3Com 10014302 User Manual

3Com Router
Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.20
Part No. 10014302 Published January 2004
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. Scope
This manual provides command reference info rmation for new software features found in V1.20 of the 3Com Router operating system. Use this ad dendum to su pplement comm and reference information found in the 3Com Router Co mmand Referen ce Guide.
1.1.2. Online Resources
Download the Router 3000 Installation Gui de from:
Download the Router 5000 Installation Gui de from:
Download the 3Com Router Command Reference Guide from:
Download the 3Com Router Configuration Guide from:
Download other current software updates and release notes from:
Chapter 1 CBQ Configuration Commands
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
1.1 af
af bandwidth { bandwidth | pct percentage } undo af
Policy-class view
bandwidth: Bandwidth in kbit/s in the range of 8 to 1000000. percentage: Percentage of available bandwi dth in the range of 1 to 100.
Using the af command, you can configure the class to perform the assured-forwarding and the minimum bandwidth used. Using the undo af command, you can cancel the configuration.
Both user-defined class and default-class are configurable. The sum of the bandwidths assigned to the assured-forwarding and
expedited-forwarding classes of the same policy must be smaller than the available bandwidth of the interface applied by the policy.
All bandwidth values involved in a policy must be configured as the same type, for example, all in absolute value or percentage form.
For the related command, see qos policy, qos-class.
Configure the "database" class of the "3Com" policy to perform assured-forwarding with the minimum bandwidth as 200kbit/s.
[3Com] qos policy 3Com [3Com-qospolicy-3Com] qos-class database [3Com-qospolicy-c-3Com database] af bandwidth 200
1.2 car
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
car cir rate [ cbs size ebs size ] [ conform action [ exceed action] ]
undo car
Policy-class view
cir rate: Committed information rate in the range of 8000 to 155000000 bit/s. cbs size: Committed burst size, that is, the number of bits that can be sent in each
interval in the range of 15000 to 155000000 bits. By default, it is 15000.
ebs size: Excessive burst size in the range of 0 to 155000000 bits. By default, it is 0. Conform: Action (defaulted to pass) conducted to the packets when the traffic of the
packets conforms to the CIR.
exceed: Action (defaulted to discard) conducted to the packets when the traffic of the
packets does not conform to the CIR. action: Action conducted to a packet, including:
discard: Drop the packet
remark-dscp-pass new-dscp: Set new-dscp and transmit the packet. It ranges from 0 to 63.
remark-prec-pass new-pr ecedence: Set new-precedence of IP and tr ansmit the packet. It ranges from 0 to 7.
pass: Transmit the packet.
Using the car command, you can configure traffic monitoring for a class. Using the undo car command, you can delete the configuration of traffic monitoring.
When being used in interface policy, car can be used in the input or output direction of the interface.
Applying a policy configured with car on an interface will cause the previous qos car command ineffective.
If this command is frequently configured on the classes of the same policy, the last configuration will overwrite the previous ones.
For the related command, see qos policy, qos-class.
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
Configure traffic monitoring for a class. The normal traffic of packets is 38400bit/s. Burst traffic twice of the normal traffic can pass initially and later the traffic is transmitted normally when the rate does not exceed 38400bit/s. When the rate exceeds 38400bit/s, the precedence of the packet turns to 0 and the packet is transmitted.
[3Com] qos policy 3Com [3Com-qospolicy-3Com] qos-class database [3Com-qospolicy-c-3Com database] car cir 38400 cbs 76800 ebs 0 conform pass
exceed remark-prec-pass 0
1.3 debugging qos

debugging qos { { cbq { af | be | ef | class } } | cq | pq | wfq } [ interface type number ]

undo debugging qos { { cbq { af | be | ef | class } } | cq | pq | wfq } [ interface type
number ]
All views
cbq af: Enable the debugging of confirming forwarding information in CBQ. cbq be: Enable the debugging of best-effort forwarding information in CBQ. cbq ef: Enable the debugging expedited-forwarding information in CBQ. cbq class: Enable the debugging of the class information of CBQ. cq: Enable the debugging of the CQ. pq: Enable the debugging of the PQ. wfq: Enable the debugging of the WFQ. interface type number: Enable the debugging of the interface QoS. If this parameter
is not used, the QoS debugging of all interfaces will be enabled.
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
Using the debugging qos command, you can enable the debugging of QoS. Using the undo debugging qos command, you can disable the debugging of Qos.
By default, the debugging of QoS is disabled.
Enable the debugging of the CBQ class information on the interface Serial0.
[Router] debugging qos cbq class interface serial 0
1.4 display qos cbq interface
display qos cbq interface [ type number ]
All views
: Interface type.
number: Interface number.

Using the display qos cbq interface command, you can browse the class-based queue configuration information and running status of the specified interface or all interfaces.

[3Com] display qos cbq interface Interface: Ethernet0 Class Based Queueinging: (Output queue: Total Size/Discards) CBQ: 0/0 Queue Size: 0/0/0 (EF/AF/BE) BE Queues: 0/0/256 (Active/Max active/Total) AF Queues: 1 (Allocated) Bandwidth(Kbps): 74992/75000 (Available/Max reserve)
1.5 display qos class
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
display qos class [ class-name ]
All views
class-name: Name of the class. By default, the information of all classes are displayed.

Using the display qos class command, you can browse the class information concerning router configuration.

[3Com] display qos class QoS Class Configuration Information: Class: 3COM Operator: Logical AND Rules: If-match ip-precedence 5
Class: database Operator: Logical AND Rules: If-match ACL 131 If-match inbound-interface Ethernet0
1.6 display qos policy

display qos policy [ policy-name [ class class-name ] ]

All views
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
policy-name: Name of policy. By default, the configuration information of all policies are displayed.
class-name: Class name in the policy.
Using the display qos policy command, you can browse the configuration information of the specified or all classes of the specified or all policies.
[3Com] display qos policy QoS Policy Configuration Information: Policy: test
Class: default-class Behavior(s):
Class: AF Behavior(s): Committed Access Rate: CIR 8000 (Bps), CBS 15000 (Bit), EBS 0 (Bit) Conform Action: pass Exceed Action: discard
Policy: 3Com
Class: default-class Behavior(s):
Class: 3COM Behavior(s): Expedited Forwarding Bandwidth 8 (Kbps) Burst 1500 (Byte)
Class: AF Behavior(s): Assured Forwarding Bandwidth 20 (%) Discard Method: Tail (Max Threshold 64 packets)
Committed Access Rate:
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
CIR 8000 (Bps), CBS15000 (Bit), EBS 0 (Bit) Conform Action: remark mpls exp 3 and pass Exceed Action: discard
Class: SHAPE Behavior(s): Traffic Shape: CIR 8000 (Bps), CBS 15000 (Bit), EBS 0 (Bit) Queue Length 1024 (Packet)
1.7 display qos policy interface
display qos policy interface [ { type number } [ inbound | outbound ]
All views
: Interface type.
number: Interface number.

Using the display qos policy interface command, you can view configuration information and operating status of the policy on the specified interface, the specified PVC on specified ATM interface or on all interfaces and PVC.

[3Com] display qos policy interface Ethernet 0 Interface: Ethernet10 Direction: Outbound
Policy: 3Com
Class: default-class Matched: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Rule(s): If-match any
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
Default Queue: Flow Based Fair Queueing Max number of hashed queues 256 Matched: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Enqueued: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Discarded: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Discard Method: Tail
Class: 3COM Matched: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Operator: Logical AND Rule(s): If-match ip-precedence 5 Behavior(s): Expedited Forwarding Bandwidth 8 (Kbps), Burst 1500 (Byte) Matched: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Enqueued: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Discarded: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes)
Class: AF Matched: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Operator: Logical AND Rule(s): If-match ACL 131 If-match ACL 101 If-match inbound interface Ethernet0 Behavior(s): Traffic Police: CIR 8000 (bps), CBS 15000 (bit), EBS 0 (bit) Conform Action: remark mpls exp 3 and pass Exceed Action: discard Conformed: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Exceeded: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Assured Forwarding Bandwidth 14998 (Kbps) Matched: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Enqueued: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Discarded: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Class: SHAPE Matched: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Operator: Logical AND Rule(s): -none- Behavior(s):
General Traffic Shaping:
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
CIR 8000 (Bps), CBS 15000 (Bit), EBS 0 (Bit) Queue Length: 1024 (Packets) Queue Size: 0 (Packets) Pass : 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Discard : 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Delay : 0/0 (Packets/Bytes)
Interface: Serial0 Direction: Inbound
Policy: test
Class: default-class Matched: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Rule(s): If-match any
Class: AF Matched: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Operator: Logical AND Rule(s): If-match ACL 13 If-match ACL 101 If-match inbound interface Ethernet0 Behavior(s): Committed Access Rate: CIR 8000 (Bps), CBS 15000 (Bit), EBS 0 (Bit) Conform Action: pass Exceed Action: discard Conformed: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes) Exceeded: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes)
1.8 ef
ef bandwidth bandwidth [ cbs size ]
undo ef
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
Policy-class view
bandwidth: Bandwidth in kbit/s in the range of 8 to 1000000. size: Specify the allowed burst size in byte in the range of 32 to 2000000. By default,
it is bandwidth * 25.
Using the ef command, you can configure certain class to perform expedited-forwarding to send the packets of this class into priority queue and configure its maximum bandwidth. Using the undo ef command, you can remove the configuration.
The command can not be used together with queue af, queue-length and wred in class view.
This command is unavailable for default-class.
1.9 gts
For the related command, see qos policy, qos-class.
Configure the packets of this class to enter the priority queue, the maximum bandwidth as 200kbit/s and the default burst size as 5000 bytes.
[3Com] qos policy 3Com [3Com-qospolicy-3Com] qos-class database [3Com-qospolicy-c-3Com database] ef bandwidth 200 cbs 5000
gts cir rate [ cbs size [ ebs size [ queue-length length ] ] ]
undo gts
Policy-class view
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
cir rate: Committed information rate. cbs size: Burst size in the range of 15000 to 155000000 bits. By default, it is equal to
half of cir rate. ebs size: Excessive burst size in the range of 0 to 155000000 bits. By default, it is 0. queue-length length: Queue length in the range of 1 to 1024. By default, it is 50.
Using the gts command, you can configure traffic shaping for a class. Using the undo gts command, you can delete traffic shaping for a class.
The policy configured with gts can only be applied to the output direction of an interface.
Applying a policy configured with gts on an interface will cause the previously configured qos gts command ineffective.
If this command is frequently configured on classes of the same policy, the last configuration will overwrite the previous ones.
For the related command, see qos policy, qos-class.
Configure GTS for a class with the specific features as follows: the normal traffic is 38400bit/s; the burst traffic twice normal traffic can pass initially; the traffic no larger than 38400bit/s can be transmitted normally under normal conditions and that larger than 38400bit/s enters queue buffer lately; the buffer queue length is 100.
[3Com] qos policy 3Com [3Com-qospolicy-3Com] qos-class database [3Com-qospolicy-c-3Com database] gts cir 38400 cbs 76800 ebs 0 queue-length
1.10 if-match acl
if-match [ logic-not ] acl acl-number undo if-match [ logic-not ] acl acl-number
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
Class view
access-list-number: ACL number. logic-not: Do not match the class.
Using the if-match acl command, you can define an ACL match rule. Using the undo if-match acl command, you can delete an ACL match rule.
For the related command, see qos class.
Define a class to match ACL101.
[3Com] qos class class1 [3Com-qosclass-class1] if-match acl 101
1.11 if-match any
if-match [ logic-not ] any undo if-match [ logic-not ] any
Class view
logic-not: Do not match the class.

Using the if-match any command, you can define the match rule for all packets. Using the undo if-match any command, you can delete the match rule for all packets.

For the related command, see qos class.
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
Define match rule for all packets.
[3Com] qos class class1 [3Com-qosclass-class1] if-match any
1.12 if-match class
if-match [ logic-not ] class class-name undo if-match [ logic-not ] class class-name
Class view
class-name: Class name.

Using the if-match class command, you can define the match rule for a QoS class. Using the undo if-match class command, you can delete the match rule for the QoS class.

This configuration method is the only one to match the traffic with both the match-all and match-any features.
For example: define classA to fit into the following relations: rule1 & rule2 | rule3 qos class logic-and classB if-match rule1 if-match rule2 qos class logic-or classA if-match rule3 if-match classB For the related command, see qos class.
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
Define class2 by invoking class1. Define match rule for class2. As class1 will be invoked, you should configure class1
first.The match rule for class1 is: IP precedence is 5.
[3Com] qos class class1 [3Com-qosclass-class1] if-match ip-precedence 5
Define class2 packets with the match rule as class1 and destination MAC address as 0050-BA27-BED3.
[3Com] qos class class2 [3Com-qosclass-class2] if-match class class1 [3Com-qosclass-class2] if-match destination-mac 00-50-BA-27-BE-D3
1.13 if-match
if-match [ logic-not ] undo if-match [ logic-not ]
Class view
: Match rule of a class, which can be acl, any, class-map, destination-mac,
inbound-interface, ip-precedence, dscp, protocol, source-mac or mpls-exp.
Using the if-match not command, you can define the rule for all packets not satisfying the specified match rule. Using the undo if-match not command, you can delete the rule of all packets not satisfying the specified match rule.
For the related command, see qos class.
Define the packets with class match protocol not being IP.
[3Com] qos class class1 [3Com-qosclass-class1] if-match logic-not protocol ip
1.14 if-match inbound-interface
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
if-match [ logic-not ] inbound-interface { undo if-match [ logic-not ] inbound-interface {
Class view
number: Interface number.

Using the if-match inbound-interface command, you can define input interface match rule of a class. Using the undo if-match inbound-interface command, you can delete input interface match rule of a class.

When defining a match rule, the specified interface must be existent.
: Interface type.
type number
type number
Supported interface types: Ethernet interface, serial interface, Tunnel interface, virtual template interface, etc.
For the related command, see qos class.
Define the packets with the class match input interface as Ethernet0.
[3Com] qos class class1 [3Com-qosclass-class1] if-match inbound-interface Ethernet 0
1.15 if-match ip-dscp
if-match [ logic-not ] ip-dscp value [ value ] … undo if-match [ logic-not ] ip-dscp value [ value ] ...
Class view
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
ip-dscp value: DSCP value in the range of 0 to 63.
Using the if-match dscp command, you can define DSCP match rule. Using the undo if-match dscp command, you can delete DSCP match rule.
You can configure this command for a class for several times. When a command is configured, the ip-dscp-value will be sorted in the ascending order automatically. Only when the specified DSCP values are identical with those in the rule (sequence may be different), can the command be deleted.
Up to 8 DSCP values can be configured by a command. If several DSCPs are configured with the same value, they will considered as one by default. The relation between different DSCP values is “OR”.
For the related command, see qos class.
Define the match rule of class1 as matching the packets with the DSCP value as 1, 6 or 9.
[3Com] qos class class1 [3Com-qosclass-class1] if-match ip-dscp 1 6 9
1.16 if-match ip-precedence
if-match [ logic-not ] ip-precedence value [ value ] … undo if-match [ logic-not ] ip-precedence value [ value ] …
Class view
ip-precedence value: IP precedence value in the range of 0 to 7.
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
Using the if-match ip-precedence command, you can define IP precedence match rule. Using the undo if-match ip-precedence command, you can delete IP precedence match rule.
When the command is configured, the ip-precedence-value will be sorted automatically in ascending order.
Up to 8 precedence values can be specified. If several identical precedence values are specified, the system regards them as one. The relation between different precedence values is “OR”.
For the related command, see qos class.
Define the match rule of class1 as matching the packets with the precedence value as 1 or 6.
[3Com] qos class class1 [3Com-qosclass-class1] if-match ip-precedence 1 6
1.17 if-match mac-address
if-match [ logic-not ] { destination-mac | source-mac } mac-address undo if-match [ logic-not ] { destination-mac | source-mac } mac-address
Class view
mac-address: MAC address in the format of xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.
Using the if-match { destination-mac | source-mac } command, you can define the match rule for destination or source address. Using the undo if-match { destination-mac | source-mac } command, you can delete the match rule for destination or source address.
The match rule for destination MAC address is effective only for output policies and Ethernet interfaces.
The match rule for source MAC address is effective only for input policies and
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
Ethernet interfaces. For the related command, see qos class.
Define the match rule of class1 as follows: match the packets with the destination MAC address as 0050-ba27-bed3.
[3Com] qos class class1 [3Com-qosclass-class1] if-match destination-mac 00-50-ba-27-be-d3
Define the match rule of class2 as follows: match the packets with source MAC address as 0050-ba27-bed2.
[3Com] qos class class2 [3Com-qosclass-class2] if-match source-mac 00-50-ba-27-be-d2
1.18 if-match protocol
if-match [ logic-not ] protocol ip undo if-match [ logic-not ] protocol ip
Class view

Using the if-match protocol command, you can define IP match rule. Using the undo if-match protocol command, you can delete IP match rule.

For the related command, see qos class.
Define the packets whose class m atch protocol is IP.
[3Com] qos class class1 [3Com-qosclass-class1] if-match protocol ip
1.19 if-match rtp
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
if-match [ logic-not ] rtp start-port starting-port-number end-port end-port-number undo if-match [ logic-not ] rtp start-port starting-port-number end-port
Class view
starting-port-number: Starting RTP port number in the range of 2000 to 65535. end-port-number: Ending RTP port numbers in the range of 2000 to 65535.

Using the if-match rtp command, you can define port match rule of RTP. Using the undo if-match rtp command, you can delete the port match rule of RTP.

This command is used to match RTP packets in the specified RTP port range, that is, match the packets of even UDP port numbers between starting-port-number and < end-port-number. If this command is frequently used under a class, the last configuration will overwrite the previous ones.
For the related command, see qos class.
Define the match rule of class1 as matching the packets whose RTP port number is the even UDP port number between 16384 and 32767.
[3Com] qos class class1 [3Com-qosclass-class1] if-match rtp start-port 16384 end-port 32767
1.20 qmtoken

qmtoken token-number

undo qmtoken
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
Interface view
token-number: The number of sending tokens, in the range from 1 to 50.
Using the qmtoken command, you can configure the number of QoS sending tokens. Using the undo qmtoken command, you can disable the sending token function of QoS.
By default, disable QoS sending token function. In such operation as FTP transmission, QoS queue may become invalid since the
upper layer provides flow control function. QoS sending token function provides a kind of traffic control mechanism for the lower layer queue, and the number of packets sent to the lower layer interface queue can be controlled according to the number of tokens.
In normal conditions, it is suggested to set the number of sending tokens to 1 during FTP transmission.
After this command is configured, you need to restart the interface with the shutdown / undo shutdown function. Only after that can QoS sending token function take effect.
Set the number of QoS sending tokens to 1.
[3Com-Ethernet0] qmtoken 1
1.21 qos apply policy

qos apply policy [ inbound | outbound ] policy-name undo qos apply policy [ inbound | outbound ]

3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
Interface view
inbound: Inbound direction. outbound: Outbound direction.
policy-name: Policy name.
Using the qos apply policy command, you can attach an associated QoS policy to an interface. Using the undo qos apply policy command, you can delete associated QoS policy from an interface.
If the sum of the bandwidths specified for the assured and expedited forwarding classes in a QoS policy exceeds the available bandwidth on the interface, the policy cannot be applied on the interface. When the available bandwidth on the interface is modified, the policy will be deleted if the sum of the bandwidths specified for the assured and expedited forwarding classes exceeds the available bandwidth on the interface. af, ef, wfq and gts cannot be configured for inbound policies.
The application rule of QoS policy in interface view is as follows.
On a common physical interface or the VT invoked by MP, you can apply the policy configured with various features, including remark, car, gts, af, ef, wfq and wred.
The policy configured with gts, ef, af and wfq cannot be configured on an inbound interface as an inbound policy.
Sub-interface does not support queue (ef, af and wfq) feature but support TS (gts) and TP (car). Therefore, the policy configured with TS and TP only can be applied to a sub-interface.
Apply the policy 3COM in the outbound direction of Ethernet0.
[3Com-Ethernet0] qos apply policy outbound 3COM
1.22 qos class

qos class [ logic-and | logic-or ] class-name undo qos class [ logic-and | logic-or ] class-name

3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
System view.
logic-and: Specify the relation between the rules in the class as logic AND. That is, the packet that matches all the rules belongs to this class.
logic-or: Specify the relation between the rules in the class as logic OR. That is, the packet that matches any one of the rules belongs to this class.
class-name: Class name.
Using the qos class command, you can define a QoS policy and enter class view. Using the undo qos class command, you can delete a class.
By default, the relation is logic-and. class-name cannot be set to default-class. For the related commands, see qos policy, qos apply policy.
Define a class named class1.
[3Com] qos class class1 [3Com-qosclass-class1]
1.23 qos max-bandwidth

qos max-bandwidth kilobits

undo qos max-bandwidth
Interface view
kilobits: Maximum bandwidth in kbit/s of the interface. It ranges from 1 to 1000000.
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
Using qos max-bandwidth command, you can set the maximum bandwidth of an interface. Using undo qos max-bandwidth command, you can remove the setting of the maximum bandwidth.
By default, the maximum bandwidth is not configured for all interfaces. The bandwidth set by this command is only a logic value, not the actual bandwidth of
an interface. It is suggested that this value not be configured on a common physical interface, as it is only used fo r CBQ bandwidth calculation. The actual bandwidths of some interfaces, such as virtual template interface, physical interface configured with Line-Rate and DTE interface used for bandwidth negotiation, are unavailable. Therefore this command is usually configured on these interface.
Note: When the actual available bandwidth (the maximum bandwidth multiplied by the percentage of reserved bandwidth) of an interface is smaller than the sum of the bandwidths (including class-related bandwidths of CBQ and the sum of RTP bandwidths) configured by the user, the configuration of enabling CBQ or RTP on the interface will be automatically canceled due to lack of bandwidth. If the configured bandwidth only fits into one of above requirements, the CBQ configuration will be reserved preferentially.
For the related command, see qos reserved-bandwidth.
Set the bandwidth of Virtual-Template 1 to 128kbit/s.
[3Com-Virtual-Template1] qos max-bandwidth 128
1.24 qos policy

qos policy policy-name undo qos policy policy-name

System view.
policy-name: Policy name.
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
Using qos policy command, you can define a policy and enter map view . Using undo qos policy command, you can delete a policy.
The policy cannot be deleted if it is applied on an interface. It is necessary to remove application of the policy on the current interface before deleting it via the undo qos policy command.
For the related commands, see qos class, qos apply policy.
Define a policy named 3COM.
[3Com] qos policy 3Com [3Com-qospolicy-3Com]
1.25 qos reserved-bandwidth
qos reserved-bandwidth pct percent
undo qos reserved-bandwidth
Interface view
pct percent: Percentage of reserved bandwidth in available bandwidth, ranging from 1 to 100. By default, it is 75.
Using qos reserved-bandwidth command, you can set the percentage of the maximum reserved bandwidth in available bandwidth. Using undo qos reserved-bandwidth command, you can recover the default configuration.
While allocating bandwidth for a QoS queue, considering that part of the bandwidth is used for controlling protocol packets and L2 header, it is suggested that the bandwidth be not larger than 75% of total bandwidth.
For the related command, see qos max-bandwidth.
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
Set the percentage of the maximum reserved bandwidth allocated to the RTP queue application to 70% of the available bandwidth.
[3Com-Serial0] qos reserved-bandwidth pct 70
1.26 qos-class

qos-class class-name undo qos-class class-name

Class view
class-name: Name of class. It is a predefined class name and can be set to "default-class".
Using qos-class command, you can configure a class in QoS policy. Using undo qos-class command, you can delete the specified class.
For the related command, see qos policy.
Configure the class "database" in the QoS policy "3Com", and enter map view.
[3Com] qos policy 3Com [3Com-qospolicy-3Com] qos-class database [3Com-qospolicy-c-3Com database]
1.27 queue-length

queue-length queue-length undo queue-length queue-length

3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
Policy-class view
queue-length: Maximum threshold value of the queue in the range of 1 to 1024. The default drop mode is tail drop.
Using queue-length command, you can configure maximum queue length. Using undo queue-length command, you can delete configuration.
This command can be used only after the af or wfq command is configured. If you run the undo af command after configuring the queue-length command, the
latter will be deleted at the same time. After configuring queue-length, if you enable random drop with the wred command,
the former will be canceled. By default, tail drop is configured. For the related command, see qos policy, qos-class.
Configure tail drop and the maximum queue length as 16.
[3Com] qos policy 3Com [3Com-qospolicy-3Com] qos-class database [3Com-qospolicy-c-3Com database] af bandwidth 200 [3Com-qospolicy-c-3Com database] queue-length 16
1.28 remark ip-dscp

remark ip-dscp value undo remark ip-dscp value

Policy-class view
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
value: DSCP value in the range of 0 to 63, which can be any of the following keys: ef, af11, af12, af13, af21, af22, af23, af31, af32, af33, af41, af42, af43, cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5 or cs7.
Using remark ip-dscp command, you can configure the DSCP value for a class to identify the matched packets. Using undo remark ip-dscp command, you can delete the DSCP value.
For the related command, see qos policy, qos-class.
Configure DSCP value as 6.
[3Com] qos policy 3Com [3Com-qospolicy-3Com] qos-class database [3Com-qospolicy-c-3Com database] remark ip-dscp 6
1.29 remark ip-precedence

remark ip-precedence value undo remark ip-precedence value

Policy-class view
ip-precedence value: IP precedence value in the range of 0 to 7.
Using remark ip-precedence command, you can configure precedence value to identify matched packets. Using undo set ip precedence command, you can delete precedence value set for a class to identify matched packets.
For the related command, see qos policy, qos-class.
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2
Configure precedence value to 6 to identify packets.
[3Com] qos policy 3Com [3Com-qospolicy-3Com] qos-class database [3Com-qospolicy-c-3Com database] remark ip-precedence 6
1.30 wfq
wfq [ queue-number total-queue-number ]
undo wfq
Policy-class view
total-queue-number: Number of fair queue, which can be 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 and 4096 and the default value is 64.
Using wfq command, you can configure the default-class to use WFQ. Using undo wfq command, you can delete the configuration.
This command is available for default-class only. In addition, it can be used in cooperation with queue-length or wred.
For the related command, see qos policy, qos-class.
Configure WFQ for default-class and the queue number is 16.
[3Com] qos policy 3Com [3Com-qospolicy-3Com] qos-class default-class [3Com-qospolicy-c-3Com default-class] wfq queue-number 16
1.31 wred

wred [ ip-dscp | ip-precedence ]

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