Apple LA034-4957-A User Manual

Nike + iPod
User Guide
Apple Inc. K
© 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
Apple, the Apple logo, iPod, iPod nano, iPod touch, and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc. iTunes Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. NIKE and the Swoosh Design are trademarks of NIKE, Inc. and its a∑ liates, and are used under license. The Nike + iPod Sport Kit is covered by one or more of U.S. patent numbers 6,018,705, 6,052,654, 6,493,652, 6,298,314, 6,611,789, 6,876,947, and 6,882,955, either alone or when used in combination with a Nike + iPod enabled iPod media player or iPhone.
Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of these products. All understandings, agreements, or warranties, if any, take place directly between the vendors and the prospective users. Every e∂ ort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. Apple is not responsible for printing or clerical errors.
5 Welcome to Nike + iPod 5 Your Personal Workout Assistant 6 Quick Start 11 Using Nike + iPod 11 Calibrating Nike + iPod 13 Setting the Units of Distance 13 Entering Your Weight 13 Locking Your Device During a Workout 13 Getting Spoken Feedback 14 Using a PowerSong 15 Pausing a Workout 15 Receiving Calls During a Workout 16 Changing Music During a Workout 17 Sending Workouts to 17 Reviewing Workouts on Your Device 18 Creating Custom Workout Shortcuts
19 Purchasing Nike+ Workouts 20 Linking a Nike + iPod Compatible Remote or Heart Rate Monitor 21 Linking to Another Sensor 22 Putting the Nike + iPod Sensor to Sleep 23 Important Safety Information 24 Learning More, Service, and Support
Welcome to Nike + iPod
Your Personal Workout Assistant
Nike + iPod is a workout partner and coach all in one. Select the type of workout you want—open-ended, distance, time, or calorie-burning—choose music to keep you motivated, and then keep track of your progress every step of the way with spoken and onscreen feedback. Upload your workout data to, where you can set goals and monitor your improvement from workout to workout. Join the world’s largest online running community, participating in challenges with runners from across the globe.
Nike + iPod is supported by iPhone 3GS, all iPod nano models, and iPod touch (2nd generation).
iPod nano
(all models)
iPod touch
(2nd generation)
iPhone 3GS
Quick Start
Follow these instructions to get started using Nike + iPod right away.
Step 1: Enable Nike + iPod on your device.
iPod nano: m Attach the Nike + iPod receiver to iPod nano. Nike + iPod appears in the
main menu.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Choose Settings > Nike + iPod and set it to On.
A Nike + iPod icon appears on the Home screen.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch have an internal receiver; no externally attached receiver is required.
Step 2: Make sure you have the latest iPod and iTunes software.
1 Download and install the latest iTunes software to your computer from
2 Connect the device to your computer, then select it in the iTunes sidebar and
click Summary.
3 If iTunes indicates your device needs an update, click Update and follow the
onscreen instructions.
Step 3: Insert the Nike + iPod Sensor in your Nike+ ready shoe.
Lift the insole of the left shoe, remove the foam insert from the pocket underneath,
and replace it with the sensor, fl at side up.
You can leave the sensor in your shoe when you aren’t working out, but if you plan to wear your shoes for a long time without working out, replace the sensor with the foam insert to save battery life.
The battery in the sensor is not replaceable or rechargeable and has a life of over 1000 active hours. Battery life varies depending on use and other factors.
Step 4: Choose a type of workout.
To choose Do this
An open-ended workout iPod nano: Choose Nike + iPod > Nike + iPod > Basic.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: Choose Nike + iPod > Basic.
A workout with a time goal iPod nano: Choose Nike + iPod > Nike + iPod > Time.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: Choose Nike + iPod > Time.
A workout with a distance goal iPod nano: Choose Nike + iPod > Nike + iPod > Distance.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: Choose Nike + iPod >
A workout with a calorie burning goal
iPod nano: Choose Nike + iPod > Settings > Weight and enter your weight. Then click the Menu button and choose Nike + iPod > Nike + iPod > Calorie.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: Choose Settings > Nike + iPod > Weight and enter your weight. Then press the Home button and choose Nike + iPod > Calorie.
Note: You need to enter your weight only the fi rst time you start a calorie burning workout.
Step 5: Choose music to accompany your workout.
To play Do this
A Nike+ Workout mix Choose the mix (see page 19 ). The currently playing song Choose Now Playing. Songs from a playlist Choose Playlists and then choose a playlist. Songs in random order Choose Shuπ e Songs. A radio station Choose Radio (iPod nano 5th generation). No music Choose None.
Step 6: Start your workout.
iPod nano: m Press the Center button and begin walking or running. iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Tap Play and begin walking or running.
Step 7: Monitor your progress.
Nike + iPod automatically displays your workout status on the screen.
iPod nano
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch
Nike + iPod gives you spoken feedback on your progress during your workout (see “Getting Spoken Feedback” on page 13 ). You can also get feedback whenever you want it.
To get spoken feedback manually:
iPod nano: m Press the Center button at any time during your workout. iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Press the Home button at any time during your workout.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch must be locked to get spoken feedback manually (see “Getting Spoken Feedback” on page 13 ).
Step 8: End your workout.
You can end your workout at any time. If you continue working out after you reach your time, distance, or calorie goal, your progress continues to be monitored.
To end your workout:
iPod nano:
m Press the Play/Pause () button to pause your workout. Then press the
Menu button and choose End Workout.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Tap End Workout. If the device is locked, press the Home
button and tap Pause. Then drag the slider and tap End Workout.
Your most recent workout data is stored for future reference.
Step 9: Track your progress at
At you can track your progress over time, view a record of all of your past workouts, set and monitor goals, and compare your results with others. You can even compete with other online Nike + iPod users in workout challenges.
To send your workout data to
1 Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet, and then connect iPhone 3GS
or iPod to your computer.
2 Click Send in the dialog that asks if you want to send your workout data to You can do it later if you don’t want to do it now.
3 Click Visit in the dialog that asks if you want to go to
The website opens with a graph exhibiting your most recent workout.
4 Click Save Your Runs, then click Sign Me Up and follow the onscreen instructions.
For more information, see “Sending Workouts to” on page 17.
Using Nike + iPod
Follow these instructions to get the most out of Nike + iPod.
Calibrating Nike + iPod
The default calibration for Nike + iPod is accurate for many users. You can improve the accuracy by calibrating Nike + iPod to your natural running and walking style.
To calibrate Nike + iPod for running and walking:
1 iPod nano: Choose Nike + iPod > Settings > Sensor > Calibrate.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: Choose Nike + iPod > Calibration.
2 Choose Run or Walk and enter a distance.
For best results, use a distance of at least one mile. The shortest calibration distance you can enter is one quarter of a mile.
3 Choose music to accompany your calibration workout.
4 iPod nano: Press the Center button.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: Tap Play.
Then run or walk the set distance at a steady, natural pace.
5 iPod nano: Press the Menu button and choose Done Calibrating.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: Tap End Workout, then tap Done.
A message lets you know if the calibration was successful. If you want to calibrate for both running and walking, repeat steps 1–5.
Note: Even after calibrating, the accuracy of the distance measurements may vary depending on gait, running surface, incline, and temperature.
You can also calibrate Nike + iPod using the workout you just fi nished. This is useful if you’ve traveled a known distance that doesn’t match the summary distance displayed on your device.
To calibrate using your latest completed workout:
m Choose End Workout, then choose Calibrate. Set the correct distance you
iPod nano:
walked or ran, and press the Center button.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Tap End Workout, then tap Calibration and set the correct
distance you walked or ran. Tap Save, then tap Done.
The device senses whether the workout was a walk or run, and correctly uses the new calibration to override the existing one.
To reset Nike + iPod calibration to the default setting:
iPod nano: m Choose Nike + iPod > Settings > Sensor > Calibrate > Reset Walk
(or Reset Run).
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Choose Nike + iPod > Calibration > Walk (or Run), and
then choose “Reset to Default.”
Setting the Units of Distance
You can set Nike + iPod to measure your workouts in either miles or kilometers.
To set the units of distance:
iPod nano: m Choose Nike + iPod > Settings, and set Distances to Miles or Kilometers. iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Choose Settings > Nike + iPod > Distances, then choose
Miles or Kilometers.
Entering Your Weight
To enter your weight:
iPod nano: m Choose Nike + iPod > Settings > Weight, then enter your weight. iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Choose Settings > Nike + iPod > Weight, then enter
your weight.
For better accuracy in calculating calories burned, update your weight if it changes.
Locking Your Device During a Workout
You can lock iPhone 3GS or iPod touch so that its controls can’t be accidentally activated during a workout.
To lock iPhone 3GS and iPod touch:
Press the Sleep/Wake button. m
To unlock, press the Sleep/Wake button or the Home button and drag the slider.
Getting Spoken Feedback
As you work out, Nike + iPod periodically gives spoken feedback on your status. You can choose a female or male voice, or turn o∂ feedback.
To set the voice type or turn spoken feedback o∂ :
iPod nano: m Choose Nike + iPod > Settings, then set Spoken Feedback to Male,
Female, or O∂ .
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Choose Settings > Nike + iPod > Spoken Feedback, then
choose Male, Female, or O∂ .
When spoken feedback is turned o∂ , you can still get spoken feedback manually.
To get spoken feedback manually:
m Press the Center button at any time during your workout.
iPod nano: iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Press the Home button while the device is locked.
On iPod nano, spoken feedback is available in some languages besides English. If you set your iPod to one of these languages and connect your iPod to your computer (which must be connected to the Internet), iTunes prompts you to download feedback in that language.
On iPod nano, you can have only one non-English version of spoken feedback on  your iPod at a time.
On iPhone 3GS and iPod touch, all spoken feedback languages are supported  automatically.
Using a PowerSong
Choose a song that motivates you and make it your PowerSong. iPod nano (5th generation) can also use a playlist as a PowerSong. You can switch quickly to your PowerSong at any time during your workout.
To choose a PowerSong:
iPod nano: m Choose Nike + iPod > Settings > PowerSong, then choose a song or playlist
(iPod nano 5th generation only).
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Choose Settings > Nike + iPod > PowerSong, then choose
a song.
To play your PowerSong:
m Hold down the Center button during a workout. After a short pause, the
iPod nano:
song plays.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Tap PowerSong on the workout screen. Or, if the device is
locked, press the Home button twice and then tap PowerSong.
Pausing a Workout
You can pause your workout, temporarily stopping music and data collection, and resume the workout later without losing any data.
To pause or resume a workout:
iPod nano: m Press the Play/Pause (’) button. iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Tap Pause. Or, if the device is locked, press the Home button
once, then tap Pause. Tap Play to resume your workout.
Receiving Calls During a Workout
You can use iPhone 3GS to answer calls as usual during your workout. When you receive a call, your workout is automatically paused when you answer.
To answer a call:
Tap Answer, or press the mic button if you’re wearing the stereo headset. If iPhone 3GS m is locked, drag the slider to unlock it.
To silence a call:
Press the Sleep/Wake button or either volume button. You can still answer the call after m silencing it, until it goes to voicemail.
To decline a call:
Tap Decline, or hold down the mic button on the headset for about two seconds and m then release it. Two low beeps confi rm that the call was declined.
Press the Sleep/Wake button twice quickly to decline a call. This silences the ringer but the music doesn’t resume until the call has gone to voicemail; the workout continues in the background.
Changing Music During a Workout
You can change your music during a workout without losing your workout data. Your workout is paused while the music changes.
To change music during a workout:
1 iPod nano: Press the Menu button and choose Change Music. Your workout pauses.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: Tap Pause and then tap Change Music. If the device is
locked, press the Home button, drag the slider to unlock, and tap Pause. Finally, tap Change Music.
2 iPod nano: Choose new music. Your workout resumes automatically.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: Choose new music. Tap the top of the music screen to
return to your workout, then tap Play.
Sending Workouts to
You can set iTunes to automatically send your workout data to over the Internet whenever you connect your device to your computer.
To send workouts to
1 Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet and then connect iPhone 3GS or
iPod to your computer.
2 Open iTunes on your computer, click Nike + iPod, then select “Automatically send
workout date to”
3 Click “Visit” below the checkbox or, if you’ve already set your workout to
be sent automatically, click Visit in the dialog that appears.
The website opens with a graph showing your most recent workout.
4 Click Save Your Runs and log in, or register if you haven’t already done so.
When your device isn’t connected to your computer, you can go to and enter your Login ID and password. See the website for Nike’s privacy policy and terms and conditions.
Reviewing Workouts on Your Device
Your iPhone 3GS or iPod saves the date, time, duration, distance, pace, and calories burned for up to your last one-thousand workouts.
To review recent workouts on your device:
iPod nano: m Choose Nike + iPod > History. iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Choose Nike + iPod, then tap History at the bottom
of the screen.
iPod nano (5th generation) provides daily totals of all your workouts: Nike + iPod workouts, pedometer steps, and cardio workouts using Nike + iPod compatible gym equipment.
To view workouts on iPod nano (5th generation):
1 Choose Daily Totals from the History menu.
2 Choose a date and activity.
3 Turn iPod nano (5th generation) to landscape orientation to see a graphic
representation of that activity.
To erase a single workout session:
1 Choose Nike + iPod > History, then choose a workout session.
2 iPod nano: Choose a workout session, click the Center button, then choose Delete.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: Tap Edit, choose a workout session, then tap Delete.
On iPhone 3GS and iPod touch, you can delete all workout sessions from History by tapping Clear at the top of the History screen.
Creating Custom Workout Shortcuts
Custom workout shortcuts let you easily choose and repeat a workout. iPod nano (4th and 5th generations only) automatically saves your completed workouts as shortcuts, and iPhone 3GS and iPod touch let you create custom workout shortcuts.
To create a custom workout shortcut on iPhone 3GS or iPod touch:
1 Choose Nike + iPod, then tap My Workouts at the bottom of the screen.
2 Tap Plus (+), then choose the type of workout and the workout goal.
3 Choose music, enter a name for the workout, then tap Save.
18 18
Note: You can create custom workout shortcuts only on iPhone 3GS and iPod touch (2nd generation).
To delete a custom workout shortcut on iPhone 3GS and iPod touch:
Choose Nike + iPod, and then tap My Workouts. Tap Edit, choose a shortcut, and then m tap Delete. Finally, tap Done.
To choose a custom workout shortcut on your device:
m Choose Nike + iPod, then choose a shortcut. Shortcuts are named according
iPod nano:
to the type of workout and music. They can’t be deleted.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Choose Nike + iPod, then tap My Workouts.
Shortcuts are listed by the name you specifi ed when you created the workout.
Your most recent custom workout shortcut appears at the top of the list.
Purchasing Nike+ Workouts
You can purchase and download Nike+ Workouts featuring continuous music mixed with professional coaching. When you purchase a Nike+ Workout, you get a single workout track with music and voiceover, and you also get all the individual songs in the mix. Choose mixes for your level and style of workout.
To purchase a Nike+ Workout:
1 Open iTunes and click iTunes Store on the left side of the window, then type
“Nike Sport Music” in the iTunes search fi eld.
2 Click the Buy button next to the Nike+ Workout of your choice.
3 Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the purchase. The download begins
4 Connect the device to your computer and load the workout onto the device.
19 19
Note: The iTunes Store is available only to people age 13 or older, in the U.S. and many other countries; for a list of countries, go to Terms apply. You must have Internet access (fees may apply) to use the iTunes Store.
Linking a Nike + iPod Compatible Remote or Heart Rate Monitor
Nike + iPod compatible devices are sold separately from the Nike + iPod Sport Kit and the Nike + iPod Sensor.
You can use a compatible remote to control Nike + iPod wirelessly while you work out.
iPod nano (5th generation only) also supports Nike + iPod compatible heart rate monitors.
Before using one of these devices for the fi rst time, you must link it to your iPod nano receiver, iPhone 3GS, or iPod touch.
To link to a Nike+ compatible remote (sold separately):
iPod nano:
m Connect your Nike + iPod receiver to your iPod nano, choose Nike + iPod >
Settings > Remote > Link, then follow the onscreen instructions.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Choose Settings > Nike + iPod > Remote, then follow the
onscreen instructions.
To link to a Nike+ compatible heart rate monitor (sold separately):
iPod nano (5th generation only): m Connect your Nike + iPod receiver to your iPod nano,
choose Nike + iPod > Settings > Heart Rate Monitor > Link, then follow the onscreen instructions.
20 20
To unlink a device:
iPod nano: m Choose Nike + iPod > Settings > Remote (or Heart Rate Monitor) > Unlink,
then follow the onscreen instructions.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Choose Settings > Nike + iPod > Remote, then tap Unlink.
You can turn the functions of a Nike+ compatible remote on or o∂ without unlinking the device.
To turn remote functionality on or o∂ :
iPod nano:
m Choose Nike + iPod > Settings > Remote, then set Remote to On or O∂ .
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: m Unlink the remote.
Linking to Another Sensor
You can use your iPod nano, iPhone 3GS, or iPod touch with more than one Nike + iPod Sensor. Each time you use an iPhone 3GS or iPod with a di∂ erent sensor, you must link to that sensor. You may want to do this, for example, if there’s more than one person in your family with a sensor and Nike+ ready shoes.
If you connect an iPod nano external receiver to a di∂ erent iPod and use it with the same sensor, you don’t need to relink or recalibrate. The receiver stores your settings, your workout history, and your workout shortcuts.
To link to another sensor:
1 iPod nano: Connect the receiver to your iPod nano.
2 Put on the shoes with the new sensor, and make sure there’s no other Nike + iPod
Sensor nearby.
Walk around to activate the sensor so that your receiver (internal or external) can detect it.
21 21
3 iPod nano: Choose Nike + iPod > Settings > Sensor > Link, then follow the onscreen
instructions. A message indicates iPod is now linked to the new sensor.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: Choose Settings > Nike + iPod > Sensor, tap Link New, then follow the onscreen instructions.
Note: If you link to a previously linked sensor, Nike + iPod detects your calibration settings. You don’t need to recalibrate.
Putting the Nike + iPod Sensor to Sleep
The sensor is awake and on by default. If you want to store the sensor for a long period of time or stop it from transmitting, you can put it to sleep.
Important: To comply with applicable government regulations, put the sensor to sleep
before taking it on an aircraft.
To put the sensor to sleep:
Use a pen or a paper clip to hold down the Sleep/Wake button for three seconds. m
Sleep/Wake button
To wake the sensor:
Use a pen or a paper clip to press the Sleep/Wake button. m
Important Safety Information
WARNING: Failure to follow these safety instructions could result in injury or damage.
Exercising Before starting any exercise program, you should have a complete physical examination by your physician. Do a warmup or stretching exercise before beginning any workout. Be careful and attentive while exercising. Slow down, if necessary, before adjusting your device while running. Stop exercising immediately if you feel pain, or feel faint, dizzy, exhausted, or short of breath. By exercising, you assume the risks inherent in physical exercise, including any injury that may result from such activity.
Do not use the receiver, iPhone, or iPod in or near water or wet locations.
Choking hazard The receiver and sensor are potential choking hazards. Keep them away from children under three years of age.
Avoid hearing damage Permanent hearing loss may occur if earphones are used at high volume. Set the volume to a safe level. You can adapt over time to a higher volume of sound that may sound normal but can be damaging to your hearing. If you experience ringing in your ears or muπ ed speech, stop listening and have your hearing checked. The louder the volume, the less time is required before your hearing could be a∂ ected. Hearing experts suggest that to protect your hearing:
Limit the amount of time you use the earphones at high volume.
Avoid turning up the volume to block out noisy surroundings. Â Turn down the volume if you can’t hear people speaking near you. Â
Disassembling the sensor Do not attempt to open the sensor, disassemble it, or remove the battery. No user-serviceable parts are inside.
23 23
Learning More, Service, and Support
For Do this
Answers to frequently asked questions about Nike + iPod
Service and support for the Nike + iPod Sensor and Receiver
Service and support for Nike+ ready shoes or the website
Information about using iTunes Open iTunes and choose Help > iTunes Help. Information about using iPod Go to Information about using iPhone 3GS Go to
Go to
Go to
Go to
27 Bienvenido a Nike + iPod
27 Su preparador físico personal 28 Inicio rápido 34 Cómo usar Nike + iPod 34 Cómo calibrar Nike + iPod 36 Cómo ajustar las unidades de distancia
36 Cómo introducir su peso 36 Cómo bloquear el dispositivo durante un entrenamiento 37 Cómo saber el estado del entrenamiento mediante mensajes de voz
38 Cómo utilizar una canción PowerSong 38 Cómo poner en pausa un entrenamiento 39 Cómo recibir llamadas durante un entrenamiento 40 Cómo cambiar de música durante un entrenamiento 41 Cómo enviar entrenamientos a 41 Cómo consultar los entrenamientos en el dispositivo 43 Cómo crear funciones rápidas de entrenamientos personalizados
44 Cómo comprar entrenamientos Nike+ 45 Cómo enlazar un mando a distancia compatible con Nike + iPod o un monitor de
frecuencia cardíaca 46 Cómo realizar un enlace con otro sensor 47 Cómo poner en reposo el sensor Nike + iPod 48 Información importante sobre seguridad 50 Más información, servicio y soporte
Bienvenido a Nike + iPod
Su preparador físico personal
Nike + iPod es al mismo tiempo un compañero de entrenamiento y un entrenador. Seleccione el tipo de entrenamiento que desee (libre, con una distancia o una duración establecidas, o para quemar un determinado número de calorías), elija la música que quiera escuchar para estar motivado y realice un seguimiento de su progreso en todo momento con mensajes de voz y en pantalla. Después cargue la información de sus entrenamientos en Desde allí podrá fi jarse objetivos y ver las mejoras registradas de un entrenamiento a otro. Únase a la comunidad virtual de corredores más grande el mundo y participe en retos con atletas de todo el planeta.
Nike + iPod es compatible con el iPhone 3GS, con todos los modelos de iPod nano y con el iPod touch (2ª generación).
iPod nano
(todos los modelos)
iPod touch
(2ª generación)
iPhone 3GS
Inicio rápido
Siga estas instrucciones para comenzar a usar Nike + iPod inmediatamente.
Paso 1: Active Nike + iPod en su dispositivo.
iPod nano: m conecte el receptor Nike + iPod al iPod nano. Aparecerá Nike + iPod en
el menú principal.
iPhone 3GS y iPod touch: m seleccione Ajustes > Nike + iPod y ajústelo en Activado.
Aparecerá un icono de Nike + iPod en la pantalla de inicio.
El iPhone 3GS y el iPod touch cuentan con un receptor interno, por lo que no es necesario conectar uno externo.
Paso 2: Compruebe que dispone de la versión más reciente del software del iPod
y de iTunes.
1 Descargue e instale en su ordenador la última versión del software iTunes, disponible
en o
2 Conecte el dispositivo al ordenador, selecciónelo en la barra lateral de iTunes y haga clic
en Resumen.
3 Si iTunes indica que el dispositivo debe actualizarse, haga clic en Actualizar y siga las
instrucciones que aparecen en pantalla.
Paso 3: Introduzca el sensor Nike + iPod en su zapatilla Nike+.
Levante la plantilla de la zapatilla izquierda, retire la espuma de la pequeña cavidad m que hay en la parte interior de la suela y coloque ahí el sensor, con la cara plana hacia arriba.
Puede dejar el sensor en la zapatilla cuando no esté entrenando, pero si tiene la intención de llevarlas puestas durante un largo periodo de tiempo sin hacer deporte, es recomendable retirar el sensor y volver a colocar en su lugar la espuma para ahorrar batería.
Debe tener en cuenta que la batería del sensor no puede cambiarla usted directamente ni es recargable, y que tiene una duración de más de 1000 horas de actividad. La duración de la batería varía en función del uso y otros factores.
Paso 4: Seleccione un tipo de entrenamiento.
Para seleccionar Haga lo siguiente
Una sesión de entrenamiento abierta iPod nano: seleccione Nike + iPod > Nike + iPod > Básico.
iPhone 3GS y iPod touch: seleccione Nike + iPod > Básico.
Un entrenamiento con una duración establecida
Un entrenamiento con una distancia establecida
Un entrenamiento para quemar una cantidad determinada de calorías
iPod nano: seleccione Nike + iPod > Nike + iPod > Duración.
iPhone 3GS y iPod touch: seleccione Nike + iPod > Duración. iPod nano: seleccione Nike + iPod > Nike + iPod >
iPhone 3GS y iPod touch: seleccione Nike + iPod > Distancia. iPod nano: seleccione Nike + iPod > Ajustes > Peso e
introduzca su peso. A continuación, haga clic en el botón Menú y seleccione Nike + iPod > Nike + iPod > Calorías.
iPhone 3GS y iPod touch: seleccione Ajustes > Nike + iPod > Peso e introduzca su peso. A continuación, pulse el botón de inicio y seleccione Nike + iPod > Calorías.
Nota: solo es necesario que introduzca su peso la primera vez que realice un entrenamiento de este tipo.
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