Apple Newton Backup Utility User Manual

Newton Backup Utility User’s Guide
for the Macintosh Operating System
K Apple Computer, Inc.
© 1995 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written
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Apple Computer, Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014-2084 (408) 996-1010
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1Getting Started 1
About the Newton Backup Utility 1
Installation requirements 1
Connecting a Newton PDA to your computer 2
Connecting with a serial cable 2
Connecting over an AppleTalk network 3 Installing the Newton Backup Utility 4 Preparing your computer 5
Opening the Newton Backup Utility 5
Selecting the type of connection on your computer 6 Preparing your Newton PDA 6
Selecting the type of connection on your Newton PDA 7
Establishing a connection 8 Creating your first backup 9 Quitting the utility 10
2Backing Up and Restor ing Informatio n 11
About backup files 11
Backing up cards 12
Previous backups 12 Creating backup files 13
Backing up all information and packages 13
Backing up selected information and packages 14
Backing up a storage card 16 Changing the location of the Backups folder 16 Restoring information and packages 18 Tips on managing backups 20
Con t e nts
3Installing Packages 21
Installing a package on your Newton PDA 21
Installing packages by dragging 22 Installing a package on a storage card 23
4Using the Utility From Your Newton PDA 25
Using the utility 25 Finding files on your computer 26 Changing connection preferences 26
5Troubleshooting 29
Common problems with the Newton Backup Utility 29
Index 33
This chapter describes how to connect your Newton personal digital assistant (PDA) to your computer, install the Newton Backup Utility, and use the utility to create your first backup.
About the New ton Ba c kup Utility
With the Newton Backup Utility, you can connect your Apple MessagePad or other Newton PDA to your computer and do the following:
m Back up Newton information and store it on your computer. m Install packages (applications, system updates, and so on) on your Newton PDA. m Restore backed-up information to your Newton PDA.
The Newton Backup Utility works with the Newton 2.0 operating system. You can also use the utility to transfer information from a Newton PDA that uses an earlier version of the operating system. For more information, see the upgrade instructions that came with this utility.
Note: If you have a Newton PDA that doesn’t use the Newton 2.0 operating system and you don’t plan to upgrade, Apple recommends you use the Newton Connection
2.0 Kit instead of the Newton Backup Utility.
Installation requirements
To use the Newton Backup Utility, you need the following: m A computer using the Macintosh operating system with a 68030 or better
m Software version 7.0 or higher m 4 megabytes (MB) of total RAM with 2 MB available m a hard disk drive with 3 MB of available disk space m an available printer or modem port m a serial or AppleTalk cable
If you’re upgrading your Newton PDA to the Newton 2.0 operating system, make sure you read the instructions that came with your upgrade kit before you use the Newton Backup Utility.
Getting Started
Connecting a Newton PDA to your computer
To use the Newton Backup Utility, you connect your Newton PDA to your computer in one of the following ways:
m using a serial cable m using an AppleTalk network (AppleTal k connection is faster than serial
Connecting with a serial cable
You use a serial cable to connect your Newton PDA to the printer or modem port on the back of your computer. If you don’t have a serial cable, you can purchase one from an authorized Apple dealer. The cable has mini-DIN-8 connectors on both ends.
1Make sure both your computer and your Newton PDA are turned off. 2Plug one end of the serial cable into the communication port on your Newton PDA. 3Plug the other end of the serial cable into the printer port (
) or the modem port (W) on your
If you connect your Newton PDA to a PowerBook that has an inter nal modem, see the manual that came with your computer for more information on connecting a serial cable.
That’s it! Go on to “Installing the Newton Backup Utility,” later in this chapter.
Chapter 1
Connecting over an AppleTalk network
Use a LocalTalk or other type of AppleTalk connection kit to connect your Newton PDA to an AppleTalk network. If your computer is already connected to an AppleTalk network, you n eed on e connection kit. If not, you need two kits.
If your computer is part of an EtherTal k n etwork or another kind of network, see your system administrator for help with connecting your Newton PDA.
1Make sure your computer and your Newton PDA are turned off. 2 Follow the instructions that came with your connection kit to connect the AppleTalk cable to the
3Plug the AppleTalk cable into the communication port on your Newton PDA. 4 Turn on your computer and choose the Chooser from the Apple (
) menu.
5Make sure AppleTalk is active.
If not, click the AppleTalk Active button. If instructions appear on screen, follow them.
That’s it! You’ve connected your Newton PDA to your computer on a AppleTalk network.
Getting Started
Make sure AppleTalk is active.
Chapter 1
Installin g the Newto n Backup Ut ility
Before your computer can communicate with your Newton PDA, you need to install the Newton Backup Utility on your computer. Follow these steps.
1 Insert the
Install 1
disk for the Newton Backup Utility into a floppy disk drive.
If necessary, open the disk icon.
2Double-click the Install NBU icon to open it. 3 In the Installer Welcome dialog box that appears, click Continue. 4 In the Install NBU dialog box, click Install.
A status box keeps you informed of progress during installation.
5 Follow the instructions on your screen.
Yo u’ ll b e instructed to insert another disk.
Double-click to install the
Newton Backup Utility.
The folder where the
Newton Backup Utility
will be installed
Click to start the installation.
6When you see a message reporting that the installation was successful, follow the instructions
on screen.
Yo u’ll find a folder named Newton Backup Utility on your hard disk.
Preparing your computer
To prepare your computer for communication with a Newton PDA, follow these steps.
Opening the Newton Bac kup Utility
To open the utility:
On your computer, open the Newton Backup Utility folder and double-click the Newton Backup Utility icon.
The Newton Backup Utility window appears on your computer.
Getting Started
Buttons are dimmed
until you establish a
connection from your
Newton PDA.
Displays connection
messages and other
Newton Backup Utility menus
Selecting the type of connection on your computer
The first time you use the Newton Backup Utility, you need to specify how the Newton PDA is connected to your computer.
1Choose Preferences from the Edit menu.
A dialog box appears with a list of connection preferences for your computer.
2Select the type of connection.
3Click OK to save your choices and close the dialog box.
The type of conn ection you select is saved and remains set until you decide to change it.
Note: You can also use the Preferences dialog box to set the location of backup files. For more information, see “Changing the Location of the Backups Folder” in Chapter 2.
Preparing your Newton PDA
Before you use the Newton Backup Utility, you need to tell your Newton PDA how it is connected to the computer.
Note: The instructions in this section apply to Newton PDAs that use the Newton 2.0 operating system. If you have a Newton PDA that uses an earlier version of the operating system, see the upgrade instr uctions that came with this utility.
Make sure you follow the setup instr uctions on your Newton PDA to enter your name and other owner information. The computer uses this name when it creates a backup file. See your Newton PDA handbook to learn how to enter your name. Also, it’s a good idea to name the storage cards you use with your Newton PDA.
Chapter 1
Select AppleTalk if you have an AppleTalk connection.
If you have a serial
connection, select
the Macintosh port
you’re using.
Shows the location of backup files created on your computer. By default, this is in the Newton Backup Utility folder.
Selecting the type of connection on your Newton PDA
1 On your Newton screen, tap Extras ´. 2 In the Extras Drawer, tap Connection k.
You may have to show all icons to see the Connection icon. A slip appears showing the type of connection currently set for your Newton PDA.
3If the type of connection that appears in the slip is not correct, tap “Connect via” to change the
type of connection.
A list of connection types appears. Choose either Serial or AppleTalk. If you choose Serial, your connection setup is complete. Skip to the next section,
“Establishing a Connection.” If you choose AppleTalk, continue with step 4. Note: Do not select a Modem connection. The Newton Backup Utility does not
support remote connection via a modem.
4Tap “Connect to.”
5 In the list that appears, tap the worksite or computer you want to connect to.
If you tap “Other computer” a slip appears. Tap the computer you want to connect to. Only computers that have the Newton Backup Utility installed and running appear in the slip.
If you tap “Other worksite,” a slip appears. Enter information about the worksite, then tap X to close the slip.
The type of conn ection you select is saved and remains set until you change it.
Getting Started
Tap to select another
type of connection.
Shows the type of connection set for your Newton PDA
Establ ishing a connection
After you select the type of connection, you need to establish a connection between your Newton PDA and your computer.
Tap Connect.
After a few moments, the connection is established and the buttons in the Newton Backup Utility window are no longer dimmed.
In addition, Newton Backup Utility buttons appear on your Newton screen.
As with the Newton Backup Utility buttons on your computer, you can use these buttons to back up and restore files or install packages.
Note: For simplicity, the instructions in this book describe using the Newton Backup Utility from your computer, but you can also use the utility from your Newton PDA. See Chapter 4 for more information.
Chapter 1
Connection slip for a serial connection
Connection slip for an AppleTalk connection
Tap here to connect.
Tap here to connect.
Click here to install
a package on your
Newton PDA.
Click here to back up
Newton information and
save it on your computer.
Click here to restore information you’ve backed up.
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