > Copy. You can then paste the copied text into an email
message, text le, or some other window.
Keyboard Shortcuts and Shortcut Menus
You can use the keyboard to perform many Numbers tasks. To see a comprehensive
list of keyboard shortcuts, open Numbers and choose Help > Keyboard Shortcuts.
Many objects also have shortcut menus with commands you can use on the object.
Shortcut menus are especially useful for working with tables and charts.
To open a shortcut menu:
Press the Control key while you click an object.m
Chapter 1 Numbers Tools and Techniques 27
Creating, Saving, and Organizing
a Numbers Spreadsheet
This chapter describes how to manage Numbers spreadsheets.
You can create a Numbers spreadsheet by opening Numbers and choosing a
template. You can also import a document created in another application, such as
Microsoft Excel or AppleWorks 6, or create a spreadsheet using a CSV
(comma-separated value) le.
This chapter explains how to create new Numbers spreadsheets, as well as how to
open existing spreadsheets and save spreadsheets.
This chapter also provides instructions for organizing spreadsheets into sheets and for
organizing them into pages when you print them or create PDFs.
Creating a New Spreadsheet
To create a new Numbers spreadsheet, you pick the template that provides
appropriate formatting and content characteristics.
Start with the Blank template to build your spreadsheet from scratch. Or select one of
the many other templates to get a head start creating a budget, planning a party, and
more using predened tables, charts, and sample data.
To create a new spreadsheet:
1 Open Numbers by clicking its icon in the Dock or by double-clicking its icon in
the Finder.
If Numbers is open, choose File > “New from Template Chooser.”
2 In the Template Chooser window, select a template category in the left column
to display related templates, and then select the template that best matches the
spreadsheet you want to create. If you want to begin in a spreadsheet without any
predened content, select Blank.
You can skim the contents of a template by moving the pointer left and right over
its icon. To change the size of the template icons, drag the slider at the bottom of
the window.
3 After selecting a template, click Choose. A new spreadsheet opens on your screen.
You can set Numbers to automatically open a particular template every time you open
Numbers or create a new spreadsheet. Choose Numbers > Preferences, click General,
select “For New Documents: Use template:”, and then click Choose. Select a template
name, and then click Choose.
Each time the Template Chooser opens, the previously selected template category and
template are selected.
Importing a Document from Another Application
You can create a new Numbers spreadsheet by importing a document created in
Microsoft Excel or AppleWorks 6. Numbers can also import les in comma-separated
value (CSV) format, tab-delimited format, and Open Financial Exchange (OFX) format.
From AppleWorks, you can import spreadsheets only.
Chapter 2 Creating, Saving, and Organizing a Numbers Spreadsheet 29
Here are ways to import a document:
Drag the document to the Numbers application icon. A new Numbers spreadsheet m
opens, and the contents of the imported document are displayed.
In Numbers, choose File > Open, select the document, and then click Open. m
You can import Address Book data to quickly create tables that contain names, phone m
numbers, addresses, and other information for your contacts. See “Using Address Book
Fields” on page 2 31 for instructions.
If you want to import CSV or OFX data, see “mUsing CSV or OFX Files in a
Spreadsheet” on page 30.
If you can’t import a document, try opening the document in another application and
saving it in a format Numbers can read, or copy and paste the contents into an existing
Numbers spreadsheet.
You can also export Numbers spreadsheets to Microsoft Excel, PDF, and CSV les. See
“Exporting a Spreadsheet to Other Document Formats” on page 237 for details.
Using CSV or OFX Files in a Spreadsheet
To add CSV or OFX data to an open spreadsheet:
1 Select a sheet.
2 Do one of the following:
To create one or more new tables, drag a CSV or OFX le from the Finder onto the Â
sheet’s canvas.
To add CSV or OFX data to an empty table, drag the CSV or OFX le onto the table. Â
The data is added; additional columns are created if necessary.
To add CSV or OFX data to a table that contains data, drag the CSV or OFX le onto Â
the table.
If the columns don’t match, choose an option from the sheet that appears. You can
cancel the import, add columns to the table, ignore extra columns, or create a new
table from the CSV or OFX data.
Opening an Existing Spreadsheet
You can open an iWork ’08 or iWork ’09 spreadsheet. To take advantage of new
features, save iWork ’08 spreadsheets in iWork ’09 format. To let iWork ’08 users access
your spreadsheet, save it in iWork ’08 format.
When you open an iWork ’09 spreadsheet that’s password-protected, you need to type
the password in the Password eld before you can view the spreadsheet contents.
30 Chapter 2 Creating, Saving, and Organizing a Numbers Spreadsheet
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