Instructions for
Compression Tester
Test Procedure
1. Start Engine and warm to normal
operating temperature.
2. Turn engine off
3. Remove and number spark plug wires
4. Loosen spark plugs one turn
5. Clean loose dirt and rust from and
around spark plug wells
6. Remove spark plugs and place on
clean flat surface in order removed
7. Remove air filter
8. Set carburetor throttle plate to wide
open using string.
Be careful not to damage linkage
or throttle body components.
Make sure to return
carburetor throttle plates to closed
position before starting engine.
9. Remove high tension lad from center
of distributor and connect to ground.
NOTE: To disable electronic ignition
systems, disconnect electronic ignition
module or remove primary battery
terminal from ignition coil.
NOTE: On GM HEI V-6 and V-8
disconnect primary lead from distrutor
Held Open Throttle
High Tension Lead
Ignition Disabling
Primary Wire
GM HEI Ignition
Disabling Procedure
Jumper Wire

NOTE: Engines with 14 mm long reach
plugs, use long reach adapter.
Do not use long reach adapter
on short reach holes
10. Hand tighten spark plug adapter
hose into a spark plug well
Do not use a wrench to
attach spark plug adapter hose.
11. Connect spark plug adapter hose to
NOTE: Hose adapter is attached to
gauge by pulling up on outer sleeve of
quick disconnect on gauge and allowing
sleeve to return when hose is inserted.
12. Crank engine until pressure reading
stops rising on gauge.
NOTE: Crank engine at least 4
compression strokes.
13. Record compression reading.
14. Press release valve on side of
NOTE. Repeat steps 12 through 14 on
the first cylinder
15. Remove gauge from hose.
16. Hand tighten spark plug adapter
hose into a spark plug well
17. Remove hose from spark plug well
18. Repeat steps 10 through 18 for the
rest of the remaining cylinders.
19. Refer to Test Results.
Installation of
Compression Gauge
Release Valve
Push Release Valve to
Relieve Pressure