Mac at Work
Employee Choice Communications Kit
June 2020

Get off to a great start with Mac.
When you give people the power to work the way they want, with the tools they
love, they‘re inspired to do their best work. With Mac, employees can be more
productive, creative, and collaborative.
Running an effective employee choice program means more than
just supporting Mac on your network. It’s also important to provide a great
employee experience.
This kit is designed to support you with your employee choice communications
and enablement plan, so you can get your employees up and running with their
new Mac devices – and provide the resources they need to succeed.
Mac at Work l Employee Choice Communications Kit l June 2020

What’s inside the kit
Inside you’ll find guidance, customizable templates, and reference materials
you can use to communicate details about the program and support employees
throughout the process.
Get started >
Engage employees >
Inform managers >
Communication phases >
Templates and copy >
Mac at Work l Employee Choice Communications Kit l June 2020
Trademarks >
Resources >

Get started
Program name and identity
Many organizations use an internal name for their employee choice program – to mark
the start of a new project and to make it easily recognizable. Some choose to simply use
the product name and the company name, for example “Mac at [Company Name]”, to
ensure consistency and serve as a signpost throughout communications. If you choose
to name your program, please be sure that any branding aligns with the design guidelines
found later in this guide.
Easy ways to connect
It’s a good idea to provide content to users through multiple channels, including intranet
landing pages, emails, social feeds, digital signage, and face-to-face or virtual events.
You may also want to create dedicated channels on internal social media platforms for
providing information about Mac.
Mac at Work l Employee Choice Communications Kit l June 2020

Engage employees
As you distribute communications, it’s important to connect with the needs of all
employees, from beginners to experts. Consider the following:
macOS basics
For employees who’ve never used Mac, navigation and orientation should come first. Introduce key
features and terms that might be new, including the Dock, Finder, Spotlight and System Preferences.
Productivity features
If employees are already using iPhone or iPad, they’ll find that Mac works seamlessly with their Apple
devices. For example, they may benefit from hearing how apps like iMessage, Reminders, and Notes
can sync effortlessly, and how features like Instant Hotspot, AirDrop, and Sidecar work on their Mac.
Check with your IT team to make sure that these features have been enabled in your organization.
Connecting to your corporate IT
Whether employees are experienced with Mac or not, they’ll want to know how to get set up in your
corporate environment. You can help them get off to a strong start by providing user guides on key
topics like zero-touch deployment, app compatibility, connecting to the Wi-Fi, logging into the VPN,
printing, and ordering a new Mac.
Mac at Work l Employee Choice Communications Kit l June 2020