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Command Prompts28
Syntax Notation28
Text Entry Conventions and Allowed Characters29
MAC Address Notation29
IP Address and Mask Notation30
User Globs, MAC Address Globs, and VLAN Globs30
Port Lists32
Virtual LAN Identification33
Command-Line Editing33
Keyboard Shortcuts33
History Buffer34
Single-Asterisk (*) Wildcard Character34
Double-Asterisk (**) Wildcard Characters34
Using CLI Help35
Understanding Command Descriptions36
Commands by Usage37
set enablepass39
Commands by Usage41
clear banner motd42
clear history43
clear prompt43
clear system44
display banner motd45
display base-information45
display license46
display load47
display system47
set auto-config52
set banner acknowledge54
set banner motd56
set confirm57
set length57
set license58
set prompt59
set system contact60
set system countrycode61
set system idle-timeout65
set system ip-address66
set system location67
set system name68
Commands by Usage69
clear ap70
clear port counters71
clear port-group71
clear port media-type72
clear port name72
clear port mirror73
clear port preference73
clear port type74
display port counters75
display port-group76
display port mirror77
display port poe78
display port status79
display port media-type81
monitor port counters82
reset port87
set ap87
set port89
set port-group90
set port media-type91
set port mirror92
set port name93
set port negotiation93
set port poe94
set port speed95
set port trap96
set port type ap97
set port type wired-auth100
display vlan-profile120
set fdb121
set fdb agingtime122
set security l2-restrict123
set vlan name124
set vlan port125
set vlan tunnel-affinity126
set vlan profile127
Commands by Usage129
clear qos129
set qos cos-to-dscp-map131
set qos dscp-to-cos-map132
display qos133
display qos dscp-table134
Commands by Usage135
clear interface137
clear ip alias138
clear ip dns domain139
clear ip dns server139
clear ip route140
clear ip telnet141
clear ntp server141
clear ntp update-interval142
clear snmp community143
clear snmp notify profile143
clear snmp notify target144
clear snmp usm144
clear summertime145
clear system ip-address146
clear timezone146
display arp147
display dhcp-client148
display dhcp-server150
display interface152
display ip alias153
display ip dns154
display ip https155
display ip route156
display ip telnet158
display ntp159
display snmp community161
display snmp counters162
display snmp notify profile162
display snmp notify target162
display snmp status163
display snmp usm164
display summertime164
display timedate165
display timezone165
set arp168
set arp agingtime169
set interface170
set interface dhcp-client171
set interface dhcp-server172
set interface status173
set ip alias174
set ip dns175
set ip dns domain175
set ip dns server176
set ip https server177
set ip route178
set ip snmp server180
set ip ssh180
set ip ssh server181
set ip telnet181
set ip telnet server182
set ntp183
set ntp server184
set ntp update-interval185
set snmp community185
set snmp notify profile187
set snmp notify target192
SNMPv3 with Informs192
SNMPv3 with Traps193
SNMPv2c with Informs194
SNMPv2c with Traps195
SNMPv1 with Traps195
set snmp protocol197
set snmp security198
set snmp usm199
set summertime202
set system ip-address203
set timedate204
set timezone205
clear usergroup227
clear usergroup attr228
display aaa229
display accounting statistics232
display location policy234
display mobility-profile235
set accounting {admin | console}235
set accounting {dot1x | mac | web | last-resort}237
set authentication admin239
set authentication console241
set authentication dot1x243
set authentication mac247
set authentication max-attempts249
set authentication max-attempts250
set authentication minimum-password-length251
set authentication password-restrict252
set authentication proxy253
set authentication web254
set location policy256
set mac-user260
set mac-user attr261
set mac-usergroup attr267
set mobility-profile269
set mobility-profile mode271
set user271
set user attr273
set user expire-password-in274
set user group275
set usergroup275
set usergroup expire-password-in277
set web-portal278
Commands by Usage279
clear mobility-domain280
clear mobility-domain member280
display mobility-domain281
display mobility-domain config282
display mobility-domain status283
set mobility-domain member284
set mobility-domain mode member secondary seed-ip285
set mobility-domain mode member seed-ip286
set mobility-domain mode secondary-seed domain-name287
set mobility-domain mode seed domain-name288
set domain security289
Network Domain Commands by Usage291
clear network-domain292
clear network-domain mode293
clear network-domain peer294
clear network-domain seed-ip295
display network-domain296
set network-domain mode member seed-ip298
set network-domain peer299
set network-domain mode seed domain-name300
MAP Access Point Commands by Usage301
clear ap local-switching vlan-profile307
clear ap radio308
clear ap boot-configuration310
clear ap radio load-balancing group311
clear radio-profile312
clear service-profile313
display ap arp314
display ap config316
display ap counters319
display ap fdb325
display ap qos-stats326
display ap etherstats327
display ap group329
display ap mesh-links329
display ap status331
display ap vlan337
display auto-tune attributes338
display auto-tune neighbors340
display ap boot-configuration342
display ap connection343
display ap global345
display ap unconfigured347
display load-balancing group348
display radio-profile350
display service-profile353
reset ap362
set ap auto362
set ap auto persistent364
set ap auto radiotype365
set ap auto mode366
set ap bias367
set ap blink368
set ap boot- configuration ip369
set ap boot- configuration mesh mode370
set ap boot-configuration mesh psk-phrase371
set ap boot-configuration mesh psk-raw372
set ap boot-configuration mesh ssid373
set ap boot- configuration switch374
set ap boot-configuration vlan375
set ap contact376
set ap fingerprint376
set ap force-image-
set ap group379
set ap location379
set ap local-switching mode379
set ap local-switching vlan-profile380
set ap name381
set ap radio antenna-location382
set ap radio antennatype383
set ap radio auto-tune max-power384
set ap radio auto-tune max-
set ap radio channel387
set ap radio link-calibration388
set ap radio load balancing389
set ap radio load balancing group390
set ap radio mode391
set ap radio radio-profile392
set ap radio tx-power393
set ap security395
set ap upgrade-firmware396
set band-preference397
set load-balancing mode398
set load-balancing strictness399
set radio-profile 11g-only400
set radio-profile active-scan400
set radio-profile auto-tune 11a-channel-range401
set radio-profile auto-tune channel-config402
set radio-profile auto-tune channel-holddown403
set radio-profile auto-tune channel-interval404
set radio-profile auto-tune channel-lockdown405
set radio-profile auto-tune power-config406
set radio-profile auto-tune power-interval407
set radio-profile auto-tune power-lockdown408
set radio-profile auto-tune power-ramp-interval409
set radio-profile beacon-interval409
set radio-profile countermeasures410
set radio-profile dtim-interval412
set radio-profile frag-threshold413
set radio-profile long-retry414
set radio-profile max-rx-lifetime414
set radio-profile max-tx-lifetime415
set radio-profile mode416
set radio-profile preamble-length419
set radio-profile qos-mode420
set radio-profile rfid-mode421
set radio-profile rate-enforcement421
set radio-profile rts-threshold423
set radio-profile service-profile424
set radio-profile short-retry430
set radio-profile wmm430
set radio-profile wmm-powersave430
set service-profile attr431
set service-profile auth-dot1x433
set service-profile auth-fallthru434
set service-profile auth-psk435
set service-profile beacon436
set service-profile bridging437
set service-profile cac-mode438
set service-profile cac-session439
set service-profile cipher-ccmp440
set service-profile cipher-tkip441
set service-profile cipher-wep104442
set service-profile cipher-wep40443
set service-profile cos444
set service-profile dhcp-restrict445
set service-profile idle-client-probing446
set service-profile keep-initial-vlan447
set service-profile load-balancing-
set service-profile long-retry-count449
set service-profile mesh450
set service-profile no-broadcast451
set service-profile proxy-arp452
set service-profile psk-phrase453
set service-profile psk-raw454
set service-profile rsn-ie455
set service-profile shared-key-auth456
set service-profile short-retry-count456
set service-profile soda agent-directory457
set service-profile soda enforce-checks458
set service-profile soda failure-page459
set service-profile soda logout-page460
set service-profile soda mode462
set service-profile soda remediation-acl463
set service-profile soda success-page464
set service-profile ssid-name465
set service-profile ssid-type466
set service-profile tkip-mc-time466
set service-profile static-cos467
set service-profile transmit-rates468
set service-profile use-client-dscp470
set service-profile user-idle-timeout471
set service-profile web-portal-acl472
set service-profile web-portal-form473
set service-profile web-portal-logout logout-url475
set service-profile web-portal-logout mode476
set service-profile web-portal-session-timeout477
set service-profile wep active-multicast-
set service-profile wep active-unicast-
set service-profile wep key-index480
set service-profile wpa-ie481
STP Commands by Usage483
clear spantree portcost484
clear spantree portpri485
clear spantree portvlancost485
clear spantree portvlanpri486
clear spantree statistics487
display spantree488
display spantree backbonefast491
display spantree blockedports492
display spantree portfast493
display spantree portvlancost494
display spantree statistics494
display spantree uplinkfast500
set spantree501
set spantree backbonefast502
set spantree fwddelay503
set spantree hello503
set spantree maxage504
set spantree portcost505
set spantree portfast506
set spantree portpri507
set spantree portvlancost508
set spantree portvlanpri509
set spantree priority510
set spantree uplinkfast510
Commands by usage513
clear igmp statistics514
display igmp514
display igmp mrouter518
display igmp querier519
display igmp receiver-table521
display igmp statistics523
set igmp525
set igmp lmqi526
set igmp mrouter527
set igmp mrsol528
set igmp mrsol mrsi528
set igmp oqi529
set igmp proxy-report530
set igmp qi531
set igmp qri532
set igmp querier533
set igmp receiver533
set igmp rv534
Commands by Usage577
clear radius578
clear radius client system-ip579
clear radius proxy client580
clear radius proxy port580
clear radius server581
clear server group581
set radius582
set radius client system-ip584
set radius proxy client585
set radius proxy port586
set radius server587
set server group589
set server group load-balance590
Commands by Usage593
clear dot1x bonded-period594
clear dot1x max-req595
clear dot1x port-control595
clear dot1x quiet-period596
clear dot1x reauth-max597
clear dot1x reauth-period597
clear dot1x timeout auth-server598
clear dot1x timeout supplicant598
clear dot1x tx-period599
display dot1x599
set dot1x authcontrol602
set dot1x bonded-period603
set dot1x key-tx604
set dot1x max-req605
set dot1x port-control606
set dot1x quiet-period607
set dot1x reauth607
set dot1x reauth-max608
set dot1x reauth-period609
set dot1x timeout auth-server609
set dot1x timeout supplicant610
set dot1x tx-period610
set dot1x wep-rekey611
set dot1x wep-rekey-period612
Commands by Usage629
clear rfdetect attack-list630
clear rfdetect black-list631
clear rfdetect ignore631
clear rfdetect ssid-list632
clear rfdetect vendor-list633
display rfdetect attack-list635
display rfdetect black-list636
display rfdetect clients637
display rfdetect countermeasures639
display rfdetect counters640
display rfdetect data642
display rfdetect ignore644
display rfdetect mobility-domain644
display rfdetect ssid-list649
display rfdetect vendor-list649
display rfdetect visible650
set rfdetect active-scan652
set rfdetect attack-list653
set rfdetect black-list654
set rf detect countermeasures654
set rfdetect countermeasures mac655
set rfdetect ignore656
set rfdetect log657
set rfdetect signature658
set rfdetect signature key659
set rfdetect ssid-list659
set rfdetect vendor-list660
test rflink661
Commands by Usage663
clear boot backup-configuration666
clear boot config666
install soda agent673
display boot674
display config675
display version677
load config679
reset system683
save config685
set boot backup-configuration686
set boot configuration-file687
set boot partition688
uninstall soda agent688
Commands by Usage691
clear log trace692
clear trace692
display trace693
save trace694
set trace authentication694
set trace authorization695
set trace dot1x696
set trace sm697
Commands by Usage699
clear snoop700
clear snoop map700
set snoop701
set snoop map704
set snoop mode705
Register Your Product to Gain Service Benefits739
Solve Problems Online739
Purchase Extended Warranty and Professional Services740
Access Software Downloads740
Contact Us740
Telephone Technical Support and Repair741
This command reference explains Mobility System Software (MSS™)
command line interface (CLI) that you enter on a 3Com WXR100 or
WX1200 Wireless Switch or WX4400 or WX2200 Wireless LAN
Controller to configure and manage the Mobility System™ wireless LAN
Read this reference if you are a network administrator responsible for
managing WXR100, WX1200, WX4400, or WX2200 wireless switches
and their Managed Access Points (MAPs) in a network.
If release notes are shipped with your product and the information there
differs from the information in this guide, follow the instructions in the
release notes.
Most user guides and release notes are available in Adobe Acrobat
Reader Portable Document Format (PDF) or HTML on the 3Com
World Wide Web site:
ConventionsTable 1 and Table 2 list conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Tab le 1 Notice Icons
IconNotice TypeDescription
Information noteInformation that describes important features or
CautionInformation that alerts you to potential loss of data or
potential damage to an application, system, or device
This manual uses the following text and syntax conventions:
Tab le 2 Text Conventions
Monospace textSets off command syntax or sample commands and system
Bold textHighlights commands that you enter or items you select.
Italic textDesignates command variables that you replace with
appropriate values, or highlights publication titles or words
requiring special emphasis.
[ ] (square brackets)Enclose optional parameters in command syntax.
{ } (curly brackets)Enclose mandatory parameters in command syntax.
| (vertical bar)Separates mutually exclusive options in command syntax.
Keyboard key names If you must press two or more keys simultaneously, the key
names are linked with a plus sign (+). Example:
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del
Words in italicsItalics are used to:
Emphasize a point.
Denote a new term at the place where it is defined in the
Highlight an example string, such as a username or SSID.
DocumentationThe MSS documentation set includes the following documents.
Wireless Switch Manager (3WXM) Release Notes
These notes provide information about the 3WXM software release,
including new features and bug fixes.
Wireless LAN Switch and Controller Release Notes
These notes provide information about the MSS software release,
including new features and bug fixes.
Wireless LAN Switch and Controller Quick Start Guide
This guide provides instructions for performing basic setup of secure
(802.1X) and guest (WebAAA
Domain for roaming, and for accessing a sample network plan in
3WXM for advanced configuration and management.
™) access, for configuring a Mobility
Documentation Comments25
Wireless Switch Manager Reference Manual
This manual shows you how to plan, configure, deploy, and manage a
Mobility System wireless LAN (WLAN) using the 3Com Wireless Switch
Manager (3WXM).
Wireless Switch Manager User’s Guide
This manual shows you how to plan, configure, deploy, and manage the
entire WLAN with the 3WXM tool suite. Read this guide to learn how to
plan wireless services, how to configure and deploy 3Com equipment to
provide those services, and how to optimize and manage your WLAN.
Wireless LAN Switch and Controller Hardware Installation Guide
This guide provides instructions and specifications for installing a WX
wireless switch in a Mobility System WLAN.
Wireless LAN Switch and Controller Configuration Guide
This guide provides instructions for configuring and managing the
system through the Mobility System Software (MSS) CLI.
Wireless LAN Switch and Controller Command Reference
This reference provides syntax information for all MSS commands
supported on WX switches.
Your suggestions are very important to us. They will help make our
documentation more useful to you. Please e-mail comments about this
document to 3Com at:
Please include the following information when contacting us:
Document title
Document part number and revision (on the title page)
Page number (if appropriate)
Wireless LAN Switch and Controller Configuration Guide
Part number 730-9502-0071, Revision B
Page 25
Please note that we can only respond to comments and questions about
3Com product documentation at this e-mail address. Questions related to
Technical Support or sales should be directed in the first instance to your
network supplier.
This chapter discusses the 3Com Wireless Switch Manager (3WXM)
command-line interface (CLI). Described are:
CLI conventions (see “CLI Conventions” on page 28)
Editing on the command line (see “Command-Line Editing” on
page 33)
Using the CLI help feature (see “Using CLI Help” on page 35)
Information about the command descriptions in this reference (see
“Understanding Command Descriptions” on page 36)
OverviewMobility System Software (MSS) operates a 3Com Mobility System
wireless LAN (WLAN) consisting of 3Com Wireless Switch Manager
(3WXM) software and 3Com Wireless LAN Switch or 3Com Wireless LAN
Controller (WX switch) and 3Com Wireless LAN Managed Access Point
(MAP) hardware. There is a command-line interface (CLI) on the WX
switch that you can use to configure and manage the WX and its
attached access points.
You configure the wireless LAN switches and access points primarily with
set, clear, and display commands. Use set commands to change
parameters. Use clear commands to reset parameters to their defaults. In
many cases, you can overwrite a parameter with another set command.
Use display commands to show the current configuration and monitor
the status of network operations.
The wireless LAN switches support two connection modes:
Administrative access mode, which enables the network administrator
to connect to the WX switch and configure the network
Network access mode, which enables network users to connect
through the WX switch to access the network
CLI ConventionsBe aware of the following MSS CLI conventions for command entry:
“Command Prompts” on page 28
“Syntax Notation” on page 28
“Text Entry Conventions and Allowed Characters” on page 29
“User Globs, MAC Address Globs, and VLAN Globs” on page 30
“Port Lists” on page 32
“Virtual LAN Identification” on page 33
Command PromptsBy default, the MSS CLI provides the following prompt for restricted
users. The mmmm portion shows the wireless LAN switch model number
(for example, 1200).
After you become enabled as an administrative user by typing enable
and supplying a suitable password, MSS displays the following prompt:
For information about changing the CLI prompt on a wireless LAN switch,
see “set prompt” on page 59.
Syntax NotationThe MSS CLI uses standard syntax notation:
Bold monospace font identifies the command and keywords you must
type. For example:
set enablepass
Italics indicate a placeholder for a value. For example, you replace
vlan-id in the following command with a virtual LAN (VLAN) ID:
clear interface vlan-id ip
Curly brackets ({}) indicate a mandatory parameter, and square
brackets ([]) indicate an optional parameter. For example, you must
enter dynamic or port and a port list in the following command, but
a VLAN ID is optional:
clear fdb {dynamic | port port-list} [vlan vlan-id]
CLI Conventions29
A vertical bar (|) separates mutually exclusive options within a list of
possibilities. For example, you enter either enable or disable, not
both, in the following command:
set port {enable | disable} port-list
Text Entry
Conventions and
Allowed Characters
MAC Address
Unless otherwise indicated, the MSS CLI accepts standard ASCII
alphanumeric characters, except for tabs and spaces, and is
The CLI has specific notation requirements for MAC addresses, IP
addresses, and masks, and allows you to group usernames, MAC
addresses, virtual LAN (VLAN) names, and ports in a single command.
3Com recommends that you do not use the same name with different
capitalizations for VLANs or access control lists (ACLs). For example, do
not configure two separate VLANs with the names red and RED.
The CLI does not support the use of special characters including the
following in any named elements such as SSIDs and VLANs: ampersand
(&), angle brackets (< >), number sign (#), question mark (?), or quotation
marks (“”).
In addition, the CLI does not support the use of international characters
such as the accented É in DÉCOR.
MSS displays MAC addresses in hexadecimal numbers with a colon (:)
delimiter between bytes — for example, 00:01:02:1a:00:01. You can
enter MAC addresses with either hyphen (-) or colon (:) delimiters, but
colons are preferred.
For shortcuts:
You can exclude leading zeros when typing a MAC address. MSS
displays of MAC addresses include all leading zeros.
In some specified commands, you can use the single-asterisk (*)
wildcard character to represent from 1 byte to 5 bytes of a MAC
address. (For more information, see “MAC Address Globs” on
page 31.)
IP Address and Mask
MSS displays IP addresses in dotted decimal notation — for example, MSS makes use of both subnet masks and wildcard
Subnet Masks
Unless otherwise noted, use classless interdomain routing (CIDR) format
to express subnet masks — for example, You indicate
the subnet mask with a forward slash (/) and specify the number of bits in
the mask.
Wildcard Masks
Security access control lists (ACLs) use source and destination IP addresses and
wildcard masks to determine whether the wireless LAN switch filters or
forwards IP packets. Matching packets are either permitted or denied network
access. The ACL checks the bits in IP addresses that correspond to any 0s
(zeros) in the mask, but does not check the bits that correspond to 1s (ones) in
the mask. You specify the wildcard mask in dotted decimal notation.
For example, the address and mask match all IP
addresses that begin with 10 in the first octet.
The ACL mask must be a contiguous set of zeroes starting from the first
bit. For example,,, and are valid
ACL masks. However, is not a valid ACL mask.
User Globs, MAC
Address Globs, and
VLAN Globs
Name “globbing” is a way of using a wildcard pattern to expand a single
element into a list of elements that match the pattern. MSS accepts user
globs, MAC address globs, and VLAN globs. The order in which globs
appear in the configuration is important, because once a glob is matched,
processing stops on the list of globs.
User Globs
A user glob is shorthand method for matching an authentication,
authorization, and accounting (AAA) command to either a single user or
a set of users.
A user glob can be up to 80 characters long and cannot contain spaces or
tabs. The double-asterisk (**) wildcard characters with no delimiter
characters match all usernames. The single-asterisk (*) wildcard character
matches any number of characters up to, but not including, a delimiter
character in the glob. Valid user glob delimiter characters are the at (@)
sign and the period (.).
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