96kHz Sample Rate Upgrade
A/D and D/A Converter Cards
for the ADAT HD24 Hard Disk Recorder

EC-2 96kHz A/D/D/A upgrade • appendix A
© 2002 Alesis. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. Specifications Subject To
Change Without Notice.
7-51-0107-A 6/2002
EC-2 Manual

appendix A
EC-2 96kHz Upgrade Cards
This document covers only those aspects unique to the EC-2 cards and should be kept with the HD24 manual.
Table of Contents
Important Safety Instructions ................................2
Safety symbols used in this product .......................2
CE Declaration of Conformity................................2
About the EC-2.....................................................2
Installing the EC-2 into the HD24...........................3
Using the EC-2 .....................................................6
Inputs and Outputs...............................................7
About the EC-2’s audio performance......................8
When to use 88.2/96 kHz ......................................8
Extending the frequency range of other studio
equipment.................................................... 10
Using the HD24/EC-2 with computer
workstations and digital mixers..................... 11
Using the HD24/EC-2 with the Alesis AI-4
AES/EBU Interface....................................... 12
Specifications ......................................................... 13
12-channel operation................................................6
AES/EBU Digital Audio Interface........................... 12
Analog Input (A/D) board .......................................5
Analog Output (D/A) board ....................................5
Antialiasing filters ...................................................8
during installation .............................................4
converters ...............................................................8
daughterboard ........................................................3
DC power cable....................................................... 6
Digital inputs and outputs
at high sample rates ...........................................6
digital mixers
at high sample rates ......................................... 11
dynamic range.........................................................8
Latency ................................................................. 11
level change
in unbalanced input...........................................7
low-pass filters ...................................................... 10
exporting to..................................................... 12
microphones ......................................................... 10
MIDI sequencer .......................................................2
mixing consoles..................................................... 10
at 96 kHz......................................................... 10
Nyquist theorem......................................................8
oversampling filters................................................. 9
phase response ........................................................9
sample rates
about ................................................................8
upgrade ............................................................2
Synchronizing .........................................................7
Word clock............................................................ 12
workstations.......................................................... 11
EC-2 Manual A-1

EC-2 96kHz A/D/D/A upgrade • appendix A
Important Safety Instructions
Safety symbols used in this
This symbol alerts the user that there are
important operating and maintenance
instructions in the literature accompanying
this unit.
This symbol warns the user of uninsulated
voltage within the unit that can cause
dangerous electric shocks.
All safety warnings in the HD24 manual (pages 7
through 10) apply to the EC-2 as well.
CE Declaration of Conformity
For the CE Declaration of Conformity, please visit
the Alesis web site at: www.alesis.com
About the EC-2
The EC-2 is an optional 96kHz sampling rate analog
hardware upgrade designed exclusively for the
Alesis ADAT HD24. It provides 24 simultaneous
channels of balanced +4 dBu analog audio inputs
and outputs via 48 1/4” TRS type jacks. The EC-2 is
installed directly inside the HD24’s rear panel, in
place of the original A/D and D/A boards, for
simple system integration and flexibility. With the
EC-2 installed, the HD24 can record and play back
digital audio at the 96kHz or 88.2 kHz sampling
rates (in addition to the standard 44.1 and 48 kHz
rates) via its analog inputs and outputs. In high
sample rate mode, the HD24 can record and play
back up to 12 tracks at a time.
The EC-2 expansion cards are designed for use
only with HD24 software version 1.05 or higher.
If your HD24 has a lower software version, visit
our web site at www.alesis.com to download the
latest HD24 software and instructions for
updating the HD24 via a standard MIDI file or via
Ethernet. If you don’t have a computer or MIDI
sequencer, contact your Alesis dealer or local
service center to help you with the upgrade.
The EC-2 upgrade boards are a replacement for the
standard HD24 analog converter boards. They do
everything the standard boards do, plus:
• 24 channels of High Performance 24-bit
Analog Audio Conversion. 24 channels of
simultaneous input and output on 1/4” TRS
jacks. Superior DACs and ADCs allow the EC-2
to considerably surpass the standard converter
boards in THD+N and dynamic range.
• Support for Sample Rates up to 96kHz. The
EC-2 boards allow you to use analog inputs and
outputs at 88.2kHz and 96kHz nominal sample
• Simple hookup and operation. The EC-2 is
designed to install in the rear panel of the HD24
and connects to the main circuit board with the
included multi-pin ribbon connectors. Once
connected, the HD24 will detect the cards’
presence, and allow you to select analog inputs
as the source when using the 88.2kHz and
96kHz sample rates.
A-2 EC-2 Manual

Installing the EC-2 into the HD24
appendix A • EC-2 96kHz A/D/D/A upgrade
The EC-2 boards should only be installed by a
dealer or trained technician. End users
should only attempt installation if they have
experience with this type of procedure. If
any of the following instructions are not clear
to you, please have a dealer or trained
technician install it for you. Improper
installation by the end user may damage the
boards and/or your HD24 and may void
your warranty.
Packing List
In the EC-2 box, you should find the following
• This manual (P/N 7-51-0107, E2 User’s Manual)
• 96 kHz Analog Input board (P/N 9-40-0256, E2
• 96 kHz Analog Output board (P/N 9-40-0257,
• Daughterboard (P/N 9-40-0258, E2 D/D PCB)
• DC power cable (P/N 4-74-0031, E2 DC Power
In the HD24, the conversion between analog and
digital signals takes place on two PCBs (printed
circuit boards) that are mounted directly to the
input (A/D) and output (D/A) connectors that poke
through the back panel. In a “stock” HD24 without
96 kHz sampling capability, each card connects
directly to the main PCB on the bottom of the unit
with a ribbon cable.
To add 96kHz analog recording and playback
capability, both the input and output boards are
completely replaced, and another board (the
daughterboard) is added bridging across them. The
daughterboard then connects via ribbon cables to
the main PCB. The daughterboard requires a
connection to the power supply, so the existing 4connector power cable must be replaced with a new
5-connector power cable.
Tools required
Before you begin, have these tools ready:
• #2 Philips-head screwdriver
• 14 mm nut driver or socket wrench
Before you begin, verify that you have everything
in this packing list. When you unwrap the
components, save the packing materials so you can
use them to store the original parts.
EC-2 Manual A-3