Model 2509 Cylinder Leakage Tester Kit
Operating Instructions
These instructions should be followed for the proper
operation of the cylinder leakage tester:
1. Allow engine to run until sufficiently warm. Turn off
2. Remove all spark plugs from engine, plus air cleaner,
radiator cap and crankcase filler cap.
3. Rotate crankshaft until piston of cylinder being tested
is at top dead center on the compression stroke.
4. Install the proper adapter into the spark plug hole.
5. Connect tester quick-disconnect to the adapter.
6. Connect an adequate air source to the tester. Air
sources should be 10 psi greater than the regulated
input pressure shown on the left hand gauge.
7. When using a 100 psi source, adjust left-hand,
regulated gauge to read 90 psi.
8. The relative pressure of the cylinder being tested is
automatically indicated on the right-hand gauge. For
example, using the chart below, with a regulated
pressure of 90 psi, a gauge reading of 81 psi indicates
a 10% cylinder leakage.
Gauge Reading
100 psi 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85
90 psi 89 88 87 86 85.5 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76.5
75 psi 74 73.5 73 72 71 70.5 70 69 68 67.5 67 66 65 64.5 64
Percentage of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Right- Hand Gauge Reading, psi
Repair Parts List
Part Number Description Part Number Description
0031-0427 0-100 psi Pressure Gauge 0180-0893 10mm Adapter
0400-3111 Gauge Boot 0180-1495 12mm Adapter
0400-3117 Pressure Regulator 0180-1496 18mm Adapter
0400-0138 Hose Assembly, 24” 0400-3118 Carry Case
0180-1502 Cover Plate 0001-3472 Instruction Label
Due to standard engine clearances and normal wear, no
cylinder should be expected to maintain a perfect no-leak
reading. It is important that all cylinders have a relatively
constant reading. A difference of 5 psi between cylinders is
satisfactory. A difference of 10-15 psi indicates the need for
further investigation.
Test Results
By listening or looking for the following, the cause of low
pressure can be determined:
Air escaping from crankcase breather...… Defective rings or
worn cylinder walls
Air escaping from exhaust system.......…. Defective exhaust
Air escaping from carburetor……………... Defective intake
Air bubbles in radiator………………..……. Leaking head
gasket or crack in
block or head